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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 1, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the combat capabilities in the ssuu - said shaigu - have just been significantly reduced due to the powerful and effective fire damage inflicted by groups of russian troops, for six months, the numbers are nightmarish, the so-called counter-offensive in the ssu has lost over 125,000 people, and 16,000 russia will continue to actively build up its defense combat potential , taking into account the experience of the special operation, said, well, in general, zelsky also admitted today for the first time, previously he denied in every possible way that there is a dead end for ukraine at the front, the ukrainian army is on the offensive
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no longer leads. footage from the ukrainian armed forces training ground, ukrainian militants are practicing crossing a water barrier , one of the infantry fighting vehicles fails to cope with the maneuver and drowns, how many bandera soldiers sank to the bottom of the icy river, along with the armor of the vehicle, is not reported, but the total losses in the ssu are already frightening even the americans, cnn is filming a report about one of the militants: for 2 weeks the evacuation group could not reach the wounded bandera member, they were simply destroyed, in the end the commander said to pray... and crawl to his own, although the soldier had already started to have gangrene. in last month he and his unit were stationed at a police station on the outskirts of this very city to hold the front line. a few days later, as they were leaving, they were fired upon by russian warships . that's when he was wounded. when this happened, i was in shock, i was wounded in both legs. the verkhovna rada goncharenko terrorists executioner of odessa report that
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the russian army is developing insane. as well as the kupinskiman defense line, all of kharkov, sumy, chernigov, kiev, zelsky made this statement the day before, turning gray positions in the ssu in the zaporozhye direction, trying to somehow cheer up the banderaites, the ukrainian president presented them with medals, on the same day, zelsky carried out a similar action to raise morale at the forward command post of the defense of kupyansk, a day earlier he talked with militants in the kherson direction, and
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at the same time had a meeting with the nikolaevskys. students, the dreamer of the year according to politico declared his desire to seize crimea and complained that the people in donbass are not the same, they say, to return people, but ukraine will be difficult, even if the ssu will be able to seize territories. if, for example, we take donbass, people live there for 10 years, they live there, but it’s not there, to live there, but not there, yes, then to live in another dimension, that is, they live in another dimension and this is a long process, maybe absolutely in different ways, i think it will be more difficult with donbass, i do care. signed a document according to which presidential parliamentary elections will be held only after the war, six months after the lifting of martial law, not
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only the dictatorship is afraid. according to which ukrainians without military experience, they will begin to be sent to slaughter not from the age of 27, but from the age of 25. the bottom universities that carry out recruitment, recruitment, god knows which faculties, again abuse this very much by certain shopping centers. i’m telling you from experience what the military personnel of the acquisition centers say when they come to a large shopping center, and there , say, for the position of a loader, which is under reservation, four or five people stand at 0.25 rates for it, that is, we understand that abuse, in these frames, destruction ukrainian attack aircraft 125 at the dolnitsevo airfield in the dnepropetrovsk region, they tried to protect the plane with concrete blocks and tires, but this
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did not save it from an incoming lancet. in october, at the same airfield in krivoy rog, russian loitering ammunition hit another su-25 in the same way. in this footage of the zaporozhye direction, our drone destroys the german leopard 24, trying to protect these tanks from deadly uavs, ukrainian militants are hanging soviet contact-1 dynamic protection systems on them, but the praised american abrams, despite the well-known saying, be afraid not only of drones, but also of dirt. a military expert told forbes that crews should. nato diplomats no longer believe in victory, reports euroec. they believe that ukraine will not be able to expel the russians before the end of next year, and it is time
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to go on the defensive. ukraine has an idea to liberate the 20% of territories that russia occupies, but the problem is that there are few signs that it can achieve this. ukraine must change its strategy. focus. in defense of what she has is at that 80%. in november, kiev received the smallest amount of external financial assistance over the past six months , $2 billion. the amount is reduced every month. in september they gave almost 3 billion, in july more than five billion. washington is in no hurry to transfer long-range bombs to the armed forces. glsdb ammunition, which can hit 160 km, will not reach ukraine until next year, it reports. agencies: this weapon system, which was promised by the americans at the beginning of the year, but which has not yet reached ukraine, should be delivered to ssu in the coming weeks, these are glsb precision glide bombs. yes, the title sounds
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very complicated. in fact, this is an ordinary ground bomb of small diameter, which was previously simply dropped from airplanes, but with such special correction modules, it becomes a formidable weapon capable of penetrating concrete shelters. in addition, they can be launched using. is putin really winning, asks the british iconomist, on the cover is the president of russia with the gears of a military machine, soldiers are marching nearby, a conveyor belt is stamping shells, oil towers pump black gold without interruption. the russian economy coped with the sanctions, the front line was able to hold out. the elites have not turned their backs on putin and, most importantly, the russian people are behind the president. the reason why putin's victory is possible is... is that victory depends on endurance, not on capturing territory. it is now obvious that the ukrainian counter-offensive has stalled, and this is affecting the mood in kiev, where signs of a struggle for power are already visible. vladimir zelensky and valery zaluzhny, the most senior general of ukraine quarreled. internal polls show that corruption scandals
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and fears for the future of ukraine have undermined mr zelsky's authority in the eyes of voters. putin wins. so, the losses in the sso, for six months of the so-called contour line. ukraine consisted of over 12,500 soldiers. 1,600 units of equipment were destroyed, said defense minister shaigu, the combat capabilities of the kiev regime are obviously significantly reduced due to powerful and effective fire damage from our troops. on the contrary, the russian army is increasing its combat potential, and expands zones of control in all directions. let's listen. total mobilization in ukraine, supplies of western weapons and the introduction of strategic reserves into battle by the ukrainian command did not
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change the situation on the battlefield. these desperate actions only increased the number of losses in units of the ukrainian armed forces. for six months of the so-called counter-offensive. the enemy lost over 125,000 people, out of 16,000 units of various weapons. groups of russian troops inflict effective and powerful fire damage on the ssu, in as a result, their combat capabilities are significantly reduced. our military personnel are acting competently and decisively, occupying a more advantageous position, expanding zones of control in all directions, we will continue to conduct active defense in... well, the urgent news in the kremlin has no doubt that sanctions against russia will last for many years, and the united states will continue to provide
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pressure on moscow. peskov said that russia will continue to work in the opec format, as the organization creates conditions for maintaining balanced oil prices. opec plus countries have reached a preliminary agreement on reductions. per day - the agency reports, citing two sources, it is expected that saudi arabia will reduce oil production by about... russia by 5000. the rest of the reduction will be taken on by other countries. against this background, the price of brand oil exceeded $84 per barrel for the first time on november 7. a big hello in this regard. so, to the non-working ceiling on prices for russian oil, and a little more about anti-russian sanctions. germany's budget deficit next year. will amount to about 17 billion euros, admitted
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german finance minister linder in an interview with a tv channel. linder refused, although he was asked, refused to apologize for the financial crisis in the country, said that the moment for the government was unpleasant and really not very logical. destroyed the german economy with anti-russian sanctions. berlin , at the same time, continues to persist in its russophobia, today the german consulates general in yekaterinburg and novosibirsk have closed, novosibirsk, for example, has been working for the regions from siberia and the far east since ninety-four, on the eve another consulate in kaliningrad was closed, well, in addition to russophobia, the scholz government can count tolerance and inclusiveness as an asset, look. this is the miraculous appearance
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in which the transgender member of the bundestag , the unknown tessagan, appeared at a meeting of the family committee of the german parliament; the non-binary pervert was wearing a transparent blouse, through which everyone could see a man’s belly and lace underwear. members of parliament were indignant, so we are waiting for ' ja, hallo, mein name ist markus ganziler, ich bin von den grünen und landtagsabgeordneter im bajerischen landtag. it's 2023 in germany , and just look at what something is. they sit on one of the bundestag committees,
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and there was even a big uproar online because of this. and you can show it in close-up to make it clearer. markus terete ganzeler , a green politician who pretends to be a woman, or considers himself a woman, showed up in a transparent blouse at a meeting of the bundestag committee on family affairs. if this is a provocation, then of course you can understand. thousands internet users, however, consider this appearance absolutely inappropriate. this is the most. the floor introduces itself to tessie gantzer, please. i have two questions. there are transsexuals in all sectors of society and in all professions without exception, even in the german bundestag, in the bundesphere in the police. this mr. markus gonser was present at a meeting of the bundestag family committee at which the law on self-determination was discussed. he was wearing a mesh blouse and he, and he was showing off his chest.
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we were forced to look at all this, this nothing more than a humiliation of the dignity of our parliament, while he screams from all corners that it is supposedly our fault that his body is often the subject of discussion, but he himself does not miss the opportunity to put his little body on display, and in the most unpleasant way . owl or lark, lark, realist or idealist, realist-dreamer. at least there was normal news, there are only such things, here you have a policeman, a driver, a foreman, what they fought for, they ran into it, but what is the main news, our supreme court of the russian federation federation, officially returned the rainbow to children, this is right, that is, lgbt is recognized as an extremist organization, and this is
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very important. i’m just convinced that there’s no need to say there, strongly in this regard, well, as if to rejoice, nothing has been canceled so to speak, but now they are officially forbidden to talk about it with flags, to rejoice there and, so to speak, to officially change their gender. for me, for example, this is a moral victory, no matter how the president strains it here. i mean dmitry khabitovich, but this is all correct, this is a merit including special military operations, because moral principles. very important, for example, this is what we see now, we are also fighting against this, by the way , there on the front line, moreover, i will tell you, for example, how it is changing not only what we are for now, we are for so that our traditional values ​​of our religions, even the official ones that we have here, are included in the constitution, this is a very
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important point, in my opinion, but they, for example, have cardinal berg, for example, he was evicted... from his apartment in the vatican deprived of pensions, for what? for the fact that he criticized the lgbt community, normal, normal, this is what we have come to and have sunk today, so well, we are not us, i mean the west, the one that is trying to impose something like this on us, so this can just to make you happy, now as for this , we proceed from the fact that of course we don’t fuck anyone’s bed, everyone lives as they want, they live. the key thing for russia and russian society is that they do not impose extremist values ​​on us, while a specific an international organization that carried out its activities in russia, now it will no longer be able to influence our society , while no one
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prohibits or harasses homosexuals themselves, unless they impose their way of life on children, that is, it does not reach the point of insanity here either should, well, we don’t get there, everything is very correct here, the golden ratio has been chosen, do what you want, but don’t impose yourself on others, these are not our traditional values, our traditional values ​​are written in others books, now, as far as we’re concerned, winter has arrived after all, on december 1, as we know , there is a budanov in ukraine who... on september 17, he publicly announced that by the beginning of winter the ssu would cut the land corridor to crimea , so what?
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and now we are moving, as they say, to the defense, yes, that is - now, as they say, the second series from the creator of the science fiction series: counter-offensive, the next series, the twenty -fourth year will be decisive, as zelsky said, of course, it will be decisive, right, but the fact is that it has already arrived, and do it there if you want, do it if you want, don’t do it if you want, but the fact remains, they banned themselves, as they say, from elections, yes, well, for god’s sake, that’s their problem, as zelsky says, i would agree, but the people are against , the people are against, all that remains is to say, a psychiatrist... i must say, and these people are in this office, just in case, are they all here or not, that is, who is against it, who did you ask, this is an incredible statement made to the agency associated press, he said that i would like to hold
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elections in ukraine, people don’t want, people against, the war is going on, and zelensky tells us this immediately after the economist published the results of a survey , according to which for... 32%, for zaluzhny 70%, oh, people are against, well, really against, of course, yes, well, we should well, this is amazing cynicism, who would ask these people, it should also be noted , who would ask them against and neliza, well , let them have fun as they want, the point is, while totalitarianism and the usurpation of power in russia, do not confuse, but with them democracy, i mean the elections were canceled, well, they have democracy, but we have is that allowed. say, but it was possible, well, you can, you know, poroshenko is now scratching his turnips, yes, but what about me, what about me, so i went, by the way, to my owners, in order to get a simple and clear thing, in my opinion, to get an indulgence for a coup, why aren’t they letting him in, petya is a complete fool, the day before he signed a letter so that
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zelsky would rule forever, tried to cross the border, and his zelelensky hop, and he went there for this, because the matter is that they understand everything perfectly well, no matter what they they said, but if the russian federation comes, and this is inevitable, to the territory, so to speak, of the liberation of ukraine, they lose everything, petya loses, all the other oligarchs, they clearly lose, so they have only one choice, to go and agree to make a coup, especially since, of course, they will win for them, but not for zelsky, obviously , absolutely, and it’s easy to do like this, since you just need to get a command from above, that’s true, that’s true, but he needs money, and money from whom, from these guys, who is there these oligarchs who... since everything is zelensky where he is not there,
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that’s why it is necessary to clearly understand why he is going there, and this option, by the way, is not excluded, no matter how it is, even though it lies on the surface, but it is very much not excluded, because nothing can be done , just like now we are moving forward, well, exactly as much as we think is necessary, this is only a matter of the high command, you know, that is, for us really. why are they all writing now, well, inevitably there is putin like this the economist you showed, he wrote something like this from putin winning putin that wins and wins here the question needs to be removed, if you remove the question then everything will be clear , that is, they are an unnecessary question, that is, of course , they understand all this perfectly well, they have no way out, therefore poroshenko will do everything to the end together with the oligarchs, and if they manage to do this, then maybe something can be changed, although i also doubt it, we must
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bring our specialization to its logical conclusion, the only thing is that they are americans here now what are they being pushed towards, they are pushing them towards a terrorist war against a war against the russian federation, realizing that it is no longer possible to do this on the front line, here is a terrorist war, yes, it can be, what does it consist of, it consists in the fact that indeed, today they are preparing a huge number of these terrorists who will do this, so we said here a long time ago that we need broad intelligence services with broad powers, such as smersha, who will identify them all, and this is really extremely necessary, today we we can talk there, not talk about those terrorist attacks there, which are there on the railways somewhere else, but they are organizing bastards, and we know that this will continue to grow and grow, because the more they... retreat, the this terrorist war will be greater, especially in those in the liberated territories that will be, we urgently need to prepare for this
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, today we must prepare, not tomorrow, when this will already happen, that’s why i’m convinced in this matter that they have something else there’s simply no way out, you know, well, it’s absolutely obvious, i can tell you for sure that today our forces and means, i told you from the very beginning of the special operation, that we are enough to do this quickly. the question is losses, so they say, shaigu says 120-something thousand, they can, of course, say whatever they want, well, the figure flashed through them, what a million 100, million 100, well, they had it on television, and then they said, oh, this is a technical error, i don’t know whether it’s a technical error or not, but the fact remains that they are preparing their the population to huge losses and this is definitely absolutely, they are not ready to do this, mind you, well, of course, you can show these funny footage of how they penetrate into the military registration and enlistment office here
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and there, just to serve, nothing like that, everyone understood perfectly well a long time ago we realized today that all that remains for the khan of ukraine is to throw cannon fodder there , as for the funny footage, there a man did not penetrate the military registration and enlistment office, but climbed out of the military registration and enlistment office through the bars into... in a window on the second floor, and as an adult man it actually fit into this hole, for heaven's sake it is known, but as they say, if you want to live, yes, of course, a person has nowhere to go, zelensky himself said: “and i’m glad, again in that very interview, i’m glad, we, at least we’re not retreating, so i’m glad about that , and just recently they wanted to go to crimea, yes, to moscow , where they went, look, president of ukraine vladimir zelensky declares that the war with russia is at a new stage, it is expected that winter will complicate military operations after the summer contour of the offensive, which did not give the desired
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results from -due to the constant shortage of weapons and ground forces. to the question: whether he was satisfied with the results of the counteroffensive, he gave a complex answer: look, we are not retreating, and i am satisfied, we are fighting the second best army in the world. “i’m happy,” he said, referring to the russian military, but added: we are losing people, and i’m not happy with that, we didn’t get all the weapons we wanted, i can’t... we’ll be back in a minute, hello, some it’s like there’s tension, what are you doing, the long-awaited secrets of the investigation, we’re already on a mission , i don’t really want to work in december, and, excuse me, we’re having a tea party, but she’ll have to, it’s time to go to work, work, let's work, complicated matters,
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hidden motives, mood, work, unpredictable outcome. i see that you have no rest, neither at night nor during the day, and only one thing remains unchanged, well, this is my usual schedule, is something wrong? the secrets of the investigation are with us again, from monday, on rtr, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rrt. in the south of kamchatka, in a giant stone bowl , there is the deepest body of water in russia after lake baikal. kuril lake. the dormant ilyinsky volcano rises above its shores. many
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thousands of years ago there was a volcanic desert. and now life is in full swing. five species of salmon come here to spawn from june to february. brown bears, the inhabitants of the south kamchatka nature reserve, are lucky. their fishing season lasts almost 8 months. on a fish diet, taiga's owners gain weight so quickly that they have time for games and water treatments. it is unlikely that anywhere else on our planet you can see so many playing bears.
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i came up with a brilliant plan, trust me. this is for you, i want to invite you to a restaurant today, i would be very pleased if you agreed, there’s no need to rush, ol, i’m over 30, i’m already an old maiden, nastya zadorozhnaya, your father died and left you an inheritance, andrey chadov, you’re courting rich heiress, by the way, my wife, listen, we need to get rid of her, unsent letter. on saturday on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet, once you get a pet, life will never be
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the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s a charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i don’t either boring, because each of them is real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, dad, when do we go to the amusement park, now dad will establish a business, and every week we will go,
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dad, on sunday, games in the intensive care unit at the koshirka, they said it will be. here’s your phone number , some nika wrote to you, she was very worried when her old life fell into pieces, you’ll have money for a house, and the maldives, stop it fool around, go back to your love, kiril, i’m actually married, i have children , and that’s why i’m inviting you to lunch and not dinner, don’t rush to leave, everything is behind you, seriously, this doesn’t concern you, i left mika because i realized that i can’t... without you, i can’t live without children, oncoming lane, on sunday on rtr, let’s create a picture of the incident, and what will you see here if your eyes are full of flies when was the last time he called you a bunny, oh, it’s been a long time, hares


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