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tv   Bolshie peremeni  RUSSIA1  December 3, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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on mother, no, well, you can still do something, alice, you can, alesa. this man you saw on the street is just a casual acquaintance , no need for mom, dad and i love you very much, and we ’ve had problems for a long time that we can’t solve, and that’s why you decided to leave him with all these problems, yes, no one abandoned anyone, this is a common decision, right?
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i talked to my dad, he told me everything, and what he told you was interesting, but he told me that you couldn’t forgive anyone, that his business wasn’t working out there, interesting, actually, okay, in any case, the divorce is a done deal and most likely we will have to move. what, where, i thought, we could live with grandpa kolya for a while, in my hometown, mom, you ’ll get away, i’m not going anywhere from moscow, i have a company here, here for your village, so i’m afraid of the choice you're gone, mom, the conversation is over.
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hello, kiril, hello, this is lyuba, you brought me the extract, and i wanted to thank you to say that you shouldn’t have done this, but why are you, lyuba, i know it’s you paid for the operation for igor kuropivin , and as you found out, i guessed that we have no one else to help, and i don’t even know how to thank you, in any case, i will return everything to the last penny, there is no need to return anything, well , let’s say i restored universal justice, no, i don’t like to be in debt , i’ll pay everything back, in any case, you helped us out a lot, well, you don’t want to be in debt, have dinner with me, kiril, i’m married, and i ’ll call you, set a time and place, good night, lyuba,
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yes, he is discharged today, his mother will come for him, i, that is, as they have already been discharged, what is he he left himself, his wife took him, it can’t be, his wife doesn’t know. oh, this is the wife, okay, thank you, oh, no, well, i thought for me, at least they will do banderas for such money, you are better than banderas. well, it’s beautiful, beautiful, i know
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the apartment is small, but i think that just the two of us is enough for now, right? moreover, we are soon buying a house, but if i were poor, well, without a car, without money for an apartment, she would still love me. you're still joking, of course, i'm joking, of course, i'm joking, you'll have money, a mod and the maldives, yeah, we 'll have everything, well, since your daughter-in-law is right there is nothing to deprive, then your grandson can live with you only on the condition that she and your son voluntarily agree to take custody of you. no, lyuba will never agree to this
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, well, that’s why i advise you to intimidate her, well, to collect incriminating evidence, well, she doesn’t take care of children, she constantly disappears at work, well , you yourself say, if not...’ she drinks and doesn’t hit , then there is no reason to deprive her of her rights, well , she doesn’t know this, you arrange a couple of custody calls for her, and then talk seriously, otherwise she will take your grandson to another city, it’s too late will be fussing, you ’ll burn out, you’ve already filed an application, uh-huh, aren’t you getting a divorce after all, and how now, well, now we’re selling the apartment, most likely i’ll leave with the children to my hometown, why don’t you... give up like that right away , you’re doing everything right, love, in moscow - we pay for air, and the children are growing up without us , you don’t have children, well, that’s why i can afford moscow, and lyuba needs to think soberly, i called from the checkpoint, they said lunch for you, but how did you find out where i work,
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i know the first and last names, and the internet told me the rest, kiril, i’m actually married, he me day. so that’s exactly why i’m inviting you to lunch and not dinner, officially, girls, offend without me, yes, we already understand, marish, you’ll cover me if the boss loses, yes , of course, goodbye, goodbye, here’s my quiet girl another friend is called, she saw what one, and we also have her... hello, what have you done? you fucking mixed up the addresses, no, wait , i did everything as you said, you don’t understand that there are serious people behind all this, they
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will bury us for your mistake, in short, you deliver the goods yourself, right now, i understand, that’s it lights out. yeah, this is a heeled device. let's go, it's interesting, my god, it's beautiful, well, you should have at least
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warned me, i would have put on my best dress, well, then you would have found a reason to refuse, but i just really... wanted to see you again in any outfit, it’s still strange, there are probably a lot of young , beautiful women around you, here, tell me honestly, i felt sorry for me, it’s impossible for you to feel sorry, it’s as if you know that you are a queen and much stronger than you think, you... interesting, my mother used to tell me that, but now she doesn’t, she died when i was 12, but her love was enough for me to feel somehow special for a long time, but now, well
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now, now apparently it’s time to admit that i’m the most ordinary, weak woman, maybe i just need someone else -that? who sees your strength in you? very tasty, tell us about yourself? so what? here i am, i am, i am snoring in my sleep. it’s interesting, and i just drive a disgusting car, so you drive with a driver, but family, work, family, well, your parents died when
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you were still in college, an accident, your mother was sick, and your father? but he couldn’t live without her for long, and wife, children. but at first i studied for a long time, then i earned all the money in the world, interestingly, and somehow i missed the moment when i still believed in all this, what about marriage? that somewhere there is her, the only one, well, maybe you just haven’t met her yet, what about you? at first i was incredibly happy with igor
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, i slept through it, i couldn’t believe that he was there, and then, as my mother-in-law would say, i just stopped trying, and i always thought that in love you don’t have to try, you just have to be, i i thought so too. you know what ’s great is that we met exactly now, and not in winter, why, because in winter it is incredibly cold here, keep warm, thank you!
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calm down police, what the hell are you saying, where do you live, we have a warrant for both warrants, the child is completely with his parents, you need to call, where is the outfit , are you kidding me, don’t, oh, it hurts me, you can’t, let me go, hello, what -it’s like there’s tension, what are you doing? long-awaited secret investigations, we’re already on a mission, i don’t really want to work in december, and excuse me, it’s a tea party, but she’ll have to, it’s time to go to work, work, let’s work, complicated matters, hidden motives, like mood, work. unpredictable endings, i see you have no peace, neither at night nor during the day, only one thing remains unchanged, well
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, this is my usual schedule, something is wrong, secrets of the investigation, again with us, from monday on rtr, there was no sadness, i bought . grandma pig, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake
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, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, girls, whites, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them , who is more important to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask them questions now they still love you, you are responsible for your words,
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i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, repen, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. i actually don’t sing professionally, i’m a postman, let it be like that. whatever you want, let your eyes sparkle, you are doing such a cool thing, but it’s so energizing , i want, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr, that’s a good girl, don’t be afraid, just stretch out your hand like that on your palms, exactly won’t bite, what are you saying, a goat is
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the kindest and most harmless creature on earth, like all horses, i come here to get away from people, glucose, who called it that? former owner, i love sweetie very much, her lips are so soft, excuse me, i need to answer, yes, of course, she’s good, how old is she, she’s 25, already old, yeah, the previous owner wanted to slaughter her for meat, and kirillovich bought her and brought her here how about meat? and the star, and buran too , well, you look great, what time is it, oh, it’s time for me to go to kindergarten to pick up my son, well, i
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understand, our vow has gone on for a long time, let’s go, i’ll take you to the satik, thank you. bye, glucose, bye goodbye, all the best, oh, police , alice, what’s going on, where are you taking her, wait, and you, excuse me, who, i’m her mother, she’s not an adult, you don’t have the right, but mother, we haven’t reached you yet, your daughter was caught selling drugs. we confiscated her laptop and phone , some kind of misunderstanding, so, i’m going with you, come on, just leave the child, yes, nicky, you’ll stay at home for now, okay, i don’t want to be alone, we ’ll call my grandmother now, she’ll come, i i’ll take him to his apartment, okay, let’s quickly, we ’re not a taxi for you, yes, let’s get in the car, police,
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yes, the police, yes, what happened , i don’t know myself, they took me away, i took nikita home, you ’re crazy, the child is already scared, that’s it, i’m on my way, hello, natasha, we now have exactly the same situation that we’re talking about we talked about the situation, who is it? this is larisa sergeevna. who, your neighbor, and yes, my grandson nikita is now left alone without supervision, uh-huh, boy, you are alone, is there anyone with you in the apartment? no, where is your mother,
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the police separated her, can you open the door, no, i... i'm afraid, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you, well, alisa igorevna, let's tell us who got you into this mess, who supplied the goods, who placed the orders, names, surnames, phone numbers, everything you know. alice , do you think i’m joking with you here, or something, either you hand over your young man to us, or we completely shut you down, you think marijuana is not serious, so i’ll upset you, marijuana
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is extremely serious, tell me all you know is that this is definitely some kind of mistake, my daughter has never even tried smoking, i understand, mine too, only this is our sixth case in the district, we want to help, we can help, we you just need alice to tell you everything, alice, tell me, you understand that you were set up. it’s clear that the conversation doesn’t work out, cooperation doesn’t work out. then we’ll detain you until a preventive measure is determined, sit for a day in the bullpen, no , think about it, no, i, i don’t want to sit in prison, i
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won’t sit in prison, please, and you can release her on a written condition not to leave, or whatever you call it. , please, i beg you, maybe let him sit, no, no, i won’t, i don’t want to sit, which means i don’t want to sit, sit and think, maybe you get wiser, then you think that life is a computer game, but this is not a computer game, then you have to register me, i ’m not leaving here, my child is here, okay, thank your mother, just keep in mind that if you don’t name those who he got you into this, you'll do time for everyone. free, goodbye, goodbye.
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you hate me? i’m just wondering at what point i missed you. larisa sergeevna, what happened again? nikita, where is nikita, in the center for promoting
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family education, what are you talking about, in which center? it's your own fault, you abandoned your child. one in the middle of the night, where is my son, lyubash, i didn’t expect, i thought they would come, record the fact everything, what fact? left without supervision , they took him away, that is, you took advantage of the fact that i was in trouble with aliska and set up guards, i don’t know what i was thinking, there are nonhumans working there, nonhumans, okay, let’s go, what was i like there, on my doorstep they didn’t let me in, he’ll try not to let me in. alice, be home, i 'll be back soon, hello, yarik, hello, yes, baby, they accepted me when i left the treasure, yes, what
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should i do, and what did you tell them, and nothing to them? she said, uh, no, i didn’t say, but they said that they can put me in jail, even for being a minor, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, you got yourself into trouble, figure it out yourself, hello, i, nikita, why do you need women from custody he said that he hadn’t eaten for 2 days, borisia, there’s no need to interrogate him, but i’m just wondering, i think she asked me about borscht, when i put it on, i said that they took me away yesterday, okay, i’ll come to see you tomorrow at eight , we’ll go to the guardianship together to explain, come to the entrance, i’ll now, while my grandmother, while my golden one,
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larisa sergeevna, i’ll sort out the guardianship myself, and i would ask you not to come to us just yet, dear, of course it’s my fault, thank you very much, but then the children and i can handle it ourselves, goodbye, you’re doing great, well done, igor, now i’m the only one calling. igor, we need to talk, we can
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meet. where and what time? we’re in custody now, and then i’ll go to work, come on over, i can do it, dear, what does she want from you? don’t be jealous, don’t ask about anything, you know, it’s hard not to be jealous when your loved one calls you at 6 in the morning and you run to her at the first whistle. come on, i'm with you, it seems to me that this is enough, but it seems to me not enough , igor, i really try, i cook , i accompany you to all your procedures, i have a feeling that you just started to take everything for granted, no, seriously, when we last once we were in the restaurant, when you gave me gifts, did you give me
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gifts every week? i made surprises, okay, when we meet, i’ll discuss all the details of the divorce, we ’ll finish this and rush to the maldives, really, really, change her name in the phone to your ex. right now, right now, okay lyubov petrovna, today i scolded my
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employees for rushing to pick up nikita. but in the morning i made one request , it turns out that you also have problems with your eldest daughter, with alisa, so listen, my daughter is just, not only is the girl skipping school, but she also faces a criminal charge for drugs, lyubov petrovna, i i understand that things didn’t work out with my husband, or i want to somehow arrange my personal life, but children should come first for a mother, do you agree with what you’re saying in general, what kind of personal life... nikita, dad, hello, hello, how’s it going? you, okay, this is what your aunt took from you, no, the other two, so, dear, i have already written a statement to the police about illegal entry into a home and abduction of a child, and if you do not leave our family alone, i will personally i promise that you will not be in this place very soon.
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as far as i know, you are in a state of divorce, but this does not concern you, let's get out of here, keep in mind that your entire family is under our control, goodbye, have a nice day, let's go. good afternoon, is yarik at home, yarik, we don’t have yarik, wait, my boyfriend lives here yarik, his grandmother left this apartment to him, i don’t know who told you what, but we don’t have yarik, i’ve been renting this apartment for 10 years, my vest has slipped, i’m waiting for cleaning, well , wait, now, you’re doing this
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you know the boy, yes. this is my tenant , well, only his name is not yarik, but ruslan, he moved out urgently, he didn’t even take the deposit, goodbye , thank you for interceding, but what could you do less, you’re sorry, mom, she understands that she is stupid, how do you feel? as good as new, igor, i don’t know what to do with alisa, maybe you can talk to her, she hasn’t heard me for a long time, but what am i going to tell her, even the investigator didn’t convince her, okay, love, mom said, you’re selling your apartment, i’m embarrassed to talk to you about it, but i
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’ll take my share for now. it’s really awkward, you probably forgot that your children need to live somewhere, well, you can always live with your mother in the center of moscow. your kondopogi, thank you for your concern, nikita, let’s go , otherwise we’re already late for kindergarten, and i won’t be able to buy three of these apartments soon, well, i just need to wait a little, you know, i suddenly for a second imagined what the this time something could have changed, let's go to dad in the other direction, bye dad, bye old man, bye, next time, i'm taking you to the amusement park, and the prime minister's land, i hope you can hear me well and i hope that i will also do well hear you too. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question
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to the president through the website by phone +7 495 539 4040 +7 499 550 40. 40 results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast december 14 at 12:00 , where is he? i really want to see how you will grow, this is not given to me, but i left our only joy for manya, my only relative, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter , the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first
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candidate for custody of her and her capital, the only chance to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future we will submit documents for deprivation of what to do next, how to continue to live, the only joy is on saturday on rtr, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, what a beauty, just taste it , and there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just a madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy
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products, unique recipes, and you know why people count squirrels as carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i i make a wish that everyone on... food every saturday on rtr, hello, he 's coming back, oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge. all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now, sklifosovsky, look before anyone else, in
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the app or on the website, yes, yes, i sent you all the information, yeah, hello, how are you, friend, do you know a criminal lawyer? wow, who needs it advocate? daliska got herself into some trouble, i can’t go into details yet, but it could end very badly. well, aliska, yes, you spoiled her, love, delivery, we have a happy newlywed sitting here, is this for remezova? no, for nettle love is petrovna. oh, i’m just wondering, from kirill, is this the handsome guy who took you to lunch? well , lyubka, this is a chance, yes, what a chance, marin,
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he is a handsome, successful man, why does he need a divorcee with two children, debts, but what difference does it make, maybe you look like his mommy? well even if he is really carried away, well, what can i give him now, think, just be a woman for once, think not about him, but about yourself, by the way, he... no, i’m not going to hang my personal problems on him, well, then aliska will be imprisoned, and you and nikitos will send her messages from your native kandapoga, so come on, come on, come on, come on, write that you are grateful for the bouquet, hint that you don’t mind seeing each other, marish, call, i have a lot of work , okay, okay, okay. okay,
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i'll go, and you, cinderella, go ahead and wash yours pots and pans. sorry, mom hasn't stopped by for a long time, well, that means he's just accumulated everything, well, of course, a mother only needs to look after the children when money is needed, well, why do you say that , well, you know, i even miss your grumbling, okay ok, i believe it!
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guess, i took it out of the book, where the money from the sold dacha was, look, don’t waste it all in one day, i don’t have it anymore, thank you, i’ll give it all away, you’ve lost some weight, your fifa isn’t feeding you, or what? feeds, feeds, as you say, mostly silage, she vegetarian, poor thing? who raises them like this? i’ll go and warm up some cutlets for you, yeah , mom, i’ve been in care with anyone, oh, don’t even remind me, i’ve already killed myself, i just didn’t know that such inhumans worked there, no, no, no, you did everything right, no i wanted to tell you, lyuba, how a mother can’t cope, niki.
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he's hanging out on his own, he's gotten involved with drugs, mom, lyuba can't cope without us, what can i do, she forbade me to even approach them, by the way, you could spend more time with nikita and aliska, talk like a father, i with nika i talked, she is ready to accept children into the family, but lyuba can certainly take them on weekends, on holidays, is that in? such a family , nika and i, why are you going to feed them if you take them away from lyuba, but i have a business, well, no one has canceled alimony, it’s you who are going to demand elements from lyuba, not me, why me , court, in the interests of the children, that is, you are ready to take my grandchildren from my own mother and “she only
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saw the children on tv, mom, why do you say that, nika loves children very much, you just don’t know at all, of course, i don’t know, you or you carefully don’t introduce us , i was waiting, i wanted to make sure that everything was serious with us, in general, in the near future i suggest we all have dinner together, what do you say, the cutlets are ready." please, thank you, then go ahead, come in, well, the hallway more than typical , they did a redevelopment, yes, yes, everything is legalized , the renovation is good, cheap, you are selling, love, i really need money, hello, hello, change of name again? yes, your friend came here, offered to cook
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dinner, everything is ready , you sit down, hello, sorry for the intrusion, i thought he wouldn’t want to be with you meet, kiril, victoria reltor , realtor, and this is your husband, vika, forgive me for disturbing you, we have not yet fully decided on the sale, can we sit down now, discuss everything, we will call you back, okay , of course, call, here's my business card, that's all. victoria, wait, my husband and i are really selling an apartment, but this is not my husband, yeah, well, you decide, call me, goodbye. goodbye, you're crazy, i told her to look at the apartment today, come on, you sit down first, eat, otherwise you'll cool down, let's go,
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did nikita wash his hands? yes, mom, seafood, what a beauty, what are you, a cook? yes, when i’m on the ship, i don’t want to eat, well, go play, my grandmother used to cook this kind of fish for me when i was a child. your daughter took on the hardest task, decorating our dinner. i'm shocked. the aroma is divine. alice told me about the criminal case. if the investigator finds the person who got her involved in this, then she will go as a witness. did you hear? yes, kirill has already convinced me, i ’ll tell you everything, but it’s unlikely to help, he even lied to me about his name. they know, how to look for such people, everything will be fine, alice,
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put on the kettle, of course, you also brought us a cake. well, how beautiful, thank you, thank you, tanyush, well, the eyebrows are fire, and don’t say that they are not your own, nikusya, we have a sorceress. goodbye, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, please make some coffee, your back will fall off when your oligarch fires you from work? in fact, he is currently going through a difficult divorce and he says that he cannot publicly waste money and advertise our relationship. igor,
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how are you here? negotiations were close, i decided have dinner with the woman you love. actually , i still have clients, well, maybe dinner at madame thorandot will compensate for the pleasure of your work, wow, no good, don’t even think about it, i ’m canceling everyone, how cool you are, and what the sale will look like, well, in general, we and anyone has considered the option of a loan from our agency, well, that is, we... remove the apartment from encumbrance and sell it as free, while the apartment does not lose in price, and we receive a percentage of the transaction and a small amount for the loan, and if another person contributes human, well, in this case, by proxy, i remove all encumbrances from the apartment, it is free, but
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then what is the point of selling it, because without mortgage payments she will cope with her situation, i hope there is none. what then is the reason for me to participate in this? i'm making up for the huge benefit, it's an interesting offer, i'd think about dessert, but is that too much? yes, order what you want, don’t think about the prices, yes , i’m not worried about the prices, but about my figure, yes , i would be joking, dessert, yes, i’d like chocolate please... milk without sugar, thank you, ah to you? i’m watching my figure, i don’t eat, today i talked to a divorce lawyer , well, i’ll soon become a free man, today is a day of good news, well
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, there’s really one small problem. what's the problem? yes, my wife wants to rob me. not only does she want to divide the business apartment, but she also wants to set child support in a fixed amount. this means that there will be nothing left for our common children. you couldn't tell me about this before you moved into my apartment, i've been on you for 2 years spent. nikos, there is one simple way out: the children need to formally live with me, that is, with us, what does it mean to formally live with us? well, alisa is already an adult, she will soon be able to live separately, and nikita already spends most of his time with my mother, so
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nothing will change for him, well, if formally, then fine, i agree, what are you talking about, well, you are a miracle, in 2 weeks we will receive new documents in rekpal. well, without getting pregnant , the whole apartment is yours, no more huge payments, that’s good, then it will be possible put it up for sale. lyuba, haven’t you thought , maybe it’s not worth selling it, well, even if you are declared bankrupt for the rest of your ex-husband’s debts, then they still won’t be able to take away your only home, but why not sell it, i should at least return the money to your agency, in fact, you don’t owe anyone anything, it’s just... the mortgage debt was paid by kiril, your friend, kiril,
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but i, i didn’t ask him, and didn’t you think that sometimes you don’t need to ask? kiril, this won’t work, why on earth are you paying for mine? debts, call me back." yes, lyuba petrovna , hello, investigator nikitin , don’t worry, they couldn’t come to our department, it seems we caught a vashirik, yes, i understand , we’re on our way, yeah, we’re waiting, alis, hello, where are you, like where, at school, in the canteen, so, i ’ll call the teacher now, and you get dressed and wait for me to go to school, why, it seems, your yarik, or whatever, i don’t know, i understand, mom, i’m waiting,
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i received an anonymous call last night, i don’t know where this gang hangs out, and some names, we quickly took them, and then technician. and passwords from forums and customer contacts, and you are sure that it is he, but now you will tell your mother and me about it. it’s him, in the red hat, don’t worry, everything
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will be fine, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, white one. well, that’s all, the investigator said, we will register it with the kdn, but they won’t press charges, so you’re in luck. mom, who do you think it was, well, an anonymous call, no idea, but you don’t think it could be kiril, but to be honest, i don’t even know what to think, kiril paid off our mortgage, what?
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mom, this is cool, mom, i congratulate you, we, we don’t have to sell the apartment and move anywhere, this is awesome, no, it’s just that now we can sell it at the market price, and i will return the money to kirill at any time in case, he doesn’t need your money, but what do you think someone like me needs, what all men need. alice is at mom's, no, i'm not talking about that, i meant attention, spending time together, inviting him to visit, what do you think, or to a restaurant, you can go straight to a party, for those over 30, i'll sit with nikita, oh my god my, where did my daughter go, who is this wise girl, i don’t know, pie, what a beauty, thank you, your apartment is wonderful, it probably cost a fortune, yes, my
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late dad got this apartment. and he was a famous architect, that’s how it is, why didn’t you tell me from some family? but somehow, are your parents alive? yes , of course, dad has his own business in chebaksary, well , now it’s a food tent, already a business, no, what, you have a store, but did dad buy you an apartment in moscow? no, i have a mortgage myself, i have i don’t sit on my parents’ necks, but in general, i’m on the same rake as igor and lyuboch. what about igor? well, i told them, live with me, and you children , as they say, are cramped, but no offense, no, you got into this mortgage, as a result, either one paid off the loans, what kind of mortgage, i don’t understand what kind of loan, igor has his own construction business, business, yes, who
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will let him into this business, the moscow mafia sits there, i don’t listen, no, what did i say, no, well, igor tried to sell tiles, materials for construction, but as a result, this tile was not sold, even here in my apartment there was, do you remember, an igoruk? i'm sorry, i've lost my appetite, wait, don't see me off, i 'll call a taxi, nick, well, no way, well, wait, don't touch me, mom, what did you do, well , we agreed, well, i don't know , delicious pie, what did you think, i’ll let my grandchildren live with this prostitute, doc, and you, too , stop fooling around, go back to lyuba, although she
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’s misguided, at least she loves her, thanks for dinner. aren't you afraid that i'll get used to it and then you will have to pay for me in restaurants , well, for the sake of such a pleasant interlocutor, i’m ready to start saving for breakfast, well, you will never allow such a woman to save on herself for my sake, aliska is not sleeping yet, but seriously, thank you again, i i’ll definitely return everything, but it’s nonsense, you’ll give it back when you can, your alesya is wonderful, and i’m very pleased to help her and you. lyuba, what are you
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doing here, you came to take care of the children, you can’t stay, but no, everything is fine, kiril, i ’ll call, i see there’s no time. don't lose seriously, this doesn’t concern you, why did you come, i already said, to visit the children , so, i sold the car, here is the money for my operation, it wasn’t me who paid for the operation, but if
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you want, i can give it to who? really, well, that changes things, it’s time for me to come to the children during the day, they are sleeping now, love, wait , i left nika because i realized that i can’t live without you, i can’t live without the children, maybe it’s her kicked you out because she realized that you were a liar, but do you think you found an honest one? good night.
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i don’t understand what he found in lyubka, well, she beautiful woman. it’s not for nothing that she was your beauty queen when it was, mom, people like him usually date twenty-year-olds, well, everyone has their own taste, and why else would he need love? but i keep thinking how
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it started for them, but it turns out that they barely met, he immediately paid for the operation , for the husband of an unknown woman, mom, but i don’t believe it, maybe it wasn’t him who paid for it, i’m thinking, maybe it’s did the driver have a conscience? well, who caused the accident, there are no witnesses, except for that grandfather, but he also can’t really say anything could, what grandfather, well, as the second victim, i wrote down his data just in case, so the driver of the green field, by the way, lives three houses from us, well, describe it. at least in general terms, well , build, hair color, i told the police everything , after the accident my memory started to fail, i don’t remember the driver, just the car, what kind of car,
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a red range rover, and even part of the license plate, well, what are they based on this data, they didn’t even try to identify the driver, but who knows, maybe they were very busy, or maybe who was important there? a are you and i neighbors? yes, we live near a dry cleaner, well, we have a common problem, what’s your name? larisa sergeevna, married, widow, i’m also a widower, so let’s unite larisa sergeevna. in what sense? well, i mean, for the sake of justice , we have to figure out this bastard, and then we can point it out, it’s possible at my dacha, well , if anything happens, you have my number, igor
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, well, let’s go, yes, yeah, i’m trying to call lyokha , he’s just working at the traffic police, maybe he’ll be able to find out something, goodbye, goodbye. hello everyone, wow, this is a beauty, thank you, lyuba, what are you doing, well, you always criticize me for my homely appearance, so i decided to listen to your advice, no, well , i... this is somehow too much, and generally not for my age, marin, envy is a bad feeling, don’t listen to her, lyubov petrovna, you look amazing, thank you, maresh, please tell the boss, and tell him that i won’t be there today, yeah.


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