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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 4, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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this is the us aerospace defense command and is based in colorado springs at peterson air force base. this is a joint command that was created in the fifties to protect the united states and canada from attack. at that time, the fifties were the height of the cold war. this was caused by the fear that soviet bombers would fly to... the north pole and begin bombing the united states and canada. this is where it all started. then the powers expanded to maritime surveillance and protection from an attack from north korea, potential missile attacks, attacks from china, all of that, that is, from threats to the united states and canada. some sources have been telling us for weeks or even months that they have concerns about daily drinking. among the command,
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in particular in the planning department, we contacted their superiors, general glenn van herk said that yes, they conducted an investigation, found strong beer in one of the planning offices, all this was behind a door, locked with a combination lock, on which hung a john wayne poster. this establishment was called the john wayne saloon. one of the informants told us that he beat in this establishment. i'm wondering how big of a problem this is. drinking on military bases in general. this is a huge problem and it has many different aspects, but it is one of the key problems that military researchers face when they look at cases of sexual assault, for example. this is the main factor in the occurrence many other problems. it has become a real epidemic in the army, officials say, people get drunk, then bad things happen, and these are not only young people, but also commanders who had problems with alcohol, we wrote a lot about them. this problem is cultural.
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a problem both in the army and in society as a whole , but alcohol and military decision-making are really incompatible, is it really, well, while american soldiers and officers have gone into hiding and are maliciously violating the regulations right at the combat post, biden is behaving more and more frighteningly, in the usa in this connection is shocking, the day before at the colorado wind turbine plant , the president of the united states for some reason decided to tell the workers that he could destroy the planet, so he said, the marine is carrying the code for me to launch i... a weapon that can blow up the entire planet, even directly now, if old joe wanted to defuse the situation in this way, then it turned out, let’s say, not very well, the american leader’s dementia is progressing before our eyes, and at night he added to the collection of his ridiculous reservations. during a public speech , the us president confused the current leader of the people's republic of china xinping with the chinese politician deng xiaopong, who died in the last millennium. there was still a young senator with him then. biden met in the late
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seventies, now almost half a century later, the elderly president biden claims that he warned dennosi aopin in the himalayas not to get involved with the united states. previously, the crazy story about the himalayas featured xi. however, perhaps biden really is haunted by the ghost of the late chinese leader, which would at least explain why he constantly shakes hands in the emptiness that surrounds him. also old joe, talking about donald trump, why. called him a congressman. trump's son mocks biden's health and publishes this photo, look: there is a warning sign by the road with the words alarm. an eighty-year-old white man wanders around dc and thinks he is the president. in such conditions, it is not at all surprising that biden’s rating continues to fall. it has already reached a record low. fox news with reference to optional defense. reports that
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only 36% of americans have a lot or some confidence in biden. almost half respondents say that they absolutely do not trust the current us president, while the democrats do not have any backup plan if biden refuses to run for a second term, the reuters agency reports. therefore, if sleepy joe suddenly changes his mind about running, or, god forbid, something happens to his health, he’s already 80 after all. hello grandfather, a war could break out among other democratic candidates. let's fast forward to colorado, where joe biden made a rare visit and, as usual, it didn't go according to plan. to be more precise, his visit began with a very anxious moment. while being photographed by employees at a wind turbine factory, biden suddenly began talking about nuclear launch codes . this is nick, hi nick, how are you guy,
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listen, my marine has a cat. which will allow you to disrupt the whole world, and this is not a nuclear weapon, you may have thought that i was joking? joe biden slurred his speech all day, looking dazed and confused even as he read the giant font on his teleprompter. i'm friends with your leader mr. moon, well you know we're good guys. invests $40 million in plant expansion and hires 1,000 new employees solar panel maker burger is building a new
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solar panel plant here near colorado sprinks. instead of cutting everything like congressman trump and bob are doing, we can use. this is to help millionaires, that is, millions of families, not millionaires, take care of their elderly, can at least someone translate what he said, congressman trump, that biden in general tried to say how he can even perform the functions of the president, this is the hardest job on earth, and he wants to work at it for another 5 years, he is completely out of his mind, it seems to me that this is already clear to everyone, yes, biden is completely out of his mind, i know about it, you know about it, and the democrats know, but despite the fall being questionable... joe's health is likely to be nominated for the democratic presidential nomination, given his health, it is the vice president who will play an important role unfortunately, his vice president is kamala haris. biden's target audience seems to be rejecting him because he's too old, and that's
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for sure, they're not just fixated on age. some of the young people have gone over to trump because he is still full of life, he is clearly living joe biden, and he is not falling over like a flower. young people see the real problem with joe biden's senility. in his shuffling, wandering, confusion, in his attempts to find the dead among the living, and the living among the dead. when he ran for office in 2020, he was the guy who was going to unite everyone, become the commander in chief. he talked about bringing peace, but in the end we would end up with the whole world on fire. we are on the threshold of world war iii, on several fronts. on the verge of a nuclear war, and at the same time he has the audacity to act as if we do not notice everything he has done, how disastrous his actions were, and remember the former prime minister of britain, who last year last year lasted 44 days, i licked passion , you won't believe it, but right now she's trying to save
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ukraine, not again again, lisa in washington , along with a group of conservative friends of ukraine, are holding a series of meetings with republicans to convince them to lift the block on aid to kiev. at the same time , lisa’s own right-wing agenda ended in disaster at downing, but, as politico writes, right-wing republicans truss are supposedly on the same wavelength. a meeting with trump is not on her schedule; instead , the group is concentrating on donald's republicans. the main goal is to contain moscow now to avoid direct conflict between nato and russia in the future. ukrainians came to the united states to convince republicans. several deputies of the verkhovna rada rejoice. in republican states, in order to personally destroy the stereotypes of american congressmen that all american aid was being stolen, poroshenko had to convince the americans, but dictator zelensky did not let the former dictator go abroad. poroshenko was captured on the border with poland,
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petro began shouting that he was a free man, he had an important business trip, saying he was going to washington, where dozens of meetings were already planned, including with the new speaker for stefanchuk, but the border guards did not let petro through, now he is hinting at the hand of the president’s office, in fact, no one is hiding anything, another puppet of aze, vice speaker of the verkhovna rada kornienko said that the trip to the usa was canceled on the basis of a letter classified as secret, then there is zelsky, or the green cardinal, ermak began to push in jealousy. competitors in communicating with americans, there is a boss, i am the head of this checkpoint, yes, pyotr alekseevich, in accordance with the documents you provided for passport control, it is the order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada with the corresponding number, there is a new order that was communicated to us
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in a new manner regarding the cancellation of your order on a business trip, on the basis of this i am forced to refuse you to cross the state border and make an appropriate decision, the question is not for me, in principle , no, give me this, this is my order, yes, you are disrupting the meeting with the fact of non-admission, this is a filkin’s letter, i don’t know, it doesn’t concern me, you see? this is an order, you are issuing an order, the question is not for me, how not to you, excuse me, you are not letting me through, yes, i am on the basis of this order, you are acting illegally, i have prepared a decision, on what basis? on the basis of the law of ukraine on border control, you can here on the spot, take the machine gunners out of here, we are fulfilling our duties, please, you will
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regret this, i want to emphasize that mr. mayor is currently making an illegal attempt to prevent me from crossing the border, me in his arms and he saw it, there is an order from the chairman of the verkhovna rada for a business trip. based of this order, i planned the implementation of government events in the form of bilateral and multilateral meetings, including i said that this meeting with the speaker of the congress of the united states of america, on whose decision the allocation of $61 billion to ukraine depends, including from the heads of committees of the congress and the senate, including with the leadership of the pentagon, including with the leadership of the state department. in general, agony, zelsky said today that he hears voices in the west, the benefits of negotiations with russia, that is, help is already needed here, because if zelensky hears voices, then he does. one doctor, the disease may be serious. the chief ukrainian
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diplomat khuleba calms the clown. today he said that he does not feel any pressure from the west regarding negotiations with moscow. we conclude: the west is not putting pressure yet, but is already advising kiev to surrender. ukrainians will not be able to convince americans that their dollars bring maximum value. remember, this was the wording of “beyback”, even the speaking head of nato, stolteng, advised ukraine to intensify the fight against enthusiasm for further military assistance to ukraine is declining on both sides of the atlantic, in order to maintain enthusiasm, some western propagandists continue to come up with idiotic non-bolitions for russia. the most recent, during the storm of the century in the black sea, russian combat dolphins escaped from their cages, and since moscow previously tripled the dolphin flotilla, mammals are now threatening nato divers from constantia to
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cyprus, allegedly putin’s dolphins are trained to calculate the enemy like valangists to deliver fatal blows from underwater weapons, to such a conclusion western experts came after studying satellite images of the sevastopol bay. the russian military has deployed a legendary dolphin unit to protect a military port in crimea. according to us media reports, the uk ministry of defense said in a 2023 intelligence update that russia has doubled the number of barriers to marine mammals around the strategic black sea port of seva. vladimir putin lost a combat squadron of dolphins during the storm of the century that hit crimea this
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week. specially trained anti-sabotage mammals were in service with the russian navy. their sea pens disappeared in sevastopol harbor after a storm. the dolphins are trained for use against enemy scuba divers who invade harbors to lay underwater mines or for reconnaissance. mammals have been trained to warn human controllers or deliver deadly strikes from underwater weapons. military program. started back in soviet times. independent military analyst satan said after looking at satellite images that after a powerful storm, preliminary analysis shows that the season for dolphins in the sevastopol harbor has not disappeared. it is possible that the russian navy moved them before the storm, but there is currently no evidence of this. the uk ministry of defense said the russian military had deployed multiple layers of defense to sevastopol, including anti-ship missiles, a floating barrier, coastguard artillery , s300 and s-400 systems. dolphin division - part of the line defense, mainly used to search for
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divers, sea mines and submarines. can dolphins participate in military operations? they have about five key characteristics. firstly, they are very smart and have a history of friendly relationships with people, and secondly, their vocal range coincides with the human, ranging from several tens to 150,000 hertz, which allows. communicate in a common frequency range, thirdly, they have echolocation capabilities, using sound waves to detect and localize food, fourth characteristics of dolphins are their ability to perform various... tasks and good learning ability. apart from the entertainment activities that we usually see, the us military has been training dolphins for military purposes since the sixties. last year, at the start of russia's war against ukraine, the united states naval institute found evidence of potential dolphin training camps near a black sea naval base. satellite images showed that there
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were two pens for dolphins have been installed. the dolphins were believed to have been displaced. into the area at the start of the russian invasion and is probably still used to protect the naval base from underwater attacks, but the use of military dolphins is nothing new, during the cold war both the us and russia used dolphins and other marine mammals to protect aid efforts to its naval forces. biden administration proposes requiring federal grant recipients to promote transgender ideology, washington reports ezamenov. bely administrative and budgetary office. house is proposing to legislate rules that would deny grantmaking authorities the right to protect religious beliefs and other freedoms under the first amendment of the u.s. constitution. but it expands the definition of sex discrimination to include gender identity. now, any recipient of federal dollars, including schools and
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non-profit groups, will be subject to ideological restrictions if they are in any way anti-lgbtq or non-lgbtq. implement the appropriate agenda in their application. apparently, this is why lgbt teachers in kindergartens are becoming so popular in the west . there, over-aged perverts teach kids that pedophilia, for example, is normal. look at what is written in the account description of one of these teachers. age is just a number, but love is love. we are clearly talking about the age of consent here. both for sexual relations and for hormonal therapy with subsequent sex change, it is all the more surprising that in germany, which imitates america in everything, it is considered perhaps the most tolerant country of the old world, cases of homotransition and queerphobia have become more frequent, these terms hide the condemnation by ordinary germans with traditional views of any public manifestation
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of homosexuality, this problem is especially acute in small towns of all... localities, in order to correct the situation to protect lgbt people, the municipality began to organize special educational events called country love, where they tell dark fellow citizens about all the delights unnatural relationships. demonstration against intolerance for independent living. every year thousands of people take to the streets demanding sexual self-determination. and there are more and more of them. in reiland falz alone , five major parades took place this year. at the same
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time, violence against homosexuals is on the rise. the attacks are happening again again. carlo too. after all this i pay more attention to it, i no longer walk down the street with another man or anything like that. hand in hand in public, it never became commonplace even at twenty. to such an image with hatred and violence, just like in neuwied engers in early september. the gay couple sat hand in hand on a park bench near the castle, and a group of five young men attacked them with insulting fists. the youths pushed and kicked the couple and then ran away. over the past year, the number of hate crimes against people with homosexual
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orientation has increased. in the twenty-first year , 870 crimes based on sexual orientation were recorded. in the second year there were more than a thousand of them, an increase of almost 16%. this is all despite the fact that more and more people are taking to the streets for sexual self-determination, how does this combine, we ask diana glesser, she is the contact person for the reiland falz police, on homosexual issues. many cases that occur are related to the appearance of the victims, you suddenly see strange people, you can give free rein to prejudices or throw out your hatred. it turns out that the growing visibility of homosexuals in society also leads to more aggression. glesser works full-time as the chief police commissioner. semanza, in post-installation she runs a contact center for queer people, she counsels victims, conducts seminars, acts as a mediator, but is there a specific type of offender? of course,
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there are anti-queer beliefs based on religious affiliation, but they exist in both christianity and islam. leone schwarz , from the young representative office, wants to prevent prejudice and homophobia, together with her colleagues, she organized the village love campaign in the city park of mierstein. we believe this is necessary because in big cities awareness of the problems of the queer community is much higher, and due to anonymity there are much fewer problems with this, but here in the provinces the awareness is much lower, you always notice this in conversations with people. the country love event was attended by more than 500 people. diana glesser also attended as a speaker. she believes more events like this will be needed in the future. if we do not have awareness, then this is the first step towards discrimination. enlightenment is not about
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making someone queer is about showing opportunity, education is important, there is a need in society too. i am convinced that in rhineland falz we are on the right track. the european union has finally figured out how to send stolen assets to russia. additional assistance to ukraine, as reported by bloomberg, on december 12, the european commission will introduce a bill according to which it would be possible to tax profits from more than 300 billion euros of frozen assets of the russian central bank. belgium stated that next year it will invest 1 billion 700 million euros in assistance to ukraine using its own tax revenues, that is, ours from frozen russian assets. russia's relations with finland are becoming increasingly frozen, and the finnish national ice hockey team will cease to exist. no, to take part in the world cup if a team from russia is allowed to the tournament, that is, about the fact that sport is outside of politics, the finns have forgotten, the demarche is taking place against the backdrop of the migrant crisis on the border with
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russia, which helsinki calls an element of a hybrid war, so what? protect yourself finland completely closes its land border with russia. at checkpoints, finnish border guards have installed double barriers, directly on the state border within the country. as told to the team. if people arrive, we will direct them to a place where they can enter finland legally . end of quote: that is, to the visa center in their country, that is, home, an exception for those who are dying of cold and hunger. how to prove that you are already dying? not explained. at the border it is now -25 below zero and windy. russia they are accused of not only bringing migrants to the border with finland, but also providing them with warm food. and even transport, bicycles, to make it easier to overcome the border crossing. also, the western media have some strange and unhealthy fixation on our
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program. see, newswich, daily mail, abc. a number of other publications have published material about how, in clear language and on a map, we explain how to get from st. petersburg to helsinki. at that time, only one northernmost checkpoint was operating, which was actually arctic, now ion. closed, this is one of the coldest border crossings in the world, and here finland accuses russia of using cruel practices, desperate , poorly dressed migrants from the middle east are brought to the arctic and then forced to cross the border on bicycles, from here it is about 250 km to murmansk, so that they probably did not ride their bikes to this actual border, the guards assume that their long journey was well planned. finland calls it a hybrid war, in which russia uses
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migrants to cause internal discord in finland, which only recently joined nato. therefore, finland yesterday decided to close its entire eastern border for 2 weeks in order to contain hostile russian actions. all land borders are now closed. only ports and airports accept asylum applications. russia and its ally belarus have done this before, notably bringing thousands of migrants to the border with poland. this is the kremlin's way of pursuing opponents without using military force - says the finnish analyst. russia clearly believes it is militarily stuck in ukraine, but there are many other options. they can simply remain in the headlines constantly and thus russia once again indicates that you cannot ignore us. by closing its borders, finland may find itself in conflict with its international obligations to not turn away asylum seekers, which is, of course, exactly the situation
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that... russia wanted, while all the main political parties in finland say that this is the right choice. you worry about what they might come up with next if they can't get migrants across your border now. we are not worried, we are ready, together with our partners and allies, we will take all necessary measures. but once again we want to tell russia that this is unacceptable, and we hope that they will return to normal, where they comply with normal border procedures and do not allow entry. finland accuses russia of deliberately influxing migrants into the border zone as part of a hybrid war. kremlin denies these accusations and calls closing the borders, quote: an excessive step. finland notes that people rode bicycles to the border. on the russian side they were given bicycles so that they could ride to the border to ask for asylum.
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can you explain what's happening at the border and why finland felt the need to close it? basically, russia started sending people to the border a couple of weeks ago, which is why we started temporarily closing border checkpoints to prevent this, they are deliberately using and exploit these people by sending them to the border. we've seen this before and we understand to expect that something like this could happen at some point. we also see this happening on other borders in russia, poland, and lithuania. this is not a surprise or a new situation. rather viewed it in the broader context of russia's attempts to destabilize the west and test its resolve. they want to disrupt the traditional situation on our border, which is why we are closing it. iltalekhti received information from the ice hockey association about that finland refused to participate in
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the cup. world, if russia is included in it. on november 21, the executive director of the national hockey league players association, marty walsh, said that russian players playing in nhl clubs most likely will not play in the international tournament of national teams, which the league plans to hold in february 2025. finland's actions have been commendably consistent. the war in ukraine continues, and russia, as a very likely culprit, is pursuing finland through a hybrid one. operations, currently not in this is by no means the right time to send a signal to russia that there can be friends in sports too. let's move to the zone of a special military operation. dmitry steshin is in direct contact with us, the legendary military correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda.
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dim, hello. i know that you always work at the very front, where have you been, what have you seen? i returned yesterday from the district, let’s say, rabotina, well, it’s clear that there is no point in a journalist now going into these trenches in forest plantations, firstly, it’s impossible to film anything, because there is no need to film positions, but this means that there is a relative calm there, small groups are trying to storm the forest plantations, there is no point in these assaults, but somehow they explain to the dryers that they have to, they have to go die, there is a war of drones, an unpleasant thing, our rap works, but it jams , unfortunately, all communication with any connection , maybe this is good, yes, you can sit without communication, but to remain alive there, the person who was supposed to pick me up from a certain point was an hour late, well, i waited for him patiently, because i understood, that
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anything can happen, and exactly on the road, according to which he was supposed to go, well , if you can imagine, the road that connects takmak and pologe, it runs along the front, a drone fell, a kamika drone, its battery life was exhausted, thank god it didn’t find a target for these drones in the last since the summer they started installing thermal sensors , in the summer there are other differences in temperatures, so in the summer it worked when you just picked up the drone, now it’s cold, sometimes it’s enough to just walk next to the drone and the charge it carries will go off, and the artillery is great, here's what's been done, that i was on a temporary ledge, in the summer the guys said, they couldn’t raise their heads, but now they say, well, bang-bang, well, rarely, and they attribute this not only to the shortage of shells , to the fact that the artillery, the main artillery system, they are the so-called three axes,


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