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tv   Taini sledstviya-22  RUSSIA1  December 4, 2023 10:20pm-11:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s possible, if at the time of the elections, at the time of the elections, at least he won’t give it, well, somehow he’ll make this effort, not a landing party with newm, if he changes it, if he changes it, then it’s possible, yes, northern, well, he’ll say, i’ll i didn’t decide , that’s not it, well, he didn’t make a damn thing there, he didn’t decide , that’s right, well, of course, it’s interesting what they’re writing now, it’s actually a very interesting thing, because well, of course, for example, one of the washington post articles - this is simply a call to remove trump, to imprison him, to resolve the issue in an unconstitutional way, that is , democracy... and even for the republic it is necessary defend, that’s enough, he says, only tyranny can save the republic, yes, yes, that’s all , yes, well, roughly in this sense, in a sense, all liberal rebels and even the liberal establishment, so to speak, no matter how many so to speak, according to the time he ruled, as if they always come to one thing, that only tyranny asks for democracy, a republic and everything else, and this is just such an article that says, stop pretending, well enough, that you i don’t know, by god , what kind of democracy,
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what are you talking about, democracy is dangerous. if we let's elect donald trump, and there are all these examples, so to speak, of course , and the most interesting thing is that donald trump, i just sat there and honestly tried to understand how, well, where trump really at least somehow actually violated the law , well, well, until january 6, there still seems to be, maybe there will be a trial, not on january 12, it won’t do anything either, well, listen, well, obama has stepped over so many times , so to speak, bypassed the constitution, but god bless him, well, these calls have already been made for this matter, that is, i don’t know what, how they will be solve the problem for 24 years. that is, there is really only one real candidate barakaba , no sanders, grandfather will pull him out again with mittens, grandfather will come out again and say how again i’m the one who pulls him out every time, but another article , another article, a post about which
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it’s like dima here, explain what’s the matter, the article was written there, but it’s a spreading cranberry, this, this needs to be explained, listen, guys, it’s a failure, now i have to say, well, everyone in america already knows everyone, it’s as if it’s understandable if you open it in the writers’ office in the morning smartphone, you open, you open the chicago tribune, any newspaper anywhere, ukraine offensive , ukraine offensive, but the file is growing, and that’s all and nothing, which means after that articles appear on tv saying that no, something is going wrong there, an explanation is needed, then the washington post indulges in the favorite entertainment of the americans, this is how they built hollywood, they film a spreading stick , like dunkirk, that is, instead of saying, guys, we were objectively weaker, our commanders were idiots, we couldn’t
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nothing to do, as you imagine it at the dawn of the election campaign and our president says hello, i’ll explain that now no, biden doesn’t have to do everything fine , he’s a mistake, that means, in fact, then they’re taking off the spreading cranberries, here they’re filming the hanging cranberries where there are a lot of events where there are a lot there are a lot of experiences in this article, there are a lot of headlines , it’s incredibly voluminous, and as a result they are like, can anything change the situation, that is, well, it’s clear that this is actually a recognition of a big big defeat, so well, as for europe , here’s what it thinks about nuclear weapons, well, i still hope that they, of course, won’t be able to do anything, their printing press will stop now, and that’s all over, it’s just a matter of the fact that ursulovin, jose barel with nuclear weapons, now causes
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me much more concern. 10 times more than kimcheung did in his time, when he just got a nuclear bomb, it seems to me that the last guy is much more responsible than this guy never called, well , after all, i’m a human being, this is where i’m at i was calm, but that is, now look what is happening, i agree with andrey, what they are enduring, of course, they are trying to quickly finish the middle east, here they can somehow mix this situation, but they can’t just dump it on europe it will work out, they will need our consent, so they... from this moment the persuasion will begin, guys, you carry out negotiations, you know that you take these four areas, and we will take the rest into nato, well, no matter what, we will say, no, you, moreover, it’s not just like that, well, listen, you don’t need to communicate too actively with iran and china, well, you still need to understand that you are white people, that not everyone, not everyone, but we are many, after all, moreover, moreover,
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solovyov is telling you wrong all other people, a little less, statistics came out recently, not much, but less. listen to what they tell you, some kind of novosibirs, naryan , guys, you need to chill, why do you need to work, the west will provide you with one, especially since it’s getting warmer, but not especially since it’s getting warmer, it’s true the plane that flew from germany is frozen on the runway due to warming , there is no need, moreover, he will say, why change the education system, everything is in the smartphone, why do you need it? there is no need to change the healthcare system for anything, just pay attention to gender reassignment, for those people who really need it, only those, there is no need to change anything, and most importantly, well, no need, go back, we get it, you are strong, you we were pulled back, we even admit something, but just don’t
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move forward under any circumstances, it’s for suckers, that’s what they are now they will tell us , they will say what, i listened to dmitry olegovich, i think that only unconditional surrender, they will also tell you how, they will tell you, we will give you 1000 for this when we speak, they will transfer it to europe as if europe is subjective, it is not subjective , therefore it is correct not subjective, but she is also subordinate here. you guys are responsible for this, go ahead guys, europe can’t answer for its own ass, what can it answer for, you know, at least i’m not responsible, like dmitry olegovich, for the region, notice how it has changed rhetoric, they no longer say the state, the region
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, that is, you are depriving the united states of subjectivity, i am not responsible for it, we have our own area of ​​​​responsibility, this is the vilna people's republic, the free city of belvostok, the free state of ladgal, this is like the future, but i want. seriously, we are underestimating western analytics in vain, i also looked, besides this washington post article , but it’s my fault, the microphone was bent, but besides this washington post article, they are analyzing what happened, they are very close to so that putin, that's for sure, or si daypin, but in this case, putin was recognized as the person of the year according to time magazine, i think that they are thinking, how did it happen that putin pulled all this out, in this twenty-third year, although... and judging by that, everything it was the other way around, this is the beginning, remember their forecasts for the end of the twenty -second year, what the twenty-third year should have been, and putin pulled it out, they are looking for an explanation of why they came to this explanation, it was just
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luck, but that would be, it would be too primitive , they move on, they say, why lucky, this is the second level analysis, but he sold his soul to the devil, but here still... western academic thought makes itself felt, there are different schools, one of them claims that in this case he sold his soul to himself, yeah, yes, he kind of , but as a reverse report, a deep analyst, they know a lot about this, and this reflects, in fact, one still cannot underestimate a certain confusion of theirs, following, following this washington post article with an analysis of the type of failure of the counteroffensive, i am sure that they will now go other articles, what have we done? thanks to this intervention, thanks to this planning, eight board games, russia now has not the second army in the world, as they say everywhere, but the first one, that not one, well, i don’t want to underestimate the american army and so on, nato, but not one
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the army does not have such combat experience as the russian one, not a single country has such experience in mobilizing all resources as russia has now, not a single country has such successful experience in the political mobilization of society, and so on, the country has not acted in such conditions of pressure by sanctions, leading the most large military operation in general not only in europe, but almost in the world since the second world war. this is a colossal experience, this is a corps of officers, generals, soldiers, managers who were simply raised in russia, if you answer the question of who the collective putin is, this was done largely by the hands of the americans, who united russian society with their pressure. and just like if you read the washington post article carefully, you can see there that in the spring they began to understand that it wouldn’t work, intelligence began to speak, no, he says, well, listen , you’re a bigot, like you always don’t like something there at venepuh, there, that’s why it’s written about oslek, by the way, that means,
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so what are you telling us here, then they said, what is the chance that it will succeed , it all happened in the spring, what is the chance that the offensive will succeed, they say 50/50, maybe yes, maybe not, it’s like the blonde’s dinosaur, they pushed... the ukrainians into this slaughter, and in the first weeks they realized that it wasn’t working, they continued anyway, and by the way, this can be multiplied for more high level, when they don't know what to do, they increase the risks. they rely on escalation, both horizontal and vertical, this is their style, they don’t know what to do next, and what happens in this situation? the west is losing legitimacy , that is, in the eyes of the whole world, the americans are losing this right to be arbiters, those who dictate terms, and what we see is not only the middle east, we talked about this in the studio here, now the whole world, all the conflicts, which were forgotten a long time ago will be rebooted, now the explosion will go all over the world, here we are
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discussed the situation. but nevertheless, since the 19th century, maduro has been holding a referendum, the issues there , to put it mildly, are very very active in relations with guyana, in fact it is recognized that from the point of view of guyana and some other countries, 2/3 of the territory is the headquarters of venezuela, the state of venezuela, nicaragua breaks off relations with argentina from the statement; of course, there is no border there. to fight with argentina, but we see how latin america conflicts, which i say again, were forgotten a long time ago, they are popping up, i still won’t be surprised that now the molvina, falklen islands are curled up a new flame of war, so to speak, africa, we saw what was happening here, south asia, the indian-pakistani conflict has not gone away, myanmar, you know, such a country in itself, where this civil war went on endlessly, without affecting anyone, but the americans got in there, the american-chinese confrontation is already underway... the american-chinese confrontation, that is, southeast asia, and
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we will see the whole world reboot, there is no need to look for the hand of moscow, washington, beijing here, this is a process of objective change from one world order to another, when the international the arbitrator simply lost legitimacy , the second point, by the way, was shown by the osce in skopje, the meeting, and in general, in principle, the devaluation of diplomacy, there are three professions that we talk about all the time, from one profession to another, but what is the task and the difference there was a diplomat from a politician, a politician could declare principles, he could not sometimes talk with the enemy, then diplomats appeared, because the whole art of diplomacy, where do our sayings come from, look how he diplomatically stated, that is, you are talking to the person who you unpleasant, whose principles you a priori do not perceive, which the western school of diplomacy claims, and we... will talk, that is, they say: with those people whose
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principles and values ​​are unpleasant to us, whose external policy does not suit us, we will not be with talking to them is anti-diplomacy, and the devaluation of western diplomacy leads to the fact that they cannot control these conflict lines, and moreover, they are aware of this, but they cannot give a retreat, because it contradicts those foundations, that the basis on which their world, their worldview stands. if they refuse this, it will be a different world, and this means that they stand for the past, a past that must inevitably be replaced, and new centers arise, so i even see how they are trying to impose their worldview on putin in their minds, so putin must think the way they think, you must understand how the enemy thinks, then there can be success, for some reason they believe that their enemy is the same as they are just pretending to be. well, listen, well, he’s the same, he’s the guy, we
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we understand him, well, he’s just pretending, they’re trying to do the same thing with denpin, their own logic, that is, they’re - i can imagine how hysterical they are now from meeting alexander grigorevichan, and they’re talking some kind of nonsense, talking about what they will talk there, well, probably, sidinping says he’s putting pressure on lukashenko, because he has bad relations with poland and lithuania, in order to open a corridor to europe and trade, they stubbornly say, the chinese haven’t made a single statement like that, a hint. nothing like this is close there is no such agenda, in principle for china, china has other global goals, he realized that you guys can’t deal with the west, you will cut off china, as they rightly said here, sea routes, you will cut off land routes and so on, this is not what we’re talking about, but they are stubbornly trying to formulate their own agenda, which is far from reality, this loss of legitimacy, devaluation of diplomacy, flight from reality - this is actually a death sentence for the west, but this is also you for us, once again we are affirming here because, well
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well, the west, it has problems, why did it stand for a long time, despite the fact that the decline of europe was predicted a long time ago, because the alternative agenda was not very attractive, we must create this attractive world technologically, that’s how exhibition at vdnkh russia, it ’s amazing, of course, ideologically, value -wise from all points of view, that is, these points should be created not only in russian villages, so that they are attractive, they should be. for the whole world, otherwise leadership over someone else, i wouldn’t want to, i agree, now there’s advertising, after it in our studio the director of the information and press department of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria vladimirovna. he started to get carried away, i think he was about four years old,
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he was drumming something on pots, you’re such a little harry potter, we have a little wizard, but without glasses, without glasses, yes, take care of your eyesight, look at your phone less , more. playing his instrument, instruments, the word bezachok, this footrest, which increases his height, played a role, i delighted, let's talk without jokes , in fact, talk about the performance of this young colleague of mine, this is a wonderful virtuoso performance on one of my favorite instruments, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, for fulfilling all our wishes, on friday, i i didn’t even know that this could happen, that
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you could love me so much, this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, it’s real, but why all this then? wedding, game of love with lenna, this is a good deal for us, alexander makagon, legally, i’m a husband, i’m also married , i haven’t played around with the tsar, but it’s one thing to splurge, but then there’s murder, artyom osipov, he was following the beast , i see the car is upside down, it’s not breathing, i should bring his feeling, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who are very worried about me. i need to somehow get out of here, i’m guilty without guilt, on friday on rtr, many of you, the first thing you wake up, check your mail, and i, of course, am no exception
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, i’m like feders, give oscars to the goddess, the champagne has opened, do you want to receive sea ​​of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on vacation in a skirt that i could barely fit into, you are at the right place, here they will lift everyone’s spirits, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, and a man has to earn money, well, yesterday i earned such money from my wife, in broadcast of the morning mail and i am its host, nikolai baskov. the most positive: morning mail with nikolai
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baskov through sunday on rtr. today at the human rights council, the president of the russian federation, russia’s withdrawal from a number of international human rights organizations. unfortunately, this anniversary we we note in a difficult situation when the process of degradation of the international system for ensuring and promoting human rights continues. its institutions, actually controlled by the west, demonstrate political bias, hypocrisy and open selectivity. so, for 8 years we... they saw their helplessness and direct ignorance of flagrant violations against the residents of donbass. in these structures they not only do not notice, but even encourage the manifestation of russophobia. support those countries that are in a hurry to take first place in this shameful competition of russophobes. as you know,
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russia has withdrawn from a number of international human rights organizations. however, this does not mean that we abandon the principles laid down. on the contrary, i am ready to cooperate with all interested countries and partners, the implementation of international visions and international plans, the president of the russian federation, brilliantly implements the foreign ministry of the russian federation, the direct head of sergeytorich lavrov, and of course, the peak of isolation, he said, leave me alone when you constantly interrupted, so the facts speak for themselves, no isolation of russia, no, did not work, and cannot be, and sergei viktorovich’s press conference following the osce meeting in skopje lasted about half an hour, aroused great interest, primarily from foreign journalists. as i promised yesterday, we will discuss all the nuances with the director of the department of information and press medrosia maria vladimirovna zakharova. maria vladimirovna, it should be noted that because of you
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now not only people are losing their heads, but also planes are turning around, now they are even smarter together with the head, but in fact it ’s absolutely, yes, firstly, good evening, and secondly, well, this is absolutely crazy, just crazy, not as some kind of pathos, you know, but crazy. a decision that , i don’t know, was brewing somewhere out there, in the depths of the political, some kind of situation in bulgaria, i am absolutely sure that, by the way, i received a lot of calls from citizens of bulgaria, and who live in bulgaria, in other countries, all over the world, who said, this is madness, how could our authorities come to this, i think it’s not even the authorities of bulgaria, these are some specific people, sharpened by russophobia, who say: they banned the flight of an official plane, no, no, well, wait, that would be logical, at least, in their logic, in
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russophobic, but logical, they banned the flight of the plane, vladimir rudolfovich , they allowed the flight of the plane over bulgaria, and it was a non-stop flight, provided that i wasn’t on board, i really don’t know anything like that in history, and the first question for everyone, political scientists, specialists in right, by the way, among aviation workers, but how it is technically possible to check if this or that person is on board a flying airliner on the territory of a certain state, but there is no such thing, not enough functionality, when a flyover of an aircraft is requested, no one has ever asked in their life, no one could have imagined such a thing , in general, ask a question, who is on board and so on , the flight number, the airline, whether a time slot is given or not... for some reason, in this case there are sanctions or something else, but to talk about that whoever is on the plane should not be there
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to be, but this is absolute absurdity , this is stupidity, and the greatest stupidity is that they could not even comment on what they adopted, so today i posted quotes on the telegram channel, from all sorts of european commissioners, by the way, european commissioners and eu members, by the way, two very, in my opinion, sonorous names , european commissioner and eevets, and who tried to answer the questions of their journalists, not ours, nor any sent or sent, their journalists, to explain what they came up with there, who got in, who was in trouble, who he said that you can fly, but you can’t fly to specific people, who said that by plane, well, in general, they didn’t come up with anything, and what ’s most surprising is that we gave the answer to the question of what they once again figured out. because i brought, thanks to the information of our permanent mission to the european union, a document, as they said in the film in
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the film, this is a document, by the way, i cannot give its name without relying on the text, document number 214/145, cfsp, which allows state members the eu is fine exceptions, permission to enter the european union even for sanctioned persons, if this is necessary for their participation in international events under the osce, they don’t even know their document, you understand, well, that’s the level for you, and now about the event, i listen, listen, read discussions of our political scientists, by the way, mostly even foreign political scientists, regarding what will happen with the osce, whether russia needs to be there or not, and so on. and so on, why do you fly, why do you take part, why didn’t you go out or
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why are you not gaining a foothold there? , well, essentially in a mortal combat, that is , irreconcilable, that is, it provided an opportunity... it provided an opportunity for parties, countries, states, forces that are in absolutely diametrically opposed positions, to establish some targeted dialogues, negotiations, finding some kind of compromises and so on, now we don’t have, well, no matter how it was announced neither by the united states nor anyone else that they want to completely destroy some... there i i don’t know, the country, they want to inflict a strategic defeat, as they say , they want to contain it, but about complete destruction, well, they
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seem to be bashfully silent for now, and they talk about what is very important... to preserve peace, that is that existential confrontation was not publicly stated, so why this very dialogue platform has been turned by the united states itself exclusively into a platform for its own domination, and dialogue as a form of communication, as a form of relations, is completely excluded. do you need examples? today you quoted started this block with a meeting of the human rights council in our country. this is one of the topics that the organization for security and cooperation in europe should deal with, which is precisely human rights, this is the very part, the very humanitarian basket that was originally included in the functionality of this organization, over these decades , from this so-called basket, from this functionality , nothing has remained except a microphone into which
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westerners come and endlessly accuse... everyone in a row, what is left of the institution that should be monitoring elections, their democracy and transparency in osce member countries, one microphone through which westerners accused, denounced, and only then insulted other countries. we asked the question: regarding elections, maybe we can finally develop a standard, we have been proposing this for decades, well, at least some kind of standard elections, just pick some. which you liked the most, which you consider the most correct, well, for example, the elections in the usa, but no, or in britain you also somehow know differently, after all, it’s a monarchy, there are some peculiarities, no standard was chosen, not even a model , even just a set of criteria, as far as the law of the human sphere is concerned, there is no need to say, but how will you speak if, on the one hand, they accept, including, do not even accept,
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they voice these insults in their address. and other countries that seem to be not so, but they protect their citizens, as if not so , they hold rallies, but they themselves, like germany, france, from what is this bronze gun, yes, these water cannons, in winter at, well, very low temperatures, there are no restrictions, at what temperature, they are democracy, then they first set the temperature, if, which is impossible, yes, you know, they scatter their own people, where is this standard? freedom of speech, well, that’s what we ’re talking about, considering that not only the infringement of rights, the murder of journalists, these same functionaries from the osce, who are paid, and who now, as aptly noted sergeyevich lavrov, the russian minister of foreign affairs, was only thinking about how to prolong this osce, there were no other topics, if they did not even notice the murder and murder of journalists, and when one
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murder follows another, this is already yes, even if not to a single extent. but one way or another, this is the same system, that is, there is nothing left of these institutions within the osce, what remains is the westerners, well , of course, led by the usa, of course, there are the british, all this is the nato clique, so to speak, what did they do with organization, they just did it, left it, you know, a podium or how to say, an open microphone, that is, they removed all the functionality, blocked it, they did it in different ways, by substituting concepts, just literally by intimidation, i think, i am absolutely sure of this, or by some conditions , imposing conditions on those officials in the osce who held certain positions, in different ways, they left only this opportunity to come forward with some kind of their point of view, but
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this killed the essence of the osce, this is not about the opportunity speak out. such opportunity now every country has technology , maybe in the seventies not everyone had the opportunity to broadcast themselves to the whole world, but now, please, anyone from any point of view can do this, especially if it is a person who represents the country, so they killed the essence, they killed precisely the opportunity to negotiate and develop common solutions, they themselves simply literally destroyed, with whom, they cowardly ran away, this is fantastic, which means now i’m telling you when there are still questions with the carriages, with visas and everything that was allowed, not like this, so differently, that the following was invented, it would seem, well , you destroyed the functionality, well, you came up with some crazy protective measures, okay, but stop there, at
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least leave the opportunity to speak out and at least leave it for people , for your audience , this organization as, well, i don’t know, some kind of, with some decent reputation, what they did, just think about it. the meeting itself began on thursday, so they gathered on wednesday evening for an informal dinner, not for a formal work dinner as part of which was being discussed, informally already on the eve of the meeting, took photographs there , knowing that sergeevich lavrov would only arrive in the evening, and distributed these photographs, demonstrating: that there is no russia, for what, in order for the media that will make this publication to distribute this photograph , created a feeling for the audience that russia is not
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present, this is the bottom, you know, you remember this, but a year ago or a year and a half, when they said that you can’t take pictures, they called the arab league and they said, lavrov will come now, just don’t take pictures, they understand that it’s no longer working. nothing, they are already taking pictures with each other, as long as people don’t have factual information that russia is represented, sergei viktorovich lavrov spoke, and you know a number of them directly as an indicator, you can see the newspapers directly, some went for this fake, but this is a fake, of course, they came out the next day, on the opening day of the osce meeting, and the photograph was taken... taken informally without russia and the journalists understood this perfectly well, the photograph that was made at the present osce meeting, where countries sat and were represented by ministers
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at an official meeting, was published by those who still somehow keep themselves within the framework of real journalism in the west. now, regarding the escape, well , okay, okay, well, all this insanity with the fact that some individuals cannot fly over the country on an airplane, this whole story about a photograph that was framed and staged, okay, but now calm down, created a channel situation, came up with some story with photography, well, come , speak, listen, that’s it, say it yourself , have some kind of discussion, but they flew away, vladimir rudolfovich, right as soon as they took the photo, they flew away, who did they hit, us? of course not, how the russian minister spoke, how he planned, what he wanted to say, that’s how he did it all. who was hit, this
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unfortunate osce, which was exposed absolutely, in the light of its total dysfunction, they showed that this is not a platform for agreements, but a stand for photography, well, which can, you know, rent, apparently, anywhere, put on some kind of background, something... come up with it as an endless reason for blaming some and not even giving others a word, and then they performed early in the morning at dawn this here are the top five, the three baltic countries, poland and the kiev regime, where do you think they spoke, vladimir rudolfovich, you probably think that at the meeting they came, looked, put forward their arguments, no, they spoke differently. they spoke out saying that they were skimping on this event and not at all they’ll come, well, the world shuddered here, and what’s worse is how these five didn’t make it, how
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to live without these beggars, of course, but the absurdity is that their representatives were there, well, well, it’s somehow awkward even, that is, the boycott turned out like that, a little bit, well, not good, but the analogy, well, not. they somehow sent their deputy ministers or even deputy ministers there, i can’t understand, they decided to, i don’t know, disgrace, humiliate the osce, or their representatives, saying that by sending deputy ambassadors, they generally they are lowering the level, but whose, and to whom am i sorry? who are their ministers? sorry, i
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'll ask so politely. get confused. they, i think that they were much more self-confident before this, to whom sergeovich said: leave me alone and smiled. well, i think it’s just a slogan, it’s the ma’am of russian isolation, leave me alone. it was a photographer from... the organizers, who apparently, i think, based on what they came up with with these photographs, simply did not believe that the russian minister was at the meeting and decided to crawl up like that. so that well you really can’t believe your own eyes, but it’s monstrous, this whole story, it’s monstrous from beginning to end, then of course, the press conference was a small room, well, it was directly for holding press events, well, how can i say, not there is a thousand-meter hall, and this happens, well, in general, yes, you know, how many people there were, it was impossible to pass, there were cameras around the perimeter.
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a lot of correspondents couldn’t get a seat because they were standing against the wall, because everything was packed, there were more than 100 man, it wasn’t even expected that such an event could bring together so many people, and what’s most amazing, i ’ll tell you now, this, no one knows, i didn’t tell anyone, so, yes, we called all the journalists, we, like you know , there is no segregation, absolutely, westerners, non -westerners, nato countries, non-nato countries , whoever wants, please contact the organizers, i mean the organizers of the osce smith, submit your, so to speak, agrational awards and come, that is, we are never like this dividing lines , that’s it, journalists from all countries applied, no one controlled anything, there weren’t any at the entrance, so to speak, frantic of the country or don’t stand, as they usually do with russian journalists, in particular the french authorities, remember how they weren’t allowed to go to the press conference to macron, as'.
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in germany, in other countries, in britain , by the way, when you remember, they held a conference on freedom of speech and did not allow russian journalists in, we were all allowed in, everything is fine, there are no questions, the press conference begins, we give the floor to the russians journalists, foreign, russian and foreign, what do you think, in the middle of the press conference, they send me a screenshot of the internal chat of correspondents, westerners, where westerners say: we will never... be given the floor, because we were invited only as extras. and literally a minute or 10 minutes before that, we begin to give words to just everyone who raises their hand, that is, not those who, so to speak, are sitting in the front rows, but from the back rows, and there are westerners, and the british, anyone, that is, you understand, to the last, this is russophobic, this russophobic pulse, it beats to the last, now you are already hammering with facts, it doesn’t matter... some kind of hope,
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some kind of dirt, some kind of story to compose, well at least something, something to cling to, hold on to, but there’s nothing, well , we just arrived, worked, left, we do it with dignity, with the feeling that yes, although we see what a deep crisis this organization is in, but out of respect for it the best pages of history, from the understanding that not only the russophists of the country are there, based on the fact that indeed a lot of what we managed to do was managed to be done on this site, indeed, we are not drowning this structure, but we are taking advantage of those opportunities in order to convey, to sergei viktorovich and a number of colleagues, that is, about no isolation, we there were bilateral meetings, it was clear that with very great sympathy, warmth, no , how could you, how could you, well, how, nulena berbok was crying, he said why lavrov never listens to me, why,
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why? this, this is the same, this is the same the very component of this absolute absurdity , i’m getting ready, getting ready, and he won’t let me tell the audience what we’re talking about, and when the smith ended, annalena bärbock, german foreign minister, i ’ll still add as if the minister, because this is beyond, this is beyond , said or wrote that what a bad russian minister like him... could allow himself to appear at the speeches of others, but at the same time he still came to his speech and spoke, but this is absurd, wait, well let's start with the main thing, but still , a year ago poland did, the polish chairmanship in the osce did everything to ensure that the russian minister could not come to the osce smith in poland, it was held then the council of foreign ministers was held in poland, and where was annalena berbock, she didn’t notice that the russian minister was not... given
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the opportunity, no invitation was sent, well, there was another fraud, the documents were not in flight, not agreed upon, she won’t notice, she didn’t raise this issue at a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs , then a year ago, or she doesn’t remember, or she doesn’t understand the cause-and-effect relationship at all, not to mention the fact that for some reason, for some reason, she didn’t ask herself the question, where is everyone, where is blinkin, where is barel, who, as you correctly said, they literally fled the day before, she did not have a feeling of dissatisfaction from the fact that she did not see the very five that are now involved in the events: in europe, more than all the others, this is the kiev regime, these are the three baltic states, which endlessly blocks everything because of his russophobia constructive within the european union , poland, she did not have the feeling that something was wrong, because the ministers of those countries, or in
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particular the kiev regime, which were discussed there, for some reason were not in the hall, she was not interested, she didn’t make a complaint to them, well, what is this... it’s not even hypocrisy, you know, when we talk about hypocrisy, it always has a negative connotation, it’s always bad, it’s always reproached, but it still doesn’t deny the existence intelligence, for example, intelligence, some kind of knowledge, well , you see, this is no longer about hypocrisy i must say, everything i told you today is absurd, this is an allologism , this is some kind of crazy... alas, this is the world in which we live, but sergei viktorovich is simply beautiful and of course, read the speech , someone heard, someone saw quotes, i still recommend everyone to watch this speech, there is a video, there is also a text
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on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs, thank you, maria vladimirovna, that’s all,
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see you tomorrow. that our life minute in this minute we need to put all the joy, happiness, damn it, ups, downs, the desire to do good, to sin, everything needs to be done in this one minute, death, death is forever, this is the only stability that is forever! everything else in life is never, never, this is the most terrible word, the world will continue to live, everything will be as before, but only without you, and you can’t do anything, the most impossible thing is to return this minute back, there, where everyone was happy, where we all were, how
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to return to our original beginning, just this minute ago, leave me alone bragin, let me finish reading the newspaper, max, well what’s interesting there, don’t you care at all, there are tanks near the white house, people are being killed there, so what are you suggesting to me now : lead the revolution, the heroes will die? no, bramen, you are a nobody, everything is correct , i am the future skalifosovsky, and i am for peace, listen, this is just some kind of amazing narrow-mindedness, in the center of moscow there is a revolution, you just have to kiss, mash, come on, someone is here shares something with us, but what do we have to do with it? yes, even though, bragin, when in 20 years, your salary will be the same as at locksmiths. iskalpel is stupid, there will be no one to blame but himself, don’t you understand that we can now change the history of our country, but i want to kiss, guys, help,
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quickly follow me, help, so disperse, who saw what happened? she fell dead out of the blue, they called an ambulance, but by the time the ambulance arrives, she will already be dead, and what to do, resuscitate, what, who, are you going to resuscitate something, bragin, well, who else, and if you are in a hypoglycemic coma, moron- then she’s not in a coma, she’s in cardiac arrest, why are you doing this? you press, and if you break your ribs, you try it yourself, damn, who is this anyway, guys, who knows, i saw her a couple of times from another stream. so listen, do artificial respiration at four, understand? 1, 2, 3, 4, what do you think, moron, breathe mouth to mouth and close your nose, understand?
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that's it, let's go, once. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so good you see me huh, what's your name? katya, okay, katya, what date is today? october 3, well done, you will live, i have a congenital heart threshold, i probably forgot to take my pills. guys, yeltsin declared a state of emergency, maybe practice it won’t happen today, thank you, this is a sample later from the dispatcher, what did he mean, they’re all literate , damn it, mikhailovich, how can a whole man be hurt by a train. wait
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, you have to, you can cope without me, oleg mikhailovich, but it will work out, you brought her back here twice, it will work out, because, well, of course, it will work out, oleg mikhailovich, but you can ask, is this your wife or your ex, well, i mean, we should record a suicide attempt, but we won’t, that’s right, what a quick-witted pasha you are. there was no attempt, the woman just went too far with tablets, i understand you, breathing is carried out in all departments, but weakened, heart sounds are muffled, and where is the biochemistry? here she is, and i see her. lord, forgive me, i had to do this to myself, now it’s better for you not to say anything at all, liver enzymes are high,
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there is no liver failure yet, but the indicators are bad, a reaction to an overdose will not be without consequences, fool tanino, what a fool you are , well, let’s put on a gastric umbrella, no, seryozha, first we’ll intubate, i don’t like the way she’s breathing, we can’t do it without vl, ok, i'll do it, prepare a kit for the intube, lord, what happened, an overdose of pills, a suicide attempt, that's what it is, what? shout, i can hear well, we need help, not yet, irina sievna , we can handle it, keep me informed, rena alekseevna, this unfortunate psychiatrist has arrived there, he is at the reception, who prescribed everything for her, you talk to him, okay, okay, well what,
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ready, let's go. it’s not enough to kill you, that you even understand that nina is because of you, you are the last nail, so go bring nina back, go do something, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t touch me, i’ve never beaten a woman in my life and i haven’t touched you, there’s kulyakov, there’s khromov, they’ll help, i need it, how i hate you, like... a vile woman, i didn’t know that before, oh, if i could, i would write about the internet, damn, what are you like, how do you treat people here, no one will ever work for you in your life, you probably don’t quite understand, dima, how we live here in civilian life, so i’ll explain to you now, your nina attempted suicide, and this fact needs to be hidden, first of all, this the fact must be hidden from her. if i were you, how much you would hate me, i wouldn’t say what
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’s in the media, i’d be silent in the department, but now let me through, please, i need to talk to her psychiatrist, what are you doing? heard a shot, no , silencer, i’m platonov, i came for exciting tests, guys, remember this waste paper, if i let this go, he could be fired, i won’t leave until we talk, secret investigations, again with us, tomorrow at rtr. i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no
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thinking here, here it’s all about playing or not to play, yes, yes, that's it. there can’t be two opinions, because we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only let's go see, it must have been, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking , small one spoke, a hint in general, the very basic... team, if there aren't 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what used by many, the strongest love for the game is program five for one, i oops, five for one on saturdays on rtr, the navigator shows
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an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is fourth negative, we don’t have one like that in the hospital, i have a fourth negative, they say he’s some kind of millionaire, a tough guy, wow, tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter , she donated her blood to you, anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i’ve known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl, sobbing, i want know everything about her, he proposed to me i wouldn’t want him to make a mistake in his choice. if roman loves marina, he can't go wrong. he loves her, here she is, the fourth negative. please. premiere on
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saturday on rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier. who do you serve, former friend? to tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, and russia comes and the city lives, boris kopchevnikov’s program life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr, yuryot, turn it over, i told you, you need to leave the stomach zo. there’s no time, come on, i can’t see the glottis, come on, fayina was fintanil,
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so picking up the phone, hold on, nenochka, hold on. well, let's introduce the cotton liquid? yes, we can, okay, attention, colleagues, this is a historical moment, a new word in art. yura didn’t give in. i'm not superstitious. listen, it’s true that bragin went to work quickly. oh, how interesting, you, who reported to you? but
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we have our own sources, we do not give them away. so, look, the tumor is becoming clearly defined. you see? yes, now, dear colleagues, we must under no circumstances screw this up. let's go, we had to call him soon, it's dangerous to lead him like that. no, no, you did everything right, as if we were explaining to the ambulance. lord, sash, what will happen now, and kostya, he attacked me, he would have attacked you, i had time, he, he didn’t do anything to you, no, no, no, keep your head up, keep your head up, watch the road , he breathes, breathes, thank god, we’ll get there now, now, i didn’t kill
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him. hold on guy, cap , come on, yes, i saw it, put on my pain relief, you are dragging her away, doctor, otherwise she holds on like that for 10 minutes, i know what i’m doing, student, nurse , i was on my way to the night shift, god forbid that i immediately began to hold it, i immediately began to hold it, i pressed it, well done, i did everything right
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, let’s put a tourniquet on, now, i’ll apply a tourniquet, and you take your hand away , i’ll hold it, well, hold it, where’s the leg, pashka, find the leg, now, try this restore the car, how many of these rams can’t... walk 100 meters to the stairs, they climb under the train, mikhail ivanovich, let’s drag the years, isklip ask, we’ll take everyone there today, yes i’ll do it, i’ll do it, pavnik, where is the kpk, the police, someone has already called, yes they called, i’m still on my way, but they’ll be driving in the morning, there’s such traffic jams, has anyone seen what? no,
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this is the first time i see where the psychiatrist is, uh-huh, yes, he’s waiting, thank you. hello, hello , how are things there, we are resuscitating, thank god, they brought us on time, sit down, i am nina’s boss, pavlova and irenanovna, charging the department, as i understand it, nina was talking about you, yes, in what way, you understand, this is between me and nina, and yes, yes, a medical mystery, what you prescribed for her, here’s the list, but i’ve already seen the packages, they’re so wrong. what else were they prescribed? i didn’t give her anything extra. nothing? nina, classic postpartum depression. true, what kind of
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depression is this? every second person has never had such depression before. previously, people died from pneumonia, and then they learned to diagnose and treat. i am aware that medicine does not stand still, psychiatry is the same medicine, it’s not for me to tell you about this, she really wanted a child, really. believe me, why the hell did she get this depression? irina alekseevna, you amaze me, you are a doctor, a doctor, you must understand that this is the same disease as all the others, maybe i should give you a lecture about hormones in the central nervous system, no, i’m already out of this age, lecture me no need to read, sorry, i wanted to consult, here ’s mina’s phone number, her mother-in-law is calling her, and brigin said not to answer and wait for him, well, what should i do, he brought her soon, as i understand it, he’s now working for an ambulance, so i i think you
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you know, if a relative calls, then you need to take it, be sure to take it, hello, yes, sorry, no, it’s not nina, it’s the head of the department, irinaevna. kustya, his pulse is weak , what can i do now, in general, why did you let him into the apartment, because i thought it was you who came back, opened it, he said, i came to check the meter, your meters need to be changed, so i came to check, i came in and attacked, well, it’s also my fault that the door was opened for him, no one is to blame for anything. that's it, okay, watch your pulse and breathing, okay,
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if anything, get ready for resuscitation, seryozha, and you can go, i’ll stay with her, my shift is ending soon, but i’ll stay, keep an eye on him, okay, let’s do it, otherwise i think bragin will come to check on us soon, by the way , did you know that he left the ambulance? no, such a surgeon will ruin himself, lose his skills, then won’t enter the operating room, quietly? you should talk to him, you are friends after all, okay , i’ll talk, how do you think it will work out, with nina, well, the question is, what’s wrong with her liver and kidneys, and most importantly, what will happen to her head, the main thing is, let's go, come on, well, she's alive, she's alive, wait here, olya, continue, you found her, that
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's right, i'm a doctor - it's her business, i don't know what kind of relationship you have in the dream, that's good, you need to tell your relatives, she has a husband , it seems, abroad, she has a sister, then a child, a child, by the way, with whom, with a sister, a child with a grandmother, i still get along, i’m just thinking, there’s no need to tell anyone anything yet, but no, we have to call, so what do we say that nina got poisoned, then until the end of her days she will be considered crazy, dima, let's do this, either you call, or i do it myself? i myself, i’ll call, i promise, carefully, i’ll go with him anyway, he suffered because of me, they tell you in russian,
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you can’t, oh well, damn it, let’s go around. wait, don’t send it yet, it needs to be processed, pavlik, you’ll be processing it at the morgue in 10 minutes, understand? we're taking it, if we took it, come on, sit down, god forbid, peacock, i found her, i found her, well done, she's struggling, let's get her into the ice, you'll come with us, just be quiet,
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sit down. guys, come on, give me a gurney, bone, help, yes, now, bone, don’t say anything yet, sasha, don’t you say anything, can you hear me, what if he dies, come on, come on, come
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on, help, come on, take it, lord, marin, are you okay, that second brigade is loaded, they are completely ready, i can call them , what nonsense, i’m fine, i see, i said, i’m fine , it’s just that apparently the pressure is jumping, and being pregnant means that i’m sorry, but i have intuition, i knew that my wife was pregnant a day earlier than she found out about this, so yura, firstly, it’s none of your business, and secondly, no, i’m not pregnant, you understand, well, yes, you have no time now reproduction, well, i mean, i mean , mash has put an epithem on itself, it ’s of no use, no money, no help, and you and i, if everything goes well, today we’ll become famous, yurechka, don’t you think that you 're talking too much today, by god, so wait, your blood pressure is unstable, you still have a long, long time for the saturation to decrease, so colleagues, i think we have problems with the endotracheal tube, but
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the cuff doesn't hold, are you kidding me? well , it happens, it happens, you need to reintubate her, and you have to take a break for a few minutes five, it starts, you know, everyone crosses there, because if not there , then around the stairs, he asked me where the crossing is, i tell him, let's go show him, we were crossing and then there was a train, the guy pushed me, and i pushed him pulled back under the train, the train passed, and it seemed... lived and spat out, you know how many of these we receive every year who decide to save a minute, but it’s like playing roulette, but what does roulette have to do with it, that’s all are moving. that's what everyone does, i'm sorry, how are you doing there, well,
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nothing, first aid was provided, but i had to connect the cvl, why, i understand, listen, we are coming to you now, we are bringing a traumatic amputation, will you take it? okay, i'll wait, take it, i'll take it, seryozha, seryozha, come here , help, but no, bragen, i'm sorry, i won't take it anymore , i'm coming, about 35 years old, broken nose, suspected fracture of the base of the skull, unconscious, about an hour that he was an acquaintance, no, but they were walking near the entrance, someone beat him, probably, yes, directly. why didn’t they call an ambulance? so why was it faster by car then? come on, what are you taking a day off for? yes, i will help you,
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be careful. sasha, have you heard about nina? no, did something happen? it happened. ask for blood for the general biochemistry group and then we’ll go straight to a ct scan, let’s quickly say the condition is critical. bone, didn't you see what happened? well, in terms of damage to internal organs, i didn’t see what to look for, no, no, but if he was beaten, that means there could be damage to internal organs, i would do a diagnostic laparoscopy, so, well , the pupils don’t react, breathing is intermittent. i don’t observe any central nervous system activity, but i pre-diagnose someone, but it’s broken, yes, it looks like the upper jaw too, damn, bone
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, are you okay, yes, everything is fine, is that your friend, no, i said, i don’t know him, seryozha, i don’t know him, i’ll go. i’ll help you get dressed, have you heard about nina? no, what happened? well, she, well, what should i do, fayina, this is the situation, yes, she works twice as much, the salary is the same, yes, that’s it, no, not on the phone, i’m looking for it, what’s the matter, yes,


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