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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  December 5, 2023 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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uh man, american citizens are on subsidies, and without this they will simply starve, and in march of this year you very seriously reduced food subsidies for these starving american people, you have done something for these people, you are going to do something for them, no , he is talking about something else, there are people who do not have housing above their heads, are you going to do something for them, for these americans, he showed this - a list of cities where there are a huge number of murderers, murders, i'm surprised by the way that... on first place, but apparently the new mayor , the democratic mayor of new orleans, she tried, it worked, you see, she beat detroit by almost one and a half times, although it seems like detroit is a dead city, it was once the number three city in the united states of america , once it was the center of american industry, when it was essentially the heart of america, because america, what america is, these are cars, there are cars produced for the whole world, it was detroit, now this city basically does not exist, maybe , so by the way it’s small the number of murders, murders, because there is, well, comparatively small with new orleans
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, because, because in principle there are fewer people, these are the tasks you are going to deal with, no, they are absolutely not going to deal with these tasks, the same thing for ukraine, zelsky, of course, adequately assesses the situation with zaluzhny, he is not going to fire him, because, and because this already happened in our history, we once in history had a wonderful prime minister who ensured 90% of inflation per month, that is now it’s a ruble, in a month, when you receive your salary, it’s already 50 kopecks. this prime minister, kuchma, his patronymic name was leonid danilovich, he, he had simply incredible powers, not a single prime minister in russia had such powers , no one had such powers either, he could issue decrees with which he could repeal laws or introduce laws, but he constantly complained that they were interfering with his work, you can make laws, you are the president does not oppose you, but you constantly say that they are interfering with you, in the end ninety-four, a retired prime minister, who nevertheless resigned of his own free will, there many times... in the end he was released, he
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becomes president, defeating the current president, the hostage is the same situation, you are the person who leads troops and led the troops for a year and a half, you say that someone is bothering you with something, but at the same time, even this is an article that was published in ukrainian pravda, it says, among other things, zelensky at some point , he’s also thinking about pr, he he still thinks about his reputation, demanded the dismissal of regional military commissars, regional ones, and even there the level dropped a little, according to the... this immediately affected the work of the military registration and enlistment offices and the amount of meat that began to be grabbed on the streets decreased, that is , zaluzhny is here is the butcher who drove people to meat, he even talks about this now, nothing will change for the better for people, in a better direction, but the last name will change, now for zaluzhny, in fact , it’s as if spontaneously partly, partly including with with the participation of zalensky and with western partners, they also ate more than one dog, by the way, they lost it with these cats. so they
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are building his reputation that zaluzhny is somehow better than zelsky, and like these defeats at the front that i observe, this failed offensive contour, these hundreds of thousands of losses, and maybe even millions of losses of ukrainians, because even those the numbers that some have calculated are half a million, some have calculated 300,000, 800,000, or maybe 200 million, or maybe more, because this is 100 million they wrote by mistake, supposedly on channel 1126, yes it was there, but he died there. but if you believe zaluzhny, he demands 20,000 per month, not for rotation, but because 20,000 killed are reinforcements, or maybe 20,000 per month, imagine, they’ve been fighting for almost 2 years, we’ll come back. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time , summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. give
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your question to the president through the website moskа by phone +7 49539 4040 +7 499 550 40 -40 results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00.
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oh my hare, her name was petrovich, petrovich , call the felch, she crushed the german, you’re still killing me, she didn’t know what happiness it was to be
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just a galya, gala, that’s her name, the wife is a great salvador, how to draw me naked, you’re so brave , we don’t agree like that. oh, and i ’m thinking, what kind of woman is standing there so beautiful, and petrovich, on sunday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we’re going to donets, are you with us? yes, when my fighters come running, they they carried me away, another shelling began , they... laid on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let's say this is my trophy, someone was hungry, and here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the shelter and says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and
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i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you wouldn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, so, there are exactly 27 days until the new year, putin today attended the charity event “wish tree”, the president, according to tradition... took three balls from the tree, the children made wishes try yourself as a news anchor, visit lake baikal and visit the hermitage, so we are waiting for these wishes to come true, we invite you and the guys to take part in the
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wish tree, our traditional story is like this, every year, you can take any ball, they are different, different categories, let's take the most the big one, not these ones with postcards , yeah, well, well, i usually took it at three, yes, it seems to me that the tradition can be preserved blue mazlevo yes petersburg was shaking dreams of trying herself as a news anchor christina sind 8 years old dreams of visiting uzer baikal who is involved in uter baikal? nikita mirashnichenkostram region dreams of visiting the armitage. many many wishes will come true. london sent
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multi-purpose martle missiles to the kiev regime, reports timees. this system is designed to destroy drones. as their carriers helicopters can perform on a tera, land platform. even stars trek manpads. against the backdrop of london’s huge spending to help kiev, government auditors discovered a hole of 17 billion pounds in britain’s defense budget. if the current rate of spending continues, the hole could grow to 30 billion. another clear confirmation of the fact that it is expensive to be russophabs. britain spends money on training ukrainian militants in rural areas; in england, a copy of a ukrainian town was built for their training. they say at least... liggonia all-ears will be able to take the work from whom the kiev regime burned hundreds of millions of dollars worth of western equipment. now russian units are advancing on the zaporozhye front. in these frames, pskov paratroopers capture the ukrainian armed forces' defensive post. soldiers of the 76th airborne division throw
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grenades and incendiary ammunition at enemy trenches. as a result, the surrounded vsushniks have to throw down their weapons and surrender. have you ever... thought that something like this could happen to you, have you ever thought that you would see a war with your own eyes? no, i never i thought that the war would come to my house, in this territory there are ukrainian pubs, gas stations and of course houses, buildings are destroyed and drowning among the rubble, but what is noteworthy is that the front line is 2,500 km away, this ukrainian town in england is located in the countryside of norfolk. this replica of the ukrainian village is intended to train volunteers who want to take part in
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the war in ukraine. this training ground has been in use for 80 years, at different times it had one task - to train soldiers. first of all, we removed the afghan scenery, which have stayed here since we trained soldiers during the afghan campaign. then we made this village more like western architecture. we have done. ready for more modern operations, the training ground now provides an environment that can be used as a base platform for comprehensive training. they get used to this environment, so when they find themselves in similar conditions, they are not afraid. the echoes of numerous wars quietly float around this training ground. during world war ii, it was nazi the village, years later, the training ground took on the appearance of an afghan village. now this is a ukrainian village, it is fully prepared. various trainings that were adapted taking into account the knowledge acquired on the front line. some
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soldiers said more rubble was needed, others said tall buildings were needed, others wanted to focus their training on breaking into houses, and some wanted knowledge of what to do once you were in a building. we have advanced in this regard and created different courses. we furniture was added inside the buildings. thus , we made their task more difficult. basic infantry training takes place here. ukrainian volunteers learn how to enter a building correctly and safely and how to protect it. these training courses have been reduced to 5 weeks. we turn civilians into real soldiers, but we only have 5 weeks to do this and it is a difficult task, so the training groups go through a fairly intensive training program. the training we provide them is for muscle memory, which they this skill will help them intuitively understand what to do to survive and how to be more lethal
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soldiers when they face their enemy, but the record holder of british history, who served as prime minister for only 45 days, lisa prass does not give up, trying to score points in the eyes of voters, the holy of holies of tolerant western society swung. is about to introduce a law to parliament that would ban converted men from entering women's toilets and changing rooms. the bill also implies a ban on access to hormonal therapy for children and persons under 18 years of age, so we are expecting a huge scandal and the abolition of listras. ordinary people, the british, are much more interested. a new deviation, sex with robots or machines, and this is not a joke. the daily
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star reports that of 2,000 young britons surveyed, 31% said their main erotic fantasy was sex with an electronic machine. the only thing that scares them is the possible uprising of robots, which can turn into terminators and immediately take revenge for sex. right now on the british market there are the most different sex models for women, about 2,000 different options, with many cars you can not only sell those same pleasures, but also talk. they can carry on a conversation according to the summary on a variety of topics, in general, quite piquant. may lead some to swing, but our guest turned to his toolbox to create his
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ideal sex partner. do you want romance? yes please, hi samantha. sergiy santas spent years developing artificial intelligence software that can imitate human thinking. he is using this technology to create sex robots that are capable of conversation. okay, i'm here. it's time to. the robot responds to touch and can stand in different poses; when it comes to testing new prototypes, sergi does all the difficult work himself. having sex with a sex robot feels the same as with an ordinary girl, the only thing is that it may be a little heated, but i think that it's almost the same. sergi explains his choice, why he prefers sex with robots instead of his wife, i need sex sometimes at the moment when my wife does not want it, and
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although for some wives this would be too much, some people may think that i came home one day from the job. i saw a sex doll on the couch with my husband, no, it’s not like that, you ’ll be surprised, but in fact it was the idea of ​​serge’s wife, it was she who advised her husband to create software for sex robots, in fact, both partners think that the key to happiness in their marriage is that he has sex with robots, men look at sex very differently, men want sex a lot more, a guy tells his girlfriend let's have sex, it feels like the woman is doing a favor, at this moment the guy... has sex with him, which is really pleasant for her, and if a man feels that the girl is not getting pleasure, for many this discourages the desire to have sex, this is the cause of many sexual problems, and the sex robot sergi is able to receive orgasm, and this is the first robot of its kind in the world, guys and
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girls claim that a sex robot is their number one dream, out of 2000 requested, a shocking 31% of them said they want to have sex with a robot. garry braithwaite, 25, said he would like to have a sex robot but is worried it might rebel. he said: "i think sex robots will be commonplace in maybe 20 years." my only concern is that they will become psychopaths like the terminator. that wouldn't be good. silvia lenzalone, who conducted this survey, said: passion robots may be caused by our technology-saturated world, kindle. life is so varied these days. the acc reports that the income of the forty largest american arms companies fell by almost 8% last year, despite the growing demand for weapons in the world. among the problems of western defense corporations, labor shortages
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and disruptions in supply chains, which were affected by the war in ukraine and anti-russian sanctions, including russian rostec, were named. ranked tenth on the list of the largest arms manufacturers in the world. today rostec announced the completion of the nizhny novgorod sokol aviation plant's annual program for the overhaul and modernization of mik-31 fighter-interceptors as part of the state defense order. the aircraft have already been transferred to the ministry of defense. two days earlier , the united aircraft corporation handed over to the russian army new su-30-sm2 fighters and yak-130 combat training aircraft. they were manufactured by the irkutsk aviation plant. this batch of sud-30 cm-2 received an improved set of avionics and new high-precision weapons. at the same time , the ukrainian military-industrial complex is certainly not able to independently increase military production in order to achieve at least parity with russia. such a confession was made by
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zelsky’s adviser, a faraway man. with the onset of a harsh winter , the war in ukraine is becoming increasingly difficult, painful and debilitating. the deadlock situation was described in this way by the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, general zaluzhny, who made international headlines, upsetting president zelsky. general zaluzhny simply gave an honest assessment; this became an alarming signal for the west. yes, i agree with you, that's kind of the message. if you believe the ukrainian general staff, the russian group of troops is developing an offensive in all directions of the special operation, including donetsk, artyomovsk, krasnolimansk, kupinsk and zaporozhye. in this footage , another knocked out german leopard-2 tank,
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here, drone operators skillfully fly unmanned vehicles into strong points, forcing the militants to leave their shelter in ssoshli and go on the defensive, the official representative said ground forces of the country of fitetyo. the offensive contour was erroneous. the situation at the front, the situation at the front has certain points of tension, especially in the kupinsky direction, where russia is actually attacking our units. liman direction with the task of driving our troops beyond the barrier line of the askol river in the kupinsk area. then we see battles in the bakhmut area, tough battles, also not about the situation, a very difficult situation for the armed forces of ukraine, i believe that today there is already a pressing issue, the issue of transition to defense, to defense, strategic defense, to defense strategic defense. washington will continue to support ukraine as long as necessary and will not allow russia to win, pentagon chief osten repeats his memorized mantra. speaking at the reagan
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national security forum, he said us artillery shell production had quadrupled during the biden administration. in fact , aid to ukraine is under threat. the white house is desperately waiting for news from the capitalist hill. what will be the consequences if by the end of the year the decision on funding will be made, i will not get ahead of the president, i will tell you that in the additional request that we put forward, there is money for ukraine, which we desperately need, there is money for israel, there is money for border security, the first day of his administration , the president put forward an immigration reform plan that has yet to pass, congress has virtually ignored it, if congressmen are serious about immigration reform, they should accept the president's proposal, they must also approve our additional request, four main items in it, which also include funds for the indo-pacific region. this is important for our national security. we call on congress to take action on all of these issues
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immediately. ukrainian president zelsky, who is losing support, is expecting new supplies of weapons from overseas this week , including additional air defense systems. according to him, kiev is also going to increase its own production of air defense systems and achieve parity with russia. impossible, says podalyak, adviser to the head of the ukrainian presidential administration. ukraine is ready to reach the end, but with a joint technological breakthrough, yes , that is, when it is provided with the necessary amount of weapons, because ukraine itself, no matter what anyone thinks, will certainly not be able to increase such an amount of military production to achieve parity with russian federation. the european capitals are seized with despair, the allies no longer believe in the victory of ukraine, kiev is waiting for defeat, the armed colonel said. while russia, according to according to him, it overcomes sanctions and successfully adapts to any changes in the situation on the battlefield. if the west stops
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funding kiev, it will save the lives of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians, says cia tax analyst johnson. there is no such money, there is no such amount of military power and there is no miracle weapon that would change the situation on the battlefield if stopped. this could have resulted in ukraine being forced to surrender, and we would have ended up saving the lives of probably another 150-300,000 soldiers. but that won't happen, they're going to continue to throw the ukrainian military into this meat grinder, they will continue to die. russia will not lose the war in ukraine under any circumstances, the only chance for kiev to start negotiations, said the chairman of the committee of chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general brown. the number of ukrainians who believe that they are needed has also increased by almost 20%. compromise with official moscow. the bank rejects a peaceful settlement. the state border service of ukraine releases a video accompanied by new year's music in which it shows the detention
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eight draft dodgers who intended to leave the country. trying to make up for losses at the front, military registration and enlistment offices organize all-out raids on city streets. destroy the rights of people and spoil the mines. ukraine to
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resign because of words about a deadlock situation at the front. the husband is clueless, and at the same time he owns a large business producing tombstones and business, apparently, is now going better than ever. these shots show another spontaneous cemetery in the khmelnitsky region, which is close to residential areas. this is the price. wine, better the lad, stupider than the lad, khmelnitsky, lie here. this is what strongholds of ukrainian militants look like now. the dugouts were filled with thousands of rats and mice. grozuns hide from the cold in military uniforms and equipment even send cats to the front to fight, writes german opel. that's it. the heavy snowfall, which did not stop for exactly a week, also became a real nightmare for the ukrainian troops. the vaunted
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western technology is stuck in the muliak, and in such conditions, along the axis , such minds as ukrainians will live at once . ukrainian command underestimated russian defense. the west supplied kiev with the necessary weapons too late. the ex-head of the cia discusses the reasons for the failure of the counter-offensive at the presentation of his book on the evolution of war. the time has come to prepare for bad news, said nato secretary general. should also be prepared for bad news. wars develop in stages, but we must support ukraine in good times and in bad. this is a war of attrition, this is a war of efficiency, a war of logistics. production needs to be increased; this is of decisive importance. we're working hard on this we are working to make sure that this will be provided. talk. ivanovich, what are you talking about now? i'm past yes, your frivolous
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sex toys, these are not ours, these are british , that’s where i liked it more, that yes , to talk to women especially, that’s true, well , in everything else, that means, as far as your plots are concerned seriously, then of course, you ’re done again with one thesis, which i always oppose, you say, the ukrainians did not have enough weapons, so they are for russian defense, this is not so, they were given as many weapons as they asked, i remember this, at ramstein and everywhere else they gave everything they asked for, everything, and then we were even indignant on the contrary, well, how can that be, they said, we won’t give this, they gave, we won’t give this, they gave, they just these theses about what is missing, not enough and you have not delivered enough weapons, you play along, well, not you, of course, these stories sometimes
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play along... to the ukrainians themselves, i ’m saying this for someone else, i don’t see much of a difference and i don’t even know which is worse or better, which of them is worse or better, this plot with zaluzhny, which has been talked about for many days now, because judging by the fact that today he asked for 17 million of ammunition there , it’s generally somewhere in the wrong place, america, all over europe, needs to produce it there for several years, but he asked, he doesn’t seem to be a fool, he is the main commander there yes... of these troops, but when we oppose these two people, we must understand that this is not the decision in ukraine, and i say this all the time, my comrades repeat it, we are not at war with ukraine, we are at war for ukraine, for ukraine, and when i show or talk about these two weirdos, i see that the truth is finally starting to make its way to them, and this truth falls on the minds of ukrainians and on the minds of military
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ukrainians, we must talk about this, and i completely agree with you here, i’m specifically trying to reach this conclusion formulate, listen, look at these cemeteries, ukrainians , where are they leading you, well, okay, it won’t be this one, but this one, they will lead you to these cemeteries again, well, let’s finish this already, and you can only call for this you, with the help of a military coup there or, means calling to take to the streets, but really this... is no good, one people, russia, ukraine, and we, of course, must lead to this, and no, they will arm them, of course, theirs is the minister of defense, who with with such a sour face, the american says that we are on approximately he thinks, who would be quicker to let israel fight either them or the houthis, but they will rivet, they will load up their own, their industry,
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they don’t hide it, not only them does not hide, the senator does not hide, the president no longer hides that the people of krai are fighting, let them he just didn’t name the fools , he’s fighting, and we’re busy loading up our industry, at the same time we’re solving some geopolitical problems there, that means on the russian front, i’m also saying this for someone else, of course, russia is a great country , great the industry that we are able to build, we are already building, yes, on the go, but that means... i’m also saying for another, you know, if we are going to build our security for a long time, and we really will build it, no matter how quickly we decide problem in ukraine, we are all we will not stop in industry and should not stop, so sometimes i am surprised by what happens to our industry when we rushed from west to east, namely in industry and specifically in
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mechanical engineering, specifically in tank building, because with all my, with all to my love, i always give the example of china, the chinese communist party has built a large country, is building it further, there are some things that we should be wary of, because there are also firms, factories, some of them are purely capitalist, some are state-owned, they work based on their own interests, from their own interests, and there is our industry , which we are building, we, too, i understand here, realistically, we cannot close the border, on the contrary, we are glad that our border in the south is open, and we can take advantage of some advantages there , well, today i looked at the news agency, so it’s standing here: putin shoigu, and there’s some kind of chinese car, that means an all-terrain vehicle, that means everyone there is starting to put pressure on this again, there's literally a sports car, sports bugs, but push about this, that the chinese are supplying weapons to russia, but this leads me to
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other thoughts, the chinese can naturally refuse, any company can refuse, it proceeds from its own interests, and here no xinjinpen will keep track of this company, just like that like we have some chinese companies. due to the fact that they have too big interests in america or in the west, they left, or they announced that they were leaving, i say this for this reason, i look at what is happening in my native automotive industry, here the volsk automobile plant produces a car that is almost completely localized , which means localized for the people who are listening, that is, almost all automotive components are made in russia, they have been working towards this for a long time, once renault came, they destroyed everything, they started transporting... abroad, deceived. remember, i told you, in sochi then, even at the olympics, this mayor of the swedish troops was driving, then he was the general director of avtovaz, who said that 80%, there was actually no localization there , there was 60-50, they transported from hungary, czech republic, but now a new leadership has arrived
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, putin instructed sokolov to be the former minister of transport, go, then do everything so that people don’t lose their jobs and so that we don’t lose them, he does it together with the team, and what happens next, a screwdriver is gathering nearby, okay , moskvich was loaded with chinese products, or kaliningrad, which bmw produced with the germans all the way, yes, did not localize anything, i also know these people, they are also former vaz workers, did not localize anything, but now it is trying to take advantage of the same advantages, i tell our minister and deputy prime minister, why do these have the level of localization, which means that according to your scores, i won’t fool you there, some have 1,500, others 2.5, and why are you government officials with and what are we going to do? or in kaliningrad, why should you give certain benefits there for recycling,
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recycling, that is, this is a fee, don’t take it from them if they haven’t completed the task, for so many years, we’re on bmw, we’re still thinking about their bmw , i go too, i have a service one, so why didn’t they produce it here before? domestic. this means that some of them need to be punished for this, others should be encouraged, with state orders, recycling fees, something that the state built, but now the state is again trying to refuse, well, it’s kind of like the chinese, well, okay, i’ll say it again, china is socialist, communist, but you you must continue to think in domestic interests, whether you are making a tank or you are making a car, well, relatively speaking, you have gotten rid of one dependence, not to fall into the chinese, something the state has already developed tools, you understand, zhen , the recycling fee is a good thing, which means the level of localization points, a good thing, but you can’t violate this now, i want to say this, tens of thousands of russians will object to you about the scrap collection, which is exotic
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unexpectedly, in large sums , well, yes, but i mostly pay the recycling fee to the factories, after all, of course, they then pass it on to the consumer, i mean this, here, the last thing i would like to say is, are you good? the christmas tree is already a wish, the president has come, you want to wish someone, it’s not he who was lying there i remembered, here’s a girl, there’s one girl there who wants to be a presenter, you can easily invite her there, it’s easy at any moment, but going to lake baikal is not so easy, of course, the president will do it, i mean it’s expensive, expensive, today we should, by the way, to my topic on domestic issues, including air transportation, today these transportations are subsidized, well, okay, we’ll send one girl, but actually to where i was born on the shore. i know how attractive it is, but the infrastructure has not yet been created, has not yet been created, and flying there is very expensive , these are the problems, of course, the president is thinking about them, of course, he himself also has a lot of desires when he came to this christmas tree, but today he
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spoke about volunteers, this seems to be a deliberate topic, in fact in fact , it is so important, today we sent convoy 119, we are from the fourteenth batch , i mean our... well, a great country, it can do everything there, yes, but not everything, not everything, that’s why for these gaps, including those that we have preserved due to dependence on domestic goods producers, but we are not we immediately replace everything with imports, that’s honor and praise to these volunteers and these people who help, here i have my communist friend, which means vorobyov is in talyaty, he alone delivered 12 cars in a year with his own money, earns money, and goes there himself, will load his floor. and the deputy of the city duma himself is going there
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, which means he is a communist, and honor and praise go to such people, and this is what the president came today and said about them, i fully support this, there are a huge number of such people , there are many of them, there are many of them in different parties, there are many of them, people help, help with desire, help, who than they can, not necessarily people who are able to transfer immediately by trucks, buses, cars, drop off, collect 100-500 rubles, give it away. i’ll start with the numbers , they just told me, it’s interesting, it was unexpected for me, 39,000 applications from 95 countries, and this a huge army of volunteers, which calls our country a country of volunteers. so this
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is true, because in our country a quarter of the population of our country, a quarter of our citizens, 25% of the country's citizens are united in organizations, and there are over 100,000 who work as volunteers and volunteers, i especially want to thank you for what you are doing to help our fighters who are on... the line of fight for our country, for russia. provide, provide assistance directly to them, to their families in the rear, to their mothers, fathers, their wives and their children. for this, and for us this is one of the most important tasks today, i bow to you, thank you very much. ask. well, it should be noted that if you look
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at the consolidated budget, it’s just that kalining has seriously sagged there, like the last a year is enough due to a number of external components, so there is also the question of jobs, in fact, it is necessary to distribute them correctly, so that first of all the question of jobs, and of course those factories that are now loaded with at least something when sobyanin i loaded moskvich there in a month already, i don’t mind, of course there are jobs, here this does not contradict what you say, in this particular case, it’s as if the problem was simply related to penetration, because according to the moscow agglomeration there, accordingly, lending for accordingly, for kaliningrad , that was the story, as for a number of regions , they received a fairly serious defense order, so, accordingly , they have a good boost, well, good support will be received, so , as it were, we also need to make the situation as if correct set up so that a situation does not occur in which
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employment is simply pumped out of different subjects, and this leads to very serious changes, that is, it accelerates inflation, as far as the situation is concerned, but with all this here the component is absolutely correct , the most important thing is that the cost of this production, so that people do not pay for everything, for heating the steering wheel, for example, or , accordingly, as if not for a separate assembly, respectively, and separately, for example, batteries, which, as it were, are not rated in rubles, well, this is also so that we don’t end up with a scheme that... with western manufacturers, when, for example, a chinese car in china costs $2,000 there in terms of rubles, after our assembly, it costs two times more expensive this is all around. cars, they just came to this tv gathering in the fall, from japan, there respectively from china, the question is, well , they arrived in the fall, so the question is about the question that, as it were, according to the basis, as it were, the basis should be, as it were the ability of the population, by the way, because
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if, as it were, by exhaustion, then the main thing is not to do all this at someone else’s expense and pay for other people’s mistakes, that’s why from this point of view, as if an approach is certainly needed here, i remind you that we already had an attempt to import substitution according to localization in vehicles, there was 60%, accordingly localization, i also remind you, accordingly, that avtovaz has also long had a position related to localization, that is, the question is that by the twenty-second year there were, as it were, a number of points it’s as if they didn’t work there anyway, like, accordingly, everything comes down to the fact that it’s kind of necessary to develop a unified position and maintain it, in principle, plus or minus, no matter how it is accordingly, the more ruble component there is, the better there will be a second very important point , which is the following: in parallel , it is necessary to distribute the macroeconomic component, because if you have a diesel now... it’s getting more expensive, winter, well, then somehow it won’t be very good and it won’t make any difference, simply because , that , as it were, accordingly, there was a condition that, as if the market was saturated, let’s put it this way, you are becoming more expensive even in fin shui, this is not according to feng shui, i said, not according to feng shui, people who naturally now seem to be working out how quickly you adapt, increased in price according to feng shui, no
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the price has risen, also according to the finnish, i said it’s not according to fenshu that you need to do your own and nothing will become more expensive, that we make petroleum products ourselves. yes, and that they are becoming more expensive, and i will now explain that they are becoming more expensive, they are becoming more expensive, explain, explain, greedy capitalists, of course, yeah , greedy capitalists, i remind you, accordingly, the market was closed, they produced winter diesel there, then accordingly, when the market opened, accordingly, they began to continue to export, in order, among other things , to close various jambs, respectively, by foreign currency earnings, so the rate of the ruble, among other things, would come up to the required volumes, accordingly, against this background , problems seemed to arise related to the supply of this very winter diesel engine, it turned out that nothing more, taking into account the fact that diesel and fuel is the most important fact that contributes to the inflation component and the main part of the inflation peak, as we all know, everyone gathered here will fall in january, because we traditionally raise housing and communal services tariffs in january, but in principle, this is a global trend, accordingly, and then there will be a decline, so from this point of view, during this period, in fact, it is necessary
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, first of all, to retain the fuel component , because a car is wonderful, but the question is how much it costs to retain foreign currency earnings, because as if oil is under pressure due to demand and third , most importantly, oil products, why is this important, because one, regulations, let him say, holding the difference, you forgot that it grew to 100 because of the oil workers who drove these products, diesel, are exported abroad, until the president stopped the export, these are all diesels, and you say, thanks to them, we maintain the exchange rate of the ruble, but no thanks, i don’t even say a word about non-scanners. you said we thanks to i would like to note by the way, but thanks to some, accordingly, our inflation is growing because of the steering wheel, because of everything else because of the cost, how much the cost of a vehicle in individual factories has increased over this year, which are imperto not replaced completely, in the fall, yeah, then the problem is the next thing, now specifically
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, is that it is necessary to maintain , as it were, these macroeconomic indicators accordingly, because right now there is a struggle for depletion, for the economy, in fact, who will win over whom, and for this we need to understand what will happen outside. as was said, there is pressure on demand, now data has come in, they show that the world's demand for energy resources is stagnating, there is pressure on energy prices, which, in fact, is why the economy is being held in to one degree or another, we are talking, respectively, about regular production, for example, in the usa, the data is correspondingly the lowest since 2020, well , in general, for a period of change there is 3.6, that is , the economies of the european union are gradually weakening, which, respectively, as would be the united states, and against this background , against the background of the fact that china is not growing as quickly as we would like, it is extremely important, because the valuable and, accordingly, exchange rate component, and the well-being of the citizenship of segments depend on us, therefore the most important thing now is, first of all, to maintain the exchange rate, the second, respectively, to maintain , respectively, foreign exchange earnings during this period , which will be extremely important, the second very important point, you need to understand what will happen approximately, at least at the main points where we sell goods for
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began, why this is important, now the situation is unique, when i said that winter has come, but here everyone was thinking, what kind of winter is this, and i’ll tell you what kind of winter, in norway now the temperature is 12° less than... the norm, why some it would seem to have something to do with us , because now their wind turbines have stopped working due to the temperature regime in izalgei, now there is a unique situation when energy-scarce great britain supplies electricity to norway, and norway is the main source of gas for the european union, by the way, a member of the european union , therefore, from this point of view, only spain buys from us, well, accordingly, it doesn’t buy everything from us, it’s not the european union, it doesn’t buy everything from us, our share in comparison is not at all... so, because that spain is the same, it buys from algeria, i remind you, it buys from the usa, this is not the only source, and norway is the most important, the cheapest energy carrier at this stage, the usa is less than ours, and ours has become six times more, well it’s just that our volumes are small compared to pg as a whole, we supply the bulk of gas via pipelines, and we still supply pipeline gas in fairly large volumes, we still supply through the balkan stream and
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we still supply through ukraine, by the way, the ukrainian contract ends at twenty fourth year at the end, and i want to look at this, what not to do, well, we have such a topic, an estimate deal, accordingly, we have , as it were, with the minister of defense, how would the general staff go together to conclude negotiations on gas, in fairness, it was in what -that’s the moment, well, that’s what i’m saying, it will be so, apparently, well, it’s unlikely, of course, but still that’s all there is to it, because from this point of view, the most important factor is the corresponding sources of these energy resources, so this is now the pressure that is happening, it will become very serious, on the one hand , accordingly, there will be economic pressure on countries that are about to get off the oil needle, on the other hand, as the representative said today, and the climate summit, and also the former whose plane froze in munich, probably if something will freeze for him there, which means something will freeze for all of us, absolutely for sure, in the united states, he said that
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there are no scientific grounds for going to the energy department in the near future, well, it’s clear that he is from the oil industry, but the question is something in another is that in the next 35, well , that is, the next 15 years, 15-20 years, there will be no questions about energy, plus or minus, the question is that now, against the backdrop of this pressure, there will be a confrontation between those whose demand will fall earlier, or whose energy prices will fall earlier accordingly and who have a larger economy, will have more serious negotiating positions in the long term, by the way, tomorrow is tuesday, and in turkey, as already announced, regional negotiations begin negotiations, i wanted i would like to pay attention to them , turkey and ukraine, respectively, the agenda is not yet known, but they are important, let's talk something about the weather, your navigator shows an hour and a half for you, slow down, suffered the fourth negative, we don’t have one like that in the hospital, i have a fourth negative, they say
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some millionaire, a cool guy, wow, tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter, she donated her blood to you, anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i have known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what are you do you think about this... i want to know everything about her roma proposed to me, i wouldn’t want him to make a mistake in his choice, if roman loves marina, he won’t make a mistake, he loves her, she’s his fourth negative, sorry, premiere, on saturday on rtr
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they will cheer you up here wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such money from my wife, the post office and i am its presenter, nikolai baskov, the most positive, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sundays on rt. this is for you, so what?
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did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention , today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, dersians, beat, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them. who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform we watch . yes, i was always happy when i had girls, our dad is very family-oriented, he’s everything
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he knows how, he can do anything, when he also made a samovar for a song, he himself performed in this samovar. it always surprises me that at this age, with a person so mature, powerful, deep, it seems to me that dad samovar warms the whole family with this energy, i just don’t want to let you go, maybe we ’ll sing some winter song. if there had been no winter in cheerful cities, we would never have known these cheerful days. blue bird, anniversary season. sunday on rtr, they don’t let go of the topic
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of british robots. robots, breaking news, seriously, the white house budget office appealed to the speaker of the house, us representatives, comrade johnson, with an appeal to speed up the coordination of assistance to kiev, let's move to washington, the head of our american bureau, dmitry melnikov is on direct line, dima, they will give the money or they won't give the money, i mean that christmas is coming. ukraine needs to celebrate 61 billion, congressmen were considering privately all last weekend, the discussion is now underway - on capitalist hill, but if at the beginning of last week it was assured that the senate could try to make an attempt to push through this aid package today, then at the end of last week they were talking about december 11 , that is, next monday, well, really, given that both houses of congress go on vacation
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on the fifteenth, then the chances are that it will be possible to ... help to the borders, help to israel, help to ukraine, well, actually no, of course, the key issue for the united states is the current migration crisis, money to solve the migration crisis, as we remember, the white house linked money to ukraine, and thus it turns out, that biden’s cunning plan to tie together money for solving internal problems with foreign policy issues actually played a cruel joke on the financing of both projects, making ukraine essentially a hostage of those millions of illegal... migrants from latin america who are now heading to the united states, and without solving this problem, congressmen do not want to solve the problems of foreign assistance, assistance to ukraine, but in addition, some republicans simply do not want to give money to ukraine on principle, there are demands for tougher control, stronger reporting on what has already been allocated about where this money will be spent, but no less important is that against the backdrop of the current state of affairs in ukraine, even
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democrats are starting to say that neither the white house nor the pentagon now they cannot clearly say what will be considered a victory for ukraine, in which this same american money is being invested, since it is already obvious to everyone that the tasks for which this money is allocated, which can be said to be investments in the war, and this is the return to the borders of the ninety-first year and hypothetical battles for crimea, well , it’s just unrealistic in this situation, so really now the emphasis in the belief that ukraine needs to be financed, the white house is doing on the fact that in fact, with this allocated money, it will essentially remain in america and will be used for re-equipment own american army , old weapons will be sent to ukraine, it is now known that republican leaders in both houses have agreed that assistance to ukraine should still be linked to border protection, so it turns out that in these remaining days, a week and a half, and congressmen are more likely to discuss the protection of their own
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borders more actively than the defense of ukraine, colleagues. dim 30 seconds, we literally have johnson promising impeachment to his grandfather, how realistic is this? indeed, the republicans can introduce this project, they can already submit it for general consideration before the new year, and theoretically, before going on vacation, they can introduce the issue of voting and an investigation within the framework of impeachment . johnson says that now he has enough votes, now he has enough evidence, and these are thousands of documents that indicate that biden received money from those countries that the united states calls enemies of the united states, and there are even checks, bank checks that were written out in the name of current president joe biden, this money is most likely, as the commission that is investigating these actions were most likely received, among other things, from companies associated with hunter biden, and these are companies that operated in china and
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ukraine, and in many other states, colleagues, thank you very much. dmitry melnikov with banks of potomok. women robots took up a little of my time, so i’ll be brief, let’s go back to washington, i literally just read an article before the broadcast, there are not only women, there are also men. and they are also ready to talk. this is already extremism in russia. the washington post wrote an article saying that if they are in the community, then it is extreme. and if separately, then it is still possible, but only without campaigning, so here is the article, that is , it contains the words of one of the participants in the meeting, which was organized by salevan, solivan gathered certain defense advisers in order to in order to consolidate their position in order to report to biden, at this meeting there were only two questions that salvan wanted to find answers to: the first question is whether washington will be able to consolidate all
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the forces of the west and arm it so much... to make ukraine successful in order so that she can break through russia’s heavily fortified line of defense and the second question: even if washington succeeds, they will really prepare ukraine, will it be able... can ukraine do this? that is, they already have faith in it no, this is the first thing, and they are really looking for someone to blame now, because the counteroffensive failed and this talk by zaluzhny that he needs 300-400 billion, well, firstly, the figure somehow correlates with those assets russia, which the west cannot steal in any way, and there are 17 million shells that need to be produced for 50 years, why does he say this, well , because he doesn’t want to be guilty, he says, what did you give me, only 230 billion worth, you do you want me to defeat russia, no, give it to me. 400 you gave, no, so who it’s your fault, you gave it, you didn’t arm it, that is, this is a conversation about this, it’s already a farce, we heard on the air today, he says that ukraine needs a technological breakthrough there , and that ukraine needs to achieve parity with
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russia there, and then to fight, well, listen , well, even the official data, on gdp, the world monetary fund, it gives russia fifth place, the world bank gives fourth, and it will introduce statics without taking into account new regions and crimea, that is, the russian economy, so for ukraine it’s an achievement. ..and ukraine is the sixth the economy is already in its sixth decade, so for ukraine to achieve parity with russia in the economy, the only way is to become part of russia, what kind of parity do they want to achieve with russia, these conversations, of course, no one wants to be guilty, of course , they want to make zelsky guilty, that is, as far as i understand , this is already a discourse, it coincides in washington inside ukraine, if you listen there, zaluzhny, who practically does not speak, who is hiding, if you listen to klitschko, if you listen to everyone else, they already yes, well, they want to move a little away from zelensky, just as biden wants to get rid of zelsky, it is very beneficial for him that the elections take place in march, so for zelsky here, well, in principle , there is little choice, because if the americans want to hold elections to change the political
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leadership of ukraine, then the news is bad for zelensky, they will do it in any case, and that maidan 3, which klitschko is already talking about, this means death for zelensky, because according to the constitution of ukraine, the acting president, that's how they did it in 1914 , it was unconstitutional, because while yanukovych is alive, the constitution contains only three ways to remove the president from power, this is voluntary resignation, this is death and this is impeachment, impeachment according to the laws of ukraine is impossible, yanukovych, they wanted to kill in february, but russian intelligence saved him, everyone already knows this, i doubt that russian intelligence will save zelsky, so now they won’t let someone like yanukovych go, so that it doesn’t happen this problem of legitimacy, when they make a new president, they will appoint someone, it doesn’t matter who they are for this problem. that is, if the usa wants, they will do it, yes, of course, his wife, elena, she dreams very much, she gives interviews that she doesn’t want to, yes, that is,
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some news is already appearing there that it turns out in the usa, with november they are already preparing citizenship for zelsky, for the whole family, a house in miami, it won’t live on its own, absolutely true, but you still need to get there, and from kiev you can only leave ukraine by rail, and it's practical. will zelensky reach 500 km ? the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, which did not fly somewhere from boryspil, can zelsky give an answer, there is a feeling that they will definitely catch him and will not let him out of ukraine , so our special services will not get their hands dirty, let's come back, well they will be there until the last minute, what are you doing? heard a shot, no, a silencer , i’m platonov, i came for exciting tests, guys, fill out this waste paper, if i let this go, he could be fired, i won’t leave
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until we talk, the secrets of the investigation are again with us, today on rtr. i still have pain here, here it hurts here, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of trichp. by the way, this has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat away stress, we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine for us... crutches and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap some kefir , and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, where is he, he packed his things and
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left, your dad cheated on me. let's look at the weekend, of course, we will treat your daughter, we will carry out chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything you can, there is almost no hope, i so want to see how you will grow. but this was not given to me, but she left it to manya, our only joy, our only relative, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter, the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for guardianship over her and her capital , the only chance to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future we will submit documents for... what to do next? how to continue
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to live? the only joy is on saturday on rtr. the ox is fortifying, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with a new renovation , a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely faceless, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real ones will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes... and stone flowers
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, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, your post reports that 70%, 47 armed forces, which was supposed to go on the offensive, was equipped with western equipment, had no combat experience, but now, when it’s winter at the front, the ssu realized that digging in the frost is difficult, look at the news , it was a 60 minute program, total good luck and goodbye, bye.
11:00 am
the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, maria sittel, hello, the traditional annual meeting of vladimir putin with the council for the development of civil society and human rights. scouts and volunteers from the central military district, their assault groups on the front line are delivered on these armored vehicles.


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