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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 5, 2023 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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he was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed, now he is going to the front again, but first he wants to find his military comrades, who became like family to him, but after the injury, contact with them was lost. we found these fighters, which of them came to the program today to meet with roman. vesti follows the development of major events in russia from abroad, stay with us. an ice crossing between salkhard and labetnanie has opened in yamal. for two weeks in a row , road workers froze the track, and before the opening people crossing the op were transported here on a hovercraft. evgeny golovin with details. we follow the car at work. behind
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the controllers, the road workers pulled ahead a hundred meters, we can’t get any closer yet, how thick the ice is remains a mystery. an hour before the opening of the crossing , a specialist drills holes in the ice, and a partner helps take measurements: 42 cm at the first point, and even more at the next point. on some, the thickness reaches half a meter. to measure ice, specialists. the holes put a ruler in there and see how much frost there is centimeters over the last 2 weeks, the numbers are good, more than 40 cm. the decision to open the route has almost been made, a vehicle weighing up to 3.5 tons can easily navigate the ice crossing, small trucks can also move , two lanes have been opened in total, the third for heavy trucks will continue to be frozen , the pouring of the ice highway began on november 16, in 2 weeks they created a highway in accordance with all the standards of traffic lanes to remove the hummocks that were formed during... installation of signal milestones,
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road signs, planning approaches to ice crossing, already on the opening day on both sides, many arrived several hours before the moment when the barrier was finally raised and the movement would start, people are in a hurry to get home, yes, i drove 100 km, of course i’m waiting, and where did you come from, with raduzhny, the village of raduzhny, this is outside surgut, you could say i’m going to surgut, there’s just something to do there in this city. and well, we are pleased that the only way to travel between, well, communication between two cities, well, i’m a non-local person and it’s even surprising to me that there is such a thing, they honk like a wedding, but for hundreds of people this is truly a holiday, finally saliharty was once again married by a road ribbon, well , this long-awaited moment happened, the salihargi crossing is open to car traffic.
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people in cars can freely travel from shore to shore. the main thing is to maintain a distance between cars and speed limits. the distance between salihard and labatnangi is a stone's throw no more than 20 km, in the summer only on the pier, which connects the cities in half an hour of sailing. in spring and autumn there is absolutely non-stop movement no. there is a helicopter, but it is too dependent on the weather and only now, from the regional capital to the city of semilistvenets, you can get there by car slowly, but quickly. construction of other vital seasonal trails for the district will soon begin. evgeniy golovin, rengold vashkevich, vestil. in the amur region , regular preventive raids to the region’s reservoirs have been resumed. this season , a dozen and a half administrative cases have already been initiated due to going out and going on fragile ice, contrary to the prohibition sign. in another one like this daria sherbakova visited the raid with emercom employees and volunteers. the thickness of the cover of the shipyard that closed the backwater is almost half a meter, here on the edge it is even more, but
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it is still not worth risking your life and going out on the ice during the period of its formation, especially in unauthorized places and under prohibitory signs, these fishermen are safe to go out on ice of the river, its thickness should be at least 10 cm. a passenger car can easily drive here, in this case a minimum of 35 cm is required. when the ice has already risen, they will accordingly patrolling is carried out to identify unauthorized ice crossings, that is, well, the law of the amur region on administrative liability provides for liability for violating safety signs when going on a flight; accordingly, when going on a flight for citizens , these are fines from 500 to 1.0 rubles when vehicles leave for a flight there from 3 to 500 rubles in sanctions, but this is nothing compared to the possible price of carelessness, so last saturday, having decided to shorten the path, a resident of the svobodnensky district found himself on a broken ice floe, fortunately , after a few hours he was helped to get ashore by eyewitnesses who were fishing nearby, suddenly you will see that if there are children, teenagers here, the main
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task of the ministry of emergency situations employees, volunteers and representatives of the authorities going out on raids. accidents, we make sure that children do not go out on the ice, we conduct preventive conversations, we tell, explain, hand out reminders so that there is no desire to approach, raids are carried out as on weekends, that is, with the involvement of volunteers, various youth movements, here we except volunteers we attract athletes, on the amur river in the regional capital, going out on the ice, in addition to the risk to life , is also fraught with criminal liability, this can be considered as a potential illegal border crossing. these are people who, in a state of alcoholic-narcotic intoxication, lose their orientation, the light of the fire in china is also quite brightly oriented towards this light, they go out onto the ice, and what can subsequently contribute to border violations, people who walk along the embankment, walk
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their pets, animals accordingly, they walk without leashes and run out onto the ice, and there was no violation of the border, including the death of people on water bodies. and during last year. border control officers saved more than a dozen people on the amur river, but specialists or eyewitnesses are not always able to come to the rescue. remember, a good catch, a shortcut or a beautiful shot is not worth your life. daria sherbakova, leonid kasavan, conduct the amur region. three lion cubs arrived in kursk at once, this is the name of the new trams, which for these townspeople were gathered in st. petersburg. the transport was inspected by its future drivers, our correspondent, tatyana larina. this year. the kursk tram is 125 years old, over the years it has gone through a lot, right now it is moving to a new stage of its development, literally in a matter of minutes the unpacking of three new lion cubs will begin behind me, by the end of the year four more modern cars will arrive in the kursk region. the trams were assembled at
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the nevsky electric transport plant in st. petersburg. each carriage has a domestic low-floor bogie production. safe, smooth and fast movement are the main advantages of lion work. the tram has 40 seats, 161 people , we give a 30-year guarantee on the body , they are equipped with a climate control system, it will be warm inside in winter and cool in summer, validators for contactless fare payment, an electronic scoreboard, a usb device for fast charging of phones, and cctv cameras are installed. on the monitor we can see absolutely any door, it is necessary to examine it, everything happens and, of course, the same. on the sides on the right side, on the left side, everything is also on tubes , the car lends itself, the car is good, yes, yes , of course, certainly, compared to our cars, well, there’s nothing to say, the cabins have all the conditions for passengers with disabilities, folding ramps are installed, the tram is suitable to the stop, and
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the disabled person presses a specialized button, the tram driver must get out, well , the door opens, the tram driver gets out, opens the ramp, helps the passenger get on, and so on... there is also a place for the disabled person, he it is fastened and there is also a call button. the lion cubs will be released onto the line next spring, after the reconstruction of the rail bed. in total , the contractor will replace more than 40 km of pavement; to date, more than seven have been updated. tatyana larina, alexander azarov, vesti kursk. in the capital of karelia, after three years of reconstruction, a bus station was opened, routes to all parts of the republic, two waiting rooms, seven boarding platforms, everything was done. for the comfort of passengers and drivers, from petrozavodsk, report by tatyana leontyeva. light facade and modern sign, the names in finnish were replaced by karelian letters, and these are not all the changes that occurred at the petrozavodsk bus station after the renovation. boxes for pre-trip
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inspections and a new covered platform with seven platforms were built on the territory. today, for the first time , dozens of buses with hundreds of passengers departed from them. we've been waiting for this for a long time; the area has certainly increased a lot. the territory was leveled more or less so that it didn’t become so steep, before there was like a bigger hill, but a lot, the bus station was repaired for 3 years, that’s all this time, passengers were forced to freeze at the railway station while waiting for flights, but now these inconveniences are behind us, we are already tired of traveling from the railway station, and here, of course, the wait was very beautiful and good, thank you for renovating the bus station for us, the changes are, of course, like the original ones , everything has changed a lot, beautiful , light, good station, new building, everything is safe, we waited, hoped and believed, now it came true, on new year’s eve, this is a gift for the residents of petrozavodsk and all our guests
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city, the building completely changed all engineering networks, ventilation , redevelopment was carried out, the station area doubled from 100 to 2,000 km, the updated bus station now has... two waiting rooms, one is on the ground floor, as before, the second is on the floor above , ships, people with limited mobility can take the elevator, in general, everything is done for the convenience of all categories of passengers. i have. for the next flight then, what time will it be, more than 100 bathroom locations, there is a medical room where drivers will be examined, in case if necessary, first aid will also be provided to passengers, innovations include a mother and child room, an automatic luggage storage room, put things in storage, press, select a cell, press five, you have issued a coupon, use this coupon to open the cell, it has opened, special attention was paid to safety, we installed 60
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cctv cameras in a building on the territory of the station, equipped an inspection area, and our exit to the platform is equipped with turnstiles, so that no stranger can enter the platform here, he can only enter the platform at availability of a ticket, the bus station has changed so much that people do not immediately understand where everything is, a navigation system should help figure this out, now the necessary signs are being put up, in about a month kiosks and a buffet will be opened at the station, then passengers will have the opportunity to have a snack while waiting for the bus . tatiana leontyeva, roman savich, anton egorov, conduct karelia petrozavodsk. residents of the tomsk region share videos of minks on social networks. animals are increasingly entering populated areas. what is the reason for such unexpected visits, i figured out vladislav otmakhov. here she is, running after my fish. residents of the village of mogochino talk about a whole invasion of noraks, they are not afraid of people and scour the roads in search of food,
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fishermen often notice when they are sitting fishing, fishing, there are even such cases that they also feed them with fish, there were cases when they came to a household where people said that chickens were disappearing. residents made a variety of guesses, one of which was the growth of the animal population, natural furs are very expensive, and not really... the trend of recent seasons is in fashion, mink is hunted less, it has become closer to people’s housing and food and has completely lost its fear, however, experts call the reason for the mass excursion of fluffies uncharacteristic autumn thaws, and besides, according to estimates, the number of owners of valuable fur in the region is steadily declining. according to the data we have for the twentieth and twenty-first years, well , the number of mink is currently decreasing, as it was this year, that is, this will be shown by the results of... external accounting. local residents were a little hasty with the term invasion, and in some videos
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confused the mink with the sable, their numbers in the region are gradually increasing. the korgasok district is the leader in terms of the number of minks, almost 3,000 individuals. in second place is verkhneketsky. there are more and more videos of these animals. people probably shouldn't worry, but it's better to lock the chickens with another bolt. vladislav fotmakhov, ivan patlosov, vesti tomsk. northern. russians in the suburbs of khabarovsk saw it for the first time in about 100 years. the natural phenomenon was recorded by amateur astronomers. why the aurora appeared in the sky of khabarovsk - found out kirill rogachev. the khabarovsk sky plays to the music. this video of the polar lights, as the northerners also call it, was filmed near the village of druzhba by amateur astronomer evgeniy irevva, and invited his comrades with him. the illumination could be observed for two nights in a row for 15 minutes or more. up to an hour, evgeniy has long been fascinated by the positions of celestial bodies in the starry sky, but such a phenomenon
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is recognized, he sees for the first time, well, emotions, wow, of course, and everyone had wow, this is a very unique event for our region, because we are located in the very south latitude, approximately 48°, and such phenomena usually do not reach us, but the last one, as far as i know, was at least somehow recorded about a century ago in our city, in the arctic with janie it is a common thing, there is constant ionization of atoms. in the khabarovsk territory, the latter was observed in the northernmost village of arka, okhotsk region, on november 4, 2021, then a sun flare was recorded and plasma was released. when it penetrates the earth's atmosphere, a phenomenon called ionization occurs. accelerated streams of solar plasma contain charged particles, which interact with our molecules and atoms and a so-called glow occurs. the red color of such lighting is atomic. oxygen at an altitude of about 400 km, blue and green colors are the ionization of oxygen and nitrogen molecules at altitudes of about 100 km.
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in order for the northern or polar lights, as they say, to be seen, several factors must coincide, first of all, the dark fabric of the sky, as well as a magnetic storm. this magnetic storm was very mild, but at some point it became very strong. on in the north of the region, the phenomenon was also observed by residents of the ayanomai region at the hydromedical center who emphasize that now there is an increase in solar activity, towards the end... its peak, which means there will be more solar flares. kiril rogev, egor goncharov, vesti khabarovsk. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen you for a long time, dersian, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, repen, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a problem. which character from pushkin’s works does everyone know the name of? what is 7.8 7.8 what? who
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is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then... i’m chopping oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, typing for a headache, god forbid, now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. you had his group, girl, oh, it’s you, the fourth negative premiere, on saturday on rtr,
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there were about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donets, you are with us , yes, when, my fighters come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we had a famine then, but here comes grandma, herself hungry, but she brings this kurpa to the shelter, says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we and... decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you are doing is simply amazing, from
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monday to thursday, at rtr cuba they finish harvesting cabbage, harvesting the last harvest of this year beijing and color. these varieties are not the most familiar to farmers of kuban. storage facilities with special conditions have already been prepared, in which exotic cabbage can remain fresh almost until the end of winter. with details alexander kroshny. this is the case when rain and squally winds do not interfere with harvesting. our harvest this year is good. despite the weather. it’s difficult, of course, but we don’t stop; cauliflower, native to the krasnodar region, pleased us with its harvest this year; in total we collected more than 30 tons during the season. beijing is also chosen in the neighborhood, its harvest is still more - 80 tons. beijing cauliflower
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is an inhospitable crop, no special approach is required, all that is needed is attention and care, as with any other crop. straight ahead. fields, the cabbage goes into storage, here it is placed in such capacious containers, and each head of cabbage must lie in one row, for this they use special wooden flooring, so that the head of cabbage can reach the consumer safely, cramped conditions in the box can jeopardize the entire harvest , any damage to the stem leads to loss marketable, so that luxury conditions are created in the storage, comfortable shelves for 3,000 vegetables and fruits. vegetable harvesting in the oselkovsky district began a couple of weeks later than planned. all because of the rainy weather, but the farmers were ready for this outcome of events and see more commercial advantages in this; if the moscow region finishes harvesting, for example, chinese cabbage in september, then we finish harvesting it. moreover , kuban chinese cabbage is sent both to moscow and to the far east; the sales market is extensive in plans to expand the range, for example azima
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onions, they have already been planted. farmers intend to saturate the kuban and russian markets with fresh produce all winter, thanks to modern storage, the autumn cabbage harvest will be able to be preserved until mid-february. alexander kroshny, dmitry rogalev, vesti. well, a festival of avtotor wine took place in stavropol. ranks fourth in russia in vine growing and wine production. as part of the celebration, a public tasting was held to reward the best workers in the industry. with details lana volkova. three a dozen signature wine varieties competed in color, transparency, fluidity, aroma and taste. the main condition for participants is a drink made exclusively from grapes grown in stavropol. the jury is strict and authoritative, because good wine is an art. this. a lot of work, i know these people, i know how much effort and work they put into
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getting a decent harvest, and later a decent wine. arkatsiteli spiravi cabernet, livumsky stable, famous local varieties, this season, their sugar content is on average more than 20%, compared to 18 last year. in the stavropol territory , these are today vineyards, we occupy fourth place in the russian federation in terms of area, in terms of gross harvest, we are gradually growing today in the number of our farms in the stavropol territory, today we have 51 organizations there, two new farms have appeared this year, we have had a spring start, so we have plans to expand today and the number of farms for next year, soon it will be 10 years since representatives of the leading industry enterprises in the region... have united the union author's winemaking, the levokumsky district was chosen as the venue for the festival. the vines here have a rich history. more than 200 years
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ago, count rebrov was a winemaker. he was the first author of russian champagne, called it rebrovskaya champagne. and he was the official supplier of the imperial court. every year, 500 bottles of the wonderful rebrovsky popansky wine were delivered to the emperor. local winemakers are reviving their former glory. table wines made from grapes grown in stavropol are labeled as wines of protected geographical indication with designation of the region of production. regional government support helps create terroirs and promote wine tourism; the task is to maintain the brand. the stavropol territory today is one of the leaders in the country, according to the regional ministry of agriculture. by the end of the year , 225 new hectares of vineyards will appear in the region. plans for 20. fourth year, another 370. lana volkovova, oleg raida, lead the stavropol territory. what is the main message for this hour, i am maria sittel, thank you for
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your attention, be healthy, all the best. yes, i always made you happy. when did i have girls, our dad is very family-oriented, he can do everything, he can do anything, when he also made a samovar for a song, he himself performed in this samovar. it always surprises me that at this age, a person has such a mature, powerful, deep, very strong voice. it seems to me that papa samolar warms the whole family with this energy, i really don’t want to let you go, maybe we’ll sing
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some winter song. we have never known these happy days. blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. hey girl. on friday that they will search, but i have no hope not enough, but you have some memories , there are some fragments, but nothing is clear, take a closer look at this little mouse, you like it, your husband is waiting at home, you will take him away from us, you might think, you will be bored, without guilt guilty on friday on rtr. favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music,
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true feelings know no boundaries, i'm sitting here and barely holding back tears, there is so much beauty, soul, strength, flowers. words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of soviet and russian country, hello andrei , andrei malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr, where is he, he packed his things and left, your dad excused me, we are watching this weekend, of course, we will
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treat your daughter, we will carry out chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything that perhaps there is almost no hope, i so want to see how you will grow, but this is not given to me, but i left our only joy, my only relative, to manya, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter, the girl's mother recently died, you are the first candidate for custody over her and her... the only chance is to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future, we will submit documents to deprive round valentina mikhailovna of guardianship. what to do next, how to live further? the only joy. on saturday on rtr.
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in depth. his hearts, purity, like a baby’s sleep, purity in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe, we are leaving not returnees, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts, and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program. a mother's heart is a huge strength to withstand the most terrible pain and live no longer for yourself, but for others. our heroine has such a heart. after the death of her only son, she did not break down and was able to find new meanings in life. my only son. i miss you very much, very much.
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i talk to him every day, in general, i believe that he sees us, hears us, i always tell him, son, i love you very much, we had a military father, we had a grandfather, a veteran of the great patriotic war, we had conversations about what fascism is, how scary it is, and in turn i i told my sergei the same thing, he seemed to be preparing for the army, it was the fourteenth year, well, that’s when the events in ukraine began, in general, because of this, he signed a contract, to work with equipment, sergei dreamed of since childhood , in his early 20s he became a driver mechanic as part of the soncepek heavy flamethrower system unit. unfortunately, we called each other very rarely, sometimes even for 2 months he didn’t get
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in touch, we were just going crazy at that time. i waited for him, i prayed for him, i believed that everything will be fine, he will return , he died on june 22, 2022, when i approached, opened the gate, saw the commander of the military commissar, an ambulance, the only thing i asked, i say, as they told me there was mortar shelling, i asked where, podlesechany , at that moment i just lost it, i didn’t cry, because i didn’t understand what was happening at all, sasha, here is my daughter-in-law, she says, aunt, let ’s do it for the sake of vasilisa, for the sake of our granddaughter, here she is, we have our medicine , she still looks very much like her dad, she’s just a copy, and what’s more if there were no one at all, i can’t even imagine how it would be possible to survive this, this is who, dad, and this is who, mom, and
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this is who, me. to my granddaughter, vasilisa, of course, probably a little later, she still doesn’t know that dad is gone, of course, i will tell everything about dad. where to find the strength to respond to this story, how to survive the loss of your only son, not break down and become a mother to hundreds of other fighters, answers to these questions today in our studio. in our studio we have valentina petrovna lishchenko, the mother of the deceased fighter sergei lishchenko. please accept our sincere condolences , we know, we are adults, we know that time does not heal, and such a tragedy, it is very difficult to survive, but still, how are you now, well, in
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general, now, as it were, i i’m probably starting to talk to myself a lot, i’m starting to sort of analyze everything and persuade myself, persuade myself, to move on with my life, i have a grandchild. i have sasha, i have my beloved husband, my alexey, so i have for now at the moment those same guys who are behind the ribbon, that’s why you need to continue living, what are you talking to yourself about? well, i sort of had such a moment, even before a year after sergei died, and that is, in general, i kind of helped a lot of people, and i also talked with many mothers of dead children from... wives of dead husbands, here in in general, i always seemed to find words for them to support them, and somehow pull them out of this state a little, and somehow at one moment i realized that
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in general i couldn’t help myself, then for some reason i don’t believe myself, i don’t believe that i can persuade myself, at that moment i... came to the conclusion that i needed to turn to psychologists, neurologists, so that in general they would help, i really wanted to live, and even at that moment i had been like 2 days already i was lying there, not eating anything, and this thought came to my mind, well, that’s it, you gave up, and what’s next, and what’s this? and i think, no, well, probably, the desire to be with my granddaughter loved before her for... courage, to help her nurse her grandchildren, but in no case should i leave my husband alone, sasha, who we have now alone at the moment and for whom it is also very difficult, under no circumstances should she be left, and also until victory,
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well, we probably have no right to give up, but we must continue to do everything so that this victory is sooner the time has come for as many of our guys as possible to return from there alive, even for me when my sergei died, and many later said, oh, what a devil you are, you didn’t cry, but i didn’t cry, really, but how did you know that he died? and on the twenty-second he died on june 22, 2022 years, and for some reason i felt very bad that day, yes, that is, in general, i got sick, but there was no reason for that at all, i just felt bad, that’s it. and we stayed at home then with alexey, and i think, well , since i’m at home, i need to somehow compensate for this day, i think i’ll go do some business in the garden then, so i went out, there ’s a birch tree near our gate, huge, right here it is huge, huge, and it’s so
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twisted and weeping, it has branches right down to the ground, and i look at it so much lies, there has never been such a lie, the crows are cawing, and i look at this birch tree like this and think, my god, where are you from? it just happened, because this had never happened before, it was a sign, yes, well, i think yes, i think yes, in general, then, as if analyzing, i even realized that we even have time with seryozha’s death, in general, everything fits , that is, right at some point i felt so nauseous, i just thought, lord, what is it, just how bad i feel, and i went home, i said , i can’t, lesh, i’ll lie down a little, i say, i don’t have the strength at all, but then, when we were already there, it turned out that it was at that time that my sergei was dying. here are the circumstances, how it happened , you know, our guys, after completing the mission, were standing near an armored personnel carrier
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and a grenade was dropped from a quadcopter or a drone; we didn’t have time to evacuate, but vanya’s legs were all cut up, he died from the loss of someone who was standing next to him, which means he his insides, his stomach was hurt, but thank god he’s alive, they managed to evacuate him and they performed several operations on him, he’s alive, thank god, but the rest of the guys, well, there’s already someone there, whatever happened, in general, he was cut very badly by shrapnel, sergei died alone , it’s just that this always seemed to upset me very much, or something, well, why, well, why, that is, in general,
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a lot of questions arose then, questions specifically to the almighty, for what? you assumed that he could become a military man, well, he went in for sports, in our country, pumplifting and so on, in general, he always wanted to join the army, that is, he seemed to consider himself a man, and he always said, i ’ll definitely go into the army, so here he was urgently sent to kantemirovskaya in minsk division, so first he ended up in a reconnaissance company, and then he trained as a tank commander and was already transferred to a tank division, as if they were part of the kantemirov tank division, and he signed a contract in the fifteenth year , he went to the russian border with ukraine, so then they are in that's when these started events in ukraine. these scary ones, our guys were standing there on the border, and there was even
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a moment, he once called me and told me that mom, can you imagine, we were standing at a checkpoint, we say, we were standing on one side, and after 100 m there were these mercenaries, well, then it was believed that these were ukrainian troops, but in fact , everyone understands that these were nato mercenaries, because he says mom, we saw blacks there, that is, it’s clear, and he says: i feel very strongly i was shocked by the moment that when they were walking along this road, i understood that they wanted peaceful people to enter the territory of russia, through the border post, then shelling began from the other side, right at the people, i say, seryozha must have boiled in you anger at that moment, he says: mom, you have no idea, he says, it was such a dissonance for me, it’s just that i came here from a peaceful life. i got to see this with my own eyes, that is, he
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says: at that moment i just wanted to bury myself somewhere, because i didn’t understand that this could actually happen, and he returned from there a different person? no , no, still the same dear, beloved, our , wonderful, responsive, he always helped me in everything, he never complained to me about anything, never, and no matter what happened to him, when i asked him, how are you ? to a military family, but initially did not think about this vocation, i graduated from a physics and mathematics class at school, specializing in technology, so
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private lishchenko became the commander of a tank crew, he was sociable, always in sight , you set a task, they all carry it out there, to him in general there were never any problems, when sergei signed the contract, his education as a programmer came in handy, and he switched to managing a heavy fire system. sergei was a universal fighter, he could control extremely complex equipment, go into battle together with the infantry, he could chain us, roughly speaking, to work as a mechanic-driver, roughly speaking , to sit for the commander, he could do the same thing there, plus light ones, we have separate light ones from the factory that work with flamethrowers, all his colleagues say that he was never afraid of anything and was never discouraged, every death , she was not just a person, he is not here, yes... everything, but without this faith that we
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will win and there will be no victory, but we want to invite to the studio the person you already mentioned today, this is a gay colleague , ivan ivashchenko, hello, good afternoon, hello ivan, hello ivan, good afternoon, were you near sergei when this happened to him? that terrible moment, we stopped after completing our tasks, uh , we captured a populated area, that is , the commander gave us, well, time to get ourselves in order, equipment, well, what did we do, in principle, well, as if nothing foreshadowed trouble , everything seemed to be fine there, all the areas were cleared, we stood in a circle, as if we were talking with colleagues, with seryoga, we just heard a bang, that is , we had a camouflaged armored personnel carrier standing across the yard,
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i saw it from him, then after me they told him what was wrong with him. but fragments hit, that is, already at the moment of the explosion , that is, we didn’t seem to understand right away, but i ’m bleeding from my finger, but i seem to see seryoga , he’s limping there, and bro, he says, well, that’s it, i say, no , i say , calm down, now everything will be fine, we started to go down to the basement, and at some point i just passed out, that is , i open my eyes, that is, they bandage me and seryoga is bandaged. well, come running quickly, of course, the doctors there can forgive you, that is, in the moment of the impact, you didn’t feel any pain or any danger, no, no, just some kind of, well, shock, maybe, and there, as if on the instinct of self-preservation, somewhere, well, in the basement there is a more protected place, there is blood flowing from him, well, it comes from
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his leg, i have some kind of blood there, well, then we, well, the doctors say, we need to get up. for evacuation, we have a stretcher there, well, from the basement , how would we get out, i couldn’t just walk, seryoga still walked somehow, but he limped up these steps, but i also tried, but my legs were just weak, that is, i couldn’t even move my legs at all, in the end they pulled us out to the house literally 50 meters away, well, where the doctors themselves are stationed, while they were carrying us, i just lay there, screaming to seryoga, so that he doesn’t sleep, i say, brother, don’t sleep, brother, don’t sleep, because the commander was walking with him, he held his hand and also said these words, well , because his strength was leaving him, right when they brought us into the house, they put us in, like, yes,
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sorry, no matter what time passed there, that’s it it’s still difficult to tell, but i shouted to him all the way, brother, don’t close it? eyes, brother, don’t sleep, he just showed me a thumbs up, literally for a second, i don’t know, maybe 20, the commander just, well, covered sergei’s eyes with his palm, and just nodded to me, that is, that he is no longer there, i have relatives there are no brothers , but that’s how we met seryoga, how long we were friends with him, he ’s like my own brother, even without the prefix, how we communicated very well with him, we understood each other perfectly there in battle in life , losing, of course, is still a shock, sergei has a young wife and a very
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small daughter, vasilisa, she is 4 years old, yes, i want to invite alexandra lishchenko to the studio, sergei’s widow. alexander, hello, please accept our condolences, alexandra, sasha, tell us how you met sergei, the first meeting, remember? of course , how can we forget, we met him on the street, on the street, yeah, i passed by, he was with his friends, and we, well, i passed, they caught up with us, well, let's introduce him. well , come on, that's it, we've got a message, we walked a little and went our separate ways, i didn’t like him initially, and naturally he didn’t like me either, well, we didn’t think that we would have a family or any serious relationship at all , we just talked and nothing more, and then
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little by little, little by little we got to know each other fell in love, he was a very good person, but how did you find out that sergei decided to go to the zone? svo, as he generally said from the beginning, he said that they were going on an exercise, on a business trip, well, maybe for a month, maybe for two, it was unknown, well, they’re going, if necessary, then it’s necessary, but that’s all there was happening, and he said, well, it was clear from him that something serious was brewing, he guessed, but didn’t tell me anything, he said that it wouldn’t last long, and on the twenty- fourth. he called me and said that i wouldn’t have a connection for 2-3 days, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, i’ll call you in 2 days, that’s it, then i myself found out what... was happening on tv, yes, but then there was what - communication with him, he called me about a month later, the first time was a month later, yeah, after
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the start of a special military operation, even i didn’t call, it was a short text message , i wrote it in march, so it was somewhere, i waited, i waited every day, and remember your last meeting, of course, it was in april, he went home for a couple of days, well, we spent him in family all together, how did he return? tired, so serious, well, have you changed? but still he was still the same kind, positive, cheerful fellow, and daughter, what do you tell about dad? we also show photos and videos of her watching with her dad, uh, if you ask, we also answer her, she remembers him well, dad was often at home, well, due to the nature of his service, it’s all the time. well, we called each other via video call , naturally i saw him, they remember, sergei had many friends, and his best friend was almost a brother,
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let’s see the plot, here we are in kindergarten, yeah, that is, here is sergei, here i am, the closest sergei’s friend, kostya, was with him almost his entire life, in the literal sense of the word, they became friends in kindergarten, then they went to the same school, played the same sports and shared all the boy’s activities between them. adventures. he arrives, let's go, i made a motorcycle, i jumped behind the wheel , we also accelerated, we're driving, i'm communicating, i'm communicating with seryoga, well, from the past day, i'm looking at the thread, i 'm leaning over and driving, i'm talking further, and this, i look back, and seryoga no, the earring is running behind me, i blew it off with a branch. we had a lot of stories like this, when we both got older, childhood adventures gave way to adult
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life, kostya was always there, school graduation, seeing off for the army, first love, wedding, birth of a daughter, it was that real male friendship, well this was the person you could call in the middle of the night and say that you need your help, and he would go, even if he had to get up for work in 2 hours or something else. this friendship was interrupted only at the time of sergei’s death, but did it end? kostya is still devoted to his friend, and admits that he has lost a huge part of his life, emptiness, we have sergei’s friend in the studio, konstantin
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zhikareev, hello, hello , konstantin, tell us about him, uh-huh, kind, cheerful, so, you can say , sole of company, he knew how to get everyone going, make everyone laugh, and figure out what we should do, in general, are you the same age? yes, there were some moments that you remembered from childhood, from youth, yes, well , we didn’t have many moments, we constantly got into different adventures with him, for example, what, well, there were many accidents on motorcycles, in childhood, but my mother knew about it, yes , no, i didn’t say anything, only once, yes, when you were already of age, or not yet, well, not yet, you took a risk, just once ... you can to say, i don’t know it myself, he saved me in some way, i didn’t have a helmet, and seryoga just bought a new black
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helmet, a good one, well, i’m on a motorcycle, he tells me, well, take it, try to ride with it, i just had an accident at that moment hit, that is, there is nothing left of the helmet at all, but if this helmet were not there, then kostya you have something like that in your hands, yes, this is seryozha’s watch. who were on it at that moment, how did you get it? and sergei’s mother, valentina, gave it to me. was this watch on your hand at the time of death? yes, that is, i didn’t wash them, i left them in the state in which they walk? no, they stopped, that is, he cut it, even his blood remained on them. i decided to keep them, so i’ll give it to my daughter when she grows up, and she’ll grow up, these things, they
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came here as personal... things after sergei’s death, these things were brought to us from there, from ukraine, they were personal things this watch, that means it was covered in blood, it was all in one bag, there was a cross on a string, also soaked in blood, and a wedding ring and a badge, that means we buried the cross with a string on the grave, on his, a ring with a badge, sasha, right in the blood , fastened it on her ... kidney, yes, and we decided, as if together, that we should give it to konstantin, because kostya is his closest friend, a childhood friend, and he is our vasilisa’s godfather, i only have his cap left, that’s just the cap, because it was so hard for me to come out of this burning state, and then
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the psychologists advised me to give it away, we gave it all away, and a gas mask, a sleeping bag, here all that was left after sergei, we gave everything to the museum, that’s it , that’s it, that’s all, i only have a summer cap left, he has it here under the visor, such a greasy place, here i am, well, when it’s really hard for me, i take this cap to i kiss her this place, this is sergei. next in the program: on june 21, 2022, alexander and sergei lishchenko celebrated their wedding anniversary. sasha hoped that her husband would call her to congratulate her, but something different happened. no, it’s not him, yes, well, no, it can’t be like that, i was shocked. there are a lot of
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questions, god grant that there is enough time for everything discuss. everything i remember. 2023 one branch of nord stream 2 is preserved, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn everything around and the gas goes on, without digging a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself, so they ended up in this hole, everything that is important for the president, no need to step on the same rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know, where is the root of evil, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle with its web? this is not vomiting, the wind rose can turn in their direction, we do not create military alliances, and we are not friends against someone, we are friends in interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in conditions of economic international turbulence , success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14, at 12:00 moscow
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time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling +7 495-539 4040 +7 499 550 40:40. love is when you look in one direction. look. look, look, you want to look, look, let 's see, look, well, look at the screen , look at me, understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign , look, look, maybe we can go to me, just watch a movie to get to know the country, how
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beautiful it is, just taste it, and we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just crazy taste, what’s next, honey in narinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know, why do people think squirrels are alive? to have fun jumping through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula every saturday on rtr, the hedgehog is my hare, her name was petrovich, petrovich, her name was felshu, she crushed the german, you’re all killing me , she didn’t know
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what happiness it was to be simple. gali, gala, that’s your name, wife, the great salvador dali, how to draw me naked, you’re so brave, we were in love, we didn’t agree that way, oh, and me. i think, what kind of woman is standing there so beautiful? petrovich on sunday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from the works of the gun, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7,8, how long will it be, and who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if
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you answer, then with humor, i’m an oak tree, chopping, no, plucking, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god is now beeping, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, the navigator shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim has a fourth negative, we don’t have one like that in the hospital , i have a fourth negative, they say some cool guy, wow, tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter, she donated her blood to you
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, anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i’ve known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl, babbling, i want to know everything about her, roma proposed to me , i wouldn’t want him wrong. if the novel loves marina, he will not be mistaken, he loves her, here she is, the fourth negative, sorry, premiere, on saturday on rtr, earlier in the program, having lost her son in a special operation, valentina lishchenko decided that she could cope with the grief that had piled up by helping others, but it turned out that she ... i can’t deceive myself, i really wanted to live, and even at that moment i had been lying there for 2 days, not eating anything, and this thought came to my mind, what’s that all?
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on june 22, 2022, ivan was next to his friend at the time of his death. i shouted to him all the way, don’t close your eyes, brother, don’t sleep, he’s just showed me a thumbs up, literally for a second, i don’t know, maybe 20 the commander just covered sergei’s eyes with his palm and just told me that he was no longer there. valentin, you were supported in this bidet not only by your friends, sergei, wonderful guys, but also by close relatives, your sister, galina, yes, galina, let's see the plot. valyushechka, hello, how i miss you, you just don’t. can you imagine, despite the fact that you and i are so far from each other, i think about you all the time, you have been for me since childhood was an example of honesty, justice and beauty, but life is sometimes unfair
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, it takes away our closest and most beloved people, our seryozha was a real hero for us, a great guy, we are all proud of him, we all cry with you, i sincerely hug you , i kiss you, i will pray for you, i love you, my dear, and you haven’t seen galina since the funeral, yes, yes, she came from tyumen, today here, with us, galina, please come in, my god, how hello, hello, hello, please sit down, hello, galina, hello. hello, since valentina and i live far away, we saw each other very rarely, but the last time we visited valentin, he was a teenager, just
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such a boy, happy-go-lucky, cheerful, and was, in principle, always the center of attention, that’s what you found the words then, to support your sister, when this happened, when this tragedy happened, do you remember? yes , of course, it was in the evening, alexey called me, my husband, my husband, yes, the phone number, i was just in the garden, i pick up the phone, valya calls, and now we have such a situation that if someone calls each other, then we immediately say, galya, everything is fine, everything is fine there or valya, right away, first of all, so as not to we were thinking about bad things, so when i picked up the phone alexey called and said “galya”, everything immediately tensed up for me.
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he said that sergei died, so basically , i just stood there, i sat there, and i couldn’t just talk, he said that while sergei was not home yet, he didn’t know when they would bury him, but i immediately the very next day i took care of ticket issues and immediately flew to valentina, that is... you didn’t talk to her on the phone? no, that is, when you already arrived, that valya would not be able to speak, in what condition did you find her? well, she, in my opinion, she didn’t even cry, she was like this with some kind of lump, she was a lump of tension, that is, i don’t know how i couldn’t imagine how she was going through all this, who else was there? there was our sister svetlana. and
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alexey was there, and sashenka was here with vasilisa, that is, there were generally people at that moment a lot, when i arrived, the next day they brought sergei, that is, it all happened quickly, and i ended up at the funeral, that ’s why it was like this very moment, we were together with valentina, here’s sasha, i didn’t want you. to believe, i didn’t want to believe it until the last moment, even when the funeral was held, i looked at him, as if i was looking, i saw that it was him, but my brain blocked this information, and i was like, no, it’s not him, yes, well, no, this can’t happen, he will return, he will come, this couldn’t happen to him, i i didn’t want to assure you, i was shocked, and everyone was shocked. valya, she was very
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strong from childhood, i remember when we were little, she even forced me to pinch her, imagine, so that she could understand whether she could withstand torture, from the fascists, from the fascists, yes, we all we grew up watching war films, and i suspect that valentina never complained, you said that seryozha never complained. is this how you raised him? well, probably, just here it is, as it were, maybe, in my personal example, as it were, and so, so, just so to focus attention on this, of course, we didn’t have this, it’s true, that is, i wouldn’t even have told anyone anywhere if all this hadn’t happened, that is, well, it was like it was the norm here, that is , well, we were probably raised, but it turns out that he took an example from me, yes, valya was always with us. and the most serious
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, the toughest, it seems to me, of all three sisters, and valya was disciplined from childhood, in principle, seryozha was the same, they grew up in strictness, in discipline, we were raised that way, we are so grandmother, we grew up with our grandmother, with our grandfather, our grandfather was a veteran of the great patriotic war, he did not have a right hand, but with his left hand he wrote in very beautiful handwriting... with him when we lived with them, with we all lived together peacefully , it was as if we grew up like in the army, that is , all our clothes hung straight, i ate the dishes after myself, washed them, made the bed so that everything was vacuumed everywhere, the floors were washed right here, i remember, probably from first grade, this is how we were raised, this is how we are growing up, that’s why it’s like sergei, he always helped me with everything, that is, we lived in our own house, we had our own garden and he did everything, everything, everything, he helped me absolutely.
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and since he was a guy, a man , he generally did a man’s work, he helped me there and dig, plant, everything, everything, absolutely, valentin, and now you help others, well, that’s probably it, that’s that stick , which i'm holding on to, let's see a story about this, so we need, yeah, socks, gloves. everything that is warm is there, everything is separate everything, we sign all the boxes, we at that time, we collected our first humanitarian aid in 3 days, it was a reasonable amount, it was 9,000, well , the first one... the parcel included socks, gloves, insoles, candy, cookies, toilet paper, that is, these are the simplest things things , made the necessary candles, the cardboard was all saturated, we hope it will burn and warm not only the boiling water, but also the souls of our soldiers, then in a week at that time we collected 120,000, we want
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to express our gratitude to the residents of the city of chipevsk for your concern, victory will be ours, when they have gratitude in their eyes they say chipa... thank you, well, really , yes, your heart skips a beat and you even get goosebumps and you think, yes, everything is not in vain, we will send, we will help as much as we can, valentina, you said that for the first time you collected a huge amount, as much as 9,000 rubles. yes, yes, yes, what did this amount consist of, well, in general, this was our very first humanitarian aid, i remember that then, i didn’t get in touch for a very long time, yes, we basically stuck together then well, for absolutely everything, for every word, for every piece of news, just to find out what there, like our guys, here sasha comes to me and says: we can collect parcels for our guys, but then of course i understood, well,
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how will our parcels reach our guys, that is, in general, someone will receive these parcels from the guys, that is, not purposefully, sergei, but who are you, yes, our military personnel, so i asked then. how many days do we have, she says 3 days and i immediately started writing straight away that guys, like this and like this, we have the opportunity to help our guys now, that is, our guys were leaving for combat coordination, yes, to the border of belarus with ukraine, so they were leaving, but they didn’t think that they would stay there for so long, yes, that is, they had, say, three socks there, there were only gloves, so it’s clear that it’s already passed several months, that is, it was the end of march, the beginning of april. that is, we understood that they had already run out of these socks and these gloves, and we needed to help them, then i said that the girls needed socks, gloves, insoles, some goodies, since the guys there couldn’t wash themselves anywhere, that meant wet wipes, accordingly, yes, here -
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well, in general, whoever can do what they can, then a lot of my friends, my relatives responded, so at first i told them to bring it all to me. and our relatives from moscow , from tyumen, they called and said how cunning you are, and here’s how we’ll take part in this, we can’t bring you socks, let’s bring you the money and you ’ll buy it yourself , at that moment, in three days they put 9,000 rubles on my card, so i think so, now we will buy it for them, and we really then formed two whole boxes, here i am, sasha, our vasilisa, all this. are the scales different now? of course , of course, when sergei died, that is, for a month i was, as they say, in a vacuum, yes, that is, i, well , you can almost say, they took me everywhere
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by the hand, then she called me, which means our aunt shubina , and says, val, there are a lot of guys who want to take part again, but they are afraid. call, i’m afraid of hurting you , tell me, please, are you still going to collect humanitarian aid? and then i said, here you go, to my husband, i say, lyosh, well then we need to call the command of our unit, find out what our guys need, i say, then announce a gathering, collect it all and send it to the guys, then i’m already, in general, on a larger scale like this announced the collection , then we collected 120,000 in a week , then we from our family, from seryozha, we directly wrote from seryoga lishchenko, so we bought a gas generator, so powerful, good, they handed it over, then we already bought chainsaws, everything means components for these chainsaws, that is, these are
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two-contact oil, these spare chains, that is, we already bought them baliklavas , and everyone responded, but one of our girls there went to moscow, we... there to buy experience, that is, we are like these here they didn’t just want to spend the money, yes , but to spend it in such a way that as much as possible could be bought in a larger quantity of quality things needed by our guys, and then, when we sent the second humanitarian aid, i received a video report from all our fighters, which these boxes are ours, they opened when they said chipaev, thank you, and i feel like i was just pulled out, and i’m like, my god, how good i feel, how good i feel, how glad i am that we helped them. and i said we won’t close the collection, at that moment rinato
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sharipov called me and said valentin, i kind of already know a little about you, would you like to join our movement in chipevsk and together provide humanitarian assistance ? together with us, i was of course happy then, yes, because i understood that together we will do much more than i could do alone, but i understood the scale. further in the program, those who regularly travel for the ribbon know that sometimes delivering humanitarian aid to the front line is no less dangerous than being in the epicenter of hostilities . well, the guys got stuck, skidded on the sand, but drove off because they decided to bring the boys closer to their positions, that’s the story, well, here, here, great. what are you doing, did you hear the stream? no,
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shut up, i’m platonov, i came for some exciting tests, guys, to fill out this waste paper, if i let this in, he could be fired, i won’t leave until we talk, the secrets of the investigation are with us again, today on... there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, they are ready to explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, we already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are children here, millions of moped drivers. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how
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delicious everything is. as my mother says, the mind is clear. this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. everything is a secret. sveta, on saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, dear.
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, the whole team, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, light with a movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without glee, ideas flow. over the edge , we want to turn the radiator into an art object , there will be a lot of surprises and a lot
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of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will happen it’s clear, and dreams become reality, just look, let them into your home. big changes, every sunday on rtr, for the fulfillment of all our wishes, on friday, i didn’t even know that this could happen, that you could love me so much, this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, the most real one, and then why all this wedding. i wish i could play a game of love with lenna, it’s a good deal for us, alexander makagon, legally i’m a husband, i
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have married ones too, i haven’t played too much with the second one, but that’s one thing? ruin, and then there’s murder, artyom osipov, he was following the beast, i see the car is overturned, it’s not breathing, we need to bring him back, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who are for i’m very worried, i need to somehow get out of here, without guilt, i’m to blame on friday at ptp. earlier in the program , on the day of her son’s death, the mother’s heart foresaw trouble, her soul was restless, for a moment i just felt so nauseous, i just thought, lord, what is it that’s really bad for me, and i went home, i say, i can’t, lesh, i’ll lie down a little, i say, i don’t have any strength at all, then, when
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they told us, it turned out that it was at that time that my sergei was dying. konstantin zhikharev has been friends with sergei since childhood, together we went to kindergarten, then to school. it seemed that nothing could ever separate them. well, this was the person you could call in the middle of the night, say that you need your help, and he would go. we want to talk about rinat sharipov now, let's see a story about him. in such conditions, here we live, we have accommodation, food, water, the most important thing. so that it doesn’t fly, but it arrives literally 100 meters away. this dugout is right on the front line, the final point for the delivery of humanitarian aid from chipaevka volunteers. rinat sharipov in person delivers goods for a ribbon twice a month, just like that, little chipevsk has united into one big cause. today we are united into one backbone, into one fist, and
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the chipaisk movement, we are together, unites all those who care. people who want to help help the guys on the front line. food, clothing, medicine, equipment, tools and even transport. volunteers from chipaevsk work in a focused and targeted manner, collecting exactly what the military and civilians in their zone are asking for, most recently they themselves began producing complex equipment, now at at the front are combat drones assembled in chipaevsk itself. the drones are ready. for the ribbon with volunteers they risk on an equal basis with the military , cars with humanitarian aid, a favorite goal of ukrainian nationalists, but chipayev’s goods always reach the addressee, from hand to hand, the unchanging principle of prinat and his comrades, we express our great gratitude to groups of citizens from the city of samara, chupayevsk for
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providing atv, this technique is wet. on dangerous front-line off-roads , anything can happen, sometimes the volunteers themselves need help, but the chipaevites are among their own, and those in they won’t leave the boys in trouble, well, the guys got stuck , skidded on the sand, and went, because they decided to bring the boys closer to the positions, that’s the story, well, that’s great, in his native chipevsk, rinat starts collecting new cargo the very next day, now the whole city is helping him with this, there are a lot of boxes , a lot of boxes, we thank the whole city for taking part, responding to our request, everyone is great, thank you guys, we shake hands firmly, we have a volunteer from
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chipaevsk in our studio, renat sharipov and oleg rybakov, hello, hello, good afternoon, you you’ve been doing... volunteering for a long time, and there are a lot of you in this movement in general, look , the main one is the backbone, we have an organizing committee, as if the group was originally created, here from entrepreneurs and ordinary people, here we have 30 people in the group, and in addition in the main group of chipaevsk we are together, in the main group it’s kind of big there 2,800, something like this, approximately, well , these are all the people from... all of chipaevsk knows about us and the whole of chipaevsk is helping rinata, these are the combat drones that you are making, who came up with this idea, how is it even what’s happening, who’s doing it, i have a guy, he’s such a big-headed programmer, that’s sort of the idea, and i previously asked him to do
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city shootings, well, that is, we hold events in the city, collecting humanitarian aid. or we conduct motor rallies, so he filmed us from his own, and the soldiers, what are they saying about this combat drone, there is some kind of feedback, feedback, here we are, this is all about recently... it came sent, now the thirtieth squad will test will give him feedback, and you go there personally to the front line, go specific to the same brigade, or not different units working in different units are completely different, we know this starting from now, i already know all these regions lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye, kherson even better than samara, but why do you go yourself driving, why are you taking risks, i want to finish it, it’s just what i started, when you can’t go yourself, it’s an unfinished job, somehow my soul is no longer the same, when you arrive you understand , you’re forming parcels, loading them, when you already understand who what to convey, and
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whose box, that is, well, they will form it correctly , that is, don’t just dump it, take it, disassemble everything yourself, but you already understand that whose, valentina, for your sympathetic heart, for your wonderful son, the soldiers from the front line want to thank you, attention, screen , dear valentina petrovna, thank you very much for our comrade in arms, who continues to remain with us, in our ranks, in our soul, thank you very much for the maternal warmth that we receive from you every time, we are very grateful to you. dear valentina petrovna, we want to thank you for your extensive and difficult work, for the contribution that allows us, the soldiers of russia, to bring things closer day after day. undoubted success of the special military operation. olek, you are also on the team, as i understand it, yes, we are together in chipaisk, you
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and nanat are also going there, but there were some difficult dangerous situations, there were different situations, and you didn’t get shot directly like that, but you were close , let’s say, with dangerous places, well, approximately 800 m from the antonovsky bridge, shots, you can hear it all, arrivals, you can hear it all, what is this for you a test of strength , yes, some kind of test, a desire to help our people, to help the guys, to help all the fighters, what do you think, this is a service, it helps to overcome difficulties, difficulties, her eyes light up, of course, of course, this is 100% it helps, we live in this moment,
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one might say, we bring a piece of home, a piece of warmth from home, it doesn’t matter what was given to them, drones or something from sweets, from food or from things, but it’s from home, it’s like a letter from home, they are happy, of course, they are always happy to see us, and we are happy. you know from our programs, we also want to make our contribution, people call us on the hotline who offer humanitarian assistance, and we collected it all, we filmed a story about it, let’s see, we weave swab robes and mask nets according to the season, and socks we knit for soldiers, we sew different things, we are a volunteer movement dry boch nafron 72. all caring residents of the city of tyumen, as well as schoolchildren and people of silver age, help us. we want to send these parcels to ours
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so that the children feel that they are loved at home and wait, guys, come back victorious, we are waiting for you. hello everyone, from the shcheglovo warehouse, our girls are starting to collect the parcel for the program, wave your hands, here we are assembling it for a tank. thank you very much , wait for our package, together with the residents of the command, we decided to support our program and send our small contribution for the guys on the front line, we collected a package that included warm socks, medicines, medicines, thermal underwear, well, sweets from home, well, probably the most important thing a gift for the children will be letters from children from schools and nurseries gardens volunteer association: from parma for their own from the perm region supports the action of the program of our russia tv channel with the belief in victory through the power of the people's rear.
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well, that’s all that you see on the screen now, that’s all here now in the studio, that’s not all, of course, there’s more, this is from the krasnodar region, it’s great, there’s so much heat, look, there are letters here, yes. by the way, from tyumen - this is your homeland, so a letter, a letter, a letter, here. what is it? this, boys, you know what this is, yes, this is a five-point exercise, and the hammer icon for your parmas, and here is a generally huge bag, this is a network, this is a network, a network, a big request to transfer all this there, to the front to our guys, here are our programs, the most important thing i want to say is these letters that children receive and drawings , they use it as
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an amulet, yes, they roll it into their pocket, yes, yes, and go when on a mission, that is, they are like, like a prayer, very important, yana petukhova from the seventh k, writes, be brave, strong, persistent, i want to wish you health, strength, courage and endurance in the face of the enemy, goodbye, a soldier unknown to me, and candy , well, thank you for... what you do, once again our condolences for the loss of sergei, the person dear and beloved to you, we ask you to take all this to our people there on the front line, thank you very much to the audience for what you gave us for our common victory, which of course will soon be ours, thank you, and i want to tell you, thank you for your courage, to everyone sitting in this studio, low bow, this...
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was our program: real stories about our people. see you next time on channel russia, see you, see you. news is broadcast on the russia tv channel. greetings, i'm maria sittel, hello, traditional annual meeting of vladimir putin with the council for the development of civil society and human rights. scouts and volunteers from the central military district, their assault groups on the front line are delivered on these armored all-terrain vehicles. the enemy is using all types of artillery, starting from
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mortars, israel has planned to flood the hamas tunnels under the gaza strip with sea water, a pumping system has been installed in the north enkhlava. the us congress plans to make a decision on the impeachment of president biden at the beginning of 2024. and from this day on, flying within the city limits is prohibited in vladivostok, but this will not stop the fishermen. whose cars are parked, the water started flowing. russia, in economics and in politics in the social sphere, must first of all protect the interests of its own citizens. vladimir putin spoke about this at the annual meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights. the president held a meeting via video conference late the night before. was a wide range of topics will be covered, assistance to the families
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of defenders. fatherland, problems of education in schools and universities, support for foreign compatriots, issues of the judicial system, medicine. particular attention to the treatment of children. alexey konopko, about the most important statements of the president. at meetings with the president, and for this he immediately thanks the council, human rights activists bring specific problems, receiving specific results in response. in the same conversation a year ago, the head of state was offered to create a scheme for targeted support and rehabilitation of svo participants. in just a couple months, instead of a scheme, putin created an entire fund that helps throughout the country. i ask you to continue supporting the fatherland defenders fund. it has a very important function: to control how the state reacts, organizing assistance to participants in a special military operation and members of their families, whether the state is achieving the goals that it sets for itself in this
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area, you need to get... feedback connection between those people for whom it is intended, the work of the fund itself. almost all the participants in this conversation were in the combat zone in person, some carried humanitarian aid in mariupol, some are helping to restore houses, others are working with the families of fighters. there are soldiers who gave their lives to defend our country, there is a measure of support that applies to them if they return from the front to their children, this is, of course, free higher education, this is the opportunity to receive... special education for free. it seems important to us that if a fighter gave his life, this measure should also apply to his wife. definitely think about the topic... about supporting those women who lived in civil marriage with their husbands, there are even cases, and there are many of them, when they have children together, so that no children are left without support, not these women,
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the president holds such meetings with the council on the eve of human rights day, the un declaration of the same name turns 75 this year , for many is enough to distort its original meaning. the process of degradation continues. ensuring and promoting human rights. its institutions, virtually controlled by the west, demonstrate political bias, hypocrisy and open selectivity. so, for eight years, we have seen their helplessness and direct ignorance of flagrant violations against the residents of donbass. in these structures they not only do not notice, but even encourage the manifestation of russophobia. support those countries that are in a hurry to take first place in this shameful competition of russophobes, as you know, russia has withdrawn from a number of international human rights organizations, but this does not mean that we are abandoning the principles laid down in
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the declaration; on the contrary, we are ready to cooperate with all interested countries and partners, leaders of russophobia, the authorities of the baltic countries, and reminiscent of putin, it was so before... their path to russia, council members propose to simplify as much as possible, it is important to give a signal that we are waiting for these people from unfriendly countries, also in order to so that they feel, well, a certain formula, which , it seems to me, is high time to declare publicly, it’s better to be at home , come back, the country is waiting for you, such a position of people as non-citizens is generally
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a strange invention of those who claim to be to be considered democratic countries, it is certainly ugly, and is now acquiring new qualities and a new scope, i don’t think there will be much happiness now if they pursue such a policy in relation to the people who worked there, created some benefits for this side with them will be treated like such a pig, then in the end they themselves will be faced with such lead. however, the door is open, the speaker of the council is there. new generations of residents of the former soviet republics are ready to go to russia, but sometimes with their own charter. it is no secret that migrants can working 60 hours a week is beneficial to employers, but violates the labor code.
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there are often cases when migrant families do not allow their children to go to school; russian language exams in many cases are accepted formally, to put it mildly. military registration, people receive russian citizenship, but are not registered with the military. that meet the interests of the russian economy, this is first of all, and this means that these people must be prepared from a linguistic point of view, from a cultural point of view, they must have traditions and so on, laws, respect these laws, well of course, their right too... it is very important that, putting the interests of the citizens of the russian federation at the forefront, first of all, in all spheres, we must consider all these issues in a comprehensive manner, the laws of punishment in the human rights council are discussed at almost every meeting,
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the president was asked develop a system for preventing crimes among young people and reduce the actual sentences for economic crimes; according to the estimates of human rights activists, they are growing. in some countries it is not by chance, say, for tax crimes. and or for violation of anti-cartel regulations activities, such punishments are provided that, it would seem, are also too strict, too even cruel, but this is the conscious position of the legislator state, because the legislator reacts to those manifestations that he, the legislator, considers the most. the courts of the last century were urged not to forget by kiril koleda, the rector of the moscow region church in butovo, next to the training ground of the same name, the state concept of perpetuating the memory of victims of political repression. it is more important for us that nothing
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like this is repeated in our history country, because all this as a whole caused enormous, difficult-to-repair damage for our people and for our state. the absence of the right as such in the decision of the people, it is unacceptable if we want the country to have a future, that’s what is important, in this regard, the conclusion is, of course, this work must be continued, a whole block of questions about education, in pedagogical universities is becoming more, but the shortage of teachers is still large, and those who are are overloaded with work and reports, even digitalization does not tell the president saves, vladimir putin promised to talk about the problem with the relevant minister, they are discussing medicine separately, help for children with arphan diseases has been established in new regions, for example, eleven-year-old luhansk resident ksenia with spinal muscular atrophy received it. she really asked me, i can’t refuse her request, to give you the drawing. this drawing was named especially for you by moscow, kremlin, putin.
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please convey my best wishes to ksyusha, let her get better, thank you very much for this gift. and also the status of having many children the president’s parents were asked to make it federal, so that the benefits would apply not only at home. putin promised to support the idea. alexey knopko, anna kolok, maria radimova, yulia shedrova and vitali marchenenie. preparations for a direct line with the president are gaining momentum. the results of the year with vladimir putin in the format of a live line and a press conference will be aired on the russian tv channel on december 14. calls with questions addressed to the head of state are accepted at the call processing center every minute without interruption. now we are in contact with ainur valiakhmetov from the call center. a ainur, hello, tell us how the work is going? maria, good afternoon, but the database of questions that are generated by call center operators is growing every day. there are really a lot of calls, all of russia is calling, and
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some ask several questions at once, indeed, what worries the residents of russia most, now i propose to listen to what the callers say, a large number came from large families, people are worried about one the status of a large family, for example, and the appeal came from a father with many children from moscow region, who does not understand why in moscow the status of a child family is valid until the youngest child reaches 18 years old, in his moscow region until the eldest child reaches adulthood. in fact, there are hundreds of different questions, everyone is carefully advised by the operators, 22 specialists work 2 hours per shift, and indeed the operators here not only listen to each interlocutor, but also give important advice, that is, they play the role of such a psychologist. let's listen to one of the operators. we went through training, we were trained, yeah, yeah
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what were they taught? taught how to properly receive requests from citizens, showed everything, showed directly how to work with this program, most often, the call center receives calls from representatives of the older generation, after all, young people choose such electronic filing of applications, now the most active are residents of the central federal district, you can ask the president a question by calling the hotline number 8 800 200 exactly 40 40 or sending an sms to the number 04040 and there is also the official website, there is also the opportunity to set up a video conversation right in the call center, for this purpose there are two booths in the middle of the hall and they are the ones who receive calls like this, and i also want to remind you that even if your question is not raised during the live broadcast, you should be upset it’s definitely not worth it, because every appeal will not go unnoticed
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by the president. maria, i’m returning the words back to you. thank you, ainur. at the reception center , our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov works on a direct line with the president. in the donetsk and south donetsk directions, the past 24 hours 4 hundred ukrainian militants were destroyed, at least six armored vehicles and the geotsint gunner were knocked out. our paratroopers operate in the solidar area on motorized vehicles. one such mobile group, armed with the fagot anti-tank system, was able to do so. destroy 10 enemy fighters near our positions. the scouts helped, they established the coordinates of the enemy using a quadcopter. a stud installation and two mortar crews were eliminated in the kupinsky direction. the enemy's fortifications are being hit by hail from the western military district. near urozhainy and staromaisky our motorized rifles disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine and stopped attempts to mine. a massive air strike was carried out in the shelter area; in
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the krasnoliman direction , su-25 attack aircraft hit a concentration of enemy forces, and field positions were destroyed by unguided missiles. and armored vehicles. at the tor ledge , our tankers are hitting the ukrainian armed forces’ fortifications, from the front line, reporting by vinkor vesti, alexey baranov. the t-90 breakthrough completed a combat mission in serebryansky forestry, now assault groups continue to work there behind the line of combat contact, and the vehicle goes to the point before refueling to replenish the ammunition, the combat work of the tank crews of the central military district here at the torsky ledge goes on around the clock. the crews operate both from closed firing positions and
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directly on the front line, when attacks on armored vehicles by an enemy stronghold are carried out with direct fire, thereby providing fire support at the right time. assault unit, a reconnaissance officer with the call sign rangefinder, his group tells us how serious the fortification in several rows was erected by the ukrainian military i just returned from a multi-day mission that was carried out behind enemy lines. it is clear that they have been preparing for more than one year, some dugouts are reinforced right down to concrete walls, concrete ceilings, weapons are completely filled in monolithically, a lot. the scouts work hand in hand with volunteers from the central military district, their assault groups are delivered to the front line on these armored all-terrain vehicles, and
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they cover a couple of kilometers to the front line on foot. the situation on the line of combat contact is tense stable, a total of about ten attacks were repelled... the so-called contour attack, they are ready to repel the next influx at any time, the soldiers feel energized, they believe in themselves in the strength of their weapons. active defense includes, of course , fire contact with ukrainian armed forces units in the territories they occupy; rotation of volunteers takes place every three days or immediately after the battle. the task is to carry out counterattacks; the enemy uses all types of artillery, from mines to hail. including using cassette tapes ammunition. while one unit is storming the positions of the ukrainian military, reinforcements are being delivered to the front line. the armored all-terrain vehicle makes at least five such flights per day. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, alexander porhunov. news: krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge.
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the us congress will vote today on an additional $106 billion aid package for ukraine. american democrats. to push their position, they invited vladimir zelensky to speak to congressmen via video link, with kiev the day before prime minister of slovakia robert fitsoo also spoke , but there the result is the opposite, slovakia and ukraine have different opinions on many issues, bratislava does not believe in a military solution to the conflict, will not share weapons from its own arsenals, and, based on the interests of its farmers, will continue to block the exit of trucks with ukrainian grain. previously not very active finland promised to support kiev with weapons. the country's defense minister promised to increase the production of ammunition for kiev by tens of millions before christmas. euro. and here are the topics further in our issue: israel is planning to flood the hamas tunnels under the gas sector, a cold snap is approaching moscow, the temperature will drop to -24, well,
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at the russian exhibition at vdnkh today the kirov region is presenting its achievements. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. where is he? he packed his things and left. your dad forgives me. let's see on the weekend. of course we will treat your daughter. chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything you can perhaps there is almost no hope, i so want to see how you will grow, but this is not given to me, but i left our only joy, my only relative, to manya, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter,
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the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for custody of her and her capital, the only one. a chance to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future we will submit documents to deprive valentina mikhailovna of her round, what to do next, how to continue to live? the only joy is on saturday on rtr, it still hurts here, it hurts here, it hurts here, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle, by the way, this is officially proven by proper nutrition, how to eat stress correctly? we need
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to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat , the right medications, run to the doctor , medications are like crutches for us, and the right habits, and won’t they slap us on the kefir , and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, with monday to friday. hello, he's coming back, oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, category, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has talent. is always in the center of events , give yourself a gift for the new year now , sklefosovsky, we watch it before everyone else, in
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the application or on the website, when arina rises at a height under the circus dome, my heart skips a beat and goes to my feet, i know that dad and mom are on they are watching me and i have nothing to fear. the belays came out, the rowing, granite, the ice is blazing, and the light fluff knocks you off your feet, what the misfortune, in my opinion, today you flew higher than ever, well, yes, it wasn’t scary, no, adorable, some kind of child it’s impossible to look at me without admiration, since we’re on stage, leonid fedorovich serebrennikov, let’s ask, so that we can sing something together, hope. blue bird, anniversary season
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, sunday on rtr, marry me, this is very unexpected, really, dan, i love you very much, judging by the conversation, she is in a very... close relationship with him, even very close, you are pregnant, in the child is not from roman, from dan, i i don’t believe it, they took my blood and did a test, the fourth negative premiere on saturday on rtr. this is the news and we continue publishing. the israeli army is expanding the area of ​​operation, the entire territory is already under fire. gas sector, early in the morning airstrikes were carried out on jabaliya in the north
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of the enclave, and the city of jenin on the west bank of the jordan was stormed. the attacks included a government hospital and a refugee camp. the militants strike back . more than ten rockets were fired at the israeli city of bersheva in a matter of minutes. them meanwhile, the wol street journal writes that israel is planning to flood the underground tones. hamas is in the gaza strip, no decision has been made yet, but five pumps to pump water from the mediterranean have already been installed near the refugee camp. the idf admits that the hamas thugs could have left the gaza strip to hide in egypt. today is the sixtieth day of the war and 137 hostages still remain in captivity. in the gaza strip, israeli army strikes killed 350 people and wounded 800 civilians in 2 days. total. already from the beginning of the escalation, victims of shelling became without small 16,000 people, the humanitarian situation is critical, there is no water or electricity. the idf
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is now bombing the southern enclave, where almost 2 million palestinians were previously evacuated. there are only 12 operating hospitals left there, three more provide first aid in gas. the tsakhal assures that it is not preventing the flow of aid to the enclave, but almost 300 tons of cargo have been delivered from russia. today , permission to travel to egypt. another 250 people received it, including our compatriots. at night , 120 russians and their members were evacuated to moscow by a special flight of the ministry of emergency situations families, 29 children. in total, since the beginning of the humanitarian mission, rescuers have made nine flights and transported almost 900 people to russia. on other topics: a cold snap is approaching moscow, the temperature will drop to -24, which is 10° below the climate norm for the beginning of winter. a cold cyclone has already covered the northern part of our country. it was raining in the krasnoyarsk territory recently, and today in some areas the temperature is below 25°. extreme cold in
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magadan, there... thermometers are -55, intercity buses are not on routes, in schools have a free attendance regime. and in vladivostok, plus4, the city authorities banned the entry of local reservoirs into flight until december 31. official restrictions should serve as a warning to ice fishermen who continue to fish even when warm weather makes the hobby truly dangerous. report by kseniy kolchina. that's it, they saved, the first tragedy of the winter season: a fisherman fell through the air at the mouth of the shkotovka river, several people tried to help, but apparently, he was carried away by the current, the ice is treacherous, heterogeneous, from above you can clearly see how white matte islands alternate with gray dangerous thawed patches, such an op-op-op, and then oops, you can
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catch it from the car, i opened the eye, i think it has started, but there are several failures. on the amur bay there were crowds of fishermen on the coastal rivers, before going out onto the frozen bodies of water was officially banned. many people seem to come here, not even just for fish, but simply for some sensations, to breathe some air, to fall through, if, here it’s not too deep, well , you failed, tried to get out, go home i went, before the ban was introduced, the inspectors of the ministry of emergency situations tried to reason with careless fishermen, i remind you that they are waiting for you at home, not necessarily with a catch, but also without. wife, children, mortgage, so look, clearly , we don’t gather more than ten people, because this kind of fishing can’t even be called ice fishing, the fishermen’s catch is reflected in the puddles, the ministry of emergency situations employees handed out instructions on what to do if they still failed, they convinced those especially at risk to return to the shore, they persuaded , we are going, well, less experienced, but more passionate fishing enthusiasts often do not follow the rules, and the frozen surface
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of the sea is so fragile that it easily cracks under the weight. on a cushion of air, the thickness of the ice, of course, is still small, about 10 cm, just a few turns of the drill and the hole is ready, of course, such ice can withstand a person, but finding out in a car is life-threatening. the flight train is always prohibited for violation; there is a fine ; going out is now also prohibited until december 31, but still, every winter fishing season, tragedies happen; they don’t have time to get out of sinking cars; they sink to the bottom; they are standing, water is coming out of a crack, cars are starting to stand in water, water is rushing out of a crack , so far during the day the thermometers in vladivostok are always showing a slight plus, the weather is not conducive to the formation of strong ice. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, ivan kireev, far eastern news bureau, primorsky territory. at the russian exhibition, which
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has already been visited by more than 2 million people, the relay of regions continues today. the kirov region presents its achievements, guests are expected to meet people of whom the region is proud, these are employees industry, scientists, athletes, artist and astronaut, a special exhibition is dedicated to the natives of the vyatka province, the vasnetsov brothers, famous paintings of artists in motion, presented as part of a unique video project, governor alexander sokolov spoke about the development of the education system, this is how the world-class campus developed, within. .." of such a federal project, to create a modern educational center for the youth of the kirov region, we spent a long time choosing a topic and came to the conclusion that the most important thing is machine tool building, since without the creation of machine tools , there can be no technological sovereignty of the country; individual expositions at the exhibition are dedicated to volunteer day, which is celebrated today in
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russia, the sevastopol stand, and volunteers... will be told by schoolgirl diana krasovskaya. in april of twenty-two, at a meeting with the president, she proposed creating an all-russian children's movement. vladimir putin supported the initiative, after which a movement of the first was created. today on our channel there is a continuation of the series secret investigation. new film of the twenty-second season of the heart failure. maria shvetsova is investigating a series of murders. the robbery version has been ruled out. the victims include a graduate student, a security guard and a repeat offender. who can connect such different people? secret investigations today immediately after the evening scenes. well, at 16:30 watch the malakh program on our channel. thirty-seven-year-old roman garelov, the father of seven children, went to the front as volunteers, his call sign is siberia, in one of the battles he was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed, now he
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is going to the front again, but first he wants to find his comrades in arms, who became like family to him, but after being wounded, contact with them was lost, we found these fighters, which of them came to the program today to meet with roman. news, follow the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. thirty-seven-year-old roman garelov, the father of seven children, volunteered at the front. na swan , a gunner operator of an infantry combat vehicle , was seriously wounded in one of them, lost consciousness for a moment, woke up with a strong burning sensation in his shoulder, a sharp pain, at the hospital they later told me that my bone was completely broken, they performed several
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operations and installed a titanium plate on me, and now it’s like a terminator. roman spent several months in a hospital bed; now he has been discharged from the hospital and is going to the front again, but first he wants to find his comrades in arms, contact with whom he was lost after being wounded. yurka mikhod is like a brother to me, we went through a lot with him, covered each other on missions, aptakh replaced my dead father, you might say, and khakas, khakas went to the front because of my son, i would really like to meet them all, hug them, look into each other ’s eyes, we found these fighters, which of them came to the program today to meet with roman, we’ll find out right now. roman gorelov in our studio, listen , when they told us your story, i said exactly seven, there’s no typo here, exactly seven,
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so 37, what time did you start, excuse me, well, my first was born 17 years old, almost 18, the oldest , well, here we go, as it were, well, it wasn’t scary after all to leave seven children like this. it’s not scary, christina, i have a wife , i know that she is a strong girl, that is, she will always cope with everything, friends, comrades will help her in everything, well, you are a father of many children, you could, well, get a deferment and, well i think it ’s a duty, my duty, the duty of a citizen of the russian federation, and as i understand it, at svo you met the same guys, uh, with whom you became friends with whom fate scattered you , what happened, tell me, in february, we were liberating the populated point, a combat mission, we had, came under heavy
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mortar fire, i only remember a strong explosion , i was thrown several meters, a strong roar in my ears, i got lost for a moment, i felt a strong burning in my shoulder, in my back, in my leg, everything somehow blurred in my eyes, the boys shouted, all the boys, like you, everyone is alive, not alive, the patients began to respond, other guys ran up to us, began to evacuate us, i remember when they evacuated me, they helped me get out, i remember yurka, yurka helped me get out, lyokhi khakas, they took us to a safe territory, to a safe zone, there the doctors already provided assistance to us, the first, when they bandaged us, they put us in a car and they were already evacuating us to the hospital, but you didn’t immediately tell your wife that no, no, no, no, no,
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no, i didn’t immediately tell my wife, because i knew that if i told her now, she would immediately rush to me from the train station, no matter how i started to do it right away, well, now you have already gone through rehabilitation. yes, i went through rehabilitation, but my bone turned on and didn’t heal, and this is just such a fragment, right? this is a fragment, in my opinion they pulled me out of my back, well , let's see, let's look at your family, how you live now, attention, our friendly family's house was taken over recently, here we are planning to make a playground for the children , put in a pool, make swings.
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there will be potatoes growing in the far left corner, now let's go into the house, i'll introduce you to the family, great, guys, oh, my bunny, you 're my you, i miss you, yes, this little one, the eldest here in the house, sofia, andrey, katya, my little bunny, there’s my wife all the time. cooks, manages, yes, to feed a large family, yes, yes, my bunny, this is our hall, we bought a specially large sofa, when i arrive, everyone sleeps here, you love me, yes, dad, this is goss, yes, yes, when my husband went to the front, i was invited to join the dare committee wars of the fatherland to work, i do humanitarian aid
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, work with the families of participants, so our husbands probably feel calm there, they don’t worry about anything, well, in terms of their family, i know that they have a very reliable rear here, it never happened the desire that the hunt was to go straight there, to get ready, i don’t know, fly in, find where he is there, why the connection, well, for about a week and a half, in my opinion, there was no connection, it was a very long task, that’s it, i was already ready, suitcase, station, go there. his friend called me and said that yours was broken, that is, my first question was, he was alive, he says he’s alive, i say, his arms and legs are in place, he says, yes, they are in place, the main wound is, that’s where the bones were dug up, that’s what i’m looking for 120 mortars flew by, they scattered us all, they took a piece of bone, implanted such a small piece there, put a plate, still nothing
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it’s rising more, i want my close friend to transfer, they are now there on the front line, the boys should all be there, i will be here, but i feel uncomfortable, my help is needed there more, i need to protect there. well, that is, i understand that where there is seven, there are already eight and maybe nine, yes, as if my wife and i are planning, but after all this is over, svo, that is, my wife and i are planning for more twins, wife, well, how wife, wife wants twins, christina, christina, today we are here in the hall, christina, come out to us. and
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mine, well, maybe i put it in yours fame, that he was going to his own , assumed that he would go with me, well , and then he already said that he would go, he set before the fact that that’s all, i’m going to sign a contract. i’m leaving , it was too late to deny it, somehow i was indignant, we agreed with the decision, but what attracted you to him, when you met, tell me, we met in a common company, i saw him for some reason right away, i thought, he looks like a bear , he’s so interesting here, i think we should get acquainted somehow, but for some reason i didn’t come up for the whole evening, didn’t make an acquaintance, nothing, i as if she was a little offended, she got ready to go from there, well, i’m walking calmly,
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he’s catching up with me in a car, can i give him a ride? of course, give me a ride, i’ve been waiting all evening, but after all, it’s like, well, i gave you a ride, exchanged phone numbers, started talking, then we realized that then we could only move forward together, then only the wedding, well, when we started living together, i’m like i would say that if i get married, then to the end, so to speak, i warned you that if i marry you, then you can leave me only in case of death, so he said then, that i am also completely ready and ready to even conclude a marriage in heaven, so after 2 years we got married, yes, but i know that you were also raised in a patriotic spirit from childhood and you were also... ready, it seems to me,
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even to join your husband, the number of children stopped you, yes, if it weren’t for the children, i probably would have gotten ready to leave, ready to stand handing out cartridges. why does he call you a snake? well, in general , he kind of calls me bunny bunny, but for me, when i show my character, he says poison you'll spit at me, well , of course, there are witches, they call it, there is such a thing, but tell me, you were offended that he didn't call himself, he said that he was wounded, yes, i was offended, i yelled at him when he called me, i said that he, well, he called to tell me that everything was fine with me, i’m living here. i was talking, i started yelling at him, well, because i knew that you would get ready and go, go, but when you first saw him after being wounded, remember that day, well, of course i remember, i actually wanted to do something to him surprise, he initially he said that there was no need
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to come to me when he was in the hospital, i think no, we need to go, we still need to go, somehow feel him, it will be peace of mind, well , i got ready, i wanted to go as a surprise, but someone told him. that your wife will be here soon, i arrive, i get off the flight, my husband meets me, intelligence reports, that my wife is getting ready, that’s it, you are with flowers, with what, you were already standing with a bouquet, flowers, yes, flowers, of course, that is he likes to make surprises, yes, and he spoke especially about his friends at the front no, how could it be him, too much and you can’t ask about such moments , little by little, since they helped each other there, he shared this, well, let’s show roma one of his comrades in arms, attention, 3 months ago i started walking with crutches, ulya, please bring them, well, of course it’s unusual
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to walk on them, it turns out that you also need to study for them, so i’m getting on my feet now. these crutches are essentially running, but i can’t walk yet, well , i still have a dream, to switch to a cane, the children have already bought it, i’ll walk like charlie chaplin, the cane looks quite stylish, i i didn’t even hold a machine gun before, i didn’t serve, but here i volunteered, with me and... my wife gave me icons in church and took them, well , when we were going to the position, i made sure to be baptized and always kept it near my heart, well, this is what a shrapnel scar looks like wounds, they took out a fragment here, they cut it here, cut
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it out, added it here, such a metal fragment, a large one was in the leg, so it crushed this bone, which is part of the leg, oh the bones are missing in the leg, so he was even surprised, the surgeon , he says, usually like this large fragments, go right through , as he says, stuck in the bone, i say , i’m surprised, i gave him something like this somewhere, the edges are generally sharp, now we also keep it as a keepsake , this is our darling, our beauty, we put her on for filming, she likes it, we see that when yura went to svo, she lost him. looks out one window, looks out another, someone came into the entrance, she’s still waiting at the door, well, naturally, when he returned, she whined, squeaked, didn’t leave his side, she’s probably treating her leg, she always lies down like that, falls asleep like that , were waiting
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for him to come back, and it happened, i... i really wanted him to be with me at my wedding on such an important event, and so it was, i ’m very happy, i’m very proud of him, i don’t know, i’m probably not as proud of anyone as i am of him, i’ll pay myself now of course, i’m glad that my children are like this and are proud of me, happy in a word. yurka , our mikhvod, so they called him, a mechanic-driver of an infantry fighting vehicle, we went through a lot with him, we had a lot of things, covered each other, a courageous man, that is, he always rushed into
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the thick of it there, even when it happened to us, they would build us , who is on such, such a task, we need to go to do this, do that, he says, yurka is always in the forefront, they often shared... ate there, they shared one packed lunch for two on a task somewhere, that is, yurka is a world person, well, i want to say that yura chicken and his wife, maria tikhonova, came to meet you today, let's invite them to meet you, great, brother, how are you, how are you, fine, fine, look, lively, well, something like that, you're handsome, eh, i haven’t seen you for a long time, hello, how are
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you feeling, yuri told me that you’ve already had five operations, but you’ve had one, only one on your head the operation was on leg four, you were wounded on the same day as roma, yes, yes, well, do you remember how it all happened, yes, i remember, we were on a mission and shelling began on us, and next to us ... a shell exploded, there was a shell about a meter and a half away from us, we were all scattered, when i fell, my ears began to bleed, i began to hear poorly, i began to stutter , blood began to flow from my head, i tried to stand on my leg, i stood up several times , fell, at first i was probably in a state of shock, but when i already realized that something was wrong with my leg, i started looking around and saw. lying nearby khakassa with me, alexei, crawled up to him,
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began to shake him, lyokha, get up, lyokha, get up, and he answered me that i asked him, are you alive, he answered me, yes, and i tried to pull him out, myself wounded, crawled, i dragged him with my back like this, masha, how did you find out about your husband’s injury? he called me when he was already in the hospital, he says, we actually had a tradition with him that when leaving for battle, he said, don’t lose me, i’ll keep in touch for a few days, and when we said goodbye in conversation, he always said, pray, well, i always told him too i said, we had such a tradition, i said, speak, my angel, i’m with you, you ’re ahead, i’m behind you, and also pray. and so he called me and said: you
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prayed well today, i say, what’s the point of all this talk, and he says, yes, i’m in the hospital, and he really started to stutter at first, i feel that he’s not deceiving me, that’s when i started to feel some kind of panic, anxiety, i started crying, oh. but he tells me: don’t worry, your arms and legs are in place, now he says they’ll have an operation, i’ll come back home, i’ll see you again even with you, well, he was joking, he began to calm him down , as it were, but remember this moment was very difficult, i somehow got ready, then a few days later he called and said that he was being transferred to moscow, but then i didn’t even bother with anything else, i immediately bought ticket, asked for time off from work
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, went to see him in moscow, yura, and you are such a humorous guy, yes, you invited masha to the zak 10 minutes before registration, and before the end, closing, 10 minutes before the zak closed, i when i left for volunteers, no one knew about it, i passed the foreign commission on my own, agreed with zaks. they said, if you have time, come, i came home, told her, pack it, and my wife is washing the dishes, yes, yes, my wife is washing the dishes, no hair, no makeup, no thoughts that he was leaving somewhere, so they got ready and signed , so, well, let's see, we have footage of your registration, is your desire to start a family sincere, free, mutual, please answer the groom. yes, ready, bride, ready, with your mutual consent, the marriage is registered, according to
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the good tradition of all wedding ceremonies, a sign your love and fidelity, he will put a wedding ring on the ring finger of his right hand, but he didn’t have enough on the other one. time, why bother? this is how people are born, congratulate each other, first spouses. that is, with one ring, with one, here is christina, that is, you are still fine with you, and you, legal, you knew that roma had seven children, yes, he knew, and that he still wants more, what more i don’t know, but i
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was already in a state of shock, everyone there was surprised, i found out, what is it? for the tradition that you forced yura to go down the stairs, when mobilization began, when people began to volunteer, and somewhere on the internet i saw such a small video that during the great patriotic war there was a tradition that everyone was sent to the front with their backs, so that the person would return home, as it were, that’s why we live on the second floor, with a backpack , with things, not even on the elevator, but on foot , he went out not only out the door, he even left the entrance with his back, that is, we followed all the traditions, well , now i understand, yes, you will now leave the studio with your back , yes, good, but it’s true that
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on the legal front, you showed icons , you baptized the guys, at first some were skeptical about this... they were skeptical, in the end everyone even asked them to baptize them themselves, yes, when everyone sat down on the armor, i turned around with the bmp and baptized the guys, let's do a little advertising now, after which roma and yura have no idea what surprises await them behind the scenes, new meetings for the heroes after the advertising. what are you doing, did you hear the shot? no, muffler? i'm platonov, i came for some exciting tests, guys, fill out this waste paper, if i give it a go, he could be fired, i won’t leave until we
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talk, the secrets of the investigation are with us again. i think that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i'm out of competition, there are questions, everything is so neglected, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible , that's what i meant , of course, a bear, when i said, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the
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strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, and i hop. and five against one on saturdays on rtr. it is for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, please. today is a big day for us, a big holiday, nah, it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other. dyarsky whites, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, people fell in love with them, but who cares? good, your wife or boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of my time, beauty,
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repin, the whole team. we only watch on the platform, our favorite songs are played in our studio, let’s go, it’s a birthday, my favorite music never gets old, real wonderful songs sound, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and can barely hold back my tears. words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer
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of culture, this is the golden fund of soviet and russian. hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show, on saturdays on rtr. once again, good afternoon, today the main character of our program is 37-year-old roman garelov, a father of seven children, who went to the front as a volunteer. in one of the battles he was seriously wounded and spent several months in a hospital bed. now he is going to the front again, but first he wants to find his comrades in arms, who became like family to him, but after being wounded, contact with them was lost. before leaving for advertising, roman met with his front-line soldier. brother yuri chikin, this is how their meeting went a few minutes ago. hello, brother.
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rum, here yura told how he pulled a fighter from the battlefield with a khakas conscript, and what. khakas, he went to the front because of his son, his son is fighting, they called each other, corresponded with him, they all wanted to see each other there, but somehow it didn’t work out for them , then khakas was on a mission, then his son was on a mission, that is, how well, they didn’t fit in time, it didn’t work out for them, yeah, but please tell me, is khakas older than you, yes, as i understand it, of course, yes, but today, too, in this studio for came backstage to meet you.
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hello, dear, how is it normal, but good, oh, normal. how are you feeling, hello , alexey, yes, i wish, well, more or less normal, well , how did it happen that you are over 50, and you ended up at the front, it so happened, when i arrived, my son told me that he was going to , he said that - there is no need to dissuade him , that everything has been decided, and of course i supported him
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, well, that is, you also began to ask to go to the front, went to the military registration and enlistment office, as a result, when they took you, your son had already left - to another unit, but they they refused me at first, they said that i didn’t meet the age requirements, but i began to push, well, did i ask? that i said that my son was there, i needed to be with him, but i achieved it, and then they sent me away, but in the end they met, they had already met, as i understand it, in the end they met, yes, it turns out that we were each other very close, but we couldn’t meet, then he was on a mission, then i was on a mission, and then i find out that it turned out that we were wounded on the same day, you find yourself in the same hospital, in the hospital, you met, father son, both are wounded, i can’t imagine your feelings, it’s just like in a movie, honestly,
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yes, but a few days before you were wounded, you yourself saved your comrade, yes, it was literally the day before, then the command acted the bird was wounded, no, not wounded , but he had a severe concussion, and yurka and i flew there, got on an infantry fighting vehicle, i already had him as a driver mechanic, i was a gunner-operator, and we flew together until were driving there, there was also heavy shelling on us, but we made it, and yurka, a professional mechanic-driver, he turned around on the spot, we quickly jumped out of victor’s car and he was ours. we loaded the car and drove back, well, we managed to get out of there. well, let's. let's see how
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life goes.


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