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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 5, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see , look, well, look at the screen, look at me , takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, one, two, three, sign, and look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, russia , traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great,
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so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. so, apparently the american grandfather is still honored, chairman. us house of representatives committee jim jordan said that preparations for biden’s impeachment will be completed in the first half of 2024, with only a few final witnesses left to be questioned. bank records released by the watchdog show biden received money every month from his son's company. the company was financed from china and is.
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white house. karine jeanpierre stated that she had not seen any report and immediately finished the briefing. shocked by the criminal adventures of the biden clan, even the mafioso, a former gan, nicknamed who. sammy bull and his accomplices as a boy, the head of the oversight committee, james core, said that the committee had found a connection between the biden family and the money that. the circle is closing in on
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the biden family. hunter was at the very center of a global influence machine that made millions dollars for the biden family, using a very complex system of bank accounts and shell companies, so he will have to answer the question and most of his past excuses will no longer work. kommer stated that he paid his father from his bank account, which received money from a chinese company associated with the state, we are talking about the company avaska, here is an edited bank statement that will be attached to the subpoena , it shows that avaska pc was created so that hunter could perform monthly payments of $1,380 into his father's bank account. the white house has repeatedly asserted that the president and his son have never been involved in business together, the same idea has been repeated more than once in this room,
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however, judging by the documents that fell into the hands of the oversight committee, one of the companies. and you, pc, directly paid the president, did the president accept these payments, why did this even happen, if they allegedly did not have joint affairs, i will be honest with you, i have not seen these documents, so i will redirect you to your colleagues from the white house counsel's office. bye everyone, i'll see some of you in boston or wednesday. thanks everyone. perhaps the only group of american voters who will remember the presidency of the bribe-taker and senile biden with nostalgia are lgbt representatives. thanks to the inclusive policies of the white house, trans people took over american sports competitions at the illinois state championships. among
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women, two men took gold and silver ; tennis star and former world number one martinatilova called lakhnaya. situation when mediocre male bodies are taking away places on the podium from female athletes, journalist pers morgan is angry, he wonders why more women don’t speak out against this infringement on their rights, they are probably afraid of accusations of transphobia, non-binary athletes are allowed to compete even in american schools, one of parents. a trans man, who was allowed to play with girls, injured his daughter during a volleyball match from a guy’s blow, she received a concussion, this is also volleyball, a fairly non-contact sport, in
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american football or hockey, the threat to the health of trans women is much higher, well, in germany they worry about the safety of their prostitutes. now in germany it is legal, but they want to ban prostitution in order to save powerless women from pimps and human traffickers, otherwise they say germany has turned into a brothel in europe. many prostitutes, of course, are against it; they want to work legally and continue to have social protection. jay is a thirty-two-year-old marketer who has a regular office job, but in the evenings her second job starts, she dates she sleeps with strangers for money, all her relatives, friends, colleagues know about her second job , everyone around her knows without exception that she works
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as an escort, when people ask me if i’m ashamed, i always answer: no , jay became an escort only 3 years ago, but she had been thinking about doing something like this for a long time, for the first time this thought came to me... right now jay is getting ready to receive another client, in exactly an hour he will ring her doorbell, here it is, her workplace , the apartment is rented, but jay calls it his own studio. this is my playroom without a bed, of course nowhere. i have a little chaos here, when i know that i will need various sex toys, i prepare them in advance and wash them. this time the preparations didn’t take much time; jay should stop by for a visit. a regular client, he has no special wishes, for an hour with jay he will pay 250 euros. at the beginning of my career, i charged less, then i didn’t yet understand how much it costs when you have sexual intimacy with another person, but now i know that my clients spend time simply luxurious, hence the high prices,
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here is the client, an hour later, jay changes. bed linen, yes, today everything was fine, as always, from such meetings, i am charged with energy, all this incredibly fuels me, the envelope with the money is still on the nightstand, jay does not work with pimps or agencies, most she still has money, she just has to pay taxes and work as a prostitute, so she is completely satisfied, now let’s go to the front, the us state department assesses the situation in kiev as difficult and admits that money to support ukraine will run out very soon. secretary general stolteng , at a meeting with the minister of defense of ukraine umerov, said that winter conditions would certainly
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complicate the situation in the war. a ukrainian fighter told propagandists from the british bbc about the battles in the kryna region that he felt like he had come out of hell. the ukrainian armed forces tried to create a bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper, but in the end they found themselves in a death trap. the vysoushnik himself spent several weeks on the left bank, was under heavy russian fire all the time, and survived miraculously, although, he says, he himself did not believe that he would come back. everyone else was much less lucky, he says, the boats with the landing force sank to the bottom of the dnieper right before my eyes. but now susushnik believes the situation of the ukrainian militants is even worse, they are really being destroyed by artillery, mortars and flamethrower systems of the russian army, which is typical, the ukrainian soldier directly says that he does not understand the purpose of creating a bridgehead at all, why
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did the command leave his comrades to cross the sky? report that many colleagues are confident that the entire operation was exclusively political. that is , the zelsky regime is again sending ukrainians to slaughter in order to try to portray at least some success for the western masters to extract money. today at 23:00 moscow time, zelsky will address the american congress via video link and demand 61 billion. american congressmen know that the counter-offensive has failed, the washington post confirmed the information. chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff mark miilli said that there should not be a single russian
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who goes to bed without thinking about what in the middle of the night his throat would be cut. the soldiers of the 47th independent mechanized brigade waited until darkness fell before nervously but confidently loading into their us-provided bradley fighting vehicles. it was june 7, and the long-awaited ukrainian counter-offensive was about to begin, the task for the first 2 4 hours was to advance almost 14 km to take control of the village of rabotina, this is the initial thrust to the south to achieve the larger goal of retaking melitopol, the city located near the sea of ​​azov and cut russian supply lines, everything did not go according to plan, the mouthpiece of american propaganda, the washington post newspaper comes out with a sensation, revealing details of the preparation of the ukrainian counter-offensive. western strategists played eight rounds of war board games. and computer ones, summing up the results in an excel spreadsheet and winning every time.
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the pentagon called for the operation to begin in mid- april; ukrainian troops were to launch an attack in the zaporozhye direction and cut the land corridor to crimea. commander-in-chief vsu zaluzhny chose three to strike at once directions. artyomovsk, zelensky separately insisted on this, melitopoli, bergansk in the hope of turning the length of the front of 100 km into a problem for the russians. the pentagon allegedly doubted the success of this particular strategy, but trusted kiev. i can't tell you all the details, but we have launched an active counter-offensive, and so far everything looks good. ukrainian troops expected minefields, but were stunned by their density. the soldiers were trained to drive their bradleys at a facility in germany on level ground, but on the loose soil of the zaporozhye region, in deafening noise of the battle, they made their way with difficulty along narrow
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paths cleared by the advanced units. the russians, positioned on high ground, immediately began firing anti-tank missiles. some vehicles in the convoy were hit, forcing others following them to veer off the path. they, in turn, were blown up by mines, further damaging the column. the troops, some experiencing the shock of combat for the first time, retreated to regroup to attack and retreat. again and again with the same bloody results, by the fourth day the commander-in-chief of the university, general zaluzhny, had seen enough, burnt western military equipment, american bradleys, german leopard tanks, mine clearing vehicles dotted the battlefield, the number of killed and wounded undermined morale, months of planning together with the united states was thrown aside, a counteroffensive designed to reach sea of ​​azov, practically stopped within 2-3 months. according to washington's large-scale blitzkrieg with the participation of tanks, zaluzhny
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preferred small groups of soldiers, 10 each the man who went into the attack on foot, so he hoped to save western armored vehicles and save the lives of soldiers, in 6 months of the operation, the militants advanced 19 km and captured only a few villages, tell me, who is this? the white house is warning it is running out of time and money to help ukraine fight the russian invasion. over whether eu funding will come to the fore ahead of next week's summit in brussels and whether the next stage of ukraine's eu membership hopes will be blocked. washington is gripped by political steam; the white house is forced to cut military supplies by 22 times to a historic low, stretching
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the remaining 2% of allocated money to ukraine. congress has not provided new aid since september, reports economy magazine , and the us budget office is even sending a letter to the speaker of the house of representatives demanding that the document be approved faster. according to johnson, the budget does not contain the main point, america's ultimate goal in this conflict. congress must decide whether it is going to continue to support the fight for freedom in ukraine as part of a 50-nation coalition created by president biden, or congress will ignore the lessons we... learned from history will allow putin to defeat congress must provide funding, otherwise the united states will not be able to continue to support ukraine, we will continue to try to rally others for this, but others look at us and say: you are not giving money, and this undermines our arguments in the eyes of a broad international coalition. winter will complicate ukraine's position on the battlefield. the west must
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strengthen its support, preferably not in words - secretary general nata stolteng said after a meeting with the ukrainian minister of defense umerov. the british television channel bbc believes that despite kiev’s pleas for assistance to be agreed upon, things will not come to fruition very soon. slovak prime minister fico has already denied ukraine weapons and said in a telephone conversation with the ukrainian prime minister that he does not believe in zelsky’s victory at all. geert wilders, the leader of the right-wing party that won the elections in the netherlands, also spoke out against the supply of weapons. i think that the dutch should not provide them with weapons, because we ourselves have a lot of them few, other countries are doing this, but i think that instead of war there should be negotiations, but it is absolutely clear to me that the one who started this is russia and no one else. the situation in kiev is extremely difficult, says the official representative of the american state department, miller , of the armed forces of ukraine . western countries have exhausted almost all their reserves, despite their words of
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support, they are sending an insignificant amount of weapons - said colonel the front has become thinner, why? firstly, both sides are very well equipped with intelligence tools and can see exactly what the other side is doing. winter though and without frost, at least not in all regions, but the mixture of rain, snow and mud makes it difficult to move, ukraine has run out of steam a little, so it definitely lacks dynamics. on the contrary, at the moment it has to concentrate more on repelling russian attacks and maintaining its positions. winter is just around the corner, the counteroffensive appears to have failed, the allies are tired, and ukrainian president vladimir zelensky has a new opponent, his own commander-in-chief, valeriy zaluzhny. the dispute between the president and the commander in chief shows that the united front in ukraine is collapsing, all doubts about the prospects for ukraine’s success are intensifying on the sidelines of the european and american
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governments. at the same time, germany plans to fight for at least another year, the ryanl concern will supply ukraine 4 in the amount of 142 million euros ; in fact, there will be enough ammunition for a month and a half of hostilities - the magazine economis believes that the european military-industrial complex is not ready for modern military companies - writes the associated press. many western arms companies have failed to increase production despite a significant increase in demand for weapons and military equipment, the watchdog group stockholm international peace research institute said, adding that labor shortages , rising costs and supply chain disruptions have been exacerbated by russia's invasion of ukraine. companies have encountered obstacles in adapting production to high-intensity warfare. this is how ukrainian militants waste valuable western ammunition. in these frames, at the moment of the shot , an unsecured gun, sliding on the frozen
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ground, flies off several meters, bringing impact efficiency to zero. it’s boiling, this is the price of your morning coffee, morning calm, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, this is how we fight, don’t think that we get 100,000 each, well, if someone wants, i will give them 50,000 or even 100 every month, just come here and change me, i’ve already really fucked, i ’m all wet, and i still need to spend the night, this is the price of your morning coffee, alekseysanovich, please, yes, there are a lot of all sorts of events, but what, what makes me happy in this case, you know, on in my opinion, ukrainians themselves fell into their own trap, they said from all corners from every angle, well , everything is a little bit now, everything is khan, well, that is , the whole country was inspired with the idea that, well, here
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we are definitely winning, the question is simply, not what we are, but when we win, that’s... that’s it, but now, of course, it’s very difficult to explain, but what now, defense, ah, but what is defense for, in order to dispose of everything, come on zelensky, let’s go back there, then , what did you promise, you promised to improve relations with russia, well, you did, you did, that is, you promised to fight corruption, well, you won, so won, i think so, yes, that is , what else did he promise, well, probably, land only to every ukrainian, but he really succeeds, unfortunately, disposal is happening, and this is very unpleasant, now the most surprising thing in this situation, that the stupidest: the politician of ukraine expresses the smartest thoughts, klitschko speaks very simply, he says: then ukraine will exist, but if he
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says so, then i have the impression that this is understandable not only as he said there - then, not only to everyone, not only to everyone already it’s clear that if, if he talks about this, not only to everyone, well, well, this is what we’ve come to, now this eccentric is speaking in front of - that means congressmen or whatever senators he was going to speak today to ask them for money, well, here on video so i sent him a chumak, he needs to invite him there and make passes for them guys, let’s charge the water so that the congressmen there will drink something there and give him really a lot of money, but this doesn’t happen at all, well, everything is fabulous there, that’s fabulous, starting from the performance, then the head of the pentagon arrived there and said: well, listen, we don’t have a magic wand for you, then stolteng says that f16 is not a silver bullet for you, yes, but now,
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it means there is a director of finance, budget department, he wrote, that means a letter to congress, where he wrote that, well, an official letter, that in our white house, you know, there is no pot that cooks money for ukraine. the evil dwarf should speak there before the congress, well, this is already happening , it’s really absurd, well, the fact remains that they live in it, but the important thing is that, of course, it was good when, for example, ukraine was at war with russia, they gave it some money. how wonderful, everything is working out, and now those she had to return, yes, that is , they, why do they have problems? because it began to dawn that no one
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was going to return the money at all, but as you know from the famous film, in america everything is just like that, except for the money, so who will return this money? well, okay, there are 60 billion, the losers are asking for 400 billion, well, who is returning it? it will be, that is, they are the same we thought how we would divide russia , we would grab it all for ourselves, everything would be fine, but here there is nothing else to divide, this is money for defense, that is , they are more likely to attack, to capture russia, and then divide it up, they are not going to divide it up, just money for defense, but what are the benefits? , yes, here they are, they think like that, well, in general , in their logic this is correct, but why give days if they will not be returned, well, just for consolation, to fight even longer... with russia, but the question is that ukraine’s economy is, excuse me, 40%, there it’s even less all that remains is that everything
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is coming solely at the financial expense of the west, but let’s look at russia, yes, well, somehow, if you just take it offhand, they said that our missiles there are running out, running out, running out, it’s been a year already is running out, the shells have run out in ukraine. well, i’m saying there and in all other areas the same is true, from energy to even simple banking operations, so to speak , so here they have, excuse me, be that as it may, force majeure is so incomprehensible, in europe they too start say, listen, guys, why should we , even the liverwurst stirred there , say, you hear, guys, and i, i, yes, we give there, of course, yes, well, now let’s do it in a common package, then i will contribute less to the european union pay, because taking into account the help of ukraine, well, no matter how hard they try , with all this, nothing works out, scholz
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has a budget crisis, there is no money for ukraine, rish sunok has a budget crisis, they cannot agree on a budget of money for ukraine, no, wilders, a representative of the right party came to victory over promises to reduce military aid, he has already said that there is no money for ukraine, fitso. promises, also said that there is no money for ukraine, and we are increasing next year’s army by 170,000, that is, this is another, another full-fledged army, in fact, that is, we have it, guys, well, if you want further, let’s continue, that’s why they are there they start, let's negotiate , let's negotiate, we say, let's negotiate, well, as is right, says lavrov, on the battlefield, so on the battlefield, we... that we should run after them, let's negotiate, they will come themselves, crawl here and they will ask, the main thing here is for us not to succumb to these tricks, we
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understand perfectly well that no matter what they promise, today politics is like this, unfortunately, it’s like this, it will be like this in the near future, you know, unfortunately, this is so that you can sign any papers, any agreements, no one in the west is going to fulfill them, of course, but they are considered strong, and they have nowhere to go, they have to be reckoned with, no matter how much they want to drive us, so to speak, under the plinth, it doesn’t it turned out, it turned out that they drove themselves there. here in this is the whole problem, that they don’t know what to do, they don’t know what to do, so we know what to do, we are calmly, quietly, peacefully moving forward, to the west, as always, to the west, this is important , and not the main thing, really not to give in to them, to these little jokes that they can throw at us, to say, let us leave all this to you, but what should we leave, we are so ours, but we are from these
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negotiating positions . let us leave crimea to you, hello, thank you very much, leave crimea to us, otherwise we were wondering who we should will leave him, we took him away a long time ago and no one is going to give him back, or rather, they themselves came here, no one even took him, but ukraine will have to be liberated, we don’t have any other options today, that ’s the whole point and the problem, the funny thing is, you talked about even the most backward people guessed that something had gone wrong with the counterattack, i don’t mean it that way, klitschko. aristovich today comes out with a new revelation, reporting that 90% of the territory consisting of four regions, which, according to the russian constitution the federations really control the russian federation , this citizen tells us, he also told us that our 2 years are running out with a rocket, and also makes his forecast, we cannot return this land, there is no
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reason, no money, no... no people, and also the main thing make sure that putin doesn’t take away everything else, well, that is , everyone has finally figured out everything, he will dissociate himself, mind you, he will dissociate himself, this is not ukraine , the most important thing for him is to jump off on time, well done, in this sense reznikov, he was the first to get off this train who is rushing to hell right now, what concerns the pot, listen, it’s simply impossible, it’s too funny, the head of the white house office of management and budget, shallang, sent a letter to the leaders of the us congress. in it , she warned that by the end of the twenty-third year, the united states would completely run out of resources to provide support to ukraine. in her letter , young said that cutting off arms funding to ukraine would increase the likelihood of russian victories. i want to be very clear, with no action from congress by the end of this year. we will not have the resources to produce weapons and military equipment. we will also not
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be able to provide weapons from military warehouses. in the usa,” she wrote. we don't have a magic pot of finances to deal with this situation. we 're out of money, almost out, time has concluded yang. please, well, this is like half the problem, the other half of the problem lies in the analytics on the part of american strategists who wanted to find a strategic defeat for russia. this washington post article is remarkable. because this is a very large detailed article, where all the stages of preparation for this counter-offensive are covered and, as they say, how it ended, the key thing in this article is that mark milley developed the contour of the offensive, they admit this, which means the americans developed it, which means the americans are leading with russia is at war, which means this is a bailey incident, which means they are telling us that they are at war with us, as well as a direct quote from mark milley, who reports that every russian falling asleep...
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should know that he will not wake up, we will cut off every russian throat, mark millie, americans, what else are we expecting in this regard, we don’t expect anything from them, but it starts with some, it’s just about negotiations, that’s all, we will find a common ground, to a point of contact, every russian should know, we will cut the russian throat, it begins with the fact that zelensky promised that the twenty-third year would be victorious, and budanov said there would be a tea party there in... he was promised, but all this , of course, did not happen, because the initial assessment of what they managed to do in the fall was absolutely wrong, they thought that this is precisely the result of the military power of the ukrainian army, without taking into account objective factors, well, firstly, we left kherson for strategic reasons, reasons, and what happened on the kharkov offensive was explained by the fact that we did not have a line of combat contact. ..


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