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tv   Taini sledstviya-22  RUSSIA1  December 7, 2023 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

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is trusted, why is she giving instructions to congress right now? i mean, she is responsible or shares responsibility for the deaths of more people around the world than possibly any other living american, and yet she is present at a secret briefing. i'm not saying she should go to jail, although there's certainly a case to be made for that view, but she definitely shouldn't have a security clearance and brief members of congress, did someone say, wait, no person more discredited than you, victoria, well , he, girlfriend, i seem to have another girlfriend, no, another, this is your secret love, vikusi, you probably know well, no, you were not part of that group of sailors, who taught young vekusia obscenities, the most unforgettable, angry, angry, self-confident woman with boorish manners, too, we just had a conversation with her. apparently
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the conversation did not go on the ukrainian topic, well, she invited me then it was before the 20th year of the second year, she invited me to come to ukraine, i said, it was a matter for washington, that in ukraine racism is anti-russian, the spectrum approaches nazism, she said: no, this does not exist, this does not exist in ukraine, what if? you think i’m inviting you, then i said, i’m inviting you to ukraine, i guarantee you security , i’m quoting verbatim, the american official doesn’t matter to me, she guarantees me security in ukraine, and you will see that there is no nazism, nationalism, very aggressive , very tough, such rudeness, yes, yes, no, i had other decent ones, acquaintances, like... clark there, they
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posed the question a little differently, the nato commanders, but i don’t agree with dmitry, we categorically must oppose this chinese puppet biden, put our creature trump, because for the entire period he is his own, not trump was able to create the administration that brought the united states to biden in this way, so in principle, of course, the second coming of trump, in fact, will be staged. well, then you can later, then then kamala, wherever necessary, that’s it, that’s all, that’s all, that’s all, of course, this is an interesting question, because you started with the fact that about moscow university, of course, something like that, we started a battle of deans, no, a battle for the almomator, that’s because , for example, for example, a month ago, one must love one’s homeland, one’s homeland, homeland and almamat and mother, dear one, the society of world politics received
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the first prize from the magazine scout in the nomination, the best analytical work on the topic of regional conflicts and global security problems, you know, it was presented by torishkin, who by the way speaking it came out wonderful in the last issue... also, in my opinion, it was already noted in the intelligence service, here an article came out that determines that the current situation, it is very similar in the world, here’s the answer for the disclosure, so it is in general, in the public domain, you need to read reference literature, it’s just a secret, therefore, therefore, therefore, when, well, sergei evgenievich very clearly defines what has happened in the world practically, i completely agree with him,
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it is possible that a revolutionary situation is developing in the state, now it has developed in the world, there really is , there is the united states, there is the european union , which in principle is, well, now it has lost all subjectivity, so i will say that there are european nato countries, nato is this instrument, so it is very no wonder that they let's go, they need to put forward a certain agenda that the owners in white demand from them... that is, the united states demands , and it is also necessary to indicate that yes, europe is interested in maintaining trade relations, this is certainly true, but the european the union is no longer about this, the european union is not about this, they accept documents, one after another they accept documents that are directed against china as such, starting in december of the eighteenth year, when they were afraid that chinese capital had practically bought up all of europe, we need
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a european union, maybe national governments there, someone like fitz, orban, have some considerations about national interests, in trade with china, they don’t want to get caught like latvia and or there australia is under this chinese trade cat, but for the european union, for ursula vonderlein, for michel, these are opponents, a strategic compass, here is the strategic compass of march last year, they really had to rework it in a hurry, they have been doing it for 2 years since the twentieth year under the leadership of barel himself, and here the operation began within a month, it needs to be reworked, but there, why does the european union need to attack china? listen, where, where is china, where, no, they do a certain thing, they are atlanticists, and they are, they are already this consciously raised generation, they are not just idiots, but atlanticist idiots, no, they are not that idiots, dim, they are not, not idiots, they are just people who are fixated on the fact that without the atlantic, without
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transatlantic relations, there will be no europe, well, this can be done smartly, without rudeness, they do it stupidly with rudeness, well, for god’s sake, it can be done this way. so they, they realize this, europe will be one way or another, the question is what kind of europe, europe will be, europe is a nation state, nato, europe, something else, whatever, europe will be free from nazism, you know, when with a solid ruble, with the official russian language, and what is it, when david cameron just arrived in the united states, what did the british government do before that? , did. because it is necessary to introduce tribute, to file in the united states, that is, it is necessary to introduce sanctions, if you are going to the states, it is necessary to introduce sanctions against russia, against someone, they introduced sanctions, including against chinese, chinese companies, cameron comes there, gives an interview
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, what does he talk about, so i don’t interfere, i don’t interfere in the internal life of the united states, but now the issue of life and death is being discussed , the issue of the fight for ukraine, it must be given... american and british people will die, so i heard this, there was already this chant, this chant, it already exists, and the fact that the entire administration, there’s a saliva, well, a saliva in general, when he spoke about this, i even looked like that, he decided for someone threaten about what the bets are are too high , the consequences are too serious to allow a minority in congress to hold ukraine's funding hostage, yes, this is not a threat to us, this is not a threat to anyone else, this is a threat to the republicans, unite, america will be free, fight the dominant democrat in
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the white house, there's salivana, so yes, everything is correct, well, approximately to the answer, so everything is fine, you know, here i am in one biden, wake up, no? in one thing trump, so to speak, i can, in two things trump could be condemned, this is that he did not imprison her, but he is victoria, no, hillary clinton, that would be an indicator, the second is that on january 6 he did not climb onto an armored personnel carrier, he refused and disowned the freedom fighters of the united states, this is the game of the damned globalists, globalist internationals, on the other hand , this is very interesting, because america is just now... look, this is not the case in europe, in europe the power has already been firmly seized by the brussels bureaucracy, the elected people have no chance to influence anything. america shows the opposite trend, america, even to all this screaming,
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stinking officials, they say: “who are you? that is, it is no coincidence, that is, for them , in general, blinken is nothing, this is nothing, because, in principle, for the congressman who is behind him, his voters, these little people, they are nothing at all.” about what, there is , but how, well, it was like that, for a congressman, for a senator, in principle, people who are involved in foreign policy in america have always been second-class people, hell, there is now another movement, it’s like, it’s going on in a more positive direction, we just notice the federal level, and the state level, for example, now in texas there is, there is such a movement, the texas national movement, that’s what it’s called, which advocates for the freedom of texas, for the lonely way out of this, yes, it, she is the heir, this movement, there was such a party as the republic of texas , its then leader , richard lance mclaren, in fact, now
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i can even be sure that he wore cowboy boots, yes, but in 1997 he was sentenced to 99 years in prison for this, so now we can hang out our freedom here. exists, well the constitution doesn’t say at all that states can withdraw. yes, in 1869 , the supreme court decided to completely prohibit any state from separating from the federation, so in fact, a movement that, any movement at the state level that says against the need to secede, that’s what that mclaren said, says what in principle we were annexed by the united states, so the united states owes us 93 trillion dollars, freedom. freedom, and are we really historical, no, the fact is that in july, last july, they
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they posted a declaration about this on their website, now it has collected about 100,000 signatures, and this means one simple legal thing, in my opinion they will have republican primaries somewhere in march or something in texas, which means that the question can be brought up to these primaries : should texas secede from the united states? texas will be free, everything is correct and approximately, approximately so, so these trends that now, yes, it is necessary, it is necessary, for them, of course, i always say, the united states simply cannot do that, therefore, we need to keep an eye on the elections, excuse me, it is necessary that there are 4,000 warheads, so if these warheads, so to speak, actually declared war on us, that’s what he basically carried, in fact, he declared war on us. volodya, war was declared on us, even before obama, there were always nuances here, but excuse me,
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when they first used enemy in relation to us, the high military command, and the english language is rich, and when the term enemy was chosen, they didn’t allow themselves this before, no , but they weren’t allowed, they weren’t allowed, there were all sorts of adversory there, yes, but enemy, this already means they are at war, and biden didn’t mix anything up, and it wasn’t biden who said that, that’s the problem, the minister of defense said. i’m not taking away from what the military called us, it’s just that they didn’t include it in the documents, and they always told us that, now, now it’s all very serious, serious, of course, because now, that’s why it’s time to measure the area of ​​the states in formats , because for the administration, the current administration, the situation is very, very difficult, and how will they get out of it, popular administration over the last 30 years, yes, but i don’t remember why after. not about 30 years, i would say so, the last administration that was, even, even i wouldn’t say nixon, but
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johnson, when he refused to run in march of sixty-eight, before that he was a fairly decent president, just, no, well, the loudest, this is watergate, of course, well, watergate, and it was a great president, yes, everything worked out there, nixon got over it in ’72, it was easy, it didn’t help. well maybe, okay, maybe bet, there was also jimi, they turned onto the american road, because you need to know the enemy, because if you don’t know the enemy, you don’t understand where it came from, so you need to know the enemy and you need to know it well, you need to clearly understand that many of the things that are happening in our country are connected precisely with the cycles of american elections, for example, in war , we clearly understand what is happening, when the shells were delivered there, when they receive them, what they receive, does it have anything to do with the elections? this is an opportunity to predict, i want to remind you, as a great russian chemist, and not only dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, when
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he was given the task by the military to quickly develop the topic of smokeless gunpowder, what he did, yes, he turned to russian intelligence, which from a nearby factory calculated what the railway stations were and handed over a list of how many cars were coming with what, and then it was enough to just adjust the formula, and if they didn’t know. what is happening with the enemies, they would not pay attention to the little things, they would miss an important technological leap, so the enemy must be known, the enemy must be studied and don’t hesitate to strike, it helps a lot , it helps a lot, a preemptive strike, what do you like more, a surmat or a posedum, you need to know the enemy, but not the train schedule, and if you don’t know the train schedule, you won’t know when the enemy will arrive at your place border, this is a base, advertising, marry me, this
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is very unexpected, really, dan, i love you very much, judging by the conversation, she is in a very close relationship with him, even very close, you are pregnant , there is no roman in the child, from dan , i don’t believe it, they took my blood and did a test, the fourth negative premiere on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural. explore, nature , dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes
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run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing. this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on prt. from the first note, beauty, repetitious , from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile
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, back of the head, belov, or something, well, from the first class. together, for everything we do, we are also responsible together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake out of the car, run, the whole team, just on the platform, look. okay, yes, well, i understand that vitalich will be against it, but i still, i’m still about the united states, the only thing i can say to justify my charges is that in general, with the election cycle that they have, they practically never get out of it, this is the president, especially a member of the house of
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representatives, generally for 2 years, well, in fact , those elected immediately begin campaigning for re-election. he thinks about it all the time, and i also agree that in general america is the last western democracy where there are real interests behind the politicians. remember, in our time, 2000, 2010, there was this, there was this the definition of democracy, that in fact democracy is a mechanism for coordinating interests, it doesn’t matter whether they are public, business interests, whatever, yes, that is, it ’s like, well, society is built on interests, well, in a sense, this is so, well, because we all have some kind of... we all want to participate, if we want to participate in the state, for russia, this is also, by the way, typical, we also don’t want, so to speak, somehow the state was built separately from us, but in america, this is a country of classical western democracy, it is the last, so to speak, which is probably now destroying this democracy in its own country, in europe it ended from the very moment the structures of the european union were strengthened, it is true here
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when officials began to manage everything, but if we talk about the fact that we we know about the enemy, well, look, regarding the package , still, to make it clear, probably yes , as i understand it, dim, that this is not about the fact that it cannot be cut into pieces there, but about the fact that someone then he’ll come out and say, no, let’s kind of give up on this altogether, well, of course, here it is already cut it into pieces, in fact , already, but they cut it into pieces . i had a question in connection with this, i myself explained it in uladivich’s program and where they tried to exchange the border for ukraine, well, like the border for the republicans, but for biden , ukraine. and it didn’t work out, moreover , after that the white house spoke again, after this wonderful meeting, so to speak, in the senate, and then in the house of representatives, broke down, the white house spoke out and said that it would not agree to tightening immigration measures in exchange for ukraine, in exchange for money for ukraine, and i understand perfectly
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well, i explained this whole matter myself, that listen, well , there are leftists in the democratic party who simply will not forgive... but if ukraine is such a fundamental point, if they are still meeting, well, if not to win, then to hold on to ukraine , many, many billions, which means many, many shells, preparing tanks and everything else for ukraine, it was probably worth it to put a little pressure on the left, to promise them something else, why didn’t they promise. why suddenly this is here, and from this you can then was to refuse, this is america for god’s sake, as biden says, this is america , you can always then say, oh listen, well , it wasn’t me who made the promise, then roll back this
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immigration legislation, so to speak , moreover, start the process, and then he why - i didn’t go, why didn’t they exchange one for the other, yes, there are seven-minute political considerations, but they say that the deadline is running out, well, i’ll make an assumption, there may be different considerations , including those that i said, politically - this now it's suicide, the left will turn away everything, but maybe they don’t consider ukraine so important now, unlike immigration, because if they start to cover up the issue of emigration, they actually finally decide their main electoral base, or as they say, the nuclear electorate, and ukraine, maybe they already think that it doesn’t matter anymore, that it’s already useless, but that means that if, especially in the pre-election year, that is , it’s worse in the pre-election year, i understand that i’m endlessly annoying vitalich now, but however, it’s worse in the pre-selected year end up with a 180° turn in migration
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policy or lose to ukraine? it depends on which states you are fighting for, not just any, the question here is clear, you can’t lose your electoral bases, and ukraine doesn’t care, if they were in canada, would it play a role, but what about chicago here? so there are poles there, masachu , but no, but there the number of voters has been destroyed, there is a very strong comparison with israeli interests, and this tells us something about the further development of the event, at least about the possible development of the event, but besides that, everything that is good, we say to ourselves, has already been done, no, despite the fact that we saw the sunset, which says, we gave them everything, yes, yes, yes, yes, so they are thieves, tell me, they say, well, we gave them everything, they are not clever and thieves, well, except for purely elections, of course, they will have to overcome in the united states. and trump , if he comes, whoever will take his place, well, of course not niki haim, sorry, but how do you like this little nuance, you know, it seems to me that the fate of leopards also began
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to slow down the americans very much, it first slowed down abrams, so to speak, and in general orders to hold, that’s what i’m getting at, because it seemed to them that hamers were a game changer, when the percentage of hamers shot down went over 80, they realized that they couldn’t sell an elephant like that when they saw how harness. they suddenly realized that if they now strike at one of the main sponsors of almost all electoral processes, the military-industrial complex, it will be ineffective, well, the regional-industrial complex in general, in principle, there in the united states, it’s like a complex complex matter, completely obviously, that not only for the military-industrial complex, for a whole series of political structures in general, namely political ones, so to speak, clans, families there and so on, to show that weapons are at least equal to russian ones, if not worse, but that’s all, that this is crap, they put such a bet on this matter, it’s one thing for trump to say, you’ve ruined everything, you’ve got all the production, there ’s a trillion-dollar budget, but that’s so much, and then there’s the russians, it’s quite another thing to be in the establishment
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and get this, well, in this regard, what will they do, well, in my opinion, if they now, of course, they really won’t give money to ukraine or they will give it in a very reduced amount , and then of course they will blame everyone for this, us, congress, republicans, republicans, of course, well, that is, the trumpists, well, this means that they will need something... what to do in this situation. if they manage to cope with the discord in management, no matter who the president is, relatively speaking, someone is a protégé of obama or trump or someone else, well, of course, the era of competition will begin, then what biden was talking about, so to speak, , and trump talked about it in this in a sense, they are similar, well, firstly , the first thing they will need to do, in this era of competition, is not to give this other world to russia, china, everyone who has joined, maybe there will be two or three regions, it doesn’t matter, but this world finds mutual understanding, to prevent them from becoming equal in technology. to pretend that
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soviet means excellent and really lagging behind in technology, and in no way, not only in military space technology, but also in everyday life, so to speak, because now the world is faster, the interconnection is already its, so to speak, so you can’t untie it like that, as then it’s all the same even from iron, which means that the lethal was leaking out. the best technologies, this is still such a thing, in no case can you lag behind this, moreover, on the contrary, you need to get ahead, you need to get ahead, because it is we who are catching up with them, we are ahead of them, we are displacing them from the position of hegemon, what else are they trying to do, they won’t try to prevent human logistics from being built, they are already doing this, china has seas there, nyaanma, which means that taiwan here in this sense is already acquiring not a symbolic meaning, but directly logistics and a lot of other things that will be done. moreover, almost certainly now the search will begin for ways to block access to the same ground technologies, transport, that is, not to allow supply chains to be built now, and
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where they can be destroyed, this will be the most ... in the north they simply don’t have anything for 100% they will stick around, well, what are they building their icebreaker fleet on now, now i ’ll tell you sometime in solovyov, when i have a lot of time, so as not to take up, it’s really funny, well, that is even submarines here this is class, so to speak, the new georgia, it’s less funny than it really can be. maybe, so let's look at it as it is, no, maybe in this sense , we have to, we have to wait, they're taking the polar countries now, they're taking them away, and what's the point, what's the point, they're doing the same with them cooperate , no, no, no, now that sweden is ready to host american equipment at 17 sites, plus it’s not against even nuclear weapons, a movement is starting there, well, let’s do it, supply chains, they will try, we must keep in mind that these are common , in general it is in their interests now to build in the common
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interests of their joint forces, to protect , this must be directly stated as a program, because this is what they will try to do, they cannot defeat and destroy us, they cannot change the regime, they cannot do anything else, but this is what they can do for a long time, while constantly balancing the rewards of the beli incident, as they think they are doing very well, now the next thing, well, about financial bombs, i’ll just say very briefly, financial bombs are laid under us, just so as not to irritate the presenter, no, well, we just repeat this every time, so carthage should be destroyed, but not in my program, not everyone does. there is no need to destroy anything here except the united states, which means that, well , another moment, of course, is to try to destabilize that eurasia itself, they understood perfectly well that the de-americanization of eurasia is underway, whatever their torch, their zip lighter can reach, they will try to set it on fire, that’s actually it, they seem to be leaving, weakening, but setting fire, setting fire, but here are four calls, with which we will actually be faced with now, which is why i think
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everyone is listening so carefully, i’ll probably also start with the united states of ukraine, and the closer the defeat in ukraine, of the ukrainian troops, the closer there is a change of regime, and it feels like... it is unpredictable and difficult to control specifically for americans, so somehow the harshness of biden’s statements correlates with this, indeed, it means threats of war and so on, but isn’t the biden administration and biden personally facing: the most direct defeat and failure , these days, now in december, in january, because there is a feeling that if we lose in ukraine, if peace is concluded on our terms, then the entire structure of the democrats collapses, and the republicans will not bargain only because they understand very well that they have a lot of chances to shake biden now, so this is all happening now, yes, well, if they shake him,
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and such severe polarization, i don’t remember the exact poll numbers, but in my opinion, the majority americans are confident that in the united states there is a very high probability of civil war, that is, on the one hand, we have democracy or an attempt to build democracy, on the other hand, the inability of the united states to secede from the united states, in total this gives a real civil war, that is, if it can this may be hypothetical reasoning, but in reality the world is after a large emission pumping, after the fact that most countries in the world, holders of united states bonds, are leaving these bonds, in fact, they are draining the dollar very quickly, the world is on the verge of a very big recession, similar to approximately what happened in the nineteenth, that is, at the beginning of the twentieth, all these factors, they intersect, and indeed, the united states is facing a very big challenge , maybe a collapse, there really are several thousand nuclear warheads, something needs to be done about this in the future, but you know,
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it’s a just world... maybe, when everyone is covered in blood, that means they’re the same , yes, they are, that means everyone has the same quantity the bruises are the same, in principle , there is no one, yes, there is no one, yes, that means, it would seem, what does venezuela have to do with it, which occupied, that means, a piece of neighboring territory that belongs to france, a nato country, nuclear, yes, that means , a power, but if this is possible, then most likely we are entering a parallel with the departure of this... gemon into a big fight of all against all. and i think that the world should not only be fair, but it should also be a conflict-free world, who is doing this, well, by and large, what vladimir putin is doing now and that means he flew to saudi arabia and, accordingly, the president of rc received the leaders of other arab states, and is building a line with india and china, that is , only apparently russia has this
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line to build. a conflict-free world , not only fair, but conflict-free , because well, the sino-indian conflict cannot be avoided, and so on and so forth, so here, as it were, this whole structure is being built here, including broadcasts, because the united states busy with their own problems, china has certain difficulties, it seems to me that every chinese leader doesn’t think about hegemonism at all in the morning, gets up, but thinks about how to give these people jobs, how to ensure that they have housing, cope with all sorts of different crises, and so on, well a few words about china , statistics came out today, we have surpassed 200 billion in trade turnover, there are 218 billion of us, this is a very large amount, in fact, if you don’t count hong kong, we have become the fourth trading partner of the people’s republic of china, this is just a colossal change, well in parallel with the forum held by vtb , there were inscriptions in three languages, in english and chinese, quite rightly, that is
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, a billion is a quarter of humanity, a little less, but still i want more from interaction with the people's republic of china, last year officially investment from china to russia accounted for, this is very small, impossible. to invest if there are a lot of barriers, from a language translator to moscow, there is simply no translator, there are no personnel, there are no main government agencies, there is nothing, that means a visa, but there are still no individual visas, kazakhstan opened visas, malaysia opened visas, the chinese, you just come , they put a stamp, singapore opened, and we are somewhere in the country, and there are a lot, a lot of such barriers, but we won’t wait for any investments, of course, something has to change here , and i think that, god willing , everyone will hear us at the highest level. these are the tasks of abolishing the visa regime, albeit partially for moscow and st. petersburg, but they will be solved, like these funny european clowns, what is the chinese press writing? well, what is the chinese press, chinese the press, this is the chinese press
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, not the american one, they will not be rude, they mean, if you walk past a mad dog, you will not respond, which means you will also become like this creature, but europe is completely dependent, here is the chinese folk a lot of production is jointly owned with china, and china exports important goods that the european union cannot do without, chinese investments , this is the port of hamburg, the port of pereas in athens, and so on and so forth, and china speaks very politely to ursula fondern, realizing that there are elections in the european union very soon, he has great opportunities, by the way, both in the american direction, well... to take such a position, i won’t say influence, he won’t influence, but to take such a position that the right candidate will come, and ursula fonder understands this very well, so when they say refuse, in general the main purpose of the trip was to deliver a letter from the owner from washington that
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stop being friends with russia, otherwise we will impose sanctions on 13 of your companies. china is not afraid of this, china is ready to impose retaliatory sanctions, because he will not allow himself to be left with him like this, to be told who is his ally and who is not, well, in principle, this line was clear, i did not expect anything else from sidinpin, but since the person is extremely polite, then he, well, of course let them in, that means on the threshold, received them, uh, that means, talked to them and sent them on their way, there is no need to expect that there will be some kind of pressure on us from china, it’s our friendship that is indestructible, a strategic course for interaction with russia, he is like that, let's say, the strategy of the current leadership of china, which has been verified over almost a decade, no matter what difficulties it currently has, is strong. please, yes, about the visit, i would still like to say some things that seem important to me, the visits of naturally vladimir vladimirovich putin to the middle east, you know, it was a visit of the commander
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in chief, and the supreme commander in chief, and not in the military sense, and also in an economic sense, meaning what he said on the topic, that now there are no rules, what works... in the economy the system is alien, there was a lot of talk today about what other economic interventions there could be in relation to the russian federation from the west, it all sounded like, yes, when i started my career as an external sales employee, it always surprised me that people come from abroad , from foreign missions, they are greeted, a clearing is laid out for them, they say, he’s back from the front line, that’s when i asked, you already asked this when you were young, listen, where are you spending your vacation? firstly, not a vacation, but a visit, and secondly, not abroad, on homeland, that’s why, because in soviet times everyone understood very well what was happening in the economy, that there were
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continuous wars in the economy, and that they were ready to eat us wherever they could, well, i’m not so sure that modern foreign trade figures they teach very well, and i ’ll talk about this a little later, but speaking about the economy, he also talks about values, he says, we don’t perceive you as a market, we accept you as partners, this is a fundamental, fundamental difference, that’s when too me with our foreign partners i work a lot, they say, this is your fundamental difference, this is your very important advantage in our eyes, compared to the west, in the west everything works with excel tables, buy and sell there export, import and so on, you speak a different language to us, this is the language, i believe that it needs to be replicated, it needs to be conveyed in all possible visual ways to our foreign partners, unfortunately we have problems with this, and yes, i would like
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to talk about them, problems, as always, with our soft power , here we have enough a large number of large corporations that successfully operate abroad, earn very good money there, both in the global west and now entering the global south and earning very well, why not give them more workload, you know, how there is a load, to restore new regions of russia are the burden for our... by force , so that conditionally, i’ll say about turkey, yes, so that on the shelves, in turkish stores, there would be books of modern russian literature, so that there would be films, content, and so that these our values, they would be there, because yes, we, we are very good at making money, it’s our rossotrudnichestvo there that is struggling with the small budget that they have, they just published a book about the great patriotic war, thank god , gergiev was brought to ankara, he played an opera, a symphony concert in leningrad, wonderful, it went very well, but that
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’s not enough, it’s a drop in the ocean, so give each corporation a burden, you’re responsible for dostoevsky, you’re responsible for lermonmonov there, you’re responsible for pushkin, here so that in all the languages ​​of our partners, who are still ready to read and perceive all this, all this is, otherwise it comes to the oddities, and the oddities come to the following ones, here again, vladimir vladimirovich putin says that here we are, here we are, the values ​​he... he, he, he is one of the most popular politicians in the middle east, i always joke that if he is now put forward for the election process, so to speak, i don’t yet know who there he will win in certain middle eastern countries, so here he is promotes values, why can i conditionally read a book by rijepp type erdogan in russian, a more modern world is possible, but why can’t i, why can’t a turrek conditionally read a book of statements by vladimir vladimovich putin, and this is a completely unimaginative example, that’s when... this is a living situation, when they came to people and said, give them money
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to hand over, so the turks came to the russians, give them money to publish vladimir vladimirovich putin’s book and statements, most in turkish, money no one found it, and to be honest, exactly a week later, i have a direct line with the president of russia, i’m talking about this soft power, about what to do with the load, why billions of dollars of dollars are being made on the shelves, they continue, there is nothing on the shelves, why? i don’t understand why give money for this if the book will sell and make a profit anyway, this is not charity, this is a reasonable investment, a reasonable investment, but a percentage, half a percent, a pretty penny with in turn, if you and people’s instinct of self-preservation should work , if russia’s image is positive, if we are better understood, well, probably, well, well, if this kind of moral and ethical logic does not work, then pragmatic logic can work , that they will know us better , therefore they will trust us more , they will buy better, for some reason this is not fair, i’m so eager to type, ask a question, so ask, yes, i will ask, so i’m
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taking advantage of the opportunity, i asked now, maybe more i’ll call, ask, complete, and by the way , a really strange question, why is there no putin’s book in english, french, german, arabic, the sum of at least the articles, and not you or these internal liberal banderaites of the faculty of philosophy of moscow state university? so, now about the faculty of philosophy, the fact that the west is collapsing, this is that the west is collapsing, this is understandable, i am a supporter of the fact that history is a written work, well, especially there in the fifth, ninth centuries in europe and so on, that’s right, but now i'm thinking about german history 19th-19th centuries, it was also apparently composed, because it cannot... be in kant, in hegel, whom we studied in the soviet
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school, by the way, this is not in school, in universities, here is leibnetz, weber, the same the very clausewitz, who was also studied, but they cannot have ideological ideas, to the wrong country, he was a russian subject, russian, for some period of time, but not always. i just can’t imagine how all this was composed, there weren’t these in the history of germany, or there wasn’t a history of germany, because such great philosophers can’t, no matter how they the rest, this is simply excluded, this was not intellectual, scholz, bärbock, all of that germany, was not great, marx invented all this, that supposedly, well, it turns out like this, it turns out like this, the only consolation is that
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they will collapse with their scholtz, it’s clear, here, but i’ll come back, again, they remembered the values ​​​​at the end, even though they stopped me, vladimir, but at the end i will indicate two values ​​​​from that list. and you, if you can answer or sum up the question. and we, our life today corresponds to real life, including political consistent with these values. namely , the priority of the spiritual over the material. and go to our stage, what is the priority of the spiritual over the material? and go to our cinema, there the priority is spiritual. material, when the popularity of films is calculated by profit, by money earned and by the number of visitors, nothing more than that, and the most amazing thing is that there is a value there : collectivism, collectivism and the market economy, how does this relate, explain to me, you are collectivism and the market economy, yes
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generally easy to create, very easy correlate, of course, there are collective forms of property in the market, among the contradictions to these... values , destructive ideologies are indicated, by the way, destructive ideology is written down here, then there must be a constructive ideology , that is, we are obliged to create an ideology, there is egoism, you know, egoism also that this is not our value today, but where did egoism come from, vitaly toevich, and where, wait, the market economy is like one conversation, collectivism, collectivism is our value, well, writingism, of course, well why, why is there a market. look again at those who are advertised, who are shown , who, now they are showing you, this is also not collectivism, that is, you are against collectivism, that is, we should all leave, if you don’t want to be, i question it, that’s all of them they question it, that's all, see you on sunday,
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it's good that you called me right away. because if death occurred from unnatural causes, then it’s better for me to find out about it right now, but what do you mean? let's do it, don't pretend to be idiots, man in the morning was alive and well, let’s do this, i’m the head of this department, and i really ask you, don’t throw around unfounded accusations, that is, you, personally, you think that death occurred from natural causes, this is obvious, wait, and yes, i i also think so, and more specifically, and more specifically, the results of the autopsy will only be tomorrow morning, uh-huh, the results of the autopsy will be given to me right away, we’ll sort it out, it’s been a long time since i’ve seen a person die on such a timely basis, i’m telling you, when i walked in, he was already dead , i heard you, i heard you, if you have any doubts,
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you can conduct an autopsy in any other place, not in our morgue, but why, no, you do what you think is necessary, the main thing is documents, so what? you understand me, comrade doctors, i’ll stay here, wait for the results of the hiding, now no one will do anything anyway, i’m home, you can calmly come to the morning shift tomorrow, calmly, okay, don’t cling to it. i need to call his mother, wait, why mother, maybe someone else first, no, ivan nikolavich, he is the only one in the family, his father died a long time ago, his mother is in saratov. sasha, yes, i wanted to ask you that i
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loved kirill, no, ivan nikolaevich, it’s not me, what are you talking about, i had no thoughts, i went to see him this morning, well, i asked him to stop this business, he said , that he would think what could be done, don’t you think that he could, suicide. no, this is impossible, but you yourself saw his body, well, yes, it looks very much like acute vascular insufficiency, but just like that in one second, he went to the hospital, why didn’t he call anyone? i don’t know, god, how far things have gone.
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well, why are you silent, i’m wondering how this is now to pull out the fool lazarev, the guy will thunder in full, but it’s necessary tomorrow, right away. if there is any indication that death is related to these injuries two months ago, simply eliminate them all. marin, are you crazy or something, but if this comes up, do you understand at all? you will fly as if together with the lazarus. well, okay, don’t eliminate it, just rewrite it correctly , change the wording, but what’s the difference, it
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’s an article, whether you understand it or not, god, do you even, please tell me, when did you come to this i agreed to the position, you knew that you were pregnant, what did you expect, how did you even imagine it, i expected that you would understand me. you see, i don’t know what to do, i have to think, oh, the smell. hello, hello, cat, cat, where are you, but the cat won’t come, what did you do to him, he’s busy eating, i
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cooked tzimis, and he’s egost, tzimis, this is the tzimis that’s tzimis, exactly, you’ll try, of course, great, change your clothes, we are leaving the table, hello, ol, it’s you, i’m talking to you, quietly, don’t shout,
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but so, oh, now i see, well, hello, hello, ah i forgot about bread, well, i don’t eat it. well, it’s normal, it’s a shame, well, listen, what, now you’re going to squeeze compliments out of me, i ’m tired, i came home from work, let me eat in peace, okay, okay, eat, and you always come so late, okay, okay , scrub the department like this, the one-year-old worked, i never stayed late, he’s here, after you left today... five people were brought in with stab wounds, a drunken brawl, i was in the operating room three more times, my specialists
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are now catastrophic by the way, you are missing i took homeopathy and forgot. listen , egorova, you either get treatment or you don’t, egorova, it’s so funny, i’m 100 years old, no one called me that, but to a friend, but to pavlov, and to my mother, to answer you in order, i divorced pavel, my mother died 12 years ago, i don’t have any friends, but it sounds like a baht, a baht, and what are you doing in my kitchen? where is your family, where are your children, mother , where is yours, well, i got divorced many years ago , my adult children have moved away, my daughter is in america, married, an architect, my son is not a goggle, he hitchhikes around the world, was last seen where something in kenya, yes,
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rita and i are european parents , we are raising our children via skype, my son is in krakow, he works in a hospital, and my mother, mother, mother, mother died a year ago, forgive me, although all these 30 years, i was preparing for the next world every day, you do you remember, because he had cancer, which had to be operated on only in israel, i remember, gena, i remember very well the day when you left on that day, i bought myself a wedding dress, by the way, for our wedding, i i remember, ira, ira, gen, i remember, this is not forgotten, i had to return as soon as i arranged it, and it’s me
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i remember, gena, i can see it. memorable, by the way, your dishware broke, and i know this, i can wash a plate and fork myself, it’s not difficult, i’ve been doing everything myself for a long time, i fixed it, thank you, of course, but again, there was no sadness, i bought grandma piglet, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up,
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i’m not bored either, one of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this? first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays: on rtr, many of you, the first thing you wake up, check your email, and i, of course, it’s no exception, i opened the champagne
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, tours to abkhazia, i had a week’s rest in a skirt, i could barely make it into lazia, you’re at the right place , everyone’s mood will be lifted here, kesha wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, he’s me yesterday i earned such lyuli from my wife, on the morning air mail, i am its host, nikolai baskov, the most positive: morning mail with nikolai vaskov through sunday on rtr, for fulfilling all our wishes. on friday, i didn’t even know that this could happen, that you could love me so much, it’s such happiness. i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, the real one. why then all this, the wedding,
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the game of love with lenna. this is a good deal for us. alexander makagon is legally a husband, the heir is also not playing around, it’s one thing to ruin, but here’s murder. artyom osipov, he was following the animal, i saw the car was overturned, it he’s not breathing, i need to bring him in, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who are very worried about me, i need to somehow get out of here, no guilt, on friday on rtr. the headlight is broken, here you are, look at the headlight, here it is the eighth california, my savior, i don’t wash it after myself on purpose , you know how much it infuriates me, if only you knew what you are like when you get angry, beautiful,
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here you just need to sign, after all , you can celebrate a housewarming, no, otherwise i signed once, i’m not talking about the clerk, show big country, premiere on friday on rtr. well, wait, well, it’s stupid to be offended, for me it’s not stupid, we were waiting for you yesterday, i told my parents that my new friend would come, he looked completely stupid, they decided that i made you up, i immediately said that i wouldn’t come , why this acquaintance with the parents, well , we meet, we spend time, well, well, well, tan, anton, don’t you like me as a woman or what? i like you, and i don’t, let ’s make everything completely clear, we ’ve been dating for a month and a half, we go to the movies, bowling, we kiss, and is that enough for you?
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yes, anton, are you gay? no, to prove it, oh, yes, i would like to. we need to talk, i’ll come pick you up today after work, okay, okay, enemy, are you kidding me, your 10 minutes. half an hour ago passed, you don’t hear me or pretend that you don’t hear me, i need to go to the bathroom, bragen, why are you shouting, the esochka
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came to you, it’s not interesting, well, read who’s writing there, masha, lyusya, now we’ll see, no fox, they will break your fingers, you will work as a janitor, well, i wonder who you are? got into trouble again? why are you silent, are you in trouble? you wanted to go, so this is an apartment story, right? is this the grandmother's killer writing? folder, thank god she’s alive and well. bragin, i beg you, don’t go there anymore. if yopikom , a real swindler, in the best case , they will beat you half to death, or even kill you, well, stop mocking, but i’m worried, bugin, i can’t worry now, i need you, let
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’s wash, we’ll be late, you know what’s right here right now, promise me that you won’t go there and won’t get involved in this matter, but what kind of manipulation, exactly, there’s no other way with you, okay, okay, i i'll do what you say, who 's calling, my killers, yes, hello, hello, i've arrived, that's it, let's go out, run, come on, you, you 're joking now, selfish, falcon, that's it, i'm ready, let's go, i'll be later , i need to go to the embassy, ​​i don’t understand, well, i’m getting a visa, i’m going to america , what a joke, what a joke, what’s the joke, to my brother, you know, brother? he’s been calling me for a long time, and are you now planning to go to him? well, yes, wait, when did i manage to collect the documents? well, i already had a visa before, so you can get it faster in 2-3
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days, and now you’re just telling me this? well yes, for how long? for two weeks, what about work? you know, i decided to quit, well, that’s a lot of good news in one morning, are you serious? yes. why come back i’ll get another better job, my case has already been forgotten, not ul, i just want to clarify, that is, you are leaving for america, yes, and i’m staying here, yes, okay, of course, go, i need to see my brother, yes, okay, i also went to work, when you leave the embassy, ​​call me, yeah, okay. yes, i’ll be there after lunch,
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yes, i’ll tell you, wow, it’s great, you can go through, you always leave so early, no, not always, but today it is necessary, and you have weekends, sometimes, oh, by the way, but it wasn’t, but do you have a social package? there is, but you have to pay extra for insurance, but i agree, i don’t understand, but i agree to come to work with you, i was thinking, where else would i be offered such unique conditions, okay, i’ll consider your offer, then. feed the cat, and this
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is mine, free, look, how much, look, i'm paying you two ends, good morning, good morning, we're going, where we're going, skripasovsky institute, we're going, what's wrong? great, let's go, it will be like this every day now, really, no, it won’t be like this every day, today i just drove past you, then your car is being serviced, i’ll pick you up in the evening after my shift, of course. what about
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the autopsy? i called before leaving, they are still working, that i decided about the operation, you know, i want to try to wait for the biopsy without covering my head, well, if anything, remove the tumor right away, that’s right, i would do the same, i know, i really want to . i’m going to kiss you now, well, kiss me, how you transport the sick here, but it’s normal, it’s not shaking yet, but you don’t eavesdrop, but i need to, listen, brigin, i beg you, please shove your stupid ambitions somewhere stupid. already go back to the sklif, and i want
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everything to be as before, but i don’t want it to be like before, that means it will be even better, but in the sklif, yes, open the door, you old ass, i need to pick up the folder with documents, but open it you , this damn door, what is it, dad, i need to pick up my diploma, without a diploma they won’t hire me. that the door is a body, enter, as
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always, in your own manner, marin, conclusion ready, so they gave it to us, so what? eat, will you, no, no, thanks, i'm full, but i 'll have a snack, where did i put it, dad, like that. red folder, don’t throw your belongings around in my apartment, red folder, but i ’m still registered here, if anything happens, remind me, remind me, dad, i conjure you, this is a very important folder, well, where is it, it’s registered, well myself in the room, looked, no, in the room, in
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the room, in the room, in my room, god, did you push everything in here with your knee, or what? sorry, we don’t keep a maid, but a social worker, you’re entitled to a social worker, kicked them out to the damn mother, you don’t know why they go and look after sick old people like me, and then they poison them, please, the apartment is all owned by the mafia, oh, dad, what are you talking about, i’m registered in this apartment, who where he will send you away is registered. you ’re with your zionists, you’d be sitting there, and you keep meddling here, you’re not tired of yourself, oh, i’m tired of the gene, and i’m tired of you, you ’re stuck, you’d be sitting there, right there with you, like christ in your bosom, everywhere has its own difficulties,
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what difficulties do you have, there is democracy there, there sorry for the expression jew, listen, dad, you finish your concert. i won’t live with you, now i’ll find the documents and leave. criticism of the actions of trump, who has not yet spent six months in the white house, judging by the reaction, korea scared them. well, you shouldn’t have gotten in with them, she didn’t scare you, you yourself rush into all the cracks, use rods, lie, and you are their aggressor, huh? not if our president loosens his grip.
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they are already big, completely grown up, masha lives in america, got married, graduated from a prestigious institute, alex is traveling in africa now, and why are you an infection to me, she’s radiation comes from it, or you don’t know, okay, whatever you know. i found the documents, it seems like you still had a wife, where did your wife go, got divorced, went on a spree, that’s right, dad, i’m already 50.


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