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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  December 8, 2023 3:05am-4:06am MSK

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which are designed to protect human rights have lost their effectiveness, all this is happening in front of the entire world community, it is necessary to stop the bombing of the gas sector as soon as possible. the idf continues its ground military operation in the gaza strip, including in the cities of anyunis in the south and jabali in the north. this was reported by the tsahal press service. during the operation in khan yunis, troops destroyed hamas terrorists and hit dozens of targets. the idf entered with the group emerging from the tunnel, and the israeli air force as support ground forces attacked hamas units and infrastructure with precision-guided projectiles. the israeli military also stated that they are working to increase the flow of humanitarian aid in gas through the rafah checkpoint and promise to allow more trucks through. the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17 , 2024. for the first time, the date of the most important event in the political life of the country was determined by the federation council. in the controlled
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kiev-kramatorsk region of the donetsk republic, the request of the 25 ukrainian air force has gone astray. these specialization zone data lead ministry of defense 27 drones were destroyed in various areas, including near gorlovka and solidar. a highmores shell and an american anti-radar missile were intercepted. over 800 mercenary fighters were destroyed in a day. in the donetsk people's republic, in the kharkov region , nine attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were crossed. enemy losses in equipment, tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, a german armored howitzer, american three-seven self-propelled guns, a paladin, as well as acacias and carnations. cancellation of classes in schools , increased work of utility workers in the siberian regions extreme frosts arrived. in the krasnoyarsk territory, snowdrifts, shackled, personal public transport on the routes of the accident. there is a skating rink on sakhalin.
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russian fashion day took place in st. petersburg. the show presented the works of young designers. the project is designed to promote domestic clothing manufacturers. this year, demand for products of russian fashion designers has increased by almost a quarter. about the trends of the new season, ekaterina fisenko. during the fashion show, speakers on tablets, calmly, on the sidelines, of course,
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there is a crush, but this is a very creative bustle, when there are only a few minutes before the show , the director’s word becomes decisive, do your job well, you will be happy, in the kingdom of the final touches shadows and powder fly away, earrings are put on, the work of dozens of people is in full swing, dry-dry, for the first half of the twenty-third year of sales of domestic fashion -industry grew by almost 20%. st. petersburg and moscow, not western megacities, are now fashion capitals. the day of russian industry in st. petersburg is a social gathering in evening dresses, not from europe, not from asia, russia is the birthplace of quality textiles and quality cut. these are the current realities. a multi-stage podium with four platforms allows you to see models from all sides, focusing on comfort, beauty, functionality, and purely russian realities. we have had winter for 6 months and at least we definitely have a difference in terms of a warm assortment, a winter assortment , and of course, we have our own patterns,
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the nineties and early 2000s are coming back, relaxed silhouettes, safari , neon new year's collection, and of course glitter and bows, they are always relevant. thanks to we received a very serious impetus from the events of the last year, and russian brands almost reached a trillion rubles in the twenty-third year, it is very important to discuss the technology of our growth, the technology of our future, millions of similar products are already in the country’s mass markets, the new year promises to be... warm, bright and fashionable. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, dmitry mishchersky, galina orlova, vesti petersburg. all news is always available on the media platform. let's see, welcome the morning on the russia channel. nikolai tseskaridze. i was sure that i would be in charge. all the neighbors laughed at me, my mother laughed all the time, well, that’s what happened. i became a people’s artist of russia very early, so every time i went on stage i had to prove that it was me, that uncle.
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in order to intimidate her, i didn’t break it, i need to try very hard, hall 2, let’s say i really went back in time, but why not here, hello, good morning, how are you joining us in the morning of russia studio, today andrey petrov, vera krasova, today is friday, december 8th, well, a little more than three weeks, that’s it, new year, ladies, maybe this is it now this will be a good hint about a gift for the new year, recently interest in all-terrain vehicles has tripled, especially since the all-terrain vehicle 2023 exhibition was held in moscow. at
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one site they presented the developments of russian designers intended for outdoor activities, geological expeditions and for working in off-road conditions . technology that will overcome potholes, snow drifts, swamps, attracts not only enterprises, but hunters, fishermen, travelers, and generally just caring people, is not popular only multi-tasking equipment, of course, but also the same employees, according to a study by recruiting agencies yulia and cesari, as we’ll call them, are needed in a variety of areas. hello, hello, let's go, yeah, diana decided to start her job search at the labor exchange. the girl has a medical education, but even with that she was able to find a job on her own. it’s not easy, i always wanted to work in the medical field, to help people directly, but uh, at the moment i decided to move away from medical medicine and move into pharmaceutical medicine, at the moment i’m still a job in the pharmaceutical field in her specialty, a 2:2 shift schedule is the girl’s main requirement, but potential
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employers have a much longer list of criteria. diana, look, there are vacancies for pharmacist and pharmacist in the office, salary from 70,000 rubles, but here we have a lot that is included in the functions of the specialist himself, including the ability to work in multitasking mode, a fashionable term has become firmly established in recent years everyday life on the russian labor market, according to a study conducted by recruiting agency, over this year the demand for multitasking employees has almost tripled, and in almost every area. this includes media, information technology, education, and everything related to the production of consumer goods and the agricultural industry. light and wood processing, well, in general, in all areas where there is a growth and shortage of qualified and even not very qualified personnel. it turned out that multitasking is expected both from a tattoo parlor employee and from a dentist, and every employer invests in this characteristic
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something of your own. you wrote multitasking, what does it mean? our management calls and sells, okay, at least you don’t have to get a tattoo, here are a few drinks a month, a few glasses. at the same time, well, in a row, look at a lot , this is working with people, you have a large flow of clients, in general , what kind of mysterious personnel all employers are hunting for is unclear, besides it is obvious that multifunctionality to one degree or another implies any work, even if you are standing at a lathe, even the heroine vera alentova, the stamper katerina had to show multitasking, well, she figured it out herself, but what about the setup or your wait until the evening, such workers for... times experts are sure, if only because in the event of force majeure they are able to perform not only their direct responsibilities, but also a little more, if he performs only one task , then he receives for one task, if he , for example, leads clients, participates in the processes of some kind of implementation of project activities, then of course there
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are two options, yes, that is will watch efficiency and what kind of results there are, the employer must be willing to pay for them accordingly, so it’s worth mentioning the words multitasking in the job description ... it’s worth wondering if the requirement is written for catchphrase, or if you really have to work for three people, because in this case there is every reason to demand triple the salary. well, for some it will be difficult to find a salary of a suitable level, and for some , their job itself is threatened by the development and implementation of artificial intelligence existence of many professions. according to forecasts, in the next year or two, specialists in design development and writing texts will not be available. the work of a programmer may also become unnecessary; some of the codes are already written by artificial ones. couriers will also be left behind, well, it would seem great, people will be able to do more interesting work, have more rest, but not everything is so simple, and since it’s ambiguous, then we’ll talk, in our studio, associate professor of the department of sociology, higher school of economics sergei davidov, sergei gennevich, hello, tell us,
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please, in fact, what we voiced, all this reminds us of when radio appeared there, then television, when they said television, well, all newspapers will die, books will all die, there will be one continuous television, that’s the same, about now it’s the same to tell you that there will be one continuous artificial intelligence everywhere, this is so in your opinion, i think that those tasks that are now being solved in a traditional way without artificial intelligence are also in some way. will remain on a large scale, but of course, in the coming years, artificial intelligence will become commonplace in our lives, and then what will happen to the freed-up labor force, where will people go, well, well, we remember the new year holidays, in the movies, knurling and so on, 10 days have passed, and then what will we do, and how will we live, and most importantly, on what? in a good way, no one knows what will happen, and one of the options is that people will engage in more intellectual work, because - in fact, what is happening now is a unique situation, this has not happened before, before machines were released
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physical labor, and now machines are releasing intellectual labor for the first time, er, but in that part of it when it is routine, er, and does not give pleasure. let's say robots replace people in some dangerous professions , for example, and firefighters or a nurse who is there with every contact with an infected person can become infected, then there will be a robot, and it turns out that we will become stronger, healthier, there will be more of us more, again, overpopulation, again the same question of how we can live on, but i would say that to a lesser extent this is a problem it’s worth it for russia, because we have a lot of territories, that’s what’s interesting to live on then, these are some kind of social payments for those who were left without destiny, here we are hardly talking about the fact that we will release people in general, what do we have unemployment will rise, i would like our time to be reduced.
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he can’t sit at home for his own money, which he receives from the state, i don’t know, just eat and drink, we need social implementation, well, this process is simply told to us after 10-15 years, is this really so or that’s all- still? some such forecasts were made because some kind of framework needs to be set, in fact it could be 20 years or 30 years, all this could take, what do you think? and i think that with artificial intelligence this is unlikely to take too much time, because all the time the dynamics of such processes are increasing, where to forge straws for yourself , electronic straws, electronic ones, and master some other types of activities that can be useful to a person in the era of artificial intelligence, but what about my difficulty? advice, but
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for young people it is obvious that it is necessary, along with as a profession, to master artificial intelligence technologies and how they can help in this particular area of ​​activity, but for everyone else, just look around and think what is closer to you, and how, and catch trends, absolutely right, thank you very much , thank you for reading
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the importance of experience and education for future creations, we will confirm to you with this news that the author of pride and prejudice will tell you: a rare book from the library of the british writer, innovator jane austen was exhibited up for auction in new york. the lot is valued at $150,000. the authors of a publication called literary curiosities, with his lively style of writing he aroused interest in the texts of many readers and austen is no exception, although she used her father’s extensive library, she had 20 personal books, including those with a personal autograph. our book reviewer, negur sirov, will tell you about modern publications, as always. good morning, how about andrei klimentov, we don’t know the author of this book, another matter is familiar to all of us, name.
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let us remember that the story kotlovan during his lifetime was a man of a very difficult fate, even if it was never published, there is one of the stories in this book called return, platonov was called by the ivanov family, he received very different ratings, for example, konstantin liked him simonov, and alexander fodeev... called him a lying and dirty storyteller. isn’t it interesting, it’s a must read. here is a very interesting book with a strange title. wrote it, or not just wrote it, and took photographs in this book, ivan dementievsky, wild russia , it’s called, what is it about, this is an album of unexplored places in our country, it ’s really not a book, but an album, magnificent photographs from different parts of our country: karelia and the kola
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peninsula, dagestan, the caucasus, central russia, crimea, buryatia, yamal, ural, sakhalin and kuril islands, kamchatta. and all this is in photographs, the photographs are not just good, but amazing, and our country is magnificent, there is no other way to say it, a very interesting album, any person, regardless of his views and faith, cannot help but read these books, for example, this is the bible, this is the koran and other books, the main book in the life of christians is of course the bible, this is... the bible in stories for children, artist olya norakisheva, and retold these stories for children, tatyana kopitkevich, to make it easier for children to navigate, these texts are told in a lively and simple language, and what kind of illustrations are there, the illustrations in the book are such that it’s just like in a fairy tale, that you can’t take your eyes
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off it, a good book for evening reading throughout family. and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy, and then everyone is smart and everyone has an excellent memory, this is not about people, this is about polymers, our russian inventions, by the way , details in a few minutes, when rina rises at a height under the circus dome, my heart skips a beat goes to my heels, i know that dad and mom are looking at me and i have nothing to be afraid of. we performed without insurance. the granite strengthens, the ice burns, and the light fluff knocks you off your feet, what a misfortune, in my opinion, today you flew higher than ever, well, yes, it wasn’t scary, no, lovely, it’s impossible for some child to look at me without admiration, since we
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have leonid fedorovich serebryanikov on stage, let ’s ask us to sing something together, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, the navigator shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is the fourth negative. we don’t have one like that in our hospital, i have the fourth negative, they say some millionaire, cool guy, wow, tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter, she donated her blood to you, anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i have known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you
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think about this girl, sobbing, i want to know everything about her, roma proposed to me . i wouldn’t want him to make a mistake in his choice, if roman loves marina, he won’t make a mistake, he loves her, here she is, the fourth negative, sorry, premiere, saturday on rtr, sunday! from there from the common people, it’s so wonderful that you exist like this, songs from the bottom of your heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show on sunday on rt,
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love is when you look at one direction. look , look, look, you want to look, look, let's see , look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look , sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe let's go to my place, just watch a movie , you and i meet on days when everything is already breathing with the new year, and it's approaching and... your birthday is december 31 again, everything is still filled with the tip of nikolaidze from 66 to 2014 there were only 500 performances and 101 of them i danced. is it easy to be the main prince of the country? do you remember on january 13, when you went into quality, i was 21 years old, and i was leaving the entrance, suddenly a black cat was walking, in the end
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the cat turned around and left, she realized that it was better for me to give way, there is another program that became part of your life and destiny, this is a blue bird, when dashenka conceived this project, she invited me to... light bulbs, in skillful hands they turn into christmas tree decorations in retro style. all, of course, are hand-painted, new year's genre skits, and some - look, they're just
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real works of art. well, here are the masterpieces from our scientists, working with polymer alloys over decades of science and technology, they come to revolutionary achievements. a piece of wire is heated with fire, and for a split second it curls into a paper clip. this is how they demonstrate it at various science shows. memory unitinol alloy of nickel and titanium. of course, today it is used not only to create a wow effect. surgeons use metal instead of thread to sew blood vessels together. here's a clip-clamp allows you to minimize injuries during surgery. an ordinary clip is like a paper clip. this means that you pressed the gun, it pinched your vessel, you have to remove everything, how to pull it off, the vessel can be torn, injured. the smart clip opens on its own and is worth it. cool, and this product for dentistry helps save a tooth in case of pulpitis, getting into the root canal, the metal takes the form of a spring, with its help the doctor removes inflammation, in general, when they talk about
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materials with shape memory, they usually mean metal, the more surprising another development looks like, and we put it in warm water, we can see how it straightens, only it is not metal, but a polylact polymer, it is biocompatible, takes root well in the human body, scientists were able to make the material remember its shape, here for the effect the shape is determined by the molecular structure of the polymer, that is , there are soft phases, there are hard phases, and it is precisely this structure, how to set it correctly, how to configure it correctly, and we are studying, researchers are trying to create various structures from polymer, porous in in the form of a sponge, implants can be used to replace cavities in bones formed as a result of the removal of tumors; another version of the tissue, created on an electrospinning installation, is when a polymer in the form of thin threads in an electromagnetic field is sprayed onto a substrate, we create some kind of tissue that we populate with cells and implant then to the patient, well, that is, we create such a bioequivalent. essentially, this is a self-forming patch that can be used to seal blood vessels or
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even nerves; in the future, it will not have to be removed; over time, it will become overgrown with cells, and the biopolym will dissolve without a trace, all that remains is to bring the developments to series, here not everything depends on scientists, finding investors is no easier task than scientific research. nikolai tsaskori, i was sure that i would be the main one, all the neighbors laughed at me, my mother laughed all the time, but it happened, i became a people’s artist of russia very early, because every time i went on stage, i had to prove that it was me, the one , here’s a guy with such big titles, and you’re 90, imagine when you also teach, another 40 years, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today at 15:00, the mother abandoned her newborn twins and did not want to know anything about them for 17 long years, until she saw a singer on tv, whom she recognized as her abandoned daughter, that same
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star daughter does not believe in the sincerity of sudden maternal feelings , in response they demand alimony for many years of loneliness, i hate her, i don’t want to see her, i don’t want her dryness, i don’t even want to look into her eyes, why are you crying, live broadcast today at 16:30, did you want to call a lawyer? right now! secrets investigations are with us again on monday at 21:20. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad. in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. russia offers a new model of economic relations to those countries that do not give in. external pressure, whatever forms it takes, vladimir putin spoke about this at the fourteenth vtb russia calling investment forum.
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dozens of businessmen, politicians, investors and managers gathered in the center of international trade in moscow. note that working with russia is profitable, and the number of partners we have the country has increased, even despite the sanctions, and the rate of economic growth in russia is higher than that of leading european countries, russia is the largest economy in europe, and in terms of growth rate it is now ahead of all the leading countries of the european union. at the same time, in the structure of russia’s economic growth, an increasingly large share is occupied by the so-called. basic non-resource sectors are manufacturing, transport, logistics, construction, information, communications, housing and communal services. for example, in the second quarter of this year they accounted for more than half, 54%, to be more precise, of economic growth, another 44% are the so-called supporting industries, trade,
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catering, and other professional ones. years, both bilateral and international issues are on the agenda. our relations are developing very well, and good momentum has been gained in recent years. we have large infrastructure projects, we have been discussing them for a long time, now they have come to practical implementation, the construction of the north-south railway, we naturally work traditionally in the field of energy, in the field of education there are a significant number of iranian
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students studying, and in general they are quite active. work is underway in almost all directions. and of course, it is very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially as regards the situation in palestine. what is happening today in palestine, in the gaza strip, is genocide, a crime against humanity. more than 6,000 children have died due to the actions of the zionist regime in the conflict zone, it is regrettable that what is happening is supported. communities. needed asap all this is happening in front of the entire world to stop the bombing of the gas sector. in the controlled kiev-kramatorsk region of the donetsk republic, 25 ukrainian air forces are deployed. this data from the special operation zone is provided by the ministry of defense. in different areas, including
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under the throat. and solidar destroyed 27 drones, intercepted an american anti-radar missile from haymarrs, over 800 militants and mercenaries per day were destroyed in the donetsk people's republic, luhansk people's republic and the kharkov region, nine, as well as assault groups of the armed forces of ukraine, were stopped. chukotka has been hit by a powerful cyclone, the district's main airport is closed, and rescuers are asking residents to stay home if possible. anton kuchin will continue the topic. unfavorable weather conditions have established these days in some areas of chikotka, a clone has arrived in anadra, a blizzard is raging, wind gusts reach 25 m/s, which causes complications in moving along the streets not only for pedestrians, but also for drivers of vehicles. also in anadra , the crossing across the onadrsky estuary is blocked. the main air harbor of the district is closed, all intra-regional and main flights. strong winds knock down and shake small structures. the work of rescue services has been transferred to high alert mode. during the passage of
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a cyclone, it is possible that a cyclone may occur. local emergency situations associated with disruptions in the operation of the housing and communal services and electricity supply systems. classes in the city of anadria, this is in the urban village of coal copies and the village of khatyrka. the main directorate of russia for the chakota autonomous district reminds that during the occurrence of an unfavorable maternal phenomenon, it is recommended not to leave children without supervision, not to go outside unless necessary. according to experts, wind gusts will increase to 30 m/s. anton kuchin, arseny guseev, vesti chikotka. don't switch. experts have developed a curriculum for primary schools located in areas inhabited by indigenous peoples of the north; in addition to compulsory subjects , courses are offered: young reindeer herder, mistress of the plague, traditional classes in the north, professional reindeer herders are trained in the only educational institution in kamchatka at the poland college, report by sergei manaenkova. experienced.
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an establishment where future deer are prepared. now in kamchatka, this is the only college where two groups of students are studying. this profession is really very important, every year we sent children to practice and employed them for professional training, but at the same time, now many professional reindeer herders say that the traditional knowledge that we give is not enough. modern knowledge of economics and business, information technology is required. the classrooms have recently been renovated and completely updated material and technical base. new computers have already been installed, and students are trying to use satellite phones in class.
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our base is gorgeous, we have classes, workshops and production laboratories , we have equipment for direct living in the tundra, a variety of tents, even i myself... the period is short, but this is enough for future reindeer herders to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills. classes in reindeer herds are held regularly, students together with teachers they go to tundra for a few days. machine operator is the second specialty of the reindeer, practical classes are regularly held at the college. it's hard to count in the tundra. she has hundreds of kilometers of no one to help her, so the reindeer herder must know and be able to do a lot, including driving wheeled and all-terrain vehicles, now the guys are practicing their driving skills, together with experienced instructors they are performing snowmobile tasks on
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a belarus 82 tractor. , which is already possible, in fact, on public roads, the entire period until i'm here working with them for certification. every single one of the tractor drivers and snowmobiles was handed over. children from all over the district come to palana to study at college. next year they will become certified specialists. most of the graduates are going to go to work in remote villages in the koryakie settlements. sergey manoenkov, nikolay kakok, koryak district, kamchatka news. volunteer doctors from vladivostok are sent to help the northern military district soldiers. a team of eight medical university students will work at the rostov military hospital. our fighters are passing treatment and rehabilitation, report by ekaterina shilyanova. armed with uniforms and spiritual inspiration from experienced mentors, a team of volunteer medical professionals are ready to provide assistance. the mission is serious, go to the rostov
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hospital, where wounded soldiers from all regions of the far east are being treated. i really want to become a doctor, and a resuscitator at that, that’s why this is a very important experience for me, i think i might even be inspired to work there. for the fragile third-year student this is the first serious experience, despite lack of qualifications, all volunteers are fully trained, they can provide assistance to medical staff, bandage or treat wounds, it will not be difficult for them, since we are quite far away, but we are not indifferent, we want to contribute to the common cause, and the guys went from this idea to the rector of the university , who fully supported it, to the aid of doctors, volunteers from in full uniform, professional training will complement comfort, the entire delegation was provided with a uniform that was specially sewn to order, warm jackets will come in handy in winter conditions, you need to warm yourself up, we’ll be there, there will be a continental climate, so let’s
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hope it will keep you warm, is it scary to travel? no, it’s not scary, it’s not the first time. maxim kuksy, an experienced volunteer , has a lot of volunteer achievements behind him, like the majority of the squad, in addition to working in the clinics of the region , absolutely anyone can become a volunteer, the squad accepts not only students, but everyone, the only criterion is boundless desire: and a kind heart. ekaterina shilyanova, andrey tolstekhin, news: primorye. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel. let's start,
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let's go with a smile. more, more , more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, good morning, good morning, it’s very good that you joined us, we will smile at you, from the bottom of our hearts, vera krasova, andrey petrov, today at studios, hello, share smiles, share good moods, also share greetings, it turned out that a simple, hello, from a stranger, a person happier. this connection was discovered by scientists from
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turkey and britain. they interviewed more than 60 thousand people. respondents who shortly before the survey communicated with people they saw for the first time were more satisfied with life than those who avoided random meetings and conversations. psychologists suggest that regular communication with strangers gives a feeling of need and importance, and also reduces the feeling of loneliness. the leading specialist of the phobos weather center, vadim zavodchenko, will not leave us alone with the forces of nature. vadim, good morning, let’s share a good mood, in exchange for a good forecast, and nature will give us smiles, do you think, smiles are, you know, frosty and sunny, as it should be in winter, just like pushkin, this is most of our country, in the warm zone, only the extreme southern region , let me go tell you, in the south of russia, due to the fault of the atmospheric front, the sky will be overcast , there will be... light rains in the lower reaches of the volga and don, turning into snow.
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daytime temperatures in crimea and kuban are -5-10°. in the lower reaches of the volga, the idona ranges from -4 to +1. and the average the volga will be in the region of a cold anticyclone. here the temperature regime will be within the arctic climate and even during the day it will be only -18-23°. a center of high pressure will also dominate in the north-west of the country on friday and saturday. therefore, precipitation is unlikely, but on sunday, under the influence of an approaching cyclone from the west , light snow will fall. daytime temperatures will rise in the north and east to -12-17°, in the southwestern part to -7, -12. the weather in central russia on friday and saturday will change at approximately the same rhythm. the chance of precipitation is low. daytime temperatures will not exceed -11-16°. it'll go on sunday. light snow and will become warmer in the afternoon hours -5 -10. in the urals
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, the weather will be controlled by a frosty center of high pressure, in the morning there will be thirty-degree frosts, in the daytime the thermometers will not rise above -21-26°. an even more severe contraction awaits residents of southern siberia, here the minimum temperature is in the range of -33-38, in some areas frosts of 40° are not excluded, and during the day the air can only warm up to -24-29°. in the far south east, on friday the influence of the atmospheric front will still be felt, in some places there will be light precipitation and quite warm, in the south of primorye even 0.5°. but on saturday and sunday , an anticyclone will intervene during atmospheric processes, the clouds will dissipate and the temperature will immediately become sharply cold, down to -17 in the amur region. and even on the coast
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of the sea of ​​japan, thermometer readings will drop to -2-7. vadim, thank you very much for the forecast, we wanted a little clarification about the pacific coast, as i understand it, there is a cyclone there, and quite a strong one, yes, indeed, andrey, like me he said, on friday today this cyclone will hit the southern part of the far east, bring noticeable rainfall there, and then go into the water area. from the snow, well, how could it be without snow, and blizzards, and blizzards, snowfalls , there is enough snow for everyone, there is enough snow for everyone, the weekend forecast for the leading specialist of the weather center phobus vadim zavodchenko, thank you very much, they poured in a cornucopia of plenty, from the heart, the mother abandoned her newborn twins and i didn’t want to know anything about them for 17 long years, until i saw a singer on tv in which i recognized my abandoned daughter, that same star daughter does not believe in the sincerity of the sudden. in response, they demand alimony for many years
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of loneliness. i hate her, i don’t want to see her, i don’t want to see her, i don’t even want to look into her eyes, why are you crying? live broadcast today at 16:30. let’s show you the guys now, look at their faces, these are the best volunteer projects, this week they became winners of the international “we are together” award. the award is carried out thanks to the national education project. our correspondents found out which ones. good deeds russian volunteers became famous in the year of the teacher and mentor. the novel has begun a new day. did not allow good deeds, unnecessary things to litter nature, and gave strangers the things they needed, clothes that no longer have a place in the wardrobes of his family, acquaintances and neighbors, the man collects and takes them to such containers, and pants, and t-shirts, and what - sweatshirts, hats, we collect all this, and according to
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the instructions, we wash it so that it is clean in bags, so we put it in these containers, it’s very convenient, to make it convenient and easy to help people... i was able svetlana pervenetskaya. 7 years ago, while sorting out her wardrobe, she discovered that neither she nor dozens of her friends knew where they could usefully give good, but no longer needed, things, and so project tuesday was born. i won a small grant, and this helped us open the first store and supply the first four containers, the volume of things collected is constantly growing, people are happy to carry and give away their things more and more every year. every month, project volunteers gather...
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to brag about their achievements. this year almost 40,000 applications from 89 regions were submitted for premiums together. the international track attracted 500 applications from 95 countries. the total grant fund for the national track award, which is carried out thanks to the national education project, is 90 million rubles. the winners in eleven general, international and four special categories received awards at the civil participation forum at the russia exhibition. everything is just beginning for these projects, for those who made it to the finals, we will... interact with them in 2024, train them, one of the solutions for next year is - this means opening good centers across the country in municipalities and cities. we want such mfcs of charity to open in every locality of the country. according to the dobro rf platform , the average portrait of a volunteer is a 25-year-old girl who helps
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animals, so the ginger cat in ulyana’s arms probably represents a typical recipient of help. we had one cat, he came to us. home from the street and we immediately adopted him, but those who are not ready to take a pet from a shelter can also help, volunteers conduct master classes on drawing postcards, the best they are printed and placed in places where help is collected, anyone can take a postcard, leaving a bag of food in return, the idea turned out to be so successful that we also made it to the finals of the award together. this means that danol’s charity project is needed, it is important and we need to work and do more, someday in my dreams we will reach the level. 28% of russians are already involved in volunteer projects, but more than half of our fellow citizens are potentially ready to participate in charity; now the main task of the volunteer movement is to help these people find a good deed to suit your abilities. you
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remember, probably the song from electronics is performed by robots, not by people, the troubles are forgotten, and the troubles are forgotten, this is how gas stations in china work now. of course not all, but they work. the technology is still at the testing stage. the cars unscrew the tank cap themselves, insert the gas gun themselves, and then remove it themselves. the process takes longer than under usual conditions, but engineers are working to improve the devices, after which the robots will be put into mass production. well the car that today our colleague, ivan zinkevich, took it for a test drive; it didn’t go into a particularly large-scale production, but nevertheless, we russians remembered it. an excursion into history: ivan koleta was one of the richest princes in russia. colita means money bag. it was in honor of this wealthy prince that in the mid -nineties it was decided to name the business class car moskvich 2142. it was assumed that officials would drive it, but the cost of the model surprised even the moscow
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government. 20,000 dollars. then for this money you could buy a mercedes, and zlk made excuses. production something. one-piece, and the car is unique. ivan kaleta really looks unusual, the radiator grille is massive, chrome-plated, reminiscent of the face of a rolls-royce, the headlights are huge, the car is more than 4.5 m long, the rear overhang is gigantic, as is the trunk with a capacity of 500 liters, why officials need such a warehouse is unclear. this muscovite has many foreign components, for example, the steering rack is from audi, the steering wheel itself is from peugeau, and the engine is from renault. this is a two-liter unit with a capacity of 112. carpets, behind two comfortable seats with an armrest, there are individual lighting fixtures, the front panel is trimmed with leather and inexpensive
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plastic that tries to imitate wood. the configurations were completely different, even with air conditioning. in our case, only electric windows, which squeak pleasantly and sometimes don’t even warp the glass. but it's time to try this model on the road, and it drives very cheerfully, steering like a car.' directly stable, acceleration to hundreds is about 12.5 seconds, so the french engine works at 100, here is a five-speed moskvich gearbox, drive front-wheel drive, but there were also all-wheel drive examples, it goes over uneven surfaces like a ship and practically does not heel in turns, the release of ivan kolita became the swan song of ozlk, but it was completely unsuccessful, the assembly was almost manual, from 1998 to 2001 they managed to release only... four people in the government, for which this model was conceived, were not impressed by such creativity and purchased only a couple of copies.
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of course, money was allocated to support the plant, plans were made, but moskvich could not withstand the competition with foreign cars. and then, compensation for low quality product. is it possible to get a refund for things without a guarantee? we’ll figure it out in a few minutes. primorsky krai. i hope you can hear me well, and i hope that i will also hear you well. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone +7-495-539 40-40 +7 499 550-40-40. results of the year with vladimir putin, live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00, you promised to call,
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here everything has piled up so much, you can’t breathe out at all , three hits, in the abdominal area, and we have him like new, he’ll brighten up any holiday, bring the whole team together, only a high-profile crime can happen, well, a scandal. again a scandal for the whole city, or marya sergeevna’s birthday, gentlemen, ladies, attention, surprise , this is for you, and where are you, secret society, again with us, good, worked, thank you, continuation, look on monday, on rtr, mother abandoned newborn twins and didn’t want to know anything about them. 17 long years, until i didn’t see a singer on tv, in whom i recognized my abandoned daughter, that same daughter is a star, she doesn’t believe in the sincerity of sudden
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maternal feelings, in response she demands alimony for many years of loneliness, i hate her, i don’t want to see her, i don’t want to listen to her, i don’t even want look into her eyes, why are you crying, live broadcast today on rtr. so, i have a daughter, the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for custody
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of her and her capital, the only chance is to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future, we will submit documents for deprivation of guardianship of valentina mikhailovna kruglova. what to do next, how to continue to live, the only joy is on saturday. on rtr. every evening from 4 to 6 there is an incredible performance on one of the streets of bangkok. tourist locals gather to watch the supernatural mastery of the pizza crust. well, in general, not very traditional food, of course, i have to agree. this woman, who works in a cafe in one of the markets, will be the envy of any juggler. she manipulates with such ease. a piece of dough, that's where the process is more important than the result, although they say that the pizza comes out very tasty, especially with
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seafood, and pumpkin seeds, or rather the unique combination of nutrients in them, perfectly calm the nerves. tatyana matveeva will tell you which ones. eva, well, let’s see what kind of seeds we have here, sometimes they are so empty, and sometimes they are plump and delicious. muscovite natalya botova makes her daughter soup and porridge from pumpkin, and so that the goodness doesn’t go to waste, she even uses the seeds. when cutting, it is better to even cut the pumpkin from the side, then they will not cut seeds. then they took it out with a spoon, washed it on a paper towel, and then. we dry natalya herself, in her childhood, like thousands of soviet children, pumpkin seeds were fed to cleanse the intestines of parasites, eight-year-old eva was lucky, she just likes the seeds for the taste, so you don’t even have to force her to eat, with my mother i add sop, this is in salads porridge, for example, recent foreign studies have shown that el-tryptophan from such seeds is processed
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into serotonin, the hormone of happiness, together with striptophan they are two important neurotransmitters, are responsible for falling asleep, and another acid, arginine, is extremely important for hypertensive patients. arginine, when entering our body, forms nitric oxide, which has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, and accordingly we have a decrease in blood pressure. those who have figured out the whole essence of these green seeds know not only this about them: i choose raw ones because they are good for health, for cleansing the intestines, they are already full of zinc. in 100 g 65% of the daily requirement, zinc is necessary for men's health, and magnesium in pumpkin seeds is one and a half daily norms, and it is absorbed quite easily, and these are calm nerves and elastic blood vessels, it’s a pity that you can’t eat so much at once, due to the content of another acid - solicylic acid, if you and i exceed the norm, and the norm, in principle, is up to 50 g pumpkin seeds per day, you can
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do it yourself - irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and aggravate gastritis, so unlike the usual sunflower seeds, you can eat no more than 40 of these per day, and before doing this, you need to soak them for a day in water to get rid of fetin acids, otherwise the same magnesium simply won’t be absorbed, and of course, it’s better to buy them raw, unroasted and combine them wisely, with mayonnaise and some fatty, creamy sauces, then of course, pumpkin seeds have absolutely no place there, but if you use seeds, in pumpkin soups, in vegetable soups... cream soups are always very tasty, that is, unlike sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are more likely to be an addition to food, and it doesn’t matter whether they come from a store or from your own pumpkin, because if they are raw, their composition is the same useful, by the way, if you want to grow your own pumpkin, then for tasty sweet seeds, it’s better to choose special varieties, and then register at the dacha, it’s not so easy, that’s why we’ll find out after the news.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. interaction and cooperation with the states of the middle east. the russian president held meetings in moscow with the leader of iran and crown prince aman. the western financial system is becoming obsolete at the investment forum vladimir putin about new economic model of russia. minus30 and below the sudden cold snap in koma, tyumen,
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chelyabinsk regions in yakutia, streams at -50. the news will tell you about the main thing in the vera tarasova studio. hello. russia offers a new model of economic relations to those countries that do not succumb to external pressure, no matter what form it takes. vladimir putin spoke about this at the fourteenth vtb investment forum, russia is calling. businessmen, politicians, investors , managers from dozens of countries with whom russia is developing cooperation. and they all note that working with russia is beneficial; the old globalization in the world is changing. model of the world, and the number of partners our country has increased, even despite sanctions, the rate of economic growth in russia is higher than that of leading european countries from the point of view so that russia, the largest economy in europe , is now ahead of all the leading
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countries of the european union in terms of growth rates, while in the structure of the economic. in russia, an increasing share is occupied by the so-called basic non-raw materials industries include manufacturing, transport, logistics, and construction. information, communications, housing and communal services. for example, in the second quarter of this year, they accounted for more than half of 54%, to be more precise, of economic growth. another 44% are so-called supporting industries: trade, catering, and other professional services. and only 2%, i want to emphasize, only 2% was accounted for by mining.
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the russian leader received in the kremlin the president of iran, a country that, under conditions of total sanctions have been living and developing successfully for decades, both bilateral and international issues are on the agenda, this is the situation in the middle east, as well as
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trade and economic cooperation projects. our relations are developing very well, good momentum has been gained over the past year, we have large infrastructure projects, we have been discussing them for a long time, and have now come to practical implementation. in the gas sector it is genocide, a crime against humanity. more than 6,000 children died due to the actions of the zionist regime in conflict zone, it is regrettable that what is happening is supported by the united states and
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western countries. it is even more regrettable that international organizations that are supposed to protect human rights have lost their effectiveness. all this is happening in front of the entire world community. the bombing of the gas sector must be stopped as soon as possible. in the controlled kiev-kramatorsk region of the donetsk republic, a su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force was shot down in different areas, including near gorlovka , 27 drones were destroyed by solidar, an american anti-radar missile from khaymars was intercepted; over 800 mercenary fighters were killed in 24 hours in the dpr, lpr and kharkov region; nine attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were thwarted. the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17, 2024.


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