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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 9, 2023 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. for them, honor, duty and love for their homeland are not just words, it is the merit of all my guys. today in russia is the day of heroes of the fatherland. almost 500 ukrainian militants have been killed over the past week. goto, shot! the successes of our military in the kupinsky and
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krasnolimansky directions. in the united states , thousands of people were sentenced to death in the near future east. why did washington block the un council draft resolution? the work of military correspondents of the news was especially noted at the tefi awards. the vgtrk holding took 10 bronze orpheus at once. and we start with the situation in the special operation zone. the russian military has improved the situation along the front line in two directions: kupinsky and krasnolimansky. according to the ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces lost almost 5,000 militants in a week. most of all on the donetsk sector of the front. our hails hit enemy strongholds and command posts, and militants’ armored vehicles in the artyomovsky sector destroyed d-30 howitzers. proven and
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reliable, they work in conjunction with aerial reconnaissance, from receiving target coordinates to firing, in a matter of moments. there, near artyomovsk, russian soldiers shot down the ukrainian baba yaga. after gaining altitude, an impact hexocopter rammed a drone of far eastern paratroopers. after the fall , the enemy drone was promptly delivered to the location of our units for study. all attempts to rotate militants are successfully suppressed throughout the southern donetsk direction, from there.
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after receiving the coordinates of the militants' targets on marinsky direction. the tankers fire immediately after the installation of solar heaters, which burns out the neo-nazis from their positions. this is aerial reconnaissance footage under the throat. the artillery of the 132nd brigade is suppressing attempts to rotate ukrainian militants. western
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gorlovki, crews of 2s-1 gvozdika installations hit the enemy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of derzhinsk. it can operate at a distance of 15 km, we hit both manpower and equipment, and the enemy is fortified. throughout the southern donetsk direction, our unit successfully suppresses attempts to rotate militants along our artillery operates along the routes of ukrainian armed formations. and guided missile systems. stanislav nazarovali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead donbass. today in russia we celebrate the day of heroes of the fatherland, a holiday when millions of people pay tribute to our outstanding compatriots, those who deserve the most honorable state awards, the titles of hero of the soviet union, the russian federation, and the order of glory of st. george. in this list, a special place is occupied by special operation heroes, those for whom...
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before each combat mission , the commander of the tank battalion of the vostok group, ruslan kurbanov, personally visits all the crews , gives instructions to his subordinates and checks the condition of the equipment; our positions are camouflaged by the t-80 bvm tank of the 2022 model, but it already has our multi-channel thermal imaging sight , which is very has proven itself well for introducing night activities. in this battalion, his authority is indisputable, everyone knows perfectly well that ruslan kurbanov. he himself worked in a tank on the front line from the first days of the northern military district, was seriously wounded, and completed a course treatment, and then decided to return to the front again. for his courage, president vladimir putin awarded him the title “hero of russia.” in the kiev direction, i was one of the first, my tank, my tank platoon, in cooperation with the gru special forces, we broke through,
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it turns out, the enemy’s ground defense and were the first to enter the gostomen airport to our paratroopers. now he is in a leadership position, passing on experience to young fighters. why? the decision to return here to the front, the wound was very serious, in all companies almost 95% are regular military personnel, these are young guys, and if i hide behind them, this is not good, respect for him in all companies, before leaving for missions, we look, we walk with our feet, well, with our eyes, so that we know where to go to what positions , these crews work on the line of combat contact on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. the t-80 bbm tank is one of the main attack vehicles in the cargo east in the yunetsk direction. right now the crew is leaving for the next combat mission. ruslan seems to worry more about his tankers than about myself. according to him, the situation at the front is constantly changing, but the potential of the ukrainian armed forces has noticeably
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decreased, the counteroffensive has failed and the enemy is snapping back less and less. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. heroes. russia is being celebrated throughout the country today. in the irkutsk region, activists from the regional branch of the immortal regiment held lessons in courage. members of the national guard, participants in the special operation, were invited to attend. and in nizhny novgorod, as part of the thanks to the heroes campaign, schoolchildren wrote letters to the soldiers. they are the most sincere and warm wishes to our frontline soldiers. in rastoi vindano, combat veteran pavel perepelitsa met with students. he spoke about his career path and gave valuable advice to young people. heroes of the fatherland are told today in samara. volunteers hand out letters right on the street, which describe the feat of ulyana gromova. during the great patriotic war, she was part of the headquarters of the young guard; she was brutally killed by the nazis in ukraine. and in altai the film “watches for faith” was shown. this is a touching
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, poignant story about how even one a day in war can change a person's life. heroes of the fatherland are being honored today in the primorsky territory. from there the report is from kenya. little tim circles the anchor on the emblem of the marine corps with his palm, very soon the little one will learn that his dad is one of the most worthy officers, representatives of this branch of the military, and that his father survived in a difficult battle to hold him in his arms like that, well, i honestly already i didn’t hope that i would get out of there, i was just lying there and thinking, everything is fine here, well , there was calm, and then i remembered that i need another son to see everything, it gave me a boost of energy to be able to reach him in time... company commander yuri bratchikov received a serious injury in october last year near the village of pavlovka in the dpr, with his task of creating a bridgehead for a further offensive, the soldiers did an excellent job, but a fragment literally pierced yuri's shoulder. since we were the first to enter, the enemy greeted us with open arms,
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well, everything turned out quite well, a square of two by 3 km, so we all went there, they crawled everywhere, but i don’t know how to explain it. yuri bratchikov considers his awards for that battle, the order of courage and the star of the hero of the dpr , to be the awards of the entire unit; he is a commander for whom victory must be achieved at any cost, but not at the cost of the lives of his subordinates. i always tell you straight out that i am very proud of him, that he is a real man, that i love him very much, that there are very few people like him, the first time i wounded him, he did not abandon his people, he went further, here i am... helped them, was nearby, they are fighting for peace in their native country in in memory of those heroes who are no longer alive , no one posed for these portraits, all those depicted died during the performance of combat duty, the artists got to know their heroes by looking at their photos, talking with relatives, studying biographies, so that
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each hero in the portrait came out forever alive. relatives hold portraits in their hands, as if hugging them, wives, mothers, friends, they were able to convey in full... it leads into the history of a special operation, three orders of courage, a medal for military distinction, the st. george cross, he was wounded several times. dmitry died at the age of 23, very young, like many in these portraits, they gave their lives for victory and left as heroes. ksenia kolchina, sergey svestilnikov, vadim telegin, far eastern news bureau. the victory museum awarded our hero the prize. it went to children and young people aged 7 to 23 years, who glorify the kind and courageous deeds of their compatriots. to participate in the competition, which was organized with the support of united russia, the young guard, it was necessary
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to write an essay about the valor and courage of peers, participants in the special military operations or people who have overcome life's difficulties. in total, the organizers received more than 350 works from 40 regions, including the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. and in moscow, at the central museum of the armed forces, at these minutes the all-russian military-patriotic trail is taking place on the day of the hero of the ranks of the young army soldier. about thirty more schoolchildren were added, they took the oath of allegiance, and then met with veterans of the great patriotic war, participants in the special operation. also, today the young army soldiers will have a tour of the museum and a historical quest, in in which they will get acquainted with the military history of the country. and now about how preparations are going for the main television event, the results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14, the head of state will answer questions from citizens. the program will combine direct line and annual. a large press conference, the number of questions increases every minute, in the processing center, requests, work goes on without
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interruption, direct communication, our correspondent, dmitry petrov, comes from there. dmitry, hello, what topics concern russians most? hello denis, but first, about a small innovation this year, the appeal of russians to the president is accepted jointly by employees of the rostelecom company and representatives, activists of the popular front, so we see that they are working together, eh. we can already summarize the first statistics, most often they call from the central federal district, in second place is the volga district, in third is the northwestern federal district, here is the list of leaders by topic, if aggregated, in first place, of course, social policy, it has always been so, this pensions, payments, on the second in place there is healthcare, these are subsidized medications, hospitals, in third housing, some questions, some appeals, popular front activists are immediately hired, that’s what we know. a story from the kostroma region, a 97-year-old grandmother called, all her life she regularly paid for electricity, suddenly
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inspectors came and counted her a huge debt, for her a huge 32, they are suing her, the grandmother calls, asks for help, what should i do? she is worried that her honor and dignity have been damaged, we are also very worried, and we hope that kostromskaya the region will pay great attention to this issue. another call, low-income families receive benefits based on their income before taxes, many consider this not entirely fair, so they are asking to revise the standard. the proposal comes from these families, who consider it unfair, to still calculate child benefits based on income after taxes, and , accordingly, what they do not receive in their hands. well, the calls are coming in continuously, we hear here all the time, you can also write to
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the website, send an sms message or send video and voice message, even if you cannot reach the operator, all these requests will be processed and taken into account. denis, thank you, our correspondent, dmitry petrov, was in direct contact. residents of the lugansk people 's republic received 50 auto shops, the cars were donated by the deputy prime minister...
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won 10 bronze orpheus statuettes in key categories at once, especially noted the work of military news correspondents who risk their lives to cover... a short and succinct word is heard from the stage for millions people , tv viewers, the standard of professionalism, efficiency and information content.
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he died from injuries received while filming a report in zaporozhye, for which olga armyakova receives an award for all our military officers. borya, boris bakhtiyarovich maksudov, bakhtiyarych, as he was called at the front, and what was the name of his telegram channel. he didn’t like it when they called him a warcore on the air, being where it was most important for the country to be now, he asked that... he was introduced on the air as a special correspondent, he believed that in a war the main people are, and it doesn’t matter how they call you, it is important to show people, and he is did every day, and he found himself, it seems, precisely there, in the war, and this is now being done by
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our guys, our military correspondents, who go from the regions to a hot spot, work there every day, and this is your reward, guys, we are leaving for in order to definitely return, and we are making every effort to return.
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in our such a big, great country, this, of course, is a special responsibility for all of us. another nomination is evening socio-political talk show of the year. moscow, kremlin, putin. good evening. the world is undergoing fundamental changes exclusive interview, truly breathtaking footage. the best daytime presenter takes the stage again. maria sital. this
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award can probably be called the end of the year for those who work in this profession. this. the result is very important for our channel of our holding; we received the maximum number of awards in the most important professional categories. in the nomination for the leading evening news program, the arfey statuette went to vladimir chernyshov and elmiri efendieva ntv. the military correspondent of the first was recognized as the reporter for this television season. channel dmitry kulko. we worked. 21 nominations, each of which is recognition, very important for... most of the country until next week, even in siberia, which is accustomed to frost, the temperature is 20° below normal. novosibirsk, kemerovo, omsk, tomsk, irkutsk regions at night up to minus 5. in
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central russia, the cold is being replaced by a cyclone; in tula, bryansk, arlovsk, belgorod and other regions tomorrow there will be heavy snow and snow drifts. in udmurt, due to severe frosts, schools are switching to remote mode. increased readiness announced in krasnoyarsk, where the thermometer will soon rise. will drop to -40, already now there is a cloud of steam over the yenisei. tomorrow evening on our tv channel there will be a continuation of the grandiose television competition blue bird, the tenth anniversary season never ceases to amaze on the updated stage only with the live accompaniment of an orchestra, young talents who have already passed a strict selection will perform. among the new participants there are guys from new territories of russia. report by anton demidov. contest. the bird once again gathers young talents from all over russia under its wing. i, of course,
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i admire, i simply admire these children, these children grow up to be wonderful musicians. the participants of the new tenth season have been involved in creativity from an early age, and their level of skill is very high. i am pleased that this season we have small children on stage again; perhaps this is such a gift to us that in the tenth season we again meet such unique and bright, as denis calls them, little sparks of talent. on the blue bird, the contestants warmly support and highly appreciate each other’s level of training, random not here, they are very great fellows, because they achieved a lot in their time and... and it seems to me that in order to become a good professional in general, you shouldn’t lie on the pillows, every centimeter of the filming pavilion is used to prepare for the performance,
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slight excitement is possible , and so i’m sitting, warming up, i’m working on air belts, so a warm-up is necessary so as not to get injured anywhere, that is, you have some kind of dangerous number, well, it’s quite dangerous, yes, i’m without insurance, but that’s all from experience. to the draft resolution of the council for the un and passed a death sentence for thousands of people in the middle east, in kiev they continue the war with monuments, about this and not only immediately after
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the advertisement, stay with us. dialogue with the whole country. dialogue with everyone. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle , lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called. lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this includes taiga and mountain ranges.
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and the tundra, where countless herds roam reindeer. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsev sea, warmed by the warm atlantic. the current does not freeze all year round; in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. where is he? he packed his things and left, your dad is downstairs. look at the weekend, of course we will treat your daughter, we will carry out chemotherapy, i beg you to do everything possible, there is almost no hope, i am so
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want. because how, you will grow, but this is not given to me, but i left our only joy for manya, the only dear person, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter , the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for guardianship over her and her capital, the only chance to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future... “we will submit documents to deprive round valentina mikhailovna of guardianship, what to do next, how to continue to live, the only joy, today on rtr, you are watching 100k alone, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a trick, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works..." everyone knows, and how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work , talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - set for a headache, god forbid. alone, tomorrow on rtr, you promised beep now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to call, here everything has piled up, not at all exhale, three knife attacks, the abdominal area, and he’s as good as new, he’ll brighten up any holiday, bringing the whole team together can only be...
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a high-profile crime, well, a scandal, again a scandal for the whole city, or marya sergeevna’s birthday, gentlemen, ladies, attention, surprise, marya sergeevna, this is for you, where are you going, secret investigations, again with us, good job, thank you, continuation, look at rtr on monday. you are watching the news, we continue the release: the united states handed down a death sentence to thousands of people by blocking the project resolution on the un council demanding an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. this was stated in our permanent mission. the states vetoed the document, calling it unbalanced. in gaza
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, more than 300 more people died in one day, the most valuable architectural monument, the great mosque of syamara, with a thousand-year history, was destroyed ; cities throughout israel were subjected to powerful rocket fire at night, reports from correspondents in the middle east pavel melnik and alexander belibov. not an hour later, just like the power of the sun, hamas rockets violated the sacred silence of the sabbath for israel. this has become commonplace, just like people with guns. on the streets of tel aviv , they also go to the nightclub with machine guns, the ground operation in the gas has entered the most fierce stage, a direct clash with the enemy, he is literally a meter around the corner, this is a pre-prepared trap for the lothar special forces, so that the radicals can gain time, where there are hostages here.
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on october 7, he can’t return home, he’s also been notified, there is no progress in a peaceful resolution of the situation. time is running against hostages, and even these yellow ribbons, which throughout the world are a symbol of the release of captives, do not bring the end of the conflict any closer; the main jewish winter holiday, hanukkah, 137 israelis are met with gases somewhere in the dungeons. headquarters. the israeli foreign ministry highlighted the faces of the captured bibas family on the facade; the youngest kfir is not even a year old. escalation does not bring anything good. here is another exchange of blows between israel and hezbollah, the infrastructure of the militants in lebanon and the anti-tank ditch from where the attacks were launched were destroyed dried out. unrest in the arab areas of jerusalem also became regular. israeli security forces use water cannons. that night the un again failed to pass
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a cessation resolution. continues to increase the intensity of hostilities in the gaza sector, it is already clear that the tactical goal of sahal is to cut the enclave into several parts and break the centralized defense of the units of the islamic resistance movement, but this has not yet been possible; the units of the hamas military wing,
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using guerrilla tactics, organize ambushes and destroy equipment enemy. the hottest spot on the map of the conflict now remains the south, in particular khanyunis. at the same time, the actions of ground... invading detachments are actively supported from the air. in gaza, israeli aircraft destroyed one of the oldest mosques in the region with a history of more than a thousand years, al-kabir. there was little left of the building; the walls of the roof collapsed, and the remaining parts began to crack. the humanitarian situation in the south of the enclave, where refugees from the north and center of the sector are now concentrated, and a severe food crisis also remain dire. his condition it's getting worse, it's not even milk, it's water with a spoonful of flour added. as expected. in the coming days, gas cargo will begin to arrive through another checkpoint on the border with egypt, but it is already clear that in order to somehow stabilize the situation, the volume of assistance needs to be increased multiple times. alexander bilibov, ivan malyshev and daniil gabdulet. news from egypt. and
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against this background, the administration of president biden is asking congress to approve the sale to israel of 45 shells for mirkov tanks. this is the main tracked combat vehicle of the idf. the agency rator writes about the request. with citing sources, there is again no progress regarding new assistance to ukraine, as white house coordinator john kirby said, the biden administration and congress cannot agree. let me remind you that republicans in the senate blocked consideration of the request for new funds for kiev. the white house emphasizes that there are only a few weeks left, after which the possibilities of assistance to ukraine will be exhausted. by the way, more and more western countries seem to be starting to get tired. from the endless requests of kiev, in bulgaria the issue of transferring decommissioned armored personnel carriers to ukraine has ended brawl among parliament deputies. opposition deputies opposed the provision of gratuitous assistance. they called the initiative serving not
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their own, foreign national interests. it was with great difficulty that we avoided a fight. and in kiev they continue the war against monuments. at these moments , the city's municipal services are dismantling the monument to the hero of the civil war. about the main events of the last seven days in the news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday at 20:00 this is the news of the week and i am dmitriv. look on sunday it's it’s absolute madness, no matter how biden scared the americans about russia, they never gave him money for zelensky, and his son played a trick again, washington is shaking, ukraine will not
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beat russia, if anyone has been beaten, it’s the united states. 500 m to the enemy, sergei zenin from the ukrainian entrenchments, recaptured by our troops, is backing away, and what about the others? russia and the arab world face to face, our tricolor in the sky over abu dhabi, in a friendly environment, more than 600 children were killed, the extermination of palestinian civilians. but would israel have done this without the support of the united states and the west, our reports from the conflict zone. this was the road of life. unbroken people of donbass. there was a real act here, how are they returning
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home now? quiet, the most important thing for us is that peace has come. after release. like a boomerang, sanctions against russia are ricocheting into the once powerful german auto industry. this would not be so fatal if it were not present on the market. at the international exhibition at the russian forum on the day of kobradin balkaria and stavropol, more than 2 million people have already visited the exhibition, and this despite the frosty weather today an influx of guests is expected again. our correspondent, alexey karev, is currently working at vdnkh.
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alexey, hello, what is presented at the regional stands? denis, good morning, indeed, the main character at the russia exhibition, today it is kabardino-balkaria and the stavropol territory , great attention has been drawn to their stands, to the stands of these regions, now we will show you the stand of the stavropol territory, the guests of the exhibition, the stavropol region is greeted by a tree pump room, look, the region is famous for its mineral waters, these are yasentuki, narzan, and, of course, natural beauties, look, the panorama of the caucasian mineral mountains, tourists are attracted to active recreation in the stavropol region, so an interactive bicycle was installed at the stand, on which you can go on a virtual tour of the locals. in the stavropol region, it should also be noted
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that industrial production is growing, there are great successes in agriculture, greenhouse complexes, which is precisely why a combine cabin is presented in the center of the stand, that is, you can literally remove a virtual wheat field. in a word to the guests offer to plunge into the atmosphere of local color, culture, traditions, modern achievements. well, gender. immersion in the history of the traditions of the region at the stand of kabardino balkaria, fascinating tourist routes, features of culture, life, modern industrial achievements, and of course, elbruss is the highest point in russia, all this is the stand of kabardino balkaria, but what is kabardino balkaria famous for and what does it live in today? report by my fellow journalists, state television and radio broadcasting company of kabardina balkaria. the snow-white mountains
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of kabardino-balkaria do not leave you indifferent tourists, in order to create a feeling of a new year's holiday, the residence of father frost was opened in the azau clearing. here, in a cozy atmosphere , you can send a letter to santa claus. industrial diamonds are not as bright as those used in jewelry, but their value is no less important. the terik almaz plant produces drill bits, which are widely used both in russia and abroad. kabordina balkaria -
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for the culture of sports. as part of the project, they
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returned for several days to the regions, to their small homeland, where the light appeared, grew up, or spent a significant part of their lives. each hero gives his own answer to the question of where the homeland begins. big concert on the stage of the bolshoi theater in minsk. the best russian belarusian artists performed classical works in honor of the significant date of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the signing of the treaty on the creation of a union state. the laureates of the tchaikovsky competition performed their repertoire. the grandiose concert became a striking premiere of integration in the field of art. the st. petersburg house of music is not only st. petersburg, it is russian.
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in seconds, we have the resources that specialize only in lightning, our flagship site, raru, is the most popular information resource, the media group’s resources are now published in thirty languages, and its correspondents work in 127 cities around the world, the satellite multimedia agency combines radio broadcasting, a huge number of projects on
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the internet and social networks, in including the international educational project satellite pro. these are meeting places. training programs, when we attract specialists in different countries to work with russia, it turns out, well, such an explosive effect or something information presence of russia in those countries where this happens. we understand that our presence, correct, is the presence of russian culture, and the presence of the russian idea in countries, especially in the cis countries, is largely based on how the russian-language press will be preserved. one of the main tasks of the media group is to cover russian state policy abroad. to interest the audience of a particular region in what we want to convey to these countries, so that russia’s position is clearly presented. there is a direction for english-speaking audience. our goal is to provide english-speaking readers
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with an alternative view of global politics. and its own directions for africa, asia, cis countries and europe. now we are quoted in europe, everyone quotes us and pro-western, because we are the only real source from russia. the online publication ukrainaru was created immediately after the events on the maidan in 2014, and today, according to the citation index, it already ranks second in ukraine itself, right after the office of president zelensky, ahead of the service resource security of ukraine. most of our leading employees, including myself, have a large one.
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russia today is always looking for modern formats and information platforms. projects in virtual and augmented reality have repeatedly become laureates of international competitions. we use modern technologies to perform patriotic, educational, and educational tasks. in the media group today.
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of the current president, one of the central tasks is collecting signatures in his support. united russia is the party of the president, its president he created it 22 years ago and stood at the origins of its creation. of course, united russia will take the most active part in the election campaign, together with the popular front we will ensure that all the necessary organizational procedures related to the nomination are carried out, of course, this is, first of all, the collection of signatures of our candidate. further to other topics: a charitable foundation,
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lighthouse people are raising funds for emma reznikova. the girl has a rare genetic disease, spinal muscular trophy, a curved spine, every movement causes terrible pain, an expensive operation can save her, but emma’s family has no money for it. alexandra bystritskaya will tell you how you can help. this is not a hobby, this has been going on for a long time. work, meaning of life. emma has been painting amazing pictures since childhood: fragile and delicate flowers, pastel-colored portraits of women, so sensual, so strong. each of them contains a self-portrait of the artist herself. the rapidly progressing disease causes the girl terrible pain every minute, even in her sleep. the first symptoms appeared when i was very small, in a year and i don’t remember exactly a year or 2 months, i stood, but walked. i didn’t go, this is a disease when you gradually weaken, spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease in which the functioning
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of the motor neurons of the spinal cord is disrupted, and they are responsible for transmitting signals from the nervous system to the muscles, amy, 29 years old, the situation is critical, the spine is devoid of muscle the frame has already collapsed into the pelvic ring, the tear has reached 180°, the only way to save her is a unique operation, during which a...
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the land of light festival starts today on the palace square of st. petersburg, a multimedia show dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the northern capital. a large-scale one will unfold on the facades of the architectural masterpieces of the city on the neva. on the facade of the guards building on the palace square , the finalists of the land of light competition, the theme of which is the small motherland - a place of power, will present their works. in 2 minutes, participants will have to talk about their dearest hearts. impressions of your city and captivate the audience on the palace square with this, the project is being implemented with the support presidential fund for cultural initiatives.
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vesti is following developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. mom, mommy, mommy is back, it's not mom, it's another aunt. i was transporting furniture to a man, in general, from him. i have children, two daughters, and my wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, that’s what i care about, it’s our secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, for marishka you’re like a superhero, she only tells you, i’ve already forgotten how to be happy, thank you you, i’ve been running around to work all this time, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you, marishka, little one, fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, “ilya moskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like the faith , well, like a woman.”


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