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tv   Dochenki  RUSSIA1  December 10, 2023 1:00pm-5:00pm MSK

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you are swimming in the sea, no, there is a sea, a river, but there is no sea and never have been, i look at the map, as they say in russian, in schwitz, the black sea, no, the black sea is in the south, it takes 2 days by train , i understand, are you at sea, by train? don’t touch, don’t touch anything here,
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everything, your sea has surrendered to me, what i didn’t see there, let’s get ready quickly, i ’m late. i love you, i don’t want the factory today, i want to stay, you didn’t last long, i work at home, no, i don’t need anything, let ’s get ready, i need to work here, at my place there’s no work for you, no, why not, i was impatient for him, but you wanted a shower, here’s some wood on a pole, you’ll have a shower, that’s it. chop wood,
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okay, come on, don’t touch anything, don’t touch anything else, make the road pray to god, let’s go, reed, let’s go. it’s great, petrovich, it’s great, it’s great, how’s it going? german, how's the slate? what slate?
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have you forgotten, chairman? you promised me slate for nothing? wait, petrovich, where will i get the slate right away? no, semyonich, don’t fool me. how long ago have you been building the barn? the second one is when you you will finish it, it is unknown. and there are slates for roofs. so, do you want me to give you the slate of the skoromnik? so no, slate, no german. you and i won’t have another conversation , but where are you going to unload it?
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we’ll carry it there, come here, now, who will serve it, me myself, yes, why didn’t you cut the draught, i hit it, and it breaks, oh, what happened, who broke my ax, how did you manage, i myself don’t understand how, man, you can’t tell by looking at it. how did he break it? you ask him, i don't want to break it, i just want to help, so go away, come on, and hold on! “leave, leave, put, i myself
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, it’s not difficult for me, my little hare, go, go, go, you, draw, you’re an artist, so go, draw, that ’s it, well, you saw, yes, yes, ah , what are you doing, what a bastard you are doing, but, damn, there are topars. how many do you need? one, to kill a german, although you should have been killed in the first place, why should i? did i move him in with you, or something? who? it's all the chairman, uh-huh, did the chairman crawl into his bed? i didn't
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climb into his bed. why did he run away from you at night? maybe he did the forest, but i didn’t give it? 5.600? well what? come on, glory , for some reason he doesn’t bother me, maybe that’s why you don’t bother me because there’s nothing to do, but open up, people, people, help, they’re killing me, i’ll show you, there’s no point, i’m killing, why, cool matbevna , you’re in trouble, wait, i’ll catch up. yes , chairman, chairman, rather, what is it, petrovich, he’s killing tamarka , what, he’s killing tamarka petrovich, no one knows why, even the germans didn’t divide it, rather you, what,
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what kind of life is this, your division, where did you run? here she is, oh, there she is, there, she sees, where the hatchet is, the field, what, soyak, fresh breathes air, listen, you’re stupid, yes, running after people with an ax through the streets, with what kind of ax, who is this, your german? i broke my ax, and you have nothing to do with the brand , why were you running after the tamarka, you wanted to shorten her tongue, what is yours shining for you, nothing,
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nothing, cat and mouse will flow on a tear , and again the authorities came, look, i got myself into trouble again. oh, oh, yes, you’ll break my second ax like that, let me do it, just like that, well, look,
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you’ve already given up on the germans, well done, and i see you’ve completely gotten used to it here, so, come here, let's talk, grigory vasilyevich has arrived, he's waiting with me, let's go, where are we going, my bathhouse is almost ready, petrovich, wait with your bathhouse, the bathhouse will be later, it's all over, you're the one, come on, come on, let's go, take these, come on, let's go , yes, put it down, come on, come on, they’re waiting, not for long, of course, come on, come on, catch up, well, for the success, as they say, of our...
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there are thoughts, but there’s no plant, i understand, i understand, i didn’t expect it myself, you everything is in such a state, you know? listen, maybe from scratch, what do you think, about strength, i think, we, for our part, will help in any way we can, i think, it’s possible, you just need to have money, that’s right, that’s what i understand, let’s do it one more time. and you can
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take that the money is a bank loan, it’s clear, so what ’s the problem, you can take a loan, who am i, why am i, i don’t have the right, i’m not a citizen of russia, well, it’s clear, no, germany germany you have your money for us it’s not enough, what have you seen here, you’re afraid, you’re afraid of not having a lot of money, okay, you don’t need a lot, a lot.
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so wait, don’t you have any money, i i i know how to draw, but i don’t know how to draw money.
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i ruined my car, how much time i lost, designer, he, he, you know, is a designer, i have half a country like this, i have every second designer, come here, i’m here now, i’m now, damn you all designers. oh, now i’ve forgotten my art.
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why did you come here without money, and who needs you here without money, and because of you i
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ended up as a chef. what are you doing, you idiot, you broke everything for me here, and now i... want to disgrace you? and who am i asking, when did you see me like this, and when did i jump naked in front of you, but no, it’s not like you think, yeah, i blind in your opinion, yes, this is not a nude, this is some kind of nude, this is this, who am i asking you, who is this? i draw you, i draw the body, clothes, then, it’s always like this, this is not the end, yes,
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you’re wrong, come on, my friend, pack your things and get out of here while you’re alive. luka became interested in music quite early, at the age of four. to become a good violinist, you need to treat your profession with love. you are a small boy, but already a very big musician. thank you, but i still have to study, study, study. where did you come from? this just. after years of experience, you know, playing companella for 8 years is incredible, we practice with him every day, for about two hours, and he, besides me, also plays, what, three or four, our future is you, it’s wonderful,
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blue bird, anniversary season, today on rtr. i would like to invite you to meet an amazing sunrise, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, you need a nin to go to the farm, what happened to volodya, but i hurt myself, the fate of her is such a girl, she is plotted for loneliness , black widow, from anyone.
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now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a pledge or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifesaver, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be
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self-medication and you need to contact a specialist, doctor. myasnyakov every saturday on rtr, hello, he’s coming back, i missed you, skleposovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply always has talent. in the center of events. give yourself a new year's gift now. sklefosovsky. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website.
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well, you've already got ready, quickly, i need to leave, well, that's right, why wait, but look, i don't have an extra car for you, so you'll have to do it yourself, we'll take the bus, the bus, i, yes, yes , you, stop, at the store, saw, iskayka, this is a bus stop, flight. to the city, i’m mine, come on, let’s go, so, a woman with air or fishing line.
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what pervert? that's it, auf wiedersehen? i ’m waiting here for the bus, right, right, right, thank you, but you’ll be waiting for monday, today is saturday, a day off, the bus doesn’t run on weekends, only the day after tomorrow , yes, so you should go, but where is the road, the city, the city? the city is there, danka, tamarka, uh-huh, always, please come again, and
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further away, come here, come on, come on, uh-huh. we didn’t agree, bring the slate butt like that , wait, wait, wait, as we agreed with you, the slate is for the german, right? so, so, no german, no slate, let's load, stand, to hell with him, let him come back , i won’t give up the sheper, what does that mean , let him come back, that’s it, he left, where did he go, what are you filling in, to his homeland, to germany, we thought, how, we we thought he was a bourgeois and would build us a factory, but it turns out he’s not a bourgeois at all. but he has no money, he’s as naked as a falcon, just load, stand, i said, what did he leave on, on a bus, on what bus, on a regular bus, load, i said, fuck you, what am i
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doing here, load, load, load, load, found, on what flight, there is no exit bus today he’s walking, he’ll get there on foot, i didn’t hire him to carry him, tolya, come on, let’s load, i ’ll be alone, just wait, don’t be offended. you haven’t seen the german, the store is closed, he’s carrying a backpack. you're not good, but petrovich
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, you're fine, and you, your head is fine, the city is 20 minutes away, and you sent a man on foot, he won't make it, but he'll get there somehow, it's none of my business , this one won’t make it, did you like this dumb one? that’s how you started talking, yes, who was running after him yesterday, otherwise with money, dear senyushka, without money he went away, so that’s what happens, right? go ahead, you’re not ashamed of your conscience, but why should i be ashamed? i don’t run after men around the village, let’s go, let’s go, i’m already ashamed.
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stand, my hedgehog hare, as i knew, as i felt, what are you, come on, give me a hand bigger than mine, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, what did you think, and why do you want to lay hands on yourself, but no, i see a deer, and what is it to drink? come on, take it off, that 's it, take it off, hold the belly button, it's petrovich, don't be impudent, but stop, give it, give it to whom,
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petrovich, petrovich, it's for me! go to whoever i'm telling you, consider it my rainy day already it has come, good people, what is this being done, let’s go, go, go, go, go, take off your clothes, i’m about to, what are you doing? or something, let's quickly come in, uh , where, where are you wearing your clothes, let's undress, take off, take off yourself, everything that you shrunk, i didn't see anything there, shamat appedicitis or something, and your pants, let's take off , how to draw me naked, you’re so brave, quickly, quickly, take off the banitsa, that’s it, you kill me, where,
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i’m saving you, not killing you, be patient, be patient, a bath for you now is just what the doctor ordered. well, that's it, we're waiting, that's it, i can't stand it, but i have to, well, excuse me, the last procedure, why are you yelling, the water is cold, not hot , come on, that's it, with lights to go out, oh,
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i laid you out there , drank, so, come on, quickly, quickly, drink, this is on the inside, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, and this is on the outside, medicine, right, and why are you falling apart, huh?
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lord, he’s so skinny, lie down, yes, yes, it’s funny, very funny, the rocks are so smooth, like a child’s. i’ve probably never held anything heavier than a pencil in my life.
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any bird, when it’s good enough, is a rooster’s doesn’t lay eggs, you’ll be killed or you’ll shut up yourself, that’s it, well, where did you go, you’ll still
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get complications, i didn’t want these complications for you, don’t, don’t, i myself, i myself, don’t, just help, but don’t , give it back, i’ll keep it, you’re not for me, why does everyone call you petrovich? just ask them. is petrovich a male name? this is not a name, this is
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a patronymic, petrovnaya, after my father, yeah. petrovna, that’s probably his name, you don’t know what your father’s name is, but where from? i know, i grew up in an orphanage, as they wrote there, that’s how i live, rogova galina petrovna, rogovo, yes, horn, horns, horns, raga, horns, deer and bow , gal, in short, halya, beautiful, well, what a halya, you yourself are halya, gee.
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so, i don’t need this,
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don’t draw me, don’t, why not, well, well, don’t. it somehow didn’t work out well with grandma, well , i think you still have it, but no. she loved aleniy luk very much, she never forgot where she was from, well, i’m sorry, i didn’t know, no, no,
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she knew, she brought me to you, hello, we’ve arrived. that’s enough, i can’t take it anymore, so breathe, breathe, breathe, this is the best folk remedy, right away feel better, breathe, i understand, all russian women torture their husbands, that’s enough, i’ve caught my breath. okay, so, it will be better, we’ll wait
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and see, well... now just stand there.
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guys, guys, wait for me, why wait, catch up, come on, come on, you’re so beautiful, well, so am i, watercolor, right? do you want to draw? no, i don’t want to, but i don’t know how. that's what she can do. oh, who came? hello, haven't
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seen you for a long time, but don't worry, i don't bite, and i won't pester you while on duty, what do you need? i look for pencils and colored paper, well, there are markers, and i draw children, and... they too they want to draw, they need three boxes, are you an artist? i won’t take it away, oh, hush , take it, uh, as much as you need, you disgraced me in the whole village, and now you want to bring me under the charge, i only have daughter marks, a ruble
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, no, there is no bank in the village, of course, huh? “i can repay the debt later, you already owe me, let’s do it this way, i’ll give it to you, yeah, and you portrait suits me, of course, not, not here.” petrovich, where at the plant? yes, at the factory? well, go ahead, i’ll be right there, but i need to fix my hair.
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well, let's go, but not here, well, reeds!
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stand, reed, stand, stand, oh, who is that there, petrovich, or what?
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and when will you give the money to the plant? ok, then, i see that you have recovered, well, good, today is monday the bus runs,
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and this one is like peter, come on, sit down, come on, let's go. thank you, i'm waiting for the bus, i, i, i'll take you to the city at the same time, okay, come on, come on, let's go, come on, ah... well, okay, come on, come on, just, i just quickly understood, sit down, let's go, let's go , danka,
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here, come, help,
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i want to say goodbye, said goodbye, get out of here already. road, well, i said goodbye, come on, let's go, hey!
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everything good is from above, everything bad is from us. well, what a dream, let's go, guys, look, he knocked down someone, come on, carefully, petrovich, call a felsh, he crushed the german.
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he’ll stroke you, but he’ll stroke you so hard that you can’t seem to get enough, damn it, i actually brought him here, so guys , well, let’s take him to the car, what kind of car, i don’t know which one, which one, mine, i’ll take him, where, i’ll take him to the hospital, i’ll say, he found it, yes, i’m telling you, you can’t touch him, well, listen, well, he’ll die on the road, so what then, he needs a special car necessary, but you will ruin him in your car, get out of here, he said, well, you understand with my head or not, everyone move away from him, i told whom.
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looking forward to the weekend, happy twenty years of happy marriage, dear!
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i wonder what my husband asked? i would like to live my whole life with such a woman. oops, what should i do now? you village and have lost your mind. what are you talking about now? yes, she is good enough to be your mother. is the boy really so good that he'll blow your mind? i love him, but if i did, life wouldn’t ruin him. i would like ella to talk. ella left, come back.
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they’re completely bored, and then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts sank, you’re on the most understanding program about animals, in a circle friends, in a circle. friends program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. may i ask a question about the gift? yes, no, you can't. we are checking all his contacts. more precisely
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, i’ll tell you after i open it up. well, you don’t believe it yourself, do you? masha, well, that’s not how it’s done, well what do you want from me? secret investigations, again with us, continuation, watch on monday on rtr. to spend weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. today on rtr.
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eat, cherry, yeah, help yourself, which one?
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peter, peter, well, that's it, go home to chaos, yes, lucky guy! home to hausen,
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oh, we won’t get together soon. oh, listen, we’re talking about something, we heard where he is, like, nothing at all, yes, yes, your
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german left, he’s sitting somewhere in germany, beer with sausages, cracking, what’s wrong with her, he needs yours petrovich, it’s like a dog’s fifth paw, what do you need, well, bread, yeah. oh , hello , hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you, i didn’t ruin it either, okay, hello, good, oh , look, you’re drawing, go faster, yeah, yeah , come on, hello, hello, hello, petrovich, petrovich , petrovich,
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your german has arrived, petrovich!
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i came back for things, no, i’m not going back to germany, i’m staying here, i want to be with you, i can’t live without you. well, that’s clear, great, alive, back,
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that means, ah, hello, listen, multi, this, calm down, but stay, you will be with us where this drawing teacher is, otherwise the children are running there, asking where the german is, yes, and where is peter, stay. that’s right, well done, listen, where is petrovich, and now i’m petrovich, right? oh, and i’m thinking something, what kind of woman is standing there so beautiful? and i think who is it? and this is petrovich, is that you? listen, well, i didn’t recognize you, look, look, but i’m coming, i think it’s some kind of woman, and this is petrovich, well, you’re beautiful, you ’re handsome, honestly, you’ll be rich, well, i didn’t recognize you, i didn’t recognize you, so you stay the same ? great
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here, yes, i’ve always wanted to live, such a beautiful place, a village like salvador dali, here you go, beautiful, i’ll make one for myself, i’m allergic to dummies, take it away, take it away, take it away, take it away, i’m about to cover myself with my heels, what are you doing, catch it , don't catch. stop, look, there, there, there, see.
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good sunday evening everyone, your favorite folk show is broadcasting songs from the bottom of your heart, we are sure that you have already gathered at the tv screens with the whole family to sing , dance, laugh with us, and of course, as always during... our program unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests, and our evening opens with our guest from the city of elabuga, republic of tatarstan, marina vachuzhanina with the song ay-ay-ay, i walked with you, ay-ay-ay.
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kissed my lips, ah-ah-ah, oh, dark nights, oh karya, father, mother, don’t scold your daughter, how did it happen, ah-ah-ay, that i fell in love with you, ah-ah-ah, and my heart is beating , rushes out, without forbidding him, i... ah-ah, i loved, i suffered, the dark night is so long, and now love is gone, and i’m grieving alone, and now love is gone, and i’m complaining, i’m alone, i said that you love me, but i... ay, what will you be with me,
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ah-ah-ah, why did you trust, why did you allow yourself to be hugged tightly, alun over the river, ah-ah- ah, like my heart, ah-ah-ah, one foot is shining, it will not meet anyone, no matter how many tears you shed. i loved, i suffered, the dark night was so long, and now i love. there was no love, and i’m persecuting alone, and now there’s no love, and i’m complaining alone, i know you’re different,
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ay-yay-yay, sad across the river, ay-yay-yay, steamed up, what you love, who you kiss, just like that . you're like me, i'll go across the river, ah-ay-ay, bro i ring, ah-ah-ah, you cry little ring, cry my heart, but don’t forget love, i loved, i suffered, dark night, so long, ah, now there’s no love, and i’m grieving alone, but now there’s no love , and i’m grieving, i’m alone , i loved, i suffered, darkness, so long, and
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now love is gone and... yes, of course, how i love you, in general, today all dreams come true, she had a dream to sing this song for her anniversary , yes, definitely, the second dream is to get here, because i sang and thought, i have to get here, the third dream,
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i have never had a male accordion player, i i want it, valera, well done! my goal is to have an accordion player, i just dreamed , thank you, you know, today’s performance, my dad was an accordion player, so she dedicated it to her parents, they are from siberia, this is the krasnoyarsk region, as you can imagine, the glorious sea.
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let's see, and in the morning, i found it in the garden, but this rose, i didn't have it, but this rose, 17 years old, i screamed, why did you, i didn't blow it up, but how many parents were together? 45? years old, my mother is from kursk, she was a teacher in siberia, my father worked as a driver in siberia, as far as i can remember, there was always a bayan in the house , there was always a holiday, so now you have a button accordion, so maybe it will fit, no, dad said,
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no one will play my button accordion, dad unfortunately died, and we buried the button accordion along with nim, accordion, he said what i want. i want to give, yes, i want to give the program to you with all my heart, this piece is
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handmade by my daughter, very beautiful, how old is my daughter? my daughter is now 38 years old, she sews dolls with one needle without a machine, how much, how long does it take time to make such beauty, to make a doll like this, you need inspiration and material, enough. day, that is, she sat down and did everything at once, couture, but really all your dear friends saw you off, let’s see, attention, oh, yes , hello, hello, andrey, hello to the viewers of the most sincere program in russia, we invite you to the city of yelabuga, republic of tatarstan, this is our home, four generations have planted these apple trees, this is my grandmother. i am a daughter and granddaughter, when you look now, you immediately it’s warm in my soul, here are our neighbors, olyushka
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, we invite you to sing with us today, thank you, even though it’s a small plot, it’s enough for the whole family, there’s an opportunity to set up a table, invite friends, neighbors, we have a very large family, somewhere there’s a person 15, hi andrey, we love your re-covers. always everything, this is generally malakhov, i adore him, i love him from head to toe, my friend told me too, please hug malakhov, be sure to tell me that it’s from lucy, we always have fun, we always love to get together and sing songs, yes i am you soul, yes i am good, now i come, daria, you are the soul, daria. well invited, valer
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, it seems to me that you need to come there, to us, i asked, are there only girls there, or something, why, the men were all at work at that moment, you need to arrive at what time, so that when the men are not there, when, when men are away, at work , well, now i want to introduce you to our guest from western europe, friends, today she... wanted to come to us from germany, for the first time this song will be heard on television, although in the 2000s it was performed, known and loved it a song about broken girls' hearts, and the song is called pain and the author-performer for the first time, for the first time you will see her, singer delta, is our guest today, let's say hello.
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and outside the window there is silence, she whispers quietly and there is longing in the heart, pain in the soul and emptiness, everything is as if in a dream. the string is quietly crying, i don’t understand where all this is coming from, as if everything has passed and the summer is over, the priests are circling over the earth, you stay with me, battle, the cypress string sounds, dull pain. how my heart hurts without you, and this pain
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is like a black raven above me, calling for myself, i ask you, wait guitaraf, the wind shakes the fox, catches up with the assok. ear in honor , quietly i wait, believe it or not, but the open door will tell us what has happened now, pain, parting is separation, i beg, wait, this is stupid, leaves are circling above the ground, i ask you to be with me, the guitar sounds string, dull
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pain, how my heart hurts without you. and this is pain, like a black raven above me, calling me to follow me, i ask you, wait and sing the guitar, my god, the legendary country sounds, dull pain. how can i sit down without you and it’s like a fight the black slide above me is manic like me, i ask you to go to work, i ask you
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to wait with your guitar, i ask you to wait with your kitaku. delda came to us from germany, but this is a stage name, yes, this is a stage name, my name is generally just olya, olya rempel podevichi, i was born in kazakhstan and when i was 13 years old, my parents moved to germany for permanent residence, since then since i’ve lived there, bol’s songs have been around for over 20 years,
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many people know and love her, but how come you’ve never been on stage, never appeared on television. something like this, when i wrote this song, i was in a relationship, it was my first love, i was 17 years old then, he was also born in kazakhstan, but lived in germany, so we had a relationship, he unfortunately tragically died, so i had these feelings that were sitting inside, i turned them into this song. well, let's go to germany and see where you live. my godmother, whom we are visiting again and whom i love very much, is dima’s mother, i was 17 years old when dima and i met, first love, first relationships, first feelings, he had dreams of a family, of children together, they were always together, the day when they told me
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that dean was gone, and i didn’t believe it, i went to work. well, he was clearly very tired, he was driving normally, everything was fine, he fell asleep for a second, and so he left us, his brain didn’t work, he hit his head hard, but his heart was working, the hardest thing that happened was this i had to turn off the machines, i wouldn’t wish this on anyone, anyone. for parents to bury their children, it’s very difficult, the guitar string sounds, dima died, olya came right away, right away , she didn’t leave our side, the pain is different for everyone, but this pain, it united us, and no matter how it
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sounds, i am very grateful to god for having such a family, who... is next to me, i love them very much, it was olya’s idea that she should be baptized, and we became even closer, there were no barriers between us at all, yes, we lost our son, but we found our daughter, she was just a mother, dima’s mother, now she is my mother, my godmother, a person close to me, without whom i cannot live. well then, at the time of the tragedy, you were 19
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, now - so much time has passed, i see a girl there, this is my daughter, but now everything is fine with me, i... i’m married, i have two wonderful children, my son is already 17 years old, my daughter is 4 years old, it turns out that i now have three mothers, mine, my, my own mother, my godmother and...
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los durch die nacht, bis ein neuer tag erwacht, atemlos schwindelfrei, großes kino für uns zwei, wir sind heute ewig tausend glücksgefühle, alles was ich bin, teil ich mit dir, wir sind untertrehlich, irgendwie unsterblich, komm in meiner hand und geh mit mir atemlos. the time has come for the stage in the previous apparatus, everything is beautiful, the voice is wonderful, the songs are amazing, and next
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to you is our guest from adygea, who will now appear on this stage, murat kolokutok with the song taste of love, midnight spreads his wings. in your arms the byo melts, even lay down, how could it be otherwise, on your lips there is hot honey, sweet honey, kalmed wine, you and i will finish it to the bottom, the night is long, the night is long, borga is sweet, borga is sweet. may boriko be sweet love, the sweetness of hot mint honey, your hot lips, sweet gorika, sweet gorika,
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sweet gorika, let them be this night, give me a gift, the night will pass nothing forever, as if we are burning candles over the laz, we will burn out. and when the passions subside, our happiness will turn into a widow, in a mountain of you, kalmet wine, you and i will finish off dadyn, nochna, nochtyna, sweet borik, sweet borik, sweet borik, may love, sweetness to evil, hotter than mint. your hot ones, porco sweet, porco sweet, porco sweet, may this love at night give it to me, give it to me.
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pogal mestol wine , you and i will finish it off, night dena, night dena, sweet morika, sweet morika, sweet morika empty, sweetness of honey grief chemnyak, hot minds of yours, sweet morika, sweet borika, sweet borika buli, this. give me, give me, sweet boriga, sweet boriga, sweet borika, may love, sweet seta, burning gems, hot
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thy gobs, sweet corika, sweet borika, sweet porikas, taste, this night, give me, give, and this night, give give it to me, hey!
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i already learned it, yes, but in murat’s version yes, it is easy to remember, and i will take you back to 1993, look, the song of the year, attention, we ask dear presenters, do not leave our request unheeded and give the microphone to this singer, well, in response to your request, we are pleased to invite this singer, music by vladimir motetsky, words by mikhail.
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oh, a glass of honeyed water, you and i will drink to the bottom, the night is long, the night is trailing, very sweet, very sweet, the striker is sweet near the ground, the sweetness of the eternal nadki, your roughness, only sweet, only sweet, only sweet, let him love you tonight. it seems to me that the most unexpected cover of sofia rataru’s song , murat, tell me about yourself, how old are you, where did you come from, i’m 31 years old, i came from the sunny republic of adegea, what’s the name of the village, the village of starobzhiga kai, and this, well, in translation in her native language, old autumn cheese
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, she didn’t, she made me an artist, despite the fact that murat works as a driver - he carries sand, while he is the first accordion player in all of adegea, let’s see, welcome to the dyk land, vaul starobgakai, u we have it’s a tradition to greet guests on horseback; if the rider saw a traveler, he would accompany him to the house, no matter who he was.
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this house was built by my father , i live with my parents, it is customary in our settlement that the youngest stays in the house, and the elders, well , leave, this is my mother, her name is maret, my mother taught me to play the harmonica, i wanted to sing on stage, but not it turned out because i got married early, there was no time for that, of course it was, i invested in him... what i knew, he made my dream come true, we wanted him to get on the program with malakhov, i really like him proud, in 12 years ago i earned my first money on my anniversary, then my mother was in the hospital, i took this money for medicine, then i started playing at weddings, married the whole of adegea, well, mom, maybe we can play, well, let ’s try, it’s been a long time. i haven't played for a long time.
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no, i don’t remember anymore, i can’t do it anymore, let’s play, son, your eyes are burning, i don’t understand why, why are you married, tell me why, this is my wife, our children, we met at our wedding, we started corresponding, already wanted to get married officially, but friends him... they broke into our house, they took me out of bed, they taught me how to steal our bride, when i got married, i was still young. i didn’t know how to cook such national dishes, my mother-in-law taught me all this, it’s delicious, now i’ll set the table, but i can’t sit down at it, because my mother-in-law is there with my husband, we want to pass on our culture to our
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children, and this happens when we show this by personal example, we have a very large family, we all love to get together like this, sing songs, and the wedding vow is my heart will break, i have no one better in this world than you, in your hands - what is the name of this instrument, this is our adyghe national harmonica, my dad helped me buy it, and it’s still with me, as if i was saying, he married almost the entire republic, so ah... well, let 's play with valera, let's sing, let's sing this vasilki,
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our tourist village, lost among the mountains, one day at a rest stop. i met that love, the cornflowers of your eyes are burning, i don’t understand why, why are you married, tell me why?
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took my family, missed my brother , once as a boy he wanted to fly, it turns out it’s possible, when i come to the circus, i always cry there, the most powerful earth, blue bird, anniversary season, today on rtr mom, mommy, mommy came back, it’s not my mother, it’s another aunt, but she was transporting
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medicine to a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, what do i mean, this is our secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are just for marisha... a superhero, she is just for you and says, i’ve already forgotten how to be happy , thank you, she’s running around with someone else’s family like she’s going to work, maybe she’s already found a replacement for you, little marisha, she’s fallen in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya otskov, i understand , that i have no right, you are not alone, you like faith, well, as a woman, i like it, if i find out something, i’ll kill you, daughters. on friday on rtr, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old,
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real songs sound, wonderful, real feelings know no boundaries. andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. can i ask you? about the gift, yes, no, it’s impossible, we are checking all
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his contacts, or rather i’ll tell you after opening it, well, you yourself don’t believe in it, masha, well, that’s not how it’s done, well, what do you want from me, the secret investigation is with us again , we watch the continuation on monday on rtr. once again, good sunday evening everyone, songs from the bottom of my heart are on the air, unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests, now the duet uslada from the krasnodar territory is appearing on our national stage with a song blizzard. meet tatyana serebryakova and natalya shmyglenko.
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all around the houses, houses and houses fell asleep, the paths were dusted, and once winter touched. winter-winter , white snowflakes are playing, only white horses, and my painted sleigh, bring it to your dear one quickly, quickly, quickly for the long-awaited rendezvous, and the white hole will settle down, until it splits along the path, ah , my head is spinning, i am a black-browed guy, and my head. .. does not divide until one track is divided, ah
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, my head is spinning, i am a black-browed guy , the bells are ringing, ringing, ringing, ringing, snowflakes fall on their shoulders, everyone in the area says, oh, they say that these meetings are of no use to us, but i don’t trust anyone, but i just shout, hey, you’re visiting. quick to him , i’ll move, i’ll move, but like the carefree winds , but to settle with the saws, to settle in the paths for a long time , ah, i ’m dizzy, i’ll feed the black wire, and to settle with the naked ones, it will share up to one path, ah, i’m dizzy, i’m dizzy for the guy.
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it's going on, i'm dizzy, i'm dizzy for the black- browed guy, i'm dizzy for the black-browed guy, i'm dizzy for the black-browed guy,
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thank you, well, tatyana selovna , aleksandrovna, how do you like the moscow winter, oh, winter, of course, it’s great, we were leaving there, spring was almost here, roses were still blooming there, but here we arrived, here, it’s winter, frost , you’ve been ripe for a long time, well, we got drunk, well , probably three years ago, we lost our first leader, she passed away. worked, i’m retired, now i’m just
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singing and babysitting my granddaughters, i’ll also have something to do, and you’re a kuban cossack, no, i’m from the home, andryusha, i’m already pollinated, well, let’s see how you live there in the sunny kuban, you came in, i dawned, as if the dawn had risen, as if the sun had risen, and warmed me with a bright ray , welcome, the village of nikolinskoye
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, kuban welcomes you, i really love growing flowers, admiring them, in our homeland flowers bloom until december, people have... snow lies, and here we have bees still flying, every morning in our establishment starts the same way, we put on a robe and go to feed the chickens, good morning, comrades, tipuli, tipuli, tipuli, tipuli, tipuli, my girls, that’s their name in kuban, who type-type-type is calling, who's the bullet bullets, and my name is dude, oh, loudly, philip, one word. he had this breed , pavlovsky, i wanted to breed, i bought two hens and a rooster, the hens died, damn it, but the rooster remained, what a beautiful rooster, soup, but no, before the farm was big, my husband and i did everything together, we lived for 40 years
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along with him, unfortunately, 3 months ago he passed away, the trompe came off. not dreams, how can i live without you, without me you are not you, girls save me in many ways, this is my group of delight, sometimes in the evenings they come to visit me, life goes on, we
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we sing, sometimes before this, tanya is our leader now, we have a team of pensioners, tanya warmed us up at her place, at any moment to her... and they told me that my husband, the kingdom of heaven, also really dreamed that you would come, he even wrote
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us for the program here, volodya really dreamed that tanya, you need to go there, you definitely need to go there, it’s so good with you. i said hello to you, you can, of course, we have another problem here, you know, we got some appetizers, but we didn’t get the limoncella, there’s some salsa and a pie. oh girls, closer, closer, yes, closer, please , oh, what lard, the night is dark, but the lard needs to be hidden, what about valera, come on, we
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are a tomsk cossack, we have one here, well, yes, well, we have one, on the quiet , on the sick glorious nadan, such as our blue crisis. well, we continue, we continue to introduce you to the talented people of our country,
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now we will move to novosibirs, where our next guest, alexey yashchenko, is from with the song house of rising, the house of the rising sun. and left to heart and you will end, it founds a rising sun and go to ruin her many for.
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woman can you children like to do what i have
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done last sp your life and see mystery in house of the rising sun. when i'm no respect my on you are pray tell me i'm all to round to b well i know is that and you oh, i pray, be well, i'm all good.
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well, this is a cowboy folk song, as i understand it, yes, well, i don’t know, probably
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from the twenties, as i know, but you live in novosibirsk, that’s right, yes, i live in novosibirsk, and you have been visually impaired since childhood, yes, i’ve had all this since birth, well, i plan it after your program, here i have to go to the hospital, i’ll replace the lens, it will be better, god willing, well, let’s move to you in novosibirs, attention. this is our group, called strings and honey, keyboard player mikhail, bassist sergei. vladimir, who actually brought us together, we get together, play, relax, as long as i can remember, i’m always with music, they call me the grandfather of siberian rock, but grandfather is still, yeah, there’s still gunpowder , a powder flask, at one time i worked in restaurants, i have a huge number of songs here, probably half a million, a lot of cassettes, sit, all these, i adore gramophone records and
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still keep them, i have yuri mikhailovich and... i listen to him often, we love, we believe , we are sad, we make mistakes, we cherish our hearts, we cherish the memory of the past, i was born, visually impaired man, i play on a whim, i feel everything , but lately my eyesight has gotten worse, and for me there has always been a family, i grew up in this house, and here i spent my entire childhood, my mother... was for me, in general , probably a guardian angel, meet me, this is my mother, tamara mikhailovna, my son has grown up good, my alyosha is small , as he was, he’s just very active, although alyosha has had poor eyesight since birth, when he was born, the doctors told me, i was very worried, naturally, because i knew that his
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eyesight was so bad, because i have a bad one, now they can identify some kind of hereditary... but before this wasn’t the case, naturally, i felt sorry, but how? well, nothing can be done, no one is to blame, when alyosha was 4 years old, i separated from my husband, i drank, performed, i have a small child, well, of course, alyosha to me it was difficult to lift, he didn’t work , he had to live on something, since i didn’t see the elements, so when... he grew up, he studied at a boarding school for word-sighting children, awareness, yes, probably, perhaps, had already come boarding school, at, say, 10 years old, i already began to understand how hard it was for her, alone, and, probably, love even more because of this, even though he was already 56 years old, now, but for me it’s all the same just as he was a child, he remains a child, no, when mom is nearby,
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it’s generally priceless, in any case, mom always. believes she fell in love with a guy , unfortunately, i can’t open up, i can’t find words, and your mother, of course, is very touching, yes, mom, i love you, to whom else will we say hello, well , i have a brother, my guys, with with whom i work, the children whom i... music is already being created by young groups there, all sorts of things. the daughter told me you have a daughter, yes, 16 years old, she’s already big, well, relatively big andrey, i tried very hard to bring you a gift, that is, this is a homemade keyboard player cake i have a wife, that is, she bakes it the cakes, in short, are the biggest we made, it’s about five kilograms, oh yeah, bravo.
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oh, listen, what a beauty, and there i even tried the letters with nuts , i made them with all my heart, as i see, with pine nuts, of course, who made the cake, natalya did it, this is my keyboard player’s wife, natasha, thank you very much for such a culinary masterpiece, who came up with the name of the group, strings and honey, that’s also something, we came up with it, you play the instrument virtuously, strings and honey, well, i started playing when i was 6 years old, in fact , the guy had a guitar, i crawled up, started something, that i was playing there on top, well, i didn’t have such fingers.
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okay, you’ve done it, valer, bravo, well , what about we sing, fisherman see fisherman from the siskin, let’s say, shouldn’t we sing a song about love, a gorgeous song, gorgeous! shouldn’t i sing a song of love, but i won’t go out. new genre pa tsuyu martim and receive the elements all my life.
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friends, the first part of our program is ending, and i give the floor to the beautiful young lady daria zatopolskaya, the blue birds program is on air now, we will see you in an hour on the russia tv channel, stay with us, don’t switch gears, dasha, the floor is yours, good evening, andrey, marina mstislavna paints portraits, it turns out that she is not only a people’s artist of russia, but also an artist, a large, young one. young talent, denis matsuev, marina niyolova, nikolai tsiskoridze, right now i
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want to announce the name of the winner, the second finalist of the blue bird competition, and this is antonina tsvetkova. and we begin a new competition day. i was born in the seaside city of vladivostok. the smell is special, not like in other cities, it smells like mussels, just the salty sea. katyusha was a long-awaited child, this it hurt when you live with a man for 7 years and you have no one. when you come to your friend and nurse this little bundle of happiness, so cute , you think, damn, i want one too, i think
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she appeared on time exactly when needed, came into our lives precisely to say that everything in the world is possible, and i wanted to give her everything that i didn’t have, she tried herself in everything, and i didn’t interfere with her, 1 2 3 4 5. dad, i have a sailor, all my relatives are on my dad’s side, all the sailors, sometimes for four, for 6 months, happens at home, well, i work, i earn money, i found out in the res that she went to a pole dispute, what is it, in general, some kind of shiny flock rod, then she says, i want to be an olympic champion, well, my heart completely melted, here’s another thing... we have a family member, for the sake of this family member we had to sacrifice a chandelier, make a hole in the deck, there was a wooden table, a family table, everyone gathered in a camp,
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it all costs like a cast-iron bridge, we had to order it in st. petersburg, katerina, please put the stopper in front you need to rub the peony with every pass, because if it’s greasy, then you can... well, what can’t you do for the sake of the children? if only she achieved results in her career, became a champion, and she’s already my champion, even if she doesn’t become an olympic athlete, she’s still a champion. if yes, you are tortured, and the finger of may,
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the beauty of the jaw, go to samuta. let the people go there and let good people look there.
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don't curse old old people, don't curse old old ladies, don't curse old old ladies, we won't take money from a girl, we won't take money from a girl, don't forget they don’t want anything, they don’t want to go around, they don’t walk around, then they walk more and more on a horse, more and more on a horse.
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my divya kravotava sedu.
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i water those who had rain on the street, i water the rain on the street, i go and nail them with mows, i put coffee on them, i water them on the street, i water them on the streets.
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i won’t ask you questions now, because you need to catch your breath, i want to thank our guests and friends, this is not the first time tina kuznetsova has performed here and group of zvent svintan. thank you, what tina does is exactly a russian folk song, how it should sound in the 21st century, as far as i know, it’s all from expeditions, yes, that is, it is brought from where it all originates, yes, yes, this is truly ethnographic authentic material, expeditionary, collected by folklorists, mainly in the 20th century, you liked performing to live music, oh, no, such an experience, i really really like it, as a mother, i saw that you...
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there were tears before our eyes, yes, mom, katya, they waited for their miracle, yes, i always cry , that’s right, it’s my soul overflowing, i just noticed that you seem to have two identical pylons, but in fact they are different, one is rigid and the other bends a little bit, but tell me why, in static conditions it’s this pylon, which, yes, doesn’t spin there. it turns out that the elements are stronger for strength, for power for tempo, for dynamics they are more flexible, yes, for beauty, yes, but you did everything beautifully, honestly, thank you very much, kolya, well, this is probably the first time i’ve seen such a young creature on the pole, and i’ve once again become convinced, like the boundless human imagination, how many things can be... thought and choreographed
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, if a person has intelligence and really taste, secondly, i really i liked that you had practically no stitches, yes, what...
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perform a song, and what song is better to perform for konstantin, as you think, well, at home i often sing a lot of songs, but there is only a moment, there is only a moment, that’s all . in this raging world, there is only peace, for it and hold on, there is only peace between the past and the future, it is called life, there is
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only peace between. well, i really hope that modern ships have the opportunity, yes, to watch a television broadcast; now absolutely the entire crew of the ship on which konstantin is sailing sends sms from the number. 13 to the short number 9392 so that katenka shows us her beauty in the finale, yes thank you, my first gift related to music, it was a small synthesizer that my dad gave me, i was about a year and a half then, i remember
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as i sat here, sang something , played something like this, sang the same way , i kind of always had a dream that ... someone in our family would play some kind of musical instrument, so i said to grisha: “well, grisha, this is all yours. when grisha was little, i didn’t think that he would immediately become an artist. so i had a desire for him to be a technician, i often took it to the garage, you give him boxes , there are bolts, nuts, well, you say, nuts here, bolts here, grisha, here are your bolts that you were going to, yes, our whole life, the garage.” here how old am i in that photo , how old were you ? home,
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right behind the pier, oops! i knew it, you see, who is a fisherman, who is not, dad bites, so hook and drag, oh, normal vendace, when i was 9 years old, i entered the glinka choir school, and now i live there in a boarding school, and my parents here in the village of prilazhsky, i get up in the morning, it smells like charlotte, it’s grisha, already baked it. when i have some opportunity, i immediately go home, this is very important for me, i feel supported, in general, i have never in my life experienced such a feeling that i am doing something wrong, i live it, i tell my history through the voice of singing.
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i thank you for the songfulness of the city, both frank and secret, i thank you that everyone was cold, you thawed, thawed. and for shopaty, for kryk, for eternity, for mick, for zat
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hot star, for laughter, for sadness, zatikae, farewell, thank you for everything. for laughter for sadness, for a quiet goodbye, for everything, thank you, thank you for what you went through according to fate, for the fact that you will forget yourself for a friend. thank you for being with me,
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for the fact that you won’t be forgotten, for something you, for the cry, for eternity, for the world, for the brightening star, for the sunshine, for... goodbye, for the quiet, goodbye, for everything, thank you, for everything you bake, for a quiet goodbye, for everything, thank you, for everything, for everything. thank you,
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thank you, i sang along with you so much, i hope it’s not. who hasn't heard, thank you very much to our wonderful musicians who us in all programs, the trio, and the vgtrk orchestra under the direction of yuri medyanik, for you, i thank you, this is what it’s all about, now, when i sang, i put meaning into it, for everyone, i am grateful to everyone, i thank everyone. such universal, yes, supreme gratitude, this, this is very good, this is
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very great, i formulated this. greetings , thank you very much for reminding us of this truly brilliant music, this is a real work of art, absolutely, which was written by professionals and geniuses affairs. babajanyan, in addition to being an outstanding composer, was a brilliant pianist who graduated from the igumny moscow conservatory. an absolutely living genius, and muslim magamaev, who was an opera singer and went into the stage, that’s when these people made our stage, that’s why such masterpieces were obtained. i have only one question for you: when the text is repeated, doesn’t the melody come up? i found two versions of execution, for laughter for sadness, but there musli magamaev, in my opinion, went up, you have for now just still a voice. or is this your idea, this is my idea, i feel more comfortable, more confident, well, who can say
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that this performer is 17 years old, i don’t understand, for me he is already absolutely accomplished, an accomplished person, judging by the fact that he speaks and how he understands what he is singing about by his voice, so the saturation of this voice, the filling of this voice, the understanding of... what he sings about is so good that i hope, i really want to hope that these people, young people, beautiful the performers will finally appear on our stage, thank you. thank you, thank you very much, i see your parents in the front row of the wonderful dad with whom you fish, i didn’t even think that you were into fishing, to be honest, you give the impression of such a prince from a fairy tale, who should, i don’t know, maybe ride a white horse, and you have such men’s activities, i only don’t like winter fishing, my dad took me to it a long, long time ago, i didn’t like it, it’s
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very cold, summer is much better, but you love it and you also practice winter fishing, oleg, yes, very rarely, yes. i see that you still have a plate in your hands, and i even guess what it might be, you decided to please us all today, the jury will get a little, it will, i would like to treat you, but come on, then i’m waiting for the whole family here stage along with the branded charlotte, you can try it, of course, i baked it especially for this show.
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get to the finals. charlotte is on the jury, honestly , yes, i think this will greatly increase your chances of it being very tasty, i don’t know how you cook it so deliciously, it’s so dry, usually, but yours, she’s just so very, do you add butter or something, yes, butter, sour cream, well , in general there is some kind of - your own recipe, a secret that you won’t reveal, but you know, by the way, this family secret, of course, and what is it, i won’t tell you what kind of close-knit family you have, we now need a participant with tea, send the number 14 to the short number 93.92 and maybe we will reveal the secret of the signature charlotte in
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the finale, wow, so much. snow, wow, that’s piled up, there ’s a lot of work with you, isn’t it a lot? yes, okay, this house my dad built it with his own hands, the idea to build his own house, my wife and i came up with the birth of our son, it took 3 years to build the house, i often had to get up at 2:00 in the morning already at 3:00 in the morning to start work here, i’m interested in my dad study? different things , but they didn’t hit me on the finger, when he was 3 years old, i gave him a hammer, and he already started knocking, he hammered a lot of nails, i was tired of picking them out, i know how to putty, then i know how to hammer nails, i know how to make skirting boards, here they are so i click, my husband and i are very
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i’m lucky, he’s a real owner, a real chef, i’ve been looking after my wife for a long time , and so did edok, and once he cooked pomeranian fish, having learned that i had a muzzle, it’s pink salmon with cheese, with dill , with sour cream, the recipe is very simple, this is a good fish, skillful hands, put the fish on a baking sheet, then add salt, carefully, slowly , and evenly, well, try evenly, i sometimes help dad cook, of course, but this is my first time making fish, spread the sauce on top sprinkle with dill. luka became interested in music quite early, the first time he i took skripa when he was four years old, i think he will be a great musician. lukia has a sister, her name is evdokia, they are incredibly interested in playing together. now rosin is used so that the hair in the lint, which is located on the horse hair, is not
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erased from the flour, and if they are erased, then the hair will not sound. i like to practice violin, i would like to become a good violinist, but to become a good violinist you need to treat your profession with love, it seems to me.
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imagine what young talent is? yes, here you go this should be your image, because you are a little boy, but already a very big musician, you have in your hands your favorite small, but already almighty violin. thank you, but i still have to study, study , study. it’s not a boy’s speech, but a husband’s, now you understand? luka, it’s very nice to meet you, it’s strange that we didn’t know each other before, where are you from? so we found it, you are from tatarstan and from tatarstan and who do you study with? who was sitting with us in the front row
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and he acted out the entire companella with his face, this is him, i understand everything, you can to see you, we know this maestro, who created an amazing chamber orchestra in naberezhnye chelny, this is one of our best chamber ensembles, 35 years old. you see, playing a companella for 8 years is incredible, you see, thank you very much , if anyone doesn’t understand the violin, i can explain that this is one of the most terrifyingly complex instruments, you need to practice a lot to have such pure intonation, such mastery and such musicality and such virtuosity, masters, i congratulate you on this, i am the first to be glad to see you.
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play, i understand, thank you very much, i have no doubt that we will see you soon, congratulations, thank you, i certainly admire, i just admire these children, and this, i can’t call him a child, because he’s an adult , he’s already a musician, and it’s so important that his parents caught his aspiration in time, felt it, supported it, and didn’t say, well, why are you going to blabber somewhere now, and how... they definitely felt it, understood it, accepted it, and they gave him this opportunity, pushed him there, these are the kind of children who grow up to be wonderful
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musicians, well, amazing. thank you, thank you, thank you, and of course, with these words, katya, evgenia, igor mikhailovich, and little sister too, come out with the whole family, and galina viktorovna, too, please join us, good evening, how beautiful you are, we don’t care all it takes is kolitz from karidze on stage now for us to have a barbieland, very much so. your sister is beautiful, but this choice is not accidental, you are also a musician, yes, katenka, yes, it’s true, i ’m also a violinist, but you, zhenya, have an amazing a love story, which is also generally magical and musical, probably from such a love story such a miracle as luka is born, because you fell in love with katya while in the bell tower, it’s true, yes, tell me how it happened, i was a bell ringer in
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church - the bell saw katya and decided to meet her, imagine, that is, a man rang the bells, saw extraordinary beauty, you see kasya, an extraordinary beauty, a girl, fell in love, came down from the bell tower and conquered her, yes it was all like that, although he had to woo her , i understand yes, until i learned how to cook fish , well, yes, there was a quest, of course, yes, that is , ringing bells is one thing, here’s another... of course, you need to be able to do something earthly, but earthly, zhenya has already built two houses, as i understand it, with your own hands, yes, that is, the house , the house in which you live, was built by your wife with his own hands, igor mikhailovich, well, you played the entire companela, you danced with your face every note that you had emotions when, well, what do you think, he’s been studying with me since he was 4 years old, and how he once
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he said in his interview, he says, i am for... for igor lerman his hobby, he said so, he said so, he and i practice every day, for about two hours, and he, besides me, also plays, what, or three or four , he plays for 3-4 hours by himself and plays with the teacher for another one and a half to two hours. luka, you need to play a little football, because 5 hours a day is certainly a lot. igor mikhailovich, tell him the right things, as much as possible? well, first of all, he and i run around the chair, if... necessary, we run along the corridor of our rehearsal room, that is, sports present in his life, great, sports, running around a chair, around the rehearsal room, this is a good sport, right? wonderful, you achieved great results in running around a chair, what speed do you sometimes develop? yes, of course, 180 km/h. you know, honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised, in your case this is quite possible, i
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want to say a few words of gratitude to the master who made this skip. this violin was made by a wonderful st. petersburg master, mikhail goronok. he heard luka play and brought it to him, brought it, came himself to naberezhnye chelny and brought this little hermitage. thank you very much, low bow , you see, we have now told several stories here, yes, this is your story, this is the story of your parents, this is the story of the master who made the violin, all this is connected in this amazing miracle that we are now with.. heard on our stage, and it seems to me that this is russia, this is how it sounds and consists of this, let’s probably sing, right, you want that the beautiful is far away, that the beautiful is far away here, the morning voice is silver, i hear the voice and paving road,
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let's be strong, like a carousel in childhood, a beautiful carousel, far away, don't be cruel to me, don't be cruel to me, it won't be cruel, but from a pure source. wonderful veda lekha , wonderful veda lekha, i am starting the journey, thank you, these wonderful words from the song, music that was written by our beloved evgeny pavlovich krylatov, who was a great friend of the blue bird, it seems to me that this is a call for this distant future, so that it will be beautiful
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when i look at... luka, i have no doubt that it will be so, my dear, because our the future is you, it is beautiful, the number 15 for the short number 93.92 is flying now. from all over russia i am sure of this, but don’t forget, your vote is taken into account only once, a year ago i decided that i was entering a church school, this is my room, it was noisy, sergey, first year mayfly, my mother said how are you doing you will be alone, you will eat whatever you will, well, eat, well, you will find something to eat, yes, i say, yes momul, yes, i will eat well, swimmer, pancakes, milk, in the freezer. my neighbors and i have a lot of meat there are responsibilities scattered around the room , he washes the weekly dishes, and i tidy up the room, everything so that it’s still somehow clean, it doesn’t drag on my feet, here i hung a portrait of nikolin himself, my
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rookery, i sleep with my favorite cola , i brought it directly from donetsk to moscow, my mother, father, brother stayed in donetsk, i have no one with... here, it was unusual to get to a different pace of life, there’s a lot of rehearsal and we’re here for 5-6 hours at a time day, we don’t seem to have much time to walk, i one day off a week, i visited red square once, i brought a guitar with me , i played a song for my mother once, i actually taught it for a very long time, i sang it, she burst into tears, leave your home again, i’m racing into the distance again , mom, wait for me, touches the very heart and we, probably, were not ready to let him go into adulthood so early , here he was still a very little son, already in moscow, an adult, i
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miss seryozha very much, when we sent seryozha to the circus studio, coach viktor mikhailovich his he looked and said, i’ll take it, his mother brought him. at the age of 5, there was such a boy, handsome, soft , very gentle, from the first days, when he always came to me, viktor mikhailovich, hello, i hung them on a trapeze, i did a swing, he closed his eyes, stretched out like that, but did not let go , he suppressed this fear, and became a truly aerialist, hard work, this is the key to... success, i think, i work for the audience, such simple emotions that seem to give you goosebumps, you perform once, you think, yes, more , more, more, heart, poured arrows,
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i want them to fly past me, to...
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to fly past me , to bend arrows in my heart, but i want them to fly past me, i will always remember you, but i will always remember you, we are afraid to touch, we are afraid to touch charm, you love to be like... and kiss, but on a fresh morning you want to remain silent, you are a cold snow prince, inside your chest, red tongues, and
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you have fought off everyone, arrows are flying at me, i am falling, arrows hit my heart, i want. so that they would fly past me, everyone would pack arrows, but i want them to fly past me, oh. there are arrows in my heart, i want them to fly over me, there are arrows in my heart, but i want them to fly over me, you are a cold snow prince, there are red tongues inside your chest, and having fought off, the arrows will flow from me, i i'm falling. head, we will always remember
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you, and our eyes will always remember you, when we were, we will always remember you, we will always remember you, we will always remember you. thank you seryozha, thank you very much to tosi
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chaikina, who performed her very famous song, it was a pleasure for you to perform to this hit performed by tosya herself, very nice, very cool song, and even more so performed by tosya, yes, thank you very much, i don’t know if you managed to see from above a small surprise for you in our hall, everyone come here, that's all, yes. how long have you not seen your family? sunshine, boy, dear, good, brother, missed my brother, that’s all, hug me, i’m the whole family here, mom, dad, brother, coach, from home. support seryozha on our stage, well,
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well, okay, that’s it, tears of joy, yes, we haven’t seen you for three months, we haven’t seen you for 3 months, well, 3 months, of course, at this age, that you have this whole life, yes, yes, you can’t say enough on the phone, how did you like how your brother performed, yes, yes, really, really, really liked it, beloved brother, beloved, of course, mommy, thank you, mommy, beautiful, daddy too. i think he cried, just a little, yes we all, we all dad doesn’t cry, but dad doesn’t cry, ok, then don’t don’t watch the recording of your performance, kolya, well, we’ve been very spoiled here for 10 seasons by all the flights above our stage, you're still worried about each performer, but i even looked how old you are, you are enough...
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really gymnastics, how much you dance seems to me, not just plastic, how much you express emotion to music with your body, it’s very beautiful, thank you very much viktor mikhailovich, your coach, thank you, first coach, thank you very much , you have been re-teaching for 35 years, but in this forty school, which seryozha just came to, thank you very much for this, thanks to people like you, we have such talents, i think, i think he will be... better much, he still has everything ahead of him, so i think that
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once as a boy he wanted to fly, he flew, it turns out that it is possible, but i think that in general this profession is one of the most difficult, complex, because it requires such incredible work , which always evokes in me this incredible feeling , such deep respect, so when i come to the circus, i’m always there... i cry, instead of just being admired like that, i cry because i understand as a person how much must he overcome in order to do it as needed something. will do such an incredible thing that the audience will gasp, and we, of course, gasp, including me, so a low bow from me and thank you for this incredible work for this beauty that you give us, thank you very much, of course, with your family , especially since i know, viktor mikhailovich, that you served in the song and dance ensemble, well, i danced, you
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danced, then we will sing now, and maybe you will remember and dance something, the bears rub themselves, the earth turns , the earth is spinning faster, spinning faster
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earth, well, and dance
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, but sometimes dad can throw something that i myself am in shock, finally, of course, we have such passion for sports, volodya scores more goals in football and basketball and sometimes i so humbly perceive the result like this , what he is, come on, sometimes i go to the gym, work out, sometimes i ride a scooter, ride, tricks are on point, i, with the help... relax, well, oops, well, cool, woah, woah well, in my opinion it’s great, my husband and son are very close, and this closeness manifests itself in common interests, we didn’t plan to engage in music professionally, honestly, we gave it up for general development, now we see that every year, on the contrary, it becomes
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more and more addictive and that volodya has definitely already made the decision that yes, he will be a professional musician. he will be a pianist, purposefulness , efficiency, this is what i definitely see in him, and even i want to be like him in some ways, we are an orthodox family, i believe that children should not be forced, they should be involved in this, so that they older, at least they at least had some kind of foundation, because it seems to me that these christian values, they are very important for... everyone, i read the gospel for the first time at the age of 10, my dad advised me, of course , it was quite difficult at first, but then i figured it out and it became very interesting to me, from our priest we learned about such an ancient christian tradition as family icons, we now have a family
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icon, which depicts the faces of the heavenly patron saints, members of our family, now in front of this icon we will pray for peace in our home about love in our family.
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thank you, volodya, this is actually one of my favorite works by sergei vasilyovich rachmaninov. we continue to celebrate the 150th anniversary of our great composer. denis, i’ll give you the floor right away. before i talk about vladimir, i would like to...
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there is one take, i repeat once again, these young colleagues of ours have only one take, and you did a brilliant job with this take, you are a revelation for me today, congratulations and i wish you to keep this bar. thank you, thank you, i’m happy for the guys every time, that’s how it is these are my children, they’re performing, i always tremble, because i don’t know how
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a 12-year-old child can muster up to play the most difficult thing on stage like that, well, this is probably also character, yes, which is instilled by the family, and i think that faith also helps, for example, it helps me when i have some exciting moment in my life, yes, yes, i too , without... it’s like faith helps, it helps me concentrate, gather, and convey everything what i think to the audience. i know you love church music because... sergei vasilyevich rachmaninov, it is known that this was a huge inspiration for him, he even includes pieces of church music in his works, he wrote such music himself, this also probably somehow helps you understand the soul of sergei vasilyevich, and it helps me. you promised that if you win ... who will you dedicate your victory to? i will dedicate my victory to my grandmother. valentina nikolaevna, while your grandson is approaching,
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the blue bird will be dedicated to you. smart parents turn out to be so wonderful, smart, talented children, when i watched him throw his ball into this basketball net, i thought how accurately he threw his next ball, choosing the music just as accurately as he hit this net, good luck to you, good luck with your victories to all the competition, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much to dads like you...
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thank you to all of you, our talented participants, thank you to your talented families, thank you to our talented jury, thank you. thank you, thank you dasha, thank you blue bird, we continue, friends, songs from the bottom of our hearts
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air, your beloved! folk show, unique voices, destinies and melodies that changed the lives of our guests. and our evening continues, our guest from belarus with the author’s song will not grieve. galina lazarenko. hello. once upon a time, childhood was cheerful and carefree, and my mother sang in her arms, let ’s not grieve, let’s not cry bitterly, but let’s
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just sing, just dance. now we are mothers ourselves, and we are already rocking, and we are rocking our grandson in our arms, we will not grieve, we will not mourn bitterly, but we will only sing, just sing and dance, and the years are for deception. they are running, running somewhere, and the children have scattered like birds from a nest, but we will not cry, we will not cry bitterly, but we will only sing, only the children will dance, but if it hurts,
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the tears will choke our throats. remember what your dear mother would have told you, let’s not grieve, we won’t. let me help you, that andryukha, yes my dear, this is for you, from me personally, yes, on a chair, you can put it in the car, and this is from my daughter, she works in
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the center for disabled people, the children there, here from them to you a gift, thank you, well, this is for this, and these are my girls for you too. a gift, oh, raspberry jam, well , that’s it, today is wonderful, he asked me right here to say hello to him, of course, you see how the red light is burning, it’s over there, romochka , all my grandchildren and great-granddaughters, greetings from your grandmother, in general, you have such a talented grandmother, how she plays, you can’t imagine how old valera is, this instrument is about 50 years old, yes ha, more than 100, more, imagine,
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with you, with your husband, how many years have you been together 52, 52 years old, well, let's go to belarus, let's see your attention, we introduced
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him, we met him at a wedding, i played there, the dogs are babbling about something, mikhailych seems to have arrived, let's go meet him, guys, you're from mulakhov, let's go . and my daughter turned out to be beautiful, this is where we live, three rooms, there are the trophies of moygo mikhalich, i am fond of fishing, so i
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caught 12 kg of backs, they let me into the cactlets myself , but they nailed my head to the wall, it’s not beautiful, this is our hall, the child is sleeping here, he loves warmly, near the stove, i folded the stove, warms him like me, the warmest place, aluminum wires , i knit socks, mittens , i will unsew an old jacket, i will knit a sock, so i have a waste-free production, this is my collection of accordions , this is a front-line accordion, it went through the first world war, i inherited it from my great-grandfather, more than 100 years old, handmade plays with soul and accordion. he brought us here and he brought me a gypsy girl here with a way out, show me how the gypsy girl’s legs are sore, come on, come on,
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don’t worry, well done, we have a head of cabbage steaming over there, this is the kind of thing that turns out, the fingers are lickable, they say, under such a head of cabbage? gerasivna, 50 g is not a sin, well come on, for good health , come on, wow, 50 g is normal
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, maybe he’s like that himself, and it’s not my fault, we have a good accordion player, we have only one accordion player, let’s get together and give it to him right away, well done, but they told me , that you also wrote something about us, some kind of nonsense, no, for you personally, for me personally, right? oh andryusha, dear, you are so dear to us, you and i sing and dance, we even share our fate, thank you, thank you for this mood, and i just saw a head of cabbage for the first time before we started chatting, tell me, so we’re taking a head of cabbage so what we make a cast iron pot with it, fill it with water, add salt to the stove, everything is like that in a cast iron pot.
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pakazh alena brod fellow countryman, here we go to the caniraka, chapis lad, i wish i could only drink clean waters, the markovian has a gala panic... now another guest of ours, also with an original song, the young performer dmitry dulsky will now appear on our stage with the girl sat down singing. and you girl sat down, how cute
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you are, i’m crazy about you, your lips are marmalade, and you’re a crack girl, how are you milan, how are you milan, i’m crazy about you, love your marmalade, you're in love. i know that you are far away and will not come, and will not warm me, now is your love, but very soon we will see you, i will sing for you, you sing with me, hey, you sing with me, the river has flown forever, oh -oh, the mood is with you, fire, wow, fire, you fight with me, with me, and you’re a chink girl, well, how
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are you milan, how are you milan, i’m crazy about you , buy your marmelan, you’re in love, and you girl sat down, how are you milan, how are you milan, i’m below you, your piles of marmalade, you’re in love, but you’re in love, you don’t know because it happened that we were on... boats on the waves and sailed away to where there was no one, so that we were alone, with you, we were alone, we were, i play the tune on the gitami, i want you to dance, you are mine, my dear.
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thank you, thank you everyone, thank you, you are a village girl, 26 years old, dima, you understand, this is such a young city boy. sings about a girl from the village, and i wrote this song, at least, because i have roots, they come from my mother from the city of narinmarna, arkhangelsk region, and i went there as a child, it turns out that i really dedicated this song to everyone girls, women, as if from villages,
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from villages, thank you, because there is very warm support from them, so you are, let’s say, an engineer, they told me, yes, yes, i am an engineer, my mother was an engineer, that is ... i followed in my mother’s footsteps, but she said: dima, you need to go where the land is, the land, that is, i graduated from college in land relations, the family watches the program, of course, especially my mother, so my mother just caught fire when i found out that i would be invited here, i actually got excited, she really, really appreciates my work, creativity, and that i am here, well, let 's listen to your mother's attention, hello andrey, hello, now i... centuries, it is passed down through the female line, while now it is with me, my son often
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comes to my dacha, helps , covering strawberries, i raised him alone from the age of 5, healthy lifestyle, always present in the family. and sport is still present, we have very close communication, we understand each other, i love my son very, very much, i hear a familiar speech, i see your appearance, why is this only in a dream, an icon, that means we have two on the tenth holidays, it ’s brass, it’s folded, it’s passed on, that’s what mom said through the female line, i touched it, mom and i are very believers, i’m very. i’ll read, then it will go through the female line, sister, then , granddaughters, in my opinion, and you have a sister, yes, i have two sisters, wow, they play music, no, they don’t play music , sisters, that’s the only thing my mother often sings, she sang so much that
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sometimes she said, mom, stop singing, stop singing, there are a lot of people here, don’t to do this, in the end i started singing myself, well, what kind of songs did you grow up on? in the sky until the morning, girls like stars, stars like her, girls like stars, stars like her, beautiful pratals, residential areas, i... leaving, leaving, beautiful, districts, train stations, residential areas , i 'm leaving, i'm leaving, it's beautiful, it's too early for you to leave , but i want to introduce you to the family
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duet, three sisters, friends, with a song across the quiet river, katya, lisa, valya, come out. behind the quiet river. the first spring flower will bloom in the birch grove. god, and i will make
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a simpler wish, and having crossed myself, i will look to the east, the sky will be colored, i will fill it with vision, and eternal. the sun, oh, will descend over the world, will set over the world, and a white bird will fly over the earth, and god’s forgiveness, oh, will bring from heaven, and a white bird will fly over the earth. and god's forgiveness,
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he will bring from heaven, and something big will open to the heart such that he lived my life nothing, everything will become nothing. calm, sweet , like in childhood, oh, when my mother warmed me, and she will become calm, sweet, like in childhood, oh, when my mother listened to me. holy prayer, holy prayer, tears will be shed,
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christ's love will fill everything with sadness and kindness, in this wrath, the soul will touch. thank you, well, the team is three sisters, that is , everything is clear, who is older, i am the eldest, katya,
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i am the middle lisa, i am the youngest, valya, that is , it’s cool, everyone is studying or i’m already teaching, i graduated from moscow state university, i teach at timelyaziyskaya academy, i am a philologist, a teacher of russian literature, and valya and i are still at school, i am in the tenth grade, and valya is in the seventh. fairy tales, stories , short stories, scripts for yes, we have a lot of hobbies, i write poetry, home plays, and i play the piano, the guitar, i love, i also studied ballet for 11 years, now i sew, i’m learning to sew, and the younger ones told me they actually play the harp. yes, on an ancient musical instrument, can you show me? yes, there is so much
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energy there, simply. i just feel like the frosty movie is about to start, yes, what a musical fairy tale
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the boxes are reminiscent of, yes, children's ones, then a hostel, then a sewing workshop, then the house turned out to be abandoned, in fact, in this state we bought it, and all the decor, design in our house was made with our own hands, and we have a lot of different anti-pair things, for example, we have an antique sideboard from the late 19th century. we got the table from our great-grandmother, great-grandfather, and it’s also quite
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old, and for the chairs , my mother sewed these covers with her own hands, a dollhouse that we played with for a very long time, all the decorations, these dolls, we made a lot of our own with our own hands, these are miniature books for dolls , we also once printed and made all of this ourselves, in general we have a lot of old icons that we got from our great-grandmother, we have an orthodox family, and therefore we were raised in the church from childhood, and you can to say that, in principle, church service is an integral part of our lives.
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sew a suit, okay, let’s sew a suit, i would like the children to be just as caring and merciful, to think about other people, then everything will be fine with them, good girls, cherished friends, friendly faces, cheerful lights, as soon as we start the song, as all the people around support us with their voices, as soon as we start the song. all the creators around us support us with their voices, signs for a meeting, we are going recklessly, wherever you send us, we will find friends everywhere at a goal not far away , in barracks and tents, everywhere with our arrival, it becomes brighter at a goal not far away, in barracks
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and tents everywhere with our arrival it becomes brighter, well done, what lights! and behind the scenes he’s shy, of course, that is, and so are family lunches, dinners, that’s all also with songs, with big songs, do you also play? well, we play together, yes , you play the harp, no, i play along on the guitar sometimes, then i suggest you take it, let’s go, take the instrument, but today we’ll make an exception, your grandmother has already been brought here with you,
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sit down, sit down, come on, let’s go ! there is nothing better in the world than wandering around the world with friends, those who are friendly, there is no fear of anxiety, we have any roads and roads, we have any roads, roads, oh, you have everything here, my emotions are just going through the roof, for which i and i love your program,
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so this is for the sincerity, for the emotions , for the stories that people tell, i’m already crying at...
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wants to steal, twist, get stuck, wants to fall, the gentleman wants to steal the young lady , where is this street, where is this house, where is this bar what am i, this is the street, this is the house, this is the young lady, what i love is this. the street, this is the house , this is the merchandise, what am i saying, you promised to call, here everything is so piled up, you can’t
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breathe out at all, three stabs, the abdominal area, and we have him like new, he’ll brighten up any holiday, he can bring the whole team together only a high-profile crime, well, a scandal, again a scandal throughout the whole city, or... the wife of the foreign agent journalist andrei karaulov was silent for 6 years, she was afraid that they might kill her, but she was afraid. unprecedented pressure, threats to friends, parents, accusations of contract
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murder, she experienced all this after her husband decided to divorce and, most importantly, divide property. what was happening behind this eight-meter fence of a mansion in the moscow region? behind these gates hell begins. malakhov, on monday on rtr. i would like to invite you - to meet an amazing dawn, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, nin, you need to go to the farm, what with volodya, but i hurt myself, that’s her fate, girls, she’s cursed for loneliness, a black widow, from every curse always has its own amulet, my name is victor, nina, i understand. that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he won’t live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who get married die, nothing will happen to me,
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everything collapsed, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, plot for loneliness, premiere, saturday on rtr, don’t you notice anything, did you put on makeup? no, what do you need , young, where is young, here she is, that’s it, we are ready to divorce us, i was just fishing, contact my wife, she will tell you what to do, where to go, a friend wrote: i’m in sight, transfer me 50,000 , i translated, now i’m in the form, i ’m now raising all the outfits and 98% that we won’t catch anyone, a big country show, premiere on friday on rtr. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, look in the evening, this
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absolute madness, as biden did not frighten the americans with russia, they never gave him money for zelensky, and his son played a trick again, washington is shaking, ukraine will not beat russia, if anyone was beaten, it was the united states, they have several floors of fortifications. 500 m to the enemy, this is the ill-fated, evil, always snarling vche, sergei zenin from the ukrainian okupas, repulsed by our troops, the ukrainian armed forces five. and what about our military commanders on other fronts? we picked up the find with a cat, our team is preparing, russia and the arab world are face to face, our tricolor is in in the skies over abu dhabi, in a friendly environment, more than 6 thousand children were killed, the extermination
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of palestinian civilians. but israel would have done this without the support of the united states from the west. our reports from the conflict zone. this was the road of life. unbroken people of donbass. here there was a real act of returning home now. the most important thing for us is that peace came after liberation. like a boomerang, how sanctions against russia are ricocheting into the once powerful german auto industry. this would not be fatal if there were no presence on the market elon musk and chinese comrades. and where did volkswagen come to? drama. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. once again,
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good sunday evening everyone, the songs with all my heart continue to work on the air, and now i want to invite irina lapteva from the kirov region to our national stage with the song “men don’t lie on the roads.”
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but darling, where are you, and the men are not lying around on the road, they say, they sorted everyone out a long time ago, i’ll stand in line, suddenly someone will be left, one will not be enough for my lifetime, i will become the best in the world when you are with me you, where are you wandering, my beloved one, tell me how to find you, and guys? they don’t lie on the road, they say they took them all away a long time ago, i ’ll get in line, what if someone remains, there’s not enough for one at the wash, na na na na, and outside the window the weather whispers i want.
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to drink champagne, but there aren’t enough gentlemen to take me to a restaurant, and the men aren’t lying around on the road, they say they’ve taken them all away a long time ago, i’ll get in line, what if there’s someone left, there won’t be enough for my lifetime, but the men on the road won’t they are sick, they say, they sorted everyone out a long time ago, i’ll stand in line, what if someone... stays for my lifetime , one nainain is enough for my lifetime, one is enough for me, that’s all, and yet one is enough for me, i’m confused, there are so many of them , they’ve all been taken apart, and well, there’s only one left.
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well, tell us, in the kirov region in the village of severny, they took everyone away, but no, of course i got it, i’m not that kind of person, i won’t sit here quietly, the thing is that i have a small voice. i grew up, was born in the city, a city woman, worked in a prestigious company, so apparently something clicked when we went to... on vacation, my grandmother went to the village, i wanted to go to the village so much, my god, i dreamed, i got married, my husband is no good, well, what city people, suddenly to the village, but i left, went to
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the village, got myself a cow, there are piglets , calves, i had everything there, by the way, my husband, we met him there, uh, 30 years together, yes, we’ve been together for more than 30 years, and you took him away? yes, there was such a thing, but the sinner took him away, took him away, so what ’s criminal here, i was waiting for you, i was waiting for you, you were my crystal dream, at the same time, at the same time a dream indeed, because we see you here in the photograph still, let’s say, in large forms, and tell me how much weight you have lost, no, wait, we haven’t gotten to that yet. what i want to say is that i was a normal woman, beautiful, pretty, well-meaning, but when i left for the village, i got a cow and piglets, it wasn’t so easy, i’m on masa, i’m on cottage cheese -that and this, oh, off, off, oh, and i
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’m not at all ashamed, at 66 years old i decided to change myself, very much, very cool, so, of course, proper nutrition is everything other, movement. look at me, this is all about proper nutrition, i was very worried about my excess weight, i had a lot of problems with joints, with breathing, now i have a lot of things that are too
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big for me and it only fastened on me one such button , and it looked like this, what’s offensive is that i knitted it all with my own hands, look, girls, i wore these pants, can anyone share me here, i’m preparing blida, which are useful very good for weight loss, best exclude flour, you don’t need to eat a lot of salt, like love and doves, salt is a white poison, this causes blood pressure, this causes swelling, well, her eyes are swollen and that’s it, no mood at all, my husband alexander, i really like that she has become such a lively creature that you can’t drive her out of the garden all summer, but before it was impossible to drive her away. well, when we were younger , i used to carry you in my arms to the bedroom , come on, i’ll just pick you up, i’ll pick you up, now we go to bed on our own, now he doesn’t
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carry me anymore, but it’s always like the first time, my husband, hubby, a conscientious horse, is dragging our family cart to the guru, but i still have 30 kilos left to lose. in order for the body to be toned , for the stomach to be removed, you need to do small workouts every day , you can do these exercises, pull yourself up, so that the exercises that have been around since soviet times, bend your arms forward, once, reach the floor, let’s say, if you want to look cheerful, beautiful, you need to play sports, you need to take care of yourself, you need to eat right, the most important thing is to say goodbye to laziness forever. then everything will be in chocolate, mom, i’m going home, i’m going, i’m going, but the road is hard, god knows, so that the body and soul are young, young,
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young, and don’t be afraid of the heat or the cold, kill yourself, costal, well, andrey, can you imagine? your healthy eating, this is my healthy eating of my garden, oh-oh-oh, listen, well, with your husband, after so many years, how much passion do you have, it’s always a passion, it must be present, otherwise for some reason we we live in this world, well, moscow can’t find it 200 km away, you know, that love, passion is all over, thank you very much, the girls won’t sleep now, so let’s sing iri? for my beloved husband, let’s sing, they call me ugly, although of course he doesn’t believe it, but nevertheless the song is not bad, i think everything will help me.
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look, imagine, made of paper, a basket , made of paper, yes, a paper vine, they call me ugly, so why does he walk with me, in the rainy autumn season, escorts me home from work, and in the rainy spring season, he trudges home from work, i won't go anywhere, definitely when i meet him on the way, he won’t even look at us, he’ll say, “it’s better not to find you.” he won’t look attentively in your eyes,
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he will say, it’s better not to find you, but i invite gabriel’s stage with the song burn, burn, burn now with a clear fire with fire. after all, you and i are no longer together, someday we will understand this, everything is burning in vain, now everything is burning with a clear fire, we will no longer find each other, we are lost in the big world, it has become clear to us, why why? why does it happen in life,
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that love, that love, that love ever ends, that understand that we couldn’t understand each other, and the fire, fire, fire, we dispersed, we dispersed, you can’t put it out, dawn, burn now everything is a clear fire, because you and i are no longer alone, someday we will understand this, everything is burning, burning in vain now everything is clear, we will no longer find each other, we are lost in the big world, it has become clear to us, i will not forget.
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we couldn’t save where the payment for our meetings was all scattered and burning. now everything will burn with a clear fire, because you and i are no longer yours, someday we will understand this, everything burns in vain, and even now everything with a clear fire, each other we will no longer find, we are lost in the big world, it became clear to us.
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gabriel, tell me, tell me about you, is this your real name or pseudonym, this is a pseudonym, i always perform, like this, with my last breath, so to speak, i really want to tell you, i came to ours several years ago. the red capital from my beloved , dear, so cold and dear to my heart city of norilsk, i love you, norilsk, i want to say right away, the fact is that i grew up in a family where i was raised by my beloved mother, by the way, today i am a mother here in the hall, here she is supporting you , yes, yes, yes, here she is my beautiful beauty in the photo, the fact is that i always had a dream, since childhood i dreamed of singing, performing on stage, and i definitely did it. come to moscow, conquer it and achieve
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your goal. well, of course, my mother, she, i’m generally a simple guy from an ordinary working-class family, my mother worked as a painter for me, in the conditions of the far north -60 polar. night she did a lot for me, helped me, i built her her dream this year, i built her a small house in a beautiful place in ramenskoye near moscow, my very favorite and, frankly speaking, legendary jel, well, what shall we sing for my mother today, how will we unite our table, probably so that in the song my mother will definitely sound like my own mother, i’ll see you off, cool, how glad i am my mother said goodbye, my wife all my relatives came running, so all my relatives came running, where are you, boy, where are you, if you didn’t go
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to the soldiers, you didn’t go to the soldiers, but the soldiers. we're visiting, how do you like this evening? you know, it’s very surprising, because yes, i’m also from a simple family and i have everything rustic and a very big interesting story, with the capture of berlin and so on, what region are you from? with bryanskaya, well, i’m just remembering, my mother is from the village of veprin, it was called right between belarus, ukraine and russia, i... remember when i was a boy, in the nineties, i was still five or six years old, so we arrived in this village, suddenly everyone greets me, everyone starts talking to you, and i was very surprised by this, because we already lived in the city then, and there were different relationships there, so it’s so wonderful that we ended up in such a circle and so many talents today, and i
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thought that some characters were already extinct, well, it’s so wonderful that you exist, but... so i would like to say that the best officers, the best poets, the best people of our land came from there , from the common people, out of love for the mother, from the land, for the love of the land and so on, therefore - people who now think that a lot belongs to them, they can decide destinies, in fact, nothing without us, without everyone, here all. and since we are somehow sitting well today and different songs have been played, but still we live in the country of russia, let's finish my speech at least, and with a russian folk song, like a little ear-worm, now we 'll give a little ear-catcher, a little ear-catcher, in a green
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field, in a herd of columns, a horse is walking in the wild, a sign of a herd, a horse is running freely, you go for a walk, go for a walk, my horse, i don’t spam, as i spam a luza. i shake my back, so i sleep with people, shake with a bridle, here i save a parranya, and then with a gap, further away with a shkoryre vaka, remember
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with an arrow.
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i recently released a video for a song from a new album, which was presented on 15 july of this year, these songs were written for me by the poet anna selok and composer. because you are a generous friend, no, it’s not them,
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thousands of years, hundreds of roads, i followed you, not knowing that for me there is only one, you are only one, such, thousands of meetings. hundreds of reasons, happiness at the price and peace, you burned with one word , i believe in your quiet, you will be my affectionate, you will be my sincere, you are for me, my joy, you are chosen for me. naya, you will be my affectionate one, you will be my sincere one, you are for me, my joy, you
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are chosen for me, your eye is your light, this is a beacon, how i lived, zhenya, i don’t know, my happiness. that for me, you are the only one like that, i looked so hard that i forgot the words, our song sounds, autoready, life for two, a whole life together, no more words are needed, ours sounds. song, there is a life ahead for two, a whole life together, you will be my affectionate one, you will be,
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thank you, dear, a whole piece, you are for me, my joy, you are chosen for me, you will be my affectionate one. you will be my claim, thank you, you are my joy for me, you are my chosen one, friends, dreams must come true, we are waiting for your letters and here through week, in the most soulful songs on the russia tv channel, take care of you, goodbye! the main
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event of the week, but only we saw what kind of conversation was next, we were completely outraged, a lot was left behind the scenes, our program will show for the first time, you are on the phone all the time, and we will tell them the truth. when and where these shots were taken, only here, unknown details of key visits, to guarantee the safety of the head of the russian state, shots from the hotel of the russian delegation, and also my mother put me in a corner, everyone had moments before eyes, like a volunteer, but there is only one program: moscow, cream. putin, who always sees, shows more than others. so it is, so it is. moscow, kremlin, putin.
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we are watching today on rtr. hello. he is coming back. oh, i miss you. sklefosonsky: the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply always has talent. to be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. sklifosovsky, we look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i ’ll stay here. the military had to be made aware that
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animals were simply dying there. the donets was shelled very heavily, but we decided to use evil in the wedding. be, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to wednesday on rtr. president putin is putting forward his candidacy for the next term. let's vote. march 17, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, hello, look now, this is absolute madness, as biden did not frighten the russian americans, money for him...


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