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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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they asked that this question had been brewing in their hearts for a long time, that we don’t know that the whole country has been asking this question for several years, whether putin will go to the polls or not, that we didn’t know that it depends on a lot of circumstances , including the state of affairs in politics and the economy, and on the battle line, of course they knew, people who were important to him, people who were heroes, they asked him, he answered directly, and he said, i myself thought differently.
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we are not interested in destroying the happiness, standard of living, quality of life of our citizens, they are all acting in their own or national or vested or financial interests. ukraine may not be able to carry out the next major counter-offensive, because for now the western press continues to sink ukraine until the twenty-fifth year , wall street reports. journal ukraine needs time to recover, we will be back , you promised to call, here everything has piled up so much, you can’t breathe out at all, three gains, the abdominal area, and we have it as good as new, it will brighten up any holiday, bring the whole team together, only a high-profile crime can , well, into a scandal. again a scandal for the whole city, or
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marya sergeevna’s birthday, gentlemen, ladies, attention, surprise, but this is it, and where are you, secret society, again with us, good job, thank you, continuation, look at rtr today.
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medicines are like crutches and good habits for us, but shouldn’t we slap a little kefir and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, with... tomorrow at the rta. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. let's see. in the application or on the website. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls. we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes. when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, she herself is hungry, but she brings this
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kurba, shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, my people are like that. we came across people who care, to support them with a word, hello, dear soldier, and with deeds, without your help , you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to wednesday on rtr, the most important political statement of the day - in the st. george hall of the kremlin , putin spoke about plans to advance to a new presidential term, he said this, answering a question from the hero of the dpr artyom zhoga, the father of the hero of russia, the legendary combat commander vladimir zhoga. a native of donetsk , who fought for the liberation of donbass from the kiev regime since 1914, died last year. in
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the first days of the special operation, covering the retreat civilians from volnovaga. the successor of the man who died heroically in okha was his father, and in a conversation with artyom zhoga, putin confessed. he had different thoughts, but he decided to run. the federation council set the date for the elections the day before; they will be held on march 17 , 2024. this will be the first election of the head of state, in which residents of new regions of our country, the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions will take part, that is, a country of more than 150 million will vote. as presidential press secretary peskov explained, the decision putin's announcement of participation in the elections was spontaneous.
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i would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because there is a lot of work, thanks to your actions, your decision, we have received freedom, the right to choose, and we want to take part in the elections of the president of the russian federation, and you are our president, there is a lot of work, you still need integration, to go through integration, social connection, into all other economic formats and purely ordinary human peaceful life, and under yours. management, we would like it do everything, you are our president, we are your team, we need you, russia needs you, thank you very much, i won’t hide it, at different times i had different thoughts, but now you’re right, now is the time when
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decisions need to be made, i i will run for the post of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich, i am like the mother of the first hero, the present one, i have 25 years of experience, a teacher. classes, i understand that not only the family contributes to the upbringing of a hero, the upbringing of heroes makes a big contribution, these are teachers, if you put those qualities in a child, love for homeland, patriotism, the desire to work hard, our boys and girls , they will grow up to be heroes, but this work needs to be continued, well, we would need you as a leader, i also join artyom for you to indulge, thank you.
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together with you, and we must continue to go with you, comrade supreme commander, allow me to convey the words from the guys who are now on the front line. we went through such a difficult path for medicine, we went along with you, you were one of the first to enter
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the red zone, you supported us in everything, we we felt simply extraordinary care, simply human, true participation, and this was very important, so we won on our small front, not because the pandemic was over, but simply our results, they are incomparable with the general world and european, and any, without you... it’s impossible, without you in industry, without you guys, in the field of the goyim, the russian miners, the residents of the trans-baikal region, they want you to know that we are always with you, we believe you, we are proud that we have such a president , we are together, thank you, i want to repeat again, in at different times i had different thoughts on this, but i understand that today is different, so i will run for the post of president of russia.
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the russian army is also advancing in the direction of
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grigorovka and orekhovo-vasilievka. to the south, our units completed clearing the volyanovsky nursery, where a powerful fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine was equipped. to hold the front, the kiev regime is desperately asking the us congress for money and weapons. following the ukrainian officials, they sent really heavy artillery to washington. look, this is the ex. speaker at ssu, american transgender cirilla. non-binary nazi claims he is trying to convince republicans to help kiev. we are very concerned, we have a few more weeks left and then we will run out of funds for the security assistance to ukraine that we could provide, and this should be unacceptable to everyone. we know there is strong bipartisan support, there are just a small number of republicans who want it. according to the official representative
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american security council kirba the white house is no longer able to give guarantees of assistance to kiev, the remaining money will be enough for exactly 2 weeks, that is, ukraine will last until catholic christmas, then the unknown. the cessation of funding will be the best gift for...
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a joke about a failed offensive the west has overestimated the armed forces of ukraine, reports the washington post. western strategists and officials. those supporting ukraine had some hypotheses about how the situation would develop, which ultimately did not come true. they may have misjudged the ability of the ukrainian military to conduct a completely new type of warfare after a short period of training, and it also showed that commanders on the battlefield were using their experience to try to conserve what they considered the most valuable resources, namely very limited forces and
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equipment. which they received from western countries. in the end, they abandoned the plan, which... was carefully developed over the winter, the us secretary of state considers military assistance to zelensky an investment. blinken provides statistics for the first time: 90% of the funds allocated to ukraine were actually spent in the united states, invested in american military enterprises, which led to an increase in tax jobs in america, and europeans invest in their military-industrial complex, inflating the cost of weapons for ukraine by approximately... europe will have to decide how it wants to fill the gap left by the united states, but the question remains as to what exactly is included in the package, which is currently being blocked by republicans. the exact contents of the package are unclear, as it involves very specific ammunition; the europeans may not be able to meet ukraine's
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ammunition needs if the us no longer provides supplies. nato 155 mm caliber shells will begin no earlier than in 2 years, the minister of strategic industry of ukraine told the commission, while western companies that are setting up their factories do not plan to produce modern weapons, writes the wall street journal. the creation of the defense industry is spent years, everyone knows this, we have some successes and the frankensam project, what do we call it? frankinham is a combination. various air defense systems of the usa and europe, something like frankenstein. and this is what is already on the battlefield in ukraine, this is where the defense industry of ukraine and the united states, american and ukrainian companies are working together. and finally we have security solutions, as we call them, do it yourself, they are already in full use. these frames show a new episode
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of total mobilization in ukraine, mass the raid was carried out in the parking lot.
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death of even more ukrainians, they are dying en masse, seems like a thousand a day or so, russia's air superiority, drone superiority, artillery superiority, ukraine is in dire straits, so there is no point in building up weapons, and the only thing biden won't capable, perhaps he is literally incapable, this... and with russophobic tales, look, bbc presenter maryam mashiri shows the middle finger to her audience, realizing that she is on air, a journalist
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his face suddenly changes, he removes the offensive gesture and says: good morning, britain, a scandal immediately broke out, although it would seem that it doesn’t happen to anyone, mashiri rushed to apologize and make excuses, saying that she was not showing the middle finger as a spectator, but was simply joking with her team , and even there i didn’t want to offend anyone... i wanted to, but supposedly i was just counting down to the start of the broadcast, when there was one second left, i couldn’t remove my finger, for some reason the middle one, now a tv presenter internet star and heroine of memes, here’s maryam, who at photoshopped second middle finger and text, this is how the presenter reacts to those who call on the bbc to fire her, here, showing an obscene gesture, the journalist was recognized as time magazine's person of the year. last year he was awarded this title. and the spirit of ukraine, but the author of this meme believes that the performance in mashiri reflects the attitude of all britons towards the country's ex-prime minister boris johnson. other
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users see in it the bbc's real attitude towards its audience. bbc news is live from london. it was a sign. contempt, oh well, we're paying £950 for their subscription, they want to increase the price by 15%, more than ever, that is, by 173 pounds, this is her attitude towards the viewers of the channel's listeners, she made a statement this morning, probably the only interesting thing in her entire life, perhaps this is the most interesting thing that the bbc showed, no one had heard of it before, it seems they will never hear of it again. and this is not the first time the bbc has been caught in flagrante delicto. good evening and welcome to
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bbc news. martin croxel is with you. it's 9:00 pm. let me go to the main studio. i know this has happened before. here we are together. let's pretend we didn't notice this. the commission said it welcomed the apology but added that some financial costs should have been avoided. mistakes happen periodically. well, these are not mistakes, this is really the bbc's sincere attitude towards its audience. maria zakharova in our studio, ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary to russia, official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs, maria vladimirov, here, of course, such news comes from the great once upon a time britain, it turns out, reports on... former foreign minister hammon, sergei viktorovich lavrov sometimes growls when he convinces his opponents of something, let's listen. lavrov is an aggressor, and
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he physically intimidates, he comes close to you , he is a very large man and simply repeats his position and growls at you, claiming that everything is as he says, and you are wrong, it was, well, i just i want to say - i don’t have such pills in order to , so to speak, put this particular person in order, but by other methods, i it seems that it’s simply useless to act here, if you show the photo that we posted, just so that these are not just words, but concrete evidence, so you can make it larger, look, to the left of sergei viktorovich is this same hemont, he was then the minister of foreign affairs, on the right is sergei viktorich.
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because i have never heard such nonsense in my life, it comes close, looks threatening, i don’t even know how to comment on this, it also growls, on the other hand, this is just about the very bears that were regularly seen on the streets of moscow, historically westerners, this was inherent. french ticketing, this was inherent in the memoirs and notes of many western diplomats who worked in russia in the 18th-19th centuries, they
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came home and under the guise of memoirs... he gives many such examples there, but now about what is this? this is certainly a strategy to demonize russia, now it has also moved into such a personal format, not only steps, not only actions, not only descriptions of our country as a whole, our history, or historical figures acquire such senile forms, but specifically the people of today appear for a western audience, by the way, not only for
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the western, these are materials. were, accordingly, they translate into other languages ​​and sell, distribute their content all over the world, and already the demonization reaches specific individuals, you see what they come up with about the president of the russian federation, now they have started to come up with about the minister of foreign affairs of russia, sergei vikovich lavrov, you ask me a question, everyone asks this question, well, wait, well, this is a lie, it can be instantly refuted, as we did. now having shown that in no way physically could sergeyevich lavrov, so to speak, evoke such feelings in hemond, because they are the same height, well, maybe he said something sharply emo, that’s not the point, that’s not the point, the fact is that now the emphasis is on the so-called emotional intelligence, never a person, an audience, a mass audience, a multimillion-dollar audience, passes it through the brain, making two clicks, finding it, that’s how
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you found the height of one... the other , physique, photographs, when perceived through emotion, through such a fragment inside the interview, this is what the bet is made on, everything is demonized, specific figures of our current political reality in our country, all the bills, everything by-laws, i don’t even know what it seems to me, are already exhibitions in museums, and then they lend themselves - as if through a similar prism, while the same bills. the same by-laws, the same steps, if taken in the west, everything is perceived with a bang, they are always right , they do everything right , but this is the reality, well, that is , this is not just a personal offense, no, what are you talking about, no personal offense, it was, he held a post, in my opinion , from the fourteenth to the sixteenth year, something like this, but this is so in the style of the british, let me remind you, the same story that seemed to happen to melibent and...
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well, sergeevich lavrov spoke about this more than once, that this is an interesting, beautiful legend, this is already a meme, but it was, so to speak, proposed completely not on our part and not the way it was presented, and it was an idea, an invention, i don’t know how to say it, a fake, a fairy tale, a myth, but you see, it all goes in the same vein, it’s just that now the evaluation characteristics are given, well, i think, beyond
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the bounds of principle. if before this it was such trolling, it was such, well , light misinformation, now it’s actually heavy and heavy fake throwers, well , you can’t call it any other way, and look, not a single muscle flinched, that’s it everything is as it is, why else is this being done, on the one hand, the perception of the mass audience, on the other hand, this is the so-called message, this is a message for his colleagues. and former colleagues in the european union, this is also addressed to the foreign ministers of other countries, primarily your western circle, keep in mind, as the british former foreign minister seems to be saying , how to position yourself, immediately set yourself up for aggression when you are talking to russians, because russians are supposedly aggressive, that this is all made up, that this is a lie, lies, that’s not what he’s talking about
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he says, but he gives... instructions to the whole community of these white swans, you know, these exceptional, how to behave with us, tattered swans, i can’t ignore the most important event of today, there are already tons of headlines about putin’s consent next term, let's read: russian president vladimir putin said that he will again run for president in the elections in 2024. putin tells the soldiers, i will run for president again in 2024. russian elections 24. putin will go like defender of traditional values. at the request of the soldiers that he will compete for the presidency in 2024. vladimir putin will again participate in the presidential elections in march 2024. we will obviously face colossal international pressure in the next 3 months.
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or maybe look at it differently, or maybe understand that they already, so to speak, feel that this is their leader too, because of such attention to their own elections.
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only future electoral processes, this is basically the same, sorry, sorry, but world crime, what they did and what they continue to do, this is a crime on a global scale, which has historical
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consequences, what the ideologists have done now, who have brought two countries with related roots together on the european continent, and at the same time. .. the entire european space, first of all, the european union, who is behind this? washington, britain, and now, you know, it's kanu, that's why they're in such hysterics.
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have realized for themselves even in public space, this is only prolongation of the agony of the kiev regime , prolongation of our own ideological installation so that it does not completely fall apart, money is urgently needed for this, well, biden says, i said, it is necessary, if they are looking for money like that, with such frenzy, i practically gave advice , you just need to sell now some phone or computer of hunter biden, they will raise a lot. a lot of money, enough for
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zelensky to have lunch in washington during his next visit, although he was not even allowed to speak in congress, biden clearly says, what if, or rather not even if, he said, when russia wins in ukraine, it will go to nato, all the headlines, all the articles of western institutes and newspapers say that negotiations are about to take place, russia must go to negotiations, ukraine must. initiate, and there is even a plan for these negotiations not only from the newspapers, but also from the national security council, here are your counterparts, no, thank you, no one has ever insulted me like that, your counterparts in the state department, what are they saying, let’s listen, we wanted at the end of next year , ukrainians, with our help, found themselves in such positions in which the russians would have to make a decision, or they sit down at the negotiating table on terms acceptable to the ukrainians, then... the usa and europe with more powerful
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industries, and which at that time will again be able to go on the offensive. this is a very complex strategic decision, i don’t know what the russians will decide in the end, but we would really like the russians to be faced with just such a dilemma. this is salevan’s closest assistant, an officially active official. you think, i don't know, this is the person. including him and her implemented, you can imagine what a flight of fancy there is, if such people shape the course of the entire united states of america, you can imagine, now you compare with everything, with all the understanding of the ambiguity of so many american politicians and diplomats, but still at least there was some level, but what is this now? this is what the person is saying, he doesn’t even
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understand himself, to put russia in a position where it will sit down at the negotiating table on terms acceptable to ukraine, what is he even talking about, they themselves banned kiev, well, let him do it this way say, the british boris johnson, who came there, well, it doesn’t matter, the idea is the same, they forbade ukraine to conduct, not ukraine, but the kiev regime, negotiations with russia.
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obama's headquarters, from biden's headquarters, that is, from the depths of these, so to speak, liberal ones, their elites, after all.
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knew this before, but they are working to exhaustion, you understand what’s going on, so they understand, repeat this nonsense , rely on slavis, so to speak, among other things, there is also a pr agency behind this, and don’t think that this is what something like that small private structures that deal with image issues are monsters,
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western anglo-saxon peer agencies, in principle, peer agencies should not have been called a long time ago. these are conglomerates, these are institutions, not even propaganda, this is an informational-psychological military-political connection between the deep state of nato countries, the nato military-political engine, and society, the media, ngos, and ngos, they do all the dirty work, and in many ways they replace the same ones intellectuals who should have been in the bowels of the state department. or there in the office to give true layouts and give analytics, and why are they replacing themselves and crushing them with their campaigns, information companies, with these pieces of trolleybuses, with bricks, with the image of zelensky, remember, which was filmed on chromokey, yes, why are they replacing, yes because
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that the money is worth there, there are not millions, but billions that they must somehow master, soon, thank you, thank you for taking the time to come to our studio,
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maria zakharova, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the russian federation, we will be back on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, summing up the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens, ask your question to the president through the moscow website, hyphen by phone +7 495 539 4040, +7 499 550-40-40. results of the year with vladimir putin. live. russian lapland, nature
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is a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called nakolsky is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located exactly. here on the kola peninsula, from the first note, beauty,
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repeat, from the first phrase, the best bird in your hands, than a feather in one place, you swim finely , from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head,
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mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it ’s another aunt, but she brought furniture to the man, in general, he has children , two daughters, and my wife died last year, very beautiful , what do i care, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have forgotten how to rejoice, thank you, i'm sitting and running to work? maybe i already found a replacement for you? marishka, little one, fell in love with you, a man is reaching out to you, well, some kind of stranger,
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daria shcherbakova, ilya maskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like faith, well, like a woman, i like it, if i find out something, i’ll tell you, daughters, on friday on rtr. the telegraph is intimidating europeans, saying that putin is about to seize ukraine, this will undermine nato’s ability to resist russia, which will be able to attack the eastern european members of the alliance. vladimir putin will emerge victorious from this conflict with all the ensuing consequences for the security of europe. the fact that after almost 2 years after the start of the special operation, the russian military could still launch a full-scale offensive, it seemed unthinkable just a few. months ago , any outcome that included the kremlin retaining significant territories of ukraine would be considered a victory. such a scenario would be a serious problem for
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the western military alliance because it would undermine its ability to stand up to russia after all the support it has given ukraine. at the recent berlin defense conference, an armageddon scenario was considered, according to which europe will suffer the same fate as the holy roman empire under napoleon. in a potential conflict with russia, it will simply be washed away. faces of the earth because of the inability of the north atlantic alliance to protect the eastern european flank, and why are they, dmitry kobechich, burying both ukraine and europe together? well, i doubt that anyone really substantively proposes to fight in the european union, in general, but accordingly, biden also says, austin says, the meaning is as follows: austin, biden, their position is clear, accordingly, their main task is to push through a solution to help individual countries with minimal costs. there , even accordingly, not everything revolves around eastern europe, there, accordingly, israel , for example, because support is needed there, and israel spends 250 million, by the way, per
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day, this is still, as it were, according to the most conservative estimates, that is, a problem for...
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and accordingly the ukrainian eastern european pendant is connected, as it were, with a number of other features, just because it is not clear how long this will take and how it will last and how it will end, the most important thing is that in either case there are no exit schemes, or rather, no matter how there is one, no matter how difficult it is to sell them, well, they will sell them next year, therefore, from this point of view , of course, this is a very important aspect, but also from this point of view, one must understand that it will be approximately, well - it should be noted that the american economy shows a certain stability despite all this, if only it showed something else with such resources of the printing press, this has no effect at all. the fact is that the economy is holding up, but government spending in order to support this economy is required in all countries, the question is who will run out of it first, from this point of view, of course, the most important thing is the situation of what is happening in china, because that china accounts for a significant portion of the world's energy consumption out of the 2.4 million barrels per day that everyone around the world is expected to consume additionally this year, china
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accounts for 1.8 million, that is, the majority. of all the additional oil that will be consumed, that’s precisely the barley of oil per day, will be in china, therefore , because china, for example, has conscientiously slowed down, for example, now it seems to be 1.4, 1.2, here the whole world accordingly slowed down, as it were, and became depressed, china accordingly accelerated, the whole world, along with the energy carrier, accelerated, why is this important , because china next year starts in the first quarter, today they had this politburo, this is a very important body, as it were v chinese communist party, that's how he makes decisions next year , including how they are going to develop. then their target, that is, like the goals that they set, taking into account the fact that they are going to consume energy resources from one place, so i remind you that now they consume approximately 10 million barrels of petroleum products per day, and this is where i have a total of 70 of them, if i’m not mistaken, that’s 7.6 something, that’s why from this point of view, this is a very big driver, so they’re going to grow, they are going to stimulate their own economy, and this means that they need to focus on those countries that will be
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economically more intensive, these are india, china, they have the highest growth rates, so... the economy in any case will take away along with politics, respectively, foreign political track, this is already happening, the question is different: what will be the conditions for the negotiation track that will open us next year, they have actually already opened, the question is which people are saying: please accept the plans of ukraine, the plan zelensky, next year russia will agree, the national security council at... they talked about the istanbul negotiations, but i doubt that in the current format the istanbul conditions can understand that this is a myth, this is a legend that was invented, maybe for this grandfather, but not for citizens who understand at least something about modern politics, let’s go back, can i ask a question about
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the gift, yes, no, it’s impossible, we are checking all his contacts, or rather, i’ll tell you after the autopsy, well, you yourself don’t believe it, masha, well, that’s not how it’s done, why don’t you tell me want, secret investigations, again with us, continuation, look at rtr places today. they are fascinating because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here moped drivers,
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taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, with the twentieth anniversary of a happy married life, right? i wonder why my husband left me? no, credit, i would like to live my whole life with such a woman. oops, what
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should i do now? you are tired and out of your mind. what are you talking about now? yes, she is good enough to be your mother. is the boy really so good that will they blow your mind? i love him. yes, if he loved his life, he wouldn’t ruin it. i would like to talk to... elo has left, bring me back to rtr on saturday, yulia mareeva, the ex-wife of foreign agent journalist andrei karaulov, was silent for 6 years, she was afraid that they might kill her, yes. unprecedented pressure , threats to friends, parents, accusations of contract murder, she experienced all this after her husband decided to divorce and , most importantly, divide the property, what happened
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behind this eight-meter fence of a mansion in the moscow region, there is hell behind these gates begins. malakhov, today on rtr. i'd like to invite you. i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he won’t live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who marry later die, nothing will happen to me, everything collapsed there, svetlana
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smernova martsinkevich, vitya, a conspiracy for loneliness, premieres on saturday on rtr. as we warned, after the release of radioactive water from the fokusima sss , fish are dying en masse in the japanese sea, tokyo is silent, the so-called international community is too, but after all, this is our sea, our fish, a thousand sardines from cumbria washed ashore near the fishing port of toi in hakugata hakaido, confirmed. city ​​official. the hakogate government and the hakaida prefectural government are investigating the cause and are considering how to get rid of the fish. an official who visited the site found tons of dead fish covering more than a kilometer of beach located near the fishing port.
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a 65-year-old local fisherman said: “i have seen fish die from lack of oxygen in the sea, but this is the first time such a large number of fish wash up on the shore." they do what they want. i ask you. let's return to the interesting statement viktor orban... made today that russia is part of a fundamentally different civilization, but at the same time dialogue with it is necessary, because in general this is a very serious statement, because before that , starting, and not even from the ninety-first year to the visit of charles in the sixty-sixth year to the soviet union, all european politicians and our politicians said that we are one euro-atlantic security space and europe from the atlantic to the urals. and the common euro-atlantic system, and let’s be honest, we also moved away from this not so long ago, now we already think it’s funny, the osce, common european security, but
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even after the war in georgia, we are still members of the osce, so that’s the point, after the war in georgia we again returned to discussing all these projects for a common security space, and even in 15-17, i remember we were negotiating about... where such a wall would go, what’s ours, what’s not ours, division awaits, moldova-transnistria, yes, for example , one, one, one of, let's say, the parameters of the division, in ukraine, where and how the line will be drawn, is now, in fact, being determined, we will simply have, indeed, he said, we need it... .
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safety space, it does not exist and will not exist, returning to this is a waste of time. second, we need to clearly outline for ourselves where our line is, where our line is not, where our borders clearly lie, and where our borders are not. let me explain with a specific example: galicia, how much we have, yes, because there are conversations going on about how much of it is ours, not ours, or let’s admit that this is truly a polish and hungarian space, and let’s say frankly that we don’t care about galicia.
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it is only harmful to us as part of our statehood, two absolutely different models, two different approaches, that is, what is ours, what is not ours, must be clearly defined, there is a constitution of russia, the borders are spelled out there, but with the condition of joining new regions and whether these are the last the regions became part of russia, this is also a question, but biden says that now we will win in ukraine and go to nato, and why not the other way around? and y i keep asking myself: what if nato organizes a provocation for us in the gulf of finland, in kaliningrad, for example, or around kaliningrad, somewhere in the north in the polar regions, we will then have to respond limitedly to these military actions and provocations. whether it will be possible to give a limited answer at this stage is a big question, because of course, i know you are a supporter of a different version, but it seems that a war with nato is a war of destruction. watch the news
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right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best and goodbye. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. russian paratroopers drove the ukrainian armed forces out of the artyomovskaya position and took more than twenty prisoners. in crimea, a network of ukrainian agents who were preparing terrorist attacks was uncovered; in the west, according to the svr report, they are looking for a replacement.


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