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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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my wives, and i had five official wives, i am grateful to all of them, regardless of the results of the relationship, because today i am who i am, my whole life is such an interesting play, multi-act, in which women played the main role , but i still wanted love first of all, i won’t say anything bad about yulia, not a single word and... “she played a huge role in my life, she looked after my mother so much that it was my late mother, i need and so on, but the fact that she had interrogations at the central apparatus of the ministry of internal affairs, the investigation went on for several months, god willing, she was released , she was given preventative treatment, as the colonel who led the investigation said, let it remain behind the scenes, my wife’s lawyer also came, yum news raised the question several times.
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decide her lawyer status, i don’t know, you decided , you didn’t decide, i lost interest in this, well, everything here comes together, and the main thing is, imalaha, you and i know how old each other is, my wife, my real one his wife, varya, was raised by sasha gradsky, if varya had not my wife, and he would have lived with him, varya would have extended his life, as she saved me, including from the scoundrels of these lawyers, in my opinion , their status cards were removed, but it doesn’t matter, also... you are being charged with a contract murder, well listen, the story of the contract killing, it was just all over the country, the fact that i hired bandera, just without comment, because they tried to humiliate me in the media space, so that all the judges who handled our case knew that i tried to kill him, how can you try to kill a person who already likes you ? owes nothing, the marriage contract has been rewritten, the gift has been rewritten...
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well, as a rule, such men, they look after very beautifully, they have a very beautiful attitude, powerful men know how to present themselves beautifully, so very often women are captivated by this, and despite the fact that that there is some kind of negative previous experience of women, they still believe that i am the one who can cope with this, and with me this man will be the best, so in this regard, women can endure to the end, until it touches her personally some kind of dramatic story, apparently, with yulia specifically. because it was a marriage
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that everyone was discussing and i understand that now we should worry about her, well, in this sense, yes, because well, this is a script, we see that almost all relationships develop in the same way scenario, and you left without anything at all, with an empty pocket, yes, without panties, she left without panties, i didn’t have panties, i have a friend who told me, she brought them panties. vari ivanovna, tell me, you studied at neighboring courses with andreikivich, we studied at different universities, but we naturally crossed paths, like all theater youth, i’ve known him since then and i can’t understand what you saw in him, young, beautiful girls, no, i can say that he wasn’t popular even in those days, but he also talks about you - now - the next attention is around malakhov, this son of the city. seats people
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who are unlikely to have known gradsky during their lifetime, but for some reason arbatova and others know that gradsky got married under psychotropic drugs a month before the wedding, how can she know what, some other people are sitting too, well, this is a completely free program, well, yeah, well, i want to say that andrei is absolutely stupid here, because all the music makers of the nineties, they all know each other thoroughly. forcibly, there were only parties, when karaololov says that prigradsky would live, i’m not saying that he was definitely on psychotropic drugs, but i heard from him, and from olya too, that he was not going to get married, he was somehow mysteriously forced, i don’t believe that this is voluntary, alexey nyankin is in our studio today, you and your wife olga are yulia’s lawyers, we we hear all the time... how he dreamed of depriving you
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of your lawyer status, how can you comment on everything that is happening today, as i understand it, after all , andrei vikovich’s departure added some... strength to yulia to start talking and for all this to be revealed this story has been resolved, yes, we have one won court on the merits, if we are talking about the division of property, and there is a second one, which was a lost court, the so-called lost court is precisely based on the need to prove the use of violence or threats of violence, destruction of property yulia, her parents, her grandmothers, grandfathers and so on, all of this, unfortunately, the courts did not accept this story that yulia was telling, they said sit still, that’s it, that’s it. nothing like that happened , they didn’t kill her, they didn’t imagine a gun with a pussy, and the fact that there were five men who took her to the notary, well, that probably happens, so today, of course, our story is not over yet in part concerning the issue of holding him accountable for his actions, yes, because these acts are clearly illegal, part, let’s say, we are history
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we proved, we were able to, the other part i’m sure we will prove, vera ruskina, yulia’s friend, who witnessed everything that happened today in our program, let’s invite her: to the conversation, good evening, good evening, and what’s hooked you in all this story, more than anything? well, it turns out that i already met andrei viktorovich, when he and yulia lived there for the first couple of years, after that we had a personal acquaintance, and at that time he was the kind of person who probably knew the smell of money, and naturally he wanted some kind of outrageous behavior, he behaved , well, let’s say, quite defiantly, that is , about their relationship with yulia, i can add that they still that it was not like a family, a normal life, so to the questions, that you asked, it was more of a partnership, he gave her some tasks, complex ones at that, some strange ones, very often he didn’t seem to say it completely, he gave some kind of command, so you had to
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catch it to understand that must be done, yulia was ambitious, she liked to overcome this family life as such, just family life in such classical terms, i can’t say that they had, because - andrei viktorovich was often interested in other people, he had such, let’s, let’s listen to what you said together with yulia before the broadcast, attention, we were not about great passion, not about great love, why yes, we always had girls in the house, just every evening one, two, three, with low social responsibility, he never paid them , he liked it, you know how he called them, said that... a million a month, well, show what you’re worth, when they did everything, he said: well, you got high, go, they left with nothing, so apparently, those who distinguished themselves, left with my fur coats, one day he says, would you like me to show you how i make them, literally, i say, show me the house, yes, there
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is the first floor, he had a red room, and he calls me, he says, sit and look, and i i’m sitting in the corner, a girl comes, she’s pretty, that’s it, he says, well, it’s like nothing, do you want it? million a month, he has eyes, you know, flash with fire, he says, i want, he says, now you will do this, this, this, everything, he will find it does it, fortunately i never participated in this, and he always tried show me how he can crush the girls , what, what, here they are all right in front of him, here i fight something there sometimes, at some point yulia, she just found out about what he was causing himself there girls, she said that at that time he first tried to involve her, invited her to join, supposedly these fun family evening, she refused, in fact, after that they just, well , to put it mildly, went in different directions, that is, he had fun with the call people there, and yulia went to sleep peacefully, from time to time he wanted,
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apparently yulia could somehow be there either bring out emotions, or it gave him emotions that he was jealous, so he wanted maybe this adrenaline from jealousy, he suggested that yulia go to the club with someone there. sleep, then there and provide some evidence that that she did all this, not the most normal relationship between husband and wife, his position in life was such that many issues were resolved through bed, that is, he suggested going to some friend of his there, who, well, some he had a good position, he says, well, yes, you’ll go to work for him, well , you’ll sleep with him a couple of times, what’s the difference, for him it was just like a normal position, a normal way of getting a job. pass the interview this way, you passed the interview, i didn’t go, well, how could i i wrote down my phone number and said thank you, we didn’t talk about this anymore, it’s true, you endured it, but how can you tolerate it at all, yulia, what is this, and how they gave you a task
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, to go and sleep and why did you go, this is not task, wait, this is not even a task , on his part he believed that he was doing a great good, and he told me there was just a social event there and two long-legged girls were standing near the cocktail area, which means they were peering at the entrance, i said, girls, who you are waiting here, they say: we are waiting for karaulov, karaulov we’re waiting, and i say, why are you waiting for him, and one of them says something like this, they’ve already loosened their tongues, she says, and he loves young girls very much, i say, how much he loves, but for me he was, well, you know, guards , that’s his name, he didn’t come then, they were so sad, that is... but you would have immediately
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told them: girls, go already, go, no one here will give you anything, you won’t get a cracker, but it’s understandable, that this whole riotous story of gifts, fur coats costing a million a month for maintenance requires a lot of money, that’s how it is looks like sometimes they extracted footage. about a famous interview or program , probably, which, i think, everyone sitting in this room probably watched over this past weekend, this program became part of a series of programs that mr. karaulov recently posted on the internet on youtube, before the release of the first program, andrei karaulov persistently called the reception... of the governor of the krasnoyarsk territory, he, by the way, was very complimentary in his assessments of the governor of the region, referred to a long-standing
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acquaintance and offered me in direct text pay 2,400,000 rubles. to prevent the program, which was ordered from him by well-known political forces, from airing. accordingly, well, no one began to pay him, this is natural, and a day later i received a message from a certain girl or maybe a woman. here is the following content: good afternoon, this is bothering you olesya from andrei karaulov, he does not know how to write sms, the issue regarding the film has not been resolved, we need to announce it today, the budget for the work is 2.4000 rubles. can we post it and assume that we have not agreed? no one has called karaulov yet , thank you very much, well, naturally, no one paid either karaulov or the girl olesya, who spoke on his behalf, and the film you... something and what do you say about what you heard today about that if
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what the deputy governor just said actually happened, then this is generally a separate article of the criminal code called extortion, and you and i know that when many people end up in pre-trial detention centers under this article, it is true that he has 50 apartments, writes on the internet that 50? i don't know, we shared there it was 16-17 then, i don’t know where the money came from , tell me, july, where did the money for 16 apartments come from, this was bought with you, yes 16, i don’t want to say the number, but the apartments were reported in another criminal case that was being investigated according to nikita mikhalkov’s statement and this is what nikita mikhalkov’s lawyer pavel ostakhov says in an interview with our program, two criminal cases of distribution have been opened at the moment. slander, that is, deliberately defaming the honor, dignity, business reputation, in the first
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case of sergei viktorovich chemizov and in in the second case of nikita sergeevich mikhalkov , information that was disseminated by one person was disseminated by a foreign agent andrei karaulov, which means these criminal cases were initiated several months apart, but now these two cases have been combined, a huge number of examinations have been carried out, why do i say huge, because an examination of the expert department of the ministry of internal affairs was carried out, an examination of the expert department of the ministry of justice was carried out.
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addresses in which the foreign agent karaulov is in one way or another listed , more cases have been initiated regarding the use of these apartments one criminal case about illegal business, as soon as... he shows up, he must be detained, handcuffed and brought to the investigator who is leading the case. the statute of limitations for prosecution in these criminal cases is 2 years, it does not run, because these criminal cases are now... suspended, so you can hide from justice for the rest of your life, but as soon as it appears, the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution will resume and he will still be prosecuted. well, that is you do you think that this is all that was announced today in
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the program, what sentence karaulov could face , or you know, i would like everyone to remember that... there is also an uninitiated criminal case against andrei karaulov, against whom now we are working, as i represent the interests of daniil gradsky, who was slandered by andrei karaulov, accused of many serious crimes, and i think that in the near future the issue of initiating another crime will be resolved. i believe that in the totality of all the claims that we have today... i want to say that our viewers, as you have already said several times andrey, are simply shocked by what the once beloved journalist and tv presenter has turned into, for example, what
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should we they write what happened to the man, i remember his interview in the early nineties, he made such a pleasant impression,
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exhale, three times, in the stomach area, and we have him as good as new, to decorate any holiday, to bring the whole team together can only be a high-profile crime, well scandal, again a scandal for the whole city, or marya sergeevna’s birthday, gentlemen, ladies, attention, surprise, maryaevna, this is for you, secret investigations, again with us, good job, thank you, continuation, look at rtr today, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never
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gets old.
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i have two daughters, and my wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, what does this mean to me, this is our secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, for marishka you’re like a superhero, she only tells you, i’ve forgotten how to be happy, thank you you, someone else’s family is running around like going to work, maybe she’s already found a replacement for you, little marishka has fallen in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well , some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova , on friday on rtr, how many animals are there in
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your family? 16 , why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, if you were a person. among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, he's coming back, we miss you, sklefosovsky, the city is falling asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just always has talent. in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. sklefosovsky, we look before everyone else. in
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the application or on the website. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today on rtr. once again, good afternoon, if you have just turned on your tv, today in our studio we have the ex-wife of foreign agent journalist andreevch karaulov, yulia mareeva. they are 6 years old have been married. julia told the horrors that she had to endure during all these 6 years that happened behind high fences in the moscow region. i want to now offer our viewers several audios.
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son, why did you decide that this is true, and why do you find out from the next episode of the film, you did so much to people that people came to me as if to a mausalium, and if they deceived me, sit and wait for the film, yes, now in we’ll post it for half an hour, if you want, it’s ready, now you call me, i’ll say that i’m blackmailing, i’ll give the recordings of conversations to the cops, let him figure it out, i hate people like you , why, i’ll look on facebook, laugh, mixtures are being drunk over unhappy love, someone will invite you to moscow, uh-huh, so you can watch the fully finished second series of your adventures, uh-huh, now i’m drinking
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i’ll tell you, you’ll talk to the security service - karaulova, as i understand it, you don’t really want the movie to be shown on monday, you agree, you want the movie to be shown, i really want it, that’s it, our movie will be on monday, okay. either we or we will speak constructively, that means, if you will want the movie not to be shown, yeah, i suggest you fly to moscow tomorrow to talk about the issue that is burning in your mind there. andrey vladimirovich and valentina vladimirovna leonidchenko, lawyers of the man, the voice we hear now in this audio recording. why is leonid solomonovich not with us today and cannot take part in the program? you know, this is a very tragic story: leonid solomonovich passed away in
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august of twenty-two, he committed suicide, he could not withstand the pressure associated with the illegal criminal persecution, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, constant psychological influence. on the part of andrei karaulov, he artificially created this negative attitude towards gutritz, and what happened to him was largely connected with this person, but it was an order, that is, some people came to the guard, and ordered, he carried out order, i know that you also had thoughts, yes, when you saw this volume of negativity, that you might not be able to cope with all this information that is pouring on you?
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my last thought in life was to steal nikofrodov’s painting, what kind of painting it is, where it is, i don’t know, well, it’s true, it’s very hard to live, that’s true, if, then, it pulled me out, well, then i was able to cope, but i even have a certificate, i tried to commit suicide, i couldn’t live with this here with this space, i couldn’t do everything, but you are here today with a special mission, to report what happened on october 25th?
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she didn’t go there alone, in short, they were just rushing to these safes, yes, but at the moment when they were rushing to these safes, mr. karaulov also ended up there in these, in these same places where the safes were, dani naturally knocked, no one opened for him, this is a completely terrible story, you understand that your home is not letting you in, things are bad with your father , thank god he’s still alive , you know, and people are closing themselves, which means they’re in your house, and you don’t have... access there, and now it turns out that it means mr. karaulov was inside there all this time, so they’re there, which means were doing what they were apparently discovering why he knew so well about the safes, where did mr. karaulov get such knowledge, and also that the safes contained, excuse me, money, but obviously he saw them himself, in the end there was no money, no performance, no film, the master and margarita, if only the recording remained, well, on karaolov’s platform you can see, my god, what
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a wish, what ... we’ve been friends for 30 years, i haven’t even seen him, but it’s fantastic , you just know, he’s never been in the house and no one has ever seen him, but he’s just like me i saw him, but he positions himself exclusively as a friend, well, that’s rubbish. i, if i find out that indeed, the son went against the will of his father in a criminal manner, i will find an opportunity to go to court with a story about what really happened, you know, but i would like to remind mr. koraulov that there are some things, in general it would be good for him to appear here in court, but i would really like to even go there and see how it will happen,
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but i’m just curious.
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what does the family have?


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