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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

2:30 pm
how this will happen , but i’m just curious, today, literally not so long ago, i was walking along the big dmitrovka, yes, and there was a large stand hanging there that said that he was on the wanted list, mr. karaulov is just in the center here this stand under glass, and attention, search, an article has been written, according to which, it means he is suspected of committing the crime envisaged, part five, article 128, paragraph one. as i understand it, this is an article about libel, that is, criminal cases have already been opened against him, and the man put on the wanted list, and how wonderful it would be for mr. karaulov to literally return to court. they are waiting for him there, i think, with open arms. well, we have already heard
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that the family has a lawyer, he is present here today, the time of the program is coming to an end, i want to remind you that andreich now lives in dubai with his new young wife, i hope that the viewers who have something to add and tell, they can call our editorial office, but i think the journalist’s answer is... we will see and hear your loved ones too, take care of yourself and yours are you crazy, sunday, good
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people reported that you got mixed up with a muscovite, this girl, who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and you and sveta have been dating for 4 years, we need to have a child, i’m very, very i want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, today i should have forgotten him already, i can’t forget, i still love him ...
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes hot on our heels, we have a well-deserved tefé award - the russian national award for the highest achievement in the field of television arts. this year we received arfee in the category “best socio-political program”. in total , we already have six awards, this is a record. thank you very much, we value every viewer. thank you for watching, we are trying hard. and we continue to work. i'm putting it here. very good, really important, long-awaited news is coming from the front today. soldiers of the russian army. look at these incredible shots.
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but the main defense center is now being built in kurakhovo, right now our soldiers are consolidating their positions and conducting reconnaissance of the surrounding area. marinka, which is located south of bakhmut to the west of donetsk, of course, a key strategic point in the city is a large underground fortification of the armed forces of ukraine, when it is taken, our troops will be able to develop an offensive, so success and just not to jinx it. are attacking the russian army near artyomovsk in the zaporozhye direction, according to the chief military expert, the unknown yuliy ryobka, in the ssu they are now losing those insignificant territories that they conquered during the summer counter-offensive, röbki
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reported this naturally on the tv channel. we are talking about the northern flank of bakhmut, the area of ​​dolovka and bogdanovka, as well as the so-called rabotinsky. zdarma from novoprokopovka in the direction of rabotin, also on the vremev ledge, the russian army continues to advance in the direction of staromayorsky, harvest, militants of the ukrainian armed forces, artigrin said that soon the ukrainian armed forces will have to retreat to leave positions still near krasny liman, izyum and kupinsk, so how it is now too difficult and inconvenient to defend them, well, that is, the situation is so difficult for the armed forces of ukraine that the bandarites began to talk about it. is already completely open. they don’t hide it in ukraine. moreover, the fact that the ssu is running out of people from the nordic faction of poroshenko by the name of kostenko said that the general staff of ukraine, and this for the first time, is sending people who are already limitedly suitable for service, that is,
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they sent disabled people to war, although they previously stated that such people will serve exclusively in the rear. according to. republican senator james vance, ukraine has already been functionally destroyed as a state, the average age of a ukrainian soldier is now 43 years old, and if you don’t agree to moscow’s conditions, which ven openly says, which is remarkable when he tells propagandists on cnn about this, then square a complete fiasco awaits, but also vishenko, the idea that ukraine could throw russia back on the border of the ninety-first year is absurd in this idea...
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we are driven along a road full of dirt, and now we get to a fenced area with barbed wire buildings, among the trees and branches there is an old farmhouse, its owners left a long time ago, but now new residents have appeared in it, these are soldiers from the forty-seventh mechanized brigade. this is where we store the missiles. they participate in heavy fighting in one of the most fierce sectors of the eastern front. hidden under the bushes is a hail, a soviet-era multiple rocket launcher system. artillery
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fire can be heard in the neighboring fields. thirty-two-year-old sasha regrets that they do not have better and more modern weapons. of course, we would like to get more examples of western weapons, they are more accurate and do more damage. destruction, but sasha and his fellow soldiers know that this war could become even more difficult if us aid, which is now under threat, dries up completely. every day, delay costs lives, the lives of the best ukrainians, we will continue to fight, but we need at least some kind of support. if the us congress does not approve a military aid package, then ukraine will not receive the modern weapons that the country is so desperate for needs. and this means that she will have to rely more heavily on decades old soviet equipment, such as this rszzo-grad, that is all they have left to fight the russians, who are relentlessly gaining superiority on the front line, this is what the sober reality looks like for the ukrainian army servicemen who have been fighting here for almost 2 years. i think that
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ukraine is doomed if our partners and allies stop helping us, it’s simple. bc worked. encirclement, when they were holding the defense of mariupol, my comrade shouted air, a mortar shell exploded about 3 m from me, my hand was bleeding terribly , it had to be amputated, and it’s good that i only wore my hand, in ukraine, people who have lost their upper limbs have a very difficult life, i waited for more than a year until dentures will arrive. the number of ukrainians with amputations has exceeded 60,000, and , of course, there are not enough prosthetics for everyone, which is why gosha came. usa. sometimes amputation occurs in such a way
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that the damaged area ceases to feel, that is, the nerve completely stops receiving signals. and it also happens that any touch causes sharp pain. this is why not everyone can have prostheses installed. we performed a special operation, removing part of the flesh from the damaged nerve. and now the day when gosha receives a prosthesis has finally arrived. you need to make sure that all systems are functioning properly. first, a former ukrainian armed forces soldier learns to bend and straighten his arm at the elbow joint. then we look at the sensitivity of the fingers. the protest sits well, all the sensors indicate that gosha is coping well with it, now he only wants one thing, to return to the front to help their comrades. the sunday telegram reports that while ukraine and the nato coalition are in a grave crisis, russia is under the leadership of putin. inexorably moves towards victory. the author of the material , daniel hanan, voices the main idea
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of ​​the majority of western media: it is simply no longer possible to lie about fictitious successes in the ssi, since it is obvious to everyone that kiev has actually lost. another guy who has seen the light, aristovich actually admitted that there are no good options left for zelensky, at the same time, lucy, who went shopping in new york, named three scenarios at once. for the armed forces of ukraine for the twenty-fourth year. in the first option , russia, the usa and china agree to end the fighting, and kiev will receive traumatized, embittered, naturally, members of the armed forces of ukraine in its rear. they, the vssu members , will organize a local maidan, but without molotov cocktails, with tanks and grenade launchers. in the second scenario , the clash will continue with the support of the west, but the ukrainian army will still be defeated in several areas front. the third is a fairy-tale scenario from the realm of fantasy, as aristovich himself said. in his opinion, the west can come to its senses and
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give ukraine huge amounts of weapons and other assistance, which, of course, will prolong the war, but will not change the situation in the war. still the same, the sunday telegram admits that western sponsors have nothing that could stop russia, which has rebuilt itself and taken a military footing, but kiev has finally won a victory in the rear. in the ukrainian capital they celebrated a new victory over common sense in other words, the nazis did dismantle, as promised, the schorss monument, one of the most beautiful in europe, which had stood in its place for almost 70 years. during the procession, the horse on which the military leader was sitting had its hooves sawed off, three of them, because they could not get them out of the cement. what can i say here, idiots , ischers, ukrainian, originally from the village of snovsk.
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he was the commandant of the city of kiev, simon petlyura fought with him, because there was a war for the ukrainian state, a war for the ukrainian state, then the bolshevik regime won victory, and as a symbol of this. it was stalin who erected a monument to chors, here in the center of our capital, our capital, the dismantled monument will be taken to the antonov aviation museum, the dismantlers dismantled the monument to the soviet leader, because what kind of figure, executioner, executioner of the ukrainian people nikolai
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shchors, a pedestal with him on a horse was installed on shevchenko boulevard back in 1954. decommunization was being prepared from the very morning; a special lift was working on site, with the help of which the structure was dismantled removed from the crossing, the sporuda was dismantled and tidied up, what do the people of kiev think about the demolition or removal, removal, let's listen , it would be very good if the horse was left and the person was removed, look, this monument was made in the image of the first president of ukraine kravchuk, you know yes ...
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he fought with the ukrainian army, in the eighteenth he was the military commandant of kiev, while the bolsheviks robbed and killed the townspeople, they built a monument 35 years after his death, as a symbol of the unification of russia with ukraine, and since the unification never happened, then there really is no place in the capital of ukraine, no place in the capital of ukraine,
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well, while history is being changed in kiev, the last monuments that connect ukraine with russia in the west are being demolished... the president of argentina, swore with patriotism
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to carry out the task of the head of state , after javier miley took the oath, he went out to the people and sang the song of the rock group larenga right away. free sale of weapons, abolition of all government subsidies, abolition of the social safety net, exercise of all ministries, withdrawal from brix, and also make dollar, promised the american dollar in argentine currency. in general, argentina is in for some upheaval. well, you and i will be watching this experiment , well, the mood of the inauguration evening was set by the former president of argentina, cristina de kershner, her reaction to the supporters of the new leader, the middle finger, one can be dissatisfied with zelensky, who came to miley for help and a formula for peace, but all he received
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was a close hug, a chanukah minor with seven candles, and a conversation in high voices.
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he was advised to do so. during the war it’s quite difficult to find time to fly halfway across the planet and arrive here. but we followed
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you, heard your speeches in parliament, we heard your support for ukraine, our people and our children who are fighting against russian aggression. we felt it with all our hearts. i got the impression that you are exactly the kind of person who says what he feels. we are very grateful for this support, so we obliged.
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we have no information about what exactly zelensky did during his stop in brazil; we do not know whether he was met brazilian authorities, then zelensky visited cab verde, where he met with the prime minister of this country. was sworn in as the country's president. in his first speech, he spoke of the serious financial shock that was looming over the country. let me remind you that argentina is struggling with inflation, which has already reached
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two hundred percent. he promised that his government would adjust 5% of the country's gdp by cutting taxes and sharply reducing government spending. ministry.
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argentina, but given the whole situation that formed during the election campaign, we can say that relations between the two giants of latin america are going through difficult times. well, today in washington at biden’s, where zelensky went from argentina, the ukrainian clown will ask for something more substantial than the hanukkah seven-branched candlestick. administration. zelensky is really going to the senators, the president of ukraine was invited. washington, the meeting will indeed take place in the white house, zelensky will speak before


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