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tv   Taini sledstviya-22  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 9:20pm-10:17pm MSK

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fanatics with machine guns, masul, when the usa ironed him out, we were there, tens of thousands of people under the rubble, all this, well, close, now we see in the donbass, when you go to mariupol, which is on fire, and there are the same panels as in smolensk. on kiselyovka and the same khrushchevka, i don’t know, the same, yes, that is, you come to your own burning house and people come out of the basements who speak absolutely the same language with you, these unfortunate grandmothers there, sobbing, who have been eating bread for a month haven't seen and you're looking at these grandmothers and you see your grandmother in them, because well, they all really seem to be the same people, the same faces, the same eyes, the same words flying from their lips.
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so let's go back, it's not boring, in general there 's a walk around the landing, there was an arrival nearby, you can look boldly in the eyes.
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allows you to increase your own survivability , not a bad story at all, it took a long time to negotiate to go to one position, and it seemed like it was far, far away, right behind it was an enemy-enemy, so they gave me a ride, they said, so here you are now they will meet you at the point, the driver ca n’t wait for the zone to be shelled, he dropped me off and left at 4:00 in the morning, i went out into the field, greenery, silence, no one is shooting, but no one is there, and they don’t meet me, i don’t know where to go, i understand , that...
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that the twenty-thousand-strong staff of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company is behind them and that everyone will do everything to help them, assist them, or, as a last resort , save them. we are returning from the line of combat contact. thank you, now the main thing is to leave quickly. we rent our kitchen all the time, if we spend the night somewhere, we rent it, if it's new year's with how we dress. in england there are a lot of acquaintances from school, friends, they are liberals, almost everyone says, wait, what’s going on there, murat? there are those, of course, who... say: you,
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you should go on air and say that you don’t support this, knowing me, they tell me this, fuck you. the inner belief that after all, our work can, as it were, turn the situation around. we are now flying upward in arabic, what is serious? military officers have spanish, german, french, in the english rating, clicks are flying up, and views on social networks, and ntv, and russia and the first channel, so they hear us, they hear us, even though the first one.
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i feel that we won’t succeed, probably , honestly, frankly, we are all counting on it, on my part i definitely promise, on ours too, great, then it will be so, as for problematic issues, we are talking about them, probably for the first time so loudly we’re talking about this, just without hysteria, without unnecessary emotions, because the main goal is to solve the problem of organizing tactical nuclear weapons hand over.
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we tell you that victory will be ours, i personally don’t doubt this for a second, and the main thing is that this war was for our own people, a war for our own people, we military officers won, because the people support the army, it’s a social military operation, it’s so consolidated our society, country, the people and armies are united here... it seems to me that it’s difficult to spoil, it’s truly a historical chance to become better, to become stronger, to become kinder, maybe even to take care of your country, to defend it, tens of millions of people watch them , it is necessary understand, they have a huge audience, knowing their work our society is in balance, if
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they weren’t there, then in this information place there would be something completely different, unhealthy. and the guys are saving russia, i once had a conversation back in 1915 with one fighter who was also interviewing and asked what is worth dying for? it’s a big dream to then film peaceful reports
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at the moment when we win, then we can, you know, like the military, put a pistol there, a machine gun there, and i’ll put a microphone, from moscow to brest there is no place where no matter how we ate, we had a water bottle with a notebook, or even... you can’t make goods without masonry, you can’t make a song , so come on at a friendly table , let’s drink to those who recorded, let’s drink to those who filmed, let’s drink to those who recorded, under fire, where we were, they didn’t give us a tank , but we never got lost, drunk and...
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vladimir putin today in the arkhangelsk region, admiral kasatonov boarded the frigate of the northern fleet, inspected the weapons system, left behind...
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bulava missiles. yasen m-class multi-purpose nuclear submarines also have formidable weapons. they are equipped with high-precision missiles long range and can strike both surface targets and coastal targets. very soon, the submarine missile carriers emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk will begin to keep watch on... we
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will definitely implement all our plans for the construction of submarines for the readiness of the russian navy, our naval power in the arctic, in the far east, in the black sea, in the baltic sea, in the caspian sea, in the most important strategic areas of the world ocean. in the west, the strengthening of russia causes panic: on the one hand, western media write about our imminent victory in ukraine, on the other hand, they are intimidating the europeans with all their might, which means we need to give up everything.
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his command of most european countries to start aggression against us, he was also defeated, and after that war we became stronger, and the result of the war unleashed by the united states using ukraine against russia is already visible. you mentioned nato expansion, but
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the main result. i'm not saying that vladimir putin is your close friend, but you have met, judging by your meetings, what kind of person do you think he is, he is the most educated gentleman, i emphasize, just a gentleman, and i have met some of the true gentleman that jane austen described in the novel pride and
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prejudice. about a true gentleman may surprise someone, given the events of recent years, yes, i stand by this statement, he is the most educated true gentleman i have ever met, after all, stephen is an extremely hypocritical person, that is, this can be stephen stephen , i’ve known him for many years, probably 30 years, yes, yes, yes, i ’ve known him for 30 years. yes, well, nothing, nothing, and stephen will become wiser, because even such a cretin as aristovich suddenly watched enough of our programs, and obviously listened to sergei santich, because this is what he said about why america, in particular, sees the war in ukraine completely differently. republicans are conservatives, as a rule, people who are deeply religious,
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all their issues are resolved in the circus of most of them, they are still determined. defeat of the century, if the democrats now vote for this, then they are losing votes to a large extent, and the trend that has existed since the days of obama is breaking, this is already good 20 years, the trend breaks in favor of the republicans in general, the general trend, that is , the republican project wins in the states , or rather gets an advantage, the republican development project does not win , which in fact is also a dead end, but this is a big
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philosophical conversation, they are stuck, so they have there are supporters of the third way, musk and so on, but this is lyrics, they think so. they are stubborn, absolutely inveterate, not only for internal political reasons, that they have the opportunity to win in 20 years, to get even with the enemies, but because they are waging a religious war, i talked with them, they have a dictionary and have been talking since september, their dictionary is like this, it means holy war, the bible, the devil, these are the formulations, they directly say that lgbt propaganda, for example, there are things that the democrats introduced in american education in the style of... satan. and when you tell them, guys, well , there won’t be ukraine if you don’t help us. and you will face a greater threat, they say: listen, for the victory over satan, in essence they are communicating, right? not the price
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even ukraine. they say that even the states are not the price; in fact, the question here is who will win, god or satan. we are, of course, for god. these are uncles and aunts who, so you understand, are donors to the republican party. these are not just ordinary people. they say putin is even more protective of conservative values ​​than you. well, why did you sign the istanbul declarations? why are you, your ministry of education, installing programs to popularize lgbt people in schools? why did you, you, you appointed a transgender person as the speaker of the territorial troops, though he having already taken it off, for us this is a fight against the agents of moscow who are injected there, and for them it is the persecution of the church, and this is the last thing that could be done, the latter, i was at a closed congress of republicans, let’s say. so they spoke to one of the speakers , the persecution of the church in ukraine immediately began, and i saw how they react, we explain to them, there are agents there, direct officers,
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illegal immigrants, this same fsb is there, it’s impossible to explain, so they say this, most of them, you have become the war hammer of the leftists, with whom we are fighting tooth and nail death, you want us to invest in you, so that you become even better at this combat mo. so i showed, we started, yes, vladimir vladimirovich, we are building, we are launching , we are arming, this is our production, our
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supreme commanders are providing and solving all these problems, what is the ukrainian doing at this time, the ukrainian is tenderly hugging dear. look, look, someone brought me some leftovers here, and a candlestick, there really are a bit too many candles, they say in a minor key, well, take it, it might come in handy, here bandera.
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in the united states, basically , well, you can rattle off about 800 pieces, there, up to the engines alone, there are more or less combat-ready somewhere around more than a thousand, so these ones, this is exactly why, because if you look at the whole, what is called the mise-en-scène, that is built , yes, this is, of course, the artist’s farewell tour, why, because a large mezzanine is being built. a european war, not just a long war, and this is true, that’s how at one time we realized that we needed to move on to a long war,
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they also realized that this was a long war. and this the war is not in the context of ukraine , it is really a war in the context of relations between russia and nato, they are consistently preparing their public opinion, as best they know how, for the fact that this is a war of the collective west and nato, as it is called, the military fist, and russia on several fronts, they began, among other things, to prepare their own public opinion that ukraine is just one of the fronts and so on, but there is...
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they showed the western public for the last 2 years, it’s impossible, they are unsaleable, this elephant is unsaleable, in no way you want it pink steal it, you want it in the rainbow, whatever you want , but it’s not for sale, but we also need to show the european war something new, excuse me in washington, because this is what they’re pushing, this is a junk asset for the europeans to say, now that’s all yours -
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this team of the american administration simply cannot, well, it simply cannot, because it had a chance to do it all, i was just saying that the window of opportunity is to push the war in ukraine onto the americans, yes, it is, on europeans, it was around from october to november, now december, now the first coconuts are looming ahead, democratically.
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the beginning of the primary is ahead, no , after all, these coconuts, the first coconuts of the democrat are all, yes, yes, in short, yes, but you also need to go to them with something to go out with, that’s the question, yes, and here the question is, look at how the strategic pause arose, this is why i think that they will give it, they will definitely find it now, they will count it, they will find some that were not delivered, they will find it from... they will take it somewhere in africa, why? because we have to live until march, and until march , if there is no political decision, there is no political decision on the configuration of power in kiev and there is no political decision on the configuration of power in washington, well , all this will have to be delayed, so i categorically, i don’t i like the talk that we won, that the ukrainian regime is crunching, cracking, now it will crumble,
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no, it won’t crumble, they did it.
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there will be no more people for such a new one in scale, in intensity, in the ferocity of the struggle, their front is not will accumulate, but they can also open new fronts. and we have not won yet, so we need to bring the situation in the special military operation zone to the point of no return from the point of view of restoring the military potential of the ukrainian regime, it is very good that we are consistently nullifying the possibility of deployment against us, not nullifying it, but at least neutralizing the possibility of deployment against us on the front in the arctic, because...
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well, of course, we have not won yet, the situation on the fronts is extremely difficult, ukraine will not crumble, because ukraine represents is a terrorist state, where there is no democracy, where there is no freedom of the press, where there are the strongest repressive mechanisms, they, if necessary, will throw everyone to the front, both men and women, old people and children, i don’t think much about this topic, the ukrainian people absolutely. is not capable of resistance , and this is already visible, that is, he will still go obediently to die, this is the whole horror of this situation, of course, the problem that the west has now, in my opinion, is that they,
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among other things, but mikhail mikhailovich, this is understood much better than that it is not suitable for these conditions of war, well, i’m a small specialist, but i talked to the guys about the bradley, they say that for our theater of operations it’s not at all... a machine, it’s just nothing, well, that is, maybe for the desert this is one moment, but the same thing, here we are talking about tanks, and why didn’t the abroms go, and you serve them like crazy, but when in what illusory world could you put bradleys, where everything is electronic, where the hatch is pneumatic and if something happens, you can do nothing manually you can’t, that is, in real life , real... these cars are not repairable at all, they need to be driven to the factory, they are disposable, that’s how it was, the americans acted like that, while their crews are always poorly trained, then there is, that’s why they haven’t lived with them there for several years, it
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’s so precocious, and people don’t know the logic of these machines, well, unlike the fact that our people grew up, relatively speaking, with our kalashnikov assault rifle, with our tanks, he understands, everything is comfortable for him, that is, he knows what we are talking about, here they give equipment, where are all the instructions ? that about people
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who think about this topic as fools, they, therefore, talk about those people who believe in good and evil, as some kind of idiots who do not understand this life, who are, so to speak, in some -the wilds, fantasies, religious fanatics and so on and so forth, but the problem is precisely that they are idiots, that’s the thing, it was they who did not understand at all what the meaning of this life was, it was they who had not grown up to this, it was they who, having taken over the management of the state, found themselves completely unable to build it, it seemed to them that having managed , that is, to raise and lower money, yes, having managed, so to speak, to endlessly deceive someone cunningly, yes, being completely unprincipled, and at the same time having also found friends in the west, so they grabbed, so to speak, god for...
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this fall will take place, it can be stretched out in history, or it can happen at once , but this is the problem, it seems to me, the ukrainian elite, the so-called and a huge number of the ukrainian people, they decided that all this is nonsense, they don’t believe in it, they laugh at it, they they don’t understand, that’s why they grabbed the relics of the saints in the kiev pechersk lavra, that’s why they, so to speak , enthusiastically carry out the american instructions there to dismember this same orthodox church as one. because they americans understand that this is the orthodox church, it’s still kind of historical
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ensured the unity of three peoples, or rather one people, well, but they grabbed onto it and thought that, well, all this is complete nonsense, they continue to do what they continue to do, by the way, you said vladimir about the ukrainian people , and the ukrainian people have the same disease, if the ukrainian people and their leaders understood that holy russia and this reality, and not a stupid fiction, but it cannot be touched with your hands, yes... it cannot, so to speak, be sold, bought , you can’t play on the stock exchange, it’s not issues shares, so to speak, yes, ipo and so on, but it is, it exists, having thought that, so to speak, it does not exist, yes, so they ended up in a situation, in what, in what they are, because god , if you reject him, he makes you blind , you begin to walk around, fornicate in three pines, they will lead you like this, he will lead you like this for us, and then in the end, so to speak, they will stick your face into this mud, how this will happen, when this will happen, you can argue about this, but in my opinion... we are we see, we see this, yes, they will be helped , a mistake, i have said many times, including in
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yes, yes, so to speak, yes, this story is actually these people made a very serious mistake, it is far from over, but in general we we see how our broadcasts to ukrainians, ukrainians there , there again, no matter how you treat us, nevertheless, you were mistaken, you were very seriously mistaken, you bet on the wrong thing, imagining yourself to be something you are not, imagining themselves, so to speak, as those who supposedly... can, therefore, ignore some, well, let's say, deep truths and powerful historical facts : we will now invent everything, we will now blind everything , so to speak, to its knees, it will work, no, it will not, putting at the forefront two completely false ideas, the first is that the meaning of life in ukraine is this is to be against russia , the second thing is that the west is with us, you are the west, the west will help you, at this moment, so to speak, you deceived yourself, this is the road to nowhere, now it’s like, well, i won’t say it either, you know, some of these same bravura speeches.
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incredible conceit, desire for revenge in any way, justification for betrayal , justification for any complete atrocity just to achieve your goals, lies as the main method of falsifying history, so to speak, as the main method of governing the state, and so on and so forth, satan is the father of the liar, that you are smarter than everyone else, that you are smarter than this history , but indeed the process is not completed, in fact, the fact that they do not feel these things at all, and it is clear that they do not think about this at all, will sooner or later play a cruel joke on them, now already... this is happening, if you really loved your ukraine and
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really wanted to build a state, you would think about something much deeper, yes, than what you are thinking about now, well, by the way, here's another one the point that i noted, yes, it was said here that the americans, well, supposedly some american conservatives, although again i have no illusions about the americans, nevertheless perceive putin as a conservative even closer to them than conventionally this ukraine, which rushed absolutely at breakneck speed head into all this, this is disgusting , so to speak, yes... of what are called new values, believing that this is how she will win, so to speak, some kind of sympathy, in fact, this is really so, putin, again, you can do it like that say, you don’t have to like him, there may be questions for him, by the way, these questions can be asked soon, so whether you like it or not, he is really internally much more conservative than all those who in ukraine even pretend to be nationalists, much more conservative. by the way, once again, in my opinion, it proves that that it’s in vain that we don’t work with conservative audiences even in the states, because we seem to talk a lot, but we don’t
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talk very much about these deep things. maybe we would find people there who would hear our arguments, for whom this is important, important. how do you build yourself in relation to these values , inside the white civilization there is no one except russia, which is still holding on a little, there is no one left at all, i have said this many times, there is no one else, there are a lot of questions for russia, yes, but no one except her, who there is no longer any kind of traditional value left, this is indeed a very serious, serious audience, one should talk to it, and the last thing about lavrov’s words about the fact that we have become stronger, we will become stronger, well, i would said, we have a chance to become stronger , this is absolutely certain, i must say , i don’t know if it will reach the west, someday, it won’t reach, but here lavrov built a very simple, so to speak, this historical retrospective, but it really so, the west didn't want us got closer to china, we got closer to china in a way we probably never got closer to in history, i don’t know, maybe audadun were closer to stalin, but that’s what they are now, but in principle, if we take other periods of history, such a rapprochement between russia and china has simply
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never been observed historically at all, but we have finally wised up and decided, we are finally, so to speak, starting to navigate the world of culture a little more soberly, and we understand that something needs to be done... who knows , if as if yes, it is things went differently, many waved their hands , they would have said, and so everything is fine, all this has the potential to make us stronger, and here it’s like, yes, the west, the west has once again demonstrated an absolute misunderstanding of russia, the only thing i conclude is, the only thing that really makes me feel pain is the tragedy of ukraine and the ukrainian people into a stupid lie, forgetting again about holy russia, having lost the true faith, they bought... on cheap promises, so to speak, petty devils, in fact they will slurp behind this is a spoon full. advertising. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer
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questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone +7 495 539 40 40 +7 499 550 40:40. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00.
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mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife... died last year, very beautiful, what does this mean to me, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have already forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’m sitting here running to work, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you , marishka, little one,
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fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilyansko! i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like faith, well, as a woman, i like it, if i find out something, preview, daughters, on friday on rtr, watch 100 to one, what kind of faith we have the task is to open the whole board, we can handle it if? you with a podboho what character's last name will be 78 seven and eight seven eight how much and who is at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t
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pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i, of course, am no exception. she opened the champagne. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia.
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baskov on sundays on rtr. well, in the middle east, the situation seems to be developing with an even bigger explosion, which means that on saturday, december 9, first the israeli foreign minister, then the head of the israeli national security council services, said that the hazbali have 48 hours for them to withdraw their military. formations across the river litany, this is 25-30 km deep, which means the south of lebanon, they refer to the well-known resolution of the united
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nations after the july 2000 war, hezbollah was supposed to withdraw its formations beyond the litany river, but naturally it did not withdraw. in addition, recently hezbollah has been placing its special units, the special forces radwan, closer to the border of sozlaniya , called, by the way, up to 70% of the personnel speak hebrew and can work in depth. according to the temporary constitution of lebanon, the representative of the parliament is from the shiites, the president from the maronite christians and the prime minister, which means from
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the sunni muslims, so the situation is serious, today 48 hours will end, there must be some kind of action, if both the minister of foreign affairs and the leadership of the national security council of israel say, then they are ready for this, in principle, this should have been expected and what does it mean at some stage of the development of the situation in the gas sector, where.. ... the leadership says: give us another 2 months, approximately, yes , i don’t really understand how four extra months, they still cannot take control of the entire surface part of the gaza sector, which means that fighting with hezbollah is quite possible, it will be another war because hezbollah is this is a completely different structure, who will be its ally, the number of what khysbola has now will depend on this, now khysbola has no more than 50,000, of which approximately 25,000 are the regular staff and 20-25,000 are this.
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israeli army troops, israeli troops entered the gaza strip, i can still understand, but how to explain the battle in lebanon? i think it’s explained very simply, the territory of lebanon was not similar, but that means, well, it’s just that, or the americans will say, no, well, that’s different, so everything can be explained very simply, i he said in this studio that netanyahu is afraid of some kind of re-measurement , let’s stop fighting tomorrow, they will tell him, listen, how did it happen that... such a small organization, which consisted of 2-300 fighters, managed to go deeper on israeli territory for 30-35 km,
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there is a small area, borders, because from gas with... with israel, where the whole israeli 143 division is deployed, the so-called cunning liz, one of the best and so on, plus, that means famous, that means , wall, up, down, barbed electronic system, how they managed to go to such depth, because the southern district is israeli military, there is a southern district, the northern border of lebanon and the central one, yes, there, well, excuse me, there are several tens of thousands of armies alone, and there are also special services, police, they will ask him a question, he will be asked a question, listen, apparently , information has been received that... something is happening, well, how can i say it, say it’s fake, what is it, that the head of egyptian intelligence called, he said: “listen, we have information there in general what's going on with you, what did he say, don't worry, everything's fine, but excuse me, egyptian intelligence knows for sure what, what, what is going on in the gaza strip, now this article has appeared, simply murderous, uh-huh, when it turned out that qatar gave money to hamas with the direct blessing of netanyahu, and they asked you whether to give it or not he says to give, well, about this
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, that is , it’s just the western media that’s openly starting him.” they repeatedly spoke to tanyahu as a leader in order to strengthen hamas and eventually block any actions of fatah, yes, but it turned out that hamas has become strong, now, as explained, fatah and hamas agreed on joint actions with them about 11 more structures, that is, this is generally a complete failure for those who are engaged in military-political analysis in israel, they are completely stepping on a rake, which means and so on, that is, it will be a big, serious war, which means , now the situation is worsening with those whom we call houthis, yes, that means the shiites, the so-called, yes, the united states, after attacks on their ships on british ships, it means they have planned it, so after all, why not attack blow by means ansar rale is the military wing of the hussites, in yemeni, yes, but for this it seems necessary to gain the support of allies, and who are the allies in the region, this is the so-called arab coalition, which fought for 8 years against these
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huesites, lost god knows how many people, equipment and the main among them is saudi arabia, which will now do everything possible to ensure that there is no fighting in any way. a month ago, the houthis and some frostbitten units fired at the territory of saudi arabia, despite the truce, and the truce ended in the end october, and several dozen bahraini soldiers who were part of the army died there. saudi arabia did not say anything, it continued to negotiate in erriyat, through oman, and why? well, the fact is that neither saudi arabia nor any persian country benefits from this war, saudi arabia.
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water and factories, no, the leadership of saudi arabia wants to turn saudi arabia into a world tourism center, create a powerful infrastructure with some incredible hotels, all sorts of attractions, for the sake of this means that changes in legislation are more moderate, so you can imagine that the country that wants this is suddenly in a state of war with someone, but this is generally unthinkable, which is why the leadership says, no, we don’t need this, and in general, look at what , say, a war between the united states could lead to, if it goes on like this, we do not exclude iran, too, yes, because when there is a war with hezbollah, iran will get in the way more, why ? well, firstly, iran has the ability to transport everything that hezbalah needs, by land through iraq and syria, yes , that means by air through syria, but by sea, it’s unlikely, there are difficulties there, yes, but all the armed forces of the united states, subordinate to the so-called central military command of central asia, are mainly located in the
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persian countries, you take any country, point your finger, and it turns out there are several thousand yes. usa, naval bases, air force bases, everything is crammed. how will the situation develop if suddenly some kind of blow is struck against iran, israel, and it has something to i once said, or the united states. well, iran has two fundamental fundamental moments, these are missile technology and drones. why are they developing? because then they will begin to strike at american troops, and where they are located, there are two strategic headquarters, one headquarters of the seventh fleet, which means and
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