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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 12, 2023 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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boris kovchevnikov's program life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. tsu-35 destroyed a radar station near kupinsk. our alligators in the krasnolimansk direction knocked out equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. our fighters are pushing back the enemy near the artyomovsk isk forest.
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zelensky spoke in the us congress, asked for money, but the mission was almost impossible. we are skeptical about spending $200 billion on aid to ukraine. congressmen are not elderly, the last chance is a meeting with joe biden. the number of questions to the president is approaching one and a half million. you still have the opportunity to ask your question. the appeal will be accepted until the end of the program with vladimir putin. in khabarovsk, due to frost, there is a transport collapse, and children were left at home remotely; there are abnormal colds in the urals, in the volga region and siberia, the deviation from the standard already exceeds 20°. and what viewers will see very soon on wide screens, and what will be shown in 2025, a closed screening took place in the cinema october.
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near cherkassy, ​​the media of the kirovograd region also reported about drones; missile strikes were carried out on objects in ochakov and the kharkov region. on the zaporozhye front, near work on our troops, they counterattacked and occupied several vzz positions. north of artyomovskaya. these military personnel are clearing the flanks of bogdanovka, the positions of the ukrainian armed forces under fire from rsz attack drones. in the ugledar direction, the mortarmen continue their combat work, despite the squally wind and snow. near kupinsk, crew of the fagot anti-tank missile system hit a ukrainian command and observation post. a su-35 fighter destroyed a radar station with a precise strike. k-52 attack helicopters are tracking. group of the armed forces of ukraine
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velenr. the crews fire at targets from extremely low altitudes. about the work of air defense forces in the krasnolimansk direction, report by military commander alexei boranov. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes. the calculation work begins even before the machine stops. the ability of top1 anti-aircraft missile systems to detect and recognize up to 50 targets. is especially relevant today, it is the air defense crews of the central military district here in the krasnolimansky direction that cover the units operating on the front line near the line of combat contact from air attacks. now there is a target at a distance of 23 km. the main task is to destroy both reconnaissance and attack drones of the enemy, which are almost constantly trying to cross the line. contact,
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we observe in the air that it is flying, we look at the parameters, they change, altitude, range, we report to the commander if it is no longer ours bird, the commander gives the go-ahead for destruction. the operation of the tor m1 anti-aircraft missile systems, of course, is seen with their own eyes by motorized riflemen of the central military district. it is thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews that here in the serebryansky forestry, assault groups confidently operate on the ground. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. not only foreign armored vehicles are working against russian units, drones. mercenaries, these are poles, americans, many others, we know, they are trained there in some special units, well, i would not say that they are trained there in anything better than ours. the first
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to see the strongholds of the ukrainian military, which they built in the kremensky forest for many years, are, of course, the intelligence officers of the central military. districts, often their long-term work deep behind enemy lines takes place in close proximity even to the third line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. their fastenings are strong, very strong, they they directly explode into the ground so that nothing gets to them, nothing gets to them, many points were seen being filled with concrete, observation points are very secretive, from dugouts, from companers, everyone goes through passages underground, they pass by, sit, observe, correct, track.
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maintain the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic in the krasnolimansk direction of the tor ledge. any weapons that the ukrainian leadership asks for in the united states will be ground up. the ukrainian regime, like a dying drug addict, survives today exclusively on western financial handouts, which in large part are immediately stolen from the supply of western weapons, which do not have a significant impact on the battlefield, because the entire internet is littered with images of burning western equipment, these supplies only... delay the inevitable collapse of the current criminal, anti-people in corruption and cronyism of the kiev authorities. and in the united states, congress decided not to change the work schedule and not once again consider the issue of allocating assistance to ukraine. this is despite zelensky's personal visit to washington.
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some republican lawmakers said they were not going to listen to zelensky's instructions on how to spend american taxpayers' money. read more in the report by dmitry melnikov. perhaps the most important negotiations in zelensky’s life is the last chance to personally ask congress to unblock 60 billion. after 3 days , congressmen go on vacation and the mission looks impossible. the general at the national defense university to applause, he vows to defeat russia in next year. american bradleys and hymers, 155 mm shells and atak ms missiles. can get the job done in europe, you can count on ukraine, and we hope that we can also count on you. russia is involved in all the conflicts in the world, and ukraine is fighting for you, zelensky convinces the generals, and scraping together the last money to supply weapons to kiev, the pentagon
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can now only assure support and repeat how important ukraine is for the security of the united states. america's commitments must be fulfilled. last 900 million from the imf zelensky today almost received it in his hands from managing director kristalina georgieva. there was no talk of further tranches, although the hole in ukraine’s budget next year is 43 billion. and at a meeting with representatives of the american military-industrial complex, zelensky shared the idea of ​​​​creating a hub for the production of nato weapons in ukraine, not realizing that the real state of affairs is in his homeland, in the usa they can already see clearly. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of a ukrainian soldier is now 43 years. this is tragic. if all this lasts a little longer, the average age will only increase. it will be a fiasco. it's just a tragedy. what biden failed, zelensky is unlikely to succeed. his
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speech to senators with a request to approve the aid package for ukraine will become the main concert number of the visit. and talking face to face with house speaker mike johnson is completely pointless. the day before, johnson confirmed the position of the republicans: no money for ukraine without a fundamental solution to the migration crisis and accountability for the billions already spent. we're skeptical about spending. $200 billion to help ukraine, and this is not just military money. there is neither transparency nor a strategic goal of understanding how to end the conflict. the results of zelensky’s two-day visit to washington will be summed up at a meeting with joe biden. the fate of money for ukraine, judging by the tough mood of congressmen, is unlikely to change; the fate of zelensky himself after the meeting in the white house is not predictable. and it doesn’t matter what zelensky himself says in washington, the only thing that matters is what they tell him in the white house, except for possible pressure to start negotiations with russia, one of the conditions
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for further support for kiev may be the us demand to still hold elections in ukraine next year. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. russia celebrates constitution day today. exactly 30 years ago, for the first time in the history of our country , a fundamental law was adopted in a referendum. and then its norms received direct effect. 3 years ago.
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is possible not only in russian, but in english, chinese, arabic and spanish, we broke a record that, well, we thought impossible to exceed more than 1.60. they wrote a dictation, this means that the craving for law still exists, the dictation is very difficult , there is a question, i personally have never written 100%, that’s for all 7 years, that’s why, of course, this is correct, and we will continue this tradition. the number of requests for the year-end program with vladimir putin is already approaching one and a half million, we just received this data before the start of the big press conference.
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very often people call their whole families, get together, put them on speakerphone directly
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you can hear them discussing together, formulating a question, and if earlier the operators formulated the question directly to the person who is calling, now we’re getting together as a family, i’m discussing it, they’re talking, i ’m writing them down, recording them, questions are not only private, but also global , not only internal, but also between... from krasnodar, a grandmother asks to place her four-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter in
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a kindergarten, because despite the fact that from the age of 3 we are, in principle, guaranteed that the child will have a kindergarten, but in krasnodar there’s a problem with this: neighborhoods are growing and the infrastructure simply can’t keep up. obviously, when the number of questions is in the millions, it is impossible to answer everything. but nevertheless, the main task of the direct line is for every voice to be heard, and even if the appeal is not aired, volunteers will definitely take control of this problem. irina, thank you, olga, olga was in direct communication with vladimir putin from the call center of the popular front, where she receives citizens’ appeals on the eve of the year-end program armyakova. in other news: the first power unit of npp received permission to enter into operation, the license was issued by turkey. regulator, and now rosatoms can begin the final stage of construction of the commissioning station. in total
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, the project involves the construction of four power units with a capacity of 1,200 mw each; the launch of the first nuclear power plant in turkey is planned next year. the training of specialists is already underway in russian universities. the personnel who will manage this unit are being prepared precisely based on the logic that this russian-turkish project. we annually allocate training quotas at our universities. 2 more days, the israeli minister of defense announced that the military operation was approaching a critical point, and what viewers would see on wide screens very soon, and what they would show in 2025, about this and more after the advertisement. see you. every week we take stock of the president's work. the time has come to sum up the results of the year, and
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the president himself will do it. there will be not only answers to journalists' questions, but direct communication with citizens. and as always, we will see and show more. the rest. results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time , the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling +7 495-539/4040. +7 499 550 40-40. this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing, we
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haven’t seen you for a long time, daring, well, you know. for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, in they fell in love, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only we look at the platform. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairytale life when it comes to fleas,
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i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how is everything running, i really want to check, seriously, is this flirting? apparently we’ll just go and have a look, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, the bear when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there’s not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use , the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr. i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, happy 20th birthday happy married life, dear,
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interesting. what did my husband ask, he’s also a cretin, i’d like to live my whole life with a woman like that, oops, what should i do now, you’re gone and out of your mind, what are you talking about now, but she ’s good enough to be your mother, is the boy really like that ? it’s good that you were blown away, i love him, i would love to live, i wouldn’t break it for him , i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back to rta on saturday. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my
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trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, she herself is hungry, but she carries this cereal with... from monday to wednesday on rtr, this is news, we continue to release severe frosts. will stay in the regions of russia for another 2 days: in the urals, trans-volga region, siberia, deviations from the norm already exceed 20°. the longest period of non-flying weather was recorded in khabarovsk.
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according to the latest data, 16 local airline flights are delayed, more than 300 people are waiting for departure. the movement of passenger transport in the city is limited, schools and kindergartens are closed. in the north of tuva, due to the increased load on the power grid, five districts were left without electricity. emergency crews are carrying out restoration work. can't stand frost. near the heating network in omsk, entrances and staircases are in boiling water, in apartments walls and windows are covered with ice. a similar picture in novosibirsk, due to abnormally low temperatures, even plastic frames freeze, and rare passengers waiting for public transport try to warm up by dancing. in vladivostok, frost shackled the sea coast, which began to freeze in the area of ​​the sports harbor embankment. in the magadan region, the ministry of emergency situations announced two emergency warnings due to snowfall and strong winds. situation. in the region, reporting by lyudmila cherbakova. snowfall on the coast of the magadan region was brought by several warm cyclones at once. the air temperature rose by 20°. the old snow melted, the new
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soft and heavy snow added problems to the road workers and drivers. it’s hard, slippery, skidding on porridge, of course, difficult to eat. magadan's public road services have switched to round-the-clock operation, but even the city center cannot be cleared quickly, unfortunately. road workers, heavy snowfalls were, of course, difficult, people walk, trample, cars drive, trample, all this seems to have to be cleaned up. according to weather forecasters, in less than a week, magadh did not receive more than the two-week norm of precipitation; by the end of this cyclone, the amount will probably approach the monthly norm. the most difficult situation is in the suburbs of magadan, especially in the private sector, there are huge snowdrifts here and road workers have not yet reached here. residents move on foot. making their way through snowdrifts, it is especially difficult for elderly people who find themselves temporarily locked in their houses, many clear the local area on their own, but the problem cannot be completely solved in this way, it’s 2 km to
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the top, and then another 2 km in that direction, and we have imported water, and as soon as the water truck passes, that’s it, sit without water, let’s go melt the snow, the highway magadan booth natalon is sometimes opened and then closed for travel, where rescuers are fat, residents are still... asking not to drive on mountain roads and passes. the main directorate of the russian ministry of emergency situations for the magnan region recommends that citizens do not leave populated areas in such weather, but if you do leave, equip your car properly, put on snow chains, and take a shovel and cable with you. a series of cyclones brought snowfall and wind to almost the entire territory of the magadan region; it warmed by 20-30° in the coldest central regions of kolyma. by forecasters forecast snowfalls and snowfall. areas will stop in about a day, a gradual cooling will begin in the region, the air temperature will return to average december values. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey
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gilyavov, host magadan. to other topics. the israel defense forces today attacked the city of deir al-balah in the gaza strip. dozens of dead are reported from the scene. also at night and in the morning , idf fighters stormed a refugee camp in the city of gini on the west bank of the jordan river. they block the entrances. armored personnel carrier and the israeli army the arrasiya state hospital in jenin was also detached. bombing continues in the south of the gaza strip, where people fled from the northern part of the enclave destroyed by israel. israel's defense minister said the military operation was approaching a critical point. meanwhile, protests in support of palestine do not stop around the world; in chile, a massive pro-palestinian protest was violently dispersed by water cannons at the american embassy in the united states. yele university students even managed to attach a palestinian flag to a large one installed in the courtyard in honor of hanukkah. minuru. us president joe biden, meanwhile , once again stated that washington will
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help tel aviv until complete israeli victory. the polish sejm has confirmed donald tusk, the leader of the opposition that won the election, as prime minister. the cabinet headed by smatevusze morawiecki was dismissed. now president duda must swear in tusk. tusk in the sejm promised, among other things, to unblock the border with ukraine, where polish truck drivers have been on strike for a long time, although he did not say exactly how he intends to do this, the day before the authorities tried to return one of the blocked checkpoints back into operation, but it didn’t work; the poles blocked the road with an allegedly broken down truck. an evening dedicated to the ninety-fifth anniversary of the birth of chingi zaitmatov was held in berlin. representatives of russia and kyrgyzstan spoke about the writer’s life and also opened an exhibition.
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in the center of october they presented the main projects that will soon appear on the big screens, all the details from the author and host of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev. in the industry, this presentation, the largest, annual, closed to ordinary spectators, after all, in the hall those who compose the repertoire for them simply call tsepsch day, and it opened with the most anticipated children's and family project of the new year, the film by alexei nazhny the bremen town musicians. inspired
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by everyone's childhood favorite. with a musical cartoon, the authors transfer the action into a full-fledged cinematic universe, giving the adventures of the heroes a new scale and entertainment, the addressee is still everyone, young and old. the idea came to me with the help of my children; every morning we went to kindergarten and school in the songs of the bremen town musicians were sung in the car, and these songs inspired me to take on this film. this story penetrates inside, into the inside, as if giving some kind of light, goodness. the creator of serf 2, klim shipenko, is taking his film to a fundamentally new level of production complexity and scope. nobody can stop the director who made the first film in space from making a challenge, which, by the way, also gives a good run to film on a grand scale, but why, when the challenge collects more than two billion, and the first
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serf is a... three in the new major grisha darling bikovich meets the daughter of an influential official katya oglaya tarasova. compared to the antics of which his yesterday's antics are kindergarten. the re-education of this outraged person will require drastic measures, special risks and a restructuring of the entire psychological experiment of transferring the subjects to another time. this will be noble russia on the eve of the patriotic war of 1812. in my life , no matter how many times i tried to re-educate girls, i failed to re-educate a single one. so in this sense it is of course a fantasy ours is on the topic of how we could re-educate girls. there was also a presentation of projects that the viewer will see in the twenty -fourth and twenty-fifth years, among them the action movie about submariners krakin, from crew director nikolai lebedev according to the script by the creator of the t-34, alexei sidorov. and artyom mikhalkov, who directed the hit mr. knockout about the boxer popenchenko, takes on the story of rowing legend yuri tyukalov and his sensational victory in helsinki. there will be
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a continuation of the palm tree. won people's love and earned more than 350 million rubles in rental the script is again based on a true story. this time a bear cub found in the tver region near the runway. he showed us that this is an ideal continuation, that this is again a story about aviation, about an animal, and about an animal that saves a person, and not a person saving an animal, as it seems. and we united. we also remembered cheburashka. the continuation of the highest-grossing film in the history of russian box office is promised to be released in december 2025. completed the presentation of the largest distributor a fantastic film 100 years ago, based on the story of the same name by kir boluchev. a new story about the adventures of alisa selezneva will be released on april 18. ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina zagumenych, dmitry gurinov, andrey startsev, news. tonight, after the big news, watch two episodes of the detective saga secret investigations at once. the investigation that maria shveytsova and her team has to conduct is becoming more and more complicated. the body
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of an unknown person is found in the polector. in the new episode of our program the history of the nazyrov family, their eldest son andrei died in battle under the raisins, in his memory a charitable foundation was created to help fighters rise of hope, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments in russia abroad, stay with us. severe frosts in siberia, in omsk and tulun, they led to accidents in heating networks, emergency services are working in enhanced mode so that there is heat in...


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