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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 12, 2023 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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which maria shveytso has to lead in her team become more and more confusing, in the sewer they find the body of an unknown person with signs of torture. who is behind the mysterious crime, don’t let us know, today at 21:20, well at 15:00 in the new episode of the program our story of the nazyrov family, their eldest son andrei died in battle under the raisins, in his memory a charitable foundation was created to help voskhod fighters hope. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the app or on the website, they follow the developments in russia for abroad, stay with us. severe frosts in siberia, in umskie tuluni, led to accidents in heating networks, emergency services are working in increased mode to ensure there is warmth. in all houses,
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reports from our correspondents, alexey grigoriev and natalya babey. this geyser of boiling water shoots right out from under the asphalt on karbysheva street in the station village. water has already poured into the basement of the house, turning the high-rise building into an ice terrem, covered with frost up to the fifth floor. there is no cold water, and about half a meter in the basement is flooded with boiling water, so you won’t get cold water. local residents have been experiencing hot water for the third day now, but it is not possible to resolve the emergency quickly; if you cut off the water supply to one house, more than 50 high-rise buildings will immediately be left without heating. forty-degree frosts hit the heating networks of the entire city on a large scale, the experts themselves cannot name the exact number of gusts, so they turned boiling water into a skating rink, a staircase on the green island, on maslennikov street five houses were cut off from the heat supply due to a gust. students work for
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they don’t remember, we often run to warm up, the equipment wears out around the clock, such frosts work to the limit, because frosts, steam is heavy, well, we try as best we can, not only the pipes to the streets, but also the heating units of the houses cannot withstand abnormal frosts, now we are in the basement house 186 on the seventh line, here the entire basement is flooded with boiling water, the wallpaper in the apartments has already peeled off, the windows are covered with ice from... i’m scared about the wiring, but the walls can burst even earlier, because of the gust of boiling water, even gas pipes have begun to become covered with ice. the situation in the region is personally controlled by governor vitaly khotsenko. frosts in the omsk region will remain for several more days. alexey grigoriev, alexander ryabtsev, vesti omsk. the frost is below 50, the warmth of the home warms you up, perhaps in a figurative sense. batteries in the apartments of three microdistricts of tolun, coal miners, construction workers and hydrolysis. due to
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the accident, the boiler room began to cool down, and a high alert regime was introduced in the city. a task force from the government of the irkutsk region left for tulun. residents of tolun are actively discussing on social networks and instant messengers consequences of the accident. so far it has not been possible to completely eliminate the accident. while one boiler was being repaired at the boiler house in the ugolshchikov microdistrict, problems began on another, a leak formed, and in order to fix it, specialists again had to partially stop the operation of the equipment. according to the local administration , two out of three boilers are now stably supplying heat, repair and restoration work continues, the situation with an engine breakdown in the boiler room affected 101 apartment buildings in tulun and about 480 private ones, in which more than 10 thousand people live there. following the incident, the prosecutor's office began an investigation, its main goal is to identify possible violations and shortcomings in the work of the responsible organizations. governor of the baikal region igor kobzev i will emphasize.
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mice that were found in one of the residential buildings. for wintering, night hunters often choose the apartments of city residents; yulia babakova’s report on what to do with such neighbors. these loud shots show not a scene from a horror film, but a rostov balcony, where several hundred winged illegal residents decided to spend the winter. only the real residents did not like this unexpected proximity to flying flies. they chose the very center of rostov-on-don,
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most likely they wanted it to be cozy, warm, and of course, to have a beautiful view of the city, so they chose an apartment on the top floor of one of those high-rise buildings, afraid of a garage. we contacted volunteers, they arrived, dismantled the balcony paneling and discovered more than 300 whispering individuals. now in this half-asleep state, the animals were taken in by volunteer olga, she has been caring for bats for several years now, but this the rescue operation is one of the most difficult, the woman notes. there was a hole under the tide, and naturally, for them it’s like, as i always say, bats are like cats, yes, it’s... liquid, the main thing was the head, we embroidered it all, we were more shocked because it was also a cemetery. in this case, some rufous noctules died naturally, but they are often maimed by people, the volunteer notes. for example, one-winged jim. he was purposefully
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pinned by the door. jimmik was operated on, they left us for a long time, these are medications, these are antibiotics, these are injections, vitamins. but ... he’s a great guy, he’s a fighter, there are dozens of mice with a difficult fate, many ordinary people don’t understand why save them if you can just get rid of them, they’re really very useful, they’re small, some kind of dwarf anetopus, they hunt very small insects , on the same mosquitoes, there are those that are larger, they hunt butterflies, including moths, they quite eat agricultural pests, some nightingales, for example, despite their usefulness, this... and animals, as well as flying animals, carry many infections, rabies, coronavirus and more, the scientist adds, so communication with them should be safe for both parties. if you find a mouse in the house , of course, the first thing you need to do is calm down, then find either these
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gloves or a rag, we will use a rag, and carefully take it, put the mouse without injuring it, and then put it in the box. and then, of course, turn to volunteers, they will do everything necessary for the animals, they decided to create a giant colony from rostov send to the black sea coast, there are now ideal conditions for the animals to hibernate, to a protected area; several hundred bats will leave tomorrow. yulia babakova, oleg pudov, oleg kochkinaev, lead don rostov-on-don and shakhty. clean energy from garbage in the moscow region, the construction of a unique plant for... household waste is being completed, its equipment will not only allow for recycling without harm to the environment, but also to obtain an additional source of electricity, how everything works when the enterprise starts working on full power, artyom kuznetsov will tell you. it is noticeable from afar, the energy waste processing plant is unique, it is the first not
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only in the moscow region, in russia, there are no analogues to such an enterprise, its construction near voskresensk has reached the finish line. an innovative plant was built where it was just recently. field, and now experts are setting up the equipment, the first such modern powerful plant, which will make it possible not to bury solid municipal waste in the ground and thereby pollute the environment; only heat treatment, but also provide more electricity. today, all waste undergoes mandatory sorting in special complexes. the main part, of course, is recycled; it is paper, metal, glass, plastic, more than thirty fractions in total. something is sent for composting, the rest is buried by launching an energy recovery plant, and the burial can be forgotten forever, only those wastes that cannot be recycled go to this enterprise, why? because these enterprises have a peculiarity, they extract
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another useful component, the so-called energy. the plant's capacity will allow it to annually process 700,000 tons of waste into electricity. at the offsite meeting , state duma deputies noted the importance of the plant, not only for moscow and the region. in the country, similar enterprises should appear in all cities with a population of over a million people; a start, as they say, has been made; a similar plant is already being built in tatarstan. i am sure that we will be proud of such thermal waste treatment plants. without these factories , it is impossible to implement this complex industry. we need it with understand you. all equipment is predominantly domestic and unique in its kind. this is the gas purification department , where house gases go after. thanks to this filtration , there are no unpleasant odors of harmful substances on the territory of the plant and outside it, and the thermal energy that will be generated as a result of waste disposal is converted into electricity, the first
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batch of waste here will begin to be processed in the next year. at the same time , three more such factories are being built in the moscow region , in total there will be four factories in the region energy recycling. artyom kuznetsov, vesti. a charity football tournament was held at the spartak academy manege. 20 teams took part in it, part of the funds raised will be transferred to the lifeline foundation. the life line charitable foundation holds various events to raise funds for
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the treatment of children, including not only sports competitions, but also concerts and film screenings. restoration of the world-famous masterpiece of the soviet avant-garde has begun in moscow; konstantin melnikov’s home workshop is expecting major renovation. in order to completely recreate the details, experts studied archival materials for several months. i found out what was special about working with the legendary mansion. there is nothing similar to this building either here on arbat or in all of moscow, two cylinders connected by one roof, the famous house of konstantin melnikov, the great-granddaughter of the architect natalya melnikova meets us, undress, feel at home, there have not been so many guests here as today for a long time , journalists are given the last excursion before the house was closed for restoration, this room was a bedroom and... the original concept was such that there was nothing in the bedroom except a bed,
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there were also two partitions and taps, in the center there was a bed of konstantin stepanovich and his wife anna gavrilovna, here stood the bed of victor's son, here stood the bed of lyudmila's daughter. the end of the twenties of the last century, at a time when the country was actively constructing concrete houses of the same type, one konstantin melnikov, already a well-known architect at that time, was allowed build private. house, and even in the center of moscow, it was under the pretext that he was testing new methods that would later be used in mass housing construction that konstantin stepanovich received this plot. the house is an experiment, in which the architect embodied many of his own original designs. the frame of the building, wall ceiling, roof, is made in the form of a lattice, this is clearly visible in archival photographs. thus, melnikov saved up to 50% of bricks. each window is a structural element of the house, where they were these structural elements are not needed, he
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laid the window, there is where the nail sticks out, instead of this nail there should be a window, such funny things are the way it opens, you take out the frame, the so-called unnecessary windows, hexagons, the architect laid construction waste that served a kind of soundproofing insulation. there is even something like a smoke horn in the hallway of the house. melnikov called this system an air telephone. through the left hole you could hear those at the gate, a pipe went there, and through the right family members were talking, this pipe connects the first to third floors, let's see if this invention is working up there now, our sound engineer ilyas, i can hear it, i can hear it perfectly, before starting the restoration, the house was examined for several years, experts discovered a strong subsidence of the floor, this is the first thing needs to be corrected, the giant stained glass window in... the premises will be restored to their historical appearance, all work will be carried out at the expense of a large
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capital developer, we are going to rub the floors with mastic, as it was example, they were of a more contrasting dark shade and correctly restored the colors and composition of the paints with which the walls are covered here, so that everything you see is all the nineties and the very final last stage is the landscaping of the territory, we are returning the vegetable garden again, the work is planned to be completed in 2-3 years, then the melnikovo house should be included in the list of world heritage sites. it was clear whether there would be all gold medals or some silver, but the team performed exactly
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that’s why there were the most emotions when they announced results, all the guys are under 15 years old, their opponents were 300 students from more than 50 countries, russian figure skater roman kostomarov went to skate training for the first time after an amputation illness, he previously promised his fans that he would return to the ice, and he did it, the first roman... shared his successes after a long break on social networks, as the athlete admits, now he has to learn how to stand on skates again. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a doctor or an athlete , we took the norms for 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, yes, or as a lifeguard,
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but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr . the most cruel aristocrat in history, i am here, power, i am power, bloody lady and other historical series, only
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watch on the platform, watch russia. traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia before through your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. i would like to invite you to a restaurant, but i would not advise you, ninotchkaya, you have already driven one husband to the grave, so at least have pity on the others, a plot for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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we are rushing into the world of artificial intelligence and digitalization without creating protective mechanisms that will protect us from the mistakes that destroyed our country, almost destroyed it, behind every manifestation of an act of artificial intelligence, one way or another there will be someone’s interests, those who will stand behind artificial intelligence, the first thing they will do is manipulate with...
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in the chechen republic, the formation of a new special unit of the russian guard has been completed. approximately three hundred soldiers will serve in this elite detachment. the battalion has already taken part in the ceremonial formation in grozny, where the head of the region, ramzan kadyrov, met with the personnel. about what tasks are assigned to the new unit in the report by artur mustaev. a new battalion raising the head of the republic.
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undergo step-by-step training in russian at the special forces university, where they study engineering, tactical medicine , combat in various conditions, in general, all those skills that will certainly be useful in the northwestern military zone. artur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan laluev, terrible news. professionals and amateurs are welcome at the skating rinks in the capital and moscow region. natural ice rinks have already opened this season. the severe frosts helped. in total, 30 comfortable ice rinks will open in the region. twelve-year-old lisa has winter as her favorite time of year, you can go to the skating rink, with my sister they
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sharpen their sheepskin coats here in odintsov park every weekend. in general , the ice is quite good, in my opinion. dusya is a beginner figure skater, on the ice for the first time this year. i forgot a little how to skate, but that’s okay, i remember now. in summer there is a pond, in winter it is one of the largest in the moscow region. skating rinks with natural ice, equipment rental, a warm locker room and a cafe, such a skating rink requires special care. for five or six days , due to snowfalls, they rolled the snow, filled it with motor pumps, and leveled it. attention artificial ice is necessary, near moscow khimki, city center, after each hour and a half session there is a technical break, a special machine works. the skating rink's capacity is 150 people, the ice is artificial, even at a temperature of plus 10. the skating rink will operate free of charge, but it is better to register for a session in advance on the website. for the convenience of the youngest visitors, you can rent the following
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figure skater assistants, as well as special helmets. skate rental from 300 rub. good mood, absolutely free. beautiful skating rink, awesome. there are already 18 artificial turf skating rinks operating in the moscow region. another 12 promise to open the freedom entrance almost everywhere by the end of the month. good ice, very beautiful, the weather here is wonderful, here i said, good, just right for a walk, a special bonus is a festive atmosphere, guests are greeted by decorated entrances, illumination, themed photo zones and music. we definitely have garlands and a loft hanging, because they create such a new year’s, cozy mood, so even in winter it’s very comfortable to walk and take cool photos. well, if there is no skating rink nearby, then you can organize one. the village of alferova in pavlovsky posad, where residents flood every year.
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all the news is always available on the media platform , look in the application and on the website we have everything by this hour, see you, don’t you notice anything? is happening, no, but what is needed, young, where is young, that’s it , we’re ready to divorce us, i’m just fishing, contact my wife, she’ll tell you what to do, where to go, a friend wrote: i’m in
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trouble, transfer me 50,000, i transferred it, now i’m in trouble, i’m now raising all the orders and 98%, that we won’t catch anyone, the noise of a big country, the premiere on friday on rtr, i decided to return it a day early. i want to give anton a surprise, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear , i wonder why my husband left me, because kritin, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, and what to do now, you sat down and survived out of my mind, what are you talking about now? yes, she ’s good enough to be your mother, is the boy really so good that they’ll blow your mind, i love him, but if i loved him, life wouldn’t ruin him, i’d be in jail... talk to me, hela
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left, bring me back on saturday to rtr, the floor is shaking, the hay is shaking, big changes have arrived, a new season with a new one. by renovating with a slight movement of the hand, we transform this absolutely faceless room into three different functional zones. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants. i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes. after
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dismantling. a lot will become clear, and dreams are becoming reality, yes, look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, but she transported it? a man, in general , he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she is very beautiful, this is what i mean, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you , i’ve already forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’m running around with someone else’s family like i’m going to work, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you, mariska, little one, she fell in love with you, a man
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is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger. daria shcherbako, ilya noskov. i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, do you like vera? well, as a woman, i like it. if i find out anything, i'll let you know. daughters, on fridays on rtr. in the depths of your heart, purity. like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls,
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hello, this is our program, a program about those who, at the cost of their lives, bring victory closer. today we want to tell you about a family in which a true defender of the homeland grew up. this is our family, the nazyrov family, the head of the family, roman, my name is, this is my beloved wife, our mother, little wife. and our wonderful children, maryana, a student at the institute. the future printer, ugumir, studies at the theater university, borislav is in the sixth grade, and we have dima suvorovets, yarushka, yaromira , a schoolgirl and kiryusha, our smallest star, and we also have sergei, but unfortunately he could not come, he is now in azhev, studying there at college pastry chefs, get together and drink.
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tea, a wonderful tradition of the nazyrov family, but one person will never sit at the table with them. today, unfortunately, our other son, the eldest, andrey, is not with us. in the twenty-second year, on the 28th of march , he, unfortunately, died while fulfilling his military duty. in the zone. andrey has always been a person who can be described in words as support. confidence, wisdom, andrey always helped me do what i don’t understand, he explained it too, every second i really miss our andryushka being around, i really miss him very much, invisibly andrey is always close to his loved ones, because people are alive, as long as the memory of them is alive, here
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is... a small part of the cups that during his short life, andryushka managed to earn, these are awards in mma, in kudo, in pankration , in emama, they offered him a contract, but he chose to go to serve, here the special forces take him and his most important award, the order of courage, he was offered different options, but he still chose to go there, it was for him destined, as he believed, at baptism, the priest said that he would be a warrior, all his life he was preparing to fulfill his duty, roman nazyrov, hello, tell us about how your son andrei died? i can’t tell the story itself, the special military operation has not yet ended and many details seem to be hidden from us, but what
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we know gives us the opportunity to say that the death of our andrei and his comrades is worthy, so ...and his action allowed him to save quite a lot of life, that’s why the courage that the guys showed while waging their last battle, they were awarded the highest order, i mean the order, and the order of courage, they awarded it to me, unfortunately, posthumously, but the memory lives on, let us remind andrey.
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it started from our family. 10 - this is together with andrey, yes, yes, yes, we continue to count exactly this number, because, as we said, while the memory is alive, he is next to us, and we feel him, you dream of him, yes, you dream, but always very positive, he is a positive person, who would be if not ask who knows andrey, this is a man with a smile. he is a man of jokes, a man of smiles, and a man who solves all problems , absolutely all problems, how did your children cope with andrei’s departure, in different ways, well, adults, older guys, maryana, bogumir,
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they, of course, probably, like we, because for them in some ways he even replaced me, yes, there was a second dad, a unique one, so this pain, it, it, of course, cannot be compared with anything. and grief, it immeasurably left an imprint on them for their future lives, i think, these are kids, of course, they are just they feel that something is missing, something very important in life, so we have little kirushka, who is our ray of light, our sun, who saves us, she always says that andryusha is nearby, andryusha is with us, we and we believe the age of the children, how much is the oldest, how much is the youngest?
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and in mma he performed, wrote poetry, wrote prose, but everywhere, everything that he did, he brought almost everything to some logical end, always, that is, to this. after all, he still received a higher education from school, right? yes, he went to college, well, polytechnic now, polytechnic university, which faculty? then it was the fedorov institute for journalism, that is, he was going to continue working as a military journalist. what was the topic of the thesis? information war? oh, yes, how did it happen that he ended up in his zone ? it all started from the moment of his baptism, the priest who baptized said such glory. what will happen, at what age did this
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happen? and he was 5 years old, i think he was little, and did you remember these words? of course, for life, and he remembered, and we about they said a lot about this, he remembered everything he did, he generally perceived life as a struggle, that is, a struggle in everything, well, starting at school, with lessons, with sports, knowledge, he, frankly speaking, was never predisposed to sports , he was a very small, skinny boy. well, but with his perseverance, his hard work, serious, athleticism, he achieved certain, as if sporting, heights. regarding the svo, did he volunteer, or was it? no, at the time when he ended up in the army, svoo was not yet there. when he finished university, we should probably start a little earlier, when he participated in the tournament, there is an annual pokudo tournament dedicated to the memory of the fallen. a special forces
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soldier, there he was suggested by one of the organizers, like andrey, you’re doing great there, a good athlete, if you want, then you’ll grow up, you can come, be with us, kind of serve, so he carried this whole thing through everything , one might say, childhood - all, the entire institute, and being in my last year, i contacted people, somehow found their contacts and said, remember, you said, they say , yes, we remember, here, but he says, the thing is that there is no cronyism here, so we can ask them to kind of look at you, then you just be on your own, well, that was enough, he went through everything, passed all the tests , collected all the papers, a special call came for him , that is, he was like on call, but he went to a special unit, well, that is, he himself asked to join the special forces, and yes, even arriving there through me. .. signed a one-year contract, no,
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there is a minimum of 2 years, 2 years, it was in what year, excuse me, 2 years before, yes, but how did you and your wife react to this, and we knew all this in advance, this is his goal, a certain life plan, the algorithm of movement that he followed, that’s natural for many of us his decisions were not easy , i’ll be honest, when i just saw him off to the army, not to the northern military district, but just to the army there... that year, i cried, but being a man, but i was very worried, i knew our andrey, if something happens somewhere, i know that he will be one of the first and will not go to the end, yes, but at what point will the svo began, his contract was ending in the second year in the fall, the contract was supposed to end in the fall, yes, in february a special military operation had already been announced, they naturally were already there. how did you know he was there?
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you know, well, we all seem to be watching the news, we understand that everything was leading up to this , that something was brewing, and andrey and i talked a lot and often about this, when the business trip was announced once again, especially with the announcement of the svo, we understood everything, including him, that without him this matter would not have been possible it won’t work out, and we knew everything, roman, you... said at the very beginning that you couldn’t reveal the details of his death, but you have the order of courage in your hands, andrei, why did he receive this order, for what feat? i don’t know, i don’t know, officially, i don’t know, officially , this will all be much later, that is , we will receive the award sheet after, well, i think, a certain amount of time, and this is the booklet itself, we are already...
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now we are working directly volunteers, that is, we help children in the zone of a special military operation, civilians persons, we travel, and we also had a photo exhibition, which probably shows us the image of a modern russian hero, all this is in memory of our son, because he had a lot of ideas, a lot of a... tasks that he set himself, and this, roughly speaking, is one of the elements of continuing his work. this exhibition is the result of his ideas, our deeds. let's call yours in the studio. husband evgeniy, your sons bogumir and borislav, please come in, take a seat, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, well, i ’m the artistic director of the gordomarinov school, for 10 years now we ’ve had a center for the creative development
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of patriotic education in krasnogorsk, and bogumir, here ’s a graduate of our school, and now he’s already a student, it’s, yes, it’s called, theater institute art, well, borislav followed in the footsteps, and he is now a student of our school, marin, that is, in fact, these are your students, well, in general, of course, i know roman, evgenia, and i know this family very well, we have a lot in common, and of course, for me today it is also a great responsibility and honor to talk with you about your wonderful son, who is an example for your family and now many people will know about him, of course. we all sympathize with this loss and sympathize with you unconditionally, but it is very important to talk about it, because such people, of course, for us, for our country, this is very significant, we understand your grief and know that you still cannot accept this, but it must
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be said so that his memory will still be worthy of his feat, i knew from childhood that there would be a son andryusha. son andrei - this is apparently, i probably don’t know, some kind of mission of ours, andrei the first-called, the pristine you turned out, yes, andrei was unusual from the very beginning, tell us about him, but andrei is very persistent, not for his age, always very, very he is attentive to those around him, this has been going on since childhood, this is probably where we can start talking about andrei, that andrei became the eldest at 4 and a half years old. when little sister maryana was born, even then andryushka immediately became an assistant, to offer help, maybe he himself is still small, but to help convey some thing, just to a neighbor, to a grandmother, in this sense andrei is different from everyone else,
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well, quite unusual, he probably came into this world from the very beginning, in spite of everything andrei appeared, this is happiness, which... cannot be described in words, this is such a long-awaited and desired little man, so andrei is unusual for us in everything, well, he is such a star that illuminates from childhood to this day, even now, when he is not around , he's close to everything anyway, bohumir borislav, how do you remember andrey, what was he like, andrey always? he was there, even when he wasn’t physically there, he always felt like support , support, no matter what problem arose, uh, you could always call, say, help, we could always find a way out of any situation together and would never leave him alone,
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andrey always he was there, he was a friend, yes, a real friend, a brother. you can come to him, be it day or night, be he busy preparing for exams or playing sports, you come to him, you say, no it worked, i didn’t listen at school , they explained, i didn’t remember, i didn’t remember, help, if you already approached him, he will still explain again, always, as it were, what his call sign was, his call sign was a poet, because he wrote poetry , yes, we still find poetry in his notes, did he write? everywhere on everything , well, mostly on the phone, of course, and most of the poems are lost, because he deleted everything from the phone, closed many social networks, but paper remains and everywhere there are a lot of unfinished poems, there are stories, prose,
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now i’m kind of working on it , let's let's invite your son andrei's classmate to the studio, who can... tell you about this, daria, please come in, hello, hello, dash, you studied together with andrei, yes, we studied journalism at the moscow polytechnic university, 4 years together, he was a wonderful person, he was kind, he was vocal, this is probably the most important thing that should be in a man, almost only girls study journalism, we had only three boys, and what united us was our group. his birthday was 30 september and he brought pizza to the university , so we ate, and this was such a union, he was very cheerful, he always created some kind of... fun, even if you were worried before the exam, he was sure, why are you worried, that's all it will be good, he could easily
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go to the exam, he always knew what to say during the exam, this is the main thing, this is probably what a journalist should have, we know that you have a video related to andrey, from the university, let's look at him, let's together, andrey is a good boy, he sleeps on the windowsill, on department, i even took off my shoes, well done , andryusha, good night, good night, i need to get out of this higher educational institution, warn everyone, say that i am leaving a free man, let me tell you my emotions, zherpako can i now that i like everything about ours, let me out .
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he matured, he matured very much , it was clear from him, but you understand, he remained just such a cheerful fellow, still andrei, well, we know about andrei that he has been involved in sports almost professionally since childhood, yes, from the age of six, from 6 years old, come on let's invite coach andrei pokudo to the studio now, timur petrushevsky, please come into the studio, hello, hello, hello timur, and i was second. a coach in a sports club , we also have a senior coach, well , we talked a lot of time, here it’s more
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of a sports circle, i was a slightly different generation already an accomplished athlete, andrei, as far as i remember, we trained there from the age of 90, this the first generation, just these guys, they came to us at the insistence of their parents with a certain initial level already there, but... in order for this personality to be included in social circles, that is, this is not only the formation of a multifaceted personality for an athlete and such a self-centered personality on the mat, but this is a full-fledged participant in the society in which he lives, a citizen of his country, everything were confident children. with a certain athletic growth, of all the guys, andrei was the only one who went to serve in the armed
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forces, this was a conscious step of his, he went to serve in a branch of the military that does not have peacetime, this is a branch of the military with geography in region of the globe, and therefore count on quiet, calm service in these ranks... how was he different? i can tell you that no matter who you ask, everyone will tell you about a smile, but the very essence of a smile, because russian people, and he was russian, so to speak, 101%, and we cannot smile not sincerely, we we can’t smile like the europeans smile, yes, we can’t smile like the japanese bow, because it’s absolutely necessary, it’s the soul, actually a smile, because it’s from the soul, as they say, and his smile is that. what do they remember everyone, but only a few saw his sadness, his tears, and i think we will probably never meet such people, except for those present here. roman, how
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has your life changed after this? we now have two lives, there is a before and an after, that is , it is divided into two halves, as i said about the foundation, now everything is focused on this matter, that is, we...
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conceived andrei, that is, i don’t know , did he plan to open some kind of foundation or maybe a charity, but the fact that even before the army, for example, he trained children for free social, where he lived in krasnogorsk, yes, he had certain views on this matter, that is, he has an award there from the temple there for the development of this whole business, well, we continue, we continue, let's see
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, how did this feat go, for which he was awarded, awarded the order of courage , we talked it all over with the guys, told them, and so that the guys had a full understanding of what is happening there now, in general , the gordomarin school is not only a source of education for us for our children, preparing them, but constant help, support
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, as soon as the conflict began, in principle, of course, we... and marina and i help and try as best we can, you see, everything here is littered, lined with food, everything necessary that our soldiers need there now , the guys collect the necessary things, humanitarian aid, well , we are already, so to speak, a bridge that connects the children, the school and the frontline itself, our guys also write letters to morally support our fighters, and draw pictures, and draw pictures. i want to thank you very much for no matter what, you protect me, my family, our entire beloved country, we are very grateful to you, thank you very much, i wish the fighters that they win, that everything goes well for them, thank you for the work that they do for us, thank you for your
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courage, courage, heroism, i really hope this ends soon. and you will soon return home with a victory to your loved ones, who love you very much and are waiting for you, and now the guys want to wish our fighters and convey to them our motto, don’t hang your nose, city marines, in our studio marina maiko, actress, wife of dmitry kharatyan, director of the city patriotic school, it’s called the school for the creative development of patriotic education, center...
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nothing like that, we have wonderful children, we just need to take care of them, you can’t kick our children out of our school, and i’m so grateful to the parents and borislav and... in general, some amazing people, they don’t just have talented children born in this family, these are children, these are people with a capital “p”, these are number one assistants, bogumir was replaced by borislav, who is borislav, i am bogumir, i they are carrying decorations, they are carrying heavy bags , marina vladimirovna, how to help, how to help, well, these are the children, this is the family, oh, thank you so much for the children, then in the program is marina maiko, the school director. gardoma will talk about his first trip to the nwo zone. these are incredible people. so much courage, so much self-sacrifice. on
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the one hand, i feel very sorry for them. and they say: don’t feel sorry for us. i say how not to feel sorry, well , you are someone’s sons, brothers, husbands. burns on the body, tortured with electricity. please remember, maybe there was something unusual, we will soon find out everything, oleg and fedya are going to the address, don’t focus only on the creditors, you can look from the other side, i agree, secret investigations, again with us, today on rtr. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we will cope, if you ask, then there is a catch,
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the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is work, talks a lot and loudly, and if you answer, then with humor, i am chopping oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr, you did you go crazy, on sunday, then kind people
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reported that you got mixed up with a muscovite, this girl, who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and you and sveta have been dating for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really am. .. i don’t really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she’s with her boyfriend she drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone , you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, or i’ll still believe, i’m really happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, it’s you, whatever you wanted, live, according to the command of your heart, sunday, on rtr , twenty-year-old dmitry ismailov was wounded on the front line, underwent four complex operations and spent several months in the hospital. now
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he is looking for his front-line friends, but dmitry doesn’t even realize that they are also looking for him and three people want to meet him at once girls. malakhov, today on rtr. earlier in the program, andrey nazyrov, a member of the northern military district, died at the age of 23 in the kharkov region. andrey was posthumously awarded the order of courage. his entire extended family still cannot come to terms with this loss. well, this is the kind of star that still mischiefs childhood even to this day, even now, when he’s not around, he’s nearby. yes yes. the life of the nazyrovs was divided into before and after. roman, the head of the family , created a charitable foundation in memory of his son. his activities are supported by the school of gordomarinov
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led by marina maiko. we are actively friends with dmitry vadimovich and the gorodarin school, who, by the way, are very active in helping. this was, this was andrey's task. marina vladimirovna, how did you start helping the front? well, first of all, when did the svo begin? and we sat with dmitry at breakfast , i don’t know, well, i have moments like this, i’ll tell him, i’ll go, dima says where, uh-huh, what...
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in the morning i’ve already been saying, dima, i’m going, he got dressed, he went out, he met the driver, the volunteer, they shook hands, take care, he said, he said, take care please, myself and my sweetheart, in general , he says, come back, he crossed us, he says, well, with god, well, here we go, marina has prepared a plot for our program, let's see, well, here we are on the road, going to donbass , this is my first.
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trip as a volunteer, and this, of course, makes me a little excited, i look out the window, the nature of the beauty is extraordinary, how much grief this long-suffering land has experienced. we arrived with roman and sapyat to severo-donetsk. roman told me about him, told me what the amateurs did to him, shoot at residential buildings, but what i saw is difficult to convey. sensations that simply fall on you like a terrible lump, everything in this form, broken artillery of apartments, window sockets gaping from the fire, destroyed entire entrances, roofs, walls and a tank, a burnt tank in the arch of a house, lord, how is this possible? “what kind of non-humans
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you have to be to turn multi-storey buildings into ruins, how much grief, how many innocent souls, a very difficult impression, they conveyed everything that was needed, they will take everything that is needed, and now with “with a clear conscience you can already return” towards lugansk, you still need to deliver addressed parcels for the fighters, the day is not over yet, yes, marin, the person who saw such a picture will never forget it, i know from myself what the most indelible impression is was, this is what pierced your heart most of all, the eyes of men, warriors? you know
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, well, i was so inspired, we collected a lot of parcels, brought them there, and i think, well, now i’ll see them, that’s how it is the nickname was, the first ear, ear, he raises his eyes, and i understand that this is everything i wanted to tell him, but i won’t be able to say it, his eyes were like that, so he looked at me. not just at me, he looked into my soul, yeah, and sometimes it’s as if right through me, i just nailed me like that, yeah, so to speak, to the sinful earth, and i decided for myself, that’s what i’m a lot i won’t say anything, i’ll just hug them, i feel like it’s possible, i came up, so i decided, this will be my mission, for mothers, for wives, for daughters, so i came.
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i came up and said, can i hug you, they will be happy, i hugged them , stroked them like this, and i just quietly say: thank you very much, you see, these are incredible people, i still can’t fit everything in head, where can one find so much courage, so much self-sacrifice in a person to go and give up his life like that, for my sake, for the sake of all of us, do you understand? for me they are not just heroes, they are, but these are the people we need to look up to, because they will then come from the front, and we must do everything maybe. it is impossible for them to be on the pedestal of our people, because they do incredible work, my life is also divided into before and after, i told dima this, i couldn’t come to my senses for 2 days, what i saw there , and
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you know, one commander with the call sign circassian gave me a gift, his name is artyom, he is so calm, the guys respect him very much, he just took off his cap, he said, you... and when i arrived home, i went for 2 days in some of my thoughts, a completely different world, just like that there was some kind of lump in my throat, and i went into the room , i had this cap, his, i took this cap, brought it up like this, it smelled like the front, there was smoke, there was something like that, my tears started flowing , apparently, this is an emotional shock, i just buried myself in this cap and just cried, on the one hand i feel very sorry for them, they say: don’t feel sorry for us, i say, how not to feel sorry, well, you are someone’s sons , brothers, husbands, roman, did you have some kind of impression that you will never forget from the trip, you know,
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every trip has its own impression, always, even the easiest trip, which was, i don’t remember which one, it also carried a certain lesson, so... it talks about the eyes, yes, i seem to have a little more opportunities with talk to the guys , they are all different, completely different and the motivation for their coming and political views are different and completely different there, but they are very similar precisely in their love for their country, you know, it may sound a little pretentious there, yes, but i i think these times when... it sounded pretentious, they had already passed, because the guys who got there, that is, when they went down into the trench, they had already become different, yes, they understood the value of this love and its significance, love for their country, for their homeland, this love , it is comprehensive,
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it is love for mother and wife, for children, and for everything, for everything, it is simply incredible in size, this is what always surprises, you said very precisely, patriotism is love. absolutely, just like god, this is also love, this is all side by side, this is everything in russian, this is all ours, yes , let's see the plot, how teenagers from the organization of the first movement write letters to our soldiers: i am writing a letter to an unidentified soldier, because i believe that this letter should reach the person to whom it is destined , i am writing a letter to, in general, all our military personnel, because i am from the lugansk people’s republic and i understand how difficult it is, what is war? i want to wish our military that they also do not give up, move forward and know that we will always support them and are waiting for them at home. i want to write
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to an unknown fighter, and i tell a touching story that happened in my school, i carried out this action when small children, first-graders, second-graders. wrote a letter to the fighters , drew pictures, then the fighters from the northern military district zone sent us photographs where they were reading these letters, sitting, they really had such vivid emotions, when i came, told all this to the guys, showed the photographs, the children were sitting, they were so it’s nice to do this good, almost every day when they saw me in the corridor, they said: nikita, when will we write again? letters, i am writing a letter to the fighters who are on my... native land, my fellow countrymen, i live in the donbass, so i especially want to support them, thank them, motivate them for the great victory that is about to happen, we can do more, when we are together. roman, these children,
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they wrote letters, they are in my hand now, please pass them on, be sure to. trip, thank you very much, we will definitely pass it on, you know, just two more words about the letters, there was such an interesting case, before the new year last year, before the new year, yes, i brought the same pack of letters to the guys, and gave them to the commander with a request that they sort of distribute them to the guys, because i know, even from the very first trip i saw how soldiers carry letters under their bulletproof vests . when i asked why, they said that for us this is a reminder that we are not fighting in vain, that is, this is what we are fighting for, so i handed over, which means the letters and the commander are one and the same. stood up and began to read it in front of me, so i saw his face, it was simply unreal
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surprised, i say what happened, what happened, he says: i’ll read it to you now, and he begins to read, in the letter the girl describes her dream, and such an unusual letter, she says to tras the soldier, i want to tell you about my dream, and tells an ordinary child’s dream that i kind of woke up, i heard some noise outside the window, i went up to the window, looked out the window, and a big whale was walking down the street, well, it seemed like nothing, and the commanders call sign whale, yes okay, this is it, here it is, this letter is right here, then there was a reverse one, then there was a reverse one connection, he also seemed to say something on the video, then they handed him a letter again, i think, then the whole class wrote down congratulations, they had such a small connection, it was wonderful, further in the program: lev makeev will come to the studio with the call sign tagil, special forces lieutenant vites.
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i would like to express my deepest respect to your truly russian family. heroes are not born, they are born in battles. there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything. everything remember 2023. one branch of the northern stream is preserved. here is the decision today, tomorrow we turn the valve everything, and the gas flows, without digging someone else’s hole, you will fall into it yourself, so they fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, no need to step on the same rake, that’s it, what is important for everyone is to know where the root of evil is, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet with its web, this is not a lie, the wind rose can turn in their direction. we do not create military alliances and we are not friends against someone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples.
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everyone has a future, but it is different. even in conditions of economic and international turbulence, success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question. now through the website by phone +7 495 539 4040 +7 499 550 40 40. is this for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen!
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i am always responsible for my words, the heroes of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just looking at the platform, i thought that here , more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about whether to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, two there can be no opinions, because we have a whole lot of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, here
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you have a question about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i had in in sight, of course, of a bear, when he spoke like this stinky little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what do many people use? the strongest love for the game is the program five on one, five on one, on saturdays on rtr. i would like to invite you to watch an amazing sunrise. on the first date he proposed to me, and you agreed, my heart is restless,
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nin, you need to go to the farm, what with volodya, and he hurt himself, that’s her fate. she is spellbound for loneliness, a black widow, from anyone curses always have their own amulet , my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i overlooked someone, he will not live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who marry me then die, with nothing will happen to me, everything collapsed there, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya... a conspiracy for the prime minister's loneliness. on saturday on rtr. we are rushing into the world of artificial intelligence and digitalization without creating protective mechanisms that will protect us from the mistakes that destroyed
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our country and almost destroyed it. behind everyone manifestation of the action of artificial intelligence. one way or another, someone’s interests will stand, those who will stand behind artificial intelligence, the first thing they will do is manipulate the consciousness of humanity. we need this to be our artificial intelligence. what does it mean to ignore this need? it's either hamikanzu's desperate bravery, or the game is worth it. russia is trying to do everything. so that this insight really comes. besagon tv. today on rtr. previously in the program. in march 2022, family life the nazyrovs were divided into before and after, when
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the eldest son andrei died in the northern military district zone. this pain, it, it is of course nothing... let's see the story about how the memory of your son is perpetuated. we live in an era of change. finally, our beloved russia with all our hearts shakes itself from its chains and awkwardly but decisively rises from its knees. the number of true patriots has increased sharply. everyone wants to play their part in the development of russia as a great power. these
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words were written in 2019 by my son andrey romanovich nazyrov. with all your endeavors, with all your actions, at first his country was in the first place, his family was in second place, only then did he leave time for himself, below are two lines from his poem: if the enemy is sent to the house so that you sleep, we will not sleep, the guys are not
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sleeping now, they are in any weather, at any time on the front line, in the mud, in the water, but the task... evgeniya, it is important for you that the square is named after your son, yes, of course, and this is such a unique place meetings, now we have, we... when we came on that terrible day, year, we didn’t have enough strength to go to the pantheon , we came there, we already saw that there was a little man standing next to the stone, it was syoma, he also studied, but at the cardemina school, syoma,
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semyon, wonderful, yes, we talked no... and there in the park more people came, and more people came, such a unique meeting place, but we are grateful that they are helping us. krasnogorsk to preserve the memory, this is very important, this is a common problem, only together we can somehow pull out, win, and we want to invite to the studio a person who wants i have to say very important words to you, this is special forces lieutenant, lev makeev, hello, hello, please accept my humble gift from me, thank you very much, hello. i’m glad to meet you personally, brothers , i greet you, hello, you, and i greet you, oh, thank you, hello,
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dear evgenia aleksandrovna, dear roman aleksandrovich, brothers, on behalf of the leadership of the army, on behalf of every serviceman, i would like to express my deepest words respect to your truly russian family, i want to remind you that you raised eight most worthy sons and daughters of their fatherland, i am sure that in the future your family will be glorified more than once by your children in all areas of their life. well, as for my fighting brother , holder of the order of courage, guard private nazyroov, i want to say only one thing: heroes are not born, they are born in battles, to be a warrior is to live forever, glory to the special forces, death to terrorism, thank you, i am an officer of the unit special forces of the russian guard, my unit from the first days is participating in a special military operation, each of us clearly knows the goals
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, understands our importance, so once again i want to say that you are the same heroes as those guys who are now carrying out their special military missions in the zone of the special military operation, you are raising the younger generation, you are instilling... the values ​​of patriotism begin with the family, so once again a deep bow, thank you very much, i am on behalf of the head of the center of the hero of the russian federation, colonel beloglazov alexander mikhailovich, i personally invite you all your huge family on december 29 to the name day of our center in balashikha near moscow, dedicated to the soldiers who died in the northern military district zone, we will definitely honor the memory of your son, and we will never forget this, no matter who is against... it matters who next to you, and we will always be by your side, thank you very much, thank you very much, please tell us about your family, do you have brothers, sisters? no,
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i only have my brothers in arms, i was raised by one mother, this is my personal hero, no orders and medals are enough to describe all her merits, a big bow to every mother who is waiting, what is mom’s name, tell me, marina veneaminovna make, you can say words to her now, mommy, i love you, i’ll be home soon, god willing, you know, and we ... lev, thank you very much for what you just said, let us see what you said in the kremlin, very important words, comrade supreme commander-in-chief, comrades present, i want to say. thank you very much for such a high assessment of our military work. today we are taking part in a special military operation to liberation of ukraine from
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the armed nationalist ban formations that seized power. i express my sincere gratitude to my fathers, commanders, who inspire and motivate us by personal example in difficult moments of testing. to my dear fellow countrymen, from my hometown of nizhny tagil, who provide unprecedented support in both word and deed. to all mothers, sisters, wives, girls, to all those who are worried and waiting for their men, your support is our everything, to your brothers in arms, to the military personnel of the national guard, with with which we shoulder to shoulder carried out, are carrying out and will successfully carry out the service and combat missions assigned to the units at any time and under any conditions of the situation, i am proud that i am part of the legendary unit of the order of kutuzov, the red banner 604 special purpose center vitsya, it doesn’t matter to us, who is against, it is important who is nearby, we are all united by a common goal, so work, brothers, because our
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cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, eternal memory to the heroes who took up mortal combat, to be a warrior, to live forever, glory to special forces, death to terrorism , lion, strength, courage, perseverance comes from you, the division in which our motto is written, it is for life, it does not matter who is against, it is important who is nearby, because if we are all close, we cannot be defeated , and of course, a commemorative t-shirt , i think one of the brothers will get it, thank you, come on brother, i want to say to evgeniy and roman, of course, thank you for coming, for your courage, gerda marina say life no one honors his homeland, but andrei gave his life to his homeland, but... no one,
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he accomplished a feat, in the name of all of us, we will never forget him, it was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you later, luka became interested in music quite early at the age of four, to become a good violinist, you need to treat your profession with... love, you are a little boy, but already a very big musician, thank you, but i still have to study, learn to study, where did you come from, it’s simply incomprehensible to the mind, you know, 8 years playing companella is incredible, we are with him we study every day, for two hours, and besides me, he also plays, what, three or
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four, is our future - is it you? it’s beautiful, wonderful, it’s a gesture to me, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the irina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. tsu-35 destroyed a radar station near kupinsk. our alligators in the krasnolimansk direction knocked out equipment and personnel in the ukrainian armed forces. our fighters are pushing back the enemy near artyomovsk in the kremen forest.
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zelensky spoke in the us congress and asked money, but the mission is almost impossible. we are skeptical about spending $200 billion on aid to ukraine. congressmen are adamant, the last chance is a meeting with joe biden. the number of questions to the president is approaching one and a half million. you still have the opportunity to ask your question. applications will be accepted until the end of the program with vladimir putin. in khabarovsk, due to frost , there was a transport collapse and children were left at home remotely, abnormal cold in the urals, trans-volga region and siberia, deviation from the norm has already exceeds 20°. and what viewers will see very soon on wide screens, and what will be shown in 2025, a closed viewing took place in the cinema in october. military infrastructure of ukraine this
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night. became the target of new attacks. the drones hit targets in the odessa and nikolaev regions. explosions were heard in uman near cherkasy and drones were also reported by the media in the kirovograd region. missile strikes were carried out on targets in ochakov and the kharkov region. on the zaporozhye front near rabotin , our troops counterattacked and occupied several vso positions. to the north of artyomovsk , russian troops are clearing out. flanks of bogdanovka, positions of the ukrainian armed forces under fire from rsz attack drones. in the ugledar direction , mortarmen continue their combat work, despite the squally wind and snow. near kupinsk, a crew of the fagot anti-tank missile system hit a ukrainian command and observation post. a su-35 fighter destroyed a radar station with a precise strike. k-52 attack helicopters track down and attack
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vellan's apu groups. the crews fire at targets from extremely low altitudes. about the work of air defense forces on in the krasnolimansk direction, a report by military correspondent alexey baranov. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes. the calculation work begins even before the machine stops. the ability of top1 anti-aircraft missile systems to detect and recognize up to 50 targets is especially relevant today. it is the air defense crews of the central military district here in the krasnolimansky direction that cover the units operating on the front line near the line of combat contact. from air attacks, now there is a target at a distance of 23 km, the main one the task is to hit both reconnaissance and attack drones of the enemy, which are almost constantly trying to cross
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the line of contact, we observe in the air that it is flying, we look at the parameters, they change, height, range, we report to the commander, if this is no longer our bird, the commander gives good destruction, the work of anti- aircraft missile systems then... m1, of course, is seen with their own eyes by motorized riflemen of the central military district. it is thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews that here in serebryansky forestry, assault groups confidently operate on the ground. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to its home base. it doesn’t only work against russian units.
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in the united states, congress decided not to change the work schedule and not once again consider the issue of allocating aid to ukraine, this despite zelensky’s personal visit to washington.
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some republican parliamentarians said they were not going to listen to zelensky's instructions on how to spend american taxpayers' money. read more in the report by dmitry melnikov. perhaps the most important. negotiations in zelensky’s life are the last chance to personally ask congress to unblock 60 billion. after 3 days , congressmen go on vacation and the mission looks impossible. as a general at the national defense university , he vows to defeat russia next year to applause. american bradley and highmars - 155 mm caliber shells and atak ms patriot and f-16 missiles - can get the job done in europe, you can count on ukraine, and we hope that we can also count on you. russia is involved in all the conflicts in the world, and ukraine is fighting for you, zelensky convinces the generals, scraping up the last
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money to supply weapons to kiev, the pentagon can now only assure support and repeat how important ukraine is for the security of the united states. america's commitments must be met, america's security must be protected, america's word. must be restrained, zelensky received the last 900 million from the imf today almost in the hands of managing director kristalina georgieva. there was no talk of further tranches, although the hole in ukraine’s budget next year is 43 billion. and at a meeting with representatives of the american military-industrial complex, zelensky shared the idea of ​​​​creating a hub in ukraine for the production of nato weapons. not realizing that the real state of affairs in his homeland in the usa is already clearly visible. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of a ukrainian soldier is now 43 years. it's tragic, if this goes on any longer, the average age will only rise, it will be fiat. what biden failed to achieve is unlikely to succeed
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zelensky, his speech before senators with a request to approve the aid package to ukraine will become the main concert number of the visit, and face-to-face communication with speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson is completely pointless. the day before, johnson confirmed the position of the republicans: no money for ukraine without a fundamental solution to the migration crisis and accountability for the billions already spent. we are skeptical about spending $200 billion on aid to ukraine, and this is not just military money. there is no transparency no strategic goal, understanding how to end the conflict. the results of zelensky’s two-day visit to washington will be summed up at a meeting with joe biden, and if the fate of money for ukraine, judging by the tough mood of congressmen, is unlikely to change, the fate of zelensky himself after the meeting in the white house is unpredictable. and it no longer matters what zelensky himself says in washington, all that matters is what they tell him in the white house. in addition to possible pressure to start
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negotiations with russia, one of the conditions for further support for kiev may be the us demand to still hold elections in ukraine next year. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. russia celebrates constitution day today. exactly 30 years ago, for the first time in the history of our country , a fundamental law was adopted through a referendum. and then its norms received direct effect. 3 years ago, according to the results of the popular vote. 206 amendments were made to the text, the key ones relating to social guarantees, medicine and family, and most importantly , the constitution now has priority over international law. today all over the country festive events and quiz tests on knowledge of the main document of russia are taking place. writing a legal dictation has become a tradition; our cosmonauts congratulated the participants in the iss assembly. on the eve of the start of full-time dictation writing, we would like to wish all project participants success in their quest to know more and be better.
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that the craving for law still exists, the dictation is very difficult, there is a question, i personally have never written 100%, but for all 7 years, that’s why, of course, this is correct, and we will continue this tradition. the number of requests for the year-end program with vladimir putin is already approaching one and a half million, we received such data just before the start of a large press conference, combined with a direct line with... there are only 2 days left, what the head of state is being asked about, we’ll find out from olga
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armyakova. now she works in the call center of the popular front, and this is where all requests from citizens are received and processed. olga, greetings, what topics concern people most? yes, irina, hello, there are only 2 days left until the main event of the year, the big conversation with vladimir putin, time here in the call center seems to be speeding up, they are no longer recorded in minutes, but in seconds. calls, phones are constantly ringing , while there is not a single subscriber in the queue, because this line cannot be busy, they write to the president through the moscow putin website, send video sms messages, call, and indeed, a continuous number of applications, volunteer call center operators thoughtfully record, listen, hear every voice in the infinite stream. very often people call intact.
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from the position of the president, they express gratitude and make personal requests. for many, a direct line is the hope of solving painful problems that have often accumulated for years. the editorial group of popular front volunteers are the heads of regional branches, clarifying details locally. this gives the opportunity to speak out, and this, of course, is the main task of the direct line, but it is even more important to solve the problem. quite literally recently we received an appeal from krasnodar, grandma. asks for her four s
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place my half-year-old granddaughter in kindergarten, because despite the fact that from the age of 3 we are, in principle, guaranteed that the child will have kindergarten. obviously, when the number of questions is in the millions , it is impossible to answer everything, but nevertheless, the main task of the direct line is for every voice to be heard, and even if the appeal is not aired, volunteers will definitely take control of this problem. irina, thank you. olga is in direct contact from the popular front call center, where she is accepting appeals citizens, olga armyakova was with vladimir putin on the eve of the year-end program. in other news: the first power unit of npp received permission to be put into operation, the license was issued by the turkish regulator. well , now rosatom will be able to begin the final stage of the station’s construction, commissioning and commissioning
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work. in total, the project involves the construction of four power units with a capacity of 1,200 mw ; each launch of the first nuclear power plant in turkey is planned for the next one. the training of specialists is already underway in russian universities, the personnel who will manage this block, it is being prepared precisely based on the logic that this is a russian-turkish project, we annually allocate quotas in our universities for the training of turkish students, about 319 of them have already completed their studies, they are already full-fledged employees of the station, this is what will happen next in our program , severe frosts will remain in the regions of russia for another 2 days, minister of defense.
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on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time , the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the moscow website defis by phone +7 495 539 4040. +7 499 550-40-40. “i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear,
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i wonder what my husband asked for, also a cretin, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, so what what to do now?" “you’ve completely lost your mind, what are you talking about now? yes, she’s good enough to be your mother, is the boy really so good that he’s blown your mind, i’m his i love, if he loved, life wouldn’t ruin him , i’d like to talk to ella, ela has left, bring me back on saturday to rtr, stages, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely no faces, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object,
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there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am... generally a plant maniac , in the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. mom, mommy , mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died
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last year, she’s very beautiful, what do i mean, this is my mother’s secret, and now he will be yours, you for... i fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya matskov, me i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like vera, well, as a woman, you like it, if i find out something, i’ll tell you, my daughters, on fridays on rtr.
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in the urals, trans-volga region, and siberia, deviations from the norm already exceed 20°. the longest period
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of non-flying weather was recorded in khabarovsk. according to the latest data , 16 local airline flights are delayed, more than 300 people are waiting for departure. the movement of passenger transport in the city is limited. schools and kindergartens are closed. in the north of tuva , due to the increased load on power grids, five areas were left without electricity. emergency crews are carrying out restoration work. the heating networks in omsk, entrances and staircases cannot withstand frost. in boiling water, in apartments the walls and windows are covered with ice. the picture is similar in novosibirsk: due to abnormally low temperatures, even plastic frames freeze, and rare passengers, while waiting for public transport, try to warm up by dancing. in vladivostok, frost shackled the sea coast, which began to freeze in the area of ​​the sports harbor embankment. in the magadan region, the ministry of emergency situations announced two emergency warnings due to snowfall and strong winds. about the situation in the region, report by lyudmila cherbakova. several warm cyclones brought snowfall to the coast of the magadan region. the air temperature rose by 20°. the old
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snow melted, the new snow was soft and heavy, adding problems to both road workers and drivers. it’s hard, slippery, slips on the porridge, of course, it’s difficult to eat. municipal road services in magadan have switched to round-the-clock operation, but even the city center cannot be cleared quickly it turns out, the road workers complain. snowfalls are heavy. of course it’s difficult, people are walking around, trampling, cars are driving, trampling, all this seems to have to be cleaned up. according to the weather forecaster, in less than a week , magada did not receive more than the two-week norm of precipitation; by the end of this cyclone, the amount will probably approach the monthly norm. the most difficult situation is in the suburbs of magadan, especially in the private sector, there are huge snowdrifts here and road workers have not yet reached here. residents move on foot, making their way through snowdrifts, especially.
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solve, here’s 2 km to the top, and then another but completely problem, so not the 2 km side, but we have imported water, but as soon as the water tanker passes, that’s it, sit without water, we’ll go melt the snow, the magadan highway is a farce talon, then they open , then they are closed to traffic where the rescued people live, residents are asked not to drive on mountain roads for now and... in a day, a gradual cooling will begin in the region, the air temperature will return to the average values ​​of december. lyudmila cherbakov,
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alexey gilyavov, host magadan. to other topics. israel defense forces today attacked the city of deir al-balah in the gaza strip. dozens of dead are reported from the scene. also at night in the morning, idf fighters stormed a refugee camp in the city of gini on the west bank of the jordan river. they blocked the entrances and exits with heavy equipment, on the roofs of the neighboring one. the building was placed by snipers. israeli army armored personnel carriers also detached the arrazi public hospital in jinin. bombing continues in the south of the gaza strip, where people fled from destruction by israel.
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the polish sejm confirmed donald tusk, the leader of the opposition who won the elections, to office. prime minister. the cabinet headed by mateusze morawiecki was dismissed. now president duda must swear in tusk. tusk himself promised in the sejm, among other things, to unblock the border with ukraine, where polish truckers have been on strike for a long time. true, he did not say exactly how he intended to do this. the day before, the authorities tried to return one of the blocked checkpoints to operation, but it did not work. poles blocked the road with an allegedly broken down truck. an evening dedicated to the child's birthday was held in berlin chingi zaitmatova. representatives of russia and kyrgyzstan spoke about the life of the writer, and also opened an exhibition and showed a film dedicated to his work. aitmatov's scaffold and white steamer have been translated into dozens of languages. the writer wrote in russian and was proud
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of it. the themes raised in his books are still relevant today. remembering the origins and wealth of our aitmatova is an occasion for a huge multinational culture. continuation of the films cheburashka and serf, which won the hearts of millions of viewers, a new fairy tale for the whole family bremen town musicians. the main projects were presented at the capital's oktyabr cinema center. more details will come soon from the author and presenter of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev. in the industry of time will appear on large screens, all this presentation, the largest, annual, closed to ordinary spectators, after all, in the hall those who compose the repertoire for them simply call “tspsh day”. and it opened with the most anticipated children's and family project of the new year, the film by alexei nazhny, the bremen town musicians. inspired by your favorite
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everyone since childhood with a musical cartoon, the authors transfer... the action into a full-fledged cinematic universe, giving the adventures of the heroes a new scale and entertainment, the addressee is still everyone, young and old. the idea came to me with the help of my children; every morning we went to kindergarten and school and sang songs in the car. brening musicians, and these songs inspired me to take on this film. this story penetrates inside, as if giving some kind of light, goodness, joy. indeed, all these simple primitive phrases like love will save the world, they really somehow respond inside and light you up. the creator of serf 2, klim shipenko, is taking his film to a fundamentally new level of production complexity and scope. the director, who shot the first film in space , is given a challenge, which, by the way, also works for the tyrant, no one can prohibit him from filming on a grand scale, but why, when the challenge collects more than two billion, and the first
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lackey - as much as three. in the new major grisha. darling katya aglaya tarasova, compared to the antics of bikovich meets the daughter of an influential official which his yesterday's tricks are kindergarten. the re-education of this outraged person will require drastic measures, special risks and a restructuring of the entire psychological experiment of transferring those being brought up to another time. this will be noble russia on the eve of the patriotic war of 1812. in my life , no matter how many times i tried to re-educate girls, i failed to re-educate a single one, so in this sense it is. of course, our fantasy is about how we could re-educate girls. there was also a presentation of projects that the viewer will see in twenty-four in twenty-five. among them is the action movie about submariners kraken, from crew director nikolai lebedev, based on the script by t-34 creator alexei sidorov. and artyom mikhalkov, who directed the hit mr. knockout about the boxer popenchenko, takes on the story of rowing legend yuri tyukalov and his sensational victory in helsinki. there will be
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a continuation of the palm tree, which has earned people's love. more than 350 million rubles. in box office, the script is again based on a real story, this time of a bear cub found in the tver region near the runway. he showed us that this is an ideal continuation, that this is again a story about aviation, about an animal and about an animal that saves a person, and not a person is saved by an animal, as it seems, and we combined, we also remembered cheburashka, the continuation of the highest-grossing film in russian history they promise to release it in december 2025. completed the presentation of the largest distributor. a fantastic film 100 years ago, based on the story of the same name by kir boluchev. a new story about alice's adventures selezneva will be released on april 18. ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina zagumenych, dmitry gorinov. tonight after the big news, watch two episodes of the detective saga at once: secret investigations, the investigations that maria shveytsova has to conduct in her team are becoming more and more complicated,
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the body of an unknown person with signs of torture is found in the sewer. let us know who is behind the mysterious crime today at 21:20, well at 15:00 in the new episode of the program our story of the nazyrov family, their eldest son andrei died in battle under raisins. memory of him a charitable foundation to help fighters rising of hope was created. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments in russia abroad, stay tuned. i would like to invite you to watch an amazing sunrise. he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed. my heart is not at peace. you need to go to the farm , what about volodya, but he hurt himself, this is her fate, girls, she is spelled for loneliness, a black widow, from anyone curses always have their own amulet
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, i’m viktor zavuk, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he won’t live, you’ll get up to live, i’m scared, all the men who marry me then die, with nothing happened to me. conspiracy for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr. favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, that's what i have in life. real songs, real feelings know no boundaries,
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i’m sitting here and can barely hold back my tears, words of love understandable to everyone without translation. twenty-year-old dmitry ismailov was on the front line from the first days of the special operation. in one of the battles he was seriously wounded and almost lost his arm. dmitry spent several months in a hospital bed, undergoing four
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operations, and there in the hospital he learned that he had been awarded the order of courage for heroism and military merits. we were all there as one, i believe that the order of courage is not only my award, but also that of my commander and all the guys from my squad. stepan stepanov, who saved him by pulling him out of the battlefield after being wounded. alexander ukolov, whom he himself saved during shelling on the front line, and nikita bocherov, whom he considers his front-line brother. i lost contact with the guys after being wounded, i really wanted to see them, hug them, just sit and talk and remember what we had to go through together. but dmitry doesn’t even realize that he... three girls are also looking to meet him , three girls want to meet him at once, surprises of a meeting for the hero, today on the program malakhov, dmitry ismailov is our guest, good evening, how are
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i’m feeling good, andrey , the only thing is that my arm has already recovered, well, a year has passed since, well, my injury, four operations have passed, and i also need an operation now, tell me, well, do you remember that day - when were you? wounded and how did it all happen? yes , it was last year on july 18, it turns out, in the second direction, so we received such a command to change direction, well, positions, here in the car, i’m a driver, we stopped at the base, it turns out, yeah, a repair one, they took us away colleagues, well, this moment i swapped places with another driver, well, i sat behind... on the armor of the car, we drove literally 100 m then and there was shelling, there were arrivals, i don’t remember, maybe there were three or four arrivals, but it was hail was. and well, one of the arrivals
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next to the car was, it turns out, i turned over and well, the only thing i remember fell on the road, and the hatch of the car hit me in the forearm, well, it crushed everything, well , then stepan was driving us, he was also on the armor, he was the first one to jump immediately began to help me and you were conscious, i was in consciousness was in my mind. i was in shock , i didn’t feel any pain at first, i didn’t see my hand , but my first thought was that it’s all over, well , my hand is gone, here’s stepan stepanov, he pulled you out, well, he helped you, yes, well, he’s the commander department, it turns out that the two of them pulled me out, pulled me away from the car, it turns out they gave me painkillers, started bandaging me, well, i was still conscious , talking, already communicating, but tell me, huh?
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why did you forbid your mother to fly to you when you were already in the hospital? at that moment there were two operations , it turns out, well, i didn’t want her to worry, the second thing was that she had an injury, well, the doctor forbade flights, well, over a long distance, well, you told her that you were going home, meet up or too he kept everything a secret, well, at first he kept it, and then he called home, got in touch, said everything, well , let's see how you... are living now, we visited your house, pay attention , i greet you, come in, this is my house, i live here with my family, here is my mother, takhmina suzhenovna, my grandmother, tatyana petrovna, and what are you doing, helping, preparing big ones, clearly, my grandmother nadezhda ivanovna is here, on your toes, huh? now my
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hand has already recovered by 50%, but it still takes time, patience, well, hard work on my hand , well, to restore it all, only the main function of the hand has suffered, but it is still being restored, this is a matter of slow but sure, this is an expander for the rehabilitation of the hand, to restore blood flow, blood circulation, i also have such a talisman on my left wrist, an illuminated ribbon from jerusalem, it turns out that it has prayer power, to protect from the evil eye and from everything bad, sorry that you missed coming here, consider that i haven’t been home for more than a year, so she was bored. that’s how
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i returned home, i try to help my mother, well, every day i help carry water like this, with one hand, it doesn’t work out twice, but i still help as much as i can, april, hello, well, april, he doesn’t trust me because he’s been at home for a long time it wasn’t, she’s already lost the habit of me, come on my good chi, oh you’re my beauty yes my good one, go eat, eat, eat, come on, eat, eat, don’t be afraid, eat, come on, oh, and this is our saffron milk cap, look, he’s so loving, he can go into the barn, on top of a cow, he sits on top, he’s the one who sleeps, he’s friendly with the ram, my father always taught me as a child to be brave and not to be afraid of anything, i am very grateful to him for everything he did for me. well, hello, father, how are you doing
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here, my father’s hand is already on the mend, as soon as it recovers, i will help my mother with the housework, thank you for everything, for raising me, and my father is such enough he left young, didn’t he? yes , he was 45 years old, but of course, he would certainly be proud of his son, of the medal, he was very proud all the time, but today your mother, takhmina surenovna, is here in the hall, come out to us, you have finally arrived, it’s very nice to meet you. thank
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you for your son, tell me, your son told you that he was on his way, no, that is, he keeps everything to himself, yes , he said that they were leaving for...
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no, no, infrequently for a month and a half he did not get in touch at all , then at night a call rang, an unknown phone, and it rang, therefore, because, of course, like every mother will wait to look out, wait, worry, and where, well, how, what, we, of course, always take these, at least unknown numbers, when i took the number, this phone, there was such a grinding sound, i never said that it was somewhere- it’s there, everything’s fine, don’t worry , and i already knew where they were, but you know, with such
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a strong spirit, i didn’t upset them there, well, to kind of support, because you know, i already understood where they were , if mom bursts into tears, it will be hard for them there, so he says everything. our guys magpies, here you go, later they already told me, our priests , they say, and we say we pray for everyone, i say, maybe i came to the church shop, to the temple, who called the names of mothers, whoever you see, so that there were baptized ones, and i wrote these notes, so that she stands for them
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, prays, defends the services constantly, asks the women there, who are constantly at the temple, to pray, pray constantly, i ’m still thinking about...
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to think, here, this is just such a state of some kind of stopper when we saw him in those moments, seconds, i don’t know what grandmother at the airport, when he arrived , his son changed, of course, when he left, they were completely different children, this look, this kind of piercing look, as if the color of his eyes had changed, became brighter, he you have one, son, no, i still have children? yes , but it seems to me that dima, your pride is a support, yes, yes, yes, but i want to say, we saw when dima entered the house, you were cooking there, and it seems to me that now it’s just know-how, i
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saw for the first time how you prepare dry soup at home, and it seems to me that now all women who are in front of screens should take your recipe, let's see. we all work together, we help, we make dry borscht like this for our guys, here are the vegetables that we have here today, and this. which grow in our home and are brought by fellow villagers, they help, the carrots are boiled, dried and ready, fresh cabbage, or they give sauerkraut, it is cooked, the homemade stuff is mixed, this is how it looks, green onions, also from their beds, we also cook meat, the meat is cooked through a meat grinder, and this is how it turns out in the dryer. here it dries, it’s ready, we mix everything in
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a container, put it in bags and the borscht is ready, so that every soldier on the front line can try at any time to get boiling water, dilute it, he has homemade delicious borscht, well, whatever you say, borscht is just mouthwatering are you sweating looking at this? yes, i tried ubrich myself, i really liked it, here’s one serving, it’s enough for two times. tell me, did your son tell you something about the guys he met while serving? about those whom he saved, who saved him, yes, he talked, he talked about the guys, well , let's watch a short video, dima and his front-line friends, pay attention, say something about today, who is doing what, here is pasha sitting. he’s watching a movie, it’s kostyan, a sleepy kingdom, it’s me, dimon
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, watching the tv, there’s sanya, there’s filming , there’s a handsome guy, we’re sitting, waiting for food to be brought, here, as always, there’s a dugout full of smoke, there are machine guns, now kambat will come somewhere will call, in short, this is how the day goes by, they made themselves some sugar, if only sweets, even the battalion commander is already running out of sugar, but we have some, guess what? guys, well, that’s it, i ’m running out of comments, who is sitting there with you in the dugout, colleagues, it turns out, here are ukolov and styopa, well, one colleague is on his own now , and the other one, he was also fired for health reasons, but i know that you really dream of meeting, seeing each other and let's see how one of... friends lives, attention, this is, in fact, the house
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of my childhood, here i spent all my years, here i even have a toy from my childhood, mom saved it for me, now it is being inherited by my brother, what are you doing here, eating, yes, this is my brother, artyom to him. two years old already, i’m three years old, already three, i’ve become big, let ’s play boxing, come on, come on, dress like i taught you, remember, let me help you, i myself, myself, oh, oh, oh, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops, oops, you defeated me. i still have a uniform,
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a reminder remains that i was in the northern military district, that i was a participant in it, they didn’t take him into the army for health reasons, i achieved this, i went, went through commissions, gained weight, well, he achieved his goal, they took him away, for about two months i didn’t know anything about him, i didn’t even know what battalion company he was in, everything was in my head. maybe he was captured, maybe he was wounded, that he could n’t make himself known, then the call came, of course, i didn’t have tears in my eyes, i couldn’t help but say a word, probably more from joy that i heard his words that he was alive i want to tell you about the icon, it helped me out a lot, my father gave it to me and told me to always carry it with me here. in the pocket left, in any clothes, no matter what i put on or wear, never put it away
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, in fact, that’s what i did, it probably protected me, this is a very dear thing to me, i brought it from there, and it’s still there i also have a certificate of a combat veteran , at the age of 20 i am already a veteran, yes , it’s like that, this flashlight is very dear to me, since it came from dima, it helped me out a lot, since i was a senior driver mechanic, in renovations, where there was no light, it was dark , you couldn’t see anything, you had to highlight something, so... and he just me helped out, i miss my colleagues very much, i would like to see, especially dima, stepan, since we were in the non-flooding period, yes, you can say i miss the guys, yes, well, i found out, yes, i found out, i would like, i would like to see him it’s been so long since you’ve seen each other, it turns out,
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with sasha and styopa, since my injury. i’ve been with nikita for a year and a half, even more than a year and a half, and you recognized the flashlight, you recognized the flashlight, this is what happens when we were only heading there for the first time in february, well, we had a little time there to separate, so i gave him this flashlight, you see, he keeps it so touching, but nikita bacharov is here today, he came to this program, so now you will have a chance to hug him.
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well, have you changed, dima? yes, since our last meeting he has changed a lot, matured. i was told that you sometimes called dima’s mother instead of him, yes, this really happened, we exchanged information with each other and passed it on to our parents, when dima was on a mission, you were nearby, unfortunately, no, i was not there at those moments , a i didn’t find out about his injury right away, i found out after a while, so i called, well, contacted my comrades. yes, indeed, before leaving for the northern military district,
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i went to church with my father, they baptized me, my father gave me my icon, gave it to me. to say, he said to always keep it with you, no matter what happens, i brought it with me, and i brought a flashlight to show dima, yes, this flashlight is like a talisman to me, the memory of a friend and comrade in arms, this one was all my friend at first, when we were just moving forward here, well , i had this flashlight with me, most honestly to say, i didn’t use it, so... then i decided to give it to nikita, yes, but nikita, even once they told me, almost lost it, yes, there really was a moment when i looked around, and he wasn’t there, but i would really really need it, so i started looking, asking my comrades, everyone was fussing, looking, looking, in the end they found it, yes, i was
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very happy about it, of course, because it seems to me that this is more than a flashlight, but memory of a friend. let's do a little advertising now, right after that dima will be expected again surprises, especially since i said, three girls arrived today and are looking for him, who are they after the advertisement. burns on the body, tortured with electricity. please remember, maybe there was something. unusual, we will soon find out everything, oleg and fedya are going to the address, don’t focus only on the creditors , you can look at it from the other side, i agree, there were no secret investigations, again with us, today on rtr. sadness, a woman bought
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a piglet, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i don’t get bored either, because each of them is a real star, the mystery of dreams! how did you agree to this? at first they shoved a red snake into my head, our hearts sank, you are the one! understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends , a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr,
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are you out of your mind, sunday, here kind people reported that you and the masked... tried, this girl, she who anyway? a random girl from a random city, and with you’ve been dating sveta, for 4 years now, we need to have a child, i really, really want this , don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, so that there i had already forgotten, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i was only with one person. max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr,
1:57 pm
got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels and... the same musician, thank you, but i still have to learn, learn to learn, where did you come from, it’s simply incomprehensible to the mind , you know, playing companella for 8 years is
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incredible, we practice with him every day, for two hours , and he, besides me, also plays, how many, three or four, our future is you, it is wonderful, wonderful, honor me. blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, good evening again, malakhov is on the air, twenty-year-old dmitry ismailov was wounded on the front line, underwent four complex operations and spent several months in a hospital bed. for heroism and military merits, dmitry was awarded the order of courage, now he is looking for his own.
1:59 pm
stepan pulled you out of the battlefield, stepan, yes, but how long have you not seen stepan? now, it turns out, it’s been more than a year since the eighteenth, well, since my marriage. well, then stepan stepanov will not be delayed; today he also came to this program to hug you. meet me! microphone, great, great, nice to meet you, nice,
2:00 pm
well, i honestly didn’t expect them here see, if it weren’t for such an incident, we probably wouldn’t have seen each other for a long time, well, what do you say, dima, he’s changed, yes, he’s changed, he’s really matured. i didn’t expect to see him like this, but stepan has changed, dima, he has changed a lot, yes, he has also become different, much more confident, not the same as when he was before, and you also didn’t say anything to your mother that you were going to svo, no, not he said the same as dima, but you remember the day he was wounded, he was wounded, you ran up, yes, i remember what feelings, it turns out, i don’t even know, at first there was a state of shock. here it’s hard to remember this, so i ran up to dima and said: dima, you’re fine, alive, he said, yes, that’s it, and we pulled him out, he ran away.


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