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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 12, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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some kind of stranger. daria shcherbakova, ilya matskov. i understand that i have no right, you are not alone. do you like vera? well, how's the woman? if i find out anything, i'll kill you. daughters, on fridays on rtr. i still have my mother, father, brother in donetsk, i don’t have anyone right here. it covers my very heart, and so do i.
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blue bird - anniversary season, sunday on rtr. russian lng supplies to europe reached a historical record. in november , eu countries received about 2 million tons of liquefied gas from moscow, this leading serial analysis shows. companyer means berliner concludes that the russians continue to make money from lng supplies to the european union, no matter how much the european commissioner for energy, kadre simons, calls on european companies to abandon toxic russian liquefied gas. the financial times, on the anniversary of the western oil price ceiling, decided to evaluate its effectiveness. it turned out that the pathology is leaking, absolutely everyone everywhere is violating it. the only result of the russian one. oil now
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goes not to europe, but to other buyers, but it was not possible to limit the price, the price fleet of russian tankers successfully circumvents sanctions, simply abandoned western service providers. the us state department said that they are closely monitoring this shadow fleet of moscow, and are thinking about how to make it less effective, but have not yet come up with anything. brussels had its own plan to ban the sale of tankers to russia, but the eu countries were unable to agree on this restriction. and... according to the agency , the mediterranean countries were opposed by strong shipping companies, but hungary did not allow the european union to include a ban on oil supplies in the new package of sanctions. pipeline friendship restrictions in the field of nuclear energy. in general, europe was unable to abandon russian energy resources again. but russian diamonds will be banned, but this will hit hard.
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first of all, not in russia, but in belgium. this brilliant video comes from a mining company in siberia, where a third of the world's diamonds come from. when russia invaded ukraine, sanctions hit russian coal, oil, vodka, game, but these stones continued. exported all over the world. the european union refrained from banning russian diamonds, mostly because belgium wanted to protect this city, antwerp, the diamond capital of the world. in a factory like this, diamonds are polished. more than 80% of rough diamonds mined around the world are traded here. the city of antwerp is a window to the world for russian diamonds, but this is all changing.
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because the european union and the g7 must announce sanctions that prohibit the import of diamonds mined in russia, this will affect people like teverey, before the war, half of his diamonds came from russia. some companies strongly depend on business with russia, it was a very big business, but it had to be stopped, some large companies that trade in russian diamonds left this business. critics say russian stones should be considered conflict diamonds. money from the sale of precious stones goes to finance putin's war. diamonds are very difficult to track. other products, chocolate or tea, have a certificate of origin, but with diamonds this is very difficult because they travel long distances and often are mixed. and what is in the mixture cannot be traced. and in the end you get a certificate of mixed origin and it is impossible to understand.
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where they came from, but whether this ban will work, it is very difficult to know for sure where this or that diamond was mined, this may complicate compliance with this ban, analysts... but even with all these shortcomings, there is hope that new sanctions will hit income putin and his financing of the war in ukraine. a whole alliance of those who understand putin is being formed in the european union, the german spiegel is worried about this. hungary and slovakia prevent brussels from helping the kyiv regime. against the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession. in the eu and austria, the austrian freedom party is leading in the ratings there, whose chairman kickl promises, after winning the elections, to end the militant sanctions policy against russia. but wilders has already won in the netherlands, who directly stated that he does not want a conflict with moscow. russophobic meps, apparently
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realizing that brussels will not agree on aid to kiev, are now putting pressure on the us congress. they wrote a letter to us legislators a call to approve the allocation of money to ukraine. but republicans now have other priorities; tomorrow they will vote on a resolution to impeach biden, reuters reports, citing a representative of the republican party. old man joe is the most unpopular us president in history, abc news notes. his approval rating dropped to 37.7%. biden has long held the status of the oldest president in us history. age has an increasingly stronger influence. on his cognitive abilities. another embarrassment occurred with joe at a gala reception in white house on the occasion of hanukkah. biden confused days with years and said the october 7 hamas attack happened not 65 days ago, but 65 years ago. at the same time, the grandfather told the surprised listeners
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that during the attack by hamas militants , his father was in the attacked kibbutz. only joe biden sr. died more than 20 years ago. i know that this year hanukkah stands apart. 65 years have passed since the bloodiest day in the history of the jewish people, the holocaust. 65 years have passed. us president joe biden said 65 years have passed since the world's deadliest day. jewish people since the holocaust. you heard him say.
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the report on the funds spent did not announce the final goal of the war, writes the washington times. because of this, public support for the white house policy on ukraine is fading, and congress has been refusing to approve the financial component of the kiev regime for the kiev regime for weeks. the publication writes that
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ukraine’s access to the borders of the ninety-first year is a pipe dream. he notes that it is time for the white house to start calling zelensky for negotiations, because in a war of attrition moscow has an advantage. hello. the leader of the republicans in the us senate, mitch mccon, also presented it to the kiev regime. he said that there is too little time before the end of the week to reach a compromise with the democrats on ukraine. refuse birth. humiliating for americans. the kremlin has already stated that zelensky’s meeting with biden will not
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help ukraine, but noted that they will closely monitor its progress. mr. president, welcome back to washington. zelensky goes to the stage. national defense university in washington. you have to wait at the steps until the minister of defense will come down and shake his hand. after this, zia rushes to the microphone from the public, mostly american military officers greeting him with cheers. if anyone is inspired by the unresolved problems on capitalist hill, it is putin and his sick gang. they see their dreams come true as they see freedom fall, as support for freedom fighters wanes, and people like putin. we should not even hope that we can overcome freedom.
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mr. president, ukraine’s battle for freedom is one of the great causes of our time. the united states stands proudly with you, and make no mistake, the american commitment to supporting ukraine against russian aggression is unwavering. zelensky responded by saying that americans can count on ukraine and expressed hope that the kiev regime can also count on the united states. amid controversy. no one believes that the ukrainian president will be able to convince the republicans who do not want to agree on additional funding for kiev. in the usa, everything is extremely politicized, naturally, because we have elections coming up, therefore, any question, especially ukraine, where , as you understand, we are talking about large sums. money, this is an aid package, a total package of 106 billion dollars, 60 of which
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will go to ukraine. when american lawmakers look at this, they don't believe the ukrainians are making enough progress. the washington post writes that in zelensky’s program, in addition to meeting with biden and communicating with senators, he was invited by the leaders of the senate factions. democrat schumer and republican mcconnell will talk with house speaker mike johnson. the performance itself. there is no schedule in congress; biden caused a split among american legislators, the new york times believes. the newspaper notes that the president began to flirt with republicans on the issue of protecting the us border, but only provoked them to more stringent demands. senator, democrat murphy calls for protecting not the american border, but ukraine, otherwise putin will attack europe and become a threat to the united states. this is a moment of crisis for ukraine. ukraine is running out of ammunition. if we don't solve this problem soon a few weeks, then we will open the door for vladimir putin to go through the ukrainians.
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this step threatening kiev will be dangerous for the whole of europe. i know the future of the world is at stake if we fail. the world for my children will change dramatically, and in such a scenario, the security of the united states will be at risk. right now, the united states and ukraine are developing a new military strategy, according to the new york times.
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on monday you sent a letter to the speaker in which you wrote that there is no money for ukraine, and that this problem is urgent when exactly the funding runs out. from a budget perspective, we have about $1 billion left to replenish our own reserves. it all comes down to a political decision. should we risk our own? the russian army continues to reduce the military potential of the armed forces of ukraine, the ministry of defense and the public. from the right bank of the dnieper. there, at a distance from the front line , russian paratroopers, using lancets , destroyed two tanks and a self-propelled artillery unit of the ukrainian armed forces. an amazing story about humanity has blown up the internet. and the triumph of willpower, two seriously wounded soldiers of the russian armed forces of ukraine, whom everyone considered
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dead, for several days helped each other survive in the gray zone, so as not to die of thirst, they ate snow. but the ukrainian eventually died from his wounds, our warrior, his call sign grandma, even with shrapnel in his back and frostbitten legs, managed to crawl in his arms to his own, they managed to save him. former ukrainian president kuchma warned that the united states would lose face in front of the world if it abandoned kiev. in an interview with the british guardian, he raves that putin wants not only to seize territories, but also to destroy them.
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everything is becoming clearer, writes the financial times. the command of the armed forces of ukraine is dissatisfied with the strategy of the country’s authorities and calls for more honest official statements, but ze considers optimistic lies the only way to reassure doubters both in ukraine and in the west. whether the main sponsor of the kiev regime, biden, has any doubts, but it is truly unknown,
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the us president, who flew to the white house, refuses to answer journalists’ questions about the upcoming meeting with zelensky. what do you expect from your meeting with zelensky? mr. president, do you think you will be able to support president zelensky? president biden! congresswoman taylor greene calls for dealing with the us $34 trillion national debt and the security of the southern border, rather than funding a proxy war with russia. senator mike lee claims that he is not going to follow zelensky's instructions, because american legislators should take care of interests. america, us secretary of state blinken studiously does not notice this and continues to argue against only russia, china and iran can finance ukraine and israel. how will the situation affect ukraine and israel if congress does not pass an additional budget at the end of the year? i think that the only people who will be happy if this additional budget request
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is not voted on and approved by congress are sitting in moscow, sitting in tehran, in beijing, and for ukraine this is not their life. igor yuryevich, well, ukraine resembles such a voracious cuckoo, which will never grow, but which eats in three throats, and at the same time does not give no results other than by-products. i don’t want to insult the ukrainian people, i’m talking about the political regime that today exercises the function of governing in kiev. and representatives of this regime, vladimir zelensky, are today solving a critically important problem. during the trip and negotiations in washington - this is an extension of the package of military assistance to ukraine, without this, in fact, everything is reset, the prospects for ukraine are already unclear, in the absence of american support, on handouts and support from europe alone, far
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you won’t leave, in this regard, it seems to me that colossal efforts will now be made to... after all, who retain the ability to soundly analyze the situation, it poses an absolutely understandable and fair question: let’s conduct an audit of what
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the american dollars were spent on and how money in the form of military aid , and military aid itself, because ukrainian weapons are emerging, for example, in the hands of the same hamas militants, in this regard - of course, before voting for zelensky... i don’t know if he will be able to push through the congress , not it will succeed, but such attempts will be made, by the way, he is received in pentan quite modestly, there is a large hall here, and the negotiations that austin conducted with him are such a small room, clearly not a negotiation hall, where the briefing obviously took place, how to behave, what mistakes should be avoided in order to try to reach something more or less acceptable for the pentagon and...
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this is a signal that the pentagon wants to strengthen operational interaction with the high command of the armed forces of ukraine, say, remove those bureaucratic barriers,
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that exist, better understand the situation, instantly respond to certain requests, and ultimately increase interoperability, including by providing all the necessary data for the operation. we can say that if a group of high-level american military advisers is... created and begins to work in the main command of the armed forces of ukraine, this means that the pentagon has taken direct control of the course of military operations, and is not limited to purely practical advice, and of course, everything will be be decided including and the quality of the weapon. in this regard , i would like to note with satisfaction that a number of russian arms manufacturers have already fulfilled the state defense order ahead of schedule, in particular our holding company in early december. high-precision complexes reported that deliveries of two critical products under the state defense order have been completed: firstly, these are guided-class missiles for
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the carnet anti-tank complex and deliveries of s1 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems for the russian armed forces, very good news, we are very... holdings, because weapons today, their quality, and most importantly, quantity, decide a lot. i would like to repeat once again, this is president putin’s trip to receive new submarines, strategically.
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the enormous efforts that the government of the russian federation is making in terms of coordinating activities and day -to-day control over the progress of military production, namely weapons, as well as our soldiers, officers, generals, probably more than thousands, fulfill their duty to the country and to the ranks of the russian armed forces federations, contract soldiers who voluntarily came to the people. these are the components of morale, strengthening the russian army and the supply of modern weapons, as well as clear political goal-setting, the cohesion of our society, the absence of confusion and vacillation, and internal political stability. this is the foundation for unconditionally fulfilling and solving those tasks of the special military operation that were announced at the moment of its beginning. walstree
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giorno writes that... the ssu will not be able to begin any offensive actions until the beginning of the twenty-fifth year, that is, some they still have hopes that they sense the defense, accumulate strength, dig in, but zelensky at this stage does not have the money to even build fortifications, not only does he have no money, but also no resources, no excavators, no heavy equipment and people who could be used for this... of course, we will not get ahead of ourselves, we are not even talking about a turning point at this stage, it is clear that the initiative is in our country, telegraphs and other publications are already writing with might and main that russia close to victory, let's at least honor it. ukraine's counter-offensive has failed, or in the words of vladimir zelensky, has not achieved the desired results, as the exhausted ukrainians retreat from russian
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fortifications and mines... the initiative passes to the russians, now it is the turn of the ukrainians , they need to dig in, try to hold on to what what they have, the first world war eventually ended in part because the allies had more manpower, this time the demographic advantage of russia, which has a population of three and a quarter times the population of ukraine. russia has switched a third of its pre-war civilian production to weapons and ammunition, and may now have an advantage when it comes to drones. this... is the modern equivalent of the barbed wire and machine guns that gave the defending nation such a deadly advantage in the first world war. also in the west , fatigue from the conflict in ukraine and reluctance to continue funding kiev to the same extent are gradually growing. in particular, the us congress has not yet approved the allocation of new military assistance to ukraine, which the white house insists on, and even if trump does not win the us elections, the republicans will not allow biden to help kiev in the required amount in the coming year.
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putin's move to the middle east could be a sign of a deal with russia that would be a suedian-level disaster for western democracies. it is still possible to imagine a peace agreement that does not overtly reward aggression. perhaps the eastern regions could gain autonomy under free ukrainian sovereignty. perhaps a referendum under international control could be held in crimea. dmitry gobich, well , strictly speaking, is developing.
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i think this is a very correct story, as if it is very important, but we need to dive a little deeper into this issue, why negotiations are being conducted by three, well, five people, five senators in fact, and accordingly on the provision of assistance, by the way, they met on thursday , as we all naturally know here, two of them are republicans, so these republican representatives say that a deal is unlikely, why? because everything comes down to the internal agenda, primarily to the border component.
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they say that it is unlikely , it is unlikely, this is the main problem , moreover, accordingly, tomorrow the discussion will begin, and accordingly, this is not impeachment, in fact, maybe, to put it bluntly, this is permission for the supervisory authorities, which in itself it is surprising, in fact, that congress, that is, in this case , the judiciary committee, continue to prepare for impeachment, if we discuss it exactly like that, this too will be voted on tomorrow, even, as we talked about... low democrats, that is, who are republicans, who, so to speak, no longer want to spoil relations with biden, even they agreed to vote for him , most likely everyone will vote there, but maybe, except for one, tomorrow, tomorrow's impeachment story and subsequent consideration will override this agenda, so in fact there is an opportunity today, but even if it is accepted, it’s still as if no one is going to cancel the holidays, they will blow everyone away anyway, next year it will be very difficult to carry out this, because discussions about direct budgets will begin there.


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