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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  December 12, 2023 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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this is permission for the supervisory authorities, which in itself is surprising, in fact , the congress, that is, in this case, the judiciary committee, to continue preparations for impeachment, so if we discuss it exactly like that, this will be voted on tomorrow even by, as we said, the pro california democrats, that is, who are republicans, who, so to speak, no longer want to spoil relations with biden, even they agreed to vote for him, everyone there will most likely vote, but maybe, except for one, tomorrow, tomorrow the story of impeachment and subsequent consideration will block this agenda , so in fact there is an opportunity today, but even if this is accepted, no matter how no one is going to cancel the holidays, they will still blow everyone away, next year it will be very difficult to carry out this, because discussions about the budget itself will begin there.
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everything else, so timings lead to the fact that funding will be tightened, in any case, the question is to what extent, the question here is not yes no, to what extent, but a lot or a lot , there are only two options, at this stage it’s a last resort, respectively, therefore, as if we should say thank you to the economy, by the way, the second very important point, and why is it that austria has gotten excited here, there are two rules , if you want to find out what is really happening in this world, you have to ask two things, what is with the economy and what is with the elections, in austria the elections are next...
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accordingly, the adg would win, in fact, it’s just that no one wants to cooperate , therefore the cdu, csu are center-right, show a tougher position on this issue, it is they who naturally advocate for the migration component, for the economic component, reducing the expenditure component, as if limiting the migration component, the problem is this: changes are starting to happen in countries, we are sitting, of course, we don’t know anything about this, but as we dive in, these changes are more important than anything in the world, more important than the external components, modern world conflicts. they are connected with financing, with
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the transfer of large resources, with internal agenda, and everything depends on the internal agenda, and in order to correctly substantively understand what is happening in ukraine, it is necessary to correctly substantively understand the middle east, at a minimum. i'll explain why this is important. the fact is that the possibility of providing military assistance , physical military assistance directly to the middle east is now being substantively discussed in the united states, that is, it is already being discussed there too, it is already being refuted there that us military personnel can stand on the border with lebanon, i remind you, and these are already rumors about it are they coming, why? the intensification of military operations is taking place precisely in the northern part , on the northern border, an intensification is happening, as it were, along a different perimeter, the western bank, now there is an assault on a hospital , right now on the western bank, not in gaza, on the western bank there are assaults there, respectively this is already exciting jordan very seriously, accordingly , we have elections in egypt at the end, what we have today, and well, in fact, in the near future, therefore, from this point of view, these are all factors that switch attention. from this point
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, providing military assistance, for example, to israel itself or even providing military personnel there, this is the objective component, and the actual return of military personnel to the middle east is a much more important situation than the hypothetical sending of these military personnel wherever they are in europe , especially since this is not expected, judging by the fact that they are not yet going to ukraine, and that’s what i’m talking about, only very, very, very weakly representing generals in the united states.
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for this you need to be extremely right-wing and radical, so even moderate republicans, who previously supported biden’s position and even began negotiations on impeachment, now support that story when you are completely dismantled...
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they say they may not survive, and even if they don’t survive , their senate will most likely be republican, and she, and he will allocate the bulk of the aid, if they did not allocate the bulk of the aid before the budget, i remind you just before november, if they did not issue the bulk of the aid now, how will they not issue it after the election year, therefore, from this point of view, the problem is as follows: in the long term, all the conditions have been created, then everything depends on the competence of the individual manager, as it were, the circuit, this is, in fact, the main challenge, it is also interesting there, of course, from the point of view of the arrival right.
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well, let's see which of them will win and how they will act, while now the fourth country of the european union is opposed to even talking with ukraine about joining the eu. let's not listen to hamer. in the current conditions, austria will not agree to begin negotiations on ukraine’s membership in the european union, and kiev should not enjoy privileges in comparison with other accession candidates, in particular. there should be no favoritism towards ukraine compared to bosnia and herzegovina, which is also currently negotiating accession. of course, kiev and chisinau should be offered the prospect of joining the eu as a sign of solidarity, but there should be no accelerated procedure for these states. in addition, internal eu reforms are needed
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if the union is to be ready for enlargement. austria will also not support the project to revise the long-term eu budget, which includes an assistance program for ukraine worth up to... billion euros, this is still too much for us and other net donors, even though the amount has already been reduced, austria is on this will not agree, that’s good, but we’ll be back, every week we sum up the results of the president’s work, it’s time to sum up the results of the year, and the president himself will do this, there will be not only answers to questions from journalists, but direct communication with citizens, and as always, we will see and show more. the rest. results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling
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+7 495-539-40. +7 499 550 40-40. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, it’s been a long time since we’ve been with you haven't seen each other. will find this cool fighter even cooler, you fell in love with them, who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words,
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hero of my time, beauty , repin, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform, you ’re looking 100 to one, what’s our task, open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with the underboss, what’s your last name? everyone knows the character from pushkin’s works. 7.8, 7.8 7.8, how much? who is at work, a lot and speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would like to chop oak, not, pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry.
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he proposed to me on the first date , and you agreed, my heart is restless, you need to go to the farm, what with volodya , but he hurt himself, his fate is such a girl, she is spelled for loneliness, a black widow, from any curse there is always one amulet, my name is victor, i realized that i can do it again. drink, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will become my wife, i scary, all the men who
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get married die later, nothing will happen to me , everything collapsed there, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, plot for loneliness, premiere, saturday on rtr, there are places that fascinate because they are part of... cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, the mind is gone, this world is worth seeing,
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a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. the kremlin said that they will closely monitor the upcoming meeting between biden and zelensky in the united states, as press secretary president peskov said, tens of billions of dollars that the west has already invested in ukraine were burned in the field, and the same fate awaits them investments that zelensky will be begging washington for. the wall street journal emphasizes that the third visit of a ukrainian beggar to the united states since the beginning of the war only shows that trust in kiev and its army of militants is inexorably melting. american... payers, on whose blood the ukrainian army is walking, are furious. politico writes that
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zelensky’s visit will help return him to the covers of western newspapers, which is also a result for me. president joe biden will host ukrainian president vladimir zelensky at the white house on tuesday. as negotiations on an agreement to help kiev are at a deadlock in congress. zelensky's visit will highlight the united states' unwavering commitment to supporting its people. and its defense from russia's brutal invasion, white house spokeswoman karine jeanpierre said. the meeting is the latest attempt by the white house to put pressure on congress, where an agreement to provide emergency aid to ukraine appears to have stalled. white house aides have long noticed that public support for ukraine is increasing either after a serious development of events in the war, or after a moment associated with zelensky. and this is what brings the conflict back to the headlines. zelensky's visit to washington could do this again. at the same time, putting pressure on the republican party, said a senior white house official.
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it could also push mainstream republicans to turn against their leadership and those in their party who are now reluctant to support ukraine. white house aides believe most republicans are still advocates help for kiev, official said zelensky's visit ahead of christmas could renew momentum. news reporter igor naymushen is with us in direct communication from the united. “hello, what is the true purpose of this visit, it is clear that there is some kind of decoration, zelensky as decoration inside.” what kind of internal political struggle between democrats and republicans is now manifesting itself? yes, hello, hello, colleagues, well, look, if all the previous meetings took place in an atmosphere of hope and inspiration, now the situation is really dramatic has changed, because this is essentially the last attempt to get
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congress to reconsider its position, specifically from the republicans regarding the allocation of new money, but here... we must understand that the republicans are well aware that ukraine is not the fifty-first state in america, and in reality there are no voters there who, in less than a year , will cast their votes in favor of one party or another, and the republicans understand this very well, because zelensky is not able to resolve their dispute with the democrats, he only intends ask for more money, promise , actually last time, the last time when he spoke at the military academy, on monday, promise not... future achievements due to the supply of weapons from the states, due to the supply of fighter jets, which he he said, drones, radioactive warfare equipment, and at the same time air defense systems. therefore, all that the ukrainian delegation is counting on here is to still provide themselves with some kind of groundwork for next year in those conditions when in reality
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, as they say, they have already achieved bumps, yes, and resources for the future. there is already catastrophically little left for the government, there will be another aid package ahead , the american administration intends to announce it by the end of the year, well, it is quite likely that this will all end, because the white house has already stated that the upcoming aid may be the last that the united states is ready allocate to ukraine within the framework of the crumbs that remain from all previous approved budgets, that is, are you suggesting that kiev can forget about 61 billion? or the part will still be allocated at the beginning of the next year, in the middle? look, there are 61 billion included in biden’s complete package for national security purposes, more than 100 billion. the american administration wants to consider them, wants this package to be considered as a whole, is categorically against
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republicans or congressmen as a whole splitting it into separate bills, with this is in the schedule... until the end of this year there are no items on voting, consideration of this request, well, that is, in essence , you need to understand that on friday the capitols will go to vacation and will return only at the beginning of january, so what ukraine is counting on in this case is not entirely clear, but as for attempts to come to an agreement with individual republicans and still persuade them to support them, here you also need to understand that even those republicans who are. .. the most ardent supporters of arms supplies to kiev, for example, senator linzi graham, they are already saying that they do not intend to explain to their voters why they will support ukraine, but will do nothing to solve the ill-fated immigration question and what they call the leaky border, the open border that exists under
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the current administration of joe biden, yes, that is, here you need to understand that in conditions when elections will be held in america in less than a year,
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nato advanced training courses and only that military personnel who are loyal to the nato bloc, only those were ensured promotion in the armed forces of ukraine and placed in positions, therefore, taking into account the data, well, how else is it written down in your constitution to move to nato, therefore, taking into account these facts, when we, in fact, part of the military elite back in the twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second year essentially swore allegiance to western countries and refused the oath to the ukrainian people. it turns out that the russian federation, when it wanted to solve everything peacefully, quickly without bloodshed, we see what this all led to, when i, for example, watch zelensky’s visit first there to argentina, it was generally more in... in principle, it looks like a kind of such a vacation, so to speak, because the zelensky regime has done a lot of work for the americans in ukraine, and it is necessary, so to speak, to encourage a certain
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gouleiter, if you look further , there was an attempt to go to brazil, but they did not accept him there, taking into account the data of the brazilian media, now we are seeing how he is shown to american generals and the military, it is obvious that in essence for a long time now, the armed forces of ukraine are essentially private... it simply shows the military that look, thanks to this character and what he does, we can wage a war with russia with the hands of peoples that are completely alien to us, and this, of course, is a fundamental difference, the american military company is american , which is why we need to very very much multiply by zero all these victorious statements or negative reports from the western media, because when we touch upon practical results, we must understand: that military planning against the russian federation, it was for years, decades, in ukraine, when they essentially recruited mid-level officers into
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the ssu in the nato bloc, so that when needed, they would really become the very same accomplices of the ukrainian people and dragged the country into war, it was then that it became clear that we are not talking about any help from the united states or western countries, we are talking specifically about...
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and digitalization, without creating protective mechanisms that will save us from the mistakes that destroyed our country, almost destroyed it, behind every manifestation of an act of artificial intelligence, one way or another there will be someone’s interests, those who will stand behind artificial intelligence, the first thing they will do is manipulation consciousness of humanity, we need... for it to be our artificial intelligence, what does it mean to ignore this need? it's either comicaz's desperate bravery, or
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the game is worth blooming. russia is trying to do everything to ensure that this insight actually occurs. besagon tv. today on rtr. i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton , look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear, i wonder why i’m kushtin for my husband, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, what should i do now?
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the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 34 years, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer, but he is
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a doctor. which everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr, mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s someone else. transported furniture to a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, very beautiful, what does this mean to me, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i’ve forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’m sitting here running to work, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you, marishka, little
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one, loved you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya noskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like vera, well, as a woman, you like , if i find out anything, i’ll let you know, my daughters, on friday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely without faces from this room, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans they turn into projects before our eyes, i love them. plants, i'm generally
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a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday at rtr, burns. on the body , tortured with electricity, please remember , maybe there was something unusual, soon we will find out everything, oleg and fedya are going to the address, but when you get there, don’t just focus on the creditors, you can look at it from the other side, i agree , secret investigations, again with us, today on rtr. severe frosts down to 58°
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are now in the urals, in siberia in the far east, in magadan there is an emergency warning due to heavy snowfall, in rostov-don there was freezing rain, the streets turned into a huge skating rink, in moscow, expected all day snowfall that won't end until the end of the week, look.
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the russian winter is good. 200 look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. hello! on the russia tv channel, lead in the studio by irin rossius and the main topic for this hour: 30 years of the basic law in russia, constitution day, today the president held a meeting with the judges of the constitutional court, get out on the ground, quickly! our paratroopers in the serebryansky forestry captured a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and took soldiers prisoner. the k-52 helicopters completed
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their targets. in the krasnolimansky direction. less two days remain before the start of the program. results with vladimir putin. a flurry of calls. for many, this is the only chance to solve their problem. the appeal is already greater. in rostov, roads, sidewalks, trees, everything is in an icy glaze in tula due to snowfall, transport collapse, they banned the entry of trucks into donetsk, sparking trolleybus wires. during a football match in ankara , the referee was attacked by the president of one of the teams. they had to take the referee out of the field under the cover of special forces with scores. and first, the footage that we just received from novoogorev. vladimir putin, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the russian constitution, holds a meeting with judges of the constitutional court. addressing
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them, the president noted that the basic law of our country works, stabilizes the state, protects the interests of all citizens, the main and fundamental thing in the constitution is, of course, protection.
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stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn, turn to the constitutional court to protect their rights. exactly 30 years ago, for the first time in our history the main law of the country was adopted during a referendum; its norms have direct effect and priority over international law. today , ceremonial events are being held throughout the country in st. petersburg, on the palace square, new official cars were handed over to the national guard. immediately after the crew ceremony. in moscow, the families of the special operation participants, with the support of the united russia women's movement, were given a tour of the historical museum. in tyumen, united russia awarded the winners of the competition dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the basic law. in tula the state university honored student
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volunteers who help the residents of donbass and the military. there, young guard activists held a quiz on knowledge of the basics of the constitution. one of the holiday traditions is the presentation of the first passports to fourteen-year-old russians. there is a solemn ceremony in the omsk region. was held with the participation of the governor and presidential commissioner for children’s rights maria lvova belova. the constitution of the year ninety-three determined the priorities for the development of the state and became the foundation of the modern legal system, and its updated norms allowed our country to overcome external challenges and strengthen its sovereignty. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin announced this today. when we talk about the constitution it really is. has become different , it was written based on the challenges of the time, based on the situation and most importantly, the will of the people, this is very important, because for the first time
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such a decision was made in the russian federation, where there is a multi-party system, where there are different points of view, if you listen to the president, including its software installation. that we are all together for our country, we defend our common principles, which are clearly stated in the constitution. it seems to me that what we stated today, what our speaker often talks about, is consolidation. and our
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special operation, which is taking place today, and new regions, this is all exactly what today certainly, certainly ensures the future not only of our country. in the twentieth year. after all, we have taken a very important step in favor of the sovereignty of our country; now the constitution prevails, including if there is a contradiction with international treaties, then the russian... constitution is in effect, this is precisely our right to our independence, to our sovereignty. in ukraine , drones hit military targets in the odessa-nikolaev regions. explosions were heard in uman near cherkassy and drones were also reported by the kirovograd region. missile strikes were carried out on targets in ochakov and the kharkov region. on the zaporozhye front , an attack was repelled in the novoselovka area near.
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north of artyomovsk, russian military personnel are clearing the flanks of bogdanovka, the positions of the ukrainian armed forces under fire from missile attack drones. the enemy lost up to 240 militants killed and wounded, two armored personnel carriers, four howitzers and a self-propelled carnation. in the ugledar direction, mortarmen continue their combat work, despite the squally wind and snow. k-52 attack helicopters track down and attack vysu groups in the lpr. the crews fire at targets from extremely low altitudes. and this is footage of the assault on ukrainian positions in the kremen forest by airborne forces. after a powerful artillery barrage , the paratroopers captured enemy fortifications. the surviving militants surrendered. about the work of our air defense forces. report by military commander alexey baranova. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes, and the crew's work
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begins even before the vehicle stops. the ability of top1 anti-aircraft missile systems to detect and recognize up to fifty targets is especially important today. it is the air defense crews of the central military district here in the krasnolimansk direction that cover the units operating on the front line near the combat line...
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the ground, so that neither the artillery can reach them, many points have been seen that they are flooding concrete, observation points are very secretive, from dugouts, from companers, everyone goes through passages underground, they sit, observe, correct, track, well, one might say they are afraid. combat duty of the tor1 anti-aircraft missile systems of the central military district in serebryansky lesnichestvo, meanwhile, does not stop. attention. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, leonid sharov. maintain a line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. extreme warning for frosts below 45° it is announced in the morning. region in the neighboring irkutsk region this night the thermometers may approach
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-50. in the novosibirsk region , the record for energy consumption was broken due to cold weather. in the lpr, after sleet and rain , 100,000 subscribers were left without electricity. in donetsk, roads are covered with a layer of ice, pedestrians are wary of going out into the streets. more than 2,000 tons of anti-icing materials have already been spent on treating the highway. the contact on the wires led to a short circuit in the trolleybus contact networks. freezing rain for the second day. paralyzes traffic in rostov-don, the authorities canceled the routes of 300 school buses, children were partially transferred to distance learning, and for those students who still had to go to school it was extremely difficult to get to. but. guessing , the air temperature immediately rose by 20°, while the snowfall in the city intensified, utility services did not have time to clear the passages and sidewalks. the entry of trucks into tula was restricted due to bad weather. this is necessary to quickly remove snow from main highways. traffic jams in the city during rush hour reached a record 10 points. russia is ready
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trade with unfriendly countries on the basis of mutual respect and consideration of interests. mikhail mishusin stated this. a system for transmitting financial information that is alternative to western analogues, to increase the share of national currencies in mutual settlements, we expect that by the end of this year it will increase by almost a quarter to 65%. by 2030, the share of national currencies in mutual settlements with foreign countries should be
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80% or more. the first power unit of as akuyu received permission to commission a license. issued by the turkish regulator. now rosatom will be able to begin the final stage of construction of the launch station and commissioning work. well, in total, the project involves the construction of four power units with a capacity of 1,200 mw each. the launch of the first nuclear power plant in turkey is planned next year. the training of specialists is already underway in russian universities. the personnel who will manage this unit are being prepared based on the logic that this is a russian-turkish project. we allocate funds to our universities every year. quotas for training turkish students, about 319 of them have already completed their studies full-fledged employees of the okuyu station. this is the message, this is what will happen next in our program. less than two days until the most anticipated event of the year. the half-center of the popular front has already received almost one and a half million
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questions for the president. idf attacks the south of the gaza strip. israel's defense minister said the military operation was approaching a critical point. a football match in turkey ended in a brawl, who attacked the referee on the field, more about this and more after the ad, see you. every week we take stock of the president's work, it's time to take stock year, and this will be done by the president himself, there will be not only answers to journalists’ questions, but direct communication with citizens. results of the year. with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the moscow website by calling +7 495 539 4040. +7 499 550-40-40.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself , but she carries this kurbuda, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i have such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without yours help you would not survive, only ours can,
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honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to wednesday on rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday, good people here reported that you had become confused with a muscovite. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for 4 years. we need to have a child, i really... don’t want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him.
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we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, burns on the body, tortured with electricity, please remember, maybe there was something unusual, soon we will find out everything, oleg and fedya are coming to the address,
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we are rushing into the world of artificial intelligence and digitalization without creating protective mechanisms that will protect us from the mistakes that destroyed our country, almost destroyed it. behind every manifestation and act of artificial intelligence, one way or another there will be someone’s interests, those who will stand behind artificial intelligence, the first thing they will do is manipulate the consciousness of humanity, we need it to be our artificial intelligence, which means ignoring this need, this is either the desperate courage of the comics, or... the game is completely worthless, russia is trying do everything so that this epiphany really
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comes. besagon tv today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. there are already less than two days left before the start of the program, the results of the year with vladimir putin. and more and more requests are coming to the head states. the popular front call center received 900 thousand calls from all over the country, and the total number of questions approached one and a half million, which is what the president is most often asked about, reporting by olga armyakova. there are only 2 days left until the main event of the year, a big conversation with vladimir putin , time here in the call center seems to be speeding up, no longer in minutes, but in seconds, recording the call. the phones are constantly ringing, there is not a single subscriber in line, this line cannot be busy. hello, you...
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are in the gas sector. also at night and in the morning fighters the idf stormed a refugee camp in the city of gini on the western bank of the aordan river. they blocked the entrances and exits with heavy equipment, and snipers were stationed on the roofs of neighboring buildings. tanks and armored personnel carriers of the israeli army also cordoned off the arrazi public hospital in jinina. bombing continues in the south gaza sector, where people fled from the northern part of the enclave destroyed by israel. the israeli defense minister said that the military operation is approaching critical. zelensky will receive a tough reception in the us congress, as he writes wall street journal since last year , the mood of the audience has changed significantly, military operations on the battlefield have reached a dead end, and congressmen themselves cannot agree on the allocation of assistance to kiev. time is running out, in 3 days the congress will go on christmas break and will return to work only in early january. zelensky
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received $900 million from the imf, but there is a hole in the budget.
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in secret from hungary, negotiations are underway to allocate their own funds for an emergency aid package. in addition, brussels, in violation of all legal norms, proposes transfer to ukraine 15 billion euros from frozen, but actually stolen russian assets. se poland - approved donald tusk, the leader who won the opposition elections as prime minister. the cabinet headed by matousz morawiecki was dismissed. now president duda must lead. truckers, though he didn’t say exactly how he intended to do this, but apparently, by force, the day before the authorities had already tried to return one of the blocked checkpoints to operation, but it didn’t work, the poles allegedly blocked the road broken down truck, and today the police used force against the strikers to
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unblock the road, now they are standing in queues on the border of ukraine and poland and waiting... russian special services have prevented 146 terrorist attacks this year, many of them were prepared in kiev with the support of western countries . fsb director alexander bortnikov stated this today. this year, intelligence services uncovered 73 secret cells and stopped their activities. according to bortnikov, in the context of a special operation and against the backdrop of an aggravation of the situation in the world, the national anti-terrorist. the committee developed additional measures to counter threats to national security. the number of sabotage and terrorist attacks organized by the special services and neo-nazi formations of the kiev regime under the supervision of foreign dissociative communities, primarily the united states of america and great britain, has increased significantly. ukrainian special services do not hide their participation in the preparation and conduct of terrorist attacks against
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representatives of russian authorities. public figures, journalists and former ukrainian politicians who openly criticize the kiev regime. turkey appears to have put a stain on its international sporting reputation following a controversial football match in inkar that ended in a brawl. the main referee of the meeting was first attacked by the president of the home club, and after... the referee fell on the lawn, he was kicked, the victim had to be taken out of the stadium under the cover of special forces with bills. the game itself ended in a draw, the guests managed to equalize in the last minute. the sports official debashir has already been detained. the president of turkey and the head of fifa expressed their condemnation. the local football federation has postponed matches in all leagues. turkey's right to host the euro in 1932 may now be in question.
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it's october in the capital's cinema center. created in co-production with the russia-1 tv channel, two of them are real flagships that will make the new year's box office, these are the bremen musicians of alexei nuzhny and kholop-2 of klim shipenko. find out more from the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. in the industry, this presentation, the largest, annual, closed to ordinary spectators, after all, in the hall those who compose the repertoire for them simply call it tspsh day. and it opened. the most anticipated children's and family project of the new year, the film by alexei nazhny "the town musicians of bremen". inspired by everyone's favorite musical cartoon since childhood, the authors transfer the action into a full-fledged cinematic universe, giving the adventures of the heroes
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a new scale and entertainment, the addressee is still everyone, young and old. the idea came to me with the help of my children. every morning we went to kindergarten and school, they sang songs of the bremen musicians in the car. and these songs inspired me. in order to take on this film, this story penetrates inside, inside, as if giving some kind of light, goodness, joy, and indeed all these simple primitive phrases like love will save the world, they really somehow resonate inside and ignite you. the creator of kholopa 2, klim shipenko, the director who shot the first film in space, is taking his film to a fundamentally new level of production complexity and scope, a challenge that... by the way, also gives the big guy a ride no one can prohibit filming on a grand scale, but why, when the call collects more than two billion, and the first lackey is h3. in the new one, grisha's major, milish bikovich, meets
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the daughter of an influential official katya, aglaya tarasov. compared to whose antics, his yesterday's antics are kindergarten. the re-education of this impetuous person will require drastic measures, special risks and a restructuring of the entire psychological experiment of transferring those being brought up to another time. it will be. rowing of yuri tyukalov and his sensational victories in helsinki. there will be a continuation of palma, which won people's love and earned more than 350 million rubles at the box office. the script
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is again based on a true story. this time a bear cub found in the tver region near the runway. he showed us that this is an ideal continuation, that this is again a story about aviation, about an animal, and about an animal that saves a person, and not a person saving an animal, as it seems. and we united. they also remembered cheburashka, the sequel to the highest-grossing film in the history of russian box office is promised to be released in december twenty-fifth year, the presentation of the largest distributor of the fantasy film 100 years ago, based on the story of the same name by kir boluchev, completed; a new story about the adventures of alisa selezneva will be released on april 18. ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina zagumenych, dmitry gurinov, andrey startsev, news. tonight , after the big news, watch two at once.


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