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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  December 13, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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now they will introduce a spark to the account for construction in the private sector, shared construction will be like in the city, and the price of housing will not rise individually, otherwise it will be like in the city , we won’t be able to handle it, but we’ll find out everything, thank you, don’t worry, the deputy minister himself will come soon come to us, well, okay, otherwise i’m tired of hanging around the dorms, not students, go, yeah, oh, i want a warm apartment, it protects citizens and stabilizes the state. vladimir putin held a meeting with members of the constitutional court. it is becoming increasingly difficult for zerensky to ask the united states for financial support. congressmen are waiting for a report on the money spent by ukraine. the head of the kiev regime visited the white house. through north through south, a live new year's tree was delivered directly from veliky ustyug to mariupol. a new day
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begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. protection of the rights of freedoms and interests of citizens are key aspects of the russian constitution, vladimir putin said. the president held a meeting with judges of the constitutional court on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution. the head of state recalled that under what difficult conditions the basic law of the country was adopted, which will stabilize the state. and the main thing in the constitution is, of course, the protection of the rights, freedoms , interests of our citizens, but this is a living organism, as the chairman of the constitutional court has repeatedly said , zordin valery dmich, so a couple of years ago amendments were adopted under new conditions, which were also necessary for the rapidly changing situation within the country, around us, also passed as...
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confirmation of our traditional values, strengthening the vector aimed at the historical continuity of generations, and some other issues of a social nature were raised, all this suggests that the basic law of our country is work.
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services uncovered 73 secret cells and stopped their activities. according to bortnikov, against the background of the worsening situation in the world, the national anti-terrorism committee has developed additional measures to counter threats to the country's security. also, since the beginning of the year, almost one and a half hundred underground weapons workshops have been liquidated 110 million rubles were blocked in the accounts of 400 individuals involved in the financing of terrorism. the meeting with senators and the speaker of the us house of representatives is nothing new, said missouri senator eric schmidt. washington, the president of ukraine returned to ask for 60 billion and weapons, but as the american press previously wrote, since last year the situation and the mood of the audience have changed significantly. military operations on the battlefield have reached a dead end, and congressmen themselves cannot agree on the allocation of assistance to kiev. time is running out, in 3 days the congress will go on christmas break and return. work only at the beginning
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of january. zelensky received $900 million from the imf, but the hole in ukraine’s budget next year is $43 billion. at the same time, republicans are demanding a full accounting of funds already spent. the result of zelensky’s visit will be a meeting with joe biden. this conversation could become fatal for the head of the kiev regime if the states demand to go to ukraine next year. elections. and about the weather - forty degrees. frosts came to bashkiria and the tyumen region, an emergency warning has been announced in transbaikalia, where it is -45. in the novosibirsk region , the historical maximum in energy consumption has been broken, and rostov-on-don has been paralyzed for the second day due to freezing rain. the roads and sidewalks have turned into a giant skating rink, which is impossible to walk or drive on unless you are on skates. owners of passenger cars trams and trolleybuses are drifting like sports cars because of the icy wires. similar shots. and
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residents of donetsk, some roads are blocked by fallen trees, on the street additional forces of utility workers and snow removal equipment were withdrawn, and in magadan the frost was replaced by a thaw. it started snowing. equipment cannot withstand severe frosts either. in kemerovo, many cars do not start. the region began to offer services for heating cars with a heat gun. a live spruce was brought from velikiy usteg to mariupol. the tree came from north to south across the entire country and became a symbol of the unity of all the peoples of russia. children from ten regions handed over hand-made toys with which they decorated green beauty. report by irina efrem. we are now in the city garden. the first new year tree in mariupol appeared here. twelve meters tall, she came from veliky ustyug, the birthplace of father frost. this is where his residence is located. the fifty-year-old new year's beauty was transported
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on a truck for 5 days from veliky ustyug to mariupol. between them we visited different cities of russia and in each the children handed over toys they had made with their own hands. they were hung on the christmas tree. let's start with the fact that when they took her out of the forest, she was there, she did not fit on the road, that is, its scope is such that two road signs there were simply demolished with branches, as if , so of course it had to be shortened very much, the tiles were temporarily removed in the city garden, a one and a half meter hole was dug for installing the christmas tree, and today it is completely ready, and to give a new year's mood, despite the bad weather, this tree was nurtured, chosen, cared for for several months, then very carefully cut down.
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libraries of mariupol and its environs. irina efrimova, dmitry rud, vesti donetsk-mariupol. this is the news we are following development of events. don't switch. a resident of udmurtia came with a victory from turkey. there the girl received one of the highest awards at an international beauty contest. became the mother of europe, and this is no coincidence. svetlana is a mother of many children, and her charitable foundation helps several orphanages and hospitals. yulia ilmurzina met the winner. we found svetlana kotlova in the kitchen. on weekends , she cooks pancakes with her children, and
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four-year-old mark especially loves the family tradition. i managed. everything falls down on me. at svetlana's knows four children and granddaughters. all her titles, she is mrs. treasure of russia and udmurti, finalist of the mrs. russia of the world contest. next year you will study well, you will dance, sing, play the piano well, and you will also go to moscow, and they will put on the same beautiful crown for you. i am very proud of her and want to be like her. and also svetlana, the head of the singing golobka charity foundation, who helps.
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understand why parents abandon their children. by nationality svetlana mariyka, her family cherishes the national culture. in the final of the competition, she appeared in a stylized sea costume. the accessories are modeled after an antique silver chest piece that has been passed down from generation to generation through the female line in her family. it is all woven and hand-sewn with home-woven fabric and has very, very great strength, the strength of women. kind, and today europe’s mother is preparing her daughter kira to participate in a children’s beauty contest. yulia almurzina, alexander karpov, udmurtia news. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website the news is following developments. come on,
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let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great. okay, morning in russia! don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning everyone, good morning, everyone, god, what a wonderful morning, i would tell you, you are irresistible, slavochka, what a joy it is to be together again, vladislav zavyalov and anastasia chernobrovina, together with you, with our beloved country, yes, but let's start with a loud sensation from archaeologists.
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not only residential buildings were found here, but also a temple, baths, even an indoor theater, unlike pompeii and herculaneum, the city... was not destroyed by the elements, only by time. residents left the settlement in the 6th century ad due to the threat of invasion by germanic tribes. but it’s more important for us where russians prefer to live. according to data from tsom, 73% of families would like to settle in their own home, but when building it there is always a risk of being left without money without housing. there is a systemic solution to the problem. let's watch sergei egorov's story, and then discuss it for the minister of construction and housing and public utilities. that’s how my mother would have found a contractor; the contractor found through an advertisement promised to build in a matter of months
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just a house, literally a dream mansion, almost 100 square meters with warm floors and chocolate-colored roofs, the builders poured the foundation almost immediately after receiving the deposit, although the work stopped there, they laid the foundation then over the course of six months, probably there were always the same layouts, then that the blocks are not at the factory, the truck was detained there, the truck is not being released. plant , after feeding the customer plenty of breakfast, the contractor began to appear on site less and less, and then stopped answering the phone altogether. mom wrote a statement to the police, they refused to initiate criminal case due to the lack of corpus delicti. by the way, the refusal of the police in such a situation is a classic of the genre, they say the money was transferred by mutual consent, the presence of a foundation indicates that some kind of work is still being carried out at the site. the criminal intent is not obvious. for the police , formally everything looks as if these are ordinary civil relations, and the consumer came to... the police to use a government body as a method of putting pressure on the builder. to restore
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justice to a disgruntled customer usually sent to court, although victory in court does not guarantee a quick return of funds. dmitry turned to a reputable construction company to complete the top floor of the cottage. after serious complaints began to arise regarding the work of the team, the builders stopped showing up at the site. dmitry went to court and won, but never received compensation. when they realized that they were losing the trial, they changed the name, apparently, but... the likelihood of such scenarios often forces citizens to make a choice in favor purchasing an apartment even if you have the funds to build your own home. a solution to this problem could be the introduction of a spark account mechanism, when the customer’s funds are essentially frozen in a safe deposit box, and the developer carries out all work using bank credit money. using the escro account mechanism , the developer will receive money only when he signs the acceptance and transfer certificate with the buyer, with the customer. now more than
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a thousand developers are accredited to work with such a mechanism, but another important the question is how engaging a bank as an intermediary will affect the price of a particular house. nowadays, the cost of an apartment building has virtually no effect on the cost of construction. in the total cost of servicing bank services does not exceed 3-4%. therefore, when we transfer this to an individual residential building, we are willing to pay an additional small margin. well, i say, this is not calculated in tens of percent, just interest, but it will guarantee itself, at least, the preservation of its money funds. therefore, it is now important to create conditions under which the introduction of spark mechanisms will not only increase the safety of individual construction, but will also not allow it to lose its main advantage - efficiency. let's discuss in more detail the initiative to extend cash accounts to individual housing construction with deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia nikita stasishin. good morning. well , the main argument in favor of escrow is that the developer is guaranteed to complete the construction of the object and will not
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disappear with the shareholder’s money, otherwise it will not will receive money from the bank, which is stored there in iskra's accounts. i wonder how the scheme will work, because it is not large companies that work there, and often more than one builds this or that object. yes, well, look, first, the most important thing, this is not a transition only to the use of housing accounts in individual construction, as was the case in 1919, when we transferred the entire housing industry... construction, where citizens’ funds are raised, to multi-apartment , so as not to get a single new deceiver. the main task, which we set for ourselves as a ministry. from the point of view of the development of this guarantee for citizens, it will not be a developer of the housing segment, this will be ensured as much as possible; it will be a contracting organization that is endowed with the same powers as a developer of 214 apartment buildings, but the most important thing is that we extended this to house kits, that is, essentially a bank , understanding
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the manufacturer of the house kit, accrediting... the contractor in your bank, using special accounts for issuing money with a regular loan , setting up, allows a person without additional guarantees of collateral, arrange a preferential mortgage for the purchase of such a house kit, that is, when a person still plans a mortgage, not only a mortgage, but this contractor who will build izh must have his own.
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will it be built comprehensively on some territory of some kind of residential complex or what? this is the difference between a developer and a contractor, a developer for multi-apartment housing, and for individual housing, but must own a land plot, he must own it or have the right to lease, and the spark - a contracting organization is a person who can own his own plot, that is , what happens if a person... he bought a plot of land from him and wants to build a house, he opens a list of standard projects that have already been worked out and we have already worked this out together with the ministry of industry and trade , with colleagues , domoko manufacturers, there are turnkey, there are two different ways, when a person builds his private house, he himself hires a contractor there, he himself goes to the store and buys everything, because he trusts
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this store and thinks, everything there is no one nothing they don’t overpay, they don’t transfer interest to each other, but here... let’s extend this law to the majority , i think that next year we will be in the regions of our country, because people have a need for such housing. thank you, we spoke with deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia nikita stasishin about the distribution of spark accounts for izh. have a good day. mikhail boyarsky, by the way, also
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has his 45th birthday this year. we talked somewhere about our partner irina alferova. the final of the all-russian championship in professional skills took place in st. petersburg, in almost 700 of the best young people participated in it...
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we are working on a mobile robot project that should essentially help in hospitals, that is, our site is like a model of a hospital with its own wards. looking ahead , let's say that students from kazan took first place, now we see them testing an almost completed robot, we ourselves developed the prototype from scratch, we do all the printed elements ourselves, we model, we solder the wires ourselves and the end. we come up with it ourselves. the success of the team from tatarstan was brought by the mechanism they thought out, which allows you to transport immediately several similar elements and a more advanced computer vision algorithm. my task was just about... programming the robot, but we have a kind of universal team, so i tried to help my partner with the robot, many people tried to persuade me, well, don’t, this is
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the boys’ business, don’t go there, well what? it would still be interesting, the professional participants in the championship finals competed in 35 competencies in the main line, twenty in the junior line, 679 finalists from russia and 42 competitors from foreign countries competed for victory, the championship took place thanks to the federal project professionalism, its feature is the integration of colleges and technical schools with partner companies from the real economy. our specialists directly influence the content of training programs, the equipment of training programs, the number of specialized thematic practical classes, the content of these classes, when your machine costs tens of millions of rubles, it is clear that you will most likely assign a specialist to it who is sufficiently will clearly confidently use it. more professionalism is more important when... lives depend on it, for example, at security control at airports, where it is important not to miss dangerous cargo, to recognize an inadequate passenger in time, therefore all the tasks of the championship are in the competence of transport service
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from real life. there was a task for a conflicting passenger, he refused to go through the metal detector frame and the task accordingly was to convince him to go through this frame. we convinced him. experts who assessed the championship participants noted that it became it was also a grandiose career guidance event, schoolchildren were tested on the site, more than 3 million people watched the broadcast on the internet, in six months many of them will consciously choose a specialty in technical schools and colleges and become professionals as motivated for success as the championship participants. to one thing, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podboh, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, a lot and says loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, cut it. don’t pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. are you crazy, sunday, here good people reported
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that you got mixed up with a mask man, this girl, who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and you’ve been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to have a child, i’m very- very i want this, don’t trust anyone , hello, i wish i didn’t have her, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, so i have to forget him completely, i can’t forget him, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i was with only one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, it’s you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, resurrection on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another one began
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shelling, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurba, priyuudy, says, baby, feed the dogs , lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help, you wouldn’t have survived, they can only ours, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to wednesday on rtr. look
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, look, look, you want to see , look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for two, three, sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go come to me, just watch a movie, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. residents of the northeastern provinces of china know how to preserve the frosty freshness of food; for this they do not need an ordinary refrigerator at all, just
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water. it usually takes several hours, after which the excess water is drained through a technological hole and closed with a lid behind the ice. you can store any food in such a refrigerator without fear that it will spoil. oh great! if there is enough frost and snow in winter, then there is a catastrophic lack of sunlight. internet users have figured out how to cope. with this task they invented an artificial sun. listen, guys, i think you 've gone too far. let's give a 75 w light bulb, that's enough. but what can you do, a lack of sun and vitamin d may not push you to such feats. with the arrival of the most depressing dark months of the year, people around the world instinctively try to surround themselves with light, even artificial light. although, if you make a window like this on the ceiling, it will really seem like just a little more and you can get a tan.
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it looks like. by the way, cut through such a window in summer is not so difficult, all these recipes are shared, you will need a special led lamp and a sheet of plastic. in norway they went even further, artificial sun rays are created using ordinary mirrors, the whole secret is in their correct location in space, it is thanks to them that there is practically no cloudy weather in this small town. this guy decided to conduct an experiment, he asked his subscribers if a 100-watt light bulb would be enough for him to literally flood his home with sunlight? opinions divided, but what do you say about this? by the way, who said that lamps, chandeliers and any light sources in general must look as realistic as possible. since we still know that the sun is not
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real, why not dress it up in the most... fun clothes, for example, this lamp in the shape of a giant unicorn, with the help of this device it is easy to throw a party, an unusual lamp can be made from literally anything light, i’m not joking now, any item from your everyday life will do: a wooden clothespin, an old durzhlak, cotton wool or a regular string with a plastic bottle. in general, there is no limit to human imagination, the main thing is that... such artificial light sources bring real positive emotions, eh, guys, after all , there is nothing better than a real, natural light source, light, warm, cozy, it’s elementary , we started, so...
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive me, the main thing. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in the studio karina ilyina, hello, less there are a day left before the start of the program, the results of the year with vladimir putin, tomorrow the president will hold a press conference directly with journalists and russians. in the meantime , the popular front call center continues to receive requests from all over the country. more than a million calls and one and a half million questions have already been received.
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citizens sent through the application. ru or send a message to number 04040. the results of the year with vladimir putin will be broadcast on our channel on december 14 at noon moscow time. ukrainian media report a series of explosions in kharkov region. earlier, cruise missiles were spotted over krivoy rog. at night , drones attacked military targets in uman, odessa and nikolaev regions. on the zaporozhye front, an attack was repelled in the novoselovka area near rabotin na... vska counterattacked and took several positions in the ssu. the enemy lost up to 240 personnel, and this is footage of a successful ammunition drop in the belogorovka area in the lpr. the operator barely managed to move the drone away from the explosion on
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the ground with the ammunition detonating. there, in the kremensky forest, airborne troops stormed ukrainian positions. the surviving militants surrendered, and dozens of military equipment in the ssu were also destroyed, including the american m-770 howitzer. something, the cabinet of ministers of finland decided to open two checkpoints on the border with russia, we are talking about the valemaa and niorala checkpoints, this is in southeastern finland, in northern in northern korea. they will resume work on december 14, while it is noted that the border may be closed again if the situation with migrants does not change. for now, all border checkpoints on the border with russia are closed due to decision of the finnish authorities, allegedly due to the influx of migrants, for which... the country's prime minister peteri orpa blamed russia. previously , the finnish media wrote that the national security situation does not currently raise concerns. football matches in all turkish leagues have been suspended
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, a decision made by the local football federation after the president of one of the clubs ran onto the field of his home stadium and attacked the referee. the victim had to be escorted out of the stadium under the cover of special forces with counters. now. he's in the hospital, the game itself is over in a draw, the guests managed to equalize the score at the last minute, which infuriated the sports functionary, the official of the troublemaker was detained, he had already resigned and apologized for the incident, the president of turkey and the head of fifa condemned it. turkey's right to host the european championship in 1932 may also be in question. due to severe frosts , a historical maximum consumption has been set in the irkutsk region. state traffic inspectors come to the rescue. read more daniil shershen. since the beginning of the frost, the number of calls has been 112 increased by 6%. the rescue service says
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that they are ready to help at any time of the day and the call will be redirected to a qualified agency. for example, calls due to lack of electricity have become especially frequent. most often, outages occur in low voltage distribution networks, i.e. in the irkutsk region they even set a historical maximum for electricity consumption, almost 10 gw. and this happens because the network is overloaded with electric heaters. some systems fail completely, as in this video. the main danger in this case comes from the ground under your feet, as if it is saturated with tension. state auto employees are working in an intensive mode. inspections, some cars cannot withstand frost, and okay, when you can’t start them in the yard, it’s much worse when the car stalls while driving, and such cases have become more frequent. if on the spot it is not possible to restore, so to speak, the functionality of the car,
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the traffic police officers, at a minimum, will call, help call emergency services, and take you to heating areas. at the irkutsk hydrometeorological center they note that such long frosts in december are not typical and they will last at least. until thursday next week with slight warming this weekend, which means the workload on the operational department will not decrease. daniil shershen, viktor togmitov, roman buinov, lead irkutsk. don't switch. not only people, but also animals suffer from severe frosts. the inhabitants of the seversky zoo in the tomsk region are sitting in their holes waiting for warmth. with the arrival of cold. not only their lifestyle changes, but also their living conditions. about how they help to keep animals warm, anna medvedeva will tell you. cottage cheese, yogurt, vitamins. a sandwich with this filling is the favorite treat of the brown bear timofey. i smell a delicious smell from the den, because
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the drizzles come out for lunch. sleepy. at the current -30-plus, such a portion of meat will freeze within half an hour, therefore, so that the animals have time to eat it, the shape has been changed. feeding, the portion of meat is increased in winter and as for carnivorous mammals, this is so-called fractional feeding, that is, so that the meat does not have time to freeze in the process of eating it is given not... in several portions, this is sometimes done with birds of prey, with owls and diurnal raptors, such as the golden eagle. zoo staff explain that only those for whom sudden temperature changes are normal in the wild remain on the street. for example, the amur tiger zeus calmly tolerates cold weather; he has grown a warm undercoat; other offenders need additional heating; they are given more straw, heaters are installed, and even clothing is provided. many animals in the seversk zoo are insulated not only fur. but ordinary clothes, for example, the goat kuzya lives on the street in a coat, kutka scrooge
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prefers scarves. more heat-loving animals moved to their winter quarters in the fall. the rodent, capybar, luntik does not even suspect that winter is coming, he has been living indoors since september, almost every inhabitant of the siversky zoo is waiting for the usual attention of visitors after the frosts have subsided. anna medvedeva, ivan patlusov, lead tomsk. the unique kalan, a device created on the island, was tested on holeniye and is designed to study single-water bodies, and also sea bays. in russia, such a drone is so far the only one of its kind, and can replace the work of an entire team of specialists. how the first tests went in elena zhinchenko's reporting. the sea otter is sent back to its natural habitat. water and food for this electronic beast will be the information it gets from the bottom of lake tunaicha. the drone has been created. for hydrographic surveys in real
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time, all data from the platform is sent to engineers onshore. today we are testing not the device itself, but a symbiosis of hydrographic equipment installed on the device, that is, at the moment we are testing how hydrographic equipment behaves. sakhalin kollana of bright light green color has already been included in a kind of red book. such a device is the only one of its kind, not only at long range. there is only one stock for the whole country. companies operating on the sakhalin shelf have already become interested in it. the drone, accurate to centimeters, collects data on the depth and topography of the bottom. almost any water equipment can be installed on the platform. research. kalan was created on the basis of the korsakov educational center technosphere. schoolchildren , together with experienced mentors, worked for several years on the peace apparatus and designed the building. for the subtlety of research, the platform must be correct.
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range of the collan, it will work on the principle that from the ground we will have a power cord, a power cable, stretched to it, which will power it during the flight. the drone needs to lose a little weight , taking into account the equipment and... in the coming year , kalan will have a lot of work in the port waters suburban drone will take part in studying the topography of the seabed. almost all the parts from which the platform is made are domestic, so the engineers promise that the serial collans will receive life just in time. elena zhenchenko, igor nikolaev, lead sakhalin kuriles. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application. or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring
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developments. dialogue with the whole country. dialogue with everyone. results of the year with vladimir putin. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. kissed her on the lips with all my might, yes i did that myself
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i wanted to do it, then everyone would have killed me long ago, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday at 15:00 began, let's, let's smile, the morning of russia. don't oversleep the main thing. good morning everyone, we remind you that today is wednesday, december 13th, time flies, flies, flies, and there are always hotties, yes, pleasant, porridge from an ax, and meat from thin air, american startup - steak made from carbon dioxide, to taste and texture bevsteak is no different from natural, except that the cow did not sit in the meadow, proteins and proteins were synthesized
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special bacteria, based on space technology from the sixties, when scientists were struggling with the problem of how to feed people in low-earth orbit. noticed that hydrogenotrophic bacteria not only feed on carbon dioxide, but also produce various amino acids, these are what are needed for the construction of animal proteins, however, while the process of producing a portion of meat from the air takes several days, and to make it easier to understand what is being sold on our shelves, what is natural and what is not, rospotrebnadzor suggested introducing color differentiation, so far only for dairy products alena kashtanova has figured out everything, milk is leaven, nothing superfluous. julia selected the cottage cheese especially carefully, with at least 9% fat content, so the cheesecakes taste better. even the youngest irishka was not capricious at breakfast this time. the cheesecakes, you see, turned out to be homemade, not restaurant-made, but the most important thing is the composition. every time you go to a store, you have to read the ingredients and make sure they only have what you need. and what was not needed, in
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particular, there were no milk fat substitutes. in such products, manufacturers replace it vegetable oils, thereby greatly saving raw materials, and possibly the health of customers. milk fat, it is still a little cheaper, some are absolutely satisfied with the taste, consistency, and so on. these products have their own audience, it decreases or increases from time to time, and this primarily depends not on the display, but on the income of the population, and you just need to help the consumer understand clearly what he is buying for this money. for this purpose, back in 2019, retail chains were obliged to separate these products on the shelves, today somewhere under products of plant-free substitutes. an entire shelf, price tags are marked somewhere, who has enough creativity for what? here on the price tags it says without milk fat substitute , that is, that’s all the marking, but you see, the small one says, bzmzh, without no, i never paid attention, but not all buyers know what this abbreviation stands for, make it more clear and noticeable
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rospotrebnadzor suggested differentiation for buyers, separating shelves by color, this visualization, it can be in practice made differently, we proposed certain color... solutions, again as recommendations to retail chains, for example, the green color of the price tags would mean that the product is natural, orange, which contains a milk fat substitute, buyers are only for it, well, this is possible here separate the shelf with color, they didn’t spoil their eyes, they didn’t look, you have to look, of course, otherwise i probably wouldn’t have looked, the manufacturers are sure that the color scheme will simplify the display of products, it will help customers get to the marketing station less often tricks, often - thanks to images of cows, meadows, grandmothers, i don’t know... any other signs of farming, so to speak, and often products are served with a milk fat substitute or, for example, in general products made on a plant basis, here are retailers on the contrary application greeted without enthusiasm, the burden of educating buyers falls on them, the corresponding labeling should be located directly on the packaging
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of this product so that the consumer certainly does not get confused regardless of where this price tag is located. experts agree on one thing: it is necessary that the division of dairy products be brought to a single standard, then buyers could make their choice more consciously and much faster. let's continue the topic of awareness, so to speak, microorganisms have discovered the ability to store memories and pass them on by inheritance. american scientists have found that bacteria react to the environment based on some past experience, form a certain memory, or something, which is passed on to future generations. and this information, according to biologists, plays a vital role. in the development of antibiotic resistance, among other things. well , let's talk in more detail about this discovery with andrey devyatkin, candidate of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of computational methods in biomedicine at the moscow institute of physics and technology. andrey, hello, well, the main question, we couldn’t resist, we’ve already asked you, and we’re asking it again, do bacteria have some kind of brain and
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some kind of thinking, or is it called something else? well, naturally, bacteria have no brains, there is no talk of intelligence in bacteria. can’t, here we are rather talking about memory, well, that’s what memory is, it’s always necessary to give some definitions about the so-called memory, but for them it’s somehow different, these are the authors of this work that we are discussing, they gave a definition of memory as the ability to store information and retrieve this information, and specifically in this work, the authors studied the ability of bacteria to so-called swarming, well, that’s what a swarm is, imagine ponies somehow swarming together, so they have different bacteria.
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settle in one place, then it will be called a biofilm, so-called, and a biofilm is a community of bacteria that sits exactly on one place, but they just realized that a group is more effective than acting alone, and the nutrient medium in this biofilm is greater , that’s right, the vulnerability is lower, yes, but they can’t understand, they again have no brains, naturally, but only those who survive are the ones who somehow begin to co- exist amicably.
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well, some bacteria that harm the image a person’s life, his health, to defeat him , but in response, if there are many different bacteria, if , for example, if we are talking about biofilm, when many different bacteria, different species live together, then someone has one bacteria resistance may arise, they know how to exchange resistance genes with each other, but new antibiotics have not been created, as far as we understand, and then what about these specifically.
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"the fruity and floral collection from azero tea is the perfect combination of tea leaves premium quality, aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. morning, time to brew azer tea. you have a new reminder, events. results of the year with vladimir putin. don't forget to turn on the tv. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. marya sergeevna is with us, bye, i mean bye, new secrets of the investigation from
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december 18 at 21:20, come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. tariffs for cellular communications at the end of 2023 increased by 12-15%. most mobile operators have raised prices by an average of 20-60 rubles. and this is according to i have not yet presented analysts’ forecasts. if the price increase continues, what tariffs should i choose now? maybe i will be able to save money? daria tyunova will tell you. 900 rub. are you satisfied with the price? well, so-so. 1.300, how much? are you happy or too much? no, how much does mobile communication cost you? about 1.0 rub. russians are clearly dissatisfied with tariffs for cellular communications; the cost of services from mobile
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operators has increased significantly over the past year. over the year, tariff increases ranged from 6 to 12%. another five percent increase will occur this year. expert forecasts next year there will also be an increase of about 15-20%. now the range of prices for mobile operator services starts from 250 rubles. rubles per month, next year the same offers may cost from 300 rubles and reach 2.0. experts associate this rise in prices with inflation, the rise in price of equipment under sanctions, and the increase in the cost of servicing cell towers, specifically gasoline, logistics and equipment. it’s absurd, but mobile operators can increase the cost of their tariffs unilaterally. in other words, increase the price own services just by notifying the client in a certain way. there is an agreement to sign, the agreement indicates that. that the operator there, according to the law, has the right to raise the price, taking into account the fact that we have inflation every year, but they must
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notify the client either via email or text message. if the subscriber does not agree with the increase in the cost of services, then , unfortunately, it will not be possible to leave the previous conditions. in this case, the user has the right to choose any other tariff from the current mobile operator or switch to a new one while maintaining the number. all mobile operators have two main types of tariffs: package and linear. package solutions include the connection itself, plus some internet traffic, plus some additional services that can be connected as a plus. and linear means that you want strictly one particular service. i’m willing to pay a certain amount for it, sometimes a linear offer turns out to be no less profitable than a package solution. for example, a package offer with unlimited internet, 1,400 minutes for calls throughout russia and 150 sms for 30 days will cost about a thousand rubles per month, but not everyone uses the full package of services provided. no , only unlimited internet, and well, free calls, i
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don’t only use the internet, i don’t even make calls, not to everyone, not needed, just only the internet and... messages, let’s say sms is no longer needed, and therefore, to save money, experts advise , it’s better to review your tariff plan, remove services that you don’t use or switch to a linear tariff to pay, for example, only for the internet or only for calls. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist. or for athletes, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs
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, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov, every saturday on rtr, i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton , we’re looking at the weekend, his twentieth birthday. happy married life dear, i wonder what her husband is asking for, no idiot, i would like to live my whole life with such a woman, oops, what should i do now, you’re whole, you’ve lost your mind, what are you talking about now, but she ’s good enough to be your mother, is she really a boy and he’s really so good that they’ll blow your mind off, i
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love him, but if i loved to live, i wouldn’t break him. i would like to talk to ela. ela left. take me back to saturday. on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. skip 60 minutes today on rtr, penetrating straight to the heart, curious rank, ritual murder,
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tell me it was a ritual, let him think that we took the bait? oops, masvedevna, it’s a 100% coincidence, your call sign is nine, oleg, be careful, why bother? secrets of the investigation, again with us, today on rtr. eurostat experts named the most unfortunate country, for the second year in a row, this unenviable title goes to the sunny country. this is the only country where the life satisfaction index was less than six points out of ten possible, and a variety of factors are taken into account when calculating it from well-being, well-being to the level of education, but what is surprising to me is that happiness is not enough in germany, greece, latvia, croatia, which are located in the basement of the rating, but the people who live the happiest and most satisfied lives, i would immediately
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say russia , they probably didn’t count on us, austria... a group of traveling artists, the bremen town musicians , led by a tireless troubodour , will burst onto the screens to bring laughter and joy back to the gloomy streets of the city. i liked it, of course, they sang along, these are films, childhood music, children what they draw from this film is how
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you can help each other out, it’s such a feeling that you want to immediately dance and stomp. the first thing viewers note is the exciting plot filled with music and unexpected adventures. we recognized trubars as adults. the new film will reveal the secret of its origin and introduce us to... his family, however, the basis of the story is still the love of the troubadour princess, who does not want to obey the orders of the king’s father, they immediately saw each other in the cartoon, fell in love and were not completely separated, but we have some family difficulties, so to speak, love will save and change the world. another long-awaited new year's gift is the comedy halop-2, for re-education into the past, where there are no gadgets or expensive cars, this time the spoiled bureaucrat will go to play agla and tarassa. oversaturation, consumption, and how to stop all this, and how to educate young people, instill in them some values, i think that this is simply very relevant now, this is all done
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through humor, it turned out to get into the cultural the code into our exact one, the transformation of a majora into a lady is what delights the audience, the lesson of re-education turns into a staged performance about cinderella, from the village the character of agla and tarasova ends up in the palace and becomes part of the highest. the tools that we use to re-educate this girl are original, interesting, and in many ways, of course, the cinderella archetype is taken as a basis. halop 2 in a light manner speaks to us about the most important thing, that it is never too late to change your life and change yourself. a woman is structured differently; she believes in miracles, in fairy tales. halop-2 and the town musicians of bremen is an ideal new year's movie, because it's the first one. day of the year, more than ever, i want to believe in a miracle, to find myself in a fairy tale, to start everything from scratch. on january 1, these family blockbusters will create a holiday in all cinemas of the country. well, that’s all for today, it’s time and
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honor to know, we give up the broadcast tomorrow to our colleagues, well, we’ll see you soon, have a good mood today, goodbye for now. hello, we're on air from oksana studios kuvaeva, the main thing is by this time. guarding the fundamental law. vladimir putin met with judges on constitution day. meanwhile, the number of questions for the direct line. president exceeded 1.5 million. in the kremen forest , airborne troops stormed ukrainian positions. militants in captivity. and new footage of the destruction of western equipment in the ssu, the american
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m-3-7 galubitz. the new prime minister of poland, what can the world and russia expect, in particular from the second coming to power of donald tusk. he will be sworn in today. bound with ice. the strongest galolet in rostov-on-don. there are hundreds of tramp points . trams and trolleybuses were injured due to icy wires. mother of europe from izhevsk. a resident of udmurtia with many children received one of the highest awards at an international beauty contest in turkey. the russian constitution works by stabilizing the state and helping citizens. at the same time, in fact, she is alive. an organism that can change following changes within the country outside its borders. vladimir putin made such statements during a conversation with the judges. the meeting was timed to coincide with constitution day, which passed by popular vote 30 years
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ago. about the results of the conversation, ekaterina fesenko. the meeting of the president with constitutional judges on december 12 became traditional. the head of state emphasizes that the decisions of this court must be strictly implemented, and speaks of the most important role that... the fundamental law played in the modern history of the country, we all remember the conditions under which the constitution was adopted, it was a difficult time of testing for our country, associated with. ..
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accordingly, in the legal sense, it came to a kind of chaotic state. constitution, adopted in ninety-three , there is nothing more valuable in our legal economy from this point of view. in 2008 , the constitutional court, at the suggestion of valentina matvienko, moved from moscow to the northern capital. for this purpose , the senate and synod buildings were completely restored. now there are almost daily meetings. 30 years ago there was moscow, but the constitution is a living organism at times. are changing, the country is changing, it is also changing, a large courtroom in st. petersburg, the newest history of the constitution is happening here. over the years, the country has greatly changed, new times required a new understanding of the text of the basic law. the referendum of the twentieth year fully realized the potential inherent in the basic law. then amendments appeared that secured, for example, the protection of the institution of marriage as a union of a woman and a man, the responsibility of the government to parliament, and guarantees of the social rights of citizens. all this suggests that the basic
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law of our country works, lives, helps the state, stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn, appeal to the constitutional court to protect their rights. the constitutional court makes about 3,000 decisions a year, there are many times more requests, and this volume becomes thicker from year to year. according to our common decision. i decided to carry out the traditional action of presenting to you the elected constitutional decision, thank you very much, all of these are absolutely specific problems of ordinary people, protection of victims of domestic violence, recognition of the rights of fathers raising children from surrogate mothers on maternity capital, suppression of violations of the rights of small indigenous peoples for hunting and not only nine out of ten cases that are accepted by the constitutional court and considered in the interests of citizens, the european court on... than european
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structures. all executive authorities, the president emphasizes, closely monitor the decisions of the constitutional court. all these years , the constitutional court has strictly stood and stands guard over the fundamental law of the state, this is very important. all executive bodies, the legislator too, in the most attentive manner.
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your call is free, operator gleb, please state your last name, first name and patronymic, they clarify the details, you speak, i record you, and the conversation continues, even when one operator replaces another, we will continue for you. the phones are constantly ringing, there is not a single subscriber in the queue, this line cannot be busy, the time for dialogue is not limited, from 3 to 15 minutes to an hour and a whole hour your conversation lasted, and sometimes even an hour, because well, it’s really a big question,
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how to help, check on the spot, popular front volunteers begin work without waiting for a direct line, grandmother from krasnodar appeals and asks her four-and-a-half-year-old... granddaughter to enroll in kindergarten, they call the president , write through the moscow website to putin, send sms messages, everyone chooses the method of communication, start recording to directly contact the head of state - this is a video question, a separate one the genre is like a report from the scene, not just talking about a problem, but showing it in close-up. and here in the frame is a snow-covered field, nizhny novgorod region, kstovsky district, four villages nearby, 7.0 inhabitants and no infrastructure for children. for for many years we have been asking the local authorities to build a school and kindergarten within walking distance, but they do not hear us, they have finally been heard, now the situation is under the control of the governor, the issue is known, the issue is in the works
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and design will begin in the near future. utility workers from the city of snezhnoye, in the dpr, are talking about existing problems in the new territories. our company has accumulated arrears in wages and tax payments. 7 months, the last hope is for you, vladimir vladimirovich. the investigative committee has already conducts an inspection, the circumstances indicated in the publication will be verified, and the actions of the organization’s management will be given a proper legal assessment. a little more than a day remains until the live broadcast , which this year combines the format of a press conference ; according to tradition, it will be moderated by dmitry peskov, a direct line that has two presenters, pavel zarubin, author of the moscow, kremlin putin program and ekaterina berezovskaya, journalist of channel one . the president himself will choose the questions; during this time, one and a half million of them have already been received through the application and social networks by phone to the program website, the results of the year with vladimir putin, they will be summed up on thursday, at exactly noon. olga armyakova, kiril zotov, arina bogoroditskaya, mikhail
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averenkov and dmitry timofeev, lead. ukrainian media report a series of explosions in the kharkov region. earlier, cruise missiles were spotted over krivoy rog, our drones attacked militarily. objects in uman, odessa and nikolaev regions. on the zaporozhye front, an attack was repelled in the novoselovka area. near rabotin, our troops counterattacked and occupied several positions in ssu. north of artyomovsk, russian troops defend the flanks of bogdanovka. the enemy lost up to 240 personnel . in one of the sections of the gray zone , seriously wounded soldiers from russia and ukraine helped each other for several days. instead of food and water, they ate fallen snow. 5 days later , the ukrainian armed forces soldier died. the russian serviceman was able to hold out until evacuation, and this is filming a successful ammunition drop in the belogorovka volon area, the operator barely managed to introduce the drone from the explosion, the ammunition detonated on the spot, climb out to the ground, quickly, look, look, there in the kremensk forest airborne troops
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stormed ukrainian positions, after powerful weapons preparation, the paratroopers quickly attacked enemy fortifications, the surviving militants surrendered and... new videos with destroyed western equipment, this time the broken american m- howitzer was captured in the frame 3-7, and here our soldiers are inspecting another captured bradley, this time apparently intact with a running engine. forty-degree frosts came to bashkiria, the temen region, an emergency warning was announced in transbaikalia, -45 there, in the novosibirsk region, against the backdrop of a sharp cold snap, has broken the historical maximum in energy consumption, and rostov-on-don has been paralyzed for the second day. a lot of rain. there are more than 300 people in the city hospitals with fractures and bruises, the third of them are children, and for those who were not able to be transferred to distance learning, the road to school was very difficult. i didn't even sprinkle anything on it. because of the faded wires
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, trams and trolleybuses became pale, and the owners of passenger cars drifted with ease, like sports cars. others used all means to clear the ice crust from the windows of frozen cars. similar footage is being shared on social networks and... residents of donetsk, people are leaving their houses with caution, roads are blocked by fallen trees, and additional forces of public utility workers have deployed snow removal equipment on the street. voronezh is also falling asleep, there is a transport collapse in the city, cars are stuck in yards, public transport is running late. the investigative committee opened a criminal case due to a break in a heating main in the city of yuzhe, ivanovo region, where five schoolchildren were injured; in front of them, at the site of a pedestrian crossing, a bloodshed suddenly appeared in boiling water. o about why the wear and tear of communications was not noticed in time; the dangerous area was not fenced off from the scene of the emergency, report by sergei vasilov. this is where five children fell through on their way to school this morning. four of them received serious burns and were taken to the regional children's clinical hospital.
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the schoolchildren literally slipped into a pit of boiling water, one after another. it all happened early in the morning, it was not yet eight, there were only a couple of meters left to the school gate. so i was going to school, i don’t suspect anything, i suddenly don’t feel the ground beneath me, i fall into boiling water. there were no games around. an ambulance brought four children to the burn unit of the ivanovo regional children's hospital. another victim. refused hospitalization, now two teenagers are in intensive care, two are in the ward; according to doctors, they were saved by the fact that the ground collapsed along with the snow, which diluted the boiling water. they arrived with thermal damage to the skin from 6 to 12%. children, mostly teenagers, receive adequate treatment and are in stable condition. elena belyaeva is the mother of one of the victims, stayed in the hospital to care for her son. the child was driving, he said that there had been some work beforehand. that was yesterday, and today, when they walked in the morning, they had already failed one after
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another. according to the preliminary version, the soil erosion occurred due to a malfunction of the heating main. in the morning twilight, the children most likely did not notice the hole. the dangerous area was fenced off only after the emergency, and utility workers began to repair the breach. there remains a question for those on whose balance sheet the heating plant is located. in the twenty-first year, heating networks were transferred to the concession of a private organization to provide warmth to the people of the south. she was. reported that he received complete carte blanche from biden to conduct a ground operation in
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the gas strip, idf troops are now completing the clearing of the northern areas of the gas strip. the bodies of two israeli hostages were found in one of the captured hamas command posts. for their part, the palestinians report that 35 people were killed during an air raid on the shaboura refugee camp. against this background , more and more parties are being drawn into the middle east conflict. in the red sea was attacked a norwegian tanker that was carrying oil to israel.
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is already happening in the country after the reshuffle in warsaw. our european correspondent daria grigorova. i chose mr. donald tusk. donald tusk returns to the post of prime minister of poland amid chants from the parliament. 248 deputies for, 201 against. the entire polish opposition voted for tusk's candidacy instead of mateusz morowiecki, who lost the election. from the podium, tusk said that under his leadership. the country will once again become a loyal ally of the usa and brussels, that is, tusk 2.0,
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the new version of the old prime minister will not be different from the previous one. poland will be a key, strong, sovereign element of nato, a loyal and stable ally of the united states, confident in its strength and importance. the leaders who lost in the elections to the ruling party of rights and justice did not hide their dislike and accused tusk of working for germany and the european union. “i don’t know who your grandparents were, but i know one thing: you are a german agent, just a german agent. the composition of tusk’s government is already known, the new prime minister during the debate presented it to the sejm, the return of radosław sikorski to the post of head of the ministry of foreign affairs caused particular excitement. sikorsky already held this position from 2007 to 2014, remembered as one of the guarantors of the association agreement between ukraine and the eu, in february 14 for '.
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on the border with ukraine, polish truckers have already felt the changes in the polish cabinet of ministers; a month of seeking the restoration of licenses for ukrainian road carriers was dispersed by their own polish police. disputes between poland and ukraine, including blocking of ukrainian
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truckers seriously undermine the unity of the anti-russian front. the european union is clearly pleased with the arrival. it was no coincidence that donald tusk, the former head of the european council, was demoted; he will have to improve relations between poland and the european union, as well as convince other eastern europeans, for example, the hungarians, to return to the path of friendship with brussels. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news bureau. the turkish football federation has postponed matches in all leagues in the country indefinitely. the reason is a scandalous game in ankara, which ended with the referee being beaten. the main referee of the match was attacked by the president of the home club, and his assistants kicked the referee, took the victim out of the stadium under the cover of special forces, the sports official debashir and his assistants were detained, the accused is assured that the referee himself provoked the conflict when he helped the guests equalize the score in the last minutes of the match .
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the president of turkey and the head of fifa condemned this attitude towards refereeing; according to the local press, turkey's right to... the euro in 1932 is now in question. the news is following developments, stay tuned us on the russia channel. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. explore, nature , mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother
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says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it... to see it a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. this is for you, well, did you get some sleep , gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen you for a long time, dare, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, but who your wife or
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your boys are good for you, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform, we see that luka became interested in music quite early. to become a good stapler, you need to treat your profession with love. you are a small boy, but already a very big musician. thank you, but i still have to study, study , study. where did you come from? it’s simply mind -boggling, you know, playing a companella for 8 years
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is incredible. we study with him every day, for two hours. and he, besides me, and... how long does he still play? three or four? our future is you, it is wonderful. blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, you can forget about the children, i went around to all the doctors i knew here, but everyone said the same thing, i miss you very much too.
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what will you have left? they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. a decision was made in helsinki. reopen two checkpoints on the border with our country, one in south-eastern finland, the other in north korea. their work was stopped last month, allegedly for the influx of migrants from third countries, but
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today the first bus will depart from st. petersburg to helsinki. well, on the western borders of belarus, queues of trucks are only growing, eu countries are deliberately delaying the process of cargo clearance, about the transport nightmare from which european carriers themselves are suffering. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. the same landscape of verenice. trucks at all border entrances, at every intersection there are traffic police patrols, monitoring the movement of the queue, the rut, as truckers call it, creeps along the side of the road somewhere in fog, the tail remains far behind, trucks were waiting even in the neighboring region of the brest region, so other borders could not be closed, that’s right, the poles, yes, well, and not only the poles or latvians, for example, they closed the border too, there in general the guys are standing there, i don’t know, they have 15 km of ruts there, they do 6 km in a week and a half. passes, even water is delivered in tanks in the queue, the drivers' patience is exhausted while european services filter the traffic flow through their bottlenecks. through the only remaining checkpoints, latvians are allowed
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only half of the trucks are the norm, but they are far from their neighbors, the lithuanians , at the largest checkpoint, 10 times fewer trucks are processed than they should, their direction is generally the busiest, the poles look a little livelier compared to the baltic states, but even here queues and discontent are growing drivers. by the end of the year, business is trying to close contracts and... use the maximum number of shipments, and it is also necessary to take into account the fact that today kozlovich is the only checkpoint on the belarusian-polish border, it is the largest the checkpoint is not only in belarus, but in the eac the entirety of the checkpoint is visible, only from the observation deck the scale of the problem is immediately clear , lately there have been from 700 to a thousand trucks parked on the track here, even in such thick fog you can see this continuous line of trucks entering the checkpoint, here they drive in and we see cars about... and the prospects are blurred: for a week
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even those who can rightfully drive faster are crawling towards the gates of the european union. belarusians have separate corridors for empty trucks, dangerous and perishable goods; on the polish bridge they stand jumbled and risk ruining the holidays. due to the fact that someone is loaded, here they are, as it were, filling out documents, we have to stand. i was waiting for the car and it turned out that i was getting there for the new year. the belarusian customs machine processes the machine as quickly as possible, the entire queue can be overloaded and skipped in a day, the capacity allows, but the services on both sides must work synchronously like clockwork, the polish mechanism lags noticeably behind. the poles, they just entered belarus, are being processed in this hall, and, of course, they don’t risk scolding their own people, but even they admit that on the other side the traffic has slowed down significantly. before, when we stopped by, there was no queue, there weren’t any more of them, then we had two days of freedom.
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svetlana is a mother of many children, and her charitable foundation helps several orphanages and hospitals. yulia ilmurzina met the winner.
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moscow and you will be given the same beautiful crown, i am very proud of her and i want to be like her. and also svetlana, the head of the singing golobka charity foundation, which helps orphanages and hospitals. she was repeatedly noted for this work at beauty contests; at the international mrs. europe competition in istanbul she was awarded one of the highest awards, and she became the mother of europe. i myself come from a large family and... i’m from the mari village, we don’t have the situation where someone abandons their children, leaves them, yes, that we have large families who protect the children, when i moved to the city, i spent a long time couldn’t understand why parents abandon their children, leave them, by nationality svetlana mariyka, her family cherishes national culture, in the finals of the competition she qualified stylized maritime costume, accessories are made according to the model of an ancient breast
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decoration from... news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website see you! there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything. everything that 2023 is remembered for. one
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branch is saved. two at a time, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn the valve on everything, and the gas goes on, without digging someone else’s hole, you will fall into it yourself, so they fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, no need to step on the same ones rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know where the root of evil is, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet with its web, this is not a shame, the wind rose can turn in their direction. we do not create military alliances and we are not friends against anyone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in conditions of economic and international turbulence, success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens live and journalists. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your
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question... now through the website by phone +7 495 539 4040 +7 499 550 4040. this crime scene suits you like no other. thank you, fedor! premiere! please don't be nervous, you are among friends. in the circle of friends of a corpse. yeah. looks appraisingly, half the city is under suspicion, i feel like he’s going to get caught, we’ll sort it out, he doesn’t believe the tears, i like it, oleg, great, i have something to do with it, oleg, and he can’t stand it when a man’s uncleaned shoes, i’m wondering, it’s like they let you into the hospital looking like this, but sometimes it’s an excuse to get acquainted, so, wow, turn signal, this is very romantic, that’s enough, new secrets
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of the investigation, from december 18 on rtr, i have more here it hurts, it hurts here, it hurts here, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to eat stress properly, you need to choose those foods , which you shouldn’t eat harmful, correct medications. about the most important thing today at rta. i would like to invite you to watch an amazing
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sunrise. he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed. my heart is uneasy, ning. you need to go to the farm. what's wrong with volodya? yes, i hurt myself. her fate is such a girl, she is cursed for loneliness, a black widow , there is always a talisman against any curse, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will become my wife , i'm scared, all the men who marry me then die, but nothing will happen to me , i collapsed,
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i came to a state where i simply stopped wanting to live, hello, depression, the famous singer marina nyatova once admitted, secular news only added fuel into the fire and headlines were flying that the famous singer of folk songs had lost the appearance of her lover, but had become a mother again, it had been a quarter of a century since marina devyatova had been singing on stage. as a child, she dreamed of becoming a salesman, but in the end she followed in the footsteps of his father, people's artist of russia.
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this year the artist celebrates her fortieth birthday, she looks great, has two children, and her concerts across the country attract a full house, can i be there? how her father’s personal life influenced her destiny, and how she managed to regain the joy of being, this is the life and destiny of marina the ninth, good morning, good, good,
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kind, now, according to the plan, i was supposed to congratulate you on your twenty-fifth anniversary of creative activity, but i somehow the tongue... stumbles and doesn’t let me say it, it seems to me that i just want to congratulate you on your twenty-fifth birthday, thank you, thank you, yes , today is your birthday, i’m with you, you’ve been on stage almost your entire life, in a genre that, at a stupid time since your childhood, this genre is practically in the public sphere , in the public field he almost did not exist, well, the artists who choose, engage in folk art, folk songs, ours, ours...
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the lord god gave me such a father, he is my people's artist of russia, vladimir devyatov, my mother, she all her youth and adolescence she i danced in a folk group, so i guess. such a kind of synthesis of the vocal and choreographic folk tradition , folk songs always sounded in our house, it was not something unformatted or incomprehensible for me, there were no rehearsal bases before, so vladimir sergeevich rehearsed at home, we lived in a two-room small-sized khrushchev house, and sometimes, sometimes, when vladimir sergeevich finished singing this or that romance or piece, applause was heard below, because...
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honestly, i hated the piano, i dreamed general education school, and i admit , finishing music school and forgetting about it was like a bad dream, but it wasn’t like that, vladimir sergeevich acted wisely, he invited me to record a duet, and it was the song rechenka, rivulet, and i went to my dad, yes , yes, yes, i fell in love with the stage, i fell in love with the sound, with the energy of this viewer, with... such an amazing behind-the-scenes atmosphere, i wanted to return, this is where vladimir sergeevich did his right thing, he says: if you want to sing, go study, choreograph, let’s see your duet with your father. river, river, boat girl, little girl, crying at the pier. rivers, rivers, blue sea, there will be you girl, what a grief, clouds above the river, golden.
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“these are the songs of the year, borya, you know, these are the songs of the year, it was scary to get there, scary, of course, i, first of all, ended up in the same rattling house, being told by stanislavna piekha, who talks to me so warmly, like kind, asking how i was doing, joseph davodich kabzon, lyudmila markovna gurchenko, i saw these people on tv, here, after these such speeches, i, of course, wanted to go back there, you just said about dad.” well, because as you can see, he called the stage for the first time to perform,
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and at the same time he broke up with his mother, how old were you? 5 years, and you remember, by the way, speaking , how was it or not? i remember this period, i remember how my mother was worried, because, of course, it’s always scary, she was 35 years old, dad left, there were two of us, sister, these were the dashing nineties, there was no money, no salaries there was nothing, there was nothing in the stores, but my mother raised us, and i am very grateful to her for that. because now i myself am a mother of two children, and i understand what it is, how it is, how scary it is when you are left alone, despite the fact that i am married, everything is fine with my husband, but i understand that raising two children is not easy, my dad has been married five times, so he has a lot of children, but my mother was the first, now she’s probably already, having lived some kind of life path, i don’t know at all like these two people. managed to live for 14 years, she knew dad when he was not yet an artist, he
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was a chemist, when at the age of 28 he met vladim natanovich, a distiller with livon vaganezov in a bathhouse, they heard him sing and say: who are you, a young man, he says, and i am volodya devyatov, so you need to sing, volodya devyatov, and he is 28 years old, and he has radically changed his life, and imagine what it was like for my mother, these are two children in... her arms, and you have to love a man very much in order to believe in him so much. and there was some kind of, maybe, teenage period, what kind of resentment towards dad. you know, bori, no, i’m actually on good terms with my father, just like that we met when i was 11 years old, and he was then dating his future wife, she did not take him away from his mother, so my mother did not, there was no antagonism, and you know, uh, in fact, at that moment i was very a happy child, because... i had a dad, whose wife was not
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against us communicating, on the contrary, she brought us very close, and these were the most very warm, cozy evenings when i came to their home, that’s when, by the way, i realized what a cool father i have, and my mother, by the way, i didn’t worry, like when you and dad started getting closer again, when he called you to sing on stage, when something, mom didn’t have such, well, some kind of jealousy. there was no news, and moreover, now the situation is generally interesting, but it turns out that my dad’s ex-wife, irina, is now, firstly, my concert director, and secondly, she and my mother are friends, they come to visit each other, they sit at the same table and nurse their grandchildren, so we generally have a good, warm, kind atmosphere now, and my mother, on the contrary, was happy. a
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at the same time, dad remained not only, well, dad, but also a friend, he was a person with whom they could consult, not only professionally. here everything is just clear, but on some personal issues, tell me about your love, for example, about your first, well, in childhood, yes, he knew about my first love, he was worried, and you know, in fact, with my father’s parents , yes, my grandparents, my grandfather passed away this year, he was 96 years old, he and my grandmother lived together for 68 years, maybe you could repeat this feat of love, so... with the person whom met at some point, if, if not for the tragedy that you had to endure, and then you introduced dad to this man, but no, i didn’t introduce dad to maxim, he just didn’t have time, unfortunately, to meet him , how long were you with him, well
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, we kind of met, and a year passed before he left, that is, in good health. the person was with me for six months, then i just found out that he told me that he had oncology, brain cancer, and so on, he found out while being with you, or he knew before that, he also found out when he was with me, and how old was he at most, he was 33 years old, also a very young man, also a young man, yes, where did you recognize him, we met on the subway, i went to college, he he gave up his seat for me, somehow we for...
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he immediately told me what would happen to him, he is a doctor, he understood this perfectly, when, for example, he lost his sight, so he always asked me, he says: please, you can read medical literature to me, because he was always developing, he did not stand still, that’s when maxim left and he left
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me in his arms, and waited until i was in intensive care, i understood that this was probably my last moment when... i saw him, and i hugged him, took his hand, hugged him, and the devices turned off, you know , at some point i have a feeling that i just grew up by 10 years at once, that’s when such a shock happened, how old were you then, i was 18 years old, god, you’re just a girl, that ’s probably when i first i turned specifically to a psychotherapist, a psychologist myself, because i would hardly be alone...
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and how did this meeting happen? alexey and i we knew each other, i had a relationship, alexey was also married and we were somehow family friends, then after some time alexey got divorced, my relationship ended, and he began to court me, and
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then - having met - 3 years we , we broke up for some time, 3 years you met, raban, you broke up, yes, then you met, yes, you kind of met again, it doesn’t happen at all, like in the same river, well, it happens in our situation , it happens, it worked out. pregnancy, then there was a wedding, everything is the other way around, but we had a birth a wonderful daughter, a little ulyashka, she’s like that, she’s a daddy’s daughter, she’s a daddy’s daughter , and now she, the ulyashka, weaves ropes out of lyozhka, and you know, when i see their relationship now, when lyoshka misbehaves with her, he carries her on his neck, he allows her to be a girl, that’s what i couldn’t , probably due to the fact that dad left, that ’s what i couldn’t experience, that’s my little marina, looking at their relationship, she’s right , she is satisfied, she understands that
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, here now, marina is doing well, and her son alexander, you became a mother for the second time , literally last year, last year, yes, our son was born on august 5th, sasha, we did everything, we gave birth to a boy, we gave birth to a girl, that’s it, let’s continue to realize ourselves, the holy place is never empty , and wine is always bitter and sweet, only yesterday the soul
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sighed sadly, but today it unfolded as never before, because for happiness we need such a little thing, so that the sun shines bright in our hearts , so that it’s joy, so it’s joy, so it’s joy, so that in joy... and they sang and sang and lived, someone wants mountains of gold, some people have been looking for unearthly feelings for many years, it is important for everyone to feel for the first time, joy, without which there is no meaning in this life, because for happiness we need such a little thing, so that the sun will light up brightly in our hearts, so that we will be happy, so that we will be happy, so that we will be happy , so that it would be a joy to be white, and white and lively, because for happiness we need such a little thing, so that the bright sun
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would light up in our hearts, so that it would be a joy, so that it would be a joy, so that it would be a joy, so that we would sing and sing and live for joy , because to be happy we need such a little thing that in our hearts the bright sun began to shine, so that it would be joyful, so that it would be joyful, so that it would be joyful.
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the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new one. by renovating with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i love plants. i'm actually a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes. after dismantling. a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, are you crazy, on sunday. then good people reported that you had become confused with a masked man. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, but...
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there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in good spirits, it’s incredible. a charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t miss you at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how you agreed to this, first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts sank, you are the most
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understanding program about animals in the circle. among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, hello, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, skleposovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up.
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we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, poster on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on december 13. the premiere of the ballet-liturgy with the participation of the modern dance theater canon dance, the vocal ensemble intrada and open sound okestra will take place as part of the winter festival in zaryadye, composer sergei akhunov. the mossovet theater presents valentina talyzina in the premiere performance of the queen of spades. directed by igor yatsko based on the story by alexander sergeevich pushkin. on the small stage of the theater of nations, alla segalova's play karenin's trial based on the novel by leo
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nikolaevich tolstoy. the main role is played by sophia. arkady plastov, boris nemensky, alexander larionov, igor obrosov, the tkachev brothers, evgeniy uchetich and other masters. at the red torch theater, as part of the christmas arts festival, they are showing a play by semyon serzin based on the play by alexei maksimovich gorky, bourgeois. a play is being performed at the yaroslavl volkov theater. tatiana vinogradova. following the routes described in the book, visitors will be able to walk through the city at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, see old photographs and newsreels. an important event in the history of the city
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was the opening of the artistic and historical museum in 1890. sixth year. the exhibition features archival photographs of the museum's first exhibition, as well as objects. now they already belong to different nizhny novgorod museums, but at this exhibition they were united again and we even tried to reproduce the order of arrangement. in particular, we see in the photograph two paintings by the artists galkin and kovalevsky, which are presented at our exhibition in exactly the same order. the maly drama theatre, the theater of europe, is performing a play by le vododin based on roman fyodor mikhailovich.
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console of the vienna philharmonic orchestra in the golden hall of the vienna music collection, in the program of works by jaoganos brabs. at the chartres museum of fine arts, a retrospective of paul richet, a french sculptor and artist of the second half of the 19th century, the first third of the 20th century. the exhibition includes sculptures of peasant workers created at the turn of the century. the main exhibits were the most significant works of the master, specially restored for the exhibition, a reaper, a peasant with a hoe, as well as plaster bas-reliefs of harvest field work.
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today in the program, how to use sardines to protect yourself from bone fractures, in what form they are most beneficial to eat, it’s time to buy sardines for the new year. we get this kind of spread for a sandwich, and i would call them straight superfoods. winter exacerbation of cystitis. which remedies will really help and which can harm? cystitis is not a cure. cystitis can appear again and again, no antibiotics will help. a healing plant for the prevention of thrombosis, and not only, we prepare delicious lemonade. this is not only medicinal raw material, it's also a seasoning. so this is
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a non-alcoholic gin? yes, my friends, you have to try this. good morning, hello. right now there is a program for you about the most important thing, about health. nothing bothers us like feeling unwell or sudden pain, and nothing we forget about as quickly as our health when we get well, and yet it is our program that encourages you to take care of yourself daily, and i suggest you start this morning with a simple method that will help get rid of lower back pain for those who have lower back pain, come to us, lie down, bend your legs in a position... put your feet about one and a half shoulder widths apart, a little wider than the mat, put your arms to the sides , sleep, no, lower your knees to the right to the left, this is
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very pleasant, and this is very useful, because in essence, this imitates a rotational movement in the lumbar spine, but without axial load, unlike the vertical position, that is... in fact, the spine here not only twists, but also stretches, gradually, gradually increasing the amplitude, doing 30 repetitions, after which change position of the legs, place the left leg in the center, and place the right leg on top, twisting. change legs, let's go, and you can get up , such a simple morning warm-up, and by the way,
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it can also be used as an evening cool-down, when you come home from work, maybe your lower back is aching, lie down and do the exercise literally 5 minutes before dinner, get up, feel yourself as a different person, actually yes, because the lower back hurts in different ways. reasons, yes, here she will be grateful to you. well, actually, if you look at it, then we have, well, practically the same reason: in modern man, it is a lack of movement. thank you, doctor, now is the time to find out which product will help protect bones from fractures in the winter. stay with us. the new year is ahead, a wonderful holiday mood, family. for some, winter turns from a wonderful time of year into 3 months of sheer stress, when every trip outside is accompanied by the fear of slipping and getting a sprain fracture. revealed, unfortunately, yes,
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according to the world health organization, osteoporosis, that is, a decrease in bone mineral density, affects every third woman, every fifth man over 50 years old, and most importantly, the disease is insidious, asymptomatic, until a person breaks something, he, in general, does not care signs and cannot even guess that he has osteoporosis. that is why, before starting our program, we decided to test our viewers for the presence of this disease. attention to the screen. we. we invited our viewers to undergo an ultrasound bone densitometer examination. with using this device, you can determine the risk of a fracture and notice bone changes in the early stages. as a result of the examination, all participants received a conclusion with information about the condition of their bones and whether they have osteoporosis. at the end of the section, we will definitely discuss the results and learn about the lifestyle of those viewers who were identified. osteoporosis and
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most importantly, with the help of sardines it will be possible to prevent osteoporosis, strengthen bones and not only what else are sardines useful for, let's discuss this together with our expert, mikhail moiseevich ginsburg, nutritionist, doctor of medical sciences. mikhail naiseevich, good morning, come out to us, well, sardines, sardines - in soviet times they were generally a delicacy, they were hunted for. sardines are an extremely healthy product in general, this whole group, fatty sea fish, i would call them straight superfoods, we even have useful properties hidden here, the first thing that generally comes to mind, because sardines are, in -firstly, calcium is very well absorbed, calcium is necessary for our bones, just as a component that it creates this strength of our skeleton, protects from...
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food sources of vitamin d3, and what is also important is that sardines, especially if it concerns canned sardines, they are cooked together with the bones, and we can eat them, and it is estimated that 100 g of sardines contain approximately the same amount of calcium as half a liter of milk. mikhail misevich, after all, canned food is sometimes harmful, because it is fish, that is, a product rich in purines, for people with gout and metabolic disorders.
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likelihood of an attack, but there are no purines here more than in other products, well, in sausage , for example, in meat, so in this regard , the latter is much more fish than in sausage, by the way, with the food formula program we constantly travel around the country to look, including several since we were at the fish canning factories, i must say that nothing at all. there is nothing unhealthy there, that is , freshly caught fish is taken and canned right there, and in most cases, either in its own juice, or with the addition of a small amount of oil, well, literally spices, there are a few peppercorns , there is some kind there and that’s all, that is, in most cases nothing extra is added to such fish, it’s time to buy sardines for the new year, let’s move on, then we have blood pressure, how here we need to remember more ...
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saturated fatty acids, which literally displace omega-3, do not allow them to be absorbed, here is an excess of omega-6, now as defined for people with a western type of diet, this is a very big problem, because it directly leads to this called low-grade tissue inflammation, insulin resistance syndrome and then just for all age-related diseases, including arterial hypertension, in general the role, the importance of omega-3 for good... well-being
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is somewhere around 40 plus is huge, so everything that contains here are omega-3 fatty acids, of course, we must use again at least five times a week, now let’s go yes... next we have the health of the nervous system, here we have already told you about omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for normal functioning of nervous tissue, protect us from low-grade inflammation of nervous tissue , which, by the way, is associated with bad mood, poor learning ability, a tendency to depression, and if with age, then the accelerated development of neurodegenerative processes, that is, omega 3 even before... is also an extremely important vitamin, which is found exclusively in animal foods and which, well, let’s just say, is also sometimes not enough, especially
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if people follow some kind of vegetarian dietary standards, here we also need to warn you, vegetarians are different, there are vegetarians... i really like this model: pescatarians who eat milk, eat eggs and most importantly eat fish and seafood, this is a healthy diet, including because the body receives a sufficient amount of vitamin b12. next in the program: sardine pate, how to prepare it correctly, recipe from dr. agabkin. penetrating straight to the heart, curious rancato.
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i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no thinking here , here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check , seriously, this is flirting, obviously only. let's go have a look, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, the hint is simply the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest the love of the game is
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five-on-one program, oops, five-on- one on saturdays on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one.
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we are meeting now in the days when midshipmen are marching across the country again, 35 years ago the first ones came out, now the fourth fifth part is already marching, time is passing and we are already approaching 90, but nevertheless we have to work in the bins, look for strength and energy , mikhail boyarsky, when you come to the set , it’s like... in your own family, the most charming frenchman of soviet cinema, and how you got into the frenchman, he even helped the mukhas to become more french on the set, how he added a little bit of a coy mood to me, and you know , indeed
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, some kind of hussar beginning immediately appeared, the chase, love, the perfect suit, the french beginning, and what else is needed for happiness, super? person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, well, what about this simple product from... carefully prepared, well, by the way, you can make poshtet from it, we take a sardine, place it directly with the bones in a blender, add olives there, pitted, add a small amount of literally a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, some people like to use apple juice for these for purposes of this, in general, you can add a little black pepper and a little mixture of provençal herbs. god, well, you can also add some herbs to taste that
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you like, we have parsley here, in fact, then we need all this grind it thoroughly, we have achieved a homogeneous mass, we get this kind of spread for sandwiches, well, i ’ll take it and spread it right now, before that i still want to... know the results of our research, which we started before the program, open it, please , envelopes, i am addressing the studio audience, which of you has written that there is a suspicion of osteoporosis, you, you, you, you, you, you, four already have it, five, what you have written that ostiopenia is a moderate decrease bone mineral density, below the age norm, but not yet reaching pathological values, i was
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examined in august with this magnet, but they didn’t completely examine the entire skeleton, then they diagnosed osteoporosis, now i’m taking medications, so now your mineral density even seems to have increased, but in general in the month of august it showed that... in connection with this, i went to the doctor and after the examination it turned out that
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i had a compression fracture of the spine, and in order to determine the cause of this fracture, i was recommended to undergo an examination, and completely unexpectedly it turned out that here i am on the program, right on the program, uh, well , they did this examination, yes, they did this examination, you had an injury, when would... i had an injury, but i didn’t know what it was, my back just hurt. well now, how do you live, what kind of life do you lead? i try to lead an active lifestyle, and i listened to the doctors’ recommendations, i follow gymnastics, and do certain exercises in the pool, and food, food, i wanted, well, i won’t be able to feed you every day, recommendations were issued. but yes, i’ll probably try this dish for the first time, please, please help
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yourself, this is actually the first time i’m trying this kind of sardine pate, thank you very much mikhail mayseevich, well, today we learned how sardines are good for us. and how to cook them correctly, whether repeated defrosting of meat is dangerous to health and whether fast food can lead to dementia and other answers to questions about health in our health minute section right now. directly now is the health minute quiz. you can not only learn new facts about health, but also take steps to prevent alzheimer's disease. all because mental stress reduces the risk of developing this disease. so, we have
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a regular viewer in our studio, maria, she really wants to test her knowledge about health and win a super prize. and today we have a pulse oximeter. maria, are you familiar with a pulse oximeter? not really, it measures your pulse. yeah, for example, were you nervous at work? who do you work for? economist. an economist? oh, they're nervous all the time. do you need a quick oximeter? great, do you play sports? yes, i recently purchased a gym membership, so i go to the gym almost every day. wow, the coach tells you to go there. three or four times a week, well, i decided for myself that mikhail, who are you talking to, is an economist, i bought a subscription, well, yes, i need it to be completely self-sufficient , i need to earn back the money as quickly as possible, i understand, listen, i’ll tell you the rules, mikhail asks questions, there will be 12 of them, you will be on them answer on the run, so answer very
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simply yes or no, i remind you that the more correct answers you give, the higher the chances of getting a prize, so here we go, can lead to dementia? no. is repeated freezing and thawing of meat dangerous to health? no. is it true that pomegranate juice increases hemoglobin? yes. does celery help with constipation? yes. do you need to cleanse your intestines? yes. irregular breakfast can lead to infact? no. does basil thin the blood? no. can wax in the ear cause headaches? no. baked pumpkin quilts blood sugar? yes. cold showers speed up your metabolism. can eating sweets before bed lead to insomnia? yes. does rosehip protect against kidney stones? yes. i made it. 6 seconds left. the first question sounded like this, mash. can fast food lead to dementia? you said no. actually, yes. seriously? yes. epidemiological studies show that people who regularly eat fast food are more likely to suffer from various
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nervous disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia. stop eating fast food, and you eat fast food, well, it happens on the way from the fitness club, everyone eats fast food, no, no, yes and yes, then everyone eats fast food, please tell me, all people in general, let’s ask who doesn’t eat fast food, there are such people, look, half the hall, we don’t keep them under electric current , okay, these are our spectators who, well, no, there are people who eat, who eat fast food, raise your hands, people eat fast food, but this is the wrong attitude, masha, that everyone eats fast food, well, i just meant that you’ve tried fast food all times in your life, but you said that you eat fast food, so answered incorrectly, the next question is: is repeated freezing and thawing of meat dangerous for health, we said no, i said no, and of course yes, it’s even prohibited by sanitary standards, because when defrosting , bacteria begin to actively multiply there,
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after which they are frozen , they hibernate, and after that. then they are defrosted, yes, but the most important thing is that this produces bacterial toxins that can negatively affect human health, it’s clear, is it true that pomegranate does juice increase hemoglobin? and you firmly, honestly , looking us in the eyes, said yes, although in fact no, this is actually a very widespread myth that supposedly pomegranate juice contains some large amount of iron, in reality there is practically no iron there, that’s natural, that it has practically no effect on hemoglobin, mine is simply lower.
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someone advised, but the person has deverticulosis, no one knows about it, yes, as a result the person has a rupture of the intestinal wall, because of this very enema, then it's not easy. next question: can an irregular breakfast lead to a heart attack? you said, no, in fact, yes, there are studies that clearly show that people who do not eat breakfast, namely, they
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suffer more often from a heart attack, they are more prone, for example, to diabetes, with the same calorie intake. does basil thin the blood? you said no, in fact yes, flevonoids, which are part of basil, they really reduce blood viscosity, car, well, don’t be upset, wax plug in the ear can provoke a headache pain, you said no, in fact yes, of course it can, this is the zone of the innervatic nerve, so everything that happens there, pain in the ear , a pimple on the temple, and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, they can all give pain, and which a person will perceive like pain inside. yes , and this is true, because when the body cools down, the muscles begin to produce more heat, this stimulates oxidative processes, this increases metabolism, and
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eating sweets before bed can lead to insomnia, you said yes, no, on the contrary, many people use sweets as a way to fall asleep, another thing is that it is not good for health, but it does not lead to insomnia, rosehip protects against kidney stones, we said yes, and indeed organic acids, which? contained in rosewood, they not only protect, they even dissolve some types of stones. today in our section there is a healing plant, a new hero, juniper, and you will find out how this berry will protect you from thrombosis, four correct answers, maria, well, this is an economic targeted strike be, well, let's try, digest four attempts to find the word prize, one, yes, two, i went around the edges, uh-huh, through the regions, i went through the letters m, and the last attempt, well, well, maria,
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maria, uh, were , almost, well almost, but don’t be upset, marsh, you have expanded your knowledge about health, if you want to find out even more answers to questions about health, these are all episodes of our program, you can find them on the online media platform, look in the application on the website look, get rid of it? we will learn simple truths in this section. further in the program: can hypothermia what methods can be used to awaken chronic cystitis from it and how can this disease be cured? every week we sum up the results of the president’s work, it ’s time to sum up the results of the year, and the president himself will do this; there will be not only answers to journalists’ questions, but direct communication with citizens. and as always, we will see and show more than others. results of the year with vladimir putin. tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time, the president
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will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now via the website by phone +7 495 539 4040. +7 499 500. 50 40 40 i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton , we’ll look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear, interesting, what did my husband ask for?
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now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. degustat. "i like to eat a lot always, or a lifeguard, but he is a doctor who
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everyone needs it, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnyakov. every saturday on rtr: mom , mommy, mommy, she’s back, it’s not mom, it ’s another aunt, but she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, that’s what i mean ? this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have already forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’m sitting.
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well, as he runs to work, maybe a replacement for you i already found? marishka, little one, fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya moskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like vera, well, as a woman, you like her, if anything i’ll find out, my daughters, on friday on rtr. probably, many women remember the phrase that adults constantly repeated in their youth, don’t sit in the cold, you’ll catch a cold and get cestitis, some women now continue to adhere to this principle, and almost all of them, it seems to me, i’m scared to death the horror of cystitis is a terrible disease, i suffered from it once, and i still remember it with trepidation and take care of myself in every possible way
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. because you literally can’t leave the house, the pain, the sting, it’s terrible, i ’m just scared to think about it even now, you ’re scared too, yes, literally a year ago i was very ill and now i’m taking very good care of myself, my feet are warm, i don’t sit down anywhere , i dress warmly, because sometimes it comes back if i’m frozen, but there are moments like this, they come back, well, yes it happens again, doctor, why cystitis appears on its own. in fact, the most important thing is how to treat it correctly so that it does not return. cystitis predominantly affects women, which is due to the characteristics of their body, anatomy and hormones; at least one episode of this disease occurs in almost every woman in her life, and in about 20-25% it is chronic . cystitis is essentially a bacterial inflammation that occurs in the bladder. this is a healthy
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bladder. yeah, and the main cause of this disease is not holp, as many people think, but pathogenic bacteria. what is the connection then? i became hypothermic and had cystitis again. the fact is that - bacteria or viruses, they are all in our body in most cases, but as long as our immunity is good, they do not make themselves felt. when hypothermia occurs , the body's defenses can decrease, and this can provoke an exacerbation of an existing one. diseases, for example, chronic cystitis or, for example, chronic herpes, it is important not to start the disease and begin timely treatment, because that if the bacteria are not destroyed, cystitis may appear again again. there are many recommendations on the internet on how to treat cystitis. which of these actually work? one common method is to take a hot bath or place a hot water bottle on the bladder area. this is a symptomatic remedy and is not
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contraindicated. it can improve general well-being for a short time, but it does not cure cystitis, that is, it turns out, it does not cure, it does not cure, the next way is to drink more water, cranberry juice, herbal teas, plenty of drinking liquid, especially if it is, for example, cranberry juice, which contains biologically active substances, this means of prevention primarily... prevents bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder and, accordingly, as a preventive option this is very good, but it does not cure , it doesn’t cure, let’s look further, yeah, there’s a lot of talk on the internet about antibiotics, i must say that this is
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completely justified. since in most cases cystitis is a bacterial infection, the main pathogenetic treatment method is it will be precisely the use of antibacterial drugs, namely antibiotics, because they are able to destroy the bacteria that causes cystitis and cause a very rapid improvement in the condition. recently, however, bacterial resistance to the action of antibiotics has increasingly been revealed, that is, they stop working. its main function is to destroy bacteria, so before you start taking antibiotics, you definitely need to test the sensitivity of bacteria to various agents, so you will increase the chance of proper treatment. and what do if after the test it turns out that no antibiotics will help. this option is possible; for antibiotic-resistant urinary tract infections , bacteriophages may be recommended. bacteriophages are viruses.
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which infect or work against certain bacteria, bacteriophages multiply inside bacterial cells and destroy them. bacteriophage-based agents can be prescribed. with a specialist, both together with antibiotics and as monotherapy, and at the same time bacteriophages do not disrupt the normal intestinal microflora, as antibiotics can do, for example. bacteriophages can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of bacterial urinary tract infections. can’t bacteria somehow adapt to these drugs, like they do to antibiotics? during treatment with bacteriophages, the risk of bacteria developing acquired resistance to them is minimal. but in any case, you don’t need to self-medicate, you should always consult a specialist, dress for the season, don’t freeze, and most importantly, get treatment that’s right, help your body and be healthy, how you can use
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coniseberry to improve digestion and protect yourself from thrombosis, we’ll find out in the medicinal plants section, stay. mazzhevelnik is a genus of evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees of the cypress family. this plant has short leaves that look more like prickly needles; many types of juniper also produce cone-berries, dark blue fruits with a gray coating. cerebellum wood is used to make pencil canes. its oils are used in cosmetology medicine. but how is this a plant? can affect the health of blood vessels, blood composition and improve digestion , and can it really protect us from
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thrombosis? my, you have to try this, yes, yes, yes, and many people think that you should definitely whip yourself with some wine. so that the needles dig into the skin, in general, of course, the main purpose of a juniper broom, like this one in the bathhouse, and this is, first of all, aromatherapy, that is, you take such a whisk, having first soaked it in lukewarm water, but not in hot water, so that the needles do not fly off, and after that you shake off the needles that do not hold well, hold it over the stove with a heater and pour steam through it with a ladle. the hot water passing through the branches creates a unique aroma, but it is important that this aroma is not just pleasant, it is also very useful, because it has a calming effect on the central nervous system. doctor, i want to ask if we have
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are there professional bath attendants in the studio? yes, look at what new year’s gift you received, why is it a good broom, by the way, because it has berries on it, it’s not just a medicinal raw material. it’s also a seasoning for various meat dishes, they give such a very unique, truly aroma, everything is useful, yes, let’s find out from the studio audience who uses juniper in cooking, there are some, what are you saying, good morning, good morning, well, in addition to hot dishes, kusya and duck, juniper berries are very it’s good to add it to a drink like mulled wine, and for those who can’t drink alcohol, instead of red wine, add hibiscus tea, the berries make a very good drink, and they drink it warm , an interesting recipe, let’s go back to... juniper, how is it useful? let’s talk about this, because the benefits of juniper are enormous, well, firstly, it helps digestion, that is, it’s not for nothing that traditionally juniper berries were added to various mixtures, they insisted because it
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stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, so by the way, for the same reason, meat dishes were also prepared with juniper berries, so that they were better digested. further , there are studies that say that extract from cerebrospinal berries increases... the level of good cholesterol while reducing the level of bad cholesterol, which is certainly useful for our cardiovascular system - this is the prevention of atherosclerosis, in this sense , add a few to tea, for example juniper berries are a good idea, and there is also another useful property, the prevention of thrombosis, there are indeed studies, who say that juniper contains flavonoids, substances that, in addition to other health-improving effects, also affect blood clotting and reduce the risk of thrombosis. and we know that now blood clots form after coronavirus, it has begun to lead to thrombosis much more often, that is, juniper, it has such a relaxing, calming general effect, that’s right, but
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there are also people for whom it is harmful, of course, because that juniper has an irritating effect on the kidney, it increases diuresis, has a diuretic effect, because of this, for example, people with chronic kidney disease. for example, glomerl nephritis, juniper is contraindicated, due to the fact that it stimulates gastric secretion, it is limited to a pleasant stomach disease, for example, uh-huh, that is, not using it. than to use it in a bathhouse , in food, in nature, but when we talk about a bathhouse, these contraindications, in general, do not have much significance, there is only an allergy, because we only inhale the aroma, but when we use it internally, there is already of course important some caution, let's move on to the pleasant part of our section, this is lemonade. or you can say that it is a non-alcoholic gin with a non-bitter tonic, in general they are, in
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fact, these are not profiteer berries, they are a type of cone, cone berries, they are called, they are perennial, that is, in fact, when they appear, they are green, next year a little darker, next year even a little darker, this is what we have, berries that are about three or four years old, that is, ripe, the so-called sugars accumulate in them and more aromatic substances and they are suitable for use in food and they are suitable for making drinks, for simplicity , what we did was take ordinary mineral water, we simply brewed juniper berries in a teapot, so we got this infusion, syrup, well, no, just on water, no sugar yes, that means what we do next, we take it, add it to sparkling water to get a good color, after that. mikhail, please squeeze lemon juice in there,
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in reality you can just cut it, so that there is a little more bitterness from the skin , yeah, well, or squeeze out the juice, if you don’t like bitterness, yeah, to top it off we add a couple of spoons of honey, after all, yes, you named the contraindication, you can’t drink such a drink all the time , well, in fact, for those people who have no contraindications , it is quite possible, juniper berries are classified as, that is, those that are used daily in the diet, so if there are no contraindications, juniper berries can be used daily, that is, it is we got non-alcoholic gin, yes, well, let's try it, whoever is ready, somehow you are inactively reaching out for non-alcoholic gin, please, but that is, mazhevelnik, these are these berries, these are four-year-old five-year-olds. you can buy it on the open market,
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yes, yes, yes, you can at the pharmacy, you can, in fact, i usually buy it for meat, for example, it’s just that they bring them to the online store, and they are cheap, spicy sparkling water, yes, thank you, doctor, well, we continue our program, in the women's health section, dr. tatyana shpovavalenko will tell you how to freeze your age and stay always young, stay that way. next in the program: elixir of youthful beauty, how to choose the right product to save a woman’s skin from premature aging? premiere. shveytsova, i’m listening. unsuccessful marriage in the past. mash, can you stay? successful marriage in the past. mash, forgive me.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, once you get a pet and life will never be the same, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they they’re not bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams! how did you
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agree to this? at first we shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends. among friends - a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. i would like to invite you to meet amazing. light, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, nin, you need to go to the farm, what happened to volodya, but i hurt myself, fate she’s such a girl, she’s bewitched to loneliness, a black widow,
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there’s always a talisman against any curse, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can do it again. to love, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who marry us then die, nothing will happen to me, everything collapsed there, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, a conspiracy for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr, i still have a mother, father, brother in donetsk,
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perhaps when i come to the circus, i always i'm crying there, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, good morning, hello, every woman wants to be. young and beautiful, this desire becomes especially acute for the new year, so, of course, the month of december is, well, probably the most profitable and effective month for cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. what interesting new and useful do cosmetologists offer us today,
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what new pills, droppers, products, procedures are popular among hollywood stars? the procedure and more are very popular now. v hollywood, but all over the world, a glutathione drip. what is glutathione? is it necessary to do droppers or can you introduce this useful substance into your body in some other way? let's talk about this today. our tv viewer irina contacted us. let's find out her story. good morning, the program is about the most important things. my name is irina. unfortunately, recently i began to notice that i have a lot of wrinkles, especially around the eyes and on my forehead. i see a double chin because my skin is no longer so elastic, toned as before, circles under the eyes , to look good, all i had to do was sleep and apply a cucumber mask, now, unfortunately, this no longer works, so i ’m thinking of injections with glatathion, but it’s expensive,
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because you need not one injection, but course and i ’m afraid of injections, i ’m not ready for such a radical method yet... please tell me what modern means exist now to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. irina is in our studio today, please come to us. good morning, irina. good morning. how long ago did you start noticing any changes? well, the last, so to speak, a couple of years for sure. you talked about droppers with glutathione, i also read that there are many who do them. including famous actresses, singers and adele, madonna and gwyneth petrou, that this is simply a topic at the peak of fashion that really helps maintain the quality of the skin, and this trend now exists in our country, in russia, and indeed many cosmetology salons also offer droppers with glutathione, and even the so-called
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biorevitalization, that is, beauty injections, these are intradermal injections with this useful substance, we see approximate... a peptide, it is produced in our liver and spreads through the bloodstream to all cells of the body. scientists have long established that a lack of glutathione is the most important cause of rapid aging. in cosmetology, glutathione is used to improve skin quality and combat premature aging. after a full course of procedures, the skin
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becomes fresher, more radiant, swelling goes away, and glutathione blocks the production of melanin in tissues, so it is also interesting for cosmetologists from the point of view of preventing unwanted hyperpigmentation. in addition to beauty, glutathione has a general rejuvenating and general strengthening effect. vigor appears, internal energy appears. and indeed many believe that this is such an elixir of youthful beauty. so, we decided to clearly show you the work of glutathione, we took your photo, now you will see how your appearance will change in 20 years if the level of glutathione in your body is low. so what do you think? well, so-so. well somehow some kind of grandmother? 60 years. and now you will see yourself at the same age. but if at the same time the level of glatathione is normal, well, it’s somehow more pleasant, in my opinion, it turns out that it’s not in vain that you
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thought about glutathione, but the benefits of glutathione are much broader, it has a positive effect on almost the entire body. let's just take a look at what other beneficial properties of glutathione are known today. glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant, it protects body cells from oxidative stress, oxidative. stress in us develops under the influence of factors such as ultraviolet radiation, poor nutrition, environmental pollution, respectively, free radicals are activated, which damage cells, all this leads to the development of any diseases, and accordingly glutathione blocks the action of free radicals and thus it prevents cell damage, but what is also interesting is that glutathione enhances the effect of other antioxidants in the body, vitamins c, e and betacarotene. glutathione. how antioxidant, has a hepatoprotective effect, the hepatoprotective effect is needed by people who have fatty hepatosis.
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fatty hepatosis, unfortunately, after 45-50 years is registered in every second patient during the most common ultrasound examination of the liver. after long-term use of antibiotics, alcohol abuse, in any case, this antioxidant effect of glutathione has a positive effect on liver cells. glutathione levels. why does it suddenly start to decline? the main reason is age. after age 20, glutathione production decreases by 1% each year. this is a natural process of reducing metabolism in our body, but if you live in unfavorable conditions, or are constantly exposed to stress, and also lead an unhealthy lifestyle, then of course the amount of glutathione will decrease even faster. and unfortunately, glotothione cannot be replenished only by eating healthy foods. we will tell you, of course, which foods are rich in glutathione, primarily avocados, walnuts and fatty varieties of sea fish.
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however, in order to fully compensate for the process of glutathione loss, you cannot do without additional intake, but there is one very important rule here: for glutathione to work, it must enter the blood. if we take dietary supplements that contain regular glutathione, then, unfortunately, we will not get any effect. because under the influence of hydrochloric acid, glutathione is destroyed in the stomach and has no effect. this is why beauty injections are so popular now, that is, when glutathione directly enters the bloodstream or intradermally into the microcirculation. until recently, intravenous administration was indeed considered the only way to increase glutathione levels in the body. that is, it turns out that you still need to give injections. now there is an opportunity to get around. without intravenous injections, because not so long ago scientists found a way to stabilize the form of glutathione, which
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can be absorbed in the form of tablets, they attached an acetyl group to the glutathione molecule and thus obtained acetyl glutathione, with acetyl, l-glutathione, that is , glutathione has received protection that does not allow hydrochloric acid, only this form of lutathione in tablets is unhindered... and the half-life, that is, in fact, the time of exposure of glutathione to our body increases significantly. this gives us a form of glutathione that is easily absorbed, which makes it different from regular glutathione. acetyl glutathione in the form of tablets is able to spread throughout the body, reach all its tissues and easily penetrate into cells, instantly increasing glutathione levels in the body. the effectiveness of eslutathione when taken orally in tablets. well
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, first of all, carefully study the composition, it should not be a complex, it should be a drug with the acetyl prefix, so it will be quickly absorbed and not destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. unfortunately, you can see products on sale that do not directly contain glutathione, but according to manufacturers, they can promote its natural production. how much glutathione is produced in your body and produced whether at all, of course, no one knows about this. accordingly, you may not get the effect we talked about. and of course, the dosage is very important: if you see a high dosage of glutathione on the package, then most likely it is ordinary glutathione, which will break down into amino acids and will not have the expected effect. acetyl-glothothione works to slow down aging starting from 100 mg per day, and i recommend exactly this dosage. when choosing a product with glutathione,
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be sure to pay attention to the registration so that the product has a certificate. o state registration, you can find out about this by looking at the packaging of the product or by looking at information about this particular product on the internet, now there are only a few products with state registration on the market, so pay attention to the gmp sign on the packaging, this is how the manufacturer indicates the quality control and safety of their product , and of course, it is worth noting that glutathione works from the inside, and in order to notice the result, you need to take it in courses as written in the recommendations: irina, thank you very much for coming to us come, i hope that our advice will help you do without an iv, i’m very glad, thank you very much, thank you very much, elena igorevna , thank you very much for being with us, my friends, you need to take care of your health and beauty not only on the eve of the new year holidays. and we wish you a good day and a great mood, be healthy, we had a program with you about the most important things. we gathered
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about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba into the driveway and says: baby, feed the dogs.
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hello, the news is live, studio oksana kuvaeva, the main thing for this hour. conversation with the president about the most important things. your call is free, please state your last name, first name and patronymic. russians have already sent more than one and a half million requests directly to vladimir putin. a precise strike on the ground. and from the air. ministry of defense
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published new footage of the destruction of armored vehicles and the ukrainian armed forces control center. non-contact. joe biden allocated $200 million in military aid to kiev. why does tranche call it comforting? zelensky comes to town and demands that american taxpayers give him another $61 billion. and why is biden himself not laughing now? a drill. the switchboard in the fourth compartment is on fire. liquidation actions on the ship are carried out by a cadet. pacific higher naval school in vladivostok. russians have already sent more than one and a half million requests to the direct line with the president, of which over a million calls were almost 36,000
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sms. let me remind you. there is just over a day left until the end of the year with vladimir putin; communication with the head of state will combine two formats, a direct line, a large annual press conference, that is, ask a question. not only representatives of the media, but also any citizen of russia will be able to communicate with the president. and the situation in the special operation zone, an important component of which is attacks on ukrainian military rear areas, high-precision weapons hitting targets in kharkov and nikolaev regions. the ministry of defense has distributed video footage of our aviation along the contact line. the crews of the k-52m helicopters carried out a strike. the control center for armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine was destroyed. and in these frames, russian paratroopers , using lancet loitering ammunition
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, destroyed two tanks and camouflaged self-propelled guns of the ukrainian armed forces in the kleshcheevka area. in the southern donetsk direction , crews of rapier anti-tank guns effectively destroy western armored vehicles. according to military personnel from rapier, it is almost impossible miss. the projectile flies exactly there. where the sight is aimed, the gun has a high rate of fire, reliability, is extremely easy to operate, and deploys into a firing position in just 60 seconds. alexey baranov and eduard punigov report on the situation in the zone. first charge, aim and report. after the first shot , there is no trace left of the snow that dusted the camouflage net covering the positions of the gaobic battery here in the kremensky forest. shot! today's massive artillery barrage in serebryansky forestry starts early in the morning. sight 442. the reconnaissance group operating behind the line of combat contact has just informed
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the artillerymen of the central military district the coordinates of the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian military, consisting of several strong points. it is against them that long-range howitzers strike before the assault groups begin their work. the senior gunner with the call sign " sight" tells us that his gaobic battery hits not only the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. there is quite a lot of foreign equipment in this section of the front, mostly brad for the american production, they don’t last long, we get caught, we eliminate them. at the tor ledge, assault units are already on the line of combat contact and fully ready for combat work. at the front line, trenches must be dug to their full height. now , after the onset of frost, their walls seem to be made of stone, with the last volleys of artillery barrage, before actually taking action, the assault groups launch their reconnaissance drone, here are
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the frames transmitted by its camera of the precise hits of shells fired by russian artillerymen, let's go nearby, a massive artillery barrage is mandatory before each infantry attack, firing volleys at... almost 20 km away, the howitzer hit strong points not only on the first, but on the second line of defense of the utora ledge. the task of the assault groups, which have advanced several hundred meters beyond the line of combat contact, is to hold their positions until reinforcements arrive. fire support in this, of course, is provided by artillerymen. with intense fire, they do not allow the ukrainian military to transfer additional forces to the battlefield. gun, shot! alexei boranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimansk direction serebryansky forestry. the crew
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of this tank is at the front of the special operation first. now his main task is to open the ukrainian armed forces’ strongholds on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. the combat vehicle takes a position and strikes again. the crew understands each other perfectly, the shell hits the target and the tank quickly leaves the battlefield, you can’t stay in sight for long, drones fly everywhere, immediately reporting the danger of artillery all right, i accepted it, well, show me your hand, wait, just turn it a little in the other direction, you see there was an impact, here is the hole, here are the shots taken in august of this year, the consequences of the drone strike. the back of this tank was destroyed by an explosion, one of the crew members was wounded in the arm, fortunately not seriously, the equipment was quickly patched up, and it is back in service. after that, as they say, we learned from our mistakes, we began to strengthen
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the rear part of the turret, made an elongated visor, welded a metal plate, and additionally hung dynamic protection on her, and here all the effort is also a plus. the tank commander chose the call sign hut. translated from buryat, hard, strong. in civilian life , he had an even more peaceful profession - wedding toastmaster. now he is working in one of the hottest areas of the front. at the front , the situation, so to speak, has calmed down. calm, subdued, one feels that the enemy is beginning to choke, is experiencing a lack of ammunition, uh, one feels that we are already going on the offensive, as we roll out more and more often, not giving the enemy relax. tanks of the thirty-sixth army are making their way to the infantry in the area of ​​the settlements of urozhaynaya and novodonetskaya. it is now obvious that the enemy will clearly not be able to hold these positions for long. eduard ponegov,
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alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. joe biden allocated $200 million in military aid to kiev, although the ukrainian leader came to ask for $60 billion. the consolation tranche became known during an audience given to a guest from kiev in the oval office of the white house. biden noted that if congress does not approve additional budgetary allocations for ukraine, then soon the united states will not be able to send aid to kiev. biden stated this at a joint press conference with zelensky at the white house at the end. we want ukraine to win the war, as i said earlier, victory will mean that ukraine is an independent state, it can defend itself today and deter further aggression, this is our goal. representatives of the us administration denied sputnik news agency correspondent pavel zakovorotny access to press conference between biden and zelensky. a white house spokeswoman told the journalist that although he...
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“washington has changed a lot at the front, on the capitalist hill. the reception of the petitioner from kiev this time is much cooler, without applause pats on the shoulder, and this is perhaps the most important speech in of his life, zelensky spends behind closed doors in front of a skeptical public. already 10 minutes after the start, some of the senators leave the room, they have not heard anything new for themselves, and zelensky himself the results of the meeting have nothing to tell journalists." a very good and productive
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meeting. the flashing green clothes now cause irritation, especially when its wearer wants to get 60 billion dollars, which, according to congress, should be spent saving america from the invasion of illegal migrants. and a personal meeting with speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson had already called it senseless in advance.the day before, johnson confirmed the position of the republicans: no money for ukraine without a fundamental solution to migration.
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next year, create an army in ukraine that can force russia to sit down at the negotiating table on terms favorable to kiev, although not earlier than 25. together with our allies and partners, we are determined to help ukraine strengthen and expand its capabilities on the battlefield, capable of creating future forces. and while in
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washington zelensky is trying to exude optimism and promises victories, in ukraine, in his absence, they admit that nato strategies against the russian army were useless. this was stated by the secretary of the council for national security, commenting on the failure of the counteroffensive. people sometimes make mistakes; you cannot be an excellent student all your life, danilov said. he described the current situation at the front as very difficult, said that old military textbooks, including textbooks on...
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the resolution orders the budget, oversight and judiciary committees to continue investigating biden and his family members to determine whether there are sufficient grounds for impeachment in relation to the head of state. the investigation concerns allegations of biden's involvement in his son hunter biden's foreign business initiatives. the suspicion concerns the period when biden served as us vice president in the barack obama administration. the white house strongly denies such accusations. israeli military. hamas began flooding underground tunnels in the gas sector, all street journal reports, citing a source in the american administration. it is noted that only tunnels are flooded where, according to the israelis, hostages are not being held. the israel defense forces completed the installation of five pumping stations near the
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ashati refugee camp, installations capable of pumping water from the mediterranean sea, flooding the tunnels within a few weeks. destruction of underground passages along which... according to israel, hamas fighters move to set up ambushes, an important part of the ground operation. israeli defense minister galland said that the military operation in the gaza strip is approaching a critical point. we will soon destroy all hamas infrastructure in this city, the minister added. news is following developments, stay tuned to channel russia. dialogue with the whole country. results of the year with vladimir putin tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time.
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this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, we have a big day today, a big one. his time, beauty, repen, the whole crew, just looking at the platform, there was no
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sadness, the woman bought a piglet, it’s worth getting a pet and life. will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them a real star, trynk, secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, did they shove the snake in first? red, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program: for the whole family on saturdays on rtr,
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are you crazy, sunday, here good people reported that you are with a masked man confused, this girl, who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and from the world... and you have been dating for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to have anna talk, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a lot already, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i’ve only been with one person, max , what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to your wishes, heart, sunday on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka, how you need
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to love a person in order to take and come to him, what a strong family is built on , the question, of course, is interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything for the sake of this is what a person lives, he must have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on? on trust, i am so contradictory, my wisdom and cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr. i hit a hole in 3 minutes to help the wounded. such actions to eliminate chips on a ship
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are practiced by cadets of the pacific higher naval school in vladivostok, where navigators, signalmen, and hydroacoustics specialists are trained. how to train the future officers - saw ksenia kolchina. a completely normal situation for cadets of the pacific higher naval school in the simulator... only practice can teach future officers how to deal with emergency situations. according to the legend of the exercise , at a depth of about a hundred meters , a hole appeared on one of the sides of the submarine. a powerful jet of water flashes through the resulting holes, everything is like in reality, the cadets have only 3 minutes to repair the hole. inside, everything is like on a ship, but in fact it is one of the buildings of tavmu. scheduled. the cadets here are fighting for the survivability of the ship and providing first aid to the victims.
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the evacuation of a sleeping ship is being practiced in the pool. you just have to step into the water; jumping is prohibited. in orange thermal wetsuits it is difficult to be agile and fast, but the cadets have already brought all actions to automaticity. this is the fourth year, they will put on lieutenant shoulder straps for another year. by the end of the fourth year they are fully prepared. stable service in the navy. there are no random people here; he has been preparing to study at the naval school since childhood. ivan penaev dreams of serving in the northern fleet. ice and cold are a common element. he came to study in tavma from siberia. the unified state exam scores were good and i had been involved in sports before, so i also passed the entrance exams quite well. exams in specialized mathematics, physics, russian language, professional psychological selection, medical examination, physical training standards. here are all the stages that an applicant needs to go through to enter the pacific higher
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naval academy. the school is in demand, the competition is, well, about three people guys from different regions of the country enroll, including this year , participants of a special military operation entered our place; this year more than twenty of them entered there. navigators, anti-submarine officers, signalmen, specialists in the field of radio electronics and hydroacoustics are trained here. officers are trained: seven swordmen in six military specialties, as a rule, all cadets firmly know how they will further build their career in the navy, since i grew up in vladivostok, i love the city very much, so i plan to continue my service here on submarines, which are now actively being built and entering service. these classes are never missed. in the past, the head of the school, vice admiral valery kozhevnikov, teaches the basics of navigation. the simulator shows a complete simulation of a ship's bridge, with cadets emerging from golden rock bay.
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tavma graduates are called makarovites. over the 86 years of existence of this naval university in vladivostok, more than 20,000 officers have been trained. ksenia kolchina, sergey svestelnikov, dmitry popkov, far eastern bureau of news, vladivostok. a new plant for the production of oil equipment was launched in chelyabinsk. it will provide russian oil companies with high-quality, reliable equipment, reduce dependence on imports and create new jobs in the region. report by ksenia voloshina. a new player from chelyabinsk, the buran plant, has appeared on the oil and gas equipment market. it is located on the territory of chtz, now we are in one of its workshops. it is here that high-tech equipment for the lower well completion. previously, similar things were purchased abroad;
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a new part comes out from under the machine of a turner with twenty years of experience, alexey kozlyakov. it’s great, of course everything is modern here, technology, in general, i really... like it, i think everyone likes it. chelyabinsk buran already employs more than 100 people. another 20 specialists are engaged in geological calculations in moscow. and five engineers work in the fields. in the future, our team will be more than a thousand people, at least about 800 at the plant. shank hangers, couplings and shoes, in much depends on their quality, how much black gold will be extracted and how long the well will live. therefore, highly qualified specialists at the plant work on...
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kolan is sent water into its natural habitat, and the food for this electronic beast will be the information it obtains. to lake tunaicha. the drone was created for hydrographic surveys. in real time, all data from the platform is sent to the shore by the engineer. today we are testing not the apparatus itself, but a symbiosis of hydrographic equipment installed on the device. that is, at the moment we are testing how hydrographic equipment behaves, that
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is, how well it interacts with the systems of the device. it is intended for research primarily inland waters. the bright lime green sakhalin collan has already been included in a kind of red book, such a device is the only one of its kind, not only in the far east, one in the whole country, companies that work on the sakhalin shelf have already become interested in it, drone accurate to centimeters, collects data on the depth and topography of the bottom, almost any equipment for water surveys can be installed on the platform, we had boats that were skip. who was a hydrograph engineer, sat on the boat and performed this work, now we have simply excluded people. kalan was created on the basis of the korsakov educational center technosphere; schoolchildren, together with experienced mentors, worked for several years on the peaceful apparatus and designed the building. for the subtlety of research platform should cut the water correctly, the power of the motors was calculated. it took almost six months to
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select antennas for communication with land. kalan can extend 10 km further from the shore. range of action of the collan, it will work on the principle that from the ground we will have a power cord of power drops stretched to it, which will power it during the flight, it will serve as a relay, the drone needs to lose a little weight, taking into account the equipment and batteries, aquatic drone now weighs almost 250 kg, production models will become lighter, unlike... tasks. in the coming year, kalan will do a lot of work in the waters of port prigorodnaya. the drone will take part in studying the topography of the seabed. the technosphere intends to set sail in the coming year 10 similar devices, maybe more, it all depends on demand. almost all the parts from which the platform is made are domestic, so the engineers promise that serial kolans will receive
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life just in time. elena zhenchenko, igor nikolaev, lead sakhalin kuriles. we receive new reports from our correspondents about the most important news in the country and the world they will tell you the news.
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now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a zoologist or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years. we can pull up as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor
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that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication. i need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, expensive. i wonder what my husband asked me for? cretin, i would like to live my whole life with such a woman. oops, what should i do now? they lost their minds and lost their minds. what are you talking about now? yes,
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she is good enough to be your mother. is the boy really so good that he blew your mind? i love him, but if i would love to live, i wouldn’t break it for him. i would like to talk to ella. has ela left? take me back to saturday on... hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes is live. so, the kremlin
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will be watching the meeting very closely biden and zelensky. peskov said that the tens of billions of dollars already provided by washington to kiev could not turn the tide of the war, and further assistance will not be able to either. but zelensky stubbornly resisted. today he is in washington to personally ask american whites and not only white gentlemen for... only 3 days left. republicans still refuse to give ukraine billions. they say the border with mexico is more important than the border with some kind of ukraine. zelensky has already reported that he was taken to a meeting with the head of the pentagon and the head of the general staff. standing in some assembly hall, zelensky admitted that russia was winning and asked not to let ukraine lose. austin avoided a direct answer, but promised “new apu.” mol.
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we will build you the strongest army in the world , but then, apparently, after the capitulation , zelensky was taken from the military to the currency funds, where they also did not give money, right at these moments they are speaking before senators, albeit behind closed doors, so we are playing on royale we won't see. immediately after, a meeting with speaker of the house of representatives mike johnston, also in a closed format, and a speech before congress. republican senator jay. di vence has already called for zelensky's visit. shamefully stated that despite all the requests with an outstretched hand, the united states does not and never will have money. biden's last hope. joo zelensky will arrive tired at 10 o’clock moscow time. biden himself has officially become the worst president in us history. according to new data, the average disapproval rating is 55.8%. answer questions about zelensky and ukraine.
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grandfather refused, simply waved his hand, well, now we are transported to the white house, where zelensky will arrive in an hour to hold talks with us president joe biden. the invitation comes at a critical moment for ukraine, as republicans in congress are holding up money to continue the war in ukraine.
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and he, with the help of russian state television, bosses them around for a good job, saying, well done republicans, what message does all this send to all the bad actors? there are three scenarios according to which putin can win here: first , the united states breaks down and stops supplying aid. second, europe is breaking down and stopping supplies to ukraine; it is very likely that this will happen after the united states. and third, the elected president of the united states is someone who does not believe in the current one. negotiations are going on, to put it mildly, unimportantly, in the white house, while stating that zelensky’s visit should emphasize the unwavering support of the united states for the ukrainian people. the visit comes as russia seizes the initiative on the battlefield and ramps up missile attacks on ukraine. before his visit to the white house, zelensky will go to capitalist hill to meet with all senators with house speaker mike johnson.
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biden emphasizes that... and the united states is proud to stand with you, and make no mistake, america's commitment to supporting ukraine against russian aggression is unwavering. america's commitments must be fulfilled, america's security must be protected,
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america's word must be kept. thank you so much, thank you very much.
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even hopes to win freedom. ukraine has not given up and will not give up. we know what to do and you can count on ukraine, and we also hope that we can count on you. mr. president, what do you expect from the meeting?
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putin must lose, must make sure that everyone else who views russia's war against ukraine as his personal lecture at the so-called university of aggression understands this message loud and clear. putin must lose. please note that zelensky has “i’m ukrainian” written in english on his twitter. quite an important clarification, especially in the case of a person who constantly appears against the background ukrainian, but someone else's stars and stripes flag, and lives not on his own, but on someone else's american money. one can only guess, of course. what does the most ordinary ukrainians feel, looking at all this shame, who are no longer even caught on the streets, in gyms, minibuses and packed to the front. even the talking head of the kiev regime, the head
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of the rnbo danilov, in an interview with the bbc today said that the hopes that kiev had pinned on a counter-offensive were not justified, he says at the front, it’s hard now, the old nato textbooks are like arithmetic. nato on the conduct of the battle with moscow it is necessary to throw it in the trash, as he put it, the childish tactics of the military alliance have already accelerated, danilov also called kiev’s excessive optimism a mistake, and this is the same danilov who for six months in a row said that everything is fine and the ukrainian armed forces are about to break through to the sea of ​​azov and they will cut the route to the yalka, which is responsible for the entire defense of the armed forces of ukraine on... is responsible for the section of the front from artyomovsk to zaporozhye, well, that is, tornavsky knows what he is talking about
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, near artyomovsky our fighters in a month defeated one of the strongest brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, the third separate assault brigade, formed from the militants of the azov terrorist organization banned in russia, right now. the nazis are being withdrawn to the rear due to colossal losses, the press service of the azovites reported this. another distributor of evil from germany is orebki. it is reported that the ukrainian armed forces may retreat from a number of settlements; he lists the following settlements: ovdeevka, kleshcheevka, staromaiskaya and even, as claimed by ryobki from eastern kupinsk. they say moscow has the strength of determination. yes, but also about the attitude, the former prime minister of sweden, now he is co-chairman of the european council on foreign relations, karl belt , spoke about...
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be careful there before the shot, i’ll shout a shot, i’ll shout, let’s fight, everyone was practicing. worked out, thank ukraine , desert arti, constant artillery shelling, they have enough artillery, artillery, artillery, you need to understand that the russian federation, say, given its large accumulations, and despite the fact that they are constantly restoring their reserves, they are working factories, their country has become on a war footing, constantly accumulating their military potential, but they have enough artillery, and the artillery in them is superior, well, from radyansky.
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down the dnieper river, lone groups
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of ukrainian troops dug in on the right bank are rarely making headway, but their tiny tools, hand-assembled and donated drones, are of little use. the united states is dragging its feet on allocating the money that ukraine needs to make the breakthrough that the west wants. and here you can feel the anger about this , their work is tireless. i think without american assistance will be very difficult.
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these are soldiers. alexander just graduated from basic military training. soon he will leave home and family and go to the front. he understands what this means, but at the moment there is no feeling of anxiety. and here in a psychiatric clinic in pavlov, therapists are trying to help those who are left with psychological trauma. many of the patients here suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. they can only sleep for an hour or so.
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and the life of many ukrainian soldiers. now turn your attention to the screen. the british times released a traditional new year's cartoon that describes the key political events of the year. last year the main characters danced ballet, this year they are participants in the toy parade in santa claus's house at the north pole. premier sunok is a humanoid robot, an android,
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who has deceived its citizens at least twice in a year. as a result, he lost an arm and a leg, so he gets around by helicopter. next. boris johnson, he has a sticker on his side, defective do not use, the royal couple in the carriage, the queen consort camilla feels like a clear successor to elizabeth, look, the green dress, pearls, all the cones from burden and power are falling on karl’s head. trump in an orange prisoner's robe flies like a witch on a broom, escaping prosecution, so he easily overtakes the barely walking robot biden, who is always trying to... this whole crowd ends up in santa claus's bag, but not in the bag with gifts , into a trash bag, and the good new year's wizard sends it to the trash can. by zelensky’s words in the video they sat down and curtained the f-16 plane, although it was a toy model that does not fly, a clear
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hint that the coveted fighters of kiev will not be seen, but the armed forces of ukraine may receive a couple of dozen f fighters as a new year's gift. a18 hornet from australia, this will help to significantly strengthen the ukrainian air defense against the cherished f16, they have much higher fuel consumption, which means a higher flight cost, but these hornets are designed for operation in harsh conditions, including at low temperatures, but here as usual there is one a small nuance: australia will hand over if it hands over to kiev a decommissioned fighter that has been for many years...
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the footage of these exercises is the last filming of the fa-18 in the australian skies. in 2021, the ministry of defense there took them out of service, replacing them with fifth- generation fighters f-35. since then, the decommissioned hornets, which is how the name hornet is translated, have been in storage at the williamstown base , and australia recently began negotiations on the transfer of these aircraft to ukraine. the fa-18 hornet is an american carrier-based fighter aircraft. bomber and attack aircraft developed in the 1970s. the aircraft demonstrated its uniqueness in a number of us and nato military operations, including the famous desert storm, where the hornet shot down a fighter and bombed enemy targets. it
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is still one of the main combat aircraft of the us air force and is in service with a number of countries. how is fa-18 different from itself?
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according to hampton, the more engines there are, the more problems they can have, so higher repair costs, and of course, higher fuel costs. i'd rather have one very good engine than two average ones. i'm a bit of a fan of twin-engine fighters. think about the fact that you need twice as much maintenance, you have twice as many things that can go wrong. fa18 has one unconditional advantage.
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zelensky does not intend to dismiss commander-in-chief zaluzhny, said the head of the national bank of ukraine , pyshny, and says the president personally informed him of the absence of such plans. and we all the time thought that the head of the national bank should be interested in the financial, perhaps economic, sector of the country, but no. on in ukraine now everyone lives for victory, which will not happen. the imf's basic scenario for the development of the situation in ukraine assumes that the war will end in the next, twenty-fourth year. true, it should be noted here that this is the most optimistic option for kiev in the updated memorandum of cooperation between the imf and ukraine. the negative scenario assumes the intensification of the war without a forecast for the timing of its completion. another knife in the back, stabbed ukraine’s dear european partners. russian lng supplies to europe have reached
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historical record. in november, eu countries received 1.75 million tons of liquefied gas from moscow, which means berlin concludes. the russians continue to make money from lng supplies to the european union, no matter how much european commissioner for energy simpson. all sanctions in the united states state that they are closely monitoring this shadow fleet
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of moscow, and are thinking about how to make it less effective. so far, obviously, nothing has been invented. brussels had its own plan in this regard, to ban the sale of tankers to russia, but the eu countries could not agree on this limitation. moreover, the european union again demonstrated its solidarity, well, kind of solidarity.
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the nordic stream of chancellor scholz’s very loud promises that the germans will definitely not have to freeze in the winter due to the cessation of russian natural gas supplies. more german villages are becoming victims of unscrupulous owners of biogas plants, who first offer certain conditions and then force them to sign enslaving contracts. for heating, we are talking about a fourfold increase in heating bills, fourfold, those who didn’t pay, they are already sitting without heat, freezing and complaining about the inhumane treatment, they can’t take a shower, the water only flows cold, all
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because the heating has been completely turned off, real disgusting. no one cares, but the original idea seemed very promising to the residents of holzburg, one local farmer, the owner of a biogas plant, promised to provide heat to the houses in the village, only the residents of holzburg now have to sit in hats and winter jackets in their houses and freeze, the owner of the biogas plant took it and cut it off them heating, and how out of luck, at the very moment when real frosts hit, utah kistler had to install an old electric heater in the bedroom. t, but i just have nowhere to go, this morning it was -15 outside , she also had to forget about hot water, well , how do you live in such conditions, it’s bad, i stopped sleeping at night, but now i need a t-shirt, a thin sweater, and then another thick jacket, a sleeveless insulated jacket on top, now i walk around the house in winter boots, slippers yes...


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