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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  December 13, 2023 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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this will be very, very dangerous for the united states. we can't allow this to happen. we cannot allow putin, through any surrogates, to influence what we should do for ukraine. however, the ukrainian president did not secure the support of republicans. the latter said that the aid was unlikely to be approved before the end of the year. and this despite the fact that, according to the pentagon, funds to support ukraine are running out. there will be no help until joe biden and the republicans come to an agreement. and this has not happened yet. republicans said that they will support a new aid package for ukraine only if the biden administration agrees to security changes at the southern border amid record numbers of illegal immigrants crossing it. zelensky arrived with a whole list of requests, but he did not want to come to us and answer our questions. president zelensky, are you confident that you will be able to convince congress to provide you with assistance? he then went to the main meeting of the day with the far-right republican speaker. the latter
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insists that his fellow party members will vote to allocate $61 billion only on the condition that president biden agrees to all their demands to secure the border with mexico, regardless of the problems of ukraine. we need clarity about what we are doing in ukraine, and we need oversight of where american citizens' valuable tax dollars are spent. other republicans were less civil. i don’t give a damn what... zelensky will say: our fundamental duty is to protect the border of the united states, this must be done first of all, and this is not discussed, this is not discussed, the border must be protected before we discuss anything about ukraine. joe biden has said that he is ready to compromise on the border issue, but congress must make a decision on ukraine immediately, otherwise the money for weapons will run out by the end of the year, and this will compromise everyone's security. president zelensky, how was the meeting? are you sure congress will allocate the money? even
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if he is sure, he will not say it. investing american money in ukrainian defense is a good investment, but it does not change the context or conditions that is, we must protect ourselves first, and we must demonstrate this by protecting the southern border. all this comes as the ukrainian counter-offensive, which began in june, froze in place as winter set in. the united states assesses that russia believes it is facing a winter war... and warns that time is running out as congress is set to recess at the end of the week. we are ready to discuss these issues and provide our assistance, however, we understand that we cannot keep up with the time frame. the united states has already have sent $111 billion in humanitarian and military aid to ukraine since the russian invasion began, and the money is running out.
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a country that knows how to deal with conflicts and problems around the world, and i think that on your internal issues , americans don't need to know my opinion, i really think so, when you ask us for this help, do you think putin will stop if you don't get this help. are you ready to deal? at a meeting with mr. spikker, and this was our first meeting, i said the following: it does not matter when it is adopted.
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hands of our craftsmen, then well done, we should have started a long time ago, more than 24 million ukrainians continue to be without internet communications, some atms and mobile applications that are associated with the kyivstar company are not working now, in some
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cities of ukraine the air warning system does not even work alarm, the it infrastructure of the largest ukrainian telecom operator has been partially destroyed, as reported... by the official authorities, whatever that means. according to deputy of the verkhovna rada, it will be possible to restore communication no earlier than in two, and maybe even 3 days. kyivstar employees told reporters that restoration could take more than a week. according to them, the hackers killed not only the main control center of the operator’s entire network, but also destroyed configurations at transit base stations. moreover, it is still unknown what personal data... russia, and some politicians in ukraine, remembered that a similar attack, but on a slightly smaller scale, took place on the eve of the start of the special operation, they say that this is very alarming, and
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they also believe that the russians took revenge for mike pompeo, who actually joined the board of directors of kyivstar about 2 weeks ago. ex-us secretary of state, the russians didn’t like it, well, nothing works now. is the subscriber's device turned off or out of network coverage? the opponent is temporarily unavailable. ukrainians started tuesday morning with an alarming roll call; mobile communications in kyivstar do not work, and it is also impossible to use the internet. amounts.
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people complained they couldn't withdraw money from atms, paying couriers and even in the subway, calling emergency services is also impossible, impossible. due to the lack of communication , other services were also affected. in chernivtsi , transport fares did not work. a failure occurred in the operation of atms and terminals served by the operator throughout the country. in many cities , street lighting was not turned off in time. the lights are turned on remotely via gsm modems, so this had to be done manually. turned on manually. hackers. the war with russia has many dimensions, and one of them is in cyberspace, unfortunately, kyivstar became the target
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of a very serious situation; the company was attacked by a hacker attack, as a result of which communication services and internet access were temporarily unavailable. so far, the timing of the restoration of services is completely unclear. no one has access to the data, the fact that the database was hacked is already a confirmed story, although perhaps not yet public somewhere, but you understand, a database is a huge amount of information, it’s not so easy to get it from there, i i hope that after all, the database, the information did not go outside the perimeter
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kievstar, kievstar, you know, you know, it’s not so easy to install such a large system, but they did, this is due to the fact that it’s not so easy to get that data, so it’s like this: take. if possible, it will be updated.
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no, your phone number, what are you doing? now you have my phone number and wherever you are, i will find you. well, another eu country opposed the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the bloc, this is austria, although just the day before the head of medkuleb said that kiev had eliminated it. removed the threat from hungary, probably danced and jumped
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with a tambourine, but the dance, apparently, did not help. based on the results of the meeting with my ukrainian colleague, the meeting actually took place. szijjártó stated publicly that hungary’s position on ukraine’s accession to the european union is not a subject of bargaining. and we no longer need to bargain with individual countries, but with citizens of the entire european union. and here are the numbers, of course. phenomenal. 37% of eu residents are against accepting new countries. 35 per. in western europe, support for ukraine's acceptance is lowest. only 27%. they will not take ukraine into nato. and although biden promised to accept ukraine to the alliance. there is a nuance to the future. we must win this war first. that's what he said, but here, of course, i would again like to clarify who it is.
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barding to withstand a chemical or nuclear attack and can accommodate up to 3,600 people, and this is not the only shelter, there are more than 50 thousand of them in the country, all of them are supposedly capable of accommodating almost the entire population of the state. today the fen showed their largest bunker, which is located near helsinki, this is a bomb shelter, also a case of nuclear bombing, inside there is a parking lot, a gym, and a football stadium.
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the authorities lead excursions in the bunkers and claim that finnish shelters can save people from any blow; how to manage to evacuate the entire population of the country in a minute is now the main question. it only takes half a minute to get into another world, which is located 30 meters
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below the streets of helsinki. the labyrinth of bunker tunnels under the finnish capital was created to protect 900,000 inhabitants from missile attacks, chemical weapons and radiation in case of war, but that’s not all , welcome to one of the most popular playgrounds in helsinki has bandy fields for both children and adults. all in one, some even celebrate here the days they grew up with these bomb shelters. therefore we are born. for us, this is everyday life, we don’t even think about it, helsinki has its own underground world. this bunker is located in the hakanami area, it is one of the largest in finland, and could fit two football fields inside, says security officer tomi rask. in case of war , this place can be quickly turned into a completely
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functional bomb shelter. in a normal scenario, bomb shelters are used from a few hours to a few days. most of our bomb shelters can hold people much longer, but this creates various problems. one of them is the heat that a person gives off. for example, a person like me produces approximately 100 watts of energy constantly. so, is it problematic for 600 people to live in such a bunker in the event of an emergency?
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memorializes the victims of the winter war. during this conflict, finland accepted its first civil defense law. even today, all private and public buildings larger than a certain area must be equipped with a bomb shelter, just like the subway. in total, helsinki has 500 bomb shelters that can accommodate almost a million people. we do our job
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and hope that they will never be used for their intended purpose. but we must continue to do our work, as history teaches us, everything is possible, when something is possible, then it can happen. residents of helsinki want to be prepared for this, their know-how in ukraine, while american legislators refuse to give money, the treasury of the kiev regime is replenished, you won’t believe it, porn actresses, svidomo patriots, laying out...
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more and more, they feel like masters of life, their behavior is increasingly aggressive. in canterbury, two drunk gay men beat up a man in a pub after they thought he said something homophobic to them. parcidomites, attacked the victim, doused him with alcohol for some reason, broke his jaw, and then beat him while he was lying down until he lost consciousness. both perverts repeat offender, the first has 14 convictions for. 30 crimes, including robbery and battery. the second has a more modest track record, but he was also convicted several times for causing bodily harm. but the tolerant british court considered all this to be insignificant details, two scumbags, and once again the repeat offenders who maimed a random
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person were given a suspended sentence. friends of the lgbt bandits in the courtroom greeted the verdict of the inclusive femida with applause. ordinary britons are already fed up with such tolerance. bbc received more than a hundred complaints due to its inclusion in the cult series. they have the iconic doctor who, transgender characters. viewers are outraged by the inappropriateness of this character and the fact that he promotes man-hating. however, common sense has long been sacrificed to the british corporation for inclusivity. this is how the english scientist newton was shown in the series. he is played by an actor of indian descent, which is where newton, born in an english village in the 14th century, could have come from. native americans, the creators of the series did not specify. inclusive madness influences political struggle in the once great britain, a woman
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parliamentarian, rachel mcqueen, is accused of transphobia for daring to call a trans from the other party a man in a wig, although he is really trans and really trans in a wig, and also fat. mp rachel mclean has been accused of transphobic behavior on social media after she made a post. in a tweet claiming that her political opponent trans melisa paulton, you see him on the screen, is just a man who wears a wig, then she replied under this
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post: while my green party colleagues don't know what a woman looks like, my neighbors from worcestershire, the people from brons grove definitely do, rachel has since been forced to apologize and delete the comments. without a doubt, this is a completely transphobic comment. criticism of me is psychological abuse of me, and it's terrible, attacking a member of minorities, it's simple, it's, was i right to apologize, no, rachel, under no circumstances apologize when we already understand that an apology never on them work, they only prolong the conflict, never apologize, push the sweetheart, i'm always right and continue to live your life, what you've already done... i've seen unattractive women, but
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this doesn't compare with anything. i'm starting to wonder if maybe i'd be a more attractive woman than a man, i keep seeing these people change genders and come to the conclusion that i'm in the wrong market. now i know that as a man, i am almost retired, but i could be a more attractive woman than this... well, that is, the churches of the moscow patriarchate, there really is no place for true orthodoxy in ukraine, while in the vatican, where ukrainians are taken, transsexuals and other
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perverts are officially considered daughters of god. the roman catholic church is a full-fledged part of the western world, but as a part of the west, it is also going through its own crisis, until today the vatican was rocked by various kinds of scandals for harboring fugitives from justice. nazis to the sexual abuse of children, usually boys, by the catholic priesthood, trying to maintain its influence, the vatican, apparently, is trying to adapt to modern crazy trends, and hence the blessing of transgender people, in the usa they went a little further, they installed a devil’s corner in the christmas canon, a real devil’s corner, look together. with a satanic goat, a pentagram skull, right into the iowa state capitol. the satanic temple, which claims that it
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doesn't actually believe satan exists, has exhibits all over the country, including an adorable satanic, gender- neutral christmas tree. remove this squalor is impossible. the fact is that the church of satan is recognized as an official religious organization, in the usa - freedom, faith, confession. hence the position of the horn. representatives of the satanic temple organization installed a public exhibition in the capitol of the us state of iowa. it's the holiday season, and even secular government publications are decorating for holidays rooted in religion, such as christmas trees. and according to official information, for
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all 14 days. before christmas, the satanic temple erected an exhibition next to these main religious symbols in the capital of iowa, this is what lucien graves, co-founder of the satanic temple, said about this. we are thrilled to be represented in a public forum since we don't have our own church on every corner. this is scary, this is a very dark evil force, i sincerely hope that people know how to fight it. the us department of justice argues that religious freedom is enshrined in the text of the constitution. it is spelled out in... the amendments, where the authors of the constitution enshrined the confession of all religions, declaring that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. the satanic temple sect is a federally recognized religion that does not actually believe in the existence of satan or the supernatural, unlike another religious organization, the church of satan, based in massachusetts, this group is tax exempt, its representatives claim that their mission
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is . malevolence and sympathy, rejection of tyranny, they are simply bring practically common sense into our world, oppose injustice and achieve noble goals. the exhibit was installed over the weekend. a spokesman for the iowa department of administrative services said there was a special process for applying for the site and the satanic temple followed all the guidelines and recently had a group of people come in and sing the christmas hymn.
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i understand why the hell they are allowed to display this right in the building? he believes that the the manifestation of satan is evil, but then in the next line says that the state should not be in the business of saying no to it, so the author wants the state to be agnostic about the issue of good and evil, he wants the state to be devoid of values ​​believes, that there is something noble in being supposedly neutral, firstly, there is no such thing as religious neutrality, secondly there is no... noble and right, trying to be neutral or objective. sometimes it's good to be neutral in another sense, but not now. now we need to say: stop, this is bad, this does not deserve the same protection as things that stand for good. we all intuitively know that this is true, satanism is bad, satanic demonstrations in government buildings are bad. this clown thinks it's the seventies, but it's not, he doesn't even want to fight for his beliefs, but all the efforts of outrage
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are distorted. the satanic church believes you just heard that the state should be neutral, the state should not have any meaning, no values, we understand that a state without meaning and values ​​is not capable of existing, and if you and i just had a little more time, we would, in accordance with the chinese proverb, sit on the shore and wait for the corpse
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of the american state. .. sailed past us, they destroy themselves as if they don’t notice it. now this is funny, also, to be honest, crazy news. vladimir zelensky. unexpectedly landed in the capital of norway, where a meeting of heads of state and the government of the nordic countries will take place, for whom unexpectedly, perhaps unexpectedly for vladimir zelensky himself, he really didn’t announce vosl’s visit, well, obviously he is afraid to return home, it’s generally unclear how he will return home, such was the excitement, so many announcements, he went for... billions and is lucky with no luck, promise to help. once again, as a result of all the negotiations, american congressmen announced that on the 15th of this friday, they will go on
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christmas holidays and will not vote for a package of new aid to ukraine. that's it, 61 billion flew by like a chimney. a little, a little bit of weapons and a little bit of money is needed to break through the third line of defense , i won’t ask you about the amount of money, about the lines of defense, well, that’s nonsense , bullshit, tell me, let’s touch on the most
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striking recent events that happened , yes, for example, in the artyomovsk direction, there our guys continue to push the enemy back step by step. artyomovsk. the day before, paratroopers knocked out the ukrainian armed forces from a position near kleshcheevka. there the vsushniki lost a huge ammunition depot, which , by the way, they didn’t have a surplus of, far away. also, our guys retain the initiative in the north, it turns out that battles are taking place near bogdanovka and khromov. we have information about taking control of a section of the grigorovka-bogdanovka road. all this suggests that his third line of defense. which he is going to break through, something is breaking through there, in all directions - a full-scale offensive operation is underway on our side, there are successes in the markets, that is, what we saw before was some kind of
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large springboard for consolidating the armed forces of ukraine in the kherson direction, then there now the situation is extremely difficult, transporting a bull is impossible, that is , zelensky and his command are trying to send the remnants of this personnel there to certain death, people do not make it, because the entire area approaches to the markets is controlled by our intelligence, so he now we need to do everything possible in the information field to talk about the fact that we are having successes, he needs to take something from other countries somewhere in order to replenish the ammunition that he has exhausted, exactly the same situation with manpower. his resource now there is no one to fight with, firstly, he is not supplied with humanitarian aid in the form of decent uniforms that can withstand such severe frosts, the equipment provided by nato countries is not suitable for the current weather conditions, that
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is, he can only drive people there on foot, respectively, on foot , either at night or during the day, we see where the dry land is going, and it is instantly hit by our artillerymen, mortarmen, anti-aircraft gunners, well... what kind of weather at the front i saw nightmare footage on ukrainian social networks, let me clarify, really v ukrainian social networks, thank god , our soldiers do not post such footage anywhere, i hope that this does not happen to ours, when frostbitten legs, when a pant leg freezes in the water, there is no way to change clothes, there is no way to warm up, and this is simply a disaster for a ukrainian armed forces soldier, that particular one, which shows how he hits the trouser leg, it practically splits into
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pieces, due to the fact that it is so frozen, how are we doing with this, how are we wearing shoes, dressed, which is important, and again, what is the temperature, we show the footage in parallel but really creepy, look, as for our army, the ministry of defense, uniforms are being systematically replaced, i can see this very well with my own eyes, there are guys in new uniforms, here. as for the weather conditions, yes, indeed , it’s -15 outside, and it’s cold, our guys, of course, are also freezing, but as one of my close comrades said, he says, the enemy is cold, the frost invigorates and refreshes us, so what really shows they - now everything along the front line is controlled by aerial reconnaissance, but they have no opportunity uh, there’s no way to rotate, well , they can only change into what they have, but since the weather there changes cyclically, it’s very difficult, it’s very difficult for them
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to do anything there now. olga , about the tanks, please clarify, they also mentioned it, we know the bridgehead, we know there was one and a half battalions, we know they transferred equipment, what is there now, now there are more local battles going on there, again controlled by our bupylashniks, the situation of the supply of shells, delivery the armed forces of ukraine practically have no ox and provisions there.
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why is he doing this, the whole of ukraine has already been sunk there along with the boat, i don’t understand, i’m shocked by his actions, anyway, he’s trying to mobilize people now, he wants those who are over 40, over 50 years old to register this at the legislative level, well
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... to win in ukraine, otherwise he will then conquer all of nato, then they say america cannot sit back, but the essence of their approaches does not change, to force their kiev clients to die, to die for the sake of the interests of their masters overseas, in order to undermine, try to undermine the development of russia, we, as you know, about this the president has spoken many times recently, and you see, in real cases, are you ready for such a challenge?
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after all, the degradation of the country’s society , what is happening today, excuse me, but this is to our advantage, there is a flip side to the coin, looking at this degradation, russian society understands that we are not on the way there, and for us this is a completely unacceptable option for moving towards the future for us, for our children, grandchildren, and in general for those...
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he is failing everywhere, he is leading his country towards our goals and objectives, that is, what capitulation, sooner or later he will drag her there for the simple reason that even after canceling the elections.
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leads the united states of america , for some it is beneficial, as cheap labor , which does not need to be paid anything, for others it is not profitable, then for the simple reason that it destabilizes the situation, today it is very beneficial for us when crowds of migrants continue to enter the usa, we understand perfectly well that we see how all this happens, that 70% of them don’t work, they
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don’t do anything, they just steal, kill, committing crimes, this is also one of those moments that we are fully aware of today...
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i would like to remind you that the industry has not stopped producing them, it has only increased production, so i assume that a strategic aerospace operation is being planned here somewhere, with extremely clear goals, this is the complete suppression of the anti-aircraft defense system, the conquest
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of air supremacy, the isolation of the combat area, in fact, the defeat of critically important...
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then it turns out the actions of the front, which in the rear of the front , which is at the forefront of the political front, which today lavrov says, guys... “we are winning here, will give the result that we need in terms of the goals and objectives that our
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president has set, since you yourself hinted at a large-scale offensive russian army, we understand the size of the vso in order to estimate how many people we need, bearing in mind a five-fold superiority, and to launch a massive attack, superiority must be in the area. for a breakthrough somewhere on the front line, it can be one to one and even less, but in the direction of the main attack, it should be at least three times, and according to normal statistics, about five to one, the breakthrough areas are all spelled out in our leadership documents, unlike nato ones, our commanders know this topic well, understand this topic, how to apply it, so where they will be is another question, we won’t announce anything exactly; no one should know what it will look like. "we will see, the time will come, well, the americans famously started talking, it turns out that all this time they were allocating money to ukraine, how long it lasted 2 years
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officially, meaning the beginning of a special operation , almost 10 years, unofficially the beginning of the war in donbass, they understood that ukraine would not win, look, you are worried that if there is no money, you can lose to russia in this war, this has always been quite high probability, firstly, i never thought that they could win, especially considering how we helped them. what consequences will there be if russia wins and do they worry you? but everyone says that then they will pass through the whole of europe, but i have the question is, if they can’t even defeat ukraine, they can’t get through its eastern part, how will they get through europe? i never believed that such a scenario was possible, i think this argument is just good for sending more money. well, in general, biden is lying when he says putin. after ukraine it will go wherever putin goes, to germany, to london, to the usa. biden believes that putin has not yet decided, but will go. we'll be back in
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a minute. i still have my mother, father, brother in donetsk, i don’t have anyone right here. it touches the very heart, and i miss seryozha very much. i don’t know if you managed to see it from above, there’s a little surprise for you in our hall, come here everyone, you haven’t seen your family for a long time, you missed your brother, once as a boy, he wanted to fly, it turns out it’s possible when i come to the circus, i always cry there, the earth spins faster. blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, i decided
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to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear. i wonder what my husband is asking for, i’m also a cretin, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, and what should i do now, you’ve sat down and lost your mind, what are you talking about now, but she ’s good enough to be your mother, is she really a boy and really so good that they will blow your mind, i love him, but if i loved him i wouldn’t ruin his life, i should talk to ella, ella has left. bring me back to rtr on saturday. you're looking at 100 to
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one. what is our task, to open all the boards. we'll manage. if you ask, then with a podbokh. everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. i would like to invite
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you to meet an amazing sunrise , he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, you need a nin to go to the farm, what a bastard, but he hurt himself, the fate of her is such a girl, she is plotted for loneliness, black. yes, from any curse there is always a talisman, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who marry me, then they are dying, nothing will happen to me, everything collapsed there, svetlana smernova
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martsinkevich, vitya, a conspiracy to loneliness. premiere on saturday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a philanderer or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifesaver, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be
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self-medication, you need to turn to...
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republican senators left the meeting with vladimir zelensky, without changing his position that assistance to ukraine should be included in the same package as money for border security. sen. marquin malin said republicans won't support additional funding unless it includes real, meaningful border reform. biden has expressed a willingness to work with republicans as the number of migrants crossing... into the mexican border reaches record levels, but democrats in her own party oppose proposals for expedited deportations and strict asylum standards as a return to trump's hostility toward migrants. negotiations have reached a dead end. one of the republican negotiators, sen. james langford of oklahoma, said zelensky was unable to say anything during his communications with senators that could influence the outcome.
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peredidon pavlovich. spectacular studio, beautiful presenter, just what a grandfather needs. are delighted that zelensky lost in the war, grandfather was shown a program on tv, grandfather watched so that grandfather was sent, and actually came out and quoted, what he quoted was on a piece of paper, well, that is , they tried for the grandfather, he somehow managed, well, this is one of the elements, this is one of the elements of pressure on the republicans, which are used over a long
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period when hung. days ago that this visit is not a visit about ukraine, it is a visit of confrontation between biden and the republicans, he invited zelensky, well, believing that in this way he can strengthen his position in putting pressure on republicans in order to push through this decision on financing, which he needs, against the backdrop of the election campaign, he needs a victory, even a small one, he is still the current president, yes, he must show results and, most importantly, achieve. result, so to speak, but you know, in general, in the last couple of weeks there have been, it seems to me, some serious changes that should lead a person who understands at least something
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about what is happening to serious conclusions, well, look, for 10 years in ukraine, the myth is actually dominant that if ukraine joins nato, then this is a guarantee of its security, that is, this is...
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membership in the european union, no one objects to this, but as for membership itself, well, there will already be objections, just look at everything that is happening now at the borders, and you can take it sectorally, even just individual
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sectors of the economy, which, well, for many western countries will become simply, well, absolutely unacceptable, ukraine’s full participation in the european union, but agriculture, well agriculture, the agricultural sector in particular, and what about the nato issue, biden says, at... at the last press conference, which means biden says that there are no questions about ukraine’s membership in nato, this will happen when all countries- members will come to an agreement, i translate into understandable russian, this will never happen. here the question arises: all this is happening now in ukraine, why? what is this for? that's not my point of view. geopolitical interests of the united states of america. everything is clear to me here. from the point from the perspective of the interests of ukrainians, people who live there, fight there, and so on. these people with frostbitten feet.
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what is this all for? in order to satisfy his ambitions for his overseas neighbor, who believes that in this way, using the entire country, he is implementing his strategy of containing russia. this is a big holiday in ukraine. the head of the administration spoke. " well, we achieved success, now the americans have imposed another package of sanctions against 200 individuals of russian companies, the attention of turkish companies, united arab emirates and some asian countries, i’m just embarrassed to ask, in general, which country are we talking about isolating, maybe america, step by step, is just following the path of self-isolation, because i understand the reaction of these countries, yes, who will say, wait, what do we mean imposed sanctions against '.
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it will significantly disgrace the hegemon, at least in these countries, well, it seems to me, logic dictates so, but since you are going into self-isolation, maybe you can say something, well, probably, wish you a good trip, let them achieve that goal when they remain himself, but the americans are still on his own. sanctions, they managed to tell him this news at a joint press conference, he said that ukraine expresses official gratitude, he knows that everything must be thanked, he was given such a task, it was at this moment that biden takes out a handkerchief, mizantz lasts 13 seconds , well, that is, he doesn’t even worry about the fact that he’s insulting, well, the leader of some kind of country, anyway, he takes out a handkerchief. slowly
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blows his nose, straightens his nose, then takes something out of this nose, but what remains, and zelensky at this time is diligently crucifying, well, just the distribution of roles, grandfather has his own agenda, please, well, regarding european integration and nato integration, i always ask myself the question, why in ukraine have they never looked at the turkish example, which... by the way, member nato has been around for decades, what about turkey’s european integration, how is it progressing there? 28 years old, yes, what are the requirements each time? i understand that the demands that were last made to turkey, in the sense of legalizing gay marriage, ukraine will not have problems with this, but nevertheless, they will find something else there, for sure, now regarding all these shots that we are seeing today, in general i want.
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my satisfaction with observing what is happening there, because the brightest thing that is in the entire broadcast, in all the frames that are shown, is zelensky’s face, this is the brightest thing you can imagine, he walks everywhere with the same wrinkled fist face, exactly the same as morshchin, there are two options here, the first option is his natural face. who he goes with is his real emotions, this tells us that in general, not everything is good in the danish kingdom, his mood is, well, such, even despite the fact that he just flew to latin america, he could cheer himself up there, there is countries where this can be done, and there is a second option, that this is the mask he was wearing, but sorry, this mask also does not say anything good about the state of affairs, and no one else has been given money with such a mask. strictly
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speaking, why give money to a person who spent the last tranche incompetently and i came for new money, it’s completely unclear. as for the americans, we must never forget that any foreign policy activity for americans is a projection of domestic activity, 100%. this is a clear feeling when you are there, in america, on that continent, that the rest of the world is somewhere on mars, somewhere very far away, for the average american. doesn’t care at all about what ’s happening overseas, american politicians, strictly speaking, don’t really care about it either, if it’s not related to some internal political issues, according to regarding the allocation of money, here there is another interesting dilemma for biden, now he owes it, well, besides the fact that he handed over candy by the fireplace, there is this, i signed a check there, that’s all, take less than a percent there, take it, well, it’s not serious, 200 million, if we believe resnikov, one and a half, the girl gave her candy, yes.


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