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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 13, 2023 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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so, make your eyebrows a little narrower, yeah, yes, now try your eyes, well, a little narrower, well, make your lips narrower too, well, it seems, not, well, really, it looks like oleg called back and said that, then i went home and didn’t contact anyone. well, we can’t
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be sure of this, perhaps he conveyed information in some way that we don’t know about, mash, well, in what way, is he a spy, put a little flower on the windowsill, you’re in vain, they have secrecy at such a level , we are already convinced of this, uh-huh, yes, you are right, probably yes, how did it go for you yesterday, gun, everything is somehow not very good, yes, but what ’s wrong with you, and even that’s not right. and it’s not like that, it’s as if i’ve forgotten how to be around him , before it was easy, now i’m always afraid that i’ll do something wrong, there’s some kind of tension, well , i don’t know, it’s difficult to advise here, but no, this it’s clear, i just cried, and who else if not you, well, that’s right, it means that now it should feel better, imagine , i created a miracle, gave vanka a drone that flies, that flies, that is controlled from the phone, i tell him: you’re crazy , he's small, well
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i mean, not a drone, but vanka , igor, well done, he understands that the way to a woman’s heart lies through her child, yeah, and the way to a man’s heart, by the way, lies through, yes, i know, just a mistress, i’m so-so , uh-huh, they found this, what is it, this is a poster for some circus, what circus, it’s not clear, there is no output data, we went through social networks, it’s empty, apparently she doesn’t use them, and this picture was just hanging out on the internet, on her eroset i figured it out, fyodor says it’s her, she ’s she, so send me this beauty then, i’ll try to figure it out, fedor , don’t go anywhere, we need communication, we are with nine, nine, seventh connection, the object has a call, receive, ninth connection, who is calling whom, he or
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him, reception, he is calling, find out who, wait , he’s calling his wife, here’s styopa , now he’s calling the address, we’ll send it to you right away, uh -huh, there, it’s ready, styopa, send it to oleg right away , okay, catch it, styopa sends it off, wow, well, there you go, ninth, ninth, some object called svetlana, welcome, ninth connection, so he called his ex, that literally he, then she told him that he was an idiot, and in vain she told him she left the dog, advised her to give activated charcoal, go to the veterinarian, appointment, seventh appointment, well, there are two options, either... he gave her some kind of sign, or
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now he and his dog will actually go out for a walk and try to get away. let's do this, i'll go to his ex's address, and you keep an eye on him. lenechka, i’m listening to you. marya sergeevna, me. i don’t know what will come of it, but i’ll try to find out in our circus. let's say nira seit found a photo of a woman from a circus poster. well, unlikely, especially since the posters are in spanish. so, what is the hope then? to me someone once said that the fortieth party is not that big, everyone knows each other. it's like we're looking for a needle in a haystack. may sergey, well, my friend will be lucky. that's it, in short, i went to see about it. you have a new year just around the corner,
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working with you is always a new year, margen.
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happy married life, dear, i wonder why her husband left her, because karetin, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, what should i do now,
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you’ve lost your mind, what are you talking about now, but she’s in your suitable for a mother, not a boy or a boy and really so good that it blew your mind, i love him, but i wouldn’t love his life... it’s not enough, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back on saturday, to rtr. no, well, most definitely not our artist, this is the first time i’ve seen her , please note that the word... circus is written in spanish, i don’t understand at all why you came to us, you don’t understand why the police lieutenant colonel is investigating murder came to the circus and not to the pharmacy, excuse me, just tell me to come see me, yes, urgently,
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aleftina arkadyevna, our guru, the oldest employee, she remembers literally everything about everyone, she was friends with oleg popov himself. they called, yes, aleftina arkadyevna, dear, here is the police lieutenant colonel , please advise him on the issue, hello , please tell me, do you know this artist, raisa, did someone really hire her? svetlana georgievna, yes, open this criminal investigation department. what's happened? we
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're investigating a murder case and we need to know if your ex-husband called you. “to me, where did you get the idea, he didn’t call me, we have different information, look, this phone, this my number two, but i gave him away, what’s the matter, gushchin is suspected of murder, or rather attempted murder and drug trafficking, what kind of scum, come out." he never really told me anything special about his affairs, and i didn’t i asked , he gives money for his daughter, okay, when did you give him your phone? two weeks ago, his phone screen was cracked, he sent it for repairs,
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asked for my second one, said that he would rearrange his sim card, then return it, i really didn’t know anything what should i do now? when gushchin will call, don’t say that i was here, all the best, goodbye. well, is it deaf? kvashnya says there is no such woman, raisa flores, at least not registered here in st. petersburg. i thought so, my fortieth grandmother warned me that florask is always there, but check, yes, platonov, tell me, nikolaevich, he didn’t call his ex, but some other woman. transmitted an alarm signal, now he will try to escape, i returned to the point, in general, communications, communications, seventh,
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nine communications, i returned, how is everything here, reception, there were no calls, reception, received the seventh connection. until the beginning of this year, gushchin worked as an administrator in a private circus, a certain mr. rodriguez, who is registered in argentina. yes, that’s absolutely right, only rodriguez, the inscription on the poster was in spanish, and i started looking for the name gushchin on spanish-language sites, well, i also did it in about the same way. yes, dim, mash
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, hi, sorry, i came to find out how you are doing, seriously , yes, things are normal for me, but i could call, well, how many times have i already called, i came to see you, well, you can easily do that change, that's it, that's it, i've seen enough, i'm off, i won't distract you, work, bye, bye.
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yes, i’m not sleeping, the ninth connection, i’ll look after him, he’s taking the dog out for a walk, he saw him along the alley, he followed him. stop, seventh, bushchin is wounded, the ambulance is here,
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chase the attacker, police, let's go with the other car. what, get out of the car, quickly, you too?
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yes, what a killer, i just lured him to that house, who is behind all this, the soap makers, the owner of the circus, he has friends in argentina in germany... they brought him to a hiding place in a cage with predators. this was a year and a half ago, we they didn’t know then, but then soapnikov told us that we were all tied up, well, yes, in germany these miracles were spread according to a well-known scheme, that is, through food delivery, he decided to organize the same thing here, the girl’s partner admitted everything, oleg from the group they are going to capture mylnikov,
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thank you, lyuda, what a fool i was? you are lucky that gushchin is alive. but he was already cold, he committed suicide , it turns out that they worked according to the same scheme everywhere, well, yes, at first the courier
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, unsuspectingly, delivered drugs to clients, and then they blackmailed him with this, well, you see the dosha. turned out to be bolder, if he had immediately declared , he would have been alive, but he decided to unwind the whole chain himself, he immediately declared, but he was facing a prison sentence, okay, marina sergeevna, see you tomorrow, wait, where are you going, i’ll give you a lift, if you were alive according to your place of registration, that’s another matter, but you seem to be visiting luhansk, which means we’re not on our way, we’re on our way, i’m home, sit down, don’t worry about me, the vitamins know their stuff, i’m fine, you’re with us hero.
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“there’s no way the kid could run into him, he ’s clearly afraid to return home, he doesn’t know , it’s clear what’s waiting for him there, and it’s clear why, it seems that no one loves the baby anymore, he went to scandinavia to look for carlson , maybe he can hope." with a propeller they will fight off together, especially since carlson is probably the most reliable helicopters existing in nature, on pasture, and lives comfortably on the roof, if anything saves him baby. i have a feeling that zelensky has completely gone over in some cartoonish way, because what happened yesterday in washington, well, of course it
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’s humiliating, it’s just some kind of shame, today the truth is the same... bakhmutov’s meat grinder and musicians there they arranged for zelensky torn out years on january 7 , podgorodnaya 10 solidar of the eleventh experimental sixteenth station salt 19 klyacheevka 21 krasnopolie february of the first saka ivanset of the second nikolaevka of the twelfth krasnaya gora,
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seventeenth poroskovo vasilyevka fifteenth - zaleznyanskaya. on april 2, the russian flag in the center of bakhmud, on may 20, bakhmud, well, yesterday, here are my close friends, just the regiment commander brist did not unsubscribe, it was his fighters who planted the flags of russia and the soviet union, and judging by the news that goes to the front, on marinka , not let's keep saying that the conditions are not developing in the baby's favor at all, but the baby turns out to have contracted alzheimer's from his grandfather, that is... he doesn't remember anything, that is, he is a year old - this seems to have some kind of definition, well, something like biden, yes , 65 years have already passed for him,
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i began to remember so painfully, but what bad happened 65 years ago, i couldn’t remember, well, how, well, how hamas bombed, hid, don’t you remember, no, well, no, well because in the fifty-seventh year there, not now what is it, the twenty-third?
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what exactly are we funding? has anyone thought about this? his much-touted summer offensive proved insultingly ineffective. well it is. turned out to be insultingly ineffective, i didn’t come up with this, because look how biden now says how long they will help ukraine. we
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will continue to supply ukraine with critical weapons and equipment for as long as we can, includes the $200 million i just approved today for critical equipment, additional air defense interceptors defense, artillery and ammunition, but without additional funding we are quickly reaching the end of our capabilities. russia failed, it failed to remove ukraine from the map and include it in the composition of grain and steel through black.
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and there would not have been these 1,200, yes, how many ukrainians are now considered to be of unknown fate, dead, wounded , missing, and what, what 50% of the territory was returned, what battle, what they received as a result of kharkov and kherson is incomparably less , than 50%, part of its obligations, that biden doesn’t know this or is deliberately lying, and lying all the time. where was it at least once that putin said that our task is to seize all of ukraine, i can say this here, it’s not lisbon that is needed, but vladimir vladimirovich
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is very restrained here, we still need to digest what we took, it’s not that simple , so they invent some kind of putin for themselves and cannot defeat him in any way, because in america there is such a topic as checking facts, well , just take and check the facts that... zelensky told lies , they have already destroyed the entire black sea fleet, yeah, who they regularly launch missiles, and most importantly , where are our ships going, where physically, where have they gone, it turns out that grain deals are going on, look, there is a lot of question, where did the 5% growth in ukraine’s gdp come from, then, if they are so rich, they have such chocolate, maybe they should lend money to america, they have debts? i gave birth to a terrible thing, i think that it was in vain that zelensky went to the united states, because it seems to me that he suffered much
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more losses than... no, they didn’t refuse, of course, they didn’t refuse to support ukraine, they continue to believe in every possible way that zelensky is his
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... the gang means zelensky can come there with him, they just don’t want to talk, when the senators get up, they leave, they refuse to negotiate with him, when in fact they don’t, where is nancy pilosi, where is this delight , where are these people who are trying to kiss his hands, who are trying to hug him , who praise him, no, no, and the most important thing to understand is that when zelensky said all this, it seemed that he was for him. ..
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and there are also a number of comrades there who are already i remembered again, poroshenko appeared , appeared from abroad, says aristovich , that is, there it was seething, it was seething inside the entire ukrainian political community, they are already trying to place their bets and run somewhere in the other direction and predict how ukraine will be reformatted internally . on the outside, it’s the same story, because zelensky today, over the last 2 months, has made fundamental changes to this, that is , the mass media, which...
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but that’s what he was going for, well, of course, that’s all, that is, he really didn’t do anything else. i didn’t wait, so in this case , he met, he didn’t receive anything, he didn’t receive confirmation of the money, he was in no way able to influence the situation within politics, the political upheavals in the united states to influence the allocation of funds for ukraine in order to keep ukraine on a short leash, how long will it take them to vote, what amounts are we talking about, well , at least now in inside they say that instead of 61 billion, ukraine will receive somewhere around 25.
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28, but these are again options for already such behind the scenes, in which discussions are taking place, in what form they will receive it, whether it will be allocated in separate tranches, again, what kind of sacrifices for this the american republicans must make for biden's victory, this is how they will view biden, the republicans do not want to be guilty, because that a certain percentage of americans still believe that ukraine is doing something , like this is our team, which, you know, there is a field, there are players on this field, and there are ours. they hate russia, of course, but they hate biden more , republicans yes, but again republicans are afraid to take risks and say that biden is now, that is, if we completely abandon support for ukraine, and biden needs to be allowed to drown, because now for biden the ukrainian issue is a weight on her leg she will pull him down, instead of a locomotive she has become a weight, so now this will happen, but i don’t think that now the conditions are ripe under which this
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will change radically, look, you know? they will force biden to break the rules of the game, they they will constantly set conditions for the provision of assistance, which biden will not be able to do, and then he will have to ignore the decision. congress, here is your son here , here are your relatives there, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone, that is, they will force biden to look for money bypassing, that is, so that something goes to ukraine, but at the same time they will constantly beat him in the head. i think they will divide this into small tranches, every month they will return to this story, they will ask the question: wait, please give us a plan for victory, and confirm that you will definitely achieve this success, let's reconsider every month .
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well, it’s funny he says, now they have worked out in kiev that there is a patriot, that there is no patriot, but you know that against this background a very serious question arises against the background of the possibility of a nato soldier. the introduction of nato, is it capable of waging war, for a long time nato, for a long time nato fought , there were direct wars, after vietnam, i don’t really remember anything, well, danil already clearly said that they need to be thrown out, of course, they should probably be thrown out, but now the question is what is good now they are disposing of ukraine, then nato militants should come after them, nato militants have ever fought against their enemy, who fought against them in vietnamese with kalashnikovs and in another...
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region, kharkov region, donetsk and so on. by the way, it should be noted that on my show on july 21, 19, he already said that in the twenty-fourth year there will be no elections in ukraine, which means these were the last elections,
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the last elections in the twenty-fourth year you won’t be there, because ukraine, we are talking about the third world war, and iran is not vietnam, and not north korea, and not kosovo, the most terrible events will happen here. “we will be forced to let refugees in to you, europe will let you in, the turks will let you in at our request, everyone will gather there, and your country will be finished, we are forced to do this , that you are ignoring international law, you have forgotten what russia is, and so to speak, you’re kidding me, you force russians to do fingerprints at the border, this is fascist germany, i didn’t think of it, so to speak, you closed the russian language, radio, television,
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newspapers, everything." well, it was just expensive for us to bring vasil from kiev every time, we made a convincing avatar, well, of course, he ’s standing in the studio, vasil himself is now at the front, it ’s clear to me that those who will withdraw, well, become independent, i see , vasil made a note, that is, it’s still interesting, but uzhgorod, uzhgorod is not, not there, not here, it turns out, yes, hungary, so here, no, prince rusinsky, yes, here, well , about abrams, you know, again, whom the americans abandoned with these abrams, well, with the support of the germans, yes, remember how the germans were waiting, now, here, now, when the americans, before we had vasily dmitrievich , she treated, and now with us scholz will be innocent, and now yes, against the background, excuse me,
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scholz, vasily dmitrievich, a giant of thought, father, of transcarpathian democracy , here , but what i mean is that you look how nervous pistorius is now when he says: from protaurus and so on, he he already remember how he and klitschko had a discussion in germany there on television, where he i just lost my temper so that i could stand, and the german tanks are burning, and where are the american ones? somewhere there are germans once again they cheated, abandoned, and this is what americans have been doing to europeans since , in fact, that famous phrase said 10 years ago to victoria about what they are doing with the european union. and as for zelensky’s visit to the united states of america, you know, in my opinion, this is biden’s answer to the question of whether he believes in ukraine’s victory, this, this. that is, everything, the person
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really understands everything perfectly, he can’t say, yes, well, because they don’t say that out loud, what he said to zelensky behind the scenes, that’s understandable, but this laughter, he he said, grandson, run, well, that laugh , well, judging by the expression on zelensky’s face, apparently so, no, don’t run home for sure, so to norway, yes, in principle, well, someone tougher, like fox news, of course , some less harshly, some complementary to... zelensky, but there is only one conclusion, the mission, in general, did not achieve its results, some write it was a failure, some write that it’s still the same ahead, but nevertheless zelensky could not convince anyone of those he wanted, but they are calming down, i watch the press, there the woll street journal gives assessment of the visit, ties , which symbolizes respect, but what else is needed, that’s it, that ’s it, there’s no money, take the tack
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, i didn’t really give it, it’s clear that i agree with radion valeevich that most likely they will ultimately offer a scheme, when they will return it there, in fact, this is how it was all last year, when they gave it out in parts, they gave it out, why does biden want to get away from this, in order to do dirty tricks on russia, to weaken russia, after all , we understand perfectly well, well, lince is thundering, yes, an avid russologist, well, what is he, of course he’s sleeping and he sees, as you remember, his dreamy expression on his face
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, zaluzhny allegedly laughed and said: this is great, this is good, he says, these documents don’t say the great commander general zaluzhny, well, about the last thing, plans are given there in the same newspaper ukraine , which they were at the beginning of the counter-offensive, which means that they were rushing with, and which they were hoping for, comparison with what they eventually acquired, well, it turns out that they are already on the third. on the fourth day of their great counter-offensive they were going to pass and
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rabotin to go to novoprokopovka, well , fact-checking, and fact-checking, well , no one, no one from the american press asked the minister of defense of ukraine umerov: where are those two lines out of three that the ukrainian armed forces, according to his statement , allegedly broke through , that’s how they check into it in an unknown place, one in berlin, yeah, and the other on a shopping street in france. 812, the retreating french, freezing near moscow, here they were, when they turned into partisans in rewound scarves, walked from house to house and said, my friend, shirami, in the end only later the peasants say, yes , the ballers are walking through the forest, that ’s the senator’s attitude towards the delegation, it was exactly the same, in some room of his there was a deadlock
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situation, so he played it out, that he doesn’t have such words in his vocabulary, if you if you don’t give us help, we will move on to partisan activity, kiev was already echoing podalyak and danilov at this moment, kiev will never be a russian city, we won’t kneel there, this is pumping up this situation, but in fact, if, as they say, the situation is close for the new year, zelensky having arrived at my grandfather’s, well , i probably only got to, as they say, to the real santa claus to beg for something, today you talked about germany, in general about the situation related to the struggle of military-industrial complexes, i will remind you that... service our foreign intelligence very often gives succinct comments based on real facts, and mr. aryshkin told us that we are not dealing with western countries, but with countries controlled by western capital, that is , military-industrial corporations are waging their struggle, the american complex, who is the main one leopard's competitors are 22 countries, the americans
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are killed by the german military complex, and well , the europeans in general, they are not only germany. i tried to find out there why he was deprived of submarines and in general the situation that was happening in europe, but the most interesting thing was that baydon and zelensky did not say the word f-16, there they talked about the f-18, more arctic versions of twin engines, to plant their weapons throughout europe, tanks, planes and other systems, so in this regard all this will move on, but as we noted today, the front lives with his life, completely different tasks, zelensky, well, i think he understands the real picture. he is simply lying out of the blue about the black sea, and about the settlements that were not surrendered, and he really and perfectly understands that others are on the way, because he periodically makes such harsh comments on that initiative, he says: here the situation has become so tense, well, let’s show it, our president has now brought a
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counteroffensive plan to the usa, well, that’s what people around him say, uh. that 5000 to mobilize, reduce the age to 20 years, mobilization, so if again these are just people who have been caught without training, without, you know, without anything, well, then this is simply called in one word the utilization of the people, there is no other way to call it, so young people will be offended as much as they like, but this is the most... in in this case, i consider it the murder of one’s own people, if it is not done correctly with training and the like, it is obvious that 500,000 people can be mobilized, recruited and trained correctly, and trained and the like, it is possible,
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but this requires at least a year, that is, in next year, then, you know, no what kind of offensive there cannot be. they talk about the spring offensive, well , this is another meat offensive to your viewers, write what is more important for ukraine now, the return of territories or the preservation of the nation, because we must clearly understand for ourselves that the ukrainian nation is above the sea, hanging above the sea, and we can whiten it... underwear and female, this does not add joy, we have a working-age male population, then we have been saying for a long time that this is a civil war, these are people with the same language, with the same worldview positions, as they say, the sooner we finish this, the
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easier it will be for all of us to build a single state, common, as it were, the same worldview positions, as if we didn’t have a war, that’s the problem.
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