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tv   Taini sledstviya-22  RUSSIA1  December 13, 2023 10:20pm-11:22pm MSK

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vladimir putin’s sparring partner, vladimir putin’s opponent, is not ukraine and not the ukrainian leadership, well, this is the same as saying that one boxer’s opponent is the gloves of another boxer, but this is not true. his sparring partners, and who the question may be addressed to, will be the united states of america, not ukraine. and this question will not sound like you could give me these territories without all these sacrifices. russian federation before the start.
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i don't see any of these conflicts yet, where is there at least a clear formula for it, i read that joseph biden asked netanyahu to change at least a few members of the cabinet, because it means he is already causing rage all over the world, and no one supports these steps, you talked about ukraine for 2 years that we will lose on the battlefield, now you are telling the ukrainians, well , we can’t, well, i’m sorry, we can’t help in any way, we can help, but not financially with advice...
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the french say: we would be very happy, but for now we can't deal with hungary, well nothing is working out, let those people watch this, who are now also being told fairy tales that you will trip up the russian federation, do something dirty somewhere, interfere, tear something off, kick out, something else, this awaits everyone, here this is a miserable existence, when from one office to another, give me at least something, well , give me at least two armored personnel carriers, give me three missiles, well, something, and he says, well, we can’t, now there’s no opportunity, we’ll call the next one. i
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conclude with this, against the backdrop of this aggravation, the united states in this conflict, now, in a global conflict , in this formation of a new world order, in fact there is only one european union, consisting of these supranational bureaucrats who are accountable to no one, subordinate to no one, within the states, member countries of the european union, soon there will be such revolutions that there it’s not a fact that all these states will support this line, the russian federation has conflicts that... the americans cannot cope, next to us: china, saudi arabia, iran, korean people's democratic republic , venezuela, african countries, well, this is already an indicator of this multipolar world, it will not look any different, it has neither a tail, nor hooves, horns, that’s what it is, these are different countries whose interests coincide they are making joint efforts to steal this balance of power, i wonder where it’s going, by the way?
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the election campaign begins, any foreign policy at present is an election campaign in the united states. when in the usa intelligent life in this country freezes, well... at least, so to speak, i mean the consciousness of the ruling elite. everything, all intellectual, moral, whatever forces, are focused on solving one major question: who, who will be the next president in november next year, is more important than this. all american politics, so to speak, is subordinated to the damned american question, everything that the american ruling circles think about can and will not, and this circumstance largely explains all these disturbances in the ukrainian, middle eastern directions,
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that means, as far as ukraine is concerned, well , the american mainstream, this deep state, no one came to the conclusion that, so to speak, it was not possible with ukraine, we need to look for how...
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to elect for a second term, so that’s where all these publications come from , so to speak, which recently say that moscow is preparing a nuclear strike in ukraine, here is a statement from mr. biden himself that as soon as russia, so to speak, wins in ukraine, it
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will immediately march through the trenches there, well, yes, yes indeed, that means everything is still all these attempts to scare the respectable public, so to speak. very many, so to speak, members of this party categorically do not approve of what is now happening in the gas sector on the west bank of the jordan river, hence these attempts, so to speak, somehow, well, firstly, to intimidate the americans with the russian
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a threat so that at least some, so to speak, funds are allocated to support ukraine, and at the same time show that funds for ukraine, here i, frankly, have great doubts. the biden administration has requested 60 billion dollars, so to speak, well, all these funds must be understood, they will go, most of these funds will go to the american military-industrial complex, that is , several tens of billions of dollars will be poured into the american military-industrial complex in the pre-election year, this will naturally produce a multiplier effect, so to speak , if this is done, and this is in the election year, why do the republicans need this, why do they need, at the expense of... an increase in the american national debt, to subsidize, so to speak, the future possible victory of their political opponent, well, they are not completely idiots, so i think that they will drag out the issue under various pretexts, but there is still no progress on the issue of resolving the southern
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border issue, so to speak, why because so to speak, but for the democrats it is like - with a sickle on some parts of the body, because these are future. i repeat once again many aspects of this american policy, which... from the statements of american officials and, so to speak, representatives of the media, who seem to be a strange company, here and this explains a lot, you must always understand that america is still a country, first of all , fixated on itself, yes, so for them it’s ukraine, afghanistan, israel, well, things are secondary, that is, for them it’s much more important who wins inside , at this moment they should get together with this thought, but biden looks. he said that the question is not about
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territory, we have enough territory, the question is about ensuring security, and this means a choice, because when, well, let’s be realistic there, yes, what does that mean? to reach the english channel, well, in modern conditions of warfare, but has anyone at all calculated the economics of this question, what does it mean to reach the scrap?
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by phone + 7 495 539 40 40 +7 499 550 40:40 results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 are you crazy? on sunday this girl got mixed up with koch . who anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you and sveta
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have been dating for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not here, she’s with her boyfriend she drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone , you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i’ve only been with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed? this is you , what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means.
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snake is the most ancient profession in india, they say a properly made bukhara knife, became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. russia is traditional, modern, technological for everyone. all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum. russia. let's finish off
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the american theme. well, let's try to finish it off? well, a few words about this, this is an obvious fact, but here you also need to understand, and we also talked about this many times in different programs, yes, that it’s one thing what they write publicly, and what they use as part of propaganda or within some kind of lobbying, and what they write is indecent. in everything, yes, that this is just part of a big legislator, to get more money, so of course she will say everything that these same ukrainian lobbyists want to hear from her, yes, that in general, if russia’s victory happens, yes there the next one will go to the baltic states, poland, the whole century of pax americana will end, taiwan will go, guyana, i don’t really know who else, but someone else will go, everyone will fall, everyone will fall, yes, in general, such a liberal
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order will crumble at this point , here, but what as for mrs. feona hill specifically, i think that we can... he partly played a fatal role in those very march agreements, the march istanbul agreements , and de facto tore them down, then this was confirmed after the fact by ukrainian speakers 10 months later, in particular, david arakhamia, but she was the first to announce this, and of course yes, that is, what she did on everything related to us policy towards eastern europe, ukraine, russia, well, from about the seventeenth year at least, was maximally counterproductive, yes, well then yes, she just turned out to be written out, then they would
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supposedly be experts on russia, eastern europe, slavic studies, well, now she ’s basically been in charge of all this for about a whole year, it will be bad, she, of course, first of all has in general her own interests, yes, because she has a whole. teams, they are doing this, if suddenly, and funding is cut off in the american direction, it is quite possible that it will be blocked in the future in the european direction, but she herself will have problems of the team that these guys recruited, that is, it is clear that the british supervise a huge number of projects in terms of such information and propaganda, there is nafa all the others, but one of the projects is personally supervised by fiona heal, so the pocket is
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included, now, as for the situation in the united states with this very visit of zelensky, well, yes, it did not go very well for ukrainian lobbyists, this can already be stated as a fact, and zelensky is not leaving washington empty-handed, they still scraped together he had one tranche of $200 million, but nevertheless he failed to influence the agreement on the budget in both houses of congress, this was not surprising, but in fact the time to reach some kind of deal was after christmas, this was obvious even a few days ago, even last week, we talked about this, well, now it’s just officially confirmed, here, of course, we too... don’t delude yourself, on january 3, congress returns from vacation, ukrainian lobbyists begin a new stage in the fight for budgets, they will certainly knock out some amounts there, my forecast is that well, at least 20 billion dollars in the twenty -fourth year, and the republican position at the moment is also clear, that is, except for the fact that the categories are not legal, yes supposedly they will therefore extend the work of the congress for a week,
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there are all sorts of rumors, i think, i think that they will throw twenty to them before the new year, and of course until the end. yes, this definitely won’t happen before christmas, chris murphy, yes, announced that he is ready to extend the work of the senate, here, but the representatives of a different schedule fell , they are already, they are already leaving for vacation, returning to their constituencies of the legislator, so they still need to have time before christmas to start campaigning there , but it is very difficult to change, that’s why i think that before january 3 of course, nothing will be agreed upon, well, twenty, twenty will still be knocked out, but from the third to the beginning of january, this will be the very new second phase, the second hot phase on january 19. let me remind you, the deadline for the next shutdown, that is, everything is needed agree on budgets, i think that 20 billion will be given, this is what some republicans are talking about, in particular congressman garcia from the house intelligence committee, the figure of 20 billion is a tranche, this is the position of the republicans, it is clear, yes, we are ready to continue sending military tranches , but with the financial tranches here, of
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course, let’s take a look, and let’s carry out some audits first, but for now the point is, let’s pass this whole story under the responsibility or... the shoulders of those same europeans, but not only europeans, in fact, let’s now, if we look, the same japanese have quite actively begun to give money precisely within the framework of financial tranches to ukraine, and this is also no coincidence, the economic problems that exist in japan are also influencing, and inflation is growing for the first time in decades, they have to increase the key bet, well, this whole story with the carry trade, yes, which was popular for a very long time, no longer works, well , it doesn’t work as successfully for me as it did before, it needs to go somewhere. money supply, so they will partly have it, including to pour into ukraine, yes, of course we are not talking about the scale that the europeans or americans give, but nevertheless, a billion dollars here, a billion dollars will be given by the norwegians, as was discussed today. it was stated that they will find somewhere else, in general, they can somehow survive for a few more months, and then we’ll see, but they will recruit, of course, yes, as for the position of europe, yes, we see that here, of course, they are expressing
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their own, their dissatisfaction and hungary and slovakia, and the austrians, which is interesting, that is, in general, the people's party understands that nothing good is not expected in the upcoming elections in september, so they were never actually in the forefront of those who were ready to give weapons or money to the kiev regime, that ’s the position. trenches, this is exactly what the americans are trying to focus on now, but there are difficulties with this, here is viktor orban, he has contacts with the republicans, he is obviously trying to lobby washington at the same time, and brussels will deal with it, of course hungary has it their own interests, they are trying to knock out their own tranches, but those same 13 billion euros covid aid that they owe. they still haven’t given it since the twentieth year, but there are also certain problems here, because the anti-hungarian lobby is quite strong in brussels and they are not ready to unlock this very money right now, so
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there are certain problems, but this does not mean that the kiev regime will fall tomorrow, ukraine will fall apart, the front will collapse, that is, we shouldn’t deal with it here, we’ll also throw in our hats, there won’t be enough ammunition in some sections of the front, and this will be a burden for them negative consequences in the long term, this is a fact, so in any case this is a positive story, well, as for the republicans ’ positions, here is the last... moment today they talked about why the republicans should invest money in the economy, well, they are republicans are primarily counted by their voters, and you need to understand that it is in the republican states that military production is mainly concentrated, yes, this is arkansa, this is oklahoma, this is south carolina, this is georgia, they are states, that’s why they are interested in long-term contracts, the american military-industrial complex has received, and will continue to receive, 20 billion dollars, well, that’s approximately the money that america is ready to supply in the form of military tranches, and as for financial assistance. it’s worth crawling away from this , after all, here we see, of course, public opinion is already changing, the majority of americans are tired of financing the ukrainian conflict, they are not ready to issue
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tranches in the future, and of course, the republicans are speculating on this whole story, including of course republican presidential candidates, well , first of all, donald trump, that’s why they will use this topic, i think that the situation at the front will gradually develop not in favor of ukraine, it will get worse and worse and worse, but we see this happening now, therefore there is an increase in discontent. the united states will grow, and of course, this is positive news for everyone who proposes to somehow resolve this very conflict among republican presidential candidates, as well as among candidates for the senate and the house of representatives elections in november '24. mikhail mikhailovich. the united states is sending lieutenant general antonio alzano agata the younger to kiev, as his full title reads. he is the head of the group for promoting the security of ukraine. his task is to determine the strategy for the near future , what surprises me is that in this general, in principle, he previously only had
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operational-strategic experience, he generally does not have strategic planning, that is, to think on the scale of the armed forces, to formulate some then thoughts on a scale country, its defense-industrial complex, population, industry, it still seems to me that it has not yet reached this level, again, just recently you defined this strategy, in august you came to the border of poland with ukraine. anthony radakin, general christopher kovali, it seems like they already defined the strategy there, are you going to define it once every 3 months or what? and then, with all due respect to these gentlemen, they still have experience, experience in leading the country’s armed forces during the conflict.
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that is, they don’t allow how many billions to get for this, yes, the third point, to increase the production of military products at ukrainian enterprises looks, frankly speaking, quite problematic, why because, firstly, they
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don’t... when ukraine, as a country, has never produced the full range of necessary military equipment, this is the first, second, after all, in order to organize the production of modern weapons, it is necessary to transfer technologies, components and specialists, and given that almost the entire territory our armed forces. now one more thing, a photograph has been published in the ukrainian media in which the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery is present. servant, minister of defense rustam umerov, and commander-in-chief of the ground forces alexander sirsky. this photograph is intended, well, to demonstrate the complete absence of disagreements among the senior management, unity, desire, readiness, everything is fine there, why? because, well, ukraine, it declared itself a country at war and a country at war position, and if so, then in this photograph there is a third man out, that is, the minister of defense in a country at war.
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then first you just need to determine two simple things: first - the organizational structure, the management scheme, who will subordinate to whom on what issues, if you have been observing this from the very beginning, in fact, and continuously, so this photograph, it does not demonstrate anything at all and nothing which does not convince me, now regarding the use of nuclear weapons, i would like to give one historical example, this phrase by nikita sergeevich khrushchev, i would like to immediately to say, not a single documentary...
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that’s what he could, well, he paid a visit to great britain together with bulgan, but if i ’m correct in the year fifty-five, in the year fifty-six a crisis broke out in the soviet channel, at first the british were inclined, well, decisively, like we’re landing, we’re capturing, we’re canceling this nationalization, it all ended with just one word from the kremlin, like, let’s collect your belongings there and go to foggy albion, they got ready to leave, and why is it quite possible that the phrase -
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one of the most serious issues, this is one of the factors in the growth, and the colossal growth of anti-semitism throughout the world, in germany, in particular, well, as for these photographs, there are several here, i can show the manifestation of such anti-semitism, starting to say, here in poland, here how does he understand this, and this one would extinguish as if it were not an extinguisher, for muslims, for a muslim, by the way, there is no greater humiliation than to appear, what is this?
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students there are not many of these students, but they traditionally always celebrate their some holidays, a large christmas tree was put up, in the comments of the management, which...
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being celebrated in germany should really be allowed, but there is a certain hypertrophic feeling that you can put a three-meter... candlestick there, i want to remind you that next to the frandian gate, literally 50 meters away there is a monument to the victims of the holocaust, i’ve always liked it, i never liked it, for one simple reason, i think that commemoration should be done quietly, you can’t make something like this out of it this is a beautiful action, when these various squares and cubes are installed there on a giant field, which should speak of seven to 6 million victims, it was clear from the very beginning that this... sooner or later will serve as a reason for anti-semites of various stripes , for right-wing radicals, for anyone, this is such an action in the center of berlin, it seems to be taking place, but in today’s situation, i think
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it would probably not be entirely appropriate, considering and thinking that berlin police, berlin special services, but if they can still protect ravin, who went to the brandenburg gate, light... a clergyman, now he has already created a whole empire there, protect him of course he came to berlin very young , they can, but protect the jewish community, which numbers about 15 thousand people in berlin, they cannot, and it is no coincidence that in front of synagogues, when shabbat or other holidays take place, well, in general , it’s always...
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it worries me when i saw these photographs, well, immediately something started to appear in my head, some parallels, to guantanoma, so i suddenly remembered that this is actually a typical american line, but we can’t do it on our own territory, but we can find
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some territory where you can allow anything, i'm not saying that these people were tortured, but this principle that a person should be stripped naked, that he should be in such a state as... as the idf officers explain, they say this done in order to avoid a possible recurrence of some terrorist acts, the person hid something or something like that, but this american line, as i understand it, is prohibited by all conventions, treatment of prisoners, this is one of the most important issues, which means the vienna convention applies to prisoners of war , these people are prisoners of war, this is the question that any international investigation will rest on.
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okay, any definition, does it allow them to be naked? no, this, and this is also a parallel question, and this is also a parallel question, then there is a court that found them guilty, there is an investigation that established their guilt. here, here, here in the opposite direction, in the opposite direction, if the vienna convention recognizes that they are prisoners of war, then israel is violating the rules of the vienna convention, which prohibits such treatment of prisoners of war, then israel can be condemned if they are not recognized as prisoners of war, but are recognized by someone, but will not be recognized by anyone, then we will be talking about the fact that inhuman relations with those people who are still in no status, it’s even worse, but it’s no longer, but it won’t go away then.
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well, there is no need to compare with the russians . why do they enter the territory of ukraine, undress all the inhabitants and say: these are all azov militants, what will be the reaction in the west? a? russian troops are conducting a military operation, but in israel they are still conducting a special military operation, we are fighting terrorists, yes, but there are no legal grounds here, here in israel what are the legal grounds, they decided to go, that’s why the turks tell them, are you crazy, that's why americans say, biden says, what are you doing, he says, we didn’t sign up for this, i think that in the near future we will have to understand, at least hear the reason for the justification.
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some laws, with the world, i would be careful with this definition, but what with the world should i be careful, because the world says: no, here is the build, this build publishes, look what he writes, photo: suspected terrorists surrender captured by the israeli army in the gaza strip, israeli troops continue to arrest and interrogate suspects involvement, prisoners will be treated under international law, and those not involved in terrorism will be released, the statement said, sakhali explained why the detention?
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footage of men dressed only in underwear and reported that this was the surrender of the militants, the islamist movement of hamas, the video showed how some of them apparently surrendered their weapons, then it begins and somehow okay, well, let's take a photo like this, there with the venezuelans, like that... take photos there with the afghans, she's undoubtedly like that the photograph will undoubtedly cause outrage everywhere, who won’t argue with that, i ’m just wondering why there are such double standards here, why can’t people be treated with respect for human dignity if they haven’t been proven to be terrorists, you just said at the beginning that there are civilians there, but there are, because the bill writes one thing, we don’t know that, but we don’t know that they are terrorists, so it calls, calls them terrorists, and i have reason to believe in israel.
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than those committed on october 7, terrible hamas attack, and what about when they killed our children, when the russians with themselves, but because we compare everything, why do we compare with ourselves, because we are, in fact, now a comerton of correctness, the world makes us outcasts, and we, by and large. we have lost 27 million people and have not lost our human distinction.
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to say that you killed, but this is a perversion, no, this is not a perversion, well, a complete perversion, volodya, this is a complete perversion, how can a person whose eyes were cut out from a child, whose fingers were cut off, say, here you killed 10 instead, so you are worse than those who just excuse me when they killed the children of beslan, what the fucking west was screaming, what the german politicians were shouting, go negotiate with the chechen terrorists, don’t you dare, did it happen or not? “don’t you dare carry out an operation, what, you have to come to an agreement, i don’t dare this has anything to do with today, now the palestinians are being destroyed before our eyes, they are also being stripped and humiliated, the west is silent, silent, well, first of all, it is not silent, and
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even in germany they talk about it, it started quietly, although what she said, scholz said, what did he say, yes he spoke yesterday , he spoke on this matter, why israel, he condemned, he condemned the israeli settlers, said that sanctions should be applied against them, he condemned israel, it is not the israeli settlers who undress people, he condemned israel, russia hamas condemned, russia hosted hamas on the second day after they attacked israel, hamas condemned, no , israel may know, but i don’t know,
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this is what we are talking about, and we will answer for it, they will, but we will and so we will answer, volodya, i must admit to you, we will answer in any case, but we must be on the side of truth, because god has chosen the jewish people in only one way, he says god exists, there are no other persons, this is god, vibini tanyahu believes that
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god told him, so he is doing this, and you know why we are with you now i bet, i want to say one word, only because you and i, jews, understand perfectly well that no matter what we say now, it doesn’t matter... what israel does today, it makes a thousand mistakes, here i completely agree with you, and even i won’t argue, and we understand that correct these mistakes, we cannot, we can only do this somehow, i ’m arguing with me, conkrihus, for every hamas militant killed, only two civilians die , this is a good ratio, an extremely positive result, for understanding during battles in urban areas, which involved troops. and these are the people who shouted to us, what are you doing? go, come to an agreement, don’t dare storm,
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don’t dare liberate, i didn’t have time to talk about this, about scholz, oh well, have time , scholz spoke again today, he had already proposed his plan for saving germany , but he acted, after all , he had to be a jew, because he acted very cunningly, he proposed such a plan, he said that we will not remove the so-called, we will leave it, but we let's shorten it. some of his parts of the budget due to this we will, in general, come out at zero, everything will be fine, but at the same time he immediately said, but this does not apply to assistance to ukraine, we are allocating 8 billion, and we have reserved 6 billion for assistance to ukrainians for refugees who are in germany, this is a gigantic amount, i want to say for the german budget, but then an interesting phrase was said, for the sake of which he seemed to be telling all this, he said, well, in general, if because of...
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“i don’t give a damn if our politicians say that , if our leadership says:
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“zelensky mosquitoes”, there are still 10 people there, so remove them, all the rest were actually for peace of friendship with russia, they were forced there, this is the first, second, despite the university discussion of information-hybrid wars, i claim that this can be done, give me 20 budget places, from september 1 me... 20 people will study under this program, in 2 years i will graduate them, give them 20 budget funds, this is not where you need to apply, or even the third and last, i will use the words of velurov, or more precisely the author of this play, leonid genrikhovich , who doesn't drink, who doesn't drink, no, yes, no, approximately. like to my own home, and now like to golgotha, but
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despite the fact that i come as if to golgotha, i do not renounce one of my statements that i made in this program, at its beginning, and i will continue to say what i think necessary, thank you, vitalich, that's why you are always welcome in our studio. because you say what you think is necessary, we have just the place for discussions, that’s all, see you tomorrow to everyone who went to golgo.
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wow, listen, this is my dream! i want it to be exactly the same in the hospital , don’t say, live, i don’t want to, come on, settle down, uh-huh, oh, my god, the cardiogram is very bad,
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i saw that you have a bad cardiogram all the time, well, the protocol is much better more difficult than i thought, a robe, a lot of points for admission to a transplant, slippers, come on, come on, come on, come in quickly, i’m putting this in the bathtub and then just put it in the way that’s convenient for you, okay, yes, hello, hello, second, second, right?
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hello, hello, hello , leonid, 18 years old, third stage cardiomeopathy, gennady, let's now consider this situation, a fracture with bleeding, we have an open fracture... open, let's complicate it, take an open fracture of the arm with bleeding, that's what i need assistant, so girl, so it means we have an open fracture with bleeding, so what should we do in first of all, we must assess the situation, look, yeah, the bone is sticking out, blood is flowing, what should we do next, we must
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treat the wound, then see how... is our bleeding arterial or venous? if it’s venous, the blood just flows, we have to apply a tourniquet, well, or whoever has what, we apply a tourniquet, the next step, what we have to do, we have to mobilize the bone, what does it mean to mobilize the bone? we take it there, well, i don’t know if you accidentally took a book with you to read in the forest or there a board and... or a twig , we fix the bone like this, then we fix the nerve trunks and so that irreversible processes do not begin, slightly relax the tourniquet, fix the hand and deliver the patient to the hospital as soon as possible, but at the same time be sure to record the time of application of the tourniquet, why? because
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you can’t hold the tourniquet on for more than 2 hours, okay? well done, thank you. we had just a similar case, a man, a drunken man was walking with guests, got lost, his leg was almost completely cut off, at the hospital they told us that our guy who found him was very the tourniquet was very strong, it was just too tight, and because of this the leg was amputated. my question is, is this our fault? not at all, you are not a medical professional and do not bear any legal responsibility. is it thanks to you, thank god, that the man survived? so yes, only this guy was going to sue us later, there was someone kind in the hospital. i said, good evening, please move away, lena, we have a new induction, the wonderful gynecologist alexandra alekseevna came with me, hello, hello, she’ll examine everything now perhaps, perhaps, we will operate on you right now, that looking at the night, you were stunned, my god, the condition is worsening, the sooner we remove the tumor, the better, and
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you don’t care about the child’s condition, he can still be in his natural environment the whole night, walking from the ward. i have to look at your wife, but you don’t hear, the husband comes out, frozen, call security, that means you will receive my child, that means i, we’re not happy with this, maple, get up, get up, we ’re leaving, what an idiot, leave the room, you they said, leave the room, now we'll see how you get me out of here, but i'm sick in the head, security, someone call , give me a pen, that's it, okay, question about the burn, excuse me, i have to interrupt your lecture, so, attention, we have missing people, lasiny island, grandfather and grandson went out to pick mushrooms in the morning, the connection was lost, grandfather’s phone did not answer, relatives tried to find them on their own, then they called the police to us, our relatives have already talked, so we can move forward, who will go today , great, forward, forward, forward, oleg mikhailovich, thank you for the lecture, goodbye guys, let’s break it down, it’s okay, i
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understand that we agreed with you just for once, but could you come again? this is very important, keep it up, great, thank you, thank you, andryukha.
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