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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  December 14, 2023 2:05am-3:06am MSK

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cars made of snow porridge. in the belgorod region, after a serious snowfall, there are dozens of accidents, there are victims. and in novosibirsk there were thirty-degree frosts, the heating main could not withstand thirty-degree frosts, and due to a breakthrough, a river of boiling water spilled through the streets. in buryat, due to severe cold weather , a high alert regime is in effect. temperatures will drop even lower in the coming days. the thermometer will drop to -49°. frosts caused a series of power failures. representatives of the winter swimming club organized a mass swim. report by vlad boronenko. a good mood, determination and a prepared body are what allows them to smile for the camera and not think about their low degree. it all starts with an active warm-up, at least 10 minutes.
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prepare properly right away, just go ahead, the most important thing is to quickly get dressed and find warmth, because the cold, extreme sports enthusiasts say, is not in the water itself, its temperature is above zero, so clothes in severe frost can freeze on the shore, however, -30 is not a record for such swimming, walruses of yakutia swim at minus 52 there, at minus 60 they have people coming to visit them when they are coming. on december 23, irkutsk walruses
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will join the campaign. seasoned russia is a strong country. on this day, all fans of swimming, hardening and winter swimming from kamchatka to kaliningrad will plunge into the local oceans, seas and rivers, or douse themselves with cold water. vlad boranenko, roman ryutin and nikita skok, lead irkutsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. a competition among young horse breeders has started in yamal. college students from different regions took part. how to preserve traditional crafts and originality the way of life of the northern peoples was demonstrated by the contestants in practice. one of the stages took place in thirty-degree frost. larisa bazanova saw how the future reindeer herders coped. every boy born in the tundra knows how to lasso an animal. this takes young nomads 2-3 minutes. waiting.
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no one had any problems with the task. five students participating in the competition showed mastery of not only tenzan, but also regular roulette. the future reindeer herder needs it to measure the parameters of the stags. it is too one of the tasks. even throwing an animal into the snow must be done skillfully, according to the rules. the fall is done in order to carry out some veterinary manipulations, either apply bandages or give an injection. that is, some kind of processing. and measurements are banitation, that is. competition work, yura , time is passing, yura, but something went wrong with yura, in order to kill the reindeer, you need a normal rope, tie a rope, yeah, and somehow you made a mistake, yes, yes, i made a mistake, i’m very upset, because finally winning the competition, now it’s -32° outside, it’s hard to say, because the face freezes, but for reindeer herders this is a completely familiar temperature; even in severe frosts, they continue to lead a traditional way of life. you can’t spoil yourself in the tundra; it has its own
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way of life, where deer are the main resource. we have four breeds in russia, these are our nener breed, evenkaya, evenkaya, evenkian and chukotka, these are the ones that are common among us. here we see, this is the nenets vora. in this herd there are only riding reindeer; they are physically well-trained, their legs are strong, and in general they are trained to multi-kilometer hikes, well , everyone loves bread here, not just deer, even huskies, that’s it. the little puppy will be a month old one of these days, very soon he will be managing that large herd, this is why away competitions are needed, in order to experience in practice all the intricacies of the difficult profession of a reindeer farmer-mechanic, it is taught in college for 3 years, and if you add life experience to this nomad, the result will be a highly qualified specialist who has no equal in the arctic. larisa bazanova, ilya spassky, lead yamal. all news always available on the media platform watch in the application or on the website. ru
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they began to monitor the development of events. come on, let 's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is good morning, good morning to you, wake up, we'll try to cheer you up this morning, it's becoming more and more difficult.
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a resident of san francisco offers to fight, his method concerns car robbers, for this the young man specially leaves a decoy bag in the car, the most inopportune moment for the scammer, the surprise explodes. so now we’re discussing seemingly almost the same age they laugh, joke on the same wavelength, but for the children she is taisiya mikhailovna, the girl did not immediately get used to such treatment, as she did to the fact that
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she was at all school events, i was very scared that how would i involve them, what if they it won’t be interesting, in fact, for me it was a very big discovery that everything is not... but an event at school one after another, just have time to prepare, flash mobs for the holidays, a talent competition, now there’s a christmas tree. yes, this is understandable, it’s a cool, well-practised dance, but it needs a new year’s element. taisiya immediately i realized that i couldn’t do it alone, i gathered my activists , i turned to the school management, the children got a uniform with the symbols of the movement of the first,
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they are the center of attention, they involve their friends, and sometimes even their parents, in their work. not only mothers participate, fathers get involved, and children actively participate, and of course, this...
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spends more time than at home, so the range of tasks for parenting advisers will expand. it is important that all educational activities are synchronized with the family, so here the adviser will receive tools to help us build this a bridge in the relationship between family and school. the main thing is to do everything informally, with soul, then the parents will find a faithful assistant from an older comrade whom they can look up to. and my eyes are burning
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, to be honest, it’s just that when we watched the plot, my eyes became wider and wider, because i was a little skeptical about this whole story, i think, well, as always , it’s brought down from above, there will be some people there for show. then type, they will walk around with lists of something, but the eyes are true, i said at the beginning, the eyes are burning, those who have they interviewed, and even those who accidentally got into the frame, they don’t know what their camera was filming, their eyes are burning, andrey, indeed, the system is built and there is a kind of vertical, he supervises the project of the ministry of education of the russian federation, there is a whole one.
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i understand that the selections are quite strict, that is, you won’t get there by accident, in fact, yes, colleagues are approved
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by regional coordinators, and a system of municipal coordinators has also been built, that is, in each municipal district there is a person who supervises all education advisers in the schools of a given settlement, small town or regional center, besides, they are not alone. that these headquarters for educational work are being created, where the children are included, of course,
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representatives of the school self-government and the parent community, then the question arises, if we now have parents who do not have such an adviser at school, this may or may not happen , by the end of the twenty-fifth year, such advisers should appear in all schools, but there are of course, the problem is that there is no preferential teaching experience, while advisers on... and many of them are forced to combine with teaching activities, we know about this problem, we are working interdepartmentally to solve it, thank you very much, we spoke with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee in science and higher education ekaterina kharchenko, thank you very much, you have a new reminder, events, results of the year with vladimir putin, do not forget to turn on the tv, today at 12:00 moscow time. marya sergeevna is with us, bye, in
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i mean, bye bye, new secrets of the investigation, on monday at 21:20, opening a business while on maternity leave, today this is not a dream, but the reality of many russian women, they manage not only to raise children, but also to develop their business, because now the federal government helps them with this mom program. entrepreneur of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. aspiring businesswomen can go through educational programs, learn where to start, and even receive start-up capital to develop their business. here is my certificate, to all my children i i say: look, there are support measures available. without such support, elena vaskova from krasnodar could not even imagine having an ordinary hobby. can develop into a business, i became interested in making candles while on maternity leave, first for myself, then as a gift
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for my family, and then i learned that all this wealth can also be sold, so from one candle a whole flame of business ideas flared up. i saw that recruitment was underway for the mompreneur project. i went with the only desire to win, because i needed to buy silicone molds in order to make even more candles than i have done so far. elena bought silicone ones with the entire grant. food and now in a small workshop she literally has her own mini-production in full swing. we stir the gypsum, it should look like a viscous mixture, well, pour it into a silicone mold. silicone molds not only made the production process easier, but also significantly speeded it up. in just 20 minutes, the base for the candle is ready. we got such a cool shell. shells, starfish or classic shapes, now elena has her own personal brand candles, which her children also like. they are proud, they waited patiently for this, and tried to show their success in life and in
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their studies. and the children of koluzhanka svetlana italianova woke up famous when their mother declared herself at the world level. and... for many years, no one knew that such a master worked in an ordinary provincial hairdresser. in the creative coloring category, svetlana won the world championships in paris. her work caused a real stir: getting into the competition and making herself known was helped by my business center and now appointments at svetlana’s salon are scheduled months in advance. well, first of all, this is information support, which has attracted new clients, not only residents of our city, but also guests, here from. in the nearest cities there are even clients who come from moscow, st. petersburg, from other cities of russia, some from abroad. over the 10 years of the existence of the federal program “mama entrepreneur” of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, about 11 thousand women took part in it. they received support for 250 million rubles. 35 of which are grant funds. in 2023
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, more than 3,500 mother-entrepreneurs took part in the competition. three finalists received grants: 5000 and 250 million rubles, two more participants received prizes from sponsors. all this allows even the smallest business in remote regions to sprout, and mothers to take confident steps in realizing themselves. this has a good effect, because during maternity leave, during the period of raising children, while children are small, it is important that the woman feels involved in public life, so that she feels confident and financially stable in the family, so that there is no feeling of isolation.
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against someone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in conditions of economic and international turbulence, success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live.
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media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the moscow website. .ru by phones +7 495 539 4040 +7 499 550 40-40 why was the case entrusted to us? us, you sigen. is it impossibly beautiful today, your favorite job or your favorite person? maybe you can write a statement, in the sense of a statement, is she ready for such a choice? you don’t know what you want, but you, masha, as a result are still alone, secrets, consequences, again with us, today
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on rtr, pavuka. i became interested in music quite early at the age of four, to become a good stapler, you need to treat your profession with love, you’re little a boy, but already a very big musician , thank you, but i still have to learn, learn to learn, where did you come from, it’s simply incomprehensible to the mind, you know, playing companella for 8 years is incredible, we practice for an hour every day... and besides me, he also plays, how long? three or four. our future is you, it is beautiful, beautiful. it’s time for me , blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, i decided
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to return a day early, i want to surprise anton, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear. on saturday on rtr. i think that
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in the next 2 weeks we will receive such video footage more and more often. an unusual road patrol of happiness left on the streets of abu dhabi. on new year's eve, law enforcement officers suddenly became good wizards and handed out gifts left and right. a valuable gift is given to everyone who behaves. well, that is, they strictly follow the traffic rules . this is a pleasant reason for stopping: the happiness patrol also stops violators, but rewards them in a different way. in honor of the new year, instead of fines warnings are limited. i remember you, see you after the new year. and then. and the best gift for young talents will, of course, be our support. voting for the contestants of the popular show "blue bird". tv viewers still have time to support and choose one participant who... will advance to the finals of the project. let us remind you that the winner of the season will receive a statuette of a blue bird feather, as well as a large cash prize for the development of their talent. already this
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sunday at 18:00 we will find out which of the five participants the blue bird will inspire and to whom it will give the coveted ticket to the finale of the project. artistic vocalists, fearless acrobats and musicians in whose hands any instrument comes to life surprised with their performances in the last episode of the show. when you see talented children and hope that these lives will come out into the world and that they will be happy in their profession, then it fills you with such a holiday, such joyful sensations and feelings that perhaps cannot be compared with anything. but which of the contestants will continue to participate and perform in the final episode of this musical festival depends and from tv viewers, controlling the blue bird is easy and simple. send a free sms to 9392 with the number of the participant you liked the most, and the jury of the tv project will make their choice. we have always focused on
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who is the most prepared in their profession. we had episodes when there was a big debate, there was just a big debate, everyone defended their candidate, but there were times when it was immediately unanimous, and everyone just named one. same name, we focus only on professionalism, until the end of the audience there are only 3 days left of voting, and this sunday new heroes and new discoveries await everyone in the fourth competitive edition of the popular show blue bird, watch december 17, sunday at 18:00, hello, he ’s coming back, oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky. the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always
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be in the center of events. give yourself a new year's gift now. sklefosovsky, we watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. here. russia, not sorry the main thing. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine reported a massive drone strike on its facilities in the odessa region. according to his statements, all the drones were allegedly shot down, but the authorities of odessa. recognized hits on a number of objects and serious fires that were extinguished throughout the night. and in kiev they reported a night rocket attack. a series of powerful explosions occurred there, fires started, and
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infrastructure was damaged. destroy enemy equipment under mite beetle. near solidar, they liquidated until a platoon of fsu militants were located in the dugouts of strongholds. in total, according to defense data , the enemy was defeated in the red kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, maryanka and kirov. in the kupinsky direction, our military repelled eight. ukrainian attack aircraft. the un general assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. the document was supported by 153 countries. the united states, israel and eight other small states spoke out against it. in the tsahal enclave itself began flooding underground tunnels used by hamas fighters, regardless of the fact that there might be hostages there. meanwhile, the death toll from
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israeli gas bombings is reported to be approaching. from these countries. arab media write that israeli forces are using white phosphorus shells, thereby violating international conventions. next year , construction of a branch of the cosmonaut training center named after yuri gagarin will begin at the vostochny cosmodrome. infrastructure is already being created there to provide manned launches at the center, astronauts will prepare for flights and undergo pre-launch training. there are also plans to conduct
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survival training in different climates. conditions in case of emergency landing. krasnodar airport, which was closed in february last year, may reopen this month for security reasons. according to regional authorities, the first technical flight without passengers will take place tomorrow. the operation of all airfield systems and equipment will be checked. in addition, air defense has been strengthened in the airfield area. about readiness to resume regular flights, aeroflot reported. and victory and russia will be able to begin immediately after the new year holidays. real december frosts have arrived in the khabarovsk territory. many drivers cannot start their cars in the morning; patients with frostbite are brought to the hospital. report by kirill rogachev. asya and her daughters are dancing at the bus stop. even after 20 minutes of waiting for the bus, your cheeks can freeze. yes, we’re dancing, as you say, we’re dancing.
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there is no other way. in the energomashi area masha and. dasha talks about a simple trick, runs in warm up at the kiosk. we can go to this stall, yes, there are stalls nearby that you can go into and warm up there; they also usually sell baked goods there. among those who were unable to warm up in time, dmitry ended up in the surgical department with frostbite on his hands and feet, he felt pain, a passer-by called an ambulance, and so he came here. the second regional emphasizes that traditionally, with the arrival of cold weather, an influx of such patients is expected, treatment up to 4 months. on the highway.
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cannot be restored at all, i found out all the private houses that were badly destroyed or irina efremova. each district of mariupol has its own department of labor and social protection of the population; applications for lost property, damaged housing and obtaining a new one need to be submitted here.
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this includes both the private sector and apartment buildings; here compensation is paid in the form of 700 per square meter. in the zhovtnevy district, more than 100 people have already received these compensations totaling more than 257 million rubles. only the owner can claim this payment. even if he owns two or more houses, apartments, compensation can only be submitted for one dwelling. this applies not only to the destroyed, but also to the completely lost. tatiana pelipas says her private house is not far from the plant. the steel is beyond repair; the whole family lives in a dormitory. the azovites were near the house and they destroyed everything that could be destroyed. in total , almost 15,000 such applications were submitted, more than 9,000 positive decisions were made on them,
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2,628 families have received apartments so far, the rest are waiting their turn. 100,000 rub. for lost essential property all registered residents within a month after submitting the application. for this purpose, an act is also drawn up at the site of damaged or completely destroyed housing. in total , more than 66,000 applications were submitted throughout the city for all types of compensation. irina efrimova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. in ugra, two men were awarded who saved drowning people during a storm in sochi. during the raging of the elements, they were relaxing in the krasnodar region and pulled a married couple out of the water. neither the icy water nor the two-meter waves scared them. story by svetlana krukovsky. gratitude from the head of surgut alexander kalinchenko and dolgat karagisheev receive loud applause. the whole country instantly learned about their courage and dedication. these shots
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literally spread all over the internet. this is what crazy actions in the bathing storm lead to. a storm is raging, a man and a woman are drowning in the water. the waves do not allow them to make the air smooth. cries for help barely reach the shore. two comrades from surgut rush to help. there was no time to think about what to worry about, i just heard and ran. the rescue operation lasted only a few minutes minutes. a hero, just a hero. alive, rescued, the couple is already receiving assistance on the shore. later, the people of surgut will say that they do not consider their act heroic. i'm sure if i were in their place, i would do the same.
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ru, this is news, we are watching. following the development of events, we started,
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let's, let's with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing. good morning, good morning, we welcome you, it’s very nice to have joined you, together with you today are svetlana abramova and andrey petrov, well , it’s clear that we were captured by the new year’s eve vanity, that’s where you could take a little step away from it, you think where to hide from this december bustle of life that arises every year before the new year, well, sometimes, you know, andrey, you even want to go underground. and there is an old military
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bunker underground, in america this one was turned into a city, it has 575 apartments with a variety of layouts. the most luxurious apartment includes eight bedrooms and three bathrooms. however, you can move into a more modest option, where there are only four rooms, there are also public places in the dungeon, by the way, there are living rooms with soft sofas , a cinema, a large kitchen, this city is designed for 10,000 inhabitants, there should be enough reserves for an autonomous life... now they spend almost all their free time here, walking either with their grandchildren or with their girlfriends,
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laughing, that from hatred to love there is one step , and the step is landscaping, under every bush you could find garbage, they drank, and what not, and now here is a recreation area where we walk, we made an entrance group, a central alley, brought a large-scale we implemented landscaping in the second stage children's playgrounds, sports grounds , and the territory... the voting rating for the program for creating a comfortable urban environment, that is, in order for the park named after the sixtieth anniversary of the ussr to turn a frightening wasteland into a favorite place for the residents of novomoskovsk, they, the residents, tried, chose this object among several others through online voting. i involved all my family and friends, explained to them that this was necessary, significant, they took part and now we are standing in it, all this is landscaped. and thanks to the activity of the residents of sovetsky district of omsk, one of the courtyards there was transformed.
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local government, how the city should develop, where, what and how should be done, well then, of course, they treat these objects much more carefully, which benefits both the city and the residents, the authorities, however, the situation and misunderstandings between them too, of course, there are, so experts suggest, firstly, to introduce mediators into the improvement process, who could... help establish an effective dialogue between the parties, and secondly, to conduct educational seminars for residents that would help them understand sometimes difficult issues of architecture and design. well, thirdly, actively, more actively inform citizens about the opportunity to vote for this or that improvement project. sometimes residents of the regions find out about this after the fact, when the park has already been landscaped, the sports ground has been built , why is this happening, let’s sort it out with the deputy minister of construction, alexey vasilyevich, hello,
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information every year and their number increases and increases accordingly the number of people who took part in the voting thanks to volunteers, so this year already. thanks to volunteers , 8.5 million people out of 14 took part , well, the only thing i will say, but here is that these are people doing it voluntarily and, as it were, at will, and accordingly , maybe we should add more public advertising somewhere on local television, on local radio so that people are aware, because
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well, the volunteer is good, today he came out to volunteer, tomorrow he didn’t come out to volunteer i didn’t tell someone, so that the coverage was maximum, what do you think? of course this needs to be done and it is being done. together with everyone else, he sees some other additional ways to inform and involve, are there any plans? volunteers, as a rule , attract a category that is less able to use phones, tablets , young people, yes, they are just more in the internet space, in our opinion, they are attracted to more interesting applications, we are working on this here, tell me,
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how is it now? if, let’s say, the residents of the area didn’t like how they were treated - they built a playground or a park there, what happens? there are cases when, indeed, the result does not quite coincide with the expectations that the residents had. in this case , there are already precedents when a municipality remodeled an object, bringing it to the form that was originally intended for residents to practice, but they remade it taking into account the wishes of, of course, where to go.
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seems to have been presented, yeah, well, that’s why in architecture, in which nothing is clear , municipalities hold discussions in person , invite residents, if questions really arise, we want to allow us to consider it in more detail, well... it is quite possible here to actually hold such a face-to-face presentation of the proposed object, the deputy answered our questions minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia alexey eresko. thank you very much, duet, incredible new season, there were many options, first it’s a girl
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, then it’s already a man. tomorrow at 21:30. new the year is approaching, whoever is not yet thinking about gifts for loved ones, and, of course, for their loved ones, has himself to blame. our colleague ivan zenkevich argues that it makes sense for grandfather frost to ask for a car, i agree with him, why waste time on trifles, in showrooms he is now talking about tangible discounts, which is not an argument, yes, but in a letter to the new year's wizard ivan zinkevich always says, you need to indicate, which transmission is automatic or manual, because there are nuances, when choosing a car, we always pay attention to what kind of gearbox it has gears, the dynamics, fuel consumption, and our convenience, in the end, largely depend on it. today, cars on the market are mainly offered with four types of transmission: manual, classic automatic, cvt and robot. to find the right option for you, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses
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of each. let's start with the good old mechanics. the main advantages of this gearbox are that it is the cheapest. production and the most unpretentious in maintenance. this transmission is good off-road, but if if you get stuck, it’s easiest to get out of the swing with it. there is only one minus, but it is significant: you constantly need to change gears, this is especially inconvenient in dense city traffic. therefore, most drivers today choose different types of automatic machines. a classic automatic transmission is the most reliable gearbox, but its main disadvantage is that it... a car with a classic automatic transmission is generally higher, which is why manufacturers are increasingly installing a variator on cars in the budget segment, it is cheaper to
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produce and more compact what is important for models with a transverse engine. there are no steps in such a box, so acceleration is smooth and comfortable without jerking. the downside is a relatively short resource, on average 100-150 thousand km, and you will have to change the transmission fluid quite often, avoid slipping and high loads. and finally... another common gearbox today is the robot, it helps save fuel and shifts quickly, which gives good dynamics, but at low speeds you will feel jerking, it’s better not to mess with it off-road. in addition, owners of cars with such a gearbox complain about the rapid wear of clutches in so-called dry robots and frequent problems with control electronics. let 's summarize: a robot and a variator are good if you buy a new car with... plan to drive mainly on asphalt, a car with such a gearbox is a real lottery, a classic automatic or manual, in
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this sense it is much more reliable, but here you already need clearly calculate your budget, because servicing the machine will require a lot of money, then, and here it is, dressed up for the holiday came to us, how much does it cost to decorate a christmas tree now and what toys to choose, we’ll find out in a few minutes. it’s very beautiful, if you don’t get away from victor , this is the way for you, you don’t know him at all, i know that he loves me, the rest doesn’t matter to me how strong you are, let’s go to the hut, i ’ve done this to you all too often, i i don’t want and can’t see you anymore, go away, conspiracy to loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr. don't you
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notice anything? have you dyed your hair? no, what do you need, young man, where is the young woman? that's it, we're ready divorce us, i'm just a fisherman, contact my wife, she will tell you what to do, where to go, a friend wrote: i'm in trouble, we'll transfer not 50,000, i transferred, now i'm in shape, i'm now raising all the outfits and 98% that we... won’t catch anyone, the noise of a big country, the premiere on friday on rtr, mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general , he has children, two daughters, and my wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, what do i mean, this is our secret with my mother, and now it’s... will be yours, you’re like a superhero for marishka , she only tells you, i’ve forgotten how to be happy, thank you
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, i’m running around with my whole family like going to work, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you, little marishka, she’s fallen in love with you, a man is drawn to you, what a man - a stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya matskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like vera, well, as a woman, you like her. if i find out something, preview, daughters on fridays on rtr, i must, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, what a beauty! just taste it, we'll add kiwi and enthusiasm, it's just
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madness of taste. what's next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have strong health. food formula every saturday on rtr. well, a library on the palm of your hand is convenient. one american woman uses this one. after reading another bestseller from cover to cover, she decided to make a miniature copy of it. so, i became so interested in this activity that i created a whole selection of such tiny books. by the way, to look like a miniature. appeared , you have to work hard, the work is painstaking , sometimes it takes much more time than reading this very thick book, there are a lot of
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small details, nuances and subtleties, i don’t understand, she writes something by hand, well, as they say, the book is the best a gift, even such a small, uh, beautiful christmas tree toy is the best new year's decoration, this winter russians began to buy them more often, there is special demand sets of balls on the stars. russians began to buy new year's christmas tree decorations more often, the demand for toys increased by 14% compared to 2022, marketers say, while people try to approach their choice in an original way, the different figures are interesting and these... there are stars, balls, those big ones, small, something related to childhood, a christmas tree or some balls. fortunately, with a large assortment, finding that same new year's decoration will not be difficult, the only question is the budget, the most affordable, of course, are plastic toys, especially in a set, their they are more often chosen to decorate a workplace or public space; in this case, they prefer not to spend a lot. among
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the categories of christmas tree decorations, sets cost approximately 300 to 400 rubles. sets of balls for decorating one small christmas tree. it's another matter when you need to decorate the green beauty at home. this is where experts advise making a choice in favor of more expensive, but high-quality toys that can be passed on to the next generation of your family. i would still recommend starting to form your own new year's tradition of spending glass toys on toys that will be very pleasant to you and toys. which in the future will have a certain value and cost, if your wallet allows, you can swing at more expensive ones, for example, porcelain toys, the price per piece starts from 420 rubles. glass figurines cost from 300, ceramic from 290 rubles. for one, but for plaster ones you will have to pay at least 100 rubles. now cotton toys are again at the peak of popularity, like from the soviet past and cause special nostalgia, experts say: you don’t have to try to find them from
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collectors, you can make them yourself, it’s a safe and environmentally friendly material, and it’s also inexpensive, made by craftsmen. handicrafts allow you to save your budget, yes, of course, because you can make very beautiful toys and decorate your home with your own hands for quite a budget . to make a simple but stylish decoration, all you need is cotton wool, wire for the frame, a glue gun, paint brushes of different sizes for decoration, glitter and ribbons if desired. the cost of such the set is not so small, but depending on the size and shape, you can create up to ten from it. christmas decorations, but you need to put in diligence and spend time to get a really beautiful element of holiday decor, but if you buy a ready-made handmade product, it will cost from one and a half to 10,000 rubles. depending on the eminence of the master and the materials he used. original souvenirs can become both a christmas tree decoration and an excellent new year's gift for family and friends. then just like in song: the rivers froze and the earth cooled.
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there is snow, there are almost no roads, the markings are certainly not visible at all, and penalties for violating them come, we will talk about this in detail after the news. more than 2 million questions in gostiny dvor, the last one. preparations ahead of the direct line with the president. a handout from the united states, zelensky, who arrived in the states, was able to receive $200 million instead of the $60 billion he was counting on. the winter swimming club is in full swing. for irkutsk walruses -30 is not a hindrance. a new day begins on the russia channel,
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main news. in the studio of karina elgina. hello. there are only a few hours left before the start of the main event of the outgoing year, vladimir putin’s big press conference, combined with a direct line. the final preparations are now being completed at gostiny dvor, but in the meantime the call center continues to receive appeals from russians to the head of state. almost 2 million have already been received. the most popular way to contact or ask a question to the president remains a phone call; more than 1,200 thousand have been received. in second place are sms messages, 400 of them were sent
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about a massive drone strike on their facilities in the odessa region. according to his statements, all the drones were allegedly shot down, but the odessa authorities admitted hits on a number of objects and serious fires that were extinguished throughout the night. and in kiev they reported a night rocket attack, a series of powerful explosions occurred there, fires started, infrastructure facilities were damaged, some areas were left without water, and some of the destruction was the result of unsuccessful work of the ukrainian air defense. and this is the donetsk direction, russian paratroopers, using lancet ammunition , destroy enemy equipment under the tickworm. under solidarity, they liquidated until a platoon of ukrainian armed forces militants, in dugouts of strongholds. in total, according to the defense, the enemy was defeated in the red cell. kirov. in the kupinsky direction, our military repelled eight attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft. norway confirmed the transfer of a package
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of additional humanitarian and military assistance to kiev. earlier, zelensky arrived in oslo to meet with the leaders of norway, denmark, iceland, and finland and sweden, as well as with the norwegian king. before this, the head of the kiev regime was in the united states, where neither he nor baidoun could be convinced.
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they want to donate it to the museum of socialist art. earlier, the russian foreign ministry called this demolition a barbaric act that had no justification. almost half a million people remain without electricity due to bad weather and frost in different regions of russia. dagestan, pskov and rostov regions, as well as donbass are under attack from the elements. in voronezh, after a powerful snow cyclone , there is a traffic collapse on the roads, ten-point traffic jams, the stops are crowded with people. well, to those passengers who are all. i finally managed to get on a bus or trolleybus, and i started having to push multi-ton vehicles out of the snow porridge. in the belgorod region, after a serious snowfall, there were dozens of accidents, there were victims, in novosibirsk
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the heating main could not withstand thirty-degree frosts. because of the breakthrough , a river of boiling water overflowed through the streets. in buryat, due to severe cold weather , a high alert regime is in effect. temperatures will drop even lower in the coming days. the thermometer will drop to -49°. frosts have become the cause of a series of power failures was that several districts of ulanu were left without electricity. but for irkutsk walruses, minus 30 is not a hindrance; those who like to harden themselves take a dip in the water in such weather. on the island of youth , representatives of the winter swimming club organized a mass swim, reporting by vlad boronenko. a good mood, that’s what allows them to smile for the camera and not think about the low degree, it all starts with an active warm-up, at least 10 minutes, we work on the joints, the main thing is movement.


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