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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  December 14, 2023 3:05am-4:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the heating main could not withstand the degree frosts; due to a breakthrough , a river of boiling water overflowed through the streets. in buryat , due to the strong cold snap, a high alert mode is in effect; in the coming days , the temperature will drop even lower, the thermometer will drop to -49°. the frosts caused a series of power failures, leaving several areas of ulanuda without power. for irkutsk walruses, minus-30 is not a hindrance; those who like to harden themselves take a dip in the water in such weather. on the island , representatives of the winter swimming club organized youth mass swim report by vlad boronenko. good mood, determination and a prepared body. this is what allows them to smile for the camera and not think about the low degree. it all starts with an active warm-up, at least 10 minutes. we work on the joints,
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the main thing is movement. because when the blood begins to circulate, it gives warmth to the limbs, when the body is warmed up and the body is ready, you can undress, it’s more comfortable and warmer for them than for us in jackets, hats and boots, the warmth begins, some really plunge headlong, what's this is called the next level of pumping your body, only for the most experienced and persistent, don’t prepare yourself for this mentally right away. the most important thing is to quickly get dressed and find warmth, because it’s cold - extreme sports enthusiasts say, not in the water itself, its temperature is above zero, but clothes in severe frost can become stiff on the shore, however -30 is not a record for such swimming. the walruses of yakutia bathe in minus 52 there, at -60 they have aisles, when they come to visit them, they test them. on december 23
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, irkutsk margins will be added. to the action , seasoned russia is a strong country, in this day, all fans of margining, hardening and winter swimming from kamchatka to kaliningrad will plunge into the local oceans, seas and rivers or douse themselves with cold water. vlad boranenko, roman ryutin and nikita skok, lead irkutsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. a competition among young reindeer started in yemal. college students from different regions took part. the contestants demonstrated in practice how to preserve traditional crafts and the original way of life of the northern peoples. one of the stages took place in thirty degrees freezing. larisa bazanova saw how the future reindeer herders coped. every boy born in the tundra knows how to lasso an animal. this takes young nomads 2-3 minutes.
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as expected, no one has any problems with the task. arose. five students participating in the competition showed mastery of not only tenzan, but also regular roulette. the future reindeer herder needs it to measure the parameters of the stags. this is also one of the tasks. even putting an animal down in the snow must be done skillfully according to the rules. the felling is done in order to carry out some veterinary manipulation, or applying bandages, or giving an injection, that is, some kind of treatment. and measurements are banitation, that is, selection work. time passes yura , but something went wrong for yura, in order to kill the reindeer, you need a normal rope for, tie a rope, uh-huh, and you somehow made a mistake, yes, yes, i made a mistake , i was very upset, because i’m about to win the competition, now it’s -32° outside, it’s hard to say because your face is freezing, but for reindeer herders this is quite a familiar temperature, even in severe frosts, they continue to lead a traditional way of life, not in the tundra
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you'll be spoiled, there is a way of life where the deer is the main resource. we have four breeds in russia, these are our ninirskaya breed, the evenskaya, the venkian and the chukotka, these are the ones that are common among us. here we see that this is not no. in this herd there are only riding reindeer, they are physically well-trained , their legs are strong, in general they are trained for multi-kilometer hikes, well , everyone here loves bread, not only the reindeer, even the huskies, this
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little puppy will be his one of these days. developments have begun, let's yes. with a smile, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, we tell you, together, it’s very nice that december 14, thursday, join us on our broadcast, andrey petrov, svetlana abramova, in front of you. turn it up louder , put the remote control aside, it will be somehow good and soulful, yes, well, now we will show you a kind of santa claus, maybe it will really be magical, he creates magic based on jet engines, let’s say right away, he installs it on everything that is possible , he himself often tests his homemade products,
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of course, risking not only health, but also life, airbags in such transport are not structurally provided for, in his fiery portfolio there are jet bicycles, skateboards and even wheelchairs. well , let’s not slow down, something is burning behind the grandfather’s back, but most russian drivers now , on the contrary, let off the gas when approaching the streets, besides snow and dirt can hide the markings quite tightly, but fines for violations of them are automatically received regularly, andrey shevtsov will tell you more about this. along with the snow, there are a lot of problems for car owners. kaluga region dmitry on the other day he received a fine for turning the wrong way, it cost him 1.0 rubles. he simply could not see the markings that had disappeared under the snow layer, but he felt the punishment for the winter turn through the snowdrifts to the fullest. i crossed a strip of solid lines
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, well, a marking line, you can even see in the photo my speed is 22 km/h, that is, well , the snow was solid, it was sunday, the weather was bad, dmitry decided to challenge the unfair fine, he already wrote a statement, seven circles of hell, proving his innocence . moscow resident tatyana also passed by, and she also received a flight fine for markings that were impossible to see. a lawyer by training, she immediately collected all the evidence of her innocence and set off to challenge the unfair ruling. we were lucky that there was also a registrar who immediately wrote down that the markings were not visible. as a result, the fine was canceled, but a lot of time and nerves had to be spent. thousands of motorists are forced to do this. on winter russian roads, under a thick layer of snow , it is simply impossible to see the markings. this road recorder, unlike the driver, is simply knows that the strip is there, due to the embedded coordinates, so the fines grow like a snowball . in the camera, the coordinates of this marking are hardwired into memory, it sees it in any case, whether there is snow there or not, the fine is 500 rubles. yes,
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sometimes 3.00 rub. depending on the marking violation. however, this situation, of course, is fundamentally wrong and unfair, experts are sure. first of all, we need to start with those who make such decisions, because the violation is recorded automatically, and the fine is issued by a person, we once protection group, in the working group for the protection of the rights of car owners, under the all-russian popular front, we came up with the following proposal that an official, when issuing an unfair fine, should bear some kind of responsibility, preferably financial, well, at least share it with driver, because we punish the driver, but we don’t punish in any way for an official’s mistake, the second point, last year in the state duma they discussed the possibility of releasing the driver altogether. from fines in case of abnormal weather phenomena, snowfall, for example, but the project remained on paper , according to the deputies, nothing needs to be changed, the current system for challenging fines already works, first get a certificate about what the general condition of the road surface was, what
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the weather was like, then also, through government services , submit your application for the fine to be cancelled, so there are such mechanisms, i follow this logic, dear motorists, now you should prepare to establish for every trip in the snow. take from bring a registrar with a certificate from meteorologists, so that you immediately have something to challenge the fine with, and be prepared to spend precious time on paperwork, otherwise you will have to not go on the road at all. let's continue the conversation about winter traffic problems with the head of the public road safety system , konstantin krokhmalev. konstantin, hello, please comment, because some people say that it’s so simple, i took everything and challenged it, but the person, a lawyer, says that i had to seven go through the circles of hell to challenge this. where do you know, the truth is in the middle, the fact is that now, when there is bad weather, the video recording cameras that record the fine can be turned off, they are turned off, they are simply turned off at the time
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of abnormal weather events, but this is somehow enshrined in regulations, where are the cameras turn it off, when, what, what is considered abnormal weather, this shutdown happens, as they say, on a whim, turn it on if you want, or don’t turn it off, but here. is necessary at the legislative level, i think that now the state the duma will return to this law and it will be adopted . in order to simply turn off the cameras during abnormal weather events, the appeal system needs to be simplified. fines , that is, by notification, in china there is also a system for canceling fines by notification, that is , there is no need to do anything there, this fine is not related to an accident, with some serious problem, because now this was not mentioned in the story, but not i know, whether you confirm it or not, that now you must definitely pay the sent fine in order to challenge it, because if you don’t pay it, you the bailiffs will charge you even more money , then the money for the fine will be correct, the fine will be removed from you, but the money that the bailiffs will write off for you... will not be returned, that’s absolutely correct, and here at the time of force majeure
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situations, i believe that heavy snowfalls , as now in russia, it is necessary to increase the period for paying fines to one and a half to two months, no less or more, give the opportunity to appeal, that is, make a more gentle system for the driver, challenge this fine, yes, tell me, are there any rules now , how to remove snow, because we are increasingly faced with the fact that, for example,
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utility workers shovel snow from the sidewalk to... send it for recycling, melt it, and so on and so forth, and these are financial resources, so we need to record this and send such same cases, for example in the traffic police, so that the organization that does this is obliged to pay multimillion-dollar fines, only then a huge... barrier of multimillion-dollar fines will force housing developers to dispose of their snow in their own way, and road workers it’s healthy to give the opportunity to remove snow, if they’ve already started talking about snow , it’s impossible to park parking lots littered with sweat after snowfalls, it’s possible to file a complaint with the court for a motorist if he comes, but in fact there is parking, but it’s somewhere under the snow, absolutely, i believe that any parking, even free, taxpayers pay for the city precisely for this... service, if this is not available, even if parking
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is paid in moscow, in large cities, it is necessary at the time of snowfalls, if there is no access, limit payment or simply not charge payment, if we return to the story that we watched, there was, in my opinion, a sensible proposal from motorists, in fact, to fine those who incorrectly issue fines, in fact, the camera is filming there, but then the person checks and there is a signature of a specific official on each fine; the person who signed it speaks from an organization, from a company, from a government structure, and so on, here it is she who must bear responsibility structure, and it will deprive this worthless employee of his bonus and so on, here we need compensation for the organization, and not for the person who will say, we fired him for one day, that’s all, you won’t get anything, we understand you, thank you very much, our guest was the head of the public road safety system , konstantin krokhmal, thank you. big. mikhail boyarsky this year, by the way,
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is also his 45th anniversary. we talked somewhere about my partner irina alferova, how much i loved her. it is impossible to talk about this seriously, because it sarki abdulov's wife and a large number of men on the platform tried to look at alera, one broke through and kissed her on the lips with all his might. yes, i wanted to do that myself, then everyone would have killed me long ago. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. tomorrow. at 15:00 , come on, come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is that the last croissant of pompeii was prepared in italy, in naples tourists were first offered to try a treat with the taste of vesuvius, the limited edition bagel costs 100 pieces. the filling
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sends gourmets back in time to 1994 ago, when the volcanic eruption began, the cream was made from bueval milk with lemon marmalade, the outside of the curasan was covered with edible ash and an amazing coincidence, right now in pompeii a bakery-mill was removed from real ashes, well, the truth is that the remains of khruasan were not even there, bon appetit everyone, modern nutritionists consider bread one of the most... harmful products, however, our scientists are ready to argue with this, in the decade of science and technology they create healthy flour, so we take the original meal from us. rpm inside in a small laboratory mill , high-protein flour is prepared, and the raw material is one of the cheapest - this is the so-called meal, a waste product that is formed when producing soybean oil. a distinctive feature of its flour is its content, increased
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protein content, which reaches 45% in meal, in cake, in flour in general up to 50, sometimes up to 55%. according to its chemical composition. it is almost comparable to animal meat, therefore, and the price, you know, is several times cheaper. of course, light brown flour is not used in its pure form, technologists suggest mixing it with wheat in a one-to-one ratio, in which case it will be possible to save money and make the usual composition healthy. flour does not contain cholesterol, so it helps in the fight against high cholesterol and it also differs in... from such raw materials you can bake delicious, and most importantly, healthy bread. at the same time, our scientists are creating not only new recipes for baked goods, but also developing unique varieties of grains. so in omsk durum wheat was bred specifically for pasta with the advent of new technologies for the production of pasta and new
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equipment on the russian market, production workers faced certain problems, in particular with high-temperature drying of pasta they... all because domestic varieties of wheat had weak gluten, the new variety of durum wheat is devoid of this problem, it there is a lot of protein, and the percentage of gluten level corresponds to the world level, 79.4%, that is, this is a fairly high gluten index, the world standard is somewhere from 80%, from such wheat you can make: pasta and bread, it turns out fluffy and soft, in addition, a new variety can be added to lower quality flour, when mixed the dough becomes. and elastic, over time this measure may not be necessary, because the share of durum varieties in the fields will increase every year. and then, woof, woof, haircuts, we’ll look at the most fashionable dog pies
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in a few minutes. every week we take stock of the president's work. the time has come to sum up the results of the year, and this will be done by the president himself, and not only by others. answers on questions journalists, but a direct connection with citizens, and as always, we will see and show more than others. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website moskа by calling +7
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495-539-44. +7 499 550 40 40 why was the case entrusted to us? you're welcome, this is
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impossible. i decided to return a day early, i want a surprise for anton. do, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy
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married life, dear, i wonder what my husband is asking, i’m already a cretin, with such a woman, i would like to live my whole life, oops, what should i do now, you’ve sat down and lost your mind, what are you talking about now, yes, she is good enough to be your mother. is the boy really so good that it blew your mind, i love him, if i loved him i wouldn’t ruin his life, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back to rtr on saturday, i’m used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons , educational programs and
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documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website, the adventures of the lost sheep in australia are finally over, let me remind you that 8 years ago , during an accident , three animals escaped from a farmer’s truck, and where the sheep roamed all these years is unknown, only one thing is clear: the crocodiles didn’t get caught, the dingoes didn’t touch them, but the appearance of the fugitives, frankly speaking , is not the most brilliant, these are three huge balls of matted wool, but on legs, but immediately after shearing a sheep they have perked up and seem to be ready for new exploits, hold them, watch them, because they will run away again, they are accustomed to freedom, and well, you know, but it’s one thing to simply cut off the excess fur, and another to do it. the best groomers have gathered in yekaterinburg, these are special chalks for coloring the belly, most often
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they paint miniature dogs, these can be yorkies or spitz dogs. dyeing the wool is the final stage of transformation. first, an animal hairdresser, who is also a groomer, carefully combs the pet, removes matted fur, trims its claws, cleans ears and eyes, so that, once in capable hands, the furry client feels like a haircut. all the participants, their dogs are very beautiful, in chinese grooming salons they often cut their hair shorter than in europe, in china
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dogs of small breeds are more popular, but here dogs of large breeds are represented in the competition. in general, the work of grooming large dogs is often underestimated; it seems that there is nothing to do here, in fact it is a huge physical labor, and if we are talking about the show exterior, it also needs develop breed lines and do it in such a way that it... seems natural. the fashion world for animals also has its own laws and rules. members of the jury closely monitor whether the haircut meets the standards of canine beauty. in the process of work, we evaluate the humane approach, we evaluate cleanliness, technical use of the instrument, and here there is such a pleasant, equal, interesting competition. muscovites often say that yekaterinburg is the capital of grooming, because a very large number of salons and high schools are concentrated here. level, moreover, experts themselves note that high-quality care for a pet’s appearance is not only
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a brand new look, but also a guarantee of its health, let’s start, let’s go with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing. this is our morning news, we will tell you about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine reported a massive drone strike on its facilities in the odessa region. according to his statements, all the drones were allegedly shot down, but
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the odessa authorities admitted it. the un assembly overwhelmingly voted adopted a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip. the document was supported by 153 countries. the united states, israel and eight other small states were against it. in the enclave itself , the idf began to flood the underground tunnels used by hamas fighters, regardless of the fact that there might be hostages there. meanwhile, it is reported that the death toll from israeli
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gas bombings is approaching 19. 2/3 are women and children. the wounded are admitted to hospitals around the clock, rescuers and doctors work complicated by constant shelling. the idf reported the death of 10 soldiers in 24 hours. meanwhile, tel arif is expanding its war zone. the idf unit carries out massive attacks on the territory of lebanon and syria. the video shows shelling of hezbollah positions. the information is confirmed by the press service of the defense army. this was done in response to shelling from these countries. arab media write that israeli forces are being used to... ursula vonderlein's speech on the power and unity of europe ended with a loud dog barking. it all happened during the speech of the head of the european commission at a meeting of the eu council. the footage shows
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that the officials could barely contain their laughter, a little later. real december frosts have arrived in the khabarovsk territory, many drivers cannot start their cars in the morning, patients with frostbite are being brought to hospitals, reporting by kirill rogachev. asya and her daughters are dancing at the bus stop; even in 20 minutes of waiting for the bus they manage to freeze their cheeks. here we dance, as
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you say, we dance, there is no other way. in the energomash area, masha and dasha talk about a simple technique, run into a kiosk to warm up, we can go to a stall here, yes, there are stalls nearby where you can go and warm up, they also usually sell baked goods. among those who were unable to warm up in time, dmitry ended up in the surgical department with frostbite on his hands and feet, he felt pain, a passer-by called an ambulance, and so he came here. the second regional emphasizes that traditionally, with the arrival of cold weather, an influx of such patients is expected, treatment of up to four. months on the highways there are still no usual pre-new year traffic jams, many cars simply won’t start, sergei’s car is one of those i paid for professional heating 300, it stood for 2 days over the weekend, well, it was frozen, called heaters, blankets and heat guns to help, sergei’s hardening brings toyota to its senses in half an hour. the exhaust system on this car is frozen, now with two guns we will warm it up. experts
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predict that the piercing wind will subside in 2 days. according to weather forecasters, the cold snap, and such a sharp one at that , was brought to khabarovsk by an anticyclone from siberia. the feeling of frost is enhanced by winds of 17-19 m/s. heating plants switched to enhanced heat supply mode. kirillo rogachev, sergey shulga, vesti khabarovsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments . in mariupol, residents of houses affected by... houses are being paid compensation ; more and more people are returning to the city and filing applications. irina efremova found out what kind of financial assistance apartment owners and private houses that are badly damaged or cannot be restored can count on. each district of mariupol has its own department of labor and social protection of the population. submits a claim for lost property, damaged housing and
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getting a new one is needed right here. first , get a ticket for a certain time or, on a first-come, first-served basis, show your existing documents and get advice on what else is needed to submit them. as for the destroyed housing, when. it has not been demolished, but destroyed, this is both the private sector and apartment buildings, here compensation is paid in the form of 7,000 per square meter. in the zhovtnevy district, more than 100 people have already received these compensations totaling more than 257 million rubles. only the owner can claim this payment, even if he owns two or more houses or apartments, compensation can only be submitted for one dwelling. this applies not only to the destroyed, but also to the completely lost. tatyana pilipas says that her... private house not far from the azovstal plant cannot be repaired, the whole family lives in a dormitory. the azovites were near the house and they destroyed everything that could be destroyed. in total
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, almost 15,000 such applications were submitted. more than 9,000 positive decisions have been made on them, 2,628 families have received apartments so far, the rest are waiting for their turn. 100,000 rub. for lost property first all registered residents receive the necessary information. within a month. after submitting the application, for this purpose an act is also drawn up at the site of the damaged or completely destroyed housing. in total , more than 66,000 applications were submitted throughout the city for all types of compensation. irina efrimova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. in ugra, two men were awarded who saved drowning people during a storm in sochi. during the raging of the elements, they were relaxing in the krasnodar region and pulled a married couple out of the water. neither the icy water nor the two-meter waves scared them. svetlana's story krukovskaya. alexander kalinchenko and dolmat karagisheev receive gratitude from the head of surgut to loud applause.
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the whole country instantly learned about their courage and dedication. these shots literally spread all over the internet. this is what crazy actions in the bathing storm lead to. a storm is raging, a man and a woman are drowning in the water. the waves don't even allow them to get smooth air. cries for help are barely given. to the shore, two comrades from surgut rush to help, there was no time to think about what to worry about, i just heard and ran. rescue operation lasted a few minutes, a wonderful man saved him, a hero, just a hero, alive, saved, on the shore the married couple is already being helped, later the surgut residents will say that they don’t consider their act heroic, they are confident in their place. this is what everyone would do, everything happened for a reason, i think so, the fact that people needed help, we helped them, the most important thing is that they survived, are alive and well now, and this is
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the best reward for alexander idolgat, they say, otherwise they couldn’t, because it’s customary among siberians; the spirit is tempered in severe frosts. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latipov, yugoria, surgut. region, the tallest new year tree in russia was delivered, the height of the forest beauty is 30 m, in order to determine the growth of the tree it was even necessary to introduce new units of measurement, where they found a tree with outstanding parameters, how the townspeople greeted it, vitaly khvalei will tell you, the tree was transported carefully so as not to damage the crown , the gusevites found a slender beauty in the red forest, now we will... measure the same height of our christmas tree, guys, quickly, quickly, quickly, hello everyone, the children didn’t need a tape measure, snow maiden proposed a fabulous system
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of measurements, guys, turn around, girls and boys, the new year tree is this year, they are setting up the tree in the rain, but the mood is festive , the kids liked santa claus, the best, adults are having fun like children, victor kobrin brought the kids candy for a mini- tractor. we have a trailer full of gifts for children. natural or artificial, different opinions are expressed about what gusips’s new year’s tree should be, but the majority is in favor of the traditional option. vitali khvalei, vesti, kaliningrad. all news is always available on the media platform. look in the app or on the smotim website. this is the news, we are following
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the development of events, we have started, let's go, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so... morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning to you, wake up, we will try to cheer you up this morning, it is becoming more and more difficult to get out of a warm bed, we understand you, we have already woken up, we are already at work, take an example from us, yes, what is the time now, what is the time now ? , pre-holiday bustle, and where is the bustle, there are swindlers there, that's how malicious they are.
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a resident of san francisco offers to fight, his method concerns car robbers, for this the young man specially leaves a bait bag in the car, the most inopportune moment for the scammer, the surprise is buried in glitter and begins to smell bad, in a few months they took the bait 25 times, it all started in an unpleasant incident, valuables were stolen from this american’s car, and then he, an engineer by training, created a device with a charge, which, by the way, is controlled by a gsm controller, from this year each school will have an adviser to the director of education, who these people are and what they do with children - ilya davidov found out. let's 1 2 3, so now we're discussing it, apparently people of almost the same age laugh, joke on the same wavelength, but for children she is taisiya mikhailovna.
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the girl didn’t immediately get used to this kind of treatment, as she did to the fact that she was at all school events, i was very scared about how i was going to involve them, what if they were n’t interested, in fact, it was a very big discovery for me, that everything is wrong, and the children themselves offer me an event conduct , they themselves offer to participate in them, when the school was looking for a candidate for educational adviser, the choice immediately fell on her: the young teacher leads clubs, she is ready to work 24x7, taisiya was really embarrassed that she would have to educate not only children, but also colleagues, it turned out, teachers they have been waiting for a long time to be relieved of non-core tasks. if earlier it was necessary to have some events, maybe even invent them or coordinate them, now we clearly know, in accordance with the work plan, what, when, on what day, and the events at school one after another, only have time to cook, flash mobs for the holidays, talent competitions, now here’s the christmas tree. yes, this is understandable, it’s a cool, well-practised dance, but it needs a new year’s element. taisiya immediately realized that she couldn’t cope alone, she gathered assets and turned to the school management. the guys
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now have a uniform with the symbols of the movement of the first , they are the center of attention, they involve friends and sometimes parents in their work, not only mothers participate, fathers get involved, and children actively participate, and of course, this is a kind of contribution to family relationships. advisors education is also like a big family, 27,000 specialists work in the country’s schools, these are student teachers, future teachers who have undergone training. navigators of childhood are. we are raising the future of our country, they are generators of fresh ideas, exchange experiences , look for new forms of working with children, at first, by the way, not everyone understood the meaning of this idea , they said who you are , why you need advisers, to which i always answered that there cannot be extra people in education, when there are additional units, this is great, and most importantly, it is noticeable, taisti picks up, when he manages to captivate everyone, especially difficult teenagers, the children change, they come to me after the seventh...eighth lesson, anyway, i
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never have the thought of saying that i want to go home, that’s enough, no, of course, we are together with them as much time as they need. unlike parents, who are sometimes too busy, and it’s true, children spend more time at school than at home, so the range of tasks for educational advisers will expand. it is important that all educational activities be synchronized with the family, so here the adviser will receive tools to help us build this bridge. in the relationship between family and school, the main thing is to do everything informally, with soul, then parents will find a faithful assistant from an older friend whom children can look up to. and the eyes are burning, the conversation continues with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on science and higher education ekaterina khakharchenko, ekaterina vladimirovna, good morning, good morning, good morning, well, the undeniable idea is very good, now we’ll find out details, isn't it enough? the responsibilities
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and duties of such a counselor in one school, because our schools are different, some are very large, with thousands of students? you know, it’s very cool that such a position has appeared in the team, in the school team, of course there is rationing, i’ll tell you that a different number of rates are allocated for the position of educational adviser , depending on the number of students, to be honest, just when we looked the plot, my eyes are growing. because i'm a little i was skeptical about this story , i think, well, as always, it was brought down from above , there will be some people recruited for show, they will go through lists of something, but the eyes are true, i said at the beginning, their eyes are burning who was chosen. russian federation, there is an entire federal structure called the rosdet center, and just
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part of the rates for the implementation of these functions is allocated as an undressed center, that is, part is given by schools, part by the rosded center, the result is a salary no less than that of a teacher . sometimes more, depending depends on whether there is still a combination with teaching activities or not, look, if there are up to 120 children studying at a school, then the school’s staffing schedule includes 0.25 of the rate, a quarter of the rate, and another 0.25 of the rate is given additionally by the rosdecentre, well, here 0.5 is not enough from the salary, but at the same time there is an opportunity to combine it with teaching activities and no one cancels counselors, no one cancels... the position of organizer, teacher, psychologist and deputy for educational work. well, you know, despite salary, i don’t know whether it satisfies me or not, i see, judging by the plot, there are no indifferent people in this position, and as i understand it, there are selections that are quite strict,
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that is, you won’t get there by accident, in fact, yes, colleagues pass approval from regional coordinators, and a system of municipal coordinators has also been built, that is, in each municipal district there is... a person who supervises all educational advisers in schools of a given settlement, small town or regional center, in addition, they are not some are engaged in education, now every teacher, in accordance with the federal law on education, along with teaching, must fulfill the important mission of an educator, but just in time for the plot i wanted the teachers to say, hurray, we are finally part of our
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responsibilities. of course, the problem is that there is no preferential teaching experience, while advisers must appear in all schools, but there is education, and many of them are forced to combine with teaching activities, we know about this problem, we are working interdepartmentally on its solution, thank you very much, we spoke with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on science and higher education, ekaterina kharchenko, thank you very much, dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00 moscow
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time. yes, i haven't seen this in a while. new secrets of the investigation. on monday at 20. opening a business while on maternity leave, today is not a dream, but a reality for many russian women, they manage not only to raise children, but also to develop their business, because now it helps them this is the federal program “mom entrepreneur”, the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. aspiring business savants can go through educational programs, learn where to start, and even receive start-up capital to develop their business. here is my certificate, i tell all my children: look, there are support measures available. without such support , elena vaskovaya from krasnodar could not even imagine that an ordinary hobby could develop into a business; she became interested in making candles while on maternity leave, first for herself, then as a gift.
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family, and then i learned that all this wealth can also be sold, and from one candle a whole flame of business ideas flared up. i saw that they were recruiting for the mom project. entrepreneur, i went with the only desire to win, because i needed to buy silicone molds in order to make even more candles than i was making at the moment. with the entire grant, elena bought silicone molds and now in a small workshop she literally has her own mini-production in full swing. we stir the plaster, it should look like a viscous mixture, well, pour it into a silicone mold. silicone molds not only made the production process easier, but noticeably easier. speed it up just 20 minutes and the base for the candle is ready. we got such a cool shell. shells, starfish or classic shapes, now elena has her own personal brand of candles, which her children also like. they are proud. were impatiently waiting for this, but tried to show their successes in life, in
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their studies, and the children of kaluzhana svetlana italianova woke up famous when their mother declared herself at the world level, and yet for many years, no one knew that such a master worked in an ordinary provincial hairdresser, in the category of creative coloring, svetlana became the winner of the world championship in paris, her work caused a real stir, the center of my business helped her get into the competition to make herself known, and now with registration for svetlana’s salon is scheduled months in advance, well , first of all, it is information support, which has attracted new clients, not only residents of our city, but also guests, from nearby cities, there are even clients who they come from moscow, st. petersburg, from other cities of russia, some from abroad. over the 10 years of the existence of the federal program “mama entrepreneur” of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, about 11 thousand women took part in them. they received support for 250 million rubles. 35 of which are grant funds. in 2023
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, more than 3,500 mother-entrepreneurs took part in the competition. three finalists received grants: one million rubles, 500 thousand and 250. two more participants received prizes from sponsors. all this allows even the most small businesses in remote regions will sprout, and mothers will take confident steps in realizing themselves. this gives a good effect, because during maternity leave. there was a feeling of isolation or abandonment to leave the business, mothers are not going to even after maternity leave and more often than not the financial stability of the family, so that not only do they leave it not for their previous job, but for a new level for themselves, business women.
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hello, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, skleposovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a new year's gift now, sklefosovsky, let's look before anyone else. in the app or on the website, you don’t notice anything, you painted, no, what do you need , you’re young, where’s the young, that’s it, that’s it, we ’re ready to break us up, i’m just going fishing, contact my wife, she’ll tell you, what to do, where to go, i wrote to a friend, i’m in trouble, transfer me 50,000, i transferred it, now i’m in trouble, i’m raising it now. all the outfits and 98% that we won't catch anyone, a big country show,
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premiere on friday on rtr, mom, mommy, mommy, she’s back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, but she was transporting furniture for a man, in general , he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, very beautiful, what do i mean? ? this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i’ve forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’ve been running all my life to work, maybe i’ve already found a replacement for you, little marishka, you fell in love, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, name motskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, it’s true to you. i like it, well, as a woman, i like it if
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i find out something, preview, daughters, on fridays on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts here , it hurts here, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually in order to be healthy ... the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. let's run to the doctor medicines are like crutches for us. and the right habits. should they slap us on some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about
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the most important thing today on rtr. i think these are video frames. no, i remember you, i’ll see you after the new year, then, and the best gift for young talents will, of course, be our support, voting for the contestants of the popular show “blue birds”. tv viewers still have time to support and choose one participant who will advance to the finals of the project. let us remind you that the winner of the season will receive a feather figurine blue bird, as well as a big cash prize to
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develop your talent. this sunday at 18:00 we will find out which of the five participants will be inspired by blue. joyful sensations and feelings that perhaps cannot be compared with anything. but which of the contestants will continue to participate and perform in the final episode of this musical festival depends on the tv viewers. controlling the blue bird is easy and simple, send a free sms to 9392 with the number of the participant you liked the most. the jury of the tv project will also make their choice.
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we have always focused on who is the most prepared in their profession. we had. look at december 17, sunday at 18:00 , then, vanya, don’t believe that at the general meeting of residents they decided, this is what the people say, yes, shai speaks from our palace to your porch, the brain will appear, engineering work
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has risen from the crux, and even in the sun's rays, this bridge will shine and attract tourists, and in short, nothing will come from our area. the more voices the better, local authorities now take this into account, and we’ll talk to experts about the formation of the urban environment through frustal for a few minutes. more than 2 million questions in gostiny dvor are the last preparations before the direct line with the president. a handout from the united states, zelensky, who arrived in the states, was able to receive 200 million dollars instead of the 60 billion


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