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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  December 14, 2023 9:30am-9:55am MSK

9:30 am
just that there is no crisis for soldiers in the ssu, the transition to defense is only associated with the arrival of winter, in this regard, according to military science, these are some interconnected things, really defense and winter, and are there any directions, areas where they now they are attacking, continuing their counter-attack, as tarich zelensky just told us. but winter is certainly the most convenient time of year for the enemy to defend, because they are armed with nato equipment, this is not the soviet equipment that can work from the arctic to the tropics, no, plus everything, they are experiencing a shortage of supplies, i mean fuels and lubricants, i mean provisions, products.
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provision related to putting in order the roads they travel on, roads, some communication issues, you know, but how could we take cities if we repelled such a powerful, i now say completely without irony, desperate, daring counter-offensive that was going on along the entire front line, well, how did we... yes, we took bakhmud and it was a very bloody story, yes, today we are resolving the issue with avdiivka, and we will resolve this the question along the way is that we take populated areas, but we do not declare them as some kind of powerful, we have fortresses that it seemed to me would not fall under the onslaught of the russian army, this is not so, today, if there is a task to move forward.
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we are not, we are not in a state of attack, today we are fulfilling the tasks that stand before our troops, to take care of people, remember what putin said, in a conversation with artyom zhoga, to take care of people, we are not conducting some kind of meat assaults, we are losing people, we have losses, because it is going the most intense combat work, but i would not say that we are in some kind of breakthrough.
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the best help is friendly criticism, right? so, here i begin with all responsibility to this comradely criticism. dear friends, dear leaders of the us democratic party, you suffered a crushing failure called the visit of mr. zelensky. even for an actor from such a provincial shepeto as the ukrainian politician is, this is simply a trashy failure. well, let's figure it out. it
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was preceded, preceded by a scandal when it was first announced that zelensky would allegedly speak at a briefing via videoconference in front of us senators. the senators gathered, zelensky did not appear, there are different versions, and they differed , including among the ukrainian administration, but why did this actually happen? some told us that he was very busy, at this moment the war was still going on, others said that he should speak if he realized that he would not receive the attention he deserved. there is a third version, he just once again turned out to be unable to, yes, no one after this these minutes. no one has seen him doing anything else, so against this backdrop of such a scandal he moves forward, but he is not flying to the united states of america, first to argentina, that is , god knows what is going on in ukraine, the ukrainian army is being defeated, inside the country
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more and more more growing tension, at this moment the president of the warring country makes a decision for himself to go to an event, what kind of event is this? this is the inauguration of the new president of argentina. the new president of argentina is infantirable, a terrible child. a person who does not have any influence outside of argentina. everyone looks at him cautiously, because he said such things during his election campaign that it is difficult to understand what will happen next. on the way to argentina, zelensky flies into brazil, as they later explained to us, to refuel. and then it starts ringing. to the president of brazil, like, lula, i just flew in, can’t you jump to the airport for a couple of hours, let’s talk, i think that the employees of the ministry of foreign affairs brazil's cigars fell out of his mouth, they asked, guys, what were you smoking, such visits, that's it, that's not how
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it's done, don't you know that, as a result he runs into a humiliating public, world-famous refusal , runs into him himself, finally he got to... the united states of america. and then something happens. first, he begins to directly insult. republicans, senators, congressmen. he was closed at the meeting with them, as we were already told , including the french politician philippo, who said: that those who do not support the allocation of 61 billion to ukraine are putin’s agents. that is, he simply insults those sitting in front of him. republicans, it is no coincidence that they leave the hall 10 minutes after the start of this meeting. after this, zelensky begins to become like olya lukoy, that is, to tell fairy tales. he says that the russian army did not take
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a single settlement in the year 23, but on the contrary, he took it, and then put two echelons of russian defense in place, where, when, what? and he doesn’t just lie, he lies easily verifiable facts, yes, well, that is, this is an absolute one hundred percent ringing failure, like such a cherry on the cake, we remember last year’s visit, everyone was just saying, this is a new churchill, and here the media quotes a republican senator who so directly and says: no, not churchel , yes, that means, well... well, that’s it, that’s it, my friends, something terrible is happening, we understand that scenarios for such visits are being developed by the apparatus of the democratic party, the apparatus of the white house, well, one of two, or he doesn’t care at all anymore,
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say whatever you want, because it doesn’t matter, or they are very distracted , they have more important problems. “if the republicans manage to break biden and he makes concessions on this issue, he is 100% guaranteed to lose, they understand this very well, so they took it seriously. this is not only about allocating money for
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equipment on the border with mexico, we are talking about making frontal changes to legislation, a sharp tightening of immigration laws, what for..."
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what choice will biden make, well, let's let's see, now after the new year, but in any case, zelensky's prospects in this sense turn out to be very bad, let's assume this is an unlikely option, but still such, let's assume that biden gives up the position of the democrats, meets the republicans halfway, he will allocate this 61 billion to zelensky will extend the fire of his regime for what, for a year.
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but this significant reduction in supplies is not at all what zelensky wanted, in a
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word , president zelensky will return to his depressive, cold and gloomy country with a donut hole with 200 million dollars instead of 61 billion with unclear prospects, however, he faces the second act of this... he will have to drink the cup of sadness tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at the european union summit, where , apparently, there are no negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the eu will not start and where the provision of assistance in the amount of 50 billion is a very big question. 50 billion was officially blocked by hungary, that is -61 billion, minus 50 billion from the european union, even if.
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ru by phone +7 495 539 4040 +7 499 550 4040 results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast today at 12:00. have you
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gone crazy? sunday, here good people reported that you got mixed up with moskvich. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for four years. we need to have a baby, i really, really do. i want, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago. i can't forget i still love him, truly happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr, you watch 100 to one, what is our
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task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then it’s a bitch. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, hello, he
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comes back, oh, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up , eight new episodes, category, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has talent, always being in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now, sklifosovsky, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website, i still have pain here, here it hurts here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the threefold principle. this, by the way, is officially proven to be proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress. you need to choose those products that eating is not harmful. the right drugs.
9:48 am
let's run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us. and the right habits. they clap. should we have some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. about the most important thing - tomorrow on the taxiway. mom, mommy, mommy is back, it's not mom, it's another aunt. i was transporting furniture to a man, well, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she was very beautiful. what is this for me? this is a secret... with mom, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i’ve already forgotten how to be born, thank you, this stranger is running around like going to work, maybe she has already found a replacement for you, little marisha, she fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya matskov, i understand that i
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have no right , you are not alone, do you like faith? well, as a woman, i like it, if i find out something , i’ll beat it, my daughters, on friday on rtr, and now the footage of the day, or rather even the strange sounds of the day, who barked during ursula fonderline’s speech in the european parliament is unknown, as soon as the president of the european commission. got it the phrase: "let's show the unity of europe." in the hall, someone barked really loudly, the people around laughed, and ursula did not know what to do. let us once again demonstrate the strength of europe, that we stand tall and united. thank you very much, and long live europe.
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ursula did not appreciate the joke. andrey konstantinevich, please! you know, i want to continue what i said.
9:51 am
the positions of ukraine and zelensky in our eyes, in the eyes of the world community, are falling, including in the eyes of ukrainian citizens. therefore, when he was about to fly there, and flew with such pomp, a stopover in argentina
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in order to attract maximum attention, i, frankly, got worried, i think maybe some kind of military secret was invented there by the americans, maybe they ’ll bang something, maybe they’ll do something they will say something that will probably create a certain atmosphere for this visit, so... no one described this visit better, as in fact the entire western press, american, english, european, even if at the suggestion of quoting statements in these newspapers, then it evokes tenderness. journal writes, it means that the congressmen sympathized with zelensky, but did not give money, which means that the washington post, zelensky said about the results that the meeting with the congressmen took place.
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in fact, this is actually touching, so the europeans generally started to get nervous, in my opinion, why? because they first give up on the question: well, they didn’t give the money, well, okay, listen, let’s see how much money they gave before, they gave something like 250 billion, somewhere around that, like 50 want to give, and comes to the conclusion, 243, if you count everything, yes it comes to the conclusion, listen, well if 250 billion didn’t solve anything, but now what will it solve, then i remember torban, who a couple of weeks ago...
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as long as it takes, russia, apparently, is in a marathon state. i started to say something about zelensky about lies, you know, we are in such a proxy war, not only do we have a war on the front line, but in such an information space, and, well, the interest lies in what if, especially at the beginning, at the beginning of a special military operation, and during the counter-offensive, after all, we and our sides, and...
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on the economic front, on the information front, just a couple of days ago, the president...


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