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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 15, 2023 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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60 minutes, all the best and goodbye, bye. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing is by this hour. vanya showed his character, the center of russia was covered with snow, the rainfall was 10 points, and in some places they even canceled classes in schools. our su-34s are attacking in the kupinsky direction, lancets are working in krasnolimansky, the french armored personnel carrier is blazing in yes. all svo news. an entire regiment
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of grozny yars took up combat duty in the tver region. we have a report on how it happened. hungary blocked the allocation ukraine receives 50 billion euros in aid. orbán says he will not change his position. why did scholz send him out for coffee? the need for bridges in the stavropol territory, the restoration of shibekin after the shelling, the establishment of power supply in crimea. for the decision. what problems, raised directly with the president, are the popular front now closely monitoring? and from the very beginning, cyclone vanya covered the whole of central russia with snow. this day promises to be the snowiest in half a century. giant snowdrifts, covered roads, blocked traffic due to large number of accidents on federal highways. everyone has been thrown into the clearing. forces
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of public utilities , classes in schools have been canceled in several regions, in moscow and the region, where almost a third of the monthly precipitation fell overnight, drivers are asking to refrain from traveling by personal transport, about where the situation is now the most difficult, reports from our correspondents, alexander revunov and pavel prokopenko. cyclone vanya finished off voronezh utility workers. the roads of the regional center have not yet been put in order after the previous one. there is a snowfall, there is a new blow of nature, there are dense traffic jams on the roads , there is not enough snow removal equipment for millions in the city , exhaust pipes stick out in the yards and snowdrifts, cars are tightly blocked, suvs and trucks are skidding, some stores have empty shelves, there are products in the warehouse, but they are not available manage to deliver to the addresses. question, where are the potatoes? an exhaust pipe sticks out of a snowdrift; many citizens were unable to leave their yards; they went to work on foot, trampling paths in the snow, but also public transport. cannot cope with
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the increased load. coffins are growing in the neighboring regions of chernozemia. an orange danger level has been declared in kursk. today is self-study day in all schools. classes will be held remotely. traffic police officers are trying to prevent a traffic collapse, but limited visibility and snow ruts bring their efforts to naught. there are a lot of minor accidents in the city; you have to travel along the swept highways. now it’s more convenient to ski or even snowboard. nature has no bad weather. of all your joys. near varley, because of the snow, i almost got off the road and onto the tram, but i got off, but the cars are slipping, there are many small accidents, in tula , ambulance doctors cannot get to the patients, in lipetsk, with shovels to their advantage, officials of the city administration went out to fight the elements, but this last reserve is unlikely to improve the situation. everything that was on the move in the fleet of special equipment is now on the roads to koluga, but there is no point in waiting for the tractor to clear the road in the yards in the near future, so in many cities of the black earth region there are people. self-organized
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they are manually trying to get out of the snow trap with shovels. the situation is difficult now on the m4 don highway. the height of the snow cover is breaking records. according to meteorologists, such snowfall has not occurred in the region for almost 50 years. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news. vanya came to the capital, bringing with him 30 mm of precipitation, this third of the monthly norm could turn out to be a record for the last 60 years. of course, the most difficult thing. the situation on the city roads, everything is snowy, the traffic is very dense, morning traffic jams are eight points, many motorists this morning were unable to dig out their cars in the yards, in the snowdrifts, those who did it but didn’t calculate the time were late for work, vanya, stop it, ivan, don’t get a rash, vanya, vanya has already become famous, you already know him by name, like yes, yes, yes, i was driving, we had an accident, i came from minsk, there were a lot of accidents and how was it on the road? namkad,
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the third transport ring on bridges and overpasses, that is, on elevations where deposits instantly form. utility services work in an intensive round-the-clock mode on the streets of 130,000 people and dozens of thousand units of special equipment. the most important task now is to remove snow in a timely manner, emergency teams of power engineers have been formed, but the cyclone did not cause problems with connecting electricity today, moscow airports are operating as normal. it should be noted that vanya has already visited the south of russia in the central regions from rostov- on-don to kaluga on the m4 highway, motorists became prisoners of freezing rain. in the capital, vanya will stay with us for another day, on friday, saturday, the weather will not change significantly, heavy snowfall, gusty wind,
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a blizzard, all this will accompany us for another 24 hours, by sunday it will all freeze and turn into ice, so the capital’s call for ammunition seems quite logical... the dugouts of the ukrainian armed forces are being destroyed. and this is footage of a burning french armored personnel carrier. su-34 fighter-bombers near kupinsk hit targets with guided high-explosive bombs. such a projectile after being dropped can fly about 60 km. on
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the approaches to ugledar , crews of towed d-30 howitzers fire at enemy fortifications. as the military themselves say, 122 mm gun. shoots with the accuracy of a sniper rifle at a distance of up to 15 km. today in russia they remember journalists who died in the performance of their professional duties. quite recently , our colleague and friend, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov, passed away. he was mortally wounded while filming a report in a special operation zone. and, of course, we will always remember igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, whose lives were cut short by ukrainian shelling. troops of the metalist village near lugansk, as well as about all our colleagues, to the end, who fulfilled their duty in all conflicts and hot spots. nadezhda astapushenko will continue. the positions of the militias and the national guard are fired from heavy artillery, including tanks and howitzers. with
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a camera and a microphone, despite the danger, they did their job to the last, did what they believed in, and were where they were needed. in 2014, russian correspondents were the first... to go to donbass to show the whole world the truth. these shots were taken by viktor denisov, the only survivor of the vgtrk group that worked in the village metalhead. journalists filmed the evacuation of civilians. the settlement was under constant fire from the ukrainian armed forces. on june 17 , the fourteenth, ukraine again began mortar shelling. sound engineer anton voloshin died on the spot. one of the shells exploded. underfoot, special correspondent igor kornelyuk died in the hospital. the school in metalist in the summer of 2014 was almost completely destroyed by shells from the ukrainian army, it was restored by everyone, teachers, local residents, and the all-russian state television and radio company. december
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on the fifteenth, the school was named after the victims igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin. here a museum was created in the memory of journalists. the excursions are usually led by children. back in elementary school , when i learned about the work of journalists in my native village, it attracted me, because i have a good example of journalism, these are our bosses, and really, honesty, it is always valued, both for me and for other people, children , here. it seems to me that this profession will always be needed. nowadays, schoolchildren rehearse during breaks between lessons. events dedicated to the day of remembrance of journalists who died in the performance of their professional duties. don't shoot at the journalist, the truth is, don't kill him with anything.
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schoolchildren speak about journalists with admiration; many of them watch the news every day. for those who continue to risk their lives for the sake of the truth, convey their wishes so that they never give up.
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parliamentary hearings, at which we considered all the main, fundamental issues, organized nine exhibitions, during this year we held 29 round tables and which were attended primarily by many youth groups and deputies of various levels, an intensive session, productive for the ldpr, a number of our bills. became federal laws, tomorrow, december 16
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, we will hold for the second time throughout the country an all-russian reception of citizens by ldpr deputies, this allows us to get closer to the people, to our voters, despite the fact that our faction is only the third largest, we are 28 deputies, we are confident we occupy second place in the number of bills introduced. to solving the problems that were raised the russians
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have started a direct line with vladimir putin, activists are already working in the belogorsk region of crimea, where in two villages electrical equipment has not been updated since soviet times, as a result of constant network overload and power surges, as a combat veteran who addressed the president said, a regular electric kettle can cause several blackouts at once. the popular front will ensure that local energy workers solve this problem. in the stavropol territory , after summer anomalous downpours, they were destroyed bridges near the village of kambulat. 200 people ended up on different banks of the river. to get to a clinic or school, you need to make a 15 km detour along a rough road. now the ambulance doesn't come either. only after contacting the call center of the popular front, the issue was finally resolved. has moved from a dead point, the bridges will be restored. and in
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the belgorod region, at the behest of the president , the regional authorities, together with the ministry of development, began to implement the idea of ​​​​creating a special economic zone in shibekino. the city was heavily damaged by shelling from the ukrainian armed forces. word to nadezhda sviridova. this is part of the hail. sergei skripnikov is still eliminating the consequences of the terror of ukrainian militants. at the beginning of june. buildings on his site suffered from a direct hit from a hail shell, slabs burst , walls came off, the load-bearing structures in the house cracked from the blast wave, the roof was damaged , our dog was killed, there was a german in our house, a big beautiful one, slate scattered, flying all over it the area was torn down from construction, in isa they mercilessly hit residential buildings, buildings burned and collapsed, in this area alone over 30 damaged buildings, in just 2 years , more than 11 apartments of private houses were damaged in the belgorod border, most of them have already been restored. this is a green street in novaya
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tavolzhanka, it is located at the very border of the neighboring state. today , almost every house here is under construction. during the summer massive attack by the armed forces of ukraine, the private sector suffered greatly. the kiev regime dropped hundreds of mines and shells onto this territory. and this is shibeiki, who spent the entire spring and early summer searching for high-rise buildings and... the border town is one of the most industrially developed in the belgorod region, the damage is colossal, help is expected from the federal center. 500 million rubles from the country's reserve fund were allocated for the development of industry,
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to stabilize the economic situation, the mechanism is primarily aimed at reducing the tax burden, as well as reduction. we will open a criminal case of murder, brilliant, new secrets of the investigation from monday on rtr, look 100 to one,
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what task do we have to open the whole board, we will cope. housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache and god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, we watch movies and tv series.
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we watch opera, we watch ballet, we watch theater , we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures, we watch programs about science, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch news, we watch documentaries. . i would like to invite you to a restaurant, but i wouldn’t advise you, ninochka, you’ve already taken one husband to the grave brought together, so i feel sorry for others, a plot for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr,
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how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop, first he offered a goat, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, if you were a person, among friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, are you crazy ? on sunday. here good people reported that you got mixed up with a muscovite. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and with sveta you we've been dating for 4 years. we need to have
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a child. i really, really want this. do not trust anyone. hello, i would like to talk to anna. so she’s not there, she drove off to the south with her boyfriend , don’t listen to anyone, i should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love you, i’m truly happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr, mikhail payarsky, this year, by the way, too... 45 we talked somewhere about our partner rina alfeva, how i loved her, can’t talk about this seriously, because this is the wife of saki ablyulov, a large number of men were attracted to the site. look at alera, one broke through and kissed her on the lips with all his strength , yes, i wanted to do that myself, then everyone would have killed me long ago, the fate of a man with boris
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korchevnikov, today on rtr, you watch the news, we continue, strategic missile forces appointments completed the rearmament of the entire stopoleina yar mobile group. another regiment of modern intercontinental ballistic missiles took up combat duty in the tver region. for this, the unit built the appropriate infrastructure, and the military personnel underwent special training at the plesetsk cosmodrome. report by our correspondent sergei samokha. under the russian tricolor and the flag of the strategic missile forces are new yars mobile systems. it is from here that mobile
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complexes equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles begin their movement, despite their enormous size, the main task of the installation is hidden moving across a wide area. this column is always on the move and conducts combat patrols. in a sensitive area like the country's nuclear shield, this is vital. re-equipment with fifth-generation intercontinental ballistic missiles began in 2010, and
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today the final point has been reached on this issue. the rearmament of my missile regiment ends with the re-equipment of our missile formation as a whole, and this is a feeling of enormous responsibility. the blog missile formation became the last in the country where new generation missiles were put on combat duty. now everything. the updated chassis can make sharp turns on impassable forest roads and ford; in addition, the cruising range has been noticeably increased. i had to overcome difficult terrain, during
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which it was shown that the equipment is capable of traveling a fairly long distance, and there are no obstacles for it. with an updated nuclear shield, the division of the balagovsky missile formation disappears into the tver forests, there is a long route ahead lasting up to... a month each in this the column knows why he is here, because even the essence of the work of the strategic missile forces units is contained in the name yars, a nuclear deterrent missile. sergey samokh, alexander merkuriev, maxim divitaykin and oleg dubinin. news. the united states demands that israel reduce the intensity of hostilities in gaza. according to american media, citing senior officials in the white house, the biden administration has made it clear.
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protest against the harsh actions of tel aviv. meanwhile, protests do not stop around the world . demonstrators have arrived in brussels. holding the eu summit, demands an immediate stop to the shelling. in the united states in philadelphia , protesters blocked a highway, including this action. the local jewish community organized for a ceasefire in gaza, several dozen people were detained by the police, a rally was held near the madrid city hall, where 900 pairs of shoes were displayed in the square in memory of the victims of the conflict. participants said there was no justification for fighting hamas when so many children and women were dying. hungary blocked a package of financial assistance to kiev worth $50 billion, this was announced following the results the first meeting of the eu summit, prime minister viktor orban said. he stated that he would not change his position. european leaders will now return to this issue only
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next year. orban also called the decision to start negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union bad. the day before , he demonstratively left the meeting room when this issue was discussed. the political publication writes that when the hours-long debate on kiev reached a dead end, chancellor scholz suggested that the hungarian prime minister go out for coffee and not return for a while. scholz's idea was that this time, the remaining 26 leaders of the eu countries. will unanimously approve the start of membership negotiations for ukraine, but orban will then be able to say that he did not vote for it. in the usa, meanwhile, weapons for the kiev regime are running out. the pentagon said there was no more money, and now the defense department was faced with a choice: to ensure the security of the states or maintain the combat effectiveness of the armed forces of ukraine. at the white house, press secretary karine jean-pierre confirmed: the united states will no longer be able to help
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ukraine if congress. will not allocate new funds, and this, apparently, is not will happen. republicans, who control the house of representatives, decided to go on christmas break and not return until mid-january. at the kursk-2 nuclear power plant under construction, installation of the dome of the second power unit has begun. the giant reinforced concrete structure must protect the reactor plant from extreme external influences. the shell will prevent damage to the environment, such a double safety loop is a distinctive feature of rosatom projects, the nuclear power plant will be equipped with four modern reactors, the first of which will operate in twenty-fifth year, the new station will replace the existing kursk nuclear power plant, which is approaching the end of its service life. in tashkkent, at the palace of international forums of uzbekistan , the russian seasons solemnly closed. that
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evening , the mariinsky theater symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev and the laureates of the tchaikovsky competition took the stage. during the concert, the auditorium continually exploded with applause and shouts of “bravo.” and after the end, the audience did not let the artists go for a long time under a thunderous ovation. russian seasons in uzbekistan opened back in may as part of a large-scale program. during the year, 40 different events were held in the republic, including concerts, performances, master classes and film screenings. and this evening on our channel there is a grand musical show “duets”. famous artists do not know at all with whom they perform songs. the intrigue is revealed at the very last moment, vivid emotions and an incredible discovery. today, immediately after the big news, and from behind the scenes of the show, anton demidov, who will slightly lift the veil of secrecy. tonight is a new episode of the show "duets".
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anton demidov, alexander ovsyanikov, lead. well and the news continues to monitor developments, so stay with us. aeroflot has opened the sale of discounted tickets for 24.


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