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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 15, 2023 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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show duets at 21:30. anton demidov, alexander ovsyanikov, lead. we continue to monitor developments, so stay with us. aeroflot has opened the sale of discount tickets for the 24th year and today
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paperwork has already begun at all the carrier's ticket offices and airline agencies in the khabarovsk territory. the preferential transportation program was initiated by the president back in 1913. are tickets available for far eastern residents to which destinations? anna leonova found out everything. exactly at 7 a.m. khabarovsk time aeroflot opens sales, in the company's everything is calm at the agency. huge queues , hype around subsidized tickets, waiting lists, all this is a thing of the past. the day before , aeroflot distributed messages asking passengers. purchasing tickets is easily available through the website or mobile application, so in difficult situations it is better to limit visits to the office or use a mask. two retired friends are planning their upcoming vacations, are already dreaming of moscow museums and st. petersburg’s white nights, and are calculating that they will save a lot by buying a ticket at subsidies. we are very, how to say, glad that there is such an opportunity for subsidized tickets. because after all, we are pensioners.
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aeroflot offers tickets for sale under two programs at once, initiated by president vladimir putin. for those with far eastern registration, while moscow is available, the price has not increased for several years. the carrier has not yet made a decision on the opening of st. petersburg. as soon as star was announced, i immediately picked up the phone, this is now as convenient as possible. aeroflot app, i bought a ticket, no problems. reduced tariffs are for young people under 23 years of age and pensioners. fly away. from khabarovsk you can go in seven directions, students of the academy of physical education buy tickets instead of couples, some go home, others dream of getting to the basketball league in the capital. in general, it would be great to go, let’s say for only 14,000 round trip you could save the same 6,000 rubles. i can fly home for 1.00 rubles. i live in mohalina. you need to remember that the number of tickets is limited to no more than four per year per passenger, this is in order so that as many people as possible can benefit from the subsidy.
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today, only the airline has opened sales, in the coming days we expect the inclusion of other carriers that are undergoing selection procedures, and this year five carriers participated in the program, which means there will be more destinations where far easterners can fly , resorts, sochi and mineral waters will definitely appear . anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. another regular sea line connected st. petersburg with china and the countries of southeast asia. container ships cars, spare parts and products will arrive once every two weeks, and the first ship with foreign cargo was met by our correspondent sergei nechai. a historical moment, the lids of the triums are open, the first ship that arrived at the port of st. petersburg along the new container line is ready for unloading, huge cranes deftly pick up multi-ton containers, tractors are already waiting for them on the ground, and then the road to the logistics centers. the cargo arrived from china,
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the captain was stern and taciturn, the crew set sail from the port of nansha in the first half of november, the team overcame storms and ice, all in order to end up in the northern capital. ships from southeast asia will arrive in st. petersburg on average every 2 weeks. the first container ship brought cars of chinese brands, various equipment, auto parts and food. fertilizer raw materials will be sent for export via the new sea line from the northern capital. and build materials. the opening of the new line was celebrated according to maritime tradition, by breaking the abortion with a bottle of champagne. people in st. petersburg were waiting for this event. the largest port on the baltic after the escalation international situation, was actually left without regular sea container transportation. we have quite serious difficulties in transporting capacity to the east by rail; we need it, we, i mean, the western part of the country.
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alternative types of delivery are needed - cargo of goods, and here container lines, such - comparatively - smaller ships, they make it possible to deliver. from southeast asia containers to st. petersburg. last year, leading ocean carriers began to close operations in the russian direction, at the same time trying to remove all their containers from our country. cargo turnover with the port of st. petersburg fell almost five times. st. petersburg is one of the ports that suffered more from the loss of container lines; they simply left the russian port in a short time. accordingly, we survived. some difficult times, but they were able to survive by replacing them with other cargo, individual cargo ships moored, but a new, established service was needed to replace the collapsed old logistics chains. previously, goods from asia arrived at the ports of germany, belgium and the netherlands, and from there the containers
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were sent to the northern capital. now the route is direct through the suetsky canal, this saves on average 10 days of travel. transshipment in europe is being minimized. time was wasted there, therefore, now the route is direct, in fact, transit time is being reduced, risks are minimized, and the route goes much faster than further than through europe. the port promised to work to increase supply volumes and expand their geography; flights from india and arab countries are expected emirates. next year they plan to test the movement of cargo along the northern sea route; container ships from st. petersburg with russian exports on board will sail along it. sergey nichay, evgeny rakov, andrey tarasov and galina romenskaya, vesti petersburg. the damaged high relief and the victory parade on manezhnaya square in moscow will be restored in the very near future. this was reported by the department of cultural heritage. now specialists are preparing a mold for casting
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the lost element. let me remind you that unknown vandals stole the head of marshal's horse rakosovsky. vitaly karmazin met with the author of the monument. people's artist of russia vladimir surovtsev carefully brushes the snow off his creation, but it was not the precipitation that forced the sculptor to come to okhotny row. the high relief dedicated to the victory parade of 1945 was damaged, and the head of the sculpture of the horse on which marshal rokosovsky sits was missing. for any artist, his work is like a child, when she is offended, of course you cannot help but worry. the author himself, a man who has been using bronze for a long time, assures to work with a hacksaw is not...
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it is unfortunate that the one who committed the outrage was found, this is a memory not only of this parade, it is a memory of everyone who died, and there were 26 million of them. now muscovites are outraged over who could have spoiled garilyev’s celebration of the victory. we remember this, we honor this, who
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did this, i don’t even know what to call this person. the investigative committee opened a criminal case; the entrance to a large one is located near the scene of the incident. shopping center, where people walk day and night, but apparently a key role in the investigation will not even be played by the testimony of eyewitnesses, but by video surveillance systems and cameras dotting the entire area. in the meantime , the investigation is underway, the sculptor surovtsev promises to restore the high relief, he has already contacted the foundry, all that is needed from the author is the sketches that he prepared a year ago. and already today molds are being made for casting the lost elements - in the near future moskvech. they promise to make it before the new year. vitali karmazin, georgy statnik, news. losiny ostrov will retain the status of a national park after the transfer a quarter of the territory under the control of moscow.
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this will be monitored by an expert group that will be created under the department of natural resources. about what will change in losiny ostrov after receiving a residence permit in the capital. alexey knor. what do you feed them with, grain, grain, hay, grain, hay, yes, how often, every day, there are miracles here, moose wander here, sika deer come to the feeders, like a swede. losiny island 12.00 hectares of almost untouched forest. hundreds of years ago, russian tsars hunted here; since then, the boundaries of the massif have practically disappeared. have changed. in the eighties of the last century, the territory received the status of a national park. around the same time , deer appeared here. about half a century ago , 13 spotted far eastern deer were brought to the territory of the national park. and now you see how much the livestock has grown. today, about 220 animals live here. the moose population is also growing , largely thanks to the work of the biological station
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. nature here on lasin island are left alone. wounded abandoned animals are nursed and released into their natural environment, where they easily adapt. of all, only local star dina returned. she was found 8 years ago on the podnarovsky highway, treated and released, but the red herit decided that she had better food here. everyday life, a real hint for the future mistress of the water supply system and getting to know the peasant's
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house, okay, here we have a doll, here we have a little cast iron, yeah, how can we cook porridge, how much cereal to pour, how much to pour water, we have an assistant, a tipster , well, we pour cereal up to the waist, and pour water up to the head, but perhaps one of the most important changes is that about a quarter of the national park becomes... of course, the status of a specially protected natural area remains. national park city management we are talking about that part that remains a national park, none of which is located within the borders of moscow, and construction, housing construction is not planned there, and most importantly, is not allowed by law. essentially, this is a legal formality. the city has long been caring for the capital’s part of the losiny ostrov national park. alexey knor, alexander kucherovsky, mariana pepanyan, lead. thousands of tourists. now they are going to altai to see one of the wonders of nature, swan lake. the water in it does not
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freeze even in severe frosts; huge flocks of graceful white birds, as well as wild ducks, fly there for the winter. this poultry farm has existed for half a century; every year almost 30.00 people become its guests. our film crew looked there. report by anna bichurina. lake bright in altai region. for 50 years, whooping swans have been wintering here, the reason lies in the secret of the lake, because of the numerous springs it does not freeze, the swans first flew here in 1967, then their flock consisted of only 15 individuals, today there are about 800 of them here, the picture is incredible, swans gracefully move through the water, on such a frosty sunny day in the haze of steaming water they look like a magical mirage, swans are accustomed to... the main food in the natural environment is
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algae, but on the bright lake the birds have a more delicious life, every day the huntsman feeds them oats, we bought 25 tons for this winter , it’s forbidden to feed birds with bread, flour can cause digestive problems, we’ve already taken food, we’re feeding it, now there are already more of them, it’s beautiful, i like swans, they’re beautiful, i’m here, well, no came for the first time. but they will come again, i don’t regret that they came here, that i’ve been dreaming about it for a long time, that i finally got there, i’m very impressed, i really like everything. with the onset of frost , there were more birds on the pond; in addition to swans, ducks can be seen in the water. thanks to the warm keys, the water temperature stays at +5 all winter. this year, as always , whooper swans fly to the russian tundra for their wintering grounds. more swans are expected this year, why? because
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they fly away to nest in the north of russia, they fly back with their offspring, this is a wild bird, that is, in nature you can’t get close to it, but during the winter, please, you can practically reach it with your hand, from november to february is the only time in altai, when you can watch swans in their natural habitat, but this year the birds flew to at the end of october, ornithologists note, birds are guided by weather conditions, and not by the calendar. this year , an observation deck was built for guests of the lebedinny reserve, from here you can take good pictures, and in a warm room, visitors can drink hot tea from... charge your phone. local residents note: swans live and winter where there are good people, the birds themselves are evidence of eternal love, a symbol of the rebirth of a new life. anna bichurina, bayram alushkin, lead the altai territory. now, if you come to my house, first,
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what you will see is a door scratched by dogs. he could become zaol. or athletes. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old. we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. love is when you look in one
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direction. look, look, look, at least. look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign , we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, the most incendiary hits of discotheques, where are your hands, friends, i made speakers myself from plywood, put this speaker in there loud, the nineties, when there is some kind of fashion movement, everyone makes this movement hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr. i decided to
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return a day early, i want to surprise anton . look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear, i wonder why i'm a man? i would like to live my whole life with such a woman. oops, what should i do now? you are sello and out of your mind, what are you talking about now? yes, she is good enough to be your mother. is the boy really so good that it has blown your mind, i love him, i would love to live, i wouldn’t ruin his life, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back to erter on saturday, we are watching to explore the world,
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educational programs and documentaries . my family, i missed my brother, once as a boy he wanted to fly, it turns out that this is possible, when i come to the circus, i always cry there, turn the earth faster, blue bird, anniversary season,
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sunday on rtr a new overland grain corridor has opened in transbaikalia. 70 million tons of grain worth 2.5 trillion rubles, this is how much agricultural products from the urals, far east and siberia will be delivered to china in 12 years. this is the largest contract in history. alexey kelevro has details of the implementation. russia has begun to implement the twelve-year contract for the supply of sima, signed in beijing at the one belt, one road forum.
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russia, china. up to 500 tons of raw materials are placed in temporary granaries; there are 16 of them here, and in general the throughput capacity of this terminal is 8 million grains per year. we accept grain, it is unloaded and, with the help of conveyors, delivered to our silos, if we place it in temporary storage at a preferential rate. and so we have a direct line from the receiving device directly to the dispensing device, unloading and sending takes place through the chinese railway
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track, which is part of a large transport corridor, the first so far the world's only overland grain logistics facility. in 2025 , they plan to double grain turnover, especially for this purpose... and in yakutia, an ice crossing across the lena river was opened. at the moment it is the only one in the region. rescuers have already checked the presence of signs along the route and especially the thickness of the ice, which now reaches 80 cm. for now , vehicles weighing no more than 3 tons are allowed to pass. weight control and video recording points operate around the clock. report by vitaly prokopyev. opening the road of life for yakutia - event long-awaited. the khatasy pavlovsk winter road is completely ready for work. the signs are in place,
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the driveways are smooth, and cars are waiting to take off on the frozen river. in just a few minutes it will be decided whether fate will reveal itself or not. the first people who wanted to cross to the other side had already gathered at the otatsy pavlovsk crossings. the barrier is still closed, now specialists will work on it. measurements of ice thickness will then make everything clear; contractors, gins inspectors and road department employees will be on site before allowing vehicles to move along the ice route, a thorough check is needed, documents, landmarks and all necessary signs must be installed from coast to coast. to make sure that the important transport artery is fully prepared, the inspectors are the first to go onto the ice; the right bank of the lena is also equipped, but without... across
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the lena river in the direction of khatasa nizhny bestyakh. c the ice crossing officially opens with an ice load of up to 3 tons. also, on both sides, as well as on the side of the city of yakutsk, as well as on the side of the megina-kongolatsky district, there is a weight control, drivers can drive up to the weighing station, the thickness of the ice here varies from 35 to 80 cm, enough to support three-ton cars, but the shortcomings have yet to be eliminated. there are some bumps on the forwarder, but we are not stopping work now. the contracting organization will beat off these irregularities and fill the hummocks. in the future, experts say
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, everything depends on the weather; the colder it is outside, the faster new layers of ice will freeze, which means they will increase the permitted tonnage of cars when the region again severe frosts will strike. vitaly prokopiev, hilarion fedorov, leading yakutia. well, all the news is always there. can be found on the media platform we look in the application or on the website. we have everything by this time, see you later. rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia. on every screen of the planet, the loudest premieres flew,
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how did i get here, huh? are you having a corporate party? who are you? do you know bender well? you don't need a motive for a cunning murder, what was that on the strip? i don’t know, dog, i think these tv series are exciting, we’re putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks are not lucky, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared. as if i’m not me, unfortunately , neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let’s agree in advance, you are the coach, i player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please, read, i can’t read, turn on the music , blogger, hope.
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what is more difficult: becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, and it’s both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite and not betray anyone, no matter what happens. live story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. cutting-edge documentary. and now the russian flag federation rises above the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes.
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without which it is impossible to imagine russia, only on the rtr planet channel.
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i am the. pian plunged headlong into the affairs of the theater, and the musketeer of all times, mikhail boyarsky , takes care of his home and grandchildren, while both of them once admitted that they were making up for lost time, but once upon a time mikhail boyarsky was very afraid of losing his male freedom, and even, when i really fell in love, i couldn’t decide to take a serious action. larisa lupianna had to give him a hard time condition, either they diverge, or go to the legislature.
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boyarsky has more than 150 film roles to his name, including work in films beloved by viewers: dog seing, hussar's matchmaking, eldest son and many others. alimov, ivan fedorovich, decent girls on the streets do not meet kusars. loskutkov and lisa. lisa, but his greatest fame came from his roles in dartagnan’s films the three musketeers and midshipmen forward.
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the fourth part of the goradamarines 1787 peace the fifth part of the goradamarines 1787 war. we all remember very well that the hero of the boyar debrilly was killed. however, as the actor says , he took life, so we met, the last russian, bravo, fate gave me a chance to take revenge, it’s a pity that i didn’t inoculate you there, in the swamps, the mystic, one day they will rise again to await their mortal enemy, december 26 popularly the artist of the rsfsr mikhail boyarsky is turning 74 years old, in general it is not customary to congratulate him on his birthday in advance, but we still prepared a gift for him, which we ask not to open ahead of time, only i will show you what we prepared for mikhail sergeevich for december 26,
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here is the burgundy canal, here is the anjou canal. how did the actor’s flirtation with french girls end during his foreign tour? to what frenchman did soviet cinema seem like the real france? what will he prefer today, the famous french croissant or sprat with black bread, with lightly salted cucumbers, and how after 35 years his hero de brillie managed to resurrect, this is the fate of a person, the fate of mikhail boyarsky, michal serge, thank you, i am very, very glad to see you , however, i sincerely say that this is not the first time you and i have met in this studio. thank you for this, thank you, thank you for the invitation, thank you, thank you, and we are meeting now in the days when the gordomarins are marching all over the country again, this is something incredible, of course, 35 years ago the first ones came out, and now
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the fourth is already underway the fifth part, and you once joked to yourself that you were twice a frenchman of soviet cinema, but the ratagnans de brillies were afraid again, you yourself said somewhere that this would be like entering the same river. there is always a risk that the next part will be worse than the previous ones, and they will inevitably compare, do not be afraid to enter this one again river, i didn’t, because we were all under the leadership of svetlana sergeevna’s squad, and she knows a lot about continuations of series, that ’s why my heart was calm, she doesn’t let the artists act badly, of course, time passes, and de brilia is already under 90. but nevertheless, we have to work beyond our limits to look for ranks and energy in order to please our dear svetlana sergeevna, when you arrive at the site, it feels like you have come to
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your own family, because mukasey is there, druzhinino is there, kharatyan is there, domagarov, there a huge number of wonderful artists that svetlana sergeevna knows how to select , every time you come, it’s like... well, for a holiday, they killed you, they killed de brilie at the end of the previous one, sergeevna, she resurrected me, he’s just as angry, he’s trying to be in love, despite his age, and the goon is, naturally, a midshipman , it’s not difficult to enter this river, he hated midshipmen in the first episode and in the last episodes he hates it as well, but it turns out... every time, this is such a negative character that i very handsome, you still have a masculine element in him, because he, like all city marins, is a leader, but a leader with negative qualities, the atmosphere, 35 years have passed, everyone
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has matured a lot, both dmitry karatyanny and you, well, everyone, absolutely, that 's it, we had to fight with him, again, despite the fact that our strength... was not the same, but we fought honestly, like two men who want to kill each other, and there are scenes where we are with him on the bank of a cliff kneading each other to the fullest, this is the very scene you said about now mikhail sergeevich, put it down,
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pray, leave him, we are all alive together, but there is only one in front of us. lonely old man , let him know that russians are not savages, not barbarians, as he called us, let them know that russians know how to defend themselves and win, defeated, but not defeated, but how much power, how much strength is in this scene, of course, mukasey is a genius, this great cinematographer. to whom not only battle scenes are subject, but also such subtle
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psychological drawings, especially in the film where he filmed rolan bykov and stegneev, this scene, which i watched hundreds of times and also i’ll keep watching, because it was mukasey’s eye that saw it all and passed it on to us, it’s amazing, thank you tolya, and they’re also incredible. both of them have a relationship with each other, like the squad and mukase, this is a separate playa whenever they are with each other. yes, i, of course, am very grateful to fate that she brought them together, i can’t say that these are old-world landowners, far from it, they are young, it’s fantastic, it ’s a mystery of nature, how can one be young and energetic for so long, that’s something incredible, wonderful couple i'm with with pleasure,
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makeeva took my heart, of course i use her for my own diplomatic purposes, but nevertheless, this is a fox, alice a cat, briskly. in the french version, we are such terrible people, and you have an explanation why at one time, because the first guardsmen came out, it was perestroika in the yard , that’s all, and the old world, the old country was collapsing, and at that time suddenly this story about how fate and homeland are united is such a great success.
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and it seems to me that just as dunaevsky breathed the soul into the film in the musketeers, so did lebedev, in the first episodes, this is his merit, well , come on, since you yourself led to this fragment, practically put it, remember, those proud marines, in my old garden, lanfra years. my dove, there are dreams hanging
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, lanfren, lanfra, on all the branches, dove, lanfran, lanfra, lantatita, there is a fresh stream, the grass is thick, the bed of lilies of the valley is empty, fly to my garden, dove, we are a light dream, lanfren, lanfra, let's pluck from a heavy branch how sweet it is, lanfren, lanfra, such dreams are so rare, lanfrenlan franland tata, but sweeter than your sleep. and rose a dove falls from a bush,
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onto your chest, what a feeling you have every time, the years go by, this is also interesting, you remember this, sad memories, it’s good to be a person whom he sees now and here, that’s how he is, and i look at how i am was, everyone was looking at me. compares what he was like, what he became, it’s not a very pleasant feeling , everything goes by so quickly that you don’t have time to look back, and you’re not at all like that, when i see the last episodes, this is closer to me than the guy i i almost don’t know anymore, he also ran naked, now god forbid
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i should run naked somewhere, but back then it was still normal, maybe. twice the frenchman of soviet cinema again repeats what you said to yourself, and how you got into the frenchman, you remembered somewhere that you even.
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brelgi, you, well, you weren’t internally embarrassed , so, well, it’s clear, dartagnan was there 10 years, 10 years before, and now again the french are suggesting that they follow the cliche, but no, de brily tried a large number of artists , but since the role is really winning, there are chases, love, death, the song is wonderful, the costume is perfect, the french beginning, “she offered me this role as a gift, she called and said: “misha, you will soon have a wonderful role, it has nothing to do with dartagnan, he’s just a frenchman, but completely different, and i was, of course
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, how can i tell you, proud that she refused everyone else, there were a very large number of worthy artists, i received this role, with such a mood, with such gratitude to her, because the music was wonderful, and the partners fantastic, and my main friend, vladimir yakovich ballon, who played my servant, is my close friend, here he is, my dear desusak, when he was nearby, i was not afraid of anything, i knew that he would always help me out, help me, advise me, on the other side of the camera, squad and mukasish, what else is needed for happiness, but dartagnan might not have happened, mikhail sergeevich , doratana this year, by the way, is also the 45th anniversary, yes, if not, perhaps, yes, i lost track of time, i’m already getting confused, because
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kharatyan and many other artists starred in the musketeers, and then i, who am i today, the wilds or me, dartagnan, kharatyan, korshik and... or louis, damn it, everything got mixed up like that, but that’s the mood, that nostalgia that is inherent in the musketeers not only according to the plot of dumas, and regarding the relationships that were on the set, they are remembered with great joy , igor is no longer there, it’s very sad, there is no cylinder, many are gone, some are no longer there, and those are far away, well, then the atmosphere on... the set was kind of gambling, crazy, and dumas was such an easy writer that his words weren’t like a sip of champagne, what wouldn’t he say? one for everyone, but the whole world knows it’s all for one, if it’s given to you to say this, you
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pulled out a lottery ticket, but no one bothers us in this atmosphere, thanks to the film today again - dive at least for a few moments, hey, endless, athos, partos, aramiz, and daganyan, one for all, and all for one, this gesture was invented by georgy emilievich, yunkelkevich, mishka, what kind of gesture could they have, a gesture that unites their four, i say.
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the guard, on duty, i did not allow anyone to approach her, i protected sasha’s honor,
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according to the script, i have kisses with her, but in basically it all comes down to the fact that she slips out of his arms every time, where is he looking all the time, can’t kiss him, and as for irochka alfirova, but a very affectionate person, very modest, on the set. a large number of men came running to look at alferova, to look at her live, at this beauty with charming curls with huge eyes, in a beautiful dress, i stood guard next to her, but still one broke through, rushed to the cell where alfero stood kissed her on the lips with all his might, they immediately flew up the guards tied him up and took him to the police station. i told irochka, you understand, he acted as only a normal man can act, let them not let him go, with her
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consent the man was released, but why didn’t you hit him in the face, or that’s it, i wanted to do that myself, then you would have killed everyone long ago, but in the movies you could do with her practically what you wanted, well , please put it on, just one scene, you say, i was like a guard on duty, but you can’t tell from this scene at all, uh... "excuse me, how can i thank you, oh, young man, you saved not only me, yes, i am only doing what any man would do, in my place, i must run, where, away from this house, now people will return here, oh, the cardinal met with people, this not afraid, you have nothing to fear when dartagnan is next to you, i beg you, stay
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with me for at least 5 minutes, brave young man, under certain circumstances, 5 minutes is five centuries, i beg you, i must leave, but where when will i see you again, you really want to see the place, of course, if you are free, but i have a husband, a gomander, then i’m free. on your word, you can rely, where when i see you, leave, i promise that i will take care of everything myself, i am no longer there, you see what a correct dartanan man, first ask, then take advantage, that man acted more purposefully if dartanyan, dartanya... everything he wanted was allowed, he had to kiss him once, and then we’d figure it out, are you married or not, then it’s already a man’s conversation, but it was a long time ago, a long time ago, a long time ago,
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a long time ago 45. the kingdom of heaven is his, his he could have a grudge against you, he had every reason , firstly, because of what you are saying now, and secondly, because he was friends with the midge, friends with sashka, and i saw his screen test for dartagnan, he was more he looks like don quixote, he is much taller than me , and he was so long, and the sword is long, and he is long, and he was great at fencing, this can be seen in other films, but why was fate distributed in such a way that i played dartanyan, probably to me it seems that sashka didn’t really like to sing, that is, he sang well, he has a good ear, but this is what he offered dunaevsky, this was closer to me, so a deep bow to maxim, because his music made the film colorful, there are so many
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diverse feelings, but still your voice. and the songs you sang often literally saved the situation on dartagnan’s set, you will now understand what i’m talking about, put on this scene, please, pain, cracks, skirmishes, swords, horses, and a riotous feast from the fight to the chase, and a moment of love. and a moment of holy ardor, the hand caressed, and the soul loved, and the meeting, the odd one, simple luck, there was love, and there was everything is different, but among my friends i feel like nothing.
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we recorded , wait, it’s recorded, well, it seemed to me that after all, the main characters of this scene are dunaevsky and ryashintsev, because anyone could sing and walk along the corridor too, but only dunoevsky and ryashintsev could write poetry and music, this is not only in this song, but especially this one. mikhail sergeevich, let’s take a break now to talk about how the main frenchman of soviet cinema saw the real france. in a few minutes. next in the program. how the soviet musketeers bypassed the french. us invited to the opening of a monument to the musketeers, which were made in the image of our musketeers. smekhov, starygin, smernitsky and your mining servant. and what disappointed the country's main dartagnan at the french feast? a long black table, they put
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a bottle of wine. two apples, such a banquet, look in a few minutes, blue bird. anniversary season, sunday on rte, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. for every cool he will find an even cooler fighter, you fell in love with them
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, who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time. beauty, repin, the whole team, only on the platform, look, many of you, the first thing you wake up, check your mail, and i, of course, am no exception, goddess, i opened the champagne, the temperature is high, happiness. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i rested for a week in a skirt, ate vlazia, you are at the address, here they will cheer up everyone, i want
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to read, please read, i don’t know how to read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such money from my wife so that on the air of the morning mail and i am its host nikolai bak. the most positive: morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sundays on rtr. i would like to invite you to watch an amazing sunrise. he proposed to me on our first date. and you agreed. my heart is restless, nin, you need to go to the farm, what happened to volodya, i hurt myself, this is her fate, girls, she was charmed by loneliness, black widow
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, there is always a talisman against any curse, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will wait for me, i’m scared, all the men who they marry me, then they die. nothing will happen to me, everything just collapsed. svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, plot for loneliness, premiere, saturday on rtr, the most incendiary hits of discotheques, where are your hands, friends? i made the speakers myself from plywood and inserted this loudspeaker there.
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the fate of a person, the fate of mikhail boyarsky , twice a frenchman of soviet cinema, that’s what we called ourselves, after all, which is dearer and closer to you, mikhail sergeevich, here are two tables, well, here is russian yakun, because caviar, sprat, pickles, meat pies , you recalled somewhere that when you were a student , you simply ate them, yes, well, there is french cuisine, snails, of course, croissants. and of course, russian cuisine is closer to me, much more, i love it when there is little food and it is delicious, i
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would prefer it to any restaurant feast, especially a banquet, at home alone with my wife, fried potatoes, delicious bread, yes , perhaps that’s all, it’s good to have a snack, chat, great, no need to clean up extra dishes, a lot of washing up. it’s necessary, you don’t need to see off guests , you don’t need to go anywhere at home, you don’t need to get behind the wheel , turn on the tv, turn off all the programs , you’re talking again, miracles, and the conversation will be about grandchildren, about grandchildren, this one, and look at that one, look, look, wow, what a wonderful evening, because we still haven’t gotten tired of each other.
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the story that she has to live up to, what else happens: days births, anniversaries, premieres , that’s actually all those feasts that are generally formal, it’s not at the call of the heart, but out of necessity, i ’m almost never present there, i’m waiting for her to come home, she ’ll come after the banquet, that’s when the moment when we are together and the most pleasant thing begins, she will tell me what the banquet was like, how tasteless it all was, how boring they were...
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or cheerful guests, we’ll talk, speculate, and then about the grandchildren, you are mikhail serge, although you chose the russian table now, but france was still very dear to you, you do you remember your very first visit to paris, france, what was it like? yes, of course, i came on tour for the first time with the lensovet theater in paris, and it was for me. a very serious milestone, because i had never been to a capitalist country, i didn’t have any money, i had daily allowances, it was pennies, in paris i could only buy myself a beatles record and i wanted to watch a movie with the beatles, but i’m a beatlemaniac , i walked for a long time, did not sleep in paris, it was a great pleasure, because i had never been...
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everyone had a strange desire to buy foreign things, but thank god , there was little money, so you can’t really go wild, but i saw paris as it should be, now this is already, i was already in paris for the fifth time, and the sixth , and the tenth , there was nothing particularly interesting there , there were solid strikes, we couldn’t get through, we couldn’t get through, we were received in paris by louis barrault, we played
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a play there, and after the last performance, igor petrovich vladimirov, alisa bruprenik, the whole troupe, invited jean louis barro on farewell banquet. jean louis barrault came with a translator, a long black table, they put a bottle of wine, two apples, this is a banquet, we all did. there are stage workers, artists vladimirov , thank you very much for the welcome, we are very happy about our creative friendship, nitrovich, guys, quickly, who has what for the table, all the stage workers ran to their corners, everyone brought a bottle of vodka, artists, everyone , some with caviar sandwich, some with sausage, some with canned food, before our eyes this table turned into a banquet, a luxurious table on which they could talk
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, knock out, the french guests began to drink and said thank you very much and to our applause, thank you very much, eat the frogs, goodbye, and you probably went to all these other places of dartagnan, of course, yes connected with dumas, that was later, because then, when i was in paris for the first time, i didn’t even want to think about any dartagnan, the most important thing was to return successfully from the tour, which we actually did, and... then the script has already arrived at the theater, on which igor petrovich wrote: "free time from work" it was the scenario of the three musketeers, and then i went to... paris, there was already an excursion dedicated only to the musketeers, we were taken to all the places, treated to burgundy, anjou, there was a duel here, here with constance, here detil lived , here they fought a duel, and then we were invited to the opening of a monument to the musketeers, which were made in
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the image of our musketeers, smekhov, starygin, smirnitsky and your mountain servant, but unfortunately. and i couldn't go as well the guys were there, they brought a photograph, indeed, in the village of condom there is a monument to a musketeer, that’s what it is, and over the years france and paris have changed a lot, of course, of course, of course, firstly, the crazy interest that was in foreign countries, abroad, disappeared, i so wanted to go to italy, i was in italy, i was in america, i, and now he says, let's go to... "no, thank you, guys, thank you, i'd rather go to komarovo or sesteretsk, well, as a last resort, to moscow to see friends, here already, we used to go for clothes, but now no one needs these clothes, and the cars are not needed, maybe someone needs them, i don’t
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, i ended my trip abroad because it’s better here, i’m just calmer here, i’m among my people.. "i like living here, that's all i wanted to say about this, i adore travelers, it's probably great to take a ride on some beautiful, snow-white liner through some beautiful cities, well , this should be done in your youth, then when your still fresh imagination makes you imagine that you are on some schooner, then you oh, türkiye, spain, italy. greece , now it’s enough to imagine, well, i’m in greece, well, yes, well, yes, now in america, okay , it’s 10 hours to get back, yes, well, no, thank you very much, i’d rather go on foot, and the very, very
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last trip was there with my grandson , with your family, remember that you showed him how it was, i was not the initiator of these trips, i celebrated my grandson.
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from there too, yes, uh, we bought our first hat there, yes, i brought it from paris, yes, i don’t remember which city, and before that it doesn’t matter, hats were sold on the embankment, we left tourists from the bus, and my god, what good and cheap hats, oh, this will suit me, i worked in this hat for several years, until we opened a salon in st. petersburg in which the hats were better, now come to us from paris. to buy our st. petersburg hats, it turns out in france, in some sense , they are obliged by the fact that this image is what is permanent, yes, partly yes, but this is all external, internal everything is much more complicated, i envy those who know how to travel,
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i envy , firstly, you need to have a good mood, complete freedom and some kind of presence some... small money that will allow you not to feel constrained, when you can take a taxi, go to a restaurant and not not look, but how much it costs, order what you want, admire, enjoy, return, return , the most enjoyable time, no matter where you go home, this is the most enjoyable. this year, mikhail sergeevich, you said something amazing; in general, you very rarely hear from people in your profession that you are ending your creative path, ending your career, let's talk about it. about what your life is filled with today, how you spend your time, what your grandchildren teach you, and how with your wife
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larisa lupyanovo, in a sense, they switched places in a couple of minutes, okay, look further, french passions in the house of mikhail boyarsky , your theater, what good are you doing there , misha, well, what do you understand, you already regret something mikhail boyarsky, i did too much in my life that was superfluous and unnecessary, watch right after... after the advertisement, you’ll still tell me what you glow like it's a new year it's always a new year to work with you , it's a premiere, someone has appeared in your office, tell me, my last name is karaboy, no, well, of course you can draw some conclusions, a competitor, maybe i don't understand anything, calm down, this is operational event, new secrets of the investigation from monday on rtr. you are looking at 100 to
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one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, who is any 7 and 8, 7 and 8, how many? those who are at work talk a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i'm an oak chop, don’t pinch, problems with water, light , housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on
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rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday. then good people reported that you got mixed up with moskvich. this girl, who is she anyway? random girl from a random city. and you have been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to be with anna talk, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i’ve only been with one person, max , what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live, according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on
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rtr, you don’t notice anything, you painted, no, what do you need, young, where is young, that’s it, that’s it, we’re ready , divorce us, i’m just a fisherman, contact my wife, she ’ll tell you what to do, where to go, friend i wrote, i’m in the picture, they transferred 50,000, i transferred it, now i’m in the picture, i’m raising all the outfits and 98% that we won’t catch anyone, a big country show, premiere, today on rtr, hello, he’s coming back, yes, oh, i miss you , sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, category, all seasons at once, an amazing person, just a talent to always be in the center of events. give yourself a new year's gift now. s
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klefosovsky. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. we, putin's troops. their videos are watched and discussed by millions. they they often record video messages with proposals to world politicians and famous people. a whole group of people from krasnodar who are actively involved in sports, help the disabled and teach youth patriotism. in russian, swing. oh, but you don’t speak russian. due to numerous requests from tv viewers, putin’s famous troops are on television for the first time. malakhov, today on rtr.
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you served with her there, you said that if she coped with me, then she could definitely cope with the theater, what did you mean, she coped with you, i meant her character, she is very a pedantic, obliging person who , if she takes on something, then finishes it, so i realized that she found her place in the theater, as... an artistic director, she is busy every day, and this gives her strength, adds health, youth, she feels in her place, she is treated well in the corpse, in the city she is treated with respect, and i believe that this is therapy that supports her in this life, that’s what concerns
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me, a completely different option , i have no passion, i don't want anything. like her, i don't i want to play new roles, i don’t want to star in a new film , especially when they offer a thirty-forty episode film, thank you, if they offer an episode, thank you, i’ll think about whether it’s worth it or not, i ’ve done too much in my life that is superfluous and unnecessary, so if if you take on something now, it’s only after thinking through whether it’s worth doing, whether the viewer needs it, sometimes students offer me to act, i more often agree, because i’m not a rich person.
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i treat with love and respect what she does, she goes to the theater in the morning, she comes it’s late, so when i’m sitting alone , at home, well, well, i read, smoked, smoked some more, smoked some more, other than that i don’t have anything to do, and i know that this is my main job, to take care of my grandchildren, because to prove my worth , who needs it,
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what is the point in this, listen, you are serious, i just know, people. your profession, they often hold on to the stage until their death, but cannot leave, if they do this, it means they need it, it means it makes sense for them, because this is their life, so i think in another way, as an athlete you need to know your limit, i have great respect for those artists who play all the way. but with a great sense of understanding i relate to those who say: well, no, thank you, that’s enough , no one needs this anymore, after all, you need to feel sorry for the viewer, there is no point in them going to the fact that the expiration date has already expired, if necessary, to play a decrepit old man in a madhouse, you can offer such a role, well, whether
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the artist agrees or not, but if it is necessary like this, of course... it makes sense when, in addition you, no one can do this anymore, but playing donquixote for 80 years , there is no point in it, he won’t hit any mill anymore, how many grandchildren do you already have? five, this is a very good number, which suits me quite well, but of course we won’t tell you right away with them, when there are five of them, you don’t have time to pay attention to everyone, when they come one by one, two at a time, it’s much simpler here, i know their tastes, i know their... characters, i know that they are probably born only from gadgets, they are all sitting on these phones like crazy, and even the guests came, come, yeah, and sat down, and the guests we don’t need neighbors, boys and girls, there ’s something there, they’re just, what happiness when we go to the dacha, where they go out onto
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the green lawn, and there they’re trying to play something, but at home it’s terrible, but i'm trying to play with them. chess, i try to read books to them, but they come to me, they help me find a program on the computer, they are advanced, young, there is a very big risk. well, this generation gap that you won’t understand them, well, grandpa is old, yes, he needs help, turn on the tv, set it up program, they know everything, grandfather can really take them somewhere else, they are not driving yet, but grandfather can buckle them up and take them to mom, dad to sports competitions, to football , after all, this is a profession good, grandfather, you understand, grandfather, this is such happiness, one calls me grandfather, but not grandfather, not grandfather, grandfather, he treats me seriously, another grandfather, another grandfather, everyone
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treats me differently, but i love it when they call me grandfather, it’s such an amazing title, there is such a thing, mikhail sergeevich, that you are now giving to your grandchildren what you didn’t have time to give, maybe even give it to your children because you didn’t have time for them, well, there’s probably some simple truth in this, but larisa compensated for all my absences on tour, she was always with them, i was a breadwinner, i did the right thing, i got money within the possible limits that i was capable of, and it was not necessary, don’t bother doing this and that we had powers distributed equally to everyone ours, now in this regard we have, well how can i tell you? the age to harvest, autumn, but a wonderful, fertile autumn, when we can enjoy the charming blessings that
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life has prepared for us, thank god that we have this opportunity, i have a gift for your grandchildren that can be a distraction them from gadgets, and... well, just take a look, wow, this is a board game, this is amazing, thank you very much, dartagnans, the three musketeers, i will play this, for sure, it’s clear to me, this is from my childhood, i adored such games, thank you, they will like it, what do you think, i can’t say anything , the worst thing is childhood disappointment , there is a gift for you, what kind of grandfather, i had a case, i have one grandson, grishenko, he
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asked me the first question, grandfather, there is a gift, maxim, grisha, stop begging your grandfather for gifts, lisa, come on, grisha, shame on you , you came to visit your grandfather, he says, why do you, eldest, andryusha, krisha, stop torturing your grandfather. anyway, he comes out of nowhere, grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, a gift, there is, there is, i, of course, understand that he doesn’t love me for the fact that i give him gifts, but i can’t even approach him without a gift, because i like it so much when he’s a child, he kicks out his mother, his dad kicks out his brother, a gift, when i bought him some kind of huge spider, like this, he loves such nasty things, spiders, worms, all sorts of monsters, horror, like this spider, this is such a holiday, grandfather, what a spider,
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hurray, and the joy in children's eyes, this is such a pleasure, here i am, mikhail sergeevich i couldn’t live without one more gift, it’s your birthday very soon, december 26th, and you know, they say it’s in advance. not congratulations, but firstly, we are not superstitious , so we really congratulate you, and secondly, listen , you know what, i have a request for you, can you bear with it and not open these boxes until the twenty-sixth, yes, please do it, and then you open it on the twenty-sixth, and well, let me know whether you somehow liked it or not, by all means, thank you very much, thank you, unfortunately, now, in my opinion, birthdays are not such a big holiday. as it was before, and even before, in general, i was calm, but with my grandchildren, i understand that, this is a holiday, because they they've been waiting for this since their birthday, and
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they're waiting for the new year, and they're climbing under the tree, they're sure to get gifts, of course, a good mood depends on the children, if you could turn to yourself today, mikhail sergeevich, that's when you were in... .at that age, almost like some of your grandchildren are today, what would you say today, to that misha, bear, take care of your parents.
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don’t let me down, the fate of a person, the fate of mikhail boyarsky, thank you, thank you very much, thank you everyone, you must, you will see the morning. with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, what a beauty, just taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you
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do you know why people count proteins as fats as carbohydrates? it’s fun to jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, food formula every saturday on rtr, on the rossiya vesti channel. in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. vanya showed his character. the center of russia is covered with snow. protki 10 points. in some places , classes in schools were even cancelled. attack of our su-34s in the kupinsky direction. lancets work at krasnolimansky. a french armored personnel carrier is burning in donetsk. all news is yours. an entire
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regiment of formidable yars took up... combat duty in the tver region. we have a report on how it happened. hungary blocked the allocation of 50 billion euros in aid to ukraine. orbán says he will not change his position. why did scholz send him out for coffee? the need for bridges in the stavropol territory, restoration of shibekin after shelling, adjustment of power supply in crimea. what problems, raised directly with the president, are the popular front now closely monitoring for resolution? and from the very beginning, cyclone vanya covered the whole of central russia with snow, this day promises to be the snowiest in half a century, giant snowdrifts, blocked roads, blocked traffic due to a large number of accidents on federal highways. all efforts of public utilities have been deployed to clean up the area ;
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classes in schools have been canceled in several regions, including in moscow and the region. where for during the night, almost a third of the monthly precipitation fell, drivers are asked to refrain from traveling by personal transport. about where the situation is now the most difficult, reports from our correspondents, alexander revunov and pavel prokopenko. cyclone vanya finished off voronezh utility workers. the roads of the regional center did not have time to be put in order after the previous snowfall, and now there is a new blow from the elements. there are dense traffic jams on the roads , there are not enough snow removal equipment for... millions in the city, in the courtyards there are exhaust pipes sticking out of the snowdrifts, cars are jammed suvs and trucks are blocked, suvs and trucks are skidding, some stores have empty shelves, there are products in the warehouse, but there is no time to deliver them to the addresses. question, where are the potatoes? an exhaust pipe sticks out of the snowdrift, many citizens were unable to leave their yards, went to work on foot, trampling paths in the snow, but public transport cannot cope with the increased load, coffins are growing in
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neighboring regions. in kursk , an orange danger level has been declared; today is self-training day in all schools; classes will be held in a remote format, traffic police officers are trying to prevent a traffic collapse, but the limited visibility of the snow track nullifies their efforts, there are many minor accidents in the city , it is now more convenient to move along the swept highways on skis or even a snowboard, nature has no bad weather, of all its joys, varle tram almost went off the rails because of the snow. that i got off, but the cars are slipping, there are many small accidents, in tula ambulance doctors cannot get to the sick, in lipetsk they are fighting with the elements with shovels to their advantage officials of the city administration came out, but this last reserve... is unlikely to improve the situation, everything that was on the move in the fleet of special equipment is now on the roads to koluga, but waiting for the tractor to clear the road in the yards in the near future is not worth it, so in many in the cities of chernozemia, people have self-organized and manually use shovels to try to get out of the snow trap.
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the situation is difficult now on the m4-don highway, the height of the snow cover is breaking records. according to meteorologists, there has not been such snowfall in the region for almost 50 years. alexander ivinov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shshum. news. vanya came to the capital, bringing with him 30 mm of precipitation, this is a third of the monthly norm, it could turn out to be a record for the last 60 years, of course, the most difficult situation on the city’s roads, everything is covered in snow, the traffic is very dense, morning traffic jams are 8 points, many motorists today in the morning they were unable to dig out their cars in the courtyards in the snowdrifts, those who did this, but did not calculate the time, were late for work,
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where ice immediately formed, utility services work in an intensive round-the-clock mode on the streets of 130,000 people and tens of thousands of units of special equipment , the most important task now is to remove snow in a timely manner, emergency teams of power engineers have been formed, but the cyclone did not cause problems with power outages today , moscow airports are operating as normal, it should be noted that vanya has already visited the south of russia, the central regions from rostov-on-don to kalugia on the m4 highway, motorists became prisoners of freezing rain. in the capital, vanya will stay with us for another day, on friday to saturday, the weather will not change significantly. the strongest snowfall, wind, gusty, blizzard, all
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this will accompany us for another 24 hours, by sunday it will all freeze and turn into ice, so the call of the capital’s department of transport to abandon personal vehicles seems quite logical, this will help reduce the accident rate. this night, attack drones attacked the military infrastructure of ukraine in the khmelnitsky, kharkov and poltava regions. on the zaporozhye front , an enemy infantry attack at verbovoy was repelled. in the donetsk direction, drone operators in the dugouts of the armed forces of ukraine are destroyed with precise drops of ammunition. and this is footage of the burning out. armored personnel carrier. su-34 fighter-bombers near kupinsk hit targets with guided high-explosive bombs. such a projectile after being dropped can fly about 60 km. on the approaches to gugledar
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, crews of towed d-30 howitzers fire at enemy fortifications. as the military themselves say, a 122 mm gun fires with the accuracy of a sniper rifle at a distance of up to 15 km. today in russia they remember journalists who died while performing professional duties. responsibilities. quite recently, our colleague and friend, vgtrk correspondent boris maksudov, passed away. he was mortally wounded while filming a report in a special operation zone. and of course, we will always remember igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, whose lives were cut short by shelling by ukrainian troops of the metalist village near lugansk. and also about all our colleagues.
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this footage was filmed by viktor denisov, the only survivor of the vgtrk group that worked in the village of metalist; journalists filmed the evacuation of civilians, the settlement was under constant fire from the ukrainian armed forces, on june 17 , 14 ukraine began mortar shelling again, sound engineer anton voloshin died on the spot, one of the shells exploded under his feet, special correspondent igor kornelyuk died in the hospital. school. in the metalist in the summer of 2014, it was almost completely destroyed by shells from the ukrainian army, it was restored by everyone: teachers, local residents of the all-russian state... the school
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was named after the victims igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, a museum was created here in memory of journalists, excursions are usually held children, anzhelika tsellikova herself dreams of becoming a correspondent in the future; the eleventh-grader decided on her choice of profession back in elementary school, when she learned about the work of journalists in her native village. this attracts me because i have a good example in journalism, these are our bosses. and really, honesty is always valued, as for me and for others - people, children, so it seems to me that this profession will always be needed. now schoolchildren, during breaks between lessons, are rehearsing events dedicated to the day of remembrance of journalists who died when performing professional duties, do not shoot at journalists; nothing can kill the truth.
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despite the fact that our faction is only the third in terms of the number of us (28 deputies), we confidently occupy second place in terms of the number of bills introduced; 200 of them were adopted this year. will soon become laws, this year for the first time , 29 of them have already adopted bills and 18 parliamentary hearings have already been held in the duma on small medium-sized businesses. towards solving the problems that have been raised russians on a straight line. since soviet times
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, electrical equipment has not been updated, as a result of constant network overload and power surges. as a combat veteran who addressed the president said, an ordinary electric kettle can cause a power outage in several houses at once. the popular front will ensure that local energy workers solve this problem. in the stavropol territory, after abnormal summer rainfall, bridges were destroyed in the area of ​​the village of kambulat. 2,000 people ended up on different banks of the river. to get to the clinic or school, you need to make a detour. 15 km on a broken road. the ambulance doesn't come now either. only after contacting the call center of the popular front, the solution to the issue finally moved forward. the bridges will be rebuilt. and in the belgorod region, on behalf of the president, the regional authorities
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, together with minan development, began to implement the idea of ​​​​creating a special economic zone in shibekino. the city suffered greatly from shelling from... the country of the ukrainian armed forces. word to nadezhda sviridova. this is part of the fence. consequences of ukrainian terror sergei skripnikov is still eliminating militants . in early june, buildings on his site were damaged by a direct hit from a hail shell. the slabs burst, the walls came off, and the blast wave cracked the load-bearing structures in the house and damaged the roof. our dog was killed there. we had a german. big, beautiful. the slate scattered, slate flew all over this area. in su they mercilessly hit residential buildings, buildings burned and collapsed, in this area alone there were over thirty damaged buildings, in just 2 years in the belgorod border area more than 11,000 apartments and private houses were damaged, most of them have already been restored. this is green street in novaya tavolzhanka, it is located at the very border with the neighboring
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state. today, almost every house here is under construction. during the massive summer attack by the ukrainian armed forces , the private sector suffered greatly. kievsky militants. the regime threw hundreds of shells into this territory, and this is shibeikina, all spring and early summer they searched for high-rise buildings and enterprises, the border city is one of the most industrialized in belgorod region, the damage is colossal, help is expected from the federal center, 500 million rubles from the country’s reserve fund were allocated for the development of industry, this became possible thanks to the participation of the president, today they are waiting for billion 200 million rubles from the ministry of industry. bargaining, another 400 million will be allocated by local authorities. now i have received a document from outside the government, and we are starting to work with the ministries; i will inform you about decisions as quickly as possible. the creation of a special economic zone in shebekino will stabilize the economic situation. the mechanism is primarily aimed
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reducing the tax burden, as well as reducing depreciation charges. in total , there are about 400 victims of the shelling of visubriya in the region. nadezhda sferidova, vladislav pluzhnik and vyacheslav podzolka, conduct the belgorod region. and then, a new regiment of formidable mobile yars will be deployed in the tver region. ukraine, it seems, will never receive 50 billion euros from the european union. and a big cultural event - the closing of the russian seasons in uzbekistan. don't go anywhere, we'll continue in a couple of minutes. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all last news. situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes, today on rtr.
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how much do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him? what is a strong family built on? the question is certainly interesting, based on love? what beautiful girls, i thought, he can do everything. for this a person lives, he must have a continuation. what a good conversation is built on is trust. i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning with my eyes. is on, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home, on sunday on rtr, it’s very beautiful,
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if you can’t get away from victor, i’ll arrange it for you, you don’t know him. i absolutely know that he loves me, the rest doesn’t matter to me, how strong you are, let’s go to my hut, i made you such a nice tea, i don’t want and can’t have you anymore. conspiracy for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we make three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas flow through edge. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally
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a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them in to your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, still tell me why you are glowing, as if you have a new year on the horizon, working with you is always a new year, premiere, you have someone, tell me, my last name, no, well, of course some conclusions can be drawn, a competitor, maybe i don’t understand anything, calm down, this is an operational event. new investigative secrets from monday on rtr. you watch the news, we
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continue. the strategic missile forces have completed the rearmament of the entire stopol mobile group on yarsa. the next regiment of modern intercontinental ballistic missiles for... combat duty in the tver region, for this purpose the appropriate infrastructure was built in the unit, and the military personnel passed special training at the plesetsk cosmodrome. report by our correspondent sergei samokha. under the russian tricolor and the flag of the strategic missile forces, the new yars mobile systems arrive in their native part. here combat vehicles are greeted with an orchestra. comrade of the guard regiments. the yars combat missile system has arrived for combat duty at the regiment's permanent deployment point. it is from here that mobile systems equipped with
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intercontinental ballistic missiles begin their movement, despite the enormous sizes. the main task of the installation is hidden movement over a vast territory. this column is always on the move, it conducts combat patrols as part of the balagovsky missile formation of the tver regiment of the rvs. literally the day before, this unit completed a huge technical stage of rearmament of still soviet topol missiles with completely russian mobile- based missiles. yars is a completely russian development, which is produced exclusively at enterprises of the russian military- industrial complex. in such a sensitive area as the country's nuclear shield is vitally important. rearmament for the intercontinental. the re
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-armament of our missile regiment as a whole is being completed, and this is a feeling of enormous responsibility. the balagov missile formation became the last in the country where new generation missiles were put on combat duty. now the entire mobile group of the strategic missile forces is continuously on combat duty from the irkutsk to the tver regions. in the mouth, in addition, the range has been noticeably increased. i had to overcome difficult areas of terrain, although it was
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shown that the equipment is capable of traveling a fairly long distance, and there are no obstacles for it. with an updated nuclear shield, the balogovsky missile formation division disappears into the tver forests. there is a long route ahead, lasting up to a month, everyone in this column knows why he is here, because even the essence of the work of the units. from israel to reduce the intensity of hostilities in gaza, as reported by the american media, citing senior officials in at the white house, the biden administration has made it clear to israeli prime minister netanyahu that it wants the idf to move to a lower- intensity phase of the war against hamas for several weeks now to minimize the number of civilian casualties in gaza. meanwhile
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, protests against the harsh actions of tel aviv continue throughout the world. hungary has blocked a $50 billion financial aid package for kiev. prime minister viktor orban announced this following the results of the first meeting of the eu summit, he said that will not change his position. european leaders will now return to this issue only next year. orban also called
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the decision to start accession negotiations with ukraine bad. to the european union. the day before , he demonstratively left the meeting room when this issue was discussed. the political publication writes that when the hours-long debate on kiev reached a dead end, chancellor scholz suggested that the hungarian prime minister go out for coffee and not return for a while. scholz's idea was that during this time, the remaining 26 eu leaders would unanimously approve the start of negotiations on membership of ukraine, but then orban will be able to. say i didn't vote for. in the united states, meanwhile, weapons for the kiev regime are running out, the pentagon said there is no more money, and now the defense department is faced with a choice: to ensure the security of the states or maintain the combat capability of the armed forces of ukraine. at the white house , press secretary karine jeanpierre confirmed that the united states will no longer be able to help ukraine unless congress allocates new funds, and this,
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apparently, will not happen. republicans who...control the house representatives, decided to go on christmas holidays and return only in mid- january. at the kursk-2 nuclear power plant under construction, installation of the dome of the second power unit has begun. the giant reinforced concrete structure must protect the reactor plant from extreme external influences. and the inner shell will prevent damage to the environment. such a double security loop. a distinctive feature of rosatom projects. the nuclear power plant will be equipped with four modern reactors, the first of which will start operating in 2025, the new the station will replace the existing kursk nuclear power plant, which is nearing the end of its service life. in tashkkent, at the palace of international forums of uzbekistan, the russian seasons solemnly closed. this evening
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the mariinsky theater symphony orchestra under the direction of valery gergiev and. applause and shouts of bravo, and after the end the audience did not let go of the artists for a long time under a storm of applause. russian seasons in uzbekistan opened back in may as part of a large-scale program. during the year , 40 different events were held in the republic, this concerts, performances, master classes and film screenings. and this evening on our channel there is a grand musical show “duets”. name. the artists don’t know at all with whom they are performing songs. the intrigue is revealed at the very last moment, vivid emotions and an incredible discovery today immediately after the big news, and from behind the scenes of the show is anton demidov, who will slightly lift the veil of secrecy. tonight is a new episode of the show "duets". as always, the artists do not even know with whom they are performing the song.
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one part of the stage is closed, so viewers also have the opportunity to guess. who sings your favorite hit? none of the artists knows in advance who they will perform with, but this does not frighten them; on the contrary, it inspires the heroes of the program. in general, i love this program because i can meet my old friends here, whom i haven’t seen for a long time, and we finally meet here, in this space it turns out. each artist , before leaving the stage, is mirrored to the wall, then half of the cylinder is lowered so that no one sees the artist and the duet show begins, as if in some kind of cosmic you’re singing on a ship, that’s the feeling. and of course, there is excitement in the machine, the artists taking part in the show are somehow connected with each other, so their unexpected
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meeting is always very emotional, this was the right choice of the duet in my opinion, because well, a lot really connects me with this person , seemed to lie on the surface, but for some reason i didn’t guess, i couldn’t imagine that this particular person would be there, no one would see. no one will know, but there is a sea of ​​bright emotions, intrigue, and most importantly - your favorite hits. today is a new release of the mysterious vocal show "duets" at 21:30. anton demidov, alexander ovsyanikov, lead. visits continue to monitor developments, so stay with us. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels, all series , movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on
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the website, in the extreme north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, there is a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, the current does not freeze all year round. on in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists
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believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. good afternoon everyone, their videos are watched and discussed by millions, people come up to them on the streets to meet them, they are real internet stars, and today they are the main heroes of our program, according to numerous requests
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from tv viewers, for the first time on television the famous putin’s troops, we putin’s troops have long suspected that instead of joe biden, it’s a biorobot, because he walks endlessly.
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look how many socks we knitted, they are made of pure wool, let our guys use them. few people know that these grandparents have a difficult fate. today we will get to know this team, and i want to say that even in this stronghold.
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everyone knows putin’s troops in russia, and even more so in the krasnodar territory, here they are locals stars, but you can’t find them so easily without knowing the way, you can’t get here, now for the first time on russian television we will show activists of putin’s troops. hello! hello, here is putin's squad , here is putin's squad, come to us, be guests, oh, someone came to us, girls, wait, hello, oh, come in, come in, how good, just, just in time, you have helpers needed, come on in, it’s okay if we trust you to cut the onions.
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and now the onion is a little on top so you tell me, show me that you are here we have gathered, the forum is now going on with putin, and as for putin, we are very interested, we have already asked him to agree to run for office.
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so bad, the cars are spoiling, and then he blamed it on the president, and come on, i say, man, if you don’t like it in russia, leave, you keep quiet, it’s none of your business, no, i say, it’s mine, don’t touch putin, don’t we need to spread propaganda here on the bus, master class, master class, i can make you flowers from agul. it will be like a decoration for our salad, so you will serve the salad, already it’s nice to eat and it’s nice to look at, meat, here we are bringing it to you, you’ll fry it, one here, one here, let’s hurry up, well, well, why are you rushing me, why are you rushing, now that’s enough, that’s it. you see the bars
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there, that's it, cover it, cover it all, don't make a reservation with the elders, oh yeah, who's the eldest who's the master of the house , i'm older, i'm older than you by a month, oh, by a month, by a month, and even then close it, so you don't boss me, go out of here, take it away, you're doing it wrong. i am the only man in the entire team of our organization, so i have to adapt every time after all, under their actions, they listen to me, they follow me in everything, as soon as i start speaking, everyone listens attentively. we
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are from putin’s squad, we will carry this peace and friendship all over the world, girls, such a state, so, here, passers-by began to help, but he ran away, and because his grandson shot down , the grandson of the judge, girls, if malakhov made the plot, grandson if he doesn’t get away with it, he’ll put his granddaughter in prison. people turn to malakhov’s program after nothing else works, in order for there to be a result, they must immediately turn to putin, if only everyone will turn to putin, they won’t have time to lead the country, what a beauty! let's eat this
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wonderful barbecue for our team, of course, it would be great if vladimir vladimirovich would join us here to try... so he is, at least he looks, on the one hand, on the other hand, good health to everyone, the latter is necessary with a man, putin’s troops , they probably somehow increase my self-esteem, there is some feeling that i’m not just a pensioner, but that i can still bring some benefit. society and i still want to somehow be in the rhythm of life, so let's say, we will save north america from fascism, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the tired ones are sleeping, the indians are sleeping, the books are sleeping, that's it, guys, your time
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is up, good night, hand under the cheek and pleasant dreams. all the best to you, the great five goalkeeper, why are we doing this, so that everyone knows that our age is not a barrier, i force myself to work, to work,
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without movement there is no life, and life is movement, that’s it look, biden is 80, we are older than him, and we are young, perky, cheerful, be sure to go to moscow and cheer for putin, definitely, we already went there, yes, yes, come in, who’s there?
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you don’t need to be equal, swing it in russian , come on, here, oops, great, you see, but
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you don’t speak russian, ours, look, there’s something britney spears here, come on, read it, i can’t see without glasses . so it’s her birthday soon, let’s record a video about her, i ’m missing something, i need to find some kind of outlet somewhere else, it’s probably most likely...
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just a little bit, good, no more, great, bridney, our dear, we are putin's troops, we are your fans, we love you, your songs, your talent, we want to congratulate you on your birthday. to russia, to the bathhouse, to take a steam bath, to relax your soul , we’ll have a birthday like this, you’ll never forget , here’s another one, here, be brave, be brave, guys, be brave, come in, whatsapp, let me steam you again, richard, i’ll steam you, what ?
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thank you, we are always glad to meet you in putin’s troops, it will always be like this, but in our studio today the only man in putin’s troops, don’t count this american richard. mikhail aleksandrovich zakrevsky and the leader of the fatima detachment
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dinaeva in our studio. hello, thank you for coming. listen, you’re strong, right, how old are you? 71, 71, and sweat just like a boy. and they told me that you are a great-grandfather? yes. how many children do you have? i have my three children. so, now, that means. four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren , one great-granddaughter, just like that, well, the picture, how long have you been in putin’s troops, about 15 years, and how did you get there? - i got in - by acquaintance - pakhomova went with me, she - we go to the same choir, we met, she says, let’s go there with me, here i am when... i came, you know, i was in such a mood, well, you
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roll around like cheese there, the only man, so i not only roll around like cheese in butter, i’m also in three choirs, and i’m also working, i they said , yes, well, i’m working, well, it doesn’t matter, that is, you can’t unfasten your pants, no, first of all, i also had surgery, they changed my valve, they turned off my heart for 15 minutes, in ours... he nominated himself as president, everything turned out clearly , we were brought here, we traveled, we were brought
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here, a reception for the president, they took it away from us, signed, gave it to us, we took from them the documents that we brought, so we really arrived, opana, and he nominates himself and wins, can you imagine the joy, of course, this is something, and you are the leader of the detachment and... was born history of this team? the name of putin’s detachment appeared in our organization in 1915, then after the events in donbass , volunteers gathered, mostly men, my father. he is an experienced social activist, they decided to call themselves putin’s troops to go to donbass, this is krasnodar, that’s right, this krasnodar is such a movement, everything happened in krasnodar, but then when the guys left, the male part of the detachment, well, the female part remained, now you see what you see, and as i understand it, when our film crew
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was there, this american richard arrived and also, let’s say, i was delighted with this movement, often here - is it really true that guests from other regions come from abroad and want to meet the heroes of popular internet videos? yes, yes, we lead an active media life on the internet, and we are open to everyone who comes to us and tries get to know us, establish contacts there, we communicate with everyone. you recently arrived, but have already managed to record a video at the exhibition of achievements of the national economy, where the exhibition is now the largest in russia. let 's watch the latest video from putin's troops, we are putin's troops here at the vdnkh exhibition, we convey warm greetings to all vladimir vladimirovich putin, all russians, andrey,
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len, and what do our viewers say? today there are especially many calls and messages, the most important question that comes to us during these minutes from our viewers, how to get into putin’s troops, let’s listen to one of these calls. hello, my name is lyudmila, i am a pensioner from the city of tula, i worked for many years at a school, then as a director at a club, i write scripts, sing songs, i really want to get into putin’s troops, i constantly watch your videos, i want to be with you, from tula maybe? a pensioner to become a member of the squad, naturally, if she supports vladimir putin, she is brave and active, of course, she can be in our squad, we will be very glad where to turn, the city of krasnodar, putin’s troops, everything will come, just like that, imagine, andrey nikolaevich, excuse me, we have prepared for you
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a complete set of our merch, now you even have your own merch, yes, you want to see, take a look. there are stickers, yes, oh, yes, yes, i saw you in these t-shirts, yes, listen, thank you very much, we will now make a short advertisement, immediately after it we will meet other members of putin’s troops, find out how they live, their fates, but first, one more video that spread all over social networks, as if from...
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to become a good violinist, you need to treat your profession with love, you are a little boy, but already a very big musician, thank you, but i still have to learn, learn to learn, where did you come from, it’s simply mind -boggling, you know, to play companela for 8 years - it’s incredible, he and i study every day for two hours, and besides me, he also plays... how about three or four, our future is you, it’s wonderful, wonderful, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, are you crazy? on
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sunday, here good people reported that you i got confused with a muscovite, this girl , who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and you’ve been dating sveta for 4 years, you need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, so no, “she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, or i’ll still believe it, i’m really happy, i was only with one person, bakstachi”? a year and a half has passed, it’s you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart,
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sunday on rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet, once you get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in good spirits. this is an incredibly charming face , to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams , how did you agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat , understanding. among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, premiere,
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shveytsova, listening, unsuccessful marriage in in the past, mash, maybe you’ll stay with... the dacha marriage is in the past, mash, forgive me, the medical topic is closed, some guy has gone, the guy has given up, and even an office romance no longer brings joy, you’re not giving me a chance, you have it i definitely was, it’s time to look around, maybe you ’ll give me your mobile phone after all, he’s just a charming, pleasant guy, admit it, you have a personal interest, new secrets of the investigation. from monday to rtr, sunday, and the first
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word is more valuable than the second, i probably know why i walk and run like this, because all my life i sing, i believed, i believed, i believe, when they called me from here, it’s a joke, i left, you have to say goodbye every time, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, on sunday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, their videos are watched and discussed by a million, they often record video messages with proposals to world politicians and famous people, they are approached on the streets to meet real internet stars, and today for the first time on television, by popular demand , the squad. members of the squad are visiting us, we
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we met him, he said that he survived the operation, and his heart stopped for 15 minutes, but now he is cheerful, steaming, and even, i know that you took up active walking, active walking, scandinavian active walking, slowly, slowly, and you know, to be honest, it helps , well, everyone says that 10 thousand steps is absolutely necessary on the day of the task, absolutely, well, i do almost 20 kilometers, 200 kilometers, you know, compared to those people that's what i know, i look even more or less, thanks to the fact that i myself, you see, i want this myself. this is really pride, you said that you got into these groups thanks to your friend, with whom you sing in the choir, she attracted you there, albina
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konstantinovna pakhomova, let's get to know her, one of the main initiators of the movement, she also came to our program, we meet albina konstantinovna. good evening, dear studio, good evening, in my free time i really like to do my knitting, embroidery, beads, so i decided, i’m giving them away, and today it’s my turn, i’m andrey nikolaevich, i want to give you this blanket, what a beauty, listen , thank you, can i hug you, thank you, my dear, thank you, you’re such a great guy, you not only knit, not only watch tv, not only sing in the choir, you also visit ...


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