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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 15, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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a comedy in the spirit of block 95, but which, unfortunately, for the ukrainians themselves is quite bloody, merciless, so we will actually complete our special operation to complete all the assigned tasks so that this tragedy does not happen again on ukrainian soil. kvartalis 95 itself, apparently, made the final decision for himself not to return home, well, it is clear that he did not bring anything from the european union,
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the commander-in-chief of nato forces in europe kovoli welcomes zelensky at the american military headquarters in wiesbadan, germany, that is, to germany zelensky flew to the carpet to the american bosses, and not to chancellor scholz. here are the commander of the us army in europe and africa , williams, and the head of the ukrainian security assistance group, agut. i want to greet you. i have the honor to be here today, to thank everyone for their great work, their service in protecting our state, i am very glad that you are working as such a team together with our partners, even with our friends. this is the most important thing, life and the future begin with it. summit in brussels, where
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they discuss money for ukraine, before departure he promised not to abandon kiev and frightened the deputies with a possible victory for moscow. this evening we agreed on a proposal for the federal budget for the twenty-fourth year. one element of these proposals is to ensure that we support ukraine for as long as necessary. this includes 8 billion euros for the supply of weapons, financial assistance to the ukrainian budget directly or through the european union, if the situation arises. will worsen as a result of russia's war against ukraine because threats to germany and europe will continue to increase. we will have to answer. we have already agreed that the decision in such a situation will be made by the bundestag, as well as article 115 of the basic law, which allows for the introduction of an emergency situation. zelensky was not invited to the eu summit where scholz went ; politico reports that the ukrainian president received a turnaround when he was only two hours away from brussels. eu leaders were afraid of angering him with orban's appearance. due to
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budapest’s reluctance to sponsor kiev and invite it to the european union, the summit even had to be postponed at first. the day before the summit brussels tried to bribe hungary to orban, they tried to give a bribe of 10 billion euros from the european union fund, but he again refused to support ukraine. orban does not forget that the european union froze 30 billion in aid to budapest, allegedly due to the imperfection of the judicial system. “we have established seven preconditions, and even according to the european commission’s assessment, three out of seven have not been met, in my opinion even more, but three are enough to say, guys, since you have not fulfilled the conditions, then there is no chance of starting negotiations, eu enlargement is a process based on merit, there are no exceptions here, orban replies, european officials tried to put pressure on him, but in the end. scholz
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invites orban to leave the room for coffee during the vote on ukraine's membership in the eu. orban comes out, the decision is made by the remaining majority, 26 states, and hungary - the twenty-seventh country, according to the regulations, abstained due to the absence of a leader in the hall. upon his return, orban could have resented this decision, but did not. its position, despite the fact that 26 countries insisted on accepting of this decision, ukraine's membership in the eu is a bad decision, hungary does not want to be part of this bad decision. the start of negotiations on joining the european union, all that kiev will receive, there will be no money. orban vetoed the decision on a long-term budget assistance program for kiev, amounting to 50 billion euros. politico writes that europe's faith in ukraine is being tested. zelensky also does not want to help slovakia and...
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the american institute for the study of war is already analyzing where moscow will deploy its forces in ukraine after the complete takeover of the country. at in this regard, the analytical center admits that the russian army will become many times stronger as a result of the war and will gain enormous experience, which no one else in the world has. in these impressive shots. excellent work of russian saboteurs, a couple of akhmat fighters in capes hiding from thermal imagers creep up to the mvsu position at night, a fighter with the call sign sniper takes out a sentry with a knife, his partner solovey throws a grenade into the dugout while their brothers-in-arms are being killed on the front line, ukrainian
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militants are lying in the rear fool, ride friend a friend on a sled is being fired into the air, and today is winter. a stunning revelation of putin's military plans. the russian dictator has set clear goals for his army for 2024, 2025 and 2026. but the special services are aware of putin’s plans. by the end of 2024, it is planned to establish full control over the donetsk and lugansk people's republics and reach the azkol river in the kharkov region. by the end of 2026, it is planned to advance to the dnieper, liberate. to a significant part of the zaporozhye, dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions, in including the cities of kharkov, dnepropetrovsk and zaporozhye. on the kherson front it is planned to hold the defense along the dnieper without attacking the right bank, kherson or odessa. the odessa theater decided to decolonize bulgakov,
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local playwright lena lyagushonkova. we won’t laugh at last names. i was going to stage a svidomo version of the play a dog's heart. bulgakov was born in kyiv. and now crazy irasophobes, apparently, want to pass him off as a ukrainian, without reading his own white guard, in which bulgakov mocks the language, one of the characters scolds the ukrainian doctor kuritsky, who refused the russian language, asks : how would it be in ukrainian? to the question, how then in language is kit, the newly minted ukrainian can no longer answer and offends? this is because there are no whales in ukraine, but there are plenty of them in russia, the heroes of the novel conclude. a lover of russian culture, albeit a criminal one, even showed up in the circle of the new president of argentina, miley. look,
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rick's politicians have equally colorful advisers. in the photo one of them is santiago caputo, on his hand tattoo with the words ha. a dacha, a savings account, a boat, a car and a garage will calm my whim, the argentinean loses a soft sign somewhere, it’s a criminal thing. russian culture reached the white house, however, there it was distorted beyond recognition. the first lady, jill biden, gave what she called a playful interpretation of the silkcracker suite. musical video based on the russian opera. tchaikovsky with the weirdly dressed weirdos, look,
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for some reason one of the characters has cabbage on his head, but the american audience didn’t appreciate all this. video clip they call him mentally ill, he really looks like some kind of inadequate interpretation of a fairy tale, and they discuss that in the biden family, apparently, not only the president’s son, hunter biden, indulges in drugs. congratulated ji.
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first lady jel biden posted a very strange christmas video in which dancers in very strange costumes run around the white house. on social media, users have already called it a mentally unhealthy christmas in the biden white house. someone wrote that it looks like hunter is not the only one who dabbles in cocaine there. this is the strangest thing that i've ever seen. it doesn't really look like christmas, i don't know what it is. carolyn, the hallway at the beginning of the video. worked in this part of the white house when you remember the crisis in which john and robert kennedy famous photographs during the caribbean
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stroll during this two week period, instead of these historical photographs we will remember this. they should be playing this video on election day, november 5th. first lady jove biden faces criticism on social media after posting a white christmas video houses. the main theme is magic, magic performed by the legendary tap dance ensemble. they performed a dance dressed as a nutcracker. most of our viewers called this video a nutcracker that went crazy.
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he's lashing out at his advisers, even accusing justice secretary merrick garland of allowing charges to be brought against his son, and there's panic in the white house over the impending impeachment inquiry. watch to the end, a party in the white house, and the weather outside is just terrible, but the white house so delightful, and since we know what we need to come to, let there be an impeachment investigation, biden even feels sorry for leaving afghanistan and ukraine.
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employees of the white house, this video has acquired at least some meaning, because here i want to say: in the voice of our great commentator ozer, we don’t need such a nutcracker, yes, well, now i would like to move on to more serious things, now de... at the center of the discussion is the act of the head of hungary, who left at a certain moment, and this exit ensured that hungary received 10 billion dollars, 10 billion euros, a lot is intertwined here in this one fact, the most expensive coffee in history, of course, but the beauty
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is that no, orban paid for this coffee, and hungary received 10 billion euros for drinking coffee . all government leaders would do this, but firstly, the western press says that this is an old trick , i would call it a technique when a politician or some figure leaves the room where events are taking place in which he is not comfortable taking part neither one way nor the other, events happen, he expresses his position, orban in this case continues to express it, and this is a continuation of the political process, firstly, against which? orban did not vote this way , this is very interesting, but let's start: 2013, viktor yanukovych refuses to sign an association with the european union, then russia explained that this is a document that does not bring anything good to ukraine, it brings destruction to its economy, yanukovych did not sign , this served as a formal reason
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for the coup d'etat and the destruction of the country, then in march of the fourteenth year ukraine signed.
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the meaning of what was happening, and orban went out for a walk, giving the west the opportunity for 10 billion money, which he had previously attributed to hungary, but did not give due to hungary’s bad behavior , to wave not even a carrot, but this smell of carrots for the ukrainian voter, and a more serious question , the allocation of 50 billion from the european union to the zelensky regime, for which orban did not vote with his own. a way out, that is , he essentially solved the issue, allowed to resolve an issue that does not solve anything, but does not yet resolve a serious issue, but that's not all, at this meeting this trick was used again, but it was already used , they say it was by accident, but you and i probably won't believe it, the chancellor of austria, he also came out, well, really, not to drink coffee, but discuss
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fondern with ursula in the future of schengen relations between romania and bulgaria in connection with the changing. installation in connection with this - it means that the twelfth package of sanctions was adopted, well, i would just like to add one more historical example here, so that it is clear that the soviet union also used this reception. at that moment, when the question was about the introduction of un troops into the inter-korean conflict, the soviet representative did not come to the un meeting, did not use veto, and he then voted for the introduction of troops. the un, that’s the fact that the american contingent was there , it acted under the un flag, although in fact it was almost a purely american army, that is, at that moment it was beneficial for the soviet union and stalin that the west, first of all the united states, got involved in into this conflict, and we simply did not participate in the vote, did not come, so well, what called, this technique has actually
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been used for quite a long time, which attracts attention, and orban. 10 billion euros have now opened for hungary, the question of these fifty, which the european union is going to or is persuading it or forcing the americans to announce this funding for the zelensky regime, gives orban the opportunity to take another walk, get another 15 billion, here the question is not 15 billion , orban initially demands 30, the european union blocked exactly 30 billion by... calling their constitutional system imperfect, now he gave 10, orban allowed talk about ukraine's accession to the european union , if they give 20 more, and orban wrote about this on his twitter, we will return to discussing money for ukraine after the new year, that is, they now need to find 20 billion for orban
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and his integrity will become a little less fundamental on this issue, he doesn’t even hide, he doesn’t even hide, he’s just looking for money for his economy, well, in principle , it’s hard to blame him for this, but of course, i want to emphasize again, we always want our friends or those whom we see his friends or call...
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he drove up to brussels, he was invited to the summit, he went there to participate in this event, announced his participation there in every possible way, exactly 2 hours before the start, in the end they were even forced to postpone the start, he was informed no need, no need to come, you will irritate us, or rather you will irritate orban personally, the same orban to whom he was so drawn, remember at miley’s inauguration. so orban talked to him then, said that i simply didn’t see him anymore, and he was kicked out, look, because
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with key issues at stake for ukraine, the country's president volodymyr zelensky will address european union leaders at their summit via videoconference, an eu spokesman said. ahead of the meeting in brussels, there were rumors that zelensky would personally join the eu summit today, but that plan was scuppered on wednesday. since the outcome of the meeting, especially regarding ukraine's future accession to the european union, remains unclear. as brussels playbook reported today. there were rumors in brussels that ukrainian president vladimir zelensky personally will join the eu summit today. on wednesday he was in osla, just a 2-hour flight away. zelensky was eager to attend, and leaders in brussels were ready to invite him, but at the eu meeting , several ambassadors expressed doubts about zelensky attending the summit. they feared that the presence of the ukrainian president could turn orban against. to force him to step on his heels even more, because he is afraid to fly home, they didn’t give him money, he decided to fly to germany, we’ll be back in a minute, i
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about zelensky, i would like to invite you to meet an amazing sunrise, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, nin ... i wonder what happened to volodya, but i hurt myself, that’s her fate, girls , charmed, she is for loneliness, a black widow, there is always a talisman against any curse, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he will not live, you will become my wife, i’m scared , all men who marry later die, nothing will happen to me.
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everyone knows the name of a character from pushkin’s works, how much is 7.8, what is 7.8 , who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would cut down oak, no , pluck, problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services. i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray,
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100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, come on let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, he takes it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three? let's subscribe, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, the most incendiary hits of discotheques, where are your hands, friends? i made the speakers myself from plywood, put this loud speaker in there, the nineties, when there is some kind of fashionable movement, everyone makes this movement.
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looking forward to the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life dear.
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bring me back to rtr on saturday. what next tasks? i will tell you this separately when the cameras are turned off. where to go and what to do? they just recommended that you never read american newspapers, come straight from russia, from china, nonsense, of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation? all this begins the day and? ends, the first thing they told me, we have a lot of them, the buryats don’t flee, at helicopter port number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are here probably the first, showing something, pasha, you are filming this, pasha, hello, hello, you learned this from pasha, in the first person,
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just tell me what? where is happening at 3:30 am, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, ukraine is unlikely to have enough resources for a new offensive on the end of winter, the french general told bfm, he notes that the russians are increasing attacks along the entire front, and you... he believes that putin will come to them from belarus. an ex-admiral of the us navy brings even greater criticism to zelinsky. stavrides argue that even with the help of the west, kiev is unlikely to hold out for more than a year, after a year, anyway, negotiations will still be on
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putin’s terms.


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