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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 16, 2023 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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bluebird - anniversary season on sunday on prt. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. state duma deputies are providing great assistance to the north military district; vladimir putin met with the leaders of parliamentary factions in the kremlin. from a field kitchen to a mobile laundry, the fulfillment of military tasks by soldiers in a special operation zone is impossible without the support of rear services. the end of lies. poland has decided to abandon blaming russia for the tu-154 crash. near
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smolensk, in which president leg kaczynski died. massive road accident in irkutsk on 18 cars collided on an icy road. and in kamchatka they are eliminating flooding after a storm. the half-year university, the research day of distant zelentsy returned to murmansk from the expedition, what discoveries the scientists made. the state duma promptly and promptly makes all decisions related to assistance to the special operation, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the leaders of parliamentary factions. at the very beginning of the conversation, the president thanked the deputies who completed the autumn session for the work done, especially noting their consolidated position on international platforms, where they defend the interests of our country, representatives of all factions are taking action. as a united
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front, it is quite possible to use such military terminology, because everyone defends the interests, the national interests of russia, state duma deputies at key, decisive turning points demonstrate real unity, patriotism, well, in fact , they reflect the will of their voters, this was the case in 2014, when crimea and sevastopol united with russia in 2022, when our liberated historical regions of donbass and novorussia again became an integral part of russia. i know that representatives of your parties not only express their strong opinions on key issues, but are now taking part in a special military operation, fighting together for russia. you provide great assistance to our heroes at the front. who
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are fighting at the front to their families, residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. i would like to separately thank all of you, your colleagues for the intense legislative work, a lot has been done, this is especially important at such turning points in history as today, because we need to make informed and balanced decisions, but they need to be made quickly. one of the most important topics of conversation. was the upcoming presidential election campaign. vladimir putin emphasized that it must be competitive and take place in full compliance with the law. as for the voting procedure, it must be carried out transparently and honestly. there is an election campaign ahead, i think it is necessary to identify several fundamental positions. well, firstly, everything must happen in a competitive manner and in full compliance with the laws of the russian federation. any interference in
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the internal affairs of russia will be suppressed and dealt with harshly in accordance with the laws of russia. we will defend the freedom of our people, their sovereignty and the right to choose their future. it is the people, only the people of russia, who are the only source of power in our country. during the upcoming election campaign, all political parties, factions, one way or another otherwise they will determine their position. at the same time. i think the main thing for everyone is a deep understanding of fundamental national interests, their responsibility to the people, to our country and its future. well, finally, of course, both the election campaign and the voting itself must take place once again, i want to emphasize this, in full accordance with constitutional, democratic procedures, transparently, legitimately and honestly. that night, air raid sirens sounded in ten ukrainian stations at once. regions, as
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local media reported, explosions thundered, including including in kiev, chernigov and cherkasy regions. the russian ministry of defense has repeatedly emphasized that the targets of high-precision drone weapons are the enemy’s military infrastructure. in just a week, 40 group strikes were carried out on airfields and weapons depots with equipment. meanwhile , rear units also perform an important task in the special operation zone. report by eduard punigov. hotel linen, fleece, insulated. insulated cartoon jacket. this warehouse is located in a relatively safe location, approximately fifty kilometers from the line of combat contact. without him it would have been impossible to function normally.
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just hooks, sleeves, the front part , and, well, pockets, this soldier is in charge of everything here, he learned to sew in civilian life, so he didn’t even have to learn a new profession , which is the hardest thing to repair, the hardest thing is changing the lock, why -
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it turns out you have to take it apart the whole jacket, how much does it have to be repaired per day, well , from 10 to 15, well, these are... we drag it to drying, here we finish drying the drum here in steam, and this food warehouse, from here it delivers food along the entire front line in the southern donetsk direction. the food supplies in this warehouse are enough to feed more than 3,000 people for 2 weeks, and the ration
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is updated every week. now, for example, apples and tangerines have been brought here. the diet also includes cheese, nuts, tea, instant coffee, canned food and vegetables. as if? flamethrower systems of solntsepek, groupings of vostok troops operating in the southern donetsk direction. this formidable weapon effectively
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performs the task of destroying support enemy points, fire weapons and... forces, in addition, the sun is used to support tank and motorized rifle units. on another section of the front, in the zaporozhye direction, our artillerymen destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants. the adjustments were made with the help of drones to avoid return fire, the mortars regularly change their positions, with the help of loitering ammunition, the russian paratroopers destroyed the paladin self-propelled gun, as well as the ukrainian radar. and a howitzer western-made equipment of the armed forces of ukraine was discovered on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region, the launch of the lancets was carried out by unmanned aircraft crews. the government and the presidential administration received instructions from the head of state to work through a number of issues that were raised during
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the year-end program with vladimir putin. as reported in the kremlin, the president is satisfied that during direct communication with russians it was possible to discuss such a wide range of issues. in the meantime, based on the results of the appeal. citizens have already made a decision. that managed to make a report by evgeny reshitnev. what do the format of the direct press conference of the head of state, which this year united into a single whole, have in common? in order to extend the preferential mortgage of the melitopol regional cancer center at 2% in these russian regions not only to... new buildings, but to the secondary market, as was done in the far east, he also
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proposed increasing the allowance for participants in the zemsky doctor program in new regions, for doctors up to 2 million rubles and up to a million rubles for felchers, the relevant documents will be prepared. in the zaporozhye region , they calculated that there are not enough doctors, 1,300, but they also noted that the renewal of medical equipment and the renovation of medical facilities is in full swing. thanks to the ministry of health. and to the government , first of all, to our president, who today pays great attention to medical care - the so-called new territories, although he is more of an old territory than a new one. the federal budget has allocated over a trillion rubles for the development of new regions. these regions, of course, are not new, that is, if they ever existed, it was at the end of the 14th century, when they entered the russian empire. everything along the black sea as a result of the russian-turkish wars went to russia. why is ukraine here? no relation? has nothing at all, neither crimea, nor everything near the black sea, odessa is generally a russian city, we
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know about this, everyone knows about it well, no, but they came up with all sorts of historical nonsense, and so the ukrainian leadership acted as a temporary overseer, almost without doing anything, without investing in anything, a gym in a crimean village stood in disrepair for 40 years. putin promised to solve this problem precisely. we will help from the federal level and today sergei aksyonov said that the gym will be renovated in the twenty-fourth year, clarifying the truth that no classes were held in the emergency room, only a video was recorded in it, which was shown in the gostiny dvor, in connection with which investigators considered it necessary to talk to the director of the gym, colleagues checked the situation, just for some reason the coach took the children into an emergency building in which they had never trained, this gym had never been renovated, it stood in order... the order was postponed twice because of the hours because of covid , the deadlines were postponed, in any case , the president’s instructions will be carried out and the decision
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was made in the village, from where local schoolchildren got in touch with the president, went to our correspondent in crimea, yana shcherbats. inside, the gym looks more like an abandoned one, it’s not like playing sports here, it’s even uncomfortable to be in, there are broken windows, rotten boards, holes in the floor, this room hasn’t seen any repairs for more than 40 years. this hall is the only venue in sunny valley for young athletes , but it is not safe to practice here, since ukrainian times the building was listed as ownerless, for several years they tried to transfer it to the balance of the municipality, in the end they turned to the president for help, it started to rain on the summer playground and there was no way to exercise at all, they came and looked gym, wiped away the tears and decided that there were no options, vladimir vladimirovich needed it, administrations changed one after another, then and now... there the gym only got worse, it collapsed, and he was alone in three villages. workaround for
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local authorities found young football and hockey players. in the summer, children study outside, in the winter in the school gym, but this is not an option. eleven-year-old artemy is the same boy who read out an appeal to vladimir putin. here you can’t play football or field hockey, only sports games, because the walls will break if we hit the wall with the ball. even before the end of the direct line with the president , employees arrived in the sunny valley.
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prices are rising in the consumer market, nothing personal, dear colleagues, all three of you, you and i eggs are fine, so people should have them, we’ll make a decision. today it became known that the federal antimonopoly service has opened cases against egg producers in crimea and
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the kirov region due to a sharp increase in prices. the head of state answered a number of questions regarding domestic healthcare, the shortage of some vaccines, and attitudes.
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over 15 years of operation, this plant in shibekino has become one of the leading suppliers of high-quality synthetic sapphire, accounting for 27% of global production. this is a synthetic sapphire, one weighs about 100 kg. it takes several days to grow it in a special installation at a temperature of 2.0°. today the team continues its work, despite regular attempts to shell usa. border areas, enterprises were attacked three times, all buildings were damaged, one workshop burned to the ground, the main power system, which should work without failures, was damaged. the damage is colossal, 2.300 million rubles. the plant's management is trying to restore it, but its resources are almost exhausted. unfortunately, our strength is already not enough to launch an enterprise or somehow further develop it.
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shebekina is one of the flagships of industry in the belgorod region; many enterprises suffered due to terror in the usu. equipment for the restoration of which the owners do not have enough funds, the decision of vladimir putin will help; a special economic zone will be created on the territory of the shibekinsky urban district. now i have already received a document from the government, and we are starting to work with the ministries, i will do it as quickly as possible inform decisions. the introduction of a special economic zone will stabilize the situation. the mechanism is primarily aimed at reducing the tax burden, as well as reduction. during the conversation, the president was asked a question about the upcoming olympic games in paris, for admission to which he could put forward another package of humiliating demands on our athletes. putin said that informed decisions need to be made regarding the participation of russian athletes, if quote: mog wants to cut off the strongest. ocd, apparently made such a decision, he will not provide
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financial support to athletes under a neutral flag, they will obviously have to make a different choice. point of view, if an athlete takes part in the olympic games, then he absolutely cannot take part in the friendship games that will be held after the olympic games, and if he takes part, accordingly, his result at the olympic games will be canceled, in fact, he could do this himself , which previously recommended in writing that national olympic committees refuse to participate in friendship games, which will be held next september in moscow and yekaterinburg, awards will be awarded in 27 sports, and... all kamchatka emergency services are on high alert, strong winds are driving huge waves towards the coast.


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