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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  December 16, 2023 12:50pm-2:01pm MSK

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today two loving hearts are united in marriage, the heart of the groom zurav and the beautiful olesya. wait, zurat, are you ready to take olesya’s bzhons? well, there's no point in asking the bride. zurab has already answered everything for her. stop, this is not according to the rules, you haven’t signed your name yet. well , now, now you can kiss.
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another situation in sachs. dear guests. oh, sorry, dear fellows. today, on this beautiful day, your friend, a normal, trusted guy, is getting married to a charming bride. “we congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day, divide the common fund into two, do not knowing the parting, told us not to see, as they say, bros, guys, guys, you can congratulate your brother, now the wedding photo, attention, wonderful, and now with
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the bride, advice for love, music, oh, sorry, my beloved, my breath is in my breath hidden, well, finally, morality. groom, are you ready to marry the bride? bride, are you ready to take the groom as your husband?
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be happy, advice and love, dear men, remember that the best makeup for a woman is happiness in her eyes, thank you! premiere, shveytsova, listening, unsuccessful marriage is in the past, mash, maybe you’ll stay, a successful marriage is in the past, mash, forgive me, the medical topic is closed, some guy has gone, man, they’ve given up, and even an office romance no longer brings joy. you
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’re not giving me a chance, you definitely had one, it’s time to look around, maybe you ’ll give me your mobile phone after all, he’s just a charming, pleasant guy, admit it, you have a personal interest, new investigative secrets from monday on rtr, many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i'm certainly no exception. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on holiday in a skirt, ate vlazia, you are at the right place, here they will cheer you up . please read, kesha can’t read, but a man should. morning
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mail with nikolai baskov on sundays on rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday. then good people reported that you had become confused with a masked man. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like a sleigh talk, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend
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drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love you, i’m truly happy, i ’ve only been with one person, max, what are you doing? a year and a half has passed, it’s you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr , where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what you will be left, they went against god, went on tour around... everyone liberated territories, what impression it makes today, and russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. you know, lena, i recently heard this story:
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a doctor leaves the office, a girl runs up to him and asks: please tell me, is the patient alive? the doctor says: he’s alive, but he’s unconscious . oh! “i beg you, when it starts, ask him whether i passed my license or not? that is, tekoren are hinting that we women are bad drivers, right? i’m not hinting. oh, well, by the way, women are always very careful while driving. there are, of course, exceptions. the inspector asks the girl who hit the pole. girl , how can it be, you have two pedals and two legs, how could you mix up the pedals?”, she says: “ my legs were intertwined, i was just sitting cross-legged, oh, you men just want to laugh at us women, well, why immediately at women, now a male artist will appear on this stage, let all the women
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laugh heartily at his jokes, because svetoslav yeshchenko and alexey sheklav are on stage. hello, semyon petrovich, at our last session, i, as a nutritionist, recommended that you consume millet products, and for the second week you’ve been drinking vodka, so what if it’s wheat, i didn’t mean that, keep that in mind if you want. lose weight, listen to what i’m telling you, hello, i’ll call you back , take the piss here, who, well, is a belly fatter, this loser, uh,
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didn’t understand, well, a doctor who helps people lose weight, but a nutritionist. wow, where is this tolukh? it's me! this is what i blurted out, doctor, forgive me, but sit down, something stupid blurted out, thank you, take a seat, what a mockery, your chairs are so narrow, why are they narrow, well, because it’s narrow, look, he goes in and out. and you’re a joker , doctor, you’re a joker, i can’t, but i’m not in the mood for jokes, you know, doctor, my stomach is growing, by leaps and bounds, my stomach is growing, it’s growing, what a month, what a month you can’t
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lose weight , fifth, doctor, fifth, here are these new year holidays, can you imagine, december 31st, i sat down at the table for a minute. literally peck, got up on january 13th, after how he gnawed all the legs of the table, but help me, doctor, but for starters... “you must watch your diet, exclude all sweets, drink tea without sugar, i already drink tea without sugar and without honey, without jam no cookies, no cakes, no marshmallows, that is , no sweets at all, only lard, what are you talking about, no lard, only herbs, parsley? dill, celery, oh, doctor, yes, i eat this greenery, and it doesn’t help, you know, it doesn’t
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help, but the way you eat it, well, as it should be, i take this parsley of yours, dill, cinderey, sprinkled with jellied meat and eat it, and otherwise they won’t get into your throat, i repeat to you again, you need to get rid of everything fatty, you have sausage at home, i had it, i ate it, i had it, i ate it, so it’s clear, you have a wife , i hope you did, she sent her to stay with your mother, it’s a pity, she could have restrained your appetite, so she did, ate half of it, i kicked her out to my mother 5 months ago, what should i do now, huh? so, have you tried weight loss cream? yes, i tried this cream of yours, it doesn’t help,
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i used up 200 tubes of no use, it’s strange, how often did you apply the cream? what, you had to rub it in, yes, but what did you do? spread it on bread? it was so good, doctor, it’s so clear, that’s what i advise you, so, go in for sports, and especially running, running always helps to lose weight, doctor, yes, i would love to run, but i can’t leave the house, you know, i recently got into the elevator and got stuck, got out with the cabin, well then i recommend a milk diet, is it milk in the morning, milk in the afternoon? milk in the evening, cucumber at night, are you going to lose weight? no, but
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you will start running, and in general you need to visit more fresh air, i don’t know, walk through the forest, go fishing, doctor, i’ve already been on a winter fishing trip, we heard, well, an ice floe with fishermen broke away and floated, that’s... i slipped on the ice, let’s know what we’ll try, let’s let's try hypnosis for weight loss, sit down, well, where will i sit down, here , sit down, please sit down, relax, close your eyes, close your eyes, you only listen to my voice, go with the flow, open your third eye, close. imagine a lake, a deep lake, you throw meat, jellied meat, chicken, lard into it,
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ham, threw it, yes, you can already take a spoon , don’t be distracted, your digestion is normalized, jam, jam, jam , fat stops accumulating under the skin, pizza, pizza, pizza, you give all your dinner to... stew, stew, repeat after me, i don’t want to eat , i don’t want to eat, i do n’t want to eat, i don’t want to eat, i don’t want to eat, i want to eat, doctor, hypnosis is not working for you, what should i do, there is another way, so, at exactly midnight , undress completely. light a candle, go to the intersection of two roads, so, so, so,
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so, jumping first on the right foot, then on the left leg , repeat, excess weight, get out of the woods, excess weight, get out of the woods, and so on 40 times , excess weight, get out of the woods, excess weight, get out of the woods, 40 times, yes , overweight, get out into the forest. and what will happen, doctor, a million views on youtube, you will feel ashamed, and you will finally start eating less, you’re joking again, doctor. is there less other adequate way? do you have any other adequate way? do you know what your problem is? what? you have no willpower at all, which is why you can’t resist food. well, where can i get this willpower? need to be trained. so train, why did i come to you? ok, now you will listen to what i tell you, and not a single muscle should be touched on your face, understand?
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yeah, i'll tell you about my favorite dish, fried. potatoes, put them on, and tell me, not a single muscle on the face , the way i do it, first you heat a frying pan , put a cube of butter in there, and it melts so slowly, spreads , you take an onion, cut it finely into the frying pan, and it immediately sizzles there , it starts to sizzle and immediately becomes golden, aroma, and you take the potatoes, cut them into thin slices and frying pan, they sizzle and squeal, and you take a spatula, wait, stir a little more, uh-huh, and you take a spatula and turn it over, well, what else do you add to the bacon, you take two
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strips of bacon into the frying pan, they sizzle and squeak. and you take a fork, prick a crispy round of potato onto the fork, blow on it so as not to get burned, bring the card, it’s impossible to convey the taste, thank you, doctor, thank you, thanks to you, i finally understood what it is willpower, really, yes, now i don’t need all this crap, this meat, sausage, ham, fat, crap, thank you, doctor, i’ll run to where to fry potatoes, wait, i’m with you.
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i have a mother, a father, a brother left in donetsk , i don’t have anyone right here, it touches the very heart, and i miss seryozha very much, i don’t know if you managed to see it from above, there’s a little surprise for you in our hall, go all come here. how long have you not seen your family, you missed your brother, once as a boy he wanted to fly, it turns out it’s possible when i come to circus, i always cry there, the earth moves faster, blue bird, anniversary season,
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sunday, on rtr, in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i cannot have children, could you even hide the fact that there is a child , i can’t see you, i can’t, it’s my own fault, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time, please stop punishing yourself. the past cannot be changed, where are you going with my child, but the future can be given a chance, the truth must be told right now until the moment of his adoption, never any the adoption will not take place if he finds out that i am his natural mother, you understand, i
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found my son, immediately lost him like the last fool, my own blood, on friday on rtr: tea, manenka, manenka, yes, how you need to love a person to take and come to him. what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory. wisdom turned on in me and cunning, eye is on, that is, well, if you noticed, when everyone is at home, on sunday on rtr, to spend time with the children
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, we watch russian cartoons and children's programs, in the application or on the website. there are so many possibilities that even the new year can be whatever you want, digital, trendy, brutal, dear, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, happy new year, with new opportunities, come back, i want to surprise anton, looking forward to the weekend, happy 20th anniversary of a happy married life,
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dear, i wonder what my husband is asking for, because kritin, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, and what should i do now, you have become crazy and have lost your mind, are you? he tells me that i like to take my husband in a car
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, it’s peace and quiet in the family, one woman is yelling, waving her arms, emotions are overflowing, but then at home he sits quietly, is silent, happy that he has returned home, but what about a man? even more, turn on a parade of humor for him, our art will delight anyone you want, meet the incomparable korent avanesyan on stage, i remembered a wonderful joke, a young dad holds in his arms... a screaming , squalling baby and says: calmly, borenka, calmly, calmly, borenka , calmly, a passer-by watches this
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picture for a long time, then asks dad, what a fine fellow you are, and to endure the cries of your borenka for so long, why borenka, his name is misha, borenka is me. i didn’t have time to look back, our children grew up and gave us grandchildren , someone very wise said, children are our capital, grandchildren are interest on this capital, and these interests don’t let us get bored, recently it was 3:35 in the morning, my phone rang, i pick up the phone, grandson whispers, grandfather, please bring me some water, i say, why then? our kitten is sleeping, i don’t want to wake him
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up, that is, you can wake up your grandfather, but the kitten isn’t there, well, my wife woke up next to me and said, who is it this early? i say, our grandson, he wanted a drink, she says, well, what kind of grandson is this, this is our director, he comes up to them, looks at them like that, where do you live? they say: near moscow, he says, like near moscow, in the subway, or something, well,
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they carried me out. guests came home, i said, well , let's wash our hands properly, wash your hands, three there are three of them, he says, grandfather, why three , i have two of them, well, he’s a real comedian, already at that age, yes, and well, recently i took it out on him myself, he somehow comes up, slyly squints his eyes, he says, grandfather, today i had such a dream that you gave me such a chocolate bar. but i answered him, i say: if you behave well, you will dream that i gave you two such chocolates, but this is of course a joke, but i don’t feel sorry for anything for my grandchildren, because our grandchildren are our sweetness, our joy, this i dedicate this song to all of our
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children and our... grandchildren , children have grown up a long time ago, children are our pride, time rushes by like in a movie, years fly by, only the years keep flowing, happiness is even greater when next to me, my beloved grandson, my grandson, my beloved granddaughter, my ray of rays, my grandson is the key to happiness, sweetness and joy, tell me what i still need in this life, tell me what i need more in this life, somehow i ask my grandson directly, who do you love more, dad or mom, and my grandson answered me, my sweet dear, i love you and my granny most of all, my grandson, my beloved... grandson, rays,
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knolik, and the key to happiness, my grandson, sweetness, joy, tell me i need more in this life, tell me i need more in this life, the whole family will gather, all for each other i’m glad, i’m 10 times happier if my grandson is nearby, so that he’s always happy, i’ll disperse the clouds, i’m ready to give my life, my grandson, for you. my grandson, my beloved granddaughter, my ray of sunshine, and the key to happiness, my grandson, sweets and joy, tell me again in this life, tell me something else in this life necessary!
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a man calls a friend, givi, hi, how are you, how is your family, how is your wife, he says: hi, hi, everything is fine, only i ’m worried about my wife, what’s wrong with her, what’s wrong with her at the moment, my car, oh , you men always grumble, and by the way, if suddenly a woman accidentally dented the car, there are a couple of reliable
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ways to do so... so that the husband does not notice anything, i wonder which ones? well, for example, they told me one case when a wife dented a car, she simply hid her husband’s glasses, and the husband didn’t notice the dent, what a good girl, well done, another woman actually acted brilliantly, karent, she crashed the car, and so that her husband wouldn’t be upset, she put antidepressants in his food for a whole month, and then said: honey, i crashed the car... “and the husband sits, happy, and i know more one reliable way to calm your husband down if you dented his car, i wonder which one, you just need to invite him to our parade of humor, sit, watch funny artists, laugh, forget about all your problems, exactly, the stage of the seminiki theater, we meet,
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the night is wet completely, the leaves rustle in the night,
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a? lena, tell me, where do you park your car? i have an underground garage at home, but i’m in the yard and every evening i have the same problem, there’s nowhere to park. oh, karen, you know, you're not the only one who has this problem, i'm the only one. an acquaintance parked his car in the yard and doesn’t drive it anywhere, i ask him, is it broken? he says, no, i just parked it so well that i’m afraid i’ll leave, someone will take this place, and they told me the following story:
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one man drove out of the parking lot in the yard and left a note: don’t take up space, i’ll burn out the tires, he comes back, in its place there is an asphalt roller and next to it a note: success! and now the artist will come here and park right on the stage, until he makes everyone laugh, he won’t leave here. on stage, nikolai lukinsky, we meet. oh guys! we had a meeting of classmates at school, can you imagine, we haven’t seen each other for 100 years, and more, more, if you count repeat years, how everyone has changed, the girls
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have become prettier, the boys have gone bald, especially one. and the school has also changed, at the entrance there’s a guard standing there, we can’t go around, we can’t go around , well, of course we passed by invitation, oh , let’s go, we walk along the corridors of the school, oh, my soul hurts , i’m worried, portraits of great people hang, everyone is one-eyed, i’m telling you, everyone is one-eyed, except kutuzov, someone drew on his second eye and covered up the rest. in our home class, oh, oh, let's remember, yes, the first d, the first a, the first kiss, and you know, somehow imperceptibly, the conversation turned to this topic, and what school subject
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turned out to be the most unnecessary, the earring says, the most unnecessary physics, it turns out, pushes the body... out of the apartment with the same force with which it tried to get drunk, another earring says: no, no, no, no, the most, most unnecessary? says the botany, i say, at the dacha i’ve been fighting with my neighbors for 20 years, they hit me with potatoes, and i hit the pumpkin with beets , well, let’s sit and have a drink, why haven’t we seen each other for 30 years? you, you see, he always got an a in geometry, he says, the most unnecessary geometry, i say, i’m working on setting it up, i noticed it 100 times, seven times... measure it, it’s not longer
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will become, and tolik, tolik, you know, he , he came with a black eye, yes, well, he always came to school with a black eye, yes, he came, that means with a black eye, he says, guys, i don’t know about geometry, but arithmetic is definitely not needed, we were told from the first grade that 6 + 14 would be 20, 20, yes, yeah, it turns out, 19. my wife left for the sanatorium on the sixth, the trip was 2 weeks, why did she return on the nineteenth, sveta , sveta, beauty, she sang like she sang, i thought she would be a singer, what are you talking about, how she sang, the sneaky one is already getting up, she says, guys, not sports, the most unnecessary singing, yes, like this
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, i say, when i sing at home, my husband jumps out onto the balcony, says, let everyone see that i ’m not torturing the cat, we look around, our pashka, our pashka, a traffic cop with thirty years of experience, on the back party is sitting, sobbing, we go to him, pasha, what happened, he says, oh, he says, guys, believe me, in 30 years of working in the traffic police, not a single school subject has ever been useful in my life, and you know, right here i couldn’t stand it, i just couldn’t stand it, i stood up and said, i say, i don’t know about unnecessary items, the most necessary thing is labor, am i right? i made labor, i say, from
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a monkey to a man, and from a man , me, a labor worker, they are all in shock, they are stunned, so you are a teacher, why were you silent, that means they are jumping around me and rejoicing, but what are you teaching children? i say, i teach the boys how to make stools. so that men from childhood know where a real man’s hands come from, and i say, i don’t have favorites, because from the point of view of the stool, that’s right, all people are the same!
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the most incendiary hits of discotheques, where are your hands, friends, i myself made speakers from plywood, inserted this loud speaker there, the nineties, when there is some kind of fashionable movement, these movements make everything, i would like to invite you to meet an amazing sunrise, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is not at peace, nina, you need to go to the farm, that with volodya, yes, i hurt myself, that’s her fate, girls, i’ll talk.
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walls, big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making this room completely faceless three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and
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a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i generally want to grow. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. have you gone crazy? sunday. then good people reported that you got mixed up with a muscovite. this girl, who is she anyway?
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a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for 4 years. we need to have a child, i really, really ... want to, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anya, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, it’s you, what you wanted, live, according to the command of your heart, sunday, on rtr, where is your homeland , my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything we had together
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, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, huh? russia comes and the city lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. you know, lena, i’ll tell you honestly, i don’t like driving around moscow, especially on friday. why? because you are driving a car, and a pedestrian overtakes you. yes, you're right, karen. who said that muscovites suffer from traffic jams. in fact, muscovites are from them. it drags, i would even say, it barely drags. lena, what do you usually do in traffic jams? oh, what am i doing, getting my nails done, fixing my makeup, drinking coffee, eating candy, making phone calls, and what are you doing? well, i watch a movie or listen to an audiobook. recently, while stuck in a traffic jam,
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i managed to listen to the first volume of war and peace. oh, you know, karen, they say one guy called his girlfriend and said: honey, i’m stuck in traffic on... tsverskaya to come to zaks i can’t, marry someone else, it’s funny, it’s good that we don’t have any traffic jams for the sake of humor. the artists enter the stage without stopping, one after another. so, meet valentina korkina and viktor ostrolukhov on stage. the road, the cars, back and forth , back and forth, well, how sometimes an accident happens on our roads, where were you going, ram, oh, well, that’s necessary, why didn’t you see that i’m standing in front of your nose, well, that’s enough sit in the car, come here, get out, that's an asshole, but
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come on, well, that's an asshole, the car is a man, man, what are you yelling at, you're pushing your butt all the way to me wrinkled, it was you who kissed me, oh , you need to kiss this one, don’t shave, your trousers are wrinkled, your faces are making faces, ugh, yes, i’m the one who came out of a skid , what the hell, you got out of the car, look what you did to my car , you, you couldn’t stop in time , or something, when you started to slow down, in the seventh grade, where were you rushing, where were you rushing, didn’t you see that there was a sign hanging there that you can only drive up to sixty here, i can . i’m not even sixty yet, what a shame, well, well, a new car, well, i was just driving from salon, oh, and i'm from the salon, did you get a manicure? we ate too many mushrooms, and didn’t you see
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that there was a zebra on the road, a gazelle was milking on the zebra , a gazelle on the zebra, i was the one who ate mushrooms, yes, there was a gazelle on the ground, and there was also a bull standing on the ground, and behind the bull was a gelding, what are you talking about, the circus took a look, you better explain, why were you driving so strangely, do you have a problem with the ignition or something? ignition is not a problem at all, a glass of cognac and i light it until the morning, well then explain why this happened, i’m standing at a traffic light, the light is red, you’re behind, suddenly you you give the gas, you crash into me, and you see, in driving school i’m used to listening to the instructor, and he says: gas, i press the gas, brake, press the brake, then... the song came on the radio, gas, gas, gas, gas, gas, gas, got enough gas, how
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will you go home now, and it’s without a steering wheel, and i ’m in a straight line, you don’t need to turn me, but i completely threw it away, oh, don’t throw it away, they’ll weld it for you at the car service center, change the tires at the same time, he and you’re all bald in front, like you’re already bald... are you lying, i’m not bald, i won’t go to a car service center anymore, there are only fools working there, i came to them, i said, there is something knocking in my car, they say: you need to go to the pit, well, i left the service station and rushed through all the holes and ditches, the car began to knock even more, so that’s it, everything is clear with you, let’s call the traffic police, so i’ll call or you call, well , let’s call, it must have happened like that, but well , it’s a broken new car, but what’s wrong? hi, well, i was in that store that you told me about, it’s her, but they don’t have those boots that you bought, well, the silver ones
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in heels, but i took it for myself, where are you calling , you said to call, so i’m calling, i said, you need to report an accident, but what should you report , well, report it, come on, god, virus, i want to inform you about an accident, that you represent some a crazy guy in his crappy lexus crashed into my brand new ladukalina virally. he has a gazelle on the ground , he will say, aren’t you ashamed to say that i’m touched, i ’m not touched at all, well, it’s just that when i started, he himself says that he started, but he says that he wasn’t touched, well, i started, in the sense, i went in general, if it weren’t for the traffic light, oh, i would have run away from you like that, there are 160 horses in my car, man, not a single horse can get into your car, you’re definitely crazy, but i’m absolutely normal, normal, i’m 30 years old. on wheels , and well, it’s clear that you’re talking nonsense like it’s hard for us smart women on the road with morons
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, listen, smart woman, tell me what your number is, and aren’t you ashamed to ask a woman about this, okay, ok, i 'll see for myself, just try, this is the license plate of your car, and not this, here oh, this is the license plate, but 340 stupid? you should have immediately understood that you can’t expect anything good from a car with that number, because your last name is gryzalova, oops, that’s from your husband, but my last name is davilova, now i want to take a double surname, davilova vrezalova, but you don’t need a double one, you don’t know how to ride with that one, i’m fine, it’s just that today a tram was chasing me all day, of course, how could he not chase, why wouldn’t he chase if you were in... and went around, that’s for you, you need i had
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to go around, you have a navigator in your car, why didn’t you turn it on, i had a fight with him, with the navigator is definitely 340, you fool, and driving 341, well, nothing, nothing, well, now the traffic police will arrive, they will immediately take away your license, but they won’t take away my license. they won’t take it away, how can you take away something that i never had, well, you got caught, and while driving without a license you crashed into a red light, but you ’ll get this for that, oh, nothing, it won’t happen to me, oh, something it's hot here, oh, it's cold, hold your raincoat, please, oh, oh, traffic police general, yes, i'm sorry that i got in your way. yes, i am guilty, yes, i repent, yes, with what can i atone? your guilt, marry me, marry, marry.
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i will have a wife, a traffic police general, wave in the car, wait for me, a wife, a traffic police general, wow, the girls from the theater studio where i play the traffic police general will be jealous. they say that one man did not notice his wife’s new hairstyle. the next day she drove his car and didn't notice the table. well, that’s right, it’s your own fault, you need to pay attention to the woman. okay, and another guy crashed into
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a traffic light. it turned out that he and his wife were driving to the dacha, on the side of the road. there was a beautiful girl standing, a man stared at her, and his wife looked at him covered it with her hand, it’s your own fault when you’re driving, there’s no point in looking at other women, you have to look at the road, right, right, of course, i see you have excuses for everything, but because there’s no point in complaining about a woman, she’s a real artist when she comes out stage, he doesn’t complain about women, he makes them laugh , father morozum works part-time, runs from apartment
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to apartment, from house to house, congratulating children on the new year in the morning. then they call him, you have a performance, where are you? he flies to the theater, runs in on the go, they dress him on the go costume, he doesn’t see what costume, runs out of the stage, can’t start, they tell him aphelionfa, who, who, who, who, what, who, who, nymph, who am i, who am i? and hamlet, who , like hamlet, wait, like hamlet, and the piglets , piglets, piglets were from the morning, now is it evening, yes, y, so time flies, knowing, the play sapor of our lady of borizh, the artist who plays quasimode, this hunchback, he came drunk, the director said, are you
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stunned, or what, completely, completely already? or what, you have to be on this rope, on this rope, at a height, to the sound of bells, from backstage to backstage, you'll come around, i won't come back, not for the first time, let's see, let's see, he climbed up, it's not very high, and the melon breaks down, falls to his knees, he took it with his back, he says, look , i’m like a monkey on this rope here. there is a table here, we see two characters, one must poison the other, he must fall
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dead, it closes, the performance must begin. well, we see, this one pours wine from a bottle, that’s how much, it’s stale , he opens the ring, pours poison into a glass, gives it to this character to the second one, he takes it and drops it glass, and what to do, how does he get out of the situation, yes, it’s a pity, the glass fell, although a little moisture remained on the vest, lick it. or something , he licked it and fell dead, in general, in every theater there is an artist whose place is in the buffet, here is the performance, too, one artist did not come, fell ill or something, the director knows that this semyonich is there in the buffet, he says, i beg you, help me out, help me out , just like that, the artist didn’t come , he says, yes, please, i’ll play, but i don’t know the words, he says, i’ll tell you, i
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’ll tell you how he comes out, just imagine, it’s like envy, but... he comes out, the director says to him, the director says: slowly you... my hands, manya, my hands are no longer the same, but my hands, my hands are not the same
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, beckoning, hands, beckoning, here these laboring hands are not the same, no hands, legs, legs are walking, but the legs are walking, the legs are beckoning, these laboring legs are not walking, mane, they are not walking.
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beckoning, beckoning, don’t, don’t need it, but beckoning, don’t, don’t need it, beckoning, this is non-mania, you don’t need this, the goat, this is alluring, these are not the same ones, not you, i don’t need this, the goat, everything is slowly getting up , gets up slowly, but gets up slowly, didn’t want to
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i'm going to upset you, man, but it's obvious that he's going to get used to it, he's getting into trouble, you bastard. len, let's talk about high, high , yes, about gasoline prices, no, about music, because we actually have a lot of songs about cars, we just didn't know about it, yeah, well, for example, come on, well, for example, do you remember this song from burdens. yes, we can have any roads, roads, this is the song of the conductors who drive along the toll highway, okay, let
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’s dream up, and i’m walking around moscow, oh , this is the song of a man whose car was taken away by a tow truck, this is the song, oh, in vain, aunt, this is a song about a woman who bought a lada kalina. this is a karan from the steppe to the steppe all around, the path is far away in that deaf steppe, i was freezing, and because i had to buy a normal navigator, let's invite a singer to this stage and let her sing something to us too. let's have claudia penkova on our stage!
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if you're frowning, leave the house; if you 're not happy, it's a sunny day, so be it. the guy you meet will smile as if he were an acquaintance, and the smile, no doubt, will suddenly touch you. your eyes and a good mood will no longer leave you if you and your loved one suddenly quarrel by chance , often those who love quarrel in vain, you look into each other’s eyes, look better, better than any words, sometimes glances speak, a smile , no doubt, suddenly. will touch your eyes, and
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the good mood will never leave you. if someone was a friend in misfortune , this act is treasured in your heart, remember how many good people there are, we have many more of them, remember them, and a smile , without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes, and good things. the mood will never leave you again
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all good moods will no longer leave you, and good moods will never leave you anymore. dad, i have a sailor, all my relatives , on my father’s side, are all sailors, i found out on the voyage that she went to the pier, what is it anyway, some kind of shiny stick, it took root to sacrifice a chandelier, make a hole in the deck,
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blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. posters on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on december 17. in the large hall of the conservatory, the new year's tchaikovsky gala, a symphony orchestra plays russia named after svetlanov, soloist ivan bessonov, conductor alexey bogorad. the maly
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theater presents the premiere. vladimir dragunov staged the play "don juan" or the stone feast based on maliere's comedy. starring andrey chubchenko. the pushkin theater on the stage of the branch is showing a joint project with the mkhat studio school, the premiere performance "lyceum". about the ninth intake of the tsarsko-selo lyceum. directed by andrey kuzichev based on the play by elena isaeva. the exhibition second multiplied by eternity continues at the anatoly zverev museum. the exhibition includes more than 100 works representatives of unofficial art.
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in gauz, with a concert of works by schumann, tchaikovsky and rachmaninoff. the festival program includes the arts square in memory of yuri temerkanov, music and dances of the borocco era. in the large hall of the philharmonic they play, sing and dance. from the artist's birthday. the large-scale exhibition brings together more than 120 paintings and graphic works, including the conquest of siberia by ermak, the capture
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of the snow town, suvorov’s crossing of the alps, stepan razin, boyar morozov and many others from the collections of museums in st. petersburg and moscow and krasnoyarsk. julian rachlin, sarah makelorovy and boris andrianov perform a work by jaoghan sebastian bach in the brahms hall of the vienna music collection. new adventures presents matthew bourne's ballet edward scissorhands, based on tim burton's film and music by teri davis, at the sedlar wells theatre. the berlin state ballet continues to show the ballet the sizzling beauty. directed by marcia haida based on choreography by marius petipa to music by pyotr ilgevichaikovsky. a large-scale exhibition continues in paris' parc vilet art. nature universe of salvador dali. the images of the artist’s paintings are reproduced directly in the open air using light and digital technologies. more than 3.00 light installations, sculptures and video projections create a kind of labyrinth, through which visitors can immerse themselves in the fantasy world of the great surrealist. thank you. all
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the best, especially just for you, now it’s 4 o’clock, yes, we worked, but there were always a huge number of questions, we all saw this, from what we would warn, from naivety, but we asked directly, based on what i just heard, could you really be called a naive person in the 2000s , the president’s answers to additional important questions said that the united states is pursuing an imperial policy, and biden says that if...
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it’s better , than you, moscow, the kremlin, putin, are watching on sunday on rtr. hello, on the russia vesti tv channel, in the studio. and the main topic for this hour: vladimir putin’s election campaign has begun, a group in support of his self-nomination has been officially formed, we are waiting direct inclusion of our political observer alexei petrov from the concert hall charge.


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