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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  December 17, 2023 5:49am-6:10am MSK

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won’t interfere, but nevertheless, and these are directors of a general profile, after all, you even entered the budgetary one, yes, yes, further, further, well, i received a directing education and, by the will of fate , accidentally ended up in advertising production, all the directing skills that i got help in afika in every possible way, because i work as a producer, i’m involved in the production of advertising, searching for directors, actors, building sets, and the art school and some artistic skills came in handy.
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through the media that you are a talent, you start into it to believe, at 16 years old, what a talent you are, well , roland bykov made you, i believed that i was talented, i lost faith in this a long time ago, but it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that i was
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an event of such temperature, and there we were supposed to be fired upon and leveled with the earth, i say that it’s you who is wrong, in my opinion, and he was so animated that semyon, are you out of your mind, are you teaching me or what? i say, well , you and i studied with the same teachers, and we studied with bebikov and pozho together at different times, naturally, so he says, well, that’s how chicken eggs teach. wait, pause,
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i need to talk to him, but for some reason this didn’t deter me, that’s what i’m saying, because before that i was always some kind of ambitious, i went to train as a director in order to prove that i’m not shady and so on, so all the time i was at the level of fighting with someone, fighting for a picture, especially since in the nineties films were made only with criminal money, there was no way to get there, and well , in the sense that... it was necessary you have to mold yourself from a completely different cloth in order to negotiate with criminals, so that you they gave money for the cinema, that was all then , yes, so when she was born, when i took her, her mother swaddled her like that, and said: walk with her, when you walk with her, she becomes silent, i took her, it means i started walking with her, she became so quiet, suddenly i pressed her to me like that, i suddenly realized that i...
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with some people a person can be much worse than he could be with others, when fate brings with those at the wrong time, oh my god, we have a program about love, about love, hope, like together with a child love for parents is growing, it seems to me that it is only getting stronger, i can’t say that it is growing up, it is important to say that i am a very happy person, because my parents have always been great friends, people who do not edify me, who do not criticize me for any
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that... that she did not become an artist, the fact is that from the very beginning i was in my childhood, i lived in a barracks, we had five children, you know, and two parents, so in one partitioned room, there was a family, it turns out , seven people, you have the number seven, seven nannies, seven brides, on the seventh floor in the seventy-seventh apartment, but seriously, in belarusian, well , probably, they say there is some kind of numerology, there really is some kind. so what i want to say about nadiya, firstly, i pasted over all possible surfaces in the apartment and then , when we went to the dacha there, i pasted over the cinquicente masterpieces, these are the reproductions and i said, this is leonardo davinci, this means
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micheland, this botticelli, at first, of course, she stirred because of this, then after a while she began to stutter, the doctor told us half of it. remove, stop, second, you we paid attention to her absolutely immeasurable memory, and at home, in order to interest her, we began to put headphones on her with fairy tales, suddenly it turned out that she knew the fairy tale about tsar saltan by heart and how it was revealed, one day we were riding on the bus, she suddenly began to read the fairy tale , everyone began to listen to the fairy tale, and she, she ’s an artist at heart... she started to get up , gesticulate, a guy from behind said , what a great guy, she speaks quietly, and continued, then they started applauding her, you know, the whole bus, i missed that one moment, i didn’t think that she remembers , she listens, it’s understandable, she’s interested in it, then
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it turned out that she turns out, this is it, we sent her to a school where she learned to dance, we sent her to a drawing school, that is, we they were looking for her to choose something, something... to settle on, real, loving parents, truly, truly, this means, thinking all the time about her future, that’s what i thought about all the time, thought and sveta thought, this is not, in my opinion, the right love, you know, then i for the first time i felt that she was gifted as an actor, clearly absolutely, well, she was well 5 years old, and at the age of 5 she understood what was needed here and... louder on the contrary quieter on the contrary obligatory, that is, all this is there, i then i thought, oh horror, god, is she really going to be an actress, god yes, and then i filmed the story of verolazh, that means, where she played for the first time with a six-year-old girl with me, where
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she cried, i said grachevsky, i say, borya, i say, i can’t find a 6-year-old girl so she can think, but i have one, i say, well, you’ll be against it, because you don’t you love this business, why? i say: daughter? he says: oh, well, sit down, well, well, i, i say: i rehearsed everything with her, i say, show me how? he said nothing, to hell with you , shoot, but you will be guilty, i say, okay, you will shoot, in general, when there was no need to cry, they began to wink at each other , they liked each other, artists, that means a boy who was already 10 years old , and she , who is six and... i say, yes, you need to flap, she says daddy, let's pay, i'll pay, yes, i say, motor, she suddenly says, boom, i i say, stop, what is this, and i come up to her and say, what are you doing this, laughing, you, this is a profession, you signed up, agreed,
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you didn’t say that i didn’t want to, i didn’t force you, no, i didn’t force him, and yet nothing, there are no tears, but she, i think, there won’t be any tears, and me... who says: senya, that’s all now, now there will be different lighting, either we’re filming now, or you ’ll have to to ask for one more fresh day from grachevsky’s verolash, so i say, turn it on, that’s it, i went up to her, took her here so, like this, with my nails, like this, a small hand, this little hand, which i love more than life itself, i took it, i say, say, these are all the tears.
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new investigative secrets from monday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them them... a real star, a secret of dreams, how do you feel about this
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agreed, we first pushed in a red snake, sergeychki skipped ours, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on... in my youth i had a difficult birth, because i can’t have children, you could even hide the fact that there is a child, i can’t see you, i can’t, it’s my own fault, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time, please stop punishing yourself, the past cannot be changed , what are you doing with my child, but... you can give a chance, you need to tell the truth
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right now until the moment of his adoption, no adoption will ever take place if he finds out that i am his birth mother, you know, i found my son, i immediately lost him like a fool, my own blood, on friday on rtr. luka became interested in music quite early, at the age of 4, to become a good stapler, you need to treat your profession with love, you are a small boy, but already a very big musician, thank you, but i still have to learn, learn to learn, where did you come from? ? it's simply mind boggling you see, playing companella for 8 years is incredible, he and i practice every day
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, for about two hours, and he, besides me, also plays, what, three or four, our future is you, it’s beautiful, wonderful, blue bird, anniversary season, today, on rtr, when everyone is at home? by the way, when i was thinking about nadyusha and me, i thought that what unites us with her, namely, we are united by one circumstance that never occurred to anyone , both of us have not had grandparents since childhood because they are already at that time, she is later.
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emotional vitamins, which are also necessary in building personality, well, of course, they both left me.” parents, father and mother with an interval of 3 months, first father , then mother, after the parents leave , who were, well, like your arms, your legs, like your flesh, this is a vacuum, which, as they say, is organized, it is never compensated by anything, not by some kind of happiness, not by some kind of money, by some kind of fame, and by nothing, i don’t know about anyone, but i was terrified for several years. and in such lazy horror, when there was no energy, especially
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because, especially because the last years before her death, my mother’s, i took care of myself, i was a lot of fun, they wrote about me, i was even on the covers of magazines, some, i was very pleased with myself, which means , when she called me, she said, i called you yesterday at 2:00 a.m., marina said that you are still not there, i say, mom, i say, well, i was, well, well, already, well, i’m already so old years, what are you doing all the time, no, i’m just sorry, i’m sorry, that’s it...
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the most important things, there’s no one more important than a mother, but you create this very late, i realized this when it seemed like i should already, i was already, as he says, a big fool, once we started talking about this, suddenly among our own people, yura chernov was there, well we were talking to someone together, all at the same time, so to speak, and i, he says, is the same, too, so, of course, there are wonderful ones, they say, especially in families, jewish families, there is a completely special attitude towards this, and , for example, kramarov, saveli, we were friends with him at one time, until he left, he doted on her mother, he adored her, as soon as he touched her in conversation, he immediately said, mommy, mommy, he even had the impression, forgive me, lord, that even his squint went into this moment, once we
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also gathered somewhere at some film festival, there was also this conversation, and suddenly i heard, someone was next to the guitar, i said, come on, my soul asks, and i sang this song, which now, they all know it, but i always, when i sing this song, i see natalyunovna in front of me, my beloved mother, you are my old lady, i, hello to you, hello, let him work on your hut, here the evening meals of the insolent women write
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to me that you are causing anxiety. the mistake made me sad that you often go on the road, in the old-fashioned age of shushune and let us darken the dark blue. seeing each other often is the same thing, i calm down, this is just a painful time, and it won’t be such a rollercoaster ride that you won’t...
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what the child likes or the parent considers important, children don’t understand that at this moment the parent may feel bad, but he still wastes his time of your life for your child. mikhailovich, my mother is with you, it happened on filming, it didn’t just happen, she was a guardian, so at the grape
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ruins, which happened at the age of ten, my mother was not easy. and she, firstly, was specially taken out, to the fact that when there are five children, the issue of financing the family is very acute, the father, who was earning a lot then, because he was a highly qualified locomotive driver, at that time, supported the family for many years with this money, for one worker, that’s me what i’m saying is because they paid me money, and at that time, it was a thousand rubles before... as they say, she’s watching, she said , here’s our savior, to the guests who later came, she says, here’s our savior, i didn’t already receive 120 rubles a month
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, can you imagine, then at that time i was 15 years old , you know, the boy is an engineer, an engineer, well, yes, well, yes, my mother was very pleased and the main thing, then i found out, it was so nice, because she said, my dear, she says, you understand when there are five people, well... dad at work all the time, he came two nights and back on a flight, so, and he says, you know what it’s like to clean up after you for decades, so when i leave with my son, i only clean up after him after myself, that is, her happiness was multiplied by many different circumstances, the youngest helped himself,


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