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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  December 17, 2023 8:00pm-9:29pm MSK

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the finale of the direct line of the press conference , what putin would say to himself in 2000, what would he say, i would say, you are on the right road, comrade, from what you would warn, from yourself all the wires that...
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the director of the fsb, the secretary of the council security and even the chairman of the government at some initial stage. still, i had a naive idea that the whole world, and above all the so -called, now i say with absolute conviction, the so-called civilized, understands what happened to russia, and if something negative is happening in the policies of western countries towards... russia, but in particular, there was obviously support for separatism and terrorism on russian territory, i, as the director of the fsb, saw this, but i, in my naivety, believed that this was just the inertia of thinking and actions, they got used to fighting the soviet union and continue, there is a middle class in this in the intelligence services about the realities, and the realities are like this, later, i was absolutely 100% convinced of this that... after
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the collapse of the soviet union they thought that, well, this is necessary just be patient a little, now we’ll break it down and russia, which is such a fairly large country by european standards, the largest territory in the world, with a fairly large population compared to other european countries, generally does not need to use resources, but based on the fact that everything separately will not have independent weight, an independent voice and... will not have the opportunity to defend its national interests the way a unified russian state does, only later did this realization come to me, and the initial approach, it was quite naive, but we are ready to build relationships , but this is an absolute thing in which they are inferior to someone, this is already perceived by the electorate as some kind of failure or gap, so the elites are forced to behave this way happily when some internal changes occur, when they...
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they artificially create problems with us because they don’t want to have such a competitor in russia, that’s all. and how can we find common ground, when from all sides, it is sufficient to not only feel confident, but and moving forward, as it turned out, it was a surprise for our so-called partners, to be honest, for many of us, that over the previous decades russia has accumulated this margin of safety, now the russian economy is growing by... 3.5%,
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this is a good indicator, unemployment is as low as possible, and this has never happened in the history of russia, but when there is peace, well , there will be peace when we achieve their goals that you said, they don’t change, they don’t want to negotiate, well, then we are forced to accept others, including military measures, today ukraine no longer produces almost anything, everything is brought, sorry for the maviton, well, for free, but this freebie may end someday, everything that the westerners promised, ukraine received everything, even more, but we destroyed it, just starting either we agree on demilitarization, or solve it by force. the question is short, but of concern to many. will there be a second wave of mobilization? i understand that such a sensitive issue, partial mobilization took place, and then we called up 300,000 people, guys are fighting great, it’s just excellent, 14 heroes of the russian federation, after that we began a fairly broad campaign to attract people on a voluntary
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basis to conclude a contract who are ready to defend the interests of their homeland with arms in hand, not decreasing, 1,500 daily. well, why do we need mobilization, so today there is no need for this, we are still formulating, the wording of the questions was invented right up to the very beginning of the program, which attracted the attention of a record-breaking large audience, you look under the bed, of course, stop, again from the beginning, let's do it again once, 40 minutes before the broadcast, articulation gymnastics. and complete internal and external readiness. the tv screensaver is already on, the president enters. and it’s clear that the rehearsals helped , all the wires will be processed, they will not
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go unanswered. it was during these seconds that the presenters said their welcoming words. and as soon as the president’s microphone was ready, the first question about the most important thing was asked.
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signed a pledge and had no intention of fulfilling it, this, plus the unbridled desire to creep towards our borders, capturing ukraine into nato, all this led to this tragedy, they outwardly behave like general de gaulle, who fought for the interests of france with arms in hand, in practice they behave like marshal pétain, who became a collaborator and submitted to the will of the occupiers, everyone almost behaves in such a logical way that the question was asked about...
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released without a hat, just you and 15°, i 'm sorry, great, yes, these shots were discussed by many in the country, but this is what putin himself emphasized: you and i are sitting here, solving complex issues, necessary, but we still warm, you know, safe, and the guys are there
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on the front line and in the mud, and under bullets, and under shells, we should never forget about this, they and their family members should certainly be in... the sight of our attention always in the program of preferential arctic mortgages, those families , who had already bought a home like this, got in direct contact with putin and became nervous. we waited. hurray, within the limits , there is still a lot of work ahead, you need to invest a lot of everything, and a lot of effort needs to be put in, i’m not a public person, here the whole of russia should be looking at me, i was preparing the text, something i wrote on a piece of paper, but all my thoughts down reacted to my excitement with laughter when i faltered, but vladimir vladimirovich’s reaction was priceless, i will learn to overcome.
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good, and also the teachers and school management are here with a sparkle in their eyes, the director’s story. out of 14 questions, i answered only 11, this is the sixth grade, you can imagine how difficult it is, i really studied for a long time, and even there is still a soft sign, no, it’s normal, but the most memorable gift from santa claus, the biggest gift is children. and children our children, this is a gift from the almighty
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, most of all, probably, we are not even pleased with the gifts that are given to us, but with the gifts that we give, i asked how you are celebrating it, you said that you will watch the president’s address, it will strike midnight, the chimes , next, what do you have, next is a glass of champagne, with loved ones, conversations on everyday topics, surprise with gifts, how... well, i don’t know, i haven’t been to the store yet, i haven’t chosen these gifts yet, but i’ll try, of course , for those people i meet, but i don't remember, i was 3-4 years, i remember how i did something wrong there, she put me in a corner, and then why did i remember that, so she walked next to me back and forth, all the time asking the same question: will you apologize? she grabbed me in her arms and
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took me with me through life. there is another new year's story, also connected with my parents. my mother worked for me when she retired; she worked as a nurse in a hospital. and at the buffet they gave her change for a lottery ticket. it cost 30 kopecks back then. she came, left him at home, in general, in the end it turned out that she won a car , well, a modest one, but nevertheless i drove there for a very long time, but before i started driving it, there was such a family council, we sat down at the table, i, well, mother, father, that means , i, and my parents could sell a ticket with the proceeds to buy a cooperative apartment, because we lived in the same room in a communal apartment.
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says: let’s take the car, let the cossack with the number 0307 lie down, nothing more than vladimir putin’s first car, which, by the way, is still in working order, having demonstrated it, the president surprised not only george bush, but all journalists. 2006, g8 summit in st. petersburg, putin , like this, allowing the us president into family stories, is trying to build relations with the west, journalists from both countries are closely watching. now, years later, russia and the united states are on the verge of direct battle and collision,
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washington does not hide the fact that it directly controls the kiev troops, the complete failure of the so-called counteroffensive, but new suicidal attempts. they have even been talking for some time about some kind of enemy bridgehead on on the left bank of the dnieper, near the village of krynka, what kind of bridgehead is this? it was decided by the military command to move a few meters to one side. dozens of dead, they ended up in a fire bag , only for political reasons, they throw personnel there, these are the elite, assault... detachments, actually there are not so many of them, i’ll tell you straight, it’s beneficial for us if they thoughtlessly send further personnel there , unfortunately, this is the logic of the armed struggle, they continue to do this, this is a tragedy, i think for them, approach, apparently, some kind of success within the framework of the so-called counter-offensive, new york times, please, no, let us first give xinghua, and then the new york times, and then
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the new york times gave the floor, although in many western countries russian journalists are not allowed to work...
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pointed to the young man in the front row, yes, yes, you, no, good afternoon, in 2024 the chairmanship of the supreme council of people's commissars will pass, many had a dry throat, or could not believe the very fact of what was happening, thank you thank you very much, let's respect, just look how much questions were raised, it is possible, it is possible, yes, now, a second, now, a second, here is brix tatarstan, what we have, and he, apparently, did not expect this so much. that this is the first reaction, from all regions of russia those who sent questions to putin clearly knew what they wanted to ask about, just mass complaints about the rise in price of a particular product, it’s very sad to buy eggs in our country, andrei samoilov from the tomsk region, anastasia plastinina is sad from ivanovo asks, these eggs
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are what golden hens lay, have pity on pensioners, we don’t get a million.
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the decision was made by nicholas ii, the second decision was made by josephomovich stalin, and we only implemented all these decisions, but we did it with the inherent quality of you and the builder. with the usual brilliance, that’s what concerns the famous events that took place on the bridge, here, of course, there is special gratitude to the railway worker, special zeal, now we consider ourselves paramilitary, but i
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can assure everyone that the work built on the railway is absolutely safe and reliable, in the west and in in the east of the country, the enemy is trying to reach the most important objects infrastructure of this eastern training ground, we need... to show due vigilance, bearing in mind the conditions in which we live, all the volunteers, all those with weapons in their hands, lagging military correspondents ask about the situation with the supply of everything necessary to the front, you cannot help but to see that it is improving , after all, it’s true, say that it’s true , it’s improving, yes, but that’s a fact, but of course, you ’re right, it’s not always enough, not everything always works out, after all, it’s the front line, you know how much , almost 200 km, in the combat zone .
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recently, the number of ukrainian troops surrendering into captivity has sharply increased. i am sure that victory will be ours, common. all peskov had to do was turn to the sides, but during the events the energy in the hall was such that just a slight turn of the neck clearly would not have been enough. excuse me, please, but very important questions are still coming from the villages. every now and then i had to ask some journalists to moderate their ardor. putin wrote down everything point by point, answered about relations with moldova, the authorities, who are demonstratively allegedly refusing russian gas, please
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, they have extra money, let them do it that way, also in other areas, let’s say , the agricultural market, well, they don’t want it, it’s not necessary, where will the moldovans go with these products, as they want, so let them do it, as for armenia, it was not we who abandoned karabakh, it was armenia who recognized that karabakh is part of azerbaijan. i don’t think that it is in armenia’s interests to somehow terminate its membership in the cis, the eu, the csto, in the end it’s still the state’s choice, well , we’ll see how the situation develops. putin looked, answering one question, immediately to another, what is needed, that shumbrat, shumbrat - this means in mordovian, hello, i will now, now answer that you like herring more now near donetsk.
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by the way, should i say artificial intelligence , should we be afraid of it, to prevent the development of artificial intelligence, this is impossible, it is impossible to prevent development, which means
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we need to lead, where it will end , no one knows, these are the realities, at least today, but if there is desire to change something, then you need to try to change, but the law , it must be followed, remember the belorussian station, there papanov plays an accountant of a large soviet enterprise, and he... is constantly in confrontation with the young director, he asks him to violate some instructions there, and popanov’s hero answers him, here you are so young, energetic, maybe you are right, but if you are right, you are so energetic, go and get this instruction cancelled, and while it is in effect, i will comply with it, the president rarely reads the decision of the constitutional court, i will not hide, for example, the chairman the government even asks questions from time to time...
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at a meeting with parliamentary leaders , they talked until 2:00 am. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? just like last week, there will be event after event. but since this is inevitable, today is better than tomorrow. and there is a special military operation going on, of course, it will be discussed at an extended meeting. colleagues from the ministry of defense, the president always participates in it, it is obvious that the key topic is the events in ukraine around it. they'll soon have nothing at all it won’t, everything will be only in the form of handouts. it is reasonable to assume that the current situation in the world will become the main topic of discussion at the council of legislators. its meeting is timed to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the federation council. work clearly and quickly as one cohesive, well-coordinated team. putin will also hold a council on the strategic development of national projects. projects in the country, only
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our program, but if you subscribe to zarubin’s telegram channel, you will know about presidential events before others. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you, see you next weekend, and we'll see the audience after a short break. i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. now i’ll tell you about everything, on one of my trips i visited the signalmen guys, and of course
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i went to the academy as a signalman. connections, for some reason named after budenov, in whose courtyard there is a monument, for some reason to chipaev, well, that is, there are all explanations, but these are such funny historical parallels, but i ’ll tell you honestly, i was shocked, i was simply shocked, in- first, but thanks to the ministry of defense, this is a fantastic complex of buildings, which initially, it historical, but inside there are very specific maps, orders, all this in real time. all this is connected with the immediate tasks of the command, how the guys prepare, what kind of guys they are, how they live, how they train, how they study, that is , no one needs to be motivated, besides, there are both men and women, that is, boys, and girls, they have their own cadet corps, one academy, who graduate gold and are proud, that is, whistle players, of course, just
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great respect, and of course. these are, of course, such desperate guys and connections, well, this is the nerve of the army, that is, without communication , without controllability, it is impossible to fight, moreover , smart, accurate, observant, if they were involved in politics in america, today is the day of the strategic missile forces, yes, that is, these are amazing troops, 64 years old, yes, so we congratulations to everyone involved on
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the holiday. strategic missile forces , they say, yes, that you keep worrying about the athletes who are not allowed to the olympics, but the officers spend their whole lives preparing, they never allow them to participate, that’s who you need to worry about, the slogan of the strategic missile forces is good, yes, after us there is silence, after, well, that’s how it is , yes, after them there is silence, before the fair, but these are the troops that provide a cold shower to any hot western politician, in europe they are discussing orban, who was either bribed, or... persuaded to drink coffee while the leaders of european countries were voting for the start of negotiations on ukraine’s admission to the eu, i don’t accept this explanation, i don’t really understand it at all, what does it mean to vote when someone went out to drink coffee, that is, it doesn’t work out, that is, who and who is this? he’s having coffee now, let’s quickly vote while he’s gone, that is, they’re trying to tell us some kind of fairy tale, probably it doesn’t matter at all if the decision is made
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by consensus, that is, it probably doesn’t matter... take it easy, for them they are definitely not primary, you shouldn’t expect this from them. surprisingly, in the same way , however, the chancellor of austria was absent from the hall during the vote for a new package of anti-russian sanctions, but an agreement had already been reached with him, he had already withdrawn all his objections. in the united states, the president was banned from taking arbitrary decisions to withdraw from nato are a case of trump returning to power. this is actually a joke, because in theory , biden should be banned from wanting.
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this is the level of fear of israeli soldiers at the end of the year, so this is, well, okay , this is, this is people who tried to surrender, speaking ivit with a white flag, without weapons, undressed, undressed, they were in a dialogue, they were killed anyway, but can you imagine what ’s happening to anyone else? people came out to the squares and didn’t understand what was happening at all, and at the same time... sorry, bombing kills a french diplomat, and france is silent, well, just silent, listen, your diplomat was killed by members of his family, members, who, are they terrorists, that is, where
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did all these stories go, that israel warns everyone before bombing, what are you doing? , well, let's now move to the city, russian bombs flew in and killed a french diplomat, his family, a few more, can you imagine, everything would have been, yes, the un security council, a new package of sanctions, screams, what do you allow yourself, there is general silence here, just silence, and most importantly no one understands that do next. it is clear that america cannot control israel, it can only give bombs so that they continue to attack. the people of israel, such a fundamental pillar of the israeli state, have absolute trust in their army, because this is an army when a leader has taken over.
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that’s all, we won’t send, and this means a violation of global logistics, this is again a rise in prices, that is, this is again a frenzied crisis, and why should ukraine, which eats, eats, eats money and does not say thank you, well, it can come up with something , while some are running out fools, others are starting, now the finns have caught up, these are where they are going, they are completely serious about allowing the americans to station troops and weapons on their territory.
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created phenomenal trade conditions, that it was thanks to russia that they prospered so economically, that is, now we are getting for this, yes, okay, but we will not be there again until the twenty-eighth year , the united states signed lithuania and estonia, in poland in 200 km from the kaliningrad region , the us missile defense base has come into operation, that is, they are trying to tease us whether?
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is clearly preparing for a big war with russia, we understand this, and it’s interesting that they are a man with such a good fish surname, stavridis. he suddenly said once. i generally like people with such kind fish names. triskovich, stavrides. let's listen to him. how did it happen that a year ago the halls of the congress were buzzing, i, along with ukraine. and now president zelensky is met with political deadlock. what the hell happened this year? yeah, i think there's a trifact there. we love to fight short wars. remember the persian gulf. we hate long wars. forever wars are a fear , that's right, we hated vietnam, we
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don't like being involved in something for a long time, this conflict is starting to resemble an lp record, secondly, to be honest, you need to call a spade a spade, it's the lack of success in attacking this in the summer, it really failed, the sssu found itself in a serious impasse, this is even more clearly visible that the trend of disagreements on certain issues is becoming more complex, so
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for... that’s what bykov and akunin turned out to be, that’s one
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thing, but there are no real sanctions yet, and the state here should, in my opinion , show the will, well, by the way, not only in these matters, alexander mikhailovich, i would like, the west still remains strong, moreover, ukraine here is a formal, as if a formal index, in fact they are not financing ukraine, they are financing an instrument that fights us, they will of course find money for this and for themselves, because sooner or it will be late for them. make choices about one's own participation in this, direct participation, so this is a question as fateful for them as to some extent for us, so the enemy remains strong, the insidious system works, but it is collapsing, it will end, they bought hungary, they bought austria, apparently that for money you can do anything, that is, sanctions against raiffeisenbank suddenly changed the situation related to the position of austria, well, this is so naive today that we understand that if there is no other argument left, then we are doing everything. right as regards situation, then i would like to return to
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what i discussed recently, which is still being discussed, this is, firstly, the speech we see is that today the candidacy of vladimir vladimovich, she, well, she is the only one, why, because it is we who have today as the country has such a leader who solves issues adequate to the scale of the country itself with tasks that exist, that is, you know, that’s all that sounds from the mouth of our president, today aimed at the international track, related to changing the world, with the formation his calm analysis of this situation, forecast and events taking place within the country, they are amazing, because it is our country that deserves such a leader today, and there is no alternative to this, and this is not the president’s praise, this is happiness, which is due to the fact that today, precisely at this difficult moment for the country, there is a leader who can shoulder the full measure of responsibility associated with external affairs.
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we need to move forward, that we need to move forward, he pointed, even if not deeply, but to the main coins today than before, because that i understand that this dissonance, it demonstrates that they have entered, well, into a real contradiction with...
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i want to say that the awareness of this today concerns not only people who are employed in the financial sphere, in the economic sphere, but this is devastating the financial bloc and the central bank, literally after the president’s speech the next day the discount rate was increased, again, i thought that they somehow drew conclusions, they repeat word for word. what was said literally a month ago, which turns out to be the economic growth of russia no, it doesn’t contradict our balanced growth, well, listen, well, well, when we stop this violence against the economy, over the economic theory of the so-called celestials, yes, he is the deputy prime minister there, you know, you can tell the chinese by his tone,
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i i don’t know him very well, we have specialists on this country, but his reasoning, his... concentration on projects, on discussion, well, it amazes the imagination, he said twice that both russia and china today are not just their backs, shoulder-shoulder, i emphasized that back to back is when with enemies, shoulder to shoulder, since about five years ago, about 5% growth today is adjusted, 6.2 they are waiting, you know, wants to ask, but how is this, maybe they don’t read statements of the central bank, maybe give them something to read, maybe the economy is overheated, maybe they just don’t know that it is on the brink. catastrophes are simple, well, how to stop, it is necessary, it is necessary to stop economic growth, and for some reason the central bank considers this possible, who determined 4% inflation, here a question arises for me, i have given economic figures, a figure that, excuse me, is relevant to the economy, but not the key one, and further subordinates the development of our
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economic sector and this goal, yes it is an important goal, but it is not the only one, why today with inflation 7.5% we have a rate... twice the discount rate is twice as high as this inflation, already more, how are we, where is the explanation why we have, for example, a year ago, the same inflation, i'm just here for explanations to us, because the words of the president indicate that we need victory, and he doesn’t decipher it, he hopes that every branch of power, and ordinary people understand that it is forged in their workplace, this victory, but i want to understand, where is the victory program of the central bank, where does he say that, well well, this is impossible , this is impossible, this is impossible, but... this is not only possible, this must be done, this does not sound, it is said, again through the mouth of the leadership of the central bank, that our economy is a machine, who determined this speed, why suddenly someone thought that this speed of the economy, it it’s overheating, so let’s criticize or something, this is criticism from the mouth of the head, no,
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no, from the mouth of the head of the central bank, that is, the head of the central bank wants to say that the economy was built in russia. ineffective, slow and unable to produce high growth rates, an economy has been built that, in her opinion, does not meet the requirements of the time, because we just need high growth rates, we need to solve the assigned tasks, that is, who exactly is ms. nobyulna, aka, criticizing? does not say that bad fuel is being poured there, like a sanction, no, she says that this car is built like that, which means she sees some systemic problems. the central bank repeats the words of economics, then likonomics repeats the words of the central bank, it doesn’t matter who, the main thing is that they
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coincide, there is an assessment that it turns out that russia, yes, with the efforts of officials, has erected a barrier on the export of capital and accordingly the exchange rate has stabilized, yes. it’s nice that they state this, then they say, you know, the coincidence of these formulations is very alarming, why? because apparently, there is a real misconception or misunderstanding of the processes that are actually taking place, look, the topic of these eggs, my god , my god, the price of eggs, the president said that they didn’t react in time there, didn’t look at the possibilities of expanding production, no no didn’t develop, didn’t they didn’t open the borders for imports and so on, but he at least explains where the solutions are that we have with you, let’s look at this example briefly, we have the following option: what does the central bank offer? he says: no, let's do it your money, instead of consuming these eggs, you put them in jars at a high
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interest rate, that is, she suggests reducing consumption, but this is absurd, that is, she says, you don’t eat the aspect, if you urgently need to increase the production of these eggs, then accordingly, for this production, this is a guaranteed demand, we know that this demand exists, give loans interest-free, unsecured, whatever, give them out quickly now, because there is demand. this is without the risk of losing money for the state, nothing is happening, which means, accordingly , the central bank insists that yes, it is better to invest money in deposits, okay, but what will we eat later, that is, this money, speaking of what needs to be done today, it must be given in the end the government itself has the right to decide, at least together with the central bank in the presence of the president , these tasks, this should be public, not someone should monopolize the right to declare. no, let them prove that we are achieving growth that is economically possible with specific examples of what tools we use
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our state to achieve the necessary policy of a central bank that is independent, well, this is an important point, this is an important point, that is, it does not depend on anyone, that is, it is sovereignty tied to the independence of the central bank, but i have not heard from anyone who can answer where this concept even came from, regardless.
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management, our security, our sovereignty, sooner or later we will have to make, of course, not a personal decision, but of course structural ones, because here the issue is, of course, not in personalities, but here the matter precisely in the architecture of economic management , but still, you know, this episode with three killed israeli hostages made a very difficult impression on me, that...
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well, well, it can’t be, well , someone must appear there, well, what can i tell you, well, here it is, a big
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european war. this is a war, which , the severity of which is openly, clearly understanding what they are doing, well, these meetings of the european union with the european council by the leader are not necessary for a decision, and of course, everyone bargained and orban bargained with everyone else for agreeing to a big european war, something for themselves, well, here it is, well, here it is, we have actually already... entered this big european war with one foot, where our enemy will be european countries nato, in the new year, in the new season, everything will be
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new, i promise you that. sklefosovsky: new season in the new year. on rtr. patiyo tastes like it. and we'll add kiwi there. and enthusiasm. it's just crazy taste. what's next for honey in norinsk? tireless gourmets in search of healthy, unique products recipes do you know why people count proteins as fatty carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. the farm is already painfully deaf, a former collective farm, we will raise it. so where is the chief engineer? i am chief engineer novikov
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marin svetke. why did i contact you? wouldn't it be better if you didn't come, marin xie? there is something from moscow for every muscovite, just let her try it. oglaya shillovskaya, alexander ustyugov. you probably shouldn't do this. more if i see you at valerka's house, i'll kill you. capital thing. on saturday on rtr. everything , princes, and the governor there was a special ritual, the bell convened them, invited people to a meeting, the meeting was called, the veche, this approach is democratic, elections of authorities are public, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us, improving process, dec is truly a godsend, you vote quickly,
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clearly, you don’t have to go anywhere, everything is on your smartphone, mom is happy, elections go home, take the box portable, there is a mobile voter, with in the swinging way of life, the traveler votes freely anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate the security of the ballot , watermarks are placed on special paper, be calm at the polling station, video control is arranged, except for the cameras at the polling station , as if the country is free, is it important to be honest? convenient, yes, so, in fact, this is a thing that does not amount to any intrigue, but look how beautifully the americans are jumping out of the big european war, here we are all biden, biden, well, maybe biden doesn’t even understand anything, but the collective biden is doing a great job, it’s not my fault, these are the republicans,
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we are with all our hearts. we have 4 billion left and don’t deny yourself anything, and that’s all now, it’s the europeans, it’s not just this major general who says everything, it’s the last 2 weeks, it’s this line of brainwashing that now this is a matter for the europeans, after all, it is generally the main one in american expert platforms, when a nuclear war is possible, this is the worst thing, the degradation of political governance. states reached to such an extent that a nuclear war, the use of nuclear weapons by these united states, is a very real prospect, but nevertheless, their brains turn on when necessary, but the europeans do not turn on, unfortunately, we have a very high chance, we cannot be restrained, you can’t play chess with pigeons and hold back zombies, so, well, and last
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but not least, are the finns really taking revenge on us? in my opinion, they are taking revenge on the lost paradise, the finns are not such stupid people, these are the people who stopped pouring booze in st. petersburg, what kind of paradise they had it is too. unload from the bus on the central square, and then load there drunk, but not every finn made it to the middle of the neva, i think the main contingent there rested in vyborg, everything is there, so to speak , i really like the finns, and i like them too, they are so good they play, they are like that, they have such an everyday mind, the mind of the average person is quite strong, with this mind...
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some kind of, you know, feast of the spirit, yes, as was said at the performance by mark zakharov, yes, that ’s it, but this this is the element that is beginning to form a very serious part of the european
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proto-ideology, this is a big challenge for us , yes, zombies who have lost paradise, oh, i’ll tell you, this is stronger than faust, yes, but at the same time they worry that they are whole, it’s clear, who is talking about what? they will also do what andrei tells us all the time, well, what do you want, well, why right away, why are you using nuclear weapons right away, this is, well, not under nuclear weapons, so they are so gradually, will gradually fill up instead of the ukrainian army,
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moreover, abandoning the term volunteers, and then we will notice that we already have everything here, all the components except the nuclear one, so i suggest right away, yes , the past week was full of a lot of events that are really arousing... the president’s direct line is certainly of interest, it probably became one of the bright events of the last week and you know, some people called me professors from serbia from a number of other european countries and they say that you are so lucky, your president is really a person, a person who is used to me anyway, apparently a professor from the university of belograd anyway maybe he likes our president more because perhaps he is better in some ways.
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answered many, let’s say, ambiguous , complex questions, answered clearly, clearly, gave a complete picture of what, in general, awaits our country in the near future, in this regard, of course, he touched upon the topic, yes, the topic sports, well, we know that next year this is a topic that worries many of our athletes: to go, not to go, whether he could allow them or not, and of course, this one, uh, now the ministry of foreign affairs we have long since come to the understanding that many secretariats of international organizations in the un system, not only, they have essentially been privatized, these officials who work there, they decide as they are told, yes, and even more so if some of these
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officials, our same american peoples , and even we remember that in ancient times there, yes , even wars stopped when the olympic games began, because it really was that time when there was no need, strictly speaking, not to fight , but measure... so to speak, on your own, physical force and some other parameters, yes, uh, for peaceful purposes, so, this is the original principle, which was also, so to speak,
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to mention another very important date, in my opinion, last week, december 15, it was the day of remembrance of journalists who died in the line of duty, i want to tell you for statistics that last year in total 94 journalists died in the world, 68 of them died in the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict, that is, in fact, this is now the role journalists, the role of correspondents it has certainly increased manifold, even the president paid attention, he says , look there...
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there an enemy is an enemy, a friend is a friend, there is no other way, so you know, i also have friends who came and received treatment in hospital, you know, well , a person already has a different view, with different approaches, with different positions, so many of them, i have one here, even my master’s student is the only one who wrote a statement himself, left to fight, in fact, yes, that’s it he recently came to see me, his leg was crushed, absolutely impossible, and also i would like to mention one event , which also took place on friday, on the 15th, a joint meeting of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia and the republic of belarus was held, this is the unity , let’s say, well, in a good sense, you know, the unification of the two ministries showed that indeed mutual assistance , support, in fact, this allows us, well, first of all, to count on belarus as our closest...
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partner and, as they say, a like-minded person, in our modern a time when you don’t know who to trust and who not, i think it’s worth a lot, yes i agree, general, yes, well, i want to start, join you in congratulating the personnel of the strategic missile forces , colonel karataev published an interview in the red star , and you know , in general, the strategic missile forces is a ground component, i have already spoken about this
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, they have already been on combat duty for a year, the regiment is equipped with armatures, a heavy missile, already made entirely at russian, at russian enterprises, which in their turn equipped with hypersonic planned combat duty, it should be noted that in general the strategic missile forces troops are on combat duty 24x7 365 days a year, this is a difficult service, but nevertheless they carry it out...
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that now there are 244 thousand people in the zone of a special military operation, 41.00 they have already been fired for various reasons , age, well, illness, i don’t know , several reasons were named there, but that is, there is a rotation,
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that is, people are leaving, uh, new ones are coming, 15,000 of those have been mobilized, the figure is very interesting and indicative, that we have 486,000 has already signed a contract since the beginning of this year for 1,500 per day, that is, there is no need to carry out any additional mobilization, no, this is also very important, it is important for public opinion, it is important for all our former partners to know that, so to speak, the resource of the operation can be gained victory, that’s all, i’ll say again why this is so important, because that avalanche of lies, american intelligence published a report that we launched our special military operation with a group of 360,000 people, this is a lie, 230,000 were
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as of february 14 last year, out of these 360,000, 315, 315,000 have already been killed, but they don’t say, they say losses, well, losses.
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but we don’t even know about it, and the most important thing is that we need, yes, conclusions, the most important thing is to believe in the victory of ukraine, and give more money and weapons, then everything will be, so to speak, everything will fall into place and the aggressor will not only is he amazed, he will also pay some unthinkable reparations and in general will be humiliated to the point of infinity.
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they really mean that ukraine is winning, it turns out, and let him believe it what difference does it make to us, well, it’s all the same when three natos are talking, nothing, let them explain this, how it happened that all the stories about nato’s outstanding weapons turned out to be fairy tales, they explained they said there is no aviation , yes aviation, well, aviation, you know, well, i say again, aviation will appear will fall , then it will be comprehensive, then we will check, remember where we started? here in this studio, so to speak, if they start taking off from nato airfields, these are the generals saying, don’t you dare, so say, carry out combat missions from the territory.
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will be signed, i think so, although this is not, i have not seen, the text, we are talking about
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the so-called sophie, this is a status of forces agreement that the americans sign, well , with almost all countries, the presence of american troops on the territory of the allies, legally, civilly criminal liability, the presence of weapons, taxation... taxation, well, in general there are a lot of issues that regulate the presence of americans on the territory of their allies, access to facilities that they can countries participating in the partnership for peace program in 1995, by the way, we signed it in 1995, ratified it, we had problems there within the framework, it is still in effect, it is in operation, but with weapons, that is, we have a nato partner for the sake of peace. well, we have a lot of things in effect that we haven’t abolished yet, so we had
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weapons there, with civil criminal liability, because the americans always insist that they are subject to jurisdiction, a number of crimes still fall under the jurisdiction of local courts , but requests from the americans, i don’t know what they agreed on with the finns, but they are always on the verge of such, you know, legal chaos, well , we’ll see, in any case. this is not an agreement on bases, this is an agreement on bases, these are separate agreements, they are usually secret, they are very rarely published in the open press, it is realistic in principle, but if, if, if they go in such small steps, first the poles, then some more, but we will simply smash them sequentially, the only thing, so to speak, is... success, which they can achieve if they attack as a block from different directions
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using all types at once, then yes, then we will have to resort to means, well, radically, but if we follow this way, well, let’s say, smash them one by one, as they say, but it seems to me that we have asymmetrical answers, but again, as they say... the question is not about wages, they are based on what, well, there are 150 million russians, and europe is with us, and here we are now let's take the asian part and look carefully, let's get enough of the asian part, talk , for example, with volunteers there, north korea, mongolia, a lot of things, it's the same as comparing gdp, when they have the share of services in the united states there, 80 percent, in my opinion, i'm not saying that our political management is gathering. it does, but just as an idea, that if we suddenly say, as an option, as an option, yes, and we like this,
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then your whole progressive world, how many subyards there are maximum, 200 billion, well, 200 billion, and how much is our big world there are, here i am about 650, why about 650, no, no, no, because if we were surrounded in perimeters, china and we, it doesn’t matter who surrounded us, there is still india, let me remind you, india is occupying? well, i have two quick comments, no, if i don’t like quick ones, then first advertising, and then a thorough and fundamental one, you’ll still tell me why you’re glowing, as if you have a new year right around the corner, working with it's always new year with you, margena, premiere, have you got someone?
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"words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is a golden fund soviet and russian countries, my daughter disappeared, she didn’t return home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well
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, i messed with both of them and i wonder how he lives, you know that you are a monster? raised, and blood, her a lot, on the floor and the coffee table, the wait is worse than death, i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, you tell me, the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova, my god, love at the risk of life, on saturday on rtr.
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new season in the new year on rtr. well, let's first talk about the commentary. kulebi, here it comes the question is, either they needed to be caught, yes , that is, well, extraordinary stupidity, only now they realized, in fact, what happened, yes, or this is plagiarism, we need to understand who was the author of our defense strategy in the south,
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yes, probably , he should file some kind of lawsuit, probably, because how can that be? well, it’s not serious, when they take away your idea , when they take away from you a whole explanation of how to fight and so on, well, without even wartime, well, somehow it’s not good, well , in general, the author of the idea is a certain clausowitz, who explained that what’s important is not territory army, and i remember correctly with him, and there all the rights ended, well, it’s clear, i understand, well, listen, i’m also interested in something else, so they were sitting when all these nato generals were planning 18. board games, 19 games of demino, they say this, they look at everything, they say, everything is fine, they say, oh, where are the planes? oh, they forgot the planes, oh, where did we go without planes? that is , when they played games with the word airplanes, they didn’t know and said, everything was the mighty ukrainian aviation, they said, everything will be great, now just excuse me and
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stop, show me one of the ukrainian cretins who explained that in general it’s easy, easy, gordon, in my opinion, yes there. i think that it will be very easy to return crimea, i am sure of it, the offensive on the zaporozhye region, melitopol, berdyansk, we capture these cities, everything collapses, the entire infrastructure floats, we capture mariupol, of course, we return, we return the rest of the kherson region, we get on line with crimea and start firing long-range missiles at the territory of crimea, yes, who says everything. please, now let’s get serious about things, look, we started our conversation today with the fact that look how it is in the european union, someone went out for coffee, and in general it’s a mess, we don’t understand what’s going on at all, and in general such strange statements are being made, journalism
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has disappeared somewhere, in the united states there is generally a president, who we quote, that this is really so, but... on the other hand, you need to ask yourself the question, who benefits from this, why is there really .
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