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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 18, 2023 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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people, gusts reached 40 m/sec, passengers were injured at buenos aires airport, the wind was so strong that it turned planes right in the parking lot. hundreds of trees were felled, cars were damaged, about a million people were left without electricity, and the symbol of the capital of argentina, a living iron flower, did not withstand the pressure of the elements, the sculpture weighing about. 20 tons one of the petals was torn off. vesti follows the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. in irkutsk, a unique operation was performed to transplant part of the liver from the mouth. this kind
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medical intervention is considered one of the most difficult in transplantology. the lives of two people depend on its outcome. the procedure was successful. the donor and patient are now doing well. report by alexey kalevr. bright lights and good music. this operating room has its own atmosphere. the most complex procedure of liver transplantation from a living donor to a recipient can last up to 12 hours. we don't give any infusion at all under such pressure...
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they go down in front of a healthy person. the transplant is stored exclusively in the cold, for this purpose ice manually rub into fine chips. the neighboring operating rooms are ready for transplantation; the slightest inaccuracy of the surgeon and the liver simply will not function. more? oh, in general, as good as new, it’s new. the operation was successful and the patient is recovering. the temperature went away on its own, went away on its own. can you handle the temperature normally? it’s normal, but it doesn’t hurt without pain. great. vyacheslav was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of cirrhosis. it was already too late to treat. we decided to operate. it is impossible to say how long you will have to wait for a donor liver. besides, not every organ will do. it must be compatible, otherwise the recipient's body will reject it. the elder sister, without the slightest doubt, offered to help a person related by blood. if we walked together, dad would take pictures of us. me, glory, we are all side by side. it seems incredible, but the liver. has
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amazing regeneration abilities, it can grow back to normal size from one lobe, now there are no restrictions, that is, of course, fried foods should be limited and fatty foods a little bit, but in principle now, on the contrary, not everything is possible there is. in this case , related transplantation turned out to be life-saving, but this is only a third of the total number of operations. if there was no match from the donor, then his only option would be a transplant from. posthumous donation is saving the life of a patient with an organ transplant from a deceased person. in this case , the cause of death, the irreversible death of the entire brain, plays an important role. more than seventy liver transplants in irkutsk were performed this way, which means 70 lives saved. these patients whom we perform transplants are constantly under our control, under supervision, we
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communicate with... with them every day literally in real time , we look at their health, how they live, this is what their emotional status is. the first patient, more than 30 years ago, the famous doctor sergei gauthier, performed a similar operation, today he lives fully, works, the survival rate of patients during transplantation is almost one hundred percent, irkutsk surgeons have put liver transplantation on stream. alexey kilevro, eduard chuzhi, victor strotsky. irkutsk region. serial production of an electric crossover has started in russia evolute ice sky. pre-order for the new product is already open. the car can be purchased under the state support program with a 35% discount. so far , only large-unit assembly is underway at the plant in the lipetsk region. about the production of machines that are the future - a report by alexander revunov. there is an unusual amount of free space under the hood. the heart of this car for sure. from post to
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post, acquiring new details along the way, here each car is assigned a name and vin code. laboratory technologist, but in this production her area of ​​responsibility is telemetry and wiring, people, a lot of girls, dasha, by education , assembles 25 cars per shift, they just recently launched a line of crossovers, residents from surrounding villages work here, so far only 300 are braiding multi-colored braids in hard-to-reach places, because the man is just physically about...
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negotiations are underway with russian suppliers of luxury soveres. now electric motors and power batteries. the production is very mobile and easy to adapt to almost any model that exists. these areas and workshop data allow the production of up to 100,000 cars per year. electric cars are, of course, cars in big cities where the appropriate infrastructure has been developed; they are bought for car sharing taxis. savings on fuel, taxes, parking.
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electric cars are like cars from a children 's attraction, the start button is off, you can go forward or backward without any tricks, this model has a nimble engine with a power equal to 176 horsepower, it accelerates quickly and can brake sharply, the suspension is soft, the first test drive of the one who just left electric car conveyor on this lane, they look at how the suspension behaves, if there are creaks and noises inside the cabin, most importantly, how the battery behaves, the manufacturer assures that its charge... should be enough for 500 km of road, electric cars for our country are everything- still, it’s still exotic or an expensive toy, but the situation may change, minnpromtork has included these cars in the state support program, and under special conditions, they can be bought with a 35% discount. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. vesti, lipetskaya
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region. vandals who damaged garil's victory parade are being sought in moscow. it was installed in the center of the capital last september. the composition depicts two famous people. for the last 4 days i have been working on restoring my own high relief creation in honor of the first victory parade, using a blank that i once kept as a souvenir. in theory, i should have sorted it all out a long time ago, well...
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it was his sculpture that was damaged by the attacker. the horse on which marshal rokosovsky is riding has lost its head. its working - it’s like a child, when she’s offended, of course you can’t help but worry. the author himself , a man who has been using bronze for a long time, assures us that it doesn’t look like working with a hacksaw, it’s more like they weren’t sawing, but breaking, there is a theme of some kind of mechanical cut, but it doesn’t look very fresh, huh, that is, the feeling that it was broken the whole thing was in the weld seam, in itself it couldn’t just fall off, that’s my experience. suggests that this high relief was opened only in september, dedicated to the victory parade on june 24, 1945. on the monument they depicted marshal zhukov in front, followed by marshal rakosovsky. zhukov
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took part in the parade on a white horse, rakosovsky commanded the parade on a black horse. both began as officers in the dragoon regiments of the tsarist army and felt great in the saddle. triumphal cavalcade. our history, what can i say, well , we understand it, we remember it, we honor it
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, that’s who did it, i don’t even know what to call this person, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, versions have not yet been announced, on people walk around the square day and night people, near the scene of the incident there is an entrance to a large shopping center, its workers are sure that video surveillance systems will play a key role in the investigation, there should already be so many cameras that it seems to me they will find it, right? yes, of course, but while the investigation is underway, the sculptor surovtsev promises to quickly restore the high relief, then they will have to mold it in plaster, then cast it in wax, then make a fireclay mold, when the mold is ready, the wax will be removed and bronze will be poured into the remaining space. the damaged monument is a cultural heritage site, officials have already contacted with a foundry that produces molds. in a matter of days, these forms will be transferred. they say they will try
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to make it before the new year. vitaly kormazin, news. a big tragedy in losiny ostrov park. there was a fire in the equestrian club, which had been working there for many years and which they tried to close. 19 horses died. the owners hope to recreate the club, but this will be extremely difficult. they followed along. well, we are not in very adequate condition, i ’m trying to restrain myself, it caught fire at 6:00
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in the morning, the security guard called the firemen and tried take the horses outside, but almost died himself. sunbathing, wooden structure, 100 square meters, it took a few minutes for the wooden building to burn to the ground in a fire, killing 19 horses and another foal. 20 years old, sugar cube now on his mane, scandinavian, you know, private owners kept their horses here, elena had two of them, one was saved, but young merin died. this is a friend, yes, i worry very much, well, just from my experience, this is the second fire, a stable, well, not specifically in this place, that is, i have a mare miraculously survives for the second time. and at the same time, a children’s riding section worked in this equestrian club completely free of charge. let's go catch the train. shoot just from the back to the front hand, stand on yourself. 80 moscow schoolchildren studied here, until not
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all their parents told them about what had happened. they are not just an animal, they are truly family members. and for the children, this is a second home, so this place is just, well, priceless. at first there was a version that the heaters were malfunctioning, but employees claim that they were not there. wiring shorts are also under question, the switchboard, as you can see, is completely intact. the prosecutor's office of the eastern administrative district controls the establishment of all the circumstances and causes of the incident, as well as the progress and results of the procedural investigation carried out on this fact. by the end of the week , some horse owners were cautious in private conversations about arson, especially since this had already happened in the past. in the north-west of moscow, a fire destroyed a large animal shelter. when the fire started, employees began to open windows and doors, but the animals were so scared by the fire.
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the state allocates tens of millions of animals and it is not surprising that wars break out between competitors, in the case of the burnt stable, perhaps someone had their eye on this territory, wanted to free it and take it for themselves, this is especially noteworthy, considering that with 1 possible ways by law to bury bodies of animals, organized a vigil on the territory, because quite a large number of heads need physical assistance, the director of the stable is determined to save the club, he is supported parents, together they ask the city for help, meanwhile the investigation continues to understand the causes of the tragedy. alexey knor, dmitry
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blinnikov, andrey lapitus, maxim gavrilets, lead. let's look at the weekend, my daughter disappeared , she didn't come home last night, your daughter disappeared too, well , i messed with both of them and i wonder how you 're living, you know that you raised a monster, and blood, her... on the floor and the coffee table, waiting is worse than death, i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, you tell me believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova, my god, love at the risk of life, on
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saturday on rtr, there is. which fascinate , because they are part of the cultural code , because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, here are 10 millions of moped drivers, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this one the world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole
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world, on saturday on rtr. in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i can’t have children, you could even hide the fact that there is a child, i can’t see you, i can’t, it’s my own fault, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time, please stop. execute you, the past cannot be changed, where are you doing my business? child, but the future can be given a chance, we must tell the truth right now before the moment of his adoption, no adoption will ever take place if he finds out that i am his birth mother, you know, i found my son and immediately
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lost him like a complete fool, dear... on friday at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they laid down, lay on top of me, one field still is in me, and this... let's say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurpa to the parish and says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, we olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, to support me in word, hello, dear
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soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only... ours can, honor and praise to you, then what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. the tenth winter festival started in moscow journey to christmas. residents and guests of the capital will see how the city has been transformed for the holiday throughout the past centuries. everyone will be able to take part in new year's festivities, try traditional christmas treats, and also write and send a letter. gift to svo participants. anna balan walked around pre-holiday moscow. whoever tells ours will receive a cockerel. ahead is 2024, time in moscow.
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guests of the festival will travel to christmas and see festive moscow from different centuries, for example, on revolution square in the 16th century. this very interesting, very cool, immerses you in this atmosphere, on tver square, the 19th century, a fair, a carousel, folk entertainment, songs and how can you resist here. exactly at 16:00 the samovar is pulled out and tea drinking begins, a good moscow tradition that has been around for more than 300 years, how to drink tea with pleasure and smack your lips, smack your lips, it’s tastier, it’s tastier. the journey to christmas festival celebrates its tenth anniversary. sergei sobyanin emphasized in his personal blog that this year they decided to dedicate it to moscow and muscovites, in particular to those who are now performing their duty in the zone of special military operation. the festival features moscow help pavilions. where you can give gifts and cards to svo participants, as well as to children living in new territories. last year, as part of the campaign , moscow helped, we brought many tons of,
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let’s say, sweet gifts for children before the new year. we also plan to hold such events this year. you can give the warriors thermal underwear, socks, and gloves. there are a total of 36 festival sites in the center on the outskirts of the city. snow, garlands and, of course, aroma needle choose a postcard, write a letter , it will be sent a great trifle, it will definitely arrive , santa claus' post office works at the fair, you can
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, of course, and even receive an answer, congratulate the grandfather on the new year, i don’t ask for anything, ice has been poured on many festival grounds, skating - another old moscow tradition, which originated under peter i, was wearing so-called runners, blades that were tied to shoes with ropes, and going out onto frozen rivers and ponds. the first artificially filled skating rink - it was the famous skating rink on petrovka, it was, in principle, the first public skating rink. since then, with the onset of winter, everything possible was flooded, even the roof of nirendzeya’s house in the center of moscow. a little later, skating rinks began to appear in parks. all districts of moscow have their own treasured corner, where everyone finds something to do to their liking. the entire circle and highway with a circumference of 25 m2 was poured under. skating rink for 12,000 people, such a note was published by the newspaper pravda in 1932, when the ice was poured in sokolniki,
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the central square of the park was then called the circle, it was here for the first time, muscovites began skating to music. now it is called giant, it is truly the largest skating rink in moscow with natural ice. every year, as soon as we find out that we have filled the circle in sokolniki, we come to sokolniki to ride. for the first time since soviet times, pushkinskaya embankment was flooded, the navdenkha ice rink around the rocket of the cosmos pavilion, 18 skating rinks with artificial turf are operating in the moscow region, and 12 more are promised to open by the end of the month. in the village of alferovo in the pavlovsky pasade of the skating rink there’s nothing nearby, but is that really a reason to stay at home? residents pour the ice themselves. everyone comes to ride. the skating rink is a truly ancient pastime. another ancient fun is sliding downhill. previously on sleds, now on tubes, two dozen. free tubing slides will operate this season in the capital's parks, fili in kuzminka, tsarina on kolomenskoye, the most popular slide at the rastokinsky aquiduk. anna balan, andrey lapidus, igor
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stepanov, ilya salakhiddinov, elena nasonova, news. these are the main messages for this hour. i maria sittal, thank you for your attention, be healthy and see you soon. the farm is already painfully desolate, a former collective farm, we will raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am the chief engineer, marina sergeevna novikov, why did i contact you, would it be better if you didn’t come, marina sergeevna? for every muscovite there is the best guy in the village, this mahler of yours is toothy, it’s not easy with him. look, svetka, valerka will leave you, this is a moscow fic, just let him try. oglaya shilovskaya, alexander ustyugov, you probably shouldn’t do this. again
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if i see you at valerka’s house, i’ll kill you. capital thing. on saturday on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. hello. he is coming back. sklepasovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. sklifosovsky, we look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. in the depths of yours
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hearts, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence even without breathing, we leave defectors, surprised by the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls. hello, this is our program. many residents of donbass are ready to defend their native land at the cost of their own lives. militiaman roman belenko died on may 18, 2019, while performing a combat mission. he is survived by his wife and four children. my dad is a hero.
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remembers his dad well, although he was just over a year old when his father died. to a large family for belenka, trouble came on the birthday of valeria’s eldest daughter. the commander called and said that roma didn’t answer, i just hung up. i think, no, it seemed to me, it simply couldn’t be, how come, today is lera’s birthday, how could he possibly be giving birth to his child. only the next day, in the morning i collected them, so i planted them, i say, girls, so and so, i say, dad, no, roman belenko adored children, even from the front line he found the opportunity to call home to find out if anyone had offended his girls, he was just like i don’t know, our guardian, that is, we always knew that no matter what arrivals were,
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what... it seemed to me that this was a dream, but i turn around, i look exactly at the photographs, i understand that this is not a dream, i need i had to get up and continue to live for the sake of the children, this is when liri was awarded a medal to my dad, they gave me the medal on september 1, it turns out the order of the hero of the dpr for my dad, but it was very difficult morally, but i am very proud of my dad, my father
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would be proud of his children. the girls study in a song and dance ensemble, study greek , and draw well. valeria studies at university and works to help my mother. i sometimes look at the sky and there is the brightest star in the sky, i always imagine that it is dad. and this always calms me down, and i want my dad to be proud of me, that is, he looked, understood that it wasn’t all just that he did for us in this life and what. we live, we continue to live, and do not give up. in our studio , natalya belenko, hello, natalya, hello, tell us about your husband, the hero of the dpr, roman, pelenko, and i think you can simply tell about my husband endlessly, because a person with such a kind soul, with such a sense of patriotism, is generally impossible to find anywhere else, so. he
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always helped everyone, he was a jack of all trades, he knew how to do absolutely everything, we lived in the private sector and if anyone had any difficulties, especially if... or elderly people, he always helped, he never refused anyone , you can’t say anything bad about him at all, we met him by chance on the street, love at first sight, yes, he had stunning blue eyes, which i was watching, and when he invited me to meet, i agreed, and after 2 weeks he offered to become his wife, our marriage was also built, we felt each other, we felt what was happening to us, we even... we bought the same products, which are not every day, for example, i bought bananas, and he bought a banana, we always have this, we always had this connection, even when we came to visit somewhere, we understood that we need to leave, all i had to do was just look into his eyes, and he looked at me with his eyes
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nodded, and we get up and say, oh, excuse me, in fact, it’s like that’s all for children, really, as a child, i read a lot of fairy tales about love, and i met her, i was very thin, slender. after giving birth, i changed, but you know, while my husband was alive, i didn’t doubt for a second that i was a goddess, that’s because he did, yes, he did everything possible for me, some little things, even i i was very scolded about the flowers, you know, it’s a large family, and once again there’s no need to spend money, but he didn’t manage to make bouquets of wildflowers, that fateful day when you found out that the romance was no more, did you foresee something in advance? how did you generally cope with this news? it was the eldest daughter’s birthday, the girls danced on this day, they went to the old-timer’s festival, you know, like in preparation everywhere, there was such a fuss, yes, he called in the morning, congratulated valeria on her birthday,
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then the girls left, and us girls get motion sickness, and he was very worried about it, and despite the fact that he was in such place where there was no connection, he still went upstairs to call, because he was very worried about how they got there, so you know, he... called me, and i say, i knew that he was supposed to stand as if on duty, i say, why don’t you rest? he says: you know, i can’t understand, he says, somehow i can’t lie down, can’t sit, there was some kind of incomprehensible feeling, you know, as if he gave me this this also doesn’t lie down, doesn’t sit well, well, it’s probably like this it’s scary, i didn’t expect that it could be so scary, although i even felt when he was sick, that’s the connection, and there was such a strong connection inside in our family
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, she wouldn’t pick up the phone, then she picks up the phone, she like this, well, she’s generally very strong, she’s a very strong girl, she has such a tear-stained voice, and i just understand , i realize that just at one moment, as life
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ended, it’s just all unfolding before my eyes, you just understand, that your hope, your support, that person... with whom you just wanted to breathe next to you and that’s all, i’ll tell you this honestly, it seems to me that it still doesn’t dawn on me somewhere inside, maybe just because he served, he came there once or twice for a month, he was like- then you still want to believe, well, no, this is stupidity, he and i had such plans, we really dreamed that the children would grow up, we would go to the village. let’s buy a house so that our grandchildren can come to us, so that our grandchildren can grow up in the fresh air, just like grandparents should be in the village, it’s just that in one moment you lose everything, it’s very, very difficult to do everything yourself in fact, we have a video about your husband, let
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's see, a soldier... the first slavic brigade arrived at the scene of the death of their comrade. here roman belenko took his last fight in may 2019. she hit here, in fact, this tree now appears, as if he died here, there was just a canopy of two rolls and there were all the means of communication, the mine went off literally in the trench, he had already managed to run under the canopy, but a fragment ricocheted off a log and landed right between his helmet and body armor. roman volunteered for the front and could not sit at home when his family was in danger. we took care of people who have so many children
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, you try, here is the driver mechanic, they are basically always with the cars, this is at least some kind of protection, they move into positions only on commands, they, well, it’s the driver mechanic , it was from behind, on that fateful day, the enemy tried to break through the defense, shelling began, roman rushed to the aid of his comrades, he should not have done this, he should have been in the infantry fighting vehicle at that time to launch car. but since the adjustment was going on , it was necessary for someone to just do it all, so he moved forward himself and ran to adjust the fire in order to save those who were in front. felcher svetlana chuga remembers that day well and still cannot come to terms with the loss of her friend. when we were told that someone was injured, we did not yet know who. but after 15 minutes.
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forgive me, please, it’s just that i really dreamed of visiting this place, uh-huh, we haven’t been there, no, it’s not located near donetsk, i want to go there with the children, definitely, and so it turned out, yes, that my husband really wanted a son, at the age of one and a half my son was left without a dad, svetlana, this is your friend, what? with her, we met when my eldest valeria
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was literally 5 years old, and her son went to kindergarten together, and she and i lived literally next door, that’s how we met, throughout all this time we were friends, and well we are friends to this day, she is a wonderful girl, it turns out that when the hostilities began, svetlana went almost immediately, you understand that i... our the guys loved it, they were so passionate about it, because they were coming from the very beginning, not for anything, not for any money, not for anything, they just went voluntarily, this is when in donetsk we only have everything, everything , it all started, and roma really, well, wanted to go serve, but i didn’t let him, well, you know, well , it seems to me, probably a woman, she feels something, there’s something inside us, i’m having bad dreams dreamed about it. every time he talked about going
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somewhere, i didn’t want to let him in, and then it turned out that he said, let me go to the first slavic brigade, there will be light nearby, that’s it, we are talking about the first slavic brigade, and we agreed, so it turns out he went where sveta is, and you haven’t seen sveta for a long time, light, yes, i i haven’t seen the world for a very long time, she came to meet you today, svetlana , please come in, “hello, hello, svetlana, tell us about your colleague, roman belenko, what he was like, well, i knew roma even before the war, we worked together at the factory, he was in security, i worked as a dispatcher, we our children lived not far from each other ." they lived, since then we talked for a very long time,
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when roma came to our unit, our mouth was closed and he asked, he said: you have four children, why did you come? he said, he says : i want to be a man, i want to protect my children. well, on that day of may 18, he died with dignity, just like a man, he protected his children, he... protected his comrades, but how did you end up there? you know, maybe maybe it was a childhood dream to put on a uniform, when it all started, my friends were already serving, and i i say, get me a job there, he says , a woman should sit at home and raise children , yeah, you have nothing to do there, i say, okay, i went to work at the regional military registration and enlistment office, i worked there when i quit, i still have friends, i say, if it happens
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there is a place somewhere in the unit, call, but they called, at first i came as an orderly for evacuation and collection. november 10 is the day of the soviet police, so i wanted to help protect against unrest, but when all this started in the fourteenth, i myself went to work more than once,
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when she went to bed a block away from me , went to work, the guys were rushed to the hospital in a car and stood at the bus stop, i thought: if only they brought me alive, if only they brought me alive, well, after all, i have a mother, i have sisters, i have my son was small at that time, so i went to protect him, a little later roma called, and i came to natasha on leave, went in, natasha said not to go anywhere to some unit, no one knows where they’ll throw him, take him to ourselves, well , we took him, so... we saw in the story that commander andrei, so he blames himself for what happened, why does he say that, why does he know, at that time he correctly said that they did not save the death of the soldier - it was the commander’s fault, well, i blamed myself when
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roma came to us, natasha says, let him be with you under supervision, but i thought that i didn’t look after me, and i wasn’t taken care of either. these were words, because i knew my husband, i knew that he wouldn’t just be there, i wanted to believe when he called and said that oh, we’re fine here, we’re fine here, that’s it , but i understood inside that in fact this is not so, and svetlana, andrey, andrey in general, thank you so much , you know, he is such a person with a capital letter, after what happened, any trouble that happened in my house, and you yourself understand, this is private sector, that is, we have problems with the fence. he solved everything, we had a problem with the roof, to the point that he came for the holidays, brought gifts for the children’s birthdays, for the new year, and he and his wife, well, they, they just, as they say, a huge human thank you, he directly took custody of you, yes, yes, he us, he directly took us under guardianship, and you yourself didn’t blame anyone internally, of course, you did,
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i blamed myself, because i agreed, because you know, his... his eyes lit up the first time he came, his eyes were shining, he was right there , i saw that he got what he wanted, and i understood that it was very important for him to go protect us. natalya, let's invite your children to the studio, valeria, olga, anna and vasily, please come in, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, please, oh, vasily, hello. serious man? yeah, who's in charge among your kids? i, vasya, everyone in the building, you will be the commander, who is second? my mother, not my mother, seko, mother in general, this is the most important thing, the next one, let’s introduce everyone, olya, so, further, and then anya, anya, leru, and lera, under
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such a hand, yes, you won’t get too sick, he’s generally very similar to dad, yes, similar in appearance, at least... he always knew how to protect us, support us, he was always incredibly kind, caring, showed us his love in various ways, made us baked goods while we were sleeping. that is, our family woke up, we already had some buns on the table, the only lark in our family was dad, now
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we have another lark, from the plot it became clear that you are already working, well, i’m helping my mother, that is, we are here both of them came with her as accompanying people, and there were many children under our responsibility, that is, when we arrived at the camp, they came to us from areas under fire. mostly from the petrovsky district from the kievsky district, that is, it was difficult for us, first of all , the children stayed with us, their parents are far from them, we had to replace their parents, that is, we are like a second mother for them, like a second dad, and we support them in every possible way, we try to give them parental love and care. natasha, why did you decide to leave there, to move, it’s not like we decided. we ran from there, we ran, we ran, on may 9 that year it was very scary, all
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the glass flew out, our ceiling was falling in, we grabbed vasily, we ran to the cellar, roma prepared a cellar for us, he gave it to us there and i made special pillars and even a place for children so that they don’t sit on the floor, in general we spent more than one night in the cellar, we had this happen more than once, most often, as soon as we heard closer and closer...
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a common hero, my dad is a miner, we have a mining dynasty, our dynasty has 310 years of underground experience, this and my grandfather , and my uncles, here are my cousins, my dad was awarded two orders of miner’s glory, 28 years in mining, my mom is generally wonderful, she’s smart, a magician, i don’t know, her hands are just golden, she knows how do absolutely everything for me, let's see the stories of your relatives who are you left? there in donetsk, the nazis were shelling
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the village with hail, a hailstone hit , my daughter lived here, the slate was pierced into this house, a hole was pierced there, the beam got stuck in the attic, these are already without workers, without the lower part, without the tail without... daughter valery nazmuddinov’s grandchildren then managed to go down to the basement, remained alive, it became clear that i had to leave, i collected everything i had, what money i told her, go wherever you want, save the children, and the parents themselves remained in donetsk, living in a small room, it was allocated to the family miners in a former office building , where they are hiding from shelling, i didn’t go anywhere because my dad was sick, i sat with my sick dad, my husband was also sick, i couldn’t leave them, i ran back and forth, we also have
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animals , it’s a pity too, and the neighbors have abandoned us, we feed our neighbors, our own, in general, everyone, and for now there is nowhere for the elderly to go. zenoida ivanovna hopes that she will live to see the days when the whole family can gather at one table. natasha, lerochka, olechka. anechka, vasilek, we miss you so much, come rather, we are waiting for you, mom, how long have you not seen your family, a year and a half, zenoida ivanovna, please come in, we won’t torture your loved ones, because already.
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you stayed, i missed you so much, run on your knee to grandma, i remember how dad received, well, a medal, it’s not dad, it’s lerochka who received it, yes, lerochka received it from dad. for dad , by the way, everything is fine in my camp, you ’re the boss there, just like in the family, yes, i ’m the boss there, the main commander, i was a scary guy there in the camp, yes, he’s courageous, look, he didn’t even let go of his rope different from yes, because i’m a man, and men don’t cry, well done vasily, i just made a sad smile when it was a sad goal, girls, why
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are you crying? from happiness that they saw their grandmother. further in the program, songwriter anna popova pokrovskaya will tell how she became a guardian angel for the bilenko family and children taken from shelled areas. the children looked at us, somehow from afar, we realized that they liked the concert, we gave them gifts, when we were driving back, we realized that we were there for a long time, that is, we had an inner conviction that this is ours, this is everything, these are our children. this crime scene suits you like no other. thank you, fedor! premiere! please don't be nervous, you are among friends, among friends of a corpse. he looks appraisingly. let's figure it out. doesn't believe in tears. i like it, oleg. i have nothing to do with it. and
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he can’t stand it when men have it. love , i’m wondering, it’s like they let you into the hospital looking like this, but sometimes it’s a reason to get to know each other, so, wow, turn, this is very romantic, that’s enough, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, many of you, waking up the first thing they do is check their email, and i, of course , am no exception. if you want to get a lot of positive emotions, tours to abkhazia, spent a week on holiday in a skirt, ate vlazia, you are at the right place, here they will
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cheer up everyone, i want to read, please read. i can’t read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such a lot from my wife, so that the morning mail is on the air and i am its host nikolai baskov , the most positive morning mail with nikolai baskely on sunday on rtr. this is for you, well , did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday , dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, dyarsky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or
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your boys, no ask stupid questions now, he loves them. until now, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we only watch on the platform, our favorite songs are played in our studio!
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layer of culture is the golden fund of the soviet and russian countries, hello andrey, evening andrey malakhov's show on saturdays on rtr, in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i cannot have children, you could generally hide the fact that there is a child, i cannot see you. i can’t, it’s my own fault , i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time , please stop punishing yourself, the past cannot be changed, what are you doing with my child,
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but the future can be given a chance, we must tell the truth right now until the moment of his adoption, never no adoption will take place if he finds out that i am his dear mother, do you understand? i found my son, i immediately lost him like the last fool, my own blood, on friday on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts here, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely , it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing to remember the principle is correct, by the way, this is officially proven. yes, how to properly deal with stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like
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crutches for us, and the right habits, and not slam do we need some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, from monday to friday on rtr. earlier in the program, mother of many children natalya belenko told how she experienced the loss of her husband. roman belenko died at the front, covering his comrades. everything is armed before your eyes, you just understand that your hope, your support, that person with whom you just wanted to breathe next to and you already, it seems to me, still does not reach somewhere inside. with people like him, i help my mother, that is, we are here with her they both came as accompanying people and yes , there are many children under our responsibility, their parents are far from them, we had to
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replace the parents, that is, we are like a second mother for them, zinaid ivanna, how are they shooting in donetsk now, shooting, shooting every day, they shoot hard, we get it, you said, you won’t leave dad in the plot, dad died. grandfather died, soon his brother died, he also fought, now my husband and i are together, we are not going to leave anywhere, he is sick, he worked at the mine for almost 30 years of mining, clogged lungs, only 30% is breathing, now every year he goes to the hospital four times for diseases, he is supported there, there is nowhere to go, where to go, here, where here, natasha has no housing, so if only...
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she and was russia, now russia , in my opinion, nothing will work out for them, we don’t want this, we won’t give it, they themselves brought us to the point where we stood up for all this, i have an eldest daughter, when i went to school, we couldn’t find a russian class, how come, tell me, you show it on tv everywhere, that we have two official languages, russian and ukrainian, but with all this , there is nowhere and no way with the russian language, but as for us, we all spoke russian, and not only in the language. in these national heroes, who have never been heroes for us, my two great-grandfathers died near rzhev, they defended their homeland, i am proud of them, my children and i
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went on may 9 and go, if possible , to lay flowers on the monuments, we return home, we cover table, we sing patriotic songs, for us this holiday is like a birthday, like new year, this is a mandatory holiday for our family, and as much as possible from all this. nadasha, in what year did you move, in the twenty-second year, and near moscow in the twenty- second year in the month of july, and how do you and i really feel like we ended up in a fairy tale, and where do you live? we live, we live in the nursery. camp, i want to tell you now about another one, we lived at that time for 9 years of war there, and we come here, but here everything is completely different, here is life, here vasily and i were able to run in the rain through puddles, can you imagine, here i have a five-year-old child was able to go to the playground for the first time and experience a feeling of delight, when we arrived here, everything here is so unreal, the children, when they got off...
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the bus to the camp, found out that water was constantly flowing in the camp, 24x7, we have the children had questions at first, how many times a day can you swim, it was very, very difficult to get out of the habit of all this, very difficult, at first we couldn’t sleep at night, that is, you know, how we are used to, what we usually, well do not fall asleep soundly, that is, we constantly we’re expecting something, here, when we arrived, it was unusual for us to sleep in silence, that is, in the store, i’m already buying at... the checkout , you know, these metal carts and those, that’s when they touch, this one puts them there the sound of clapping, this sound, and for a split second you bend over like this in fear, then in a split second you realize you’re not in donetsk, this is the moscow region, it’s completely different, and you still feel terrible fear from this, i ’ll never forget and never only me all our children they will never forget the first thunderstorm in the camp and when suddenly it flies somewhere among us . ice, yes, when there was the first thunderstorm
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in the camp, thunder began to roar around 12 at night, vasily woke up and began to evacuate everyone, what are you talking about, because he was sure that we were being shelled, we were being bombed, he was still shouting like that , he says, they are fools to bomb us, it’s impossible here, this is the camp , so he started running, we need to get everyone up, mom, we need to let everyone into the basement, so at first we simply explained to him what it was thunderstorm, in fact, you live in the camp, yes, yes, we live. these are all children from donetsk from shelled areas, but in donetsk we don’t have the opportunity for children to study, but here they can go to school safely, they can swim 24x7, live peacefully, they can attend clubs that we have different, life is completely another, olya, what do you like most about the peaceful life here? what i like most is that it’s quiet here, you can.
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go to school, do whatever you want, i know that shelling won’t start now, and so on, we found friends, we have a lot of friends, now we have them, ulya, i found a husband in russia, yeah, that ’s a whole topic, i ratted out my sister, well done, anchka, what do you like most, i really like the clubs here, i go to the camp here yoga, dancing for acting, acting teaches... mom, last year we went to moscow, the patriotic theater itself received an award, we just wanted to show people from the outside that at that moment when we even, let's say we're talking peacefully here now, yes, in donetsk everything is happening quite the opposite, dear children, we have a gift for you, tickets to an amusement park and attractions, lera, in the form of children, are you older?
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thank you very much, thank you very much, thank you very much , goodbye, let's continue, natal, in the temporary temporary accommodation center, what are the conditions, how do you live, how is it arranged, very well arranged, everything is there, we live in the azhat room, all together, no, lera has her own leader, anyutka actually lives in the room with the girls, so i’ll leave. i live in vozhatskaya, why i took olya with me because that due to the nature of my work, i sometimes have to go away, and that vasily should be under the supervision of his sister. let's see a story about your work. these guys were evacuated from donbass. now
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they are in a refugee camp near moscow, under the care of natalia belenko. she lives here with her children and works as an escort. we , as they say, are like mothers there, children from donetsk - this is very difficult, because there are situations in which fathers have died, there is a situation in which children are under shelling, well, that is, it’s all very, very difficult. natalya helps children get used to a peaceful life, many miss home. but it’s dangerous to stay in your native land; you don’t even have the opportunity to take a normal walk. we had very heavy shelling, they flew in several times a day, if not more, well, most of them.
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you never know where you might fly next, well, i dream of returning to my parents, the whole war in donbass is over, so that everything is peaceful and quiet, the children finally have the opportunity to study at school, attend clubs, surround the children with warmth and care , volunteer anna popova pokrovskaya, she with his team, he comes to the camp with gifts, and also organizes holidays , on excursions, in order to give them back their lost childhood, from the first minute we started communicating with these people, with children, that is , we realized that they needed us, so their parents , they protect my children, so that my children sleep peacefully here with us, and i am simply obliged
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to help their children, i had such a clear conviction that this needs to be done, our judge is a public figure, volunteer, singer-songwriter, anna. popova, pokrovskaya, hello, hello, very nice to be among like-minded people, i would say so, well, first i want to say that there is nothing special in what i and my friends do, but as for the truth, when we learned about the existence of such a camp, we and our team of artists , decided to go there, arrived, saw these kids, they, of course, greeted us very cautiously at first, because they came to ... aunts and uncles, they sing some songs, give out some gifts, that is , after what they experienced in donetsk, for them it was like, well, it seemed to me somehow a little unnatural, and we thought that we would come right away and bring some kind of joy, so somehow we were all even a little, well, a little taken aback, because we didn’t know how to behave at first, yes, that is, the children
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were looking at us like that so somehow from afar, but we are adults, we tried to somehow resolve this whole situation, and we realized that they liked the concert, we and... the gifts left, left and when we were driving back, we realized that we are there for a long time, that is, we had an inner conviction that this is ours, this is everything, these are our children, when we visited for the second time they came to us as if we had come to visit our children at the camp, that is, they were already running , they met us, they already know us by everyone’s names, they already remembered, that is, the children behaved in a completely different way, they were at a concert, they were dancing , they sang along, they generally mean a... the most important thing is that they remembered every artist who came to them. there was already a different reaction, they missed us, we saw how much they miss us, well , i kind of already understood for myself that it really is our duty, because our children sleep here calmly, while their parents
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are protecting us, you are helping not only children, but also parents and those who are on the front line, let's see a story about this, bags of humanitarian aid, former member of the group lisa paval mishanya uploads in the gazelle, the musicians of the project “russia is behind us” are preparing for a trip to donbass. i didn't disagree for a long time. and thanks to anya, i went. and now i regret that i didn’t go and support last year. and i'm incredibly glad that i... in this project, and i i will travel and support our fighters, that’s as much as i can, and i will travel as much. twice a month, musicians deliver necessary items to hospitals and temporary accommodation centers on the front line. we have all sorts of different things,
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slippers, socks, underpants, towels, bathrobes, warm clothes, also pants, all sorts of different men's trousers. they drive themselves to talk to the residents. you can say it’s a given, you’re trying, i already know what it’s like to warm the guys with a song , some words that are correct in the song, so i can warm them up with this. and something convey or tell,
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we are friends with igor kornilov, a wonderful performer, anna, but there is some kind of feedback, with those you help, with the fighters, of course, we are very friends and literally, we arrived only 3 days ago we have returned, they are already writing to us, and when you arrive, next in the program, who will come to the studio to thank anna popova pokrovskaya for her work, hello, hello, hello, hello, i’m very glad to see you, hello, we will open a criminal case for murder, shiny, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of
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the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, lignes, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is the volcanoes. ice, stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them is part of the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. the volcano and kamchatka are a world natural heritage site. here... the natural life of the peninsula, kamchatka, has been preserved in this purity.
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you don’t want to work so hard for your stepmother, every cinderella dreams of a prince. i’m standing at the mirror in a fur coat, then they come in, look what our quiet one is doing. yours is being decided, maybe this time they will be lucky, fate is a hotel for cinderella, on sunday on rtr.
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you look at the hundred we have, what task do we have to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work? speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i'm thinking about chopping, not plucking, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don't know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep , if you win, then hurray , 100 to one, oops. every saturday and sunday on rtr, we watch
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on weekends, my daughter disappeared, why didn’t she come home in the evening, your daughter also disappeared, well, i tormented both of them and what, i wonder how you live, do you know that you raised a monster? yes, there is blood, a lot of it, on the floor and the coffee table, the anticipation is worse death, i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova, my god, love at the risk of life, on saturday on... rtr you will meet morning with urbich and
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no problems. to know the country , how beautiful it is, you just have to taste it, we will add kiwi there, and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know, why do people count proteins as living carbohydrates in order to happily jump through life, an unusual answer, i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. earlier in the program, mother of many children natalya belenko lost her husband, he died defending his native donbass. his daughter received the dpr hero award.
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our dad was the best, he is a hero, he is a hero for everyone, he is a hero first and foremost. for us, for our family. natalya was forced to flee from shelled donetsk to save her children. it's been a year since they can't get used to it to a peaceful life. in the store, i’m already buying at the checkout, you know these metal carts, yes, which, when they touch, they are placed by this sound of clapping, this sound, and in a split second you bend over like this, scared, then in a split second you realize you are not in donetsk. concerts, i understand that this is all great, and humanitarian aid is everything, but i think that the most important thing is communication with them when we arrive, and the guys, well , almost everyone, probably they all want to communicate, but this, well it's impossible, how can it be it’s like there’s just not a lot of time, but we try to say at least one word to someone, and the guys come up, for example, with such requests, and you can
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take a photo with us and send the photo to my wife, i say, well, of course , and you know what emotions when you call completely. to a man in a completely different city , to his wife, and you say, hello, my name is anna, sending her a photo, she starts crying and saying, well, how is he there, and what is he like, and he’s hungry, he’s cold, he there it is, i say, don’t worry, we just met 5 minutes ago , we were holding hands, he’s doing well, everything is great, he ’s in a fighting mood, that is, because of these moments, i just want to live, because you you understand that firstly, you are needed, but for me this is important. then you understand how much they need you, they are waiting for this communication , they need it, two people are waiting for communication with you, who will now come to the studio, they want to thank you, this is mikhail with the call sign ogonyok and his father sergei shcherbey, please come in , i haven’t talked about you yet tell me, well, now it’s time
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to tell you, hello, hello, hello, hello, i’m very glad to see you, hello, my support group has arrived, you’re good. mikhail, sergey, hello, hello, tell me, what do you want to say thank you for, anna? mikhail is my son, and after being wounded he was in the hospital, and you know, he called me - with such childish enthusiasm, dad, you know, here at our hospital there with a concert, the band came, this is for him there was such inspiration then there is before that, well, in the hospital everything is still yes, the mood is a little bit, well, heavy,
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i made the decision that at such a difficult time for the country, i cannot stay on the sidelines and volunteered for the northern military district. i ended up in the fourth brigade of the armed forces of the russian federation, became a sniper as part of an assault group, and on june 25, our group, while performing a combat mission , came under artillery fire, and our commander died heroically. many were injured, including me, i received a shrapnel wound in my left arm, in my hand, but, despite the death of the commander, our group completed the combat mission, we held our positions, and after the battle, we were taken to the hospital, where they refused first
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aid and were distributed to different hospitals in the republics, lugansk and donetsk, i... ended up in the donetsk people's republic, in the city hospital snezhny, that’s where anna and her group came. in general, after being wounded, many fighters feel a feeling of emptiness, uselessness, crushedness, including me, but after the concert she raised her morale, for just a few days, and the hand went away, miraculously, yes, it went away, i was discharged, that’s when i called my father and told this story. light, yes, let's listen to the song that lit a light in you, at the call of the heart, we will stand up for each other,
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the order was given to defend the country , we will not leave our russia in the lurch, here is the memory of our ancestors, to whom we are indebted, the defenders of the country are our heroes, everyone stands as one in the same formation. we will not allow anyone to break our great country, ours, russia, god is behind us, the truth is behind us, we never abandon our own, our mother russia is behind us, a great, powerful country, russia is our mother behind us, the great i can.
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wrote together with igor kornilov, our team is called russia after us, everything is symbolic, no other name was even intended, when we, well, in fact, having already traveled half the country, one might say, and... we arrived at the temporary temporary detention center in the city of klin we met our wonderful natasha. anna, please tell me why she touched your heart? well, i was struck by the fact that natalya, well, now returning to such sad events, having become a water hero the dpr did not lose heart, having her own four children, she took patronage over all the other children, that is, she has enough love for everyone. we communicate with natalya quite often. we come very often, however, she will go to one, approach, stroke, kiss another, it feels like she has 20 arms, all these arms of her hug all the children, here she is, she
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has complained about anything at least once, not once, here you can see with the naked eye how hard it is for her, you know, in these children i found what i was missing, i can’t even imagine if i that’s how i arrived and these kids wouldn’t be there, whatever thoughts would overcome me, i’m already on the phone 20 thousand times a day, i’m worried about watching the shelling like that. where there is shelling, there is mom, dad, you worry constantly, and children distract, children distract from everything, they give something that no amount of money can buy, they give their love. natasha, would you like your mother to move in with you? i ’ve missed them so much over these last year and a half that i just, of course, would really, really, really want this, well, we don’t give up, we believe in the best, you don’t give up, and we know that anna has a surprise for you, and natasha, as it turns out, you are already our family, i heard that when roman was alive, you had a dream of
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moving to the village , eat tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, here we are with the guys, with our artists, this is igor kornilov, sergey volny, alexander perlov, konstantin minen zoya levada, including me, leonid telishev, we also work, we also have. honorarium, so the guys and i decided to give you such a modest gift from all of us, i hope that you invite us for a cup of tea, we decided to give you this house in the village. you know, it happened, i called the guys, i said: listen, the team is behind us, russia, are you ready to give up your fee as a gift? well, naturally, yes, that is, they didn’t even ask how much, i say, you agree, yes, you agree, but to be honest, we were a little short at first, i think, okay, i ’ll decide everything now, i... organization and they say: anna, you know, the management decided to increase your fee, i say, what are you talking about? in
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in general, that's it, there is a house, let's look at this house in the end. he’s certainly modest, but what will we finish building , we’ll also finish building tasha for ourselves , we’ll come to visit you, i just, you know, i probably don’t even have enough air, just a little, i knew that anya was a wonderful person, no , i, in fact, i have always
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been very proud of anya, she knows it. because she is very talented, her songs, they fill children with the spirit of patriotism, i believe that our children really lack this, they really lack pride in our country, for homeland, despite all this , that she is talented, she is very modest, in fact , she does a huge amount of everything, all this is very special, thank you very much, anechka, she is simply a guardian angel for many people, not only military, yes, but also civilians us. the whole team was basically like, well, come, we have a house now , well, now we’ll think, of course, we have to come, life goes on, the void that formed in your heart after the death of your spouse has been filled by children, yes, both your own and others’, they are also theirs, they are now also theirs all theirs all ours, thank you very much, i saved you, this was our program, real stories about our
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people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you. see you. it goes on air on a russian tv channel. i greet you, maria sittal, hello! all enemy attacks were successfully repulsed. our assault groups occupy the forefront with the support of tankers. the snow that has fallen several times is melting all the time, and this makes it easier for the tanker to camouflage himself. the kiev regime is a catalyst for child crime, including
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in european countries and russia. vice-speaker of the state duma about kiev’s crimes against children. the renowned kirov military medical academy celebrates its 225th anniversary. military medics are trained in the field . graduates of the academy are the pride of both russian and world science and medicine. a powerful tornado hit argentina, there were casualties. in buenos aires, the symbol of the city, a giant flower made of aluminum, could not withstand the wind pressure. serbia celebrates the victory of aleksandar vucic's party. kuban continues to fall asleep fill with sediment. there is avalanche danger in the mountains. let's really meet? is it really today? yes, the long-awaited premiere. today the new twenty-third season of the legendary detective secret investigations starts. marya sergeevna begins to develop a new love. i hope something interesting comes out of this. at the beginning of the news release
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of the special operation zone in the southern donetsk direction , five enemy attacks were repulsed over the past 24 hours. in the andreevka area, guards paratroopers , using strike lancets, destroyed an enemy tank and two self-propelled weapons. drones another type with suspended ammunition successfully hit two enemy strong points and six dugouts, six grenade launcher and mortar crews. enemy manpower. another attack by ukrainian special forces from the neo-nazi nitrogen unit was stopped and air support
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was provided. the situation in this direction in the report of the vesti military correspondent alexey baranov. the crew of the t-90 tank finds a convenient firing position between the sandy hills on the outskirts of the kremensk forest. the remaining shells are enough to hit strong points. ukrainian military personnel located in the line of sight. the tanks of the central military district go to the place of replenishment of ammunition with fuel reserves ... under the cover of thermal traps, and they always set up a smoke screen. the snow that has fallen several times is melting all the time, and this just makes camouflage easier for the tank crews who work in the coniferous forest of the serebryansky forestry. after
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completing the assigned task, the tank platoon returns to its home base without losses. the unit commander with the call sign "baby" shares with us the details of this a fleeting successful battle. the standards drove in snoring, they didn’t expect it, we quickly drove in and took the support, but then they tried to squeeze it out, but it didn’t work out for them. we strengthened ourselves, took a breath and then went on to attack. there were 50 -60 m to the enemy. the sight, everything was visible, it was great, even they were visible, they did a good job, they left their positions, the infantry entered successfully, without losses. thanks to the fire support of the tankers, the assault groups not only entered the front lines of the ukrainian armed forces units, but also gained a foothold there. under the cover of ongoing close combat,
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reconnaissance groups sneak into the rear of the ukrainian military unnoticed by them. we move in small groups, because this is an effective means of transition and safety from contact with the enemy, we see that the drones, so as not to fly, then... they were bleeding, the enemy’s weapons are now all electronic , all improved, we have it all, we are working with this too, including thanks to modern surveillance equipment; reconnaissance officers identify areas where enemy personnel and armored vehicles are concentrated. information with accurate tank crews working near the line of combat contact receive target coordinates from reconnaissance groups in real time and immediately open fire. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: krasnolimansk direction, kremensk forest. volunteers are joining the ranks of russian fighters in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. having signed a contract, they undergo combat coordination at a training ground in the donetsk
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people's republic. report by eduard punigov. this, of course, is not a real fight, just training at the vostochny training ground, which is located in the donetsk people's republic. newcomers who arrived here before being sent to the front. at this training ground , conditions are created that are as close as possible to combat conditions; a variety of scenarios are practiced here that can be useful to soldiers on the line of combat contact. right now, for example, the group is storming. this group of volunteers came here from buryatia, after completing the training course they will join the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction. they dug a whole network of trenches at the training ground, as they should be, full height, everything
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real grenades actually use live ammunition. what is the hardest thing to teach? shooting, the most difficult thing is shooting. yes, it’s certainly good that they volunteer and help our homeland. thousands of soldiers pass through the vostochny training ground every month. it’s inconvenient to move, well, the equipment itself is good, defensive, it’s also difficult to move in a group, soldiers are led by instructors who have real combat experience, a senior instructor with the call sign athlete himself has repeatedly stormed strong points. enemy, here came to personally train those who would later be next to him on the front line. what is it like working with newbies in general? this is quite interesting, because people who take up arms for the first time have their eyes burning, they have a great desire
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to work, that is, these are not random people who gather here, no, not random, training is carried out daily for 5-6 hours , plus additional classes are provided upon request, but everyone comes to them, the fighters understand perfectly well that they received from...
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the kiev regime is a catalyst for children crime, including in european countries and russia. the dialogue on this topic with our colleagues from other parliaments, other states is being established, and it is becoming as mutually interested as possible. the galolet caused a fatal accident in mountainous dagestan at the entrance. in the southeast of the kamchatka territory , a powerful storm, nine-meter waves came out on the road, flooded the warehouse and the runway of the telichki airport, an emergency warning due to abnormally low temperatures was announced in primorye and the amur region, in the european part of russia after record-breaking snowfalls there was a sudden thaw. they're waiting in moscow today. +30. in st. petersburg, ice
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blocks are falling from roofs onto sidewalks and cars. in bryansk, stormy rivers flowed through the streets. outdoor thermometers also show +3. tonight on our channel the premiere of the new twenty- third season of the legendary series secret investigation. the most insightful and charming investigator maria shvetsova solves the most complicated crime and tries to sort out her personal life. the first film is called.
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standing gorgeous lady, i love her very much. millions of fans are waiting for a meeting with lieutenant colonel shvetsova, played by the brilliant anna kovalchuk. the knife with which you killed him never belonged to vetrov. as always, marya sergeevna will have to work on the most mysterious and dangerous cases, where sometimes there is not a single clue, and there is no way to do without her famous intuition. in any case, let's not rush, we'll figure it out. strict fair. leaves criminals not a single chance, but she steals men’s hearts, let’s really meet, really? today, and if she has no equal at work, then marya sergeevna does not yet have to be proud of the achievements in her personal life, it was a surprise for me myself when lugansky did not want to be with our favorite marya sergeevna, this is very strange, but it is a fact, so marya sergeevna sets out on the path of love, intricate big detective stories, where human vices rage, and it’s practically impossible to figure out the criminal right away. impossible, but not for shvetsova,
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especially when her loyal friends and colleagues, her legendary team, are nearby. we won't let you down we just woke you up, we still have you reliably recorded. i want to encourage you to watch marya sergeevna’s new love. i hope something interesting comes out of this. there will be all the characters whom the viewer has loved for a long time and many years, and kurochkin, and korablev, and kovin, and i myself adore this new year's eve. we’ll start today after the evening news release. ekaterina fralova and kirill stogov, lead. and these are the topics next in our issue. major terrorist attack in murmansk. cis countries at an exhibition in the russia forum, well, let's talk about
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weather, december allows you to be capricious , we’ll be back on the air in a couple of minutes, watch today a special episode of the 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes, today on rtr, economy. it’s already painfully deaf, it’s a former collective farm, we’ll raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am the chief engineer novikov marina sergeevna, why did i contact you, it would be better if you didn’t come, marina sergeevna, for every muscovite there is the first guy in the village, this mahler of yours is toothy, it’s not easy with he will, look, svetka, he will leave you with valerka, this is moscow ficht, just let him try, will you say? on rtr.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer the squad ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says , mind blowing, this world is worth it... to see it, caster smey is the oldest profession in india , they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, will you still tell me why you are glowing, as if you have a new year on your nose? working with you, it’s always a new year, maria serge , premiere, someone has appeared in your office, tell me, my last name is korobo, no, well, of course you can draw some conclusions, maybe a competitor, i don’t understand anything, calm down, this is operational event, new secrets of the investigation, today
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on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. a major terrorist attack was prevented by fsb operatives in woodmurt. in izhevsk, they detained a local resident who had been recruited by a ukrainian terrorist organization. in a private house , the suspect was assembling an explosive device with destructive elements, and the victim was supposed to be one of the leaders of a military-industrial enterprise in the region. a criminal case has been opened under the article of preparation for a terrorist attack; the detainee faces up to 20 years in prison. russian military doctors in the zone are showing true heroism today special operations, for such complex, dangerous work , the cadets of the st. petersburg military medical academy, which celebrated its 225th anniversary, are preparing in conditions as close as possible to the situation on the front line. report by dmitry pishchukhin. according to the legend of the exercises,
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cadets of the military medical academy need to evacuate a seriously wounded soldier ; the operation made adjustments to the training of military medical specialists. military medics are trained in field conditions that are as close as possible to combat operations. the group of the wounded has been loaded, we are leaving. zakhar boronetsky recently returned from the front line, where he served as evacuation platoon commander. i'm sure his combat and medical experience is priceless. of course, theory is important and necessary for us, but we should also not forget about practice, because without practice there is no victory. the most difficult thing in the work of a military medic is to overcome fear when a person’s life directly depends on you. in this footage, military surgeons discovered an unexploded shell in the body of a wounded soldier, but did not interrupt the operation. we were
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already at work, and we were immersed in the surgical intervention itself, when they said, it’s more that there is a shell in... and it could explode there, the realization that something could explode comes after we performed the operation. increased blood loss is one of the main reasons for the death of soldiers in the special operation zone. innovative. the method, which was first used at the front, is already changing the situation. doctors at the military medical academy have learned to literally bleed to death. we artificially direct blood to the heart. this constant infusion, even without cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which we are used to seeing, it allows this heart to start. the oldest university in the country, to which the world owes fundamental discoveries and innovations in the field of medicine, is celebrating its 225th anniversary today. there was not enough space in the old buildings for a long time, so a multidisciplinary clinic was built next to the historical buildings, an entire block with an area of ​​150 thousand square meters. thanks to
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the scientific developments of the academy scientists , new methods of treating post-traumatic stress disorders, burn patients, severe trauma patients. the unique methods of doctors of the military medical academy are constantly tested in military field hospitals. every doctor who works or teaches at the military medical academy is always ready to change his white coat to a military uniform and go to the combat zone, not only by vocation, but by the call of his heart. dmitry pishchukhin, sergey ishchenko, evgeny kostin, alexey sasyrin and galina orlova, northwestern news bureau. a criminal case was opened in kiev in connection with an attempt to spy on general zaluzhny in the office where the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine was supposed to move in the near future. spy equipment discovered. the case is being investigated by the ukrainian security service. it is known that the listening device was not in
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working condition; no disks or storage media were found with it. i’ll add that zaluzhny has been the center of media attention lately, and the reason was the general’s interview with the british newspaper the economist, in which he announced that the ukrainian counteroffensive had reached a dead end. the english press noted that after this zaluzhny relations with zelensky have deteriorated. " the fsb declassified archival documents about the first open trial of nazi collaborators and german war criminals. the trial took place 80 years ago in december of '43 in kharkov. shortly before that , in august, the city was liberated from the nazis. then smersh began to identify those responsible for the murders of soviet citizens during the occupation. among the published documents, in particular, a memorandum on the use of machines in this territory, which were popularly called "
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israel attacked refugee camps in the gaza strip. more than 100 people were killed in jabali in the north of the enclave. in the central part of the explosion occurred in the nusairat camp. there are at least 15 killed there. as noted by the un, the number of victims of the palestinian-israeli conflict may increase significantly after the removal of the rubble in gas. according to the latest data, there are now more than 19 dead. 70% of them are women and children. meanwhile, according to agency data. israel and hamas are ready to resume the truce, but to do this , a number of disagreements must be resolved. besides, tel aviv approved the verdicts of the head of massat with
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intermediaries from qatra and egypt for the further release of the hostages. options for a possible deal were presented the day before, and now the intermediaries will have to work out its details. in the meantime, israel made a four-hour humanitarian pause so that the residents of the enclave could replenish food and water supplies. at the same time, the raids continue. the idf discovered a four-kilometer hamas tunnel, one of the exits of which is right on the border with israel; militants could be transferred there in cars, which moved freely along the underground passage. there is rocket fire at israel from the territory of the enclave, and an air alert has been declared in the north. mutual attacks continue with lebanon. an idf fighter struck hezbollah's terrorist infrastructure. in serbia. celebrates the victory of aleksandar vučić’s party in parliamentary and municipal elections. after processing more than 90% of the ballots, the pro-presidential coalition
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led by the serbian progressive party received the support of almost 50% of voters. the opposition pro-western bloc serbia is against violence is gaining just over 20%. in parliament , vučić’s party occupies and will occupy the majority of 250 seats. the election commission will announce the final results within 4 days. after that it begins. a thirty-day deadline for convening a new parliament with a four-year mandate. the accident with joe biden's escort car was not intentional, this was stated in secret. us service. the accident occurred in wingerton near the headquarters of the american presidential campaign. biden was leaving the office when one of the cars in his motorcade was rammed passenger car. the american leader froze in place and stood there for several seconds until the guards, who sang along, put him in the suv. the culprit of the accident was immediately targeted. he did not try to resist and complied with all
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the demands of law enforcement officers. formation of the russian budget, participation in the work of relevant parliamentary committees, control over the targeted use of public funds - these are just some of the most important tasks that the accounts chamber solves. an exhibition dedicated to her opened today in the state duma, the exhibition tells about the history of the accounts chamber, the results of inspections and facts of violation of laws that became known thanks to the work of the department. 30 years ago. when we gathered for the first meeting of the state duma, the question immediately arose about creating such a financial control body under the reporting state duma, the accounts chamber analyzes almost all draft laws, which means that the auditor of the accounts chamber takes part in the work of
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specialized committees in the obligatory okay frankly. and i must say that the assessment is always objective and, which is very pleasant, not always complementary for the ministry, but the truth is the truth, this is the task of the accounts chamber, a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis is taking place in moscow at this moment; in the past year, i chaired the union of independent states kyrgyzstan,
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to preside over the union in the new year. russia will be present, the participants of the meeting were greeted by president vladimir putin. this meeting is devoted to a really important topic: the development of cooperation in cultural and humanitarian sphere, because it is the close cultural interrelation and spiritual closeness of our peoples, extensive human contact, and the centuries-old common history of life in one state that are the solid foundation on which... integration processes within the cis are built. i think you will agree that we have inherited a truly unique civilizational fusion of traditions, customs, languages ​​and literature, and folk art. and our task is to preserve this common multinational heritage as much as possible and to enrich it new content. well, before the start of
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the meeting, the heads of government toured the russia forum exhibition. the excursion began with galleries of our country's achievements. this is a multi-meter, brightly illuminated tunnel, stylized as a collider. then the guests toured the stands of russian regions; special attention was drawn to the expositions of moscow, st. petersburg, leningrad, sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk regions, bashkiria and tatarstan. storm warnings for very heavy precipitation, ice, and wet snow will continue to be in effect in kuban until the end of this day, weather forecasters warn about this, but residents of the center were promised a warm and damp week. all the details of victoria chernikova. well, vika, will everything melt and we’ll float? yes, all the snowdrifts have begun to melt, and by wednesday the thaw will reach the urals. now for real frosts only in eastern siberia. in kazyl -31. on european territory, the minus remains in the north and in the urals. in the center in some places it is already up to +5, sleet and rain. in kazan and samara - zero.
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in the south the weather will improve. in crimea it is not higher than +10, but in yaltiu it is. without rain. more in sochi one day under an umbrella. in st. petersburg on tuesday +4 rain, strong wind. in moscow there is sleet with rain, it’s also windy, there’s ice, there’s slush, it’s +2 at night, up to +5 during the day, we live in the same spirit until saturday. impermanence is your name. thank you, victoria chernikova was with the weather forecast. a powerful storm and tornado hit argentina. the disaster claimed the lives of at least 16 people. gusts reached 40 m/sec. we received passengers at buenos aires airport. the wind was so strong that it turned the planes around right in the parking lot. hundreds of trees were felled, cars were damaged, about a million people were left without electricity, and the symbol of the capital of argentina, a living iron flower, could not withstand the pressure of the elements; one
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of the petals was torn off from a sculpture weighing about 20 tons. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. give me, i’m a jester, i’m a circus performer, so let them call me that, velenozhi, how far, far away they are from me. and i will never shake hands. 10 years ago , journalist andrei
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karaulov celebrated a double anniversary on the stage of the kremlin palace. the best opera voices in the world were on stage. lonovoy, kobzon, bystritskaya, zelden, skoptsevo, lushkov in the hall. it’s easier to say that whoever was not there that evening was supported by the hero of the day and his family. son vasya on stage, wife yulia in the hall, passed. 10 years old offered me in direct text to pay 2,4000 rubles so that the programs would not go on air. leonid solomonovich passed away, committed suicide, he could not withstand the pressure from andrei karaulov. at the moment, two criminal cases have been opened for dissemination of libel. and accusations which were addressed to foreign agent karaulov in our last program, but even this, apparently, made our opponent worry, he responded to serious accusations with a simple denial, everything that was
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said today, this is a rare case, from the first to the last word practically everything, pure slander, these are the sensational details the ex-wife told about the secret premises of the mansion in novoglagolevo. and the secret of the journalist’s life behind this eight-meter fence in the previous program. we always had girls in our house, just every evening, one, two, three, with low social responsibility. this caused the fury of the wounded ex-husband. one after another, incriminating evidence fell on yulia. first, an allegedly revealing audio recording. yes, i was walking, i don’t hide it, but at the same time it was as if we had a normal relationship with him. i had a good relationship with vasya. i didn’t steal money from him, well, let’s say openly. well, as if we were all... without sin, and then monstrous accusations against her grandfather, who allegedly served as a fascist during great patriotic war, served in verbakht, and could quite easily shoot, being a german, hitler jugant, my grandmother, my grandfather,
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and me, today the answer to yulia mareeva, ex-husband and investigation of our program, more than forty apartments in the capital, andrei karaulov’s real estate. to whom these apartments were rented, new details of the life of a fugitive foreign agent, new moments of truth for andrei karaulov. continuation, ex-wife yulia mareeva today in our studio. tell me, what was the reaction of your environment to your appearing on air? i have probably never heard so many kind words in my life, and, you know, when before.
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so with a ukrainian accent with such a pronounced, in general, for me this is a day of grief and sadness, and why? yes, it happened that way, it worked , how can i...
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i understand that at my table, but as the card fell, there is a man sitting in my house, i can’t call him a fascist, but he openly tells me that he served at the age of 15 in the hitler youth, that is, he served in verbakht, and could have been shot quite calmly. being a german
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, hitler-jugant, my grandmother, my grandfather, and me, if i were older, because it was war, these wonderful acting pauses he has, i’ll cry right now, the complete feeling that a person can naturally tell a complete lie, as he always says, but these pauses they give...
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no, he was taken to germany , really, i don’t know, that’s where, to be honest, the topic didn’t come up for us, he was ashamed of it all his life, you know, he had problems at the institute, he wasn’t taken to hitler for 6 years, but most importantly, that there is a family, yes, you love a person, according to andreikivich, they are hiding data and the next day, yes, he says to his wife: we are ending our marriage, because wait, on may 9, he said it developed in november, he thought until november, digested it, you know? i stayed for some time until the end of this holiday, because they were still aged, then i told my wife that that’s it, from this moment on, that’s it, right, that’s...
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things, that’s the question, it’s a woman who can kill , and when i don’t want to talk about the sad ones now , who hasn’t slept at night since then, she didn’t take much, as she admits, when it happened a certain story, behind my back there was some kind of trial in which some of mine, or something was recognized. i don’t know, i found out about this trial 2 years later, how it ended was by accident , i didn’t even see the court decision, so i’m omitting one story, but after some events my ex-wife fled to ukraine, went to ukraine, to grandparents, and how her relationship with her classmates developed, it so happened that more than one person came out of this school, who later ended up in the leadership of... your grandfather or great-grandfather, well
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this is crazy logic in itself, my grandfather was not a scumbag, this is very important , indeed my grandfather was a legendary cameraman, he filmed khrushchev, there is a well-known story about how on television they did not have time to display the equipment, when he arrived somewhere in kiev, he arrived on the train to kiev, his grandfather had to film, but the camera was very heavy, he either didn’t have time to run up, in general, he didn’t have time to film how he gets off the train, but his grandfather understands that he can’t help but return without a plot, he will simply be fired, at least he... came up and said, i beg you, kill, well, come out again, kurchev took it out, he took it out again, yes, this is a story, his grandfather told it at every feast, he was always very proud, he says, i was so worried, but everything ended well, yes, he is many great people were filmed , really, no, one of the few
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cameramen who traveled abroad, and we understand that in soviet times the state security committee would have checked everyone there to the sixth generation, you know, who is being released, you know another secret, literally before the program i learned more about you one secret, excuse me, i have to voice this too now, your great-great-great-grandmother was the mother of napoleon, who attacked our country in 1812, yes, yes, and if we take a few more generations back, then one of the viking leaders, who were regularly robbed. this was also your ancestor. now i want to tell you, now wash yourself away from this, try to prove that this is not so. that’s all the logic of andrei koraulov, but
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the recording caused an unprecedented stir when the announcements of the program with your participation came out. andrecha posted an audio recording in which he presented how he ... with his ex-wife yulia mareeva, let's see, well, you're like a lawyer, you know, you can correct me, but i 'm not a saint, yes i was walking, i'm not hiding it, but at the same time how if we had a normal relationship with him, i had a good relationship with vasya, i didn’t steal money from him, well , let’s say so, openly, well, as if we were all not without sin, yes, i walked there, but i walked , what is there, what is there, what is deadly in these correspondences, the correspondence of a young woman, and that, probably, he loved me, that is, well, the truth is some kind of love of his, and he was ready to continue living with me, with me completely. and why the hell do i need apartments, in fact, even his mothers were and he received their inheritance , well, in fact, the apartments don’t belong to me, i was walking from right to left, well, we could live like this for many more years, we really could, but i want to take the apartment back, i want everything
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, i can’t, it’s just that he didn’t deserve it, fortunately this is the first time i’ve heard and seen this, since i basically don’t watch his works, it can drive you crazy to watch this, i can only say one thing, i... didn’t say this, this conversation never happened in my life, well, by the way, you can believe her words, because now this artificial intelligence is in its prime, and telephone scammers are taking advantage of it, and even we we can remember the prankers of the famous lexus and vaban, they also do their pranks precisely on this, that is, they substitute, make the votes of western politicians and call them , these ukrainian officials and deduce, no, it’s easy to check now there are special technologies. but this artificial intelligence is now very difficult to test, but the most interesting thing is, i want to give the floor to our call center, speaking about voices, lena, yes, indeed, after that broadcast we were literally inundated with letters, messages, parcels, we’ll talk about this a little later let's talk, here, but now i want
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to show you one very interesting phone call, the subscriber, as he himself tells us, called from vladivostok, i won't say anything more, just let's listen to this recording in full. andrey mala, good afternoon, hello, hello, who am i with? i say, excuse me, my name is arina , hello, arina, can i talk to some senior editor or boss from udevostok, this is about karaulov, there are very serious proposals , he did one nasty thing, but i don’t know you, you me you don’t know, i would like to talk seriously with your leader, preferably with a monk, of course, unfortunately, unfortunately, you can also understand from us that we don’t know you and you don’t know us. you don’t know, that’s of course, but i ’ll tell you what’s wrong, karaulov is just a bastard, he raped my daughter, she’s ready to speak at malakhov’s to show the materials, and even now he will send them to you, so that you understand who you are dealing with, god, but i must understand how much danger there is, you must understand what kind of danger
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this poses to us, i certainly understand this, of course it’s serious person, but better than malakhov, you will have a sensation, my name is also arina, arina, my name is, please tell me. and how can i contact you, well , what difference does it make, no, just your first name and patronymic, i ’ll pass it on, i can pass on your phone number to our editor, that’s right i understand, i still do. i saw him, a monster, and what olya will tell you, my daughter will show you a video and audio
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tape, which she can now send, well , you just won’t understand anything without her comments, it’s kru, hello, i’m listening to you, i’m not interrupting, you you understand the importance of this conversation, of course, while you can’t even say your last name, you are letting malakhov and your leaders down, okay, my last name is petrova, i have the most common last name petrova, okay, so how... yes, arina, please, arina, arinochka, don’t be offended, i i want now for you to invite a senior editor, i will meet him, and if i understand that you have a serious interest, and you are ready to understand our risks, send a ticket to pay a fee, and what fee, we will agree, i will talk further, and my girl will pick up the phone right now, he is silent, or i will change my mind, you have a few minutes, you decide, or i will change my mind.
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next comes the following questioning, the necessary answers are fished out, but as is the case during installation, after all, you can then pose the right questions, but if it is mentioned, that andrei malakhov asked for a fee and offered for a sensation that is not, it can always be presented, then presented correctly.
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as in principle, works, they
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were valuable for my family, you know, and okay, cowards, i can survive without panties, icons that have been passed down in my family for several generations, this is just painful, excuse me , it tells me, len, i understand, that the editors of the call center, after ivan ivanovich’s call from vladivostok, punched the number, the most interesting thing is that ivan ivanovich did not pick up the phone again, because that we were trying to contact him. and according to one of the programs that, in principle , almost everyone has on their phone, where you can enter an unknown number and see how it is recorded by other subscribers, you won’t believe the number from which a very large number of subscribers called us for...
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in the new year, in the new season, everything will be new. i promise you that. sklefasovsky. new season in the new year on rtr. i'll show everyone where doctors spend the winter. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts
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we watch. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are flowing over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac. real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, love is when... you look in one direction, look , look, look, if you want to look, look, come on let's see, look, well, look at the screen , look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign , look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie.
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we will open a criminal case of murder, new secrets of the investigation today on rtr, once again , good afternoon, last week’s program,
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which did not leave anyone indifferent, for the first time for our program, the ex... wife of journalist andrei karaulov told what her 6 years were like years of life with someone who is today a foreign agent on the federal wanted list, the response from andreyvich koraulov from dubai was not long in coming, in several forms he exposed the alleged lies to his ex-wife, before leaving for advertising yulia mareeva, the ex-wife of the journalist responded today to the monstrous accusations that were made against her addressed to her grandfather, let me remind you that another criminal case has been opened against nagent karau... for illegal business, our program has at its disposal the addresses of the apartments that were discussed sergey semeysko, our correspondent drove through them. let's see what's going on there. in the fall of 2023, information appeared that
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journalist and agent andrei karaulov owned a large amount of real estate, which he rented out. we decided to go to the addresses of these apartments, which presumably belong to karaulov, and find out who is there now and whether they are in contact with the foreign agent on the federal wanted list. now we will go up to one of these apartments. you know the neighbors of apartment seventy, well, i know, they rented there to someone, but you don’t know at all, someone lives there now, no, no, that’s definitely not the case, they broke down the door there, sawed something there , drilled something, it was a long time ago, a long time ago, probably in the summer, more since we haven’t seen anyone for a while, i haven’t, well, we arrived at another address, at all the addresses where we go, we see that, in principle, almost all of them are new. the doors, at least in comparison with all the other apartments, were seen,
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maybe someone came and left this apartment, i saw once that they tried to break everything here, but how long ago was that, well, in april, probably in may in april, you don’t know why, well, the police in the morning and that’s it. here we see traces of the lock being broken into, most likely there was also a search here, the police came, no one opens for us here, let’s try to go through the neighbors, she always gives up, some girl lived with a blogger with a friend, i honestly didn’t know anyone i don’t know, just once amon came, they were hiding something in the morning at 5:00 in the morning, we were going to work, we just saw a whole riot police stationed here. ninth, yes karaulova’s apartment is there, karaulova, he’s been here for a long time i myself, no, i haven’t been there at all
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, at one of the addresses we found that the apartment really belongs to andrei karaulov, the payment is still coming in his name, we’ll try to go up and ask who is there now, and maybe they’ll reveal something to us information, there never? no one lived permanently, the police did not come completely by chance, two months ago, no, more, but you don’t know for what reason they came, we know for what reason, but tell me for what reason? well, because this apartment belongs to karaolov, that’s it, there are questions, now it’s arrested, yes, this apartment, well, in theory yes, but that’s what they told us, we never saw him, this apartment was always for rent, is it a big apartment? 36 m2 there was a certain director who was involved in the delivery , that is, this is not a karau, that’s for sure, now who lives in this apartment, there is no one
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, our guards came, damn it, you know , six or seven people, maybe something like this everyone with machine guns, they said that on this day, this was such an action, all 30 apartments, everyone who raised any doubts would be at the pit, these people, they came out of rooms, it’s loud, he’s playing the fool here. he was walking along the corridor, reporting somewhere, so we checked it, so we watched it, everything, everything, i heard everything, everything, yes, so to speak, the apartment was seized. we drove to all the available addresses of apartments where andrei karaulov is listed as the owner , the same situation arises everywhere, the apartments were rented out all the time, this summer there were searches everywhere, now the apartments have been seized, no one lives in these apartments, it turns out that it is illegal agent karaulov's business now idle. can you imagine, andrey , this is some amount, yes, if you multiply 40 apartments by an average of 40,000, well, the average price in moscow for rent is 1,600 per month, and if
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you multiply by a year by 12 months, it turns out to be more than 18 million, yes? he says that there are many more of them, there are many more of them, there are many times more of them, only god, i’ll tell you, there’s just a diagram there, everything is registered in the same place, that is, you took his addresses, he gave her half, half. married people no longer buy it, i know from first-hand experience me, fortunately, there was always a person who informed me, there is much, much more, there is some person who is involved, so we heard that the director was coming, that he had never been seen in these apartments, but before his assistant was in charge of the rental , in fact, who is also involved in the case, i know about this case, i gave testimony , there is no secret here, but the assistant is in charge, since the money for the rent was transferred to his card, and there is no escape from it, all transfers, that is, no taxes were. well what taxes, what kind of guards?


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