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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  December 18, 2023 4:30pm-5:28pm MSK

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if we allow putin to destroy not only ukraine, but also the european union, we will face existential problems. i don't believe that the hungarian nation, which has been a role model for everyone since 1956, wants russia to win. please, as if with the european one. there are some difficulties, this is connected a little with something else, but for starters, what happened and what was being discussed are elections in serbia, accordingly the right-wing agenda, accordingly the strengthening of vučić’s position, as they said, in fact, now now everyone is also actively discussing, the second referendum in chile failed, there are situations when referendums will not take place, and the second one should be noted, this is the question so to speak in general, that’s what is important, next time you adg will contact, give them a big hello, why, because they won the measure for the first time.
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accordingly, the situation there is like this, that is , 59% of germans believe that it is necessary to change the coalition, next year 59, this is more than voted for the coalition in the past elections, this is about the question of how now look at how the cdu will change , a truly amazing person, what he broadcasts cannot help but shock you, even if you are outside germany, well, let me remind you, he is cutting off payments, subsidies from me.
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there, respectively, 14-18%, these are the western territories, for the first time, these are the largest territories, they are considered role-playing, so, and for that matter, the first since august rural elections of the mayor of a rural area have begun, where, in fact, the adc won, that is, this relates to the question that they are now beginning to sharply increase their electoral potential in the regions, and despite the fact that they are considered, as it were, in a number of subjects, as if, well, as an extremist organization, well, subjects in the lands, that’s what no less people came and voted for them with a majority, so what’s next, now the main topic? on friday, our
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largest container operators refused to transport cargo through the territory of the strait of vanity, and this is 10-12% of the total trade turnover in the world, despite the fact that this is so far only a vanity channel, and so emen, who accordingly is starting now with these drones, so they hit on friday, after that the maerskru. one of the largest companies , by the way, has european roots, well , it is actually european, refused to conduct ships there accordingly, and this is , as it were, the main direction to the european union, that is, the only alternative is to go through the southern part, through and, accordingly, through africa, the southern component , this is about plus 6-7 days, that’s why from this point from the point of view of how quickly military actions already lead to serious confrontations , what else is the problem? american colleagues are trying to organize a military operation in yemen, for example, that is, accordingly , at a minimum, arrange strikes on... on
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yemeni targets, and at the most, accordingly, try to carry out an amphibious operation there carry out, well , the landing operation is a very big question, to be honest, based on internal data, well, strike accordingly, strike, but the question is different, so the question is already diverging even between those countries that are at war, they have been at war for a while; in extreme cases, these are saudi arabia and the united arab emirates. the emirates are just pushing for the fact that it’s really time to start, and judges understand perfectly well that as a result, their oil industry could be hit, as was already the case, they are in favor of a softer position, this is to the question that even in this matter, i remind you that sudovaya is officially fighting in yemen, but by the way, just as if in a cycling form, even she opposes this process. near the east becomes a fundamentally important direction; accordingly , another group is drawn up there and transferred, this against the backdrop of the corresponding situation. in january in taiwan, that is, they are moving everything there, and this becomes the main problem. why is this also important? i remind you that in the usa we have data that the third candidate, we talked about the third candidate, accordingly , he really gains more than 20%, the united third candidate, in fact, eats away the most from the democrats, and is already being considered there several options, and accordingly from
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manchekin, who, accordingly, is now speaking, for some reason everyone considers him to be a kind of democrat, he has long considered himself an independent, so he can really go there from the third, the so-called march 3. from the third party, let's call it that, that is, the problem is that biden seems to have very bad sociology from this point of view, accordingly trump is winning against him, and accordingly, already in the undecided states, and according to the data gelopa, this is what has just been published directly by gelopa himself, so from this point of view there seems to be a problem with this, then we have a famous club here, accordingly, who has retired recently, you can follow this add japanese kisida to the list, if he is not in the know, this is the prime minister of japan, last week, accordingly, they dismantled their entire ... office for spare parts, because they had a corruption scandal, there is a semi-operative system, you know, in some countries have a semi-operative system , the ruling party sits in power for a very long time, one and a half, well, one and a half party system means that it is almost never replaced, that’s how their corruption scandal began, the issue of replacing kishida is already being substantively discussed, is being substantively
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discussed at various options and one of the options is, by the way, the current press secretary of the cabinet of ministers, who is conditionally pro-chinese, so by the way, by the way, speaking about... you and i cannot afford to just randomly to list the events that are happening in the world, we must lead to something to draw some conclusion, at least some elementary one at the level of the fact that well, everyone has their own problems and they don’t care about ukraine now, that’s not the question , all the conclusions have been drawn, i can sum them up again, because no matter how they were apparently summed up, the first thing is accordingly, why, well, if a new phase of military operations is being prepared in yemen, osten has already flown there, that means there too?
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i mean ukrainian, american and european, they still haven’t realized that they lost, well , that is, some understanding comes to them, but not so clearly, a drop in interest does not mean a loss or a victory, or a victory, respectively, means the seizure of specific specific territories, not a seizure, return from both sides, return, the question is in the other thing is that they are taking over, we are releasing well, just like in a kindergarten in a kindergarten, i also hope this doesn’t happen in a kindergarten, but the problem is the following - this is a blow to trade flows, this is a blow, accordingly, already against the backdrop of yemen, the price of oil went up on friday, now it has stabilized a little , well, simply because alternatives appear in principle if the situation intensifies, if 40% of all trade traffic comes under pressure, because they only closed the entrance to the passage to the red sea, and there is actually a bypass route, but if it is closed, a whole series of problems will arise, in addition, if active military operations begin directly in the middle east, this could lead to a very serious blow to prices on energy, today
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, for example, accordingly , a network of gas stations in iran was supported by a hacker attack, they were installed today , so, accordingly, in response to everything, iran will act more actively, because we all understand perfectly well that the houthis are a proxy. than in the last few weeks, well, about a week, if there are changes in the cabinet of ministers, if they talk about chinese partners, then this will stabilize relations with china and naturally minimize the confrontation on the chinese track in the near future, also this stabilizes the attitude towards the impact of sanctions, because i recall
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the same aba and the previous corresponding iteration and the previous generation of politicians who came out there, they were more proactive in the issue of economic cooperation with the russian federation, because they tried to sign a peace treaty, so with this points in recent times, the radicalization of kishida, which is largely connected with his right-wing conservative position on some issues, including the consequences within political characteristics of the country, if there are personnel changes there now, this could change, accordingly... both economic policy and foreign policy, so of course, this is important, why is the us election important? firstly, if biden has a weak position, and it is already extremely difficult to replace the candidate, then in this case the internal agenda will become fundamental, as we see it? for example, they have not yet agreed on a border agreement; by the way, negotiations took place this weekend, they were very intense, but today they have already said that most likely they will not complete it until the end of the year, but with all this , they opened two railway bridges from mexico to ... the usa, so that migration components would not pass there, respectively, then they have this problem, it exists , even the current administration gives it, but
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it is not ready to agree to the demands that the republicans have regarding the migration component, from this point of view, this will minimize the possibility, it will actually make it impossible to adopt this package before end of december. we need to take a break for advertising, the tinned man just commented for the first time on the discovery of wiretapping in his office, he said, the information is confirmed, this is the same office of mine in which... i was supposed to hold a meeting today, we’ll come back after a mine, this is the crime scene for you a face like no other, thank you, fyodor, the premiere, please don’t be nervous, you’re in a circle of friends, in the circle of friends of a corpse, yeah, he’s looking appraisingly , i feel suspicion about half the city, he’ll get there, we’ll sort it out, he doesn’t believe in tears, i like it, oleg, great. and she can’t stand it when a man has unclean shoes, i’m wondering,
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it’s like they let you into the hospital looking like this, but sometimes it’s a reason to get acquainted, so wow, wow, that’s very romantic, that’s enough, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr .
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yours is being decided, a hotel for cinderella, maybe this time they will be lucky, fate is sunday on rtr. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail , it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to relax, but our grandfather believes that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be mobile from... dad, mom supported, by the way, i already wrote a statement for this, the whole family
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is going to the village, animals, adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient , revere, he comes back, oh, i missed you, sklephosophical, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, all seasons at once, amazing person, it just talent to always be in the center of events, do a gift for yourself for the new year. already now sklefosovsky, we are watching before everyone else, in the application. so, according to fox news, biden's approval rating is 33%, 64% disapprove of his performance. biden himself claims that all republican media polls
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are fake, and just at the moment when the us president was trying to give an answer. to the not so pleasant question: why are you losing to donald trump? a silver sedan crashed into his cartesh. cnn reports that the accident cannot be called an assassination attempt on the president. joe was lucky to escape with a minor crime. look. in sunday evening, a car inadvertently crashed into a suv in president joe biden's motorcade, causing damage to both vehicles and causing an apparent scare. president as he left his campaign headquarters in wilmington, delaware, the us secret service confirmed that a car in the motorcade was hit by another car as biden was getting into his car. there was no protective interest associated with the event, secret service spokesman steve kopec told cnn. bearing in mind that the accident was not intentional, it was raining heavily in wilmington. the accident
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caused a loud crash in the street and biden looked back to see the commotion. secret, according to reporters traveling with biden. the us service surrounded the silver sedan that caused the accident and ordered the male driver to put his hands in the air. secret service officers escorted the president to his car, where first lady jill biden was already inside. we are transported to washington in direct communication with our own correspondent, businesswoman ekaterina moore. katya, hello. straightaway some unfortunate circumstances for biden. the ratings are rubbish, there are traffic accidents, of course, trump quotes putin. on horseback, gay porn in the senate, the person who took part in this is also a biden supporter, as luck would have it, does grandpa have a chance in this regard? well, hello , olga, i think that the only chance for joe biden is to buy rejuvenating apples somewhere, because the maximum number of americans who do not want
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to vote in protest, but say that this is their main concern. .. joe biden's advanced age, his mental state, the ability to perform the duties of the president, and as for the listed events, it is true, but about the motorcade we can say that most likely this is the result of difficult weather conditions, we really have very serious storms now, and most likely the driver simply lost control if talking about the situation in the senate, then of course there is a rather piquant story, and the assistant who was involved in this incident is really an assistant to one of the leading democrats ben cardin, and he is now this the person was indeed fired, removed from office, for some time he even tried to say that this was all some kind of machinations,
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but it is quite obvious that, well, this is such inappropriate behavior that... in principle, contradicts the ethical code of the senate, of course, this is not a plus for the democrats , the republicans became very actively interested in this, and began to comment on social networks, they made a fuss here, you know, in the senate, well, in general, i think that yes, fate is not playing in joe biden’s favor now - fate. the third candidate is possible, well, obviously that yes, just who, if both or two. what are the so-so options for americans, according to polls? and we - if you look at the ratings, when a third candidate appears, such as, for example, robert kennedy, then he collects quite a serious, and a serious number of votes, but i would also take a closer look at joe menchen, who is
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a senator, a centrist, who is quite did a lot to spoil the agenda. biden, he is in the center for both republicans and democrats, sometimes he voted with the democrats, sometimes he voted with republicans, that is, this is a candidate who, in principle, is capable of uniting both republicans and democrats, so in principle , there was enough attention to him when he announced that he most likely would not be re-elected for the next term and plans to create some kind of movement. which will unite the americans, i think this is a very successful step, but the only problem is that it ’s too late, of course, he decided to do this, he has time left. very little, thank you very much, ekaterina moore is in direct contact from washington, please, yes, there is also a participant in this porn rock, besides , he appeared in several videos and photos with
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biden himself, so that will also be used by itself, but as for us, we used it as best we could, showed everything, no, well, i mean in america itself now this will be actively used, as for interest in ukraine, you were discussing here about whether this is? indicators of defeat or not, you know, here is a very truly indicative article in the magazine the spectator, which was mentioned, appeared, there just it is concluded that the sharp loss of western interest in the ukrainian case in general is caused precisely by the defeat, the recognition of the defeat of ukraine in the public consciousness of the west, this writer lion shriver, yes, who wrote this article, she says, that’s why we all? suddenly, so now we are not interested in ukraine, yes , yes, yes, because, he says, we watched it like the battle of david and galliath, and it really was an exciting story, but
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now that galliath defeats david, yes , russian galiath, ukrainian david, then , excuse me, when the giant defeats the dwarf , it’s, as she writes, sorry, i quote, verbatim, a shitty story, that’s all, she says, so we lost interest, uh , so, yes, we are now switched to others. topics, but ukrainians continue to die when we show ben hodges, yes, who argues, not a little, a little, we must now grab the ukrainians, where we can’t find them, including in europe, send them to the front, this is the same ben hodges, who is already guilty of the fact that a lot of ukrainians died, who gave rise to false hopes in ukraine itself, in the west, when he talked about how ukrainian troops would easily take crimea, and, as he said, liberate him, to the question of importance.
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he also said that he was saying that almost everyone who was at the beginning of the war had already died, let ’s count how many hundreds of thousands that is, let’s remember what they told us, how many hundreds of thousands they had under arms at the beginning of these hostilities, that is, he admitted , in fact , the catastrophic losses of ukraine, which we have been talking about here for a long time, and that ukraine and the same propagandists like ben hodges actively denied it, here is this confirmation, and by the way, you showed again... an article in the new york times, there is a huge article about these krynki, how many times have we talked here about the fact that there really is murder these very ukrainian military
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men, as much as we were told by russian propaganda, and even a week and a half or two ago the times there is a propagandist there is this max tucker, yes, and maxim tucker, he published an article where he joyfully says, and in general everything is in the jars, now there will be a turning point at the front, despite the fact that the article still does not answer the question, why yes? then suddenly putin spoke last week, he said: we are trying to understand, this is what they are doing there, but why all this grinding of the ukrainian military we cannot understand, suddenly the new york times has seen the light, suddenly they are interviewing, by the way, notice right away several participants in this operation, who themselves say, they simply send us there to be slaughtered and leave the wounded there, we can’t even evacuate people from there, we just leave and leave, and it’s really terrible when they...
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believes in tears, i like it, oleg, it’s great , i have something to do with it, oleg, and i can’t stand it when a man has unclean shoes, i ’m wondering how they let you into the hospital looking like that, but sometimes it’s a reason to get acquainted, so, nothing wow, this is very romantic, that’s enough, new investigative secrets, today on rtr.
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yes, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, what are you?
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you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for your own words, a hero of his time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just looking at the platform, tea, manenka, manenka, yes, how
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should you love a person? to take and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is of course interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning , that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr , the farm is already painfully deaf, a former collective farm, we will raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am chief engineer novikov, why did i contact you? you didn’t come, for every muscovite there is a guy.
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village, this toothy valer of yours, it won’t be easy with him, look, svetka, valerka will leave you, this is a moscow scam, just let him try, aglaya shilovskaya, alexander ustyugov, you probably shouldn’t do this, i’ll see you again, i think i’ll kill valerka , a metropolitan thing, on saturday on rtr, this. until the new year exactly 2 weeks, putin admitted that he had not yet gone to buy gifts for his loved ones, but he would definitely do something nice for them. the president plans to celebrate the holiday itself over a glass of champagne with loved ones at home. ria news today calculated that the cost of a new year's table, ironically, will cost a russian 8,465. rub. this is jellied fish,
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eggs with mayonnaise, champagne and olive, just watch for now. the information service of the russia tv channel continues its work on the air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittal. hello. council of heads of government of the cis countries. meeting of the premiers in moscow at the vdnkh site at the grand exhibition russia. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny, regarded the incident with the wiretapping of his office as a declared war, and he ruled out whose involvement almost immediately. how to
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live here? yes, someone will definitely collapse, mountains of snow were left behind by cyclone ivan, which passed through the center of russia, in australia , the city of cairns was flooded due to heavy floods. the airport is underwater, crocodiles swim in the park. the leaders of the pro-presidential coalition in serbia are being let down results of early parliamentary elections. let's really meet? is it really today? the long-awaited premiere. today the new twenty-third season of the legendary detective secret investigations starts. marri sergeevna begins to develop a new love. i hope something interesting comes out of this. the american paladin, the polish crab, and the slovak zuzanna joined the lists of nato equipment liquidated in the northwestern military district zone. in addition, according to the ministry of defense, the leopard-2 tank and the
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us-made bradley infantry fighting vehicle were destroyed. air defense shot down 25 ukrainian drones and intercepted two missiles haiers. the ukrainian armed forces infantry continues to attack a unit of the southern group in the donetsk direction. with the support of artillery and the sun, nine attacks were stopped. the enemy has 190 killed and wounded. the total enemy losses over the past 24 hours are over 500 militants. in the krasnolimansk direction near serebryanka , the team’s observation post was destroyed to repel an attack by the ukrainian national guard from the line of combat contact, report by vesti warrior alexei baranov. convenient firing position. pash of the t-90 tank is found between the sandy hills on the outskirts of the kremensky forest. the remaining shells are enough to hit ukrainian military strongholds located in the line of sight.
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the tanks of the central military district go to the place of replenishment of ammunition reserves under the cover of heat traps, and they always set up a smoke screen. snow fell several times, that's all. time is melting, and this just makes it easier for tank crews who work in the coniferous forest of serebryansky forestry to disguise themselves. after completing the assigned task, the tank platoon returns to its home base without losses. commander units with the call sign baby shares with us the details of this fleeting successful battle.
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under the cover of ongoing close combat , reconnaissance groups sneak into the rear of the ukrainian military unnoticed by them. we cross in small groups, because this is an effective means of crossing and safety from contact with the enemy. we see that if the drones did not fly, they were completely camouflaged. the enemy’s weapons are now all electronic, all improved, we have all this, we are working with it too. including thanks to modern ones. surveillance tool scouts identify areas where enemy personnel and armored vehicles are concentrated. tankers working near the line of combat contact receive information with the exact coordinates of targets from reconnaissance groups in real
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time and immediately open fire. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news krasnolimansk direction, kremensky forest. the terrorist attack was prevented by russian fsb operatives in udmurti. in izhevsk , they detained a local resident who had been recruited by a ukrainian terrorist organization. suspect in a private house assembled an explosive device with living elements. the victim was to be one of the leaders of the region's defense-industrial enterprise. a criminal case has been opened for preparing for a terrorist attack. the detainee faces up to 20 years in prison. ukrainian general valery zaluzhny evaluates. installation of listening devices in his office. quote: like a war. who exactly is fighting with the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces has not yet been clarified. zaluzhny completely rules out that the surveillance was organized by the general staff. the general clarified that the spy equipment
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found during a check in a room where he had not been for a long time, but was going to work just this morning. it is known that the device was inoperative and was not equipped with a flash drive or any other storage device. another microphone, according to zaluzhny, was found in the possession of one of his subordinates. probably we are talking about personal assistant konstantin bushuev. the armed forces headquarters has limited access to these premises.
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terrorism, manipulate, ingratiate themselves and persuade minors to commit suicide. promote extremism, call for websites are created on the territory of ukraine by special forces of the sbu. to recruit schoolchildren, curators actively use the video game industry. this was discussed today at the final meeting of the parliamentary commission for investigating crimes against minors in kiev. it was held by the vice-speakers of the federation council and the state duma, inna svitenko and anna kuznetsova. the commission is working on it. a report that will reflect all aspects of this problem. in addition, russia will develop an additional set of measures to protect children from threats emanating from kiev and will seek condemnation of the actions of the nazi regime by the world community. so far there has been no significant progress in this direction. the materials reflect data on the measures taken by our country to support affected children and detailed information on hundreds of appeals aimed at...
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multinational heritage, traditions , customs, cultural languages ​​must be preserved and filled with new content. vladimir putin spoke about this in his greeting addressed to the heads of government of the commonwealth of independent states. the meeting is taking place today in moscow, before the premiere of the cis countries, we visited the forum of russia exhibition. report by alexey petrov. the meeting begins with a video greeting from the president of russia. putin notes the importance of joint cultural activities. i think you will agree that we
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have inherited a truly unique civilizational fusion of traditions, customs , languages ​​and literature, and folk art . and our task is to preserve this common multinational heritage as much as possible and enrich it with new content. we count on a favorable reaction our partners in the cis. of course. aimed at continuing the closest cooperation on issues of preserving the memory of our common past, combating attempts to falsify history and glorify nazism. a little earlier before the start of the meeting, prime minister mishustin and his colleagues inspect the russia exhibition. here is the gallery of achievements, where we talk about how national projects are developing. this was feedback on how people evaluate projects, national projects, government programs. economic initiative, then how sometimes we want not
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coincides as people expect, this is the cap we always try to monitor. the seventy-fifth pavilion presents the entire country, unique nature and modern technologies, for example, the production of chelyabinsk tractors has been mastered in kazakhstan, and here at the stand you can control such equipment on a simulator. let's go, it's starting to move, yes, this is a real picture, yes, this is a real picture in real time, what is happening, there is great potential for cooperation. in st. petersburg they actively work with enterprises from countries cis, what projects i am implementing in the field of mechanical engineering, i am implementing in the field of medicine, food security, energy, today is the birthday of the prime minister of kazakhstan , congratulations in the video message of the president of russia, they are also heard from colleagues, at the tatarstan stand they prepared a surprise, a traditional tatar quilted robe,
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at the exhibition promising projects that have already started are being discussed, the russia for business exhibition is also an opportunity to find partners right here, here is the moscow stand. this is what equipment designed for oil and gas sector, it is produced by moscow enterprises and is already supplied to azerbaijan, and this is a charging station for electric vehicles, and these will now be produced in tajikistan. in the hall there is a conversation about the development of cultural and humanitarian projects, with special attention to the volunteer movement. we
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welcome the announcement of the twenty-fourth year in the cis as the year of the volunteer movement. i urge the cis state to begin practical work on the implementation of the kazakhstan one.
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today it is time to call 17,937 sanctions have been imposed on our country, a huge a number of sanctions were introduced against belarus, but despite this, the economy of the russian federation will grow by 3.5% by the end of the year. approximately the same level
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of economic growth in belarus. and these are the topics next in our issue. current president of egypt. the situation in russia is difficult due to the vagaries of the weather, our country’s triumph at the first ever highway chess tournament. we will provide all the details in just a couple of minutes. premiere. i’m listening to shveytsov. unsuccessful marriage in the past. maybe you'll stay.
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prince, i’m standing at the mirror in a fur coat, then they come in, look what this quiet girl of ours is doing, every prince dreams of cinderella, he comes to our hotel...
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your fate is decided by the hotel for cinderella on sunday on rtr. “we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, alone the bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes grandma, herself hungry, but she brings this kurba, shelters, says, “baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand”? olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people , they care, to support me with a word,
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hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. they are endless fields, cows, manure, and at the head of this absurdity, i’m like joan of arc, you write papers there, and we do it here everything was working, and i’m waiting for him in the store, and he’s here with this one, you’ve come here like a metropolitan little thing, you need to become your own, and i suggest, that’s it, rest and go home, hello, don’t oversleep work tomorrow, the capital’s little thing is on saturday on rtr . we're on the air, we're continuing the show.
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almost fifty people became victims of israeli bombing in the gaza strip in a few hours. the idf attacked two refugee camps at once. jabali in the north of the enclave, more than a hundred dead, these data are preliminary. dozens of people are still trapped under the rubble. in the central part explosions occurred in the nuseirat camp, at least 15 were killed there.
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egypt to further release the hostages. over the past 24 hours, israel has attacked 150 militant targets from land, sea, and air, the idf reported on this. during the raids, the four-kilometer hama tunnel was discovered. one of the exits of which is right on the border with israel, militants could be transferred there by car, which moved freely along an underground passage. the air raid warning sounded in northern israel today. hezbollah struck districts on the border with lebanon, a barracks with israeli military personnel was also shelled. the idf, in turn, launched an air strike on the group’s infrastructure. the current president of egypt is abdel fattah al-sisi.
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election observers, as well as the excellent work of police law enforcement in ensuring security during voting. at the helm of the arab republic of assissi since 2014, he led the country after the removal from power of one of the leaders of the radical islamist movement of the muslim brothers, mohammed morsi. on two previous elections in 2014 and 2018, the current president received about 96% of the votes, the current national presidential elections in egypt were held in... 10,000 polling stations, where over 67 million people could vote. over the course of 3 days. 14 international organizations and 220 observers from all over the world worked in the country during the voting process ; as stated by the country’s central election commission, no violations were registered during the voting. these elections took place against the backdrop of a difficult geopolitical situation in the region. in in the palestinian-israeli conflict, egypt is now
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one of the main negotiators and mediators between israel and hamas. as for the country’s internal problems, the egyptian economy is now going through far from the best times; the president will now have more time to solve the state’s financial problems. the new presidential term for abdel-fattah asisi will be the third in a row, for the first time as a result of which amendments were adopted increasing the presidential term from four to 6 years. thus, as head of state, the current president will remain until 2030. alexander blivov, ivan malyshev and timofey mukhin. news from cairo. egypt. russia hopes to strengthen friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with serbia. this is how the kremlin commented on the victory of vucic’s party in the parliamentary and municipal elections. after processing 95% of the ballots, the pro-presidential coalition led by the serbian progressive party received the support of almost 47% of voters. the opposition pro-western bloc serbia against violence gains just over 23%. in parliament, vučić’s party will occupy
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most of the 250 seats. moscow is reorienting trade flows, sending 60% of exports to asia, russian finance minister anton seluanov announced this, today in beijing he held, while 90% of payments are made in national currencies, today our exports to asian countries amount to almost 60%, and some a while ago this figure was two.
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passengers, the construction of the stop itself took the brunt of the blow, no one set up the vane cyclone after itself, stormy rivers flowed through the streets of bryansk and other cities, the same picture will be observed in moscow until the end of the week; now street thermometers in the capital show +2. a powerful storm hit argentina, killing at least 16 people, wind gusts reaching 40 m/s,
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injuries to passengers at buenos aires airport, and the wind was turning. planes right in the parking lot. hundreds of trees were knocked down, cars were damaged, and about a million people were left without electricity. the symbol of the capital of argentina, a living iron flower, could not withstand the wind. the sculpture, which weighs about 20 tons, has one of its petals torn off. well, in australia because of the hurricane jasper, several cities in the northeast of the continent were underwater. rivers overflowed their banks, flooded residential areas, and the airport in the city of kernz was under water. three hundred local residents required the help of rescuers. 15 thousand people were left without electricity. in one of the parks, emergency services caught crocodiles, which were carried into the city by the current. russia's triumph at the first ever sco chess tournament. world championship-level competitions took place in the chinese
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city of qingdau. ours took ryazantsev's gold. daniil dubov, maxim matlakov and anastasia bandaruk performed. at the closing ceremony, to the sounds of the russian anthem, our national flag will be raised today. we got second place. the new year is always with you, this is indeed already a tradition, the new season of the secret investigation is released on the screens on the eve of the new year, which means that the most charming investigator of russian television, maria shvetsova
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, is getting down to business again. the investigator for especially important cases is a wonderful, amazing, chic lady, i love her very much. meeting with the lieutenant colonel shvetsova, played by the brilliant anna kovalchuk, has millions of fans waiting for her. the knife you used to...


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