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tv   Taini sledstviya-23  RUSSIA1  December 18, 2023 9:20pm-10:07pm MSK

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about the rule of bander, what am i getting at, if half , if you put the joke aside, this is the idea that they won’t give money for an attack, for an offensive, they won’t give money for a counter-offensive, but for defense with the goal of militarizing everything that will be called the rest of ukraine , why , listen, they need ukraine to be killed, there are these, this is this, of course, they are serious guys, there are even budanov who walk around in these green pants, why do they need defense?
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their history has been taken away, they are constantly humiliated, their tariffs are rising, their income level is falling, and you say, now they will see the light, yes, that’s all, that’s all there, and you say that i wanted, i think that i believed you, that now the ukrainian people realize what is being done to them, now they suddenly realize , that means, having lost a million killed and wounded, having lost wives, children, because marriages broke up, you think
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efforts must be made to wake up and return, i’m not talking about the state of ukraine, i’m talking about the people who live there, the people chose his path, and as soon as he takes the machine gun in his hands, let him not expect leniency, if you shoot at a russian soldier, one thing is important for us: the lives of our people, but if a ukrainian wants us to take care of him, call the volga, come over to the side of truth, advertising after.
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with the new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator. there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, with the living room of our heroes coming soon big changes will blossom, every sunday on rtr, in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i cannot have children.
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on friday on rtr, may part of human history, having your own universal ideology was the prerogative of great states, but today a different time is coming, the west has lost its own semantic basis, identity, first abandoning the christian basis, i don’t know how it is... sorry, i hope this is not true, but what came from the vatican today is true, that it is now possible to bless homosexual, i, of course, forgive me, please, goes like this , the new document explains radical changes in vatican policy, admonishes that
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people seeking god's love and mercy should not be subjected to exhaustive moral analysis in order to receive them, then there is a pope . francis, his mother, managed to cancel a man as a woman, both will be put to death, their blood is on them. so is the new testament, which says: homosexuals will not find the kingdom of heaven, that is, the pope imagines himself to have the right to change scripture, after that.
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most of the islamic cultural centers in italy are financed by saudi arabia, saudi arabia is a state where sharia law is applied. the problem is that europe is undergoing a process of islamization, which is very far from the values ​​of our civilization.
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a country like albania, as i understand it, albania is a muslim country, half muslim, well, yes, well, that is, there is a large percentage of muslims there, but here’s what to do, but where should the bosnians go, i don’t go into the nuances there, well, here’s what to do , i'm not saying for example, a country that is not a country of the european union, but is one of the main nato countries, like turkey, that’s how they should approach it.
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and this is a crazy problem, with which, if now in all seriousness you can’t see, then what kind of world is the west building, the pope, that is, what is this even about, this is the destruction of all the foundations, all the foundations, the policy of the united states, this is generally something amazing, this is an absolute lie, all political institutions. absolutely empty simulators that deal exclusively with maintenance through the corrupt elites, and it
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comes to the point that americans say: in general, what is going on in our country? it turns out that the president’s brother was not just a corrupt official, but who, for relatively little money, was able to simply completely change the position of josephanet biden, already junior at that time, but not yet the president of the united states, on fundamentally important issues... yes, at the same time, this is the americans about his family, for example, this is what the unknown jame saki said. genzaki, there was a surprise press conference by hunter biden, like in your opinion, was it more beneficial or harmful? i think that now in the white house they are saying: please, hunter biden, shut up, we already know that your dad loves you, the president loves his son, he loves his family, he is worried about his son’s mental well-being, everything is obvious, but now the white house wants hunter to calm down, white at home. wants khantruk, this headless country, at the same time pumped up with weapons, rushing
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around the world trying to restore order or something, while, well, we want to help ukraine, they say, but we are very sorry money, after which they come to israel, they bombed the gaza strip with more bombs than residents from... you should at least say something in moderation, it is said: yes, then you are all anti-semites, the holocaust, he says, well, an excellent
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definition , and that because of the tragedy of the holocaust , you now have the right to kill everyone, why did you decide, now you are starting to kill your own, you are all hysterical and now you are also saying that you will go to fight lebanon, well done, they pretend that they support the israeli one.
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if we continue to let putin destroy not only ukraine, but also the european union, then we
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will face existential tests. i'm still hoping this week won't be even more disappointing. when this fool understands, russia always wins, understand the insignificance, russia always wins. but notice what language she speaks? she speaks a language there is not a single english-speaking country in the european union. no, no, yes, yes, malta and ireland. maybe, but this is nonsense, actually speaking, this is vulgarity, because instead of saying either in their native languages, or in french and german, of course, these are the two determining countries, the eu, malta and ireland, although in ireland let me remind you that the state language is kiel, well, just a little, they - a deputy from
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ireland can choose english, but their state, by the way, is refusing theirs; their official language is kelsk. that’s why it sounds so wonderful in the strikes, but i realized that my english is very good, your english is very good, when they all speak a foreign language, it shows a complete lack of sovereignty, how fundamentally what’s different is the approach of vladimir vladimirovich putin in our country, the concept of sovereignty , all the endless vulgarity that we see from the occupation authorities, it’s so... construction, as we said yesterday, it’s such a metastasis of american neo-colonialism that has sprouted on the body of the occupied european territories, i ’ll tell you more, they are in smoking rooms in parliamentary cafes among themselves, well, from the socialist camp , the older generation takes advice in russian, i think it should be banned, they don’t dare use the great
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russian language, they betrayed it. we have to remember and never forget, and punish our children. russia will either be a sovereign, self-sufficient, sovereign power, or it will not exist at all. this is a very important thing that should always be in our minds and hearts. and therefore, of course, we ourselves are a future, state worldview. the basis for...
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they worked, i’m sure they won’t work in relation to russia, a free, independent and sovereign state, our society, all branches of government, levels of government showed maturity, strength, it was the people of russia who were will be the only source of power, we will protect his sovereign right to choose his future from anyone outside. intervention , the russian state will be sovereign , and therefore truly popular, today the central election commission accepted documents for nominating putin for the presidential elections in russia, good afternoon, dear, we are glad to welcome you to the central election commission, i ask you, thank you,
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thank you, we can start accepting documents , yes? i will fix the start time for your appointment, today is december 18, 2023, 16:36 it was just now, 16:36, please fix it, yeah, we will also need documents in electronic form and powers of attorney from authorized representatives, i wrote the patronymic name, but i didn’t have enough space there, i had to wrap it up like that , it’s probably okay, we’ll sort it out, probably, dear, i will speaking out the documents that you have submitted will actually be recorded, so the procedure must be followed. dmitry, let’s start with you and consider this day as historic, because for so many years of performances of our boy, our tramp.
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i don't know, i hear different stories, has anyone ever heard of a great man. pone, alcapone, the great, great head of the mafia, so , ugly face with a scar, he had a scar that went from here to here, and he didn't mind at all, but he was a tough guy, so, i nuzzled him at dinner, he would have killed you , you would have been dead, by the time you left a nice restaurant you would have been dead, he was charged once, i was charged four times in a row because of bullshit, i was charged, bullshit. well yes, i actually, not these words of his, so to speak , well, yes, it’s really interesting, but i ’ll come to this later, by the way, about the fact that these charges are against trump, once again, what is the general situation. was out of us control in at least two places in eastern europe, but he was referring to the ukrainian conflict and the middle east, and he said it was completely out of control. and in general, he is right, what we see
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happening now in the middle east, no one is listening to the united states. well, it is clear that already during the obama period there was a certain kind of decline in the influence of the united states, but of course , obama could probably calm down this conflict, he could persuade the parties. biden can't persuade anyone, that's for sure. moreover , i think that only this administration could allow such a conflict, i don’t know, maybe trump was lucky in a sense, well, because no matter how it all unfolded under him, but something tells me that here, of course, in addition to the fact that this administration simply got into trouble, and of course was unlucky in a certain sense, of course it played a huge role the role, well, you can say this, it is in fact incompetence, but in reality it is not, but there are smart people, but they cannot work, why, because they are in different clans that are against each other. act, some of them were even forced to leave the administration, but obama’s person simply , so to speak, understandably, actually slamming the door, left the administration, she, although she held a small post there, but still she
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was involved in the southern border, she left, so to speak, when i realized that the situation was clearly out of control, one more moment, which is very important, here, in my opinion, we are always somehow here in the united states, whether it is important or not, words have always been said, well, often that domestic politics is much...
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a situation has arisen where for america now it’s as if it’s very difficult how they will get out of this situation, it’s hard for me to say, how desperate i am, that’s not even the point, what needs to be kept in mind in my opinion in this regard, well, what if they drag the biden administration down though would be up to the party conference, which really openly calls to replace biden, the question is with whom, just yes, again these inter-clan contradictions begin there, they will start a war now, because de facto, semyon arkaevich writes very accurately there, de facto they are now...
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they have all become refuse, but this was an exception, i remind you that even in the second world war, which the united states, now in the new european theater, well, as if in the european theater there was north africa, but still against hitler’s germany, because ruzeld was very afraid, that they will lose the elections his parties are intermediate, because the americans didn’t like it, the americans didn’t like it very much, of course the vietnam war, they really didn’t like it, and how would they start a war now, that is, send people there to the middle east very far away, what will this solve, only that
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... we need to give guarantees, for example, we need to remove blinkin or salev, or someone else, well, someone needs to be removed, who, everyone, who, everyone, everyone should be imprisoned, but only trump can do this, that’s why they brought him they are afraid that only trump, i can do it, you can do a lot too people who can, and which party will you go from? i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office, i don’t need a party mandate, by the way, the prosecutor general always has a party mandate in the united states, but he will be a gene, and i’m not a gene, of course. that ’s what it all means in my opinion , here’s an important thing: war just biden
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family and your biden friends. that ’s exactly how she portrays this girl in her baltic accent, well, in my opinion there won’t be a big war here, moreover, pay attention, they themselves have already admitted, that large sanctions, great pressure on russia, arming ukraine and so on, do not give their own, and even isolation of russia will actually ask biden who rules america, no one, israel, because now this will be the next question. when they tell him: why did you get involved in the israeli agenda? because it was impossible not to be harnessed. they will say: no, no, no, you could have set conditions, he already set them, and these conditions were not fulfilled, now autumn has arrived, he is carrying something, now the americans will say, just a minute, biden, who really governs, this is in our interests, in particular, the government of bibi netanyahu will generally remember this for a very long time, until the population of israel
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reaches it. the horror that is happening now , yes, but that’s not even the point, because besides this, the whole west harnessed itself to israel from the very beginning, initially they said, you are acting correctly when the bombings began on this very network x, which is blocked in the russian federation, he says we started, and there they simply ruined the image of the west for the whole world, so they did that there’s no further appeals from the west on any humanitarian international issue are no longer possible, and yet this is the american press writing, right?
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methods of containment, which means the era of universal competition is coming, indeed, finally, what we fought for, polycentricity there, but i don’t really like multipolarity, and most importantly, the grandstand has disappeared, that’s all, everyone seems to be for himself in this situation, and you i noticed today that a very important event happened, well, that’s all, well, the german press proudly wrote that pistorius, uh-huh, just a historical phenomenon, placed in the baltics, yes in the baltics 500 german nazis, oh, sorry, german...
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asked: do we have enemy equipment? hurray, leopards have finally appeared , we are now hunting for them, and for our people, german equipment with crosses is goal number one, we will hammer it all down your throat, because we remember our 27 million fallen, and you think that are we going to forget something for you? no,
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you don’t understand russian people well. well, even this is a nomination, and it’s interesting, this it’s almost some kind of anniversary, so to speak, that is, well, in december of 1940, in my opinion this plan was approved, just in december, just, well, somehow this is all a tragedy, because the german people are basically good understands this horror and refuses it and doesn’t want it, the population is not with them, moral authority, as i already said , has been completely lost, which means there will be bandit actions, the counteraction to this must be , accordingly, completely different. have already fought against imperialism, well, why, what, and my grandfather, being a chunos, fought against bandits, we’ll somehow cope with the bandits, advertising, you’re looking at 100 to one, what’s our task to open all the boards, we’ll cope, if you ask, then
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don’t worry. what character's surname from pushkin's works everyone knows, what is 7 and 8, 7 and 8, what is? who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches , god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr. let's look at
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the weekend. my daughter disappeared and didn’t return home last night. your daughter has also disappeared. well, i messed with both of them, so what? interesting? how are you living, i know that you raised a monster, yes there is blood, there is a lot of it, on the floor and the coffee table, expectations are worse than death, i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, the body of a young girl, maria kulikova, my god, love at the risk of her life, was found on saturday. on rtr, we will tell you everything about the elections in russia
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in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important , it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i’m one of the party ’s appointed observers, i’ll keep an eye on the elections so that the people and the election commissions... do everything according to the law, as in spy films, i dressed up as a secret agent, i immediately dressed my grandfather up and got him binoculars, i have such eyesight that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides, i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now i know my grandson , which icon to click on, i’m trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend, i won’t be lost, oops!
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this means that this is a religious movement of the zayedids named in honor of the hustito, this is such a peculiar, let’s say, as i told one person, he says he’s a shiite and a little sunni, he says exactly that, well , peculiar comrades, which means the fact is that today they are practically blocked almost the entire
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passage through the red sea to the soviet channel, despite the fact that they claim that the attacks are mainly carried out on ships that are related to israel, and israel through elad port supplies goods to asia every year. for 22 billion dollars, respectively , suffers damage from these same houthis, but the damage was started by the largest logistics shipping companies in the world, including european ones, all the big ones that exist, they refuse to use the vanity channel, by the way, egypt forms its budget for 1/3 of income from the vanity canal, and sends its ships along the old route, which was before the soviet canal along africa through us from a good...
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such a distance and such experience military operations, the coalition will begin military operations against them. this means that the monarchs of arabia are in an extremely difficult situation under the reign of saudi arabia, and they all also suffer a loss, of course, because it is understandable, but to get involved in a war, i remind you that until relatively recently there was an eight-year war in yemen, against which 10 countries fought, so the so-called arab coalition, with the support of the usa, britain and so on, pmcs, intelligence god knows what, against these same houthis, and the result was not the same, which they hoped for.
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but practically no cargo
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arrived at this hort, but after the truce it was unblocked, during this time they installed, i am more than sure, a large number of anti-ship missiles, god knows that in response to this iran, the houthis understandably, iran, the words of the minister iran's defense department said that this is our area of ​​responsibility, we will not allow anyone to deploy anything there, and if anyone tries to do so, we will respond. here you have a conflict, conflict, conflict, which means the americans have already driven up the babalmandeb strait, which means this is it the arabian part of the peninsula and there the african rock to the african coast of somalia has already been driven by the aircraft carrier zenhaur, pushing other ships, germany germany has declared through the mouth of the minister of defense that they will also join this coalition, because they are also losing. but at the same time, they
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do not rule out carrying out a ground operation against the houthis, this is very funny, i want to see what it will look like, the houthis will spit out their grass, which is eternal , he says, it’s called khat, he gives it, he says energy , he says, and where have we come yet, where are we all of you? we’ll bury it, i’ll say that means, but i’ll remind you that they fought for 8 years for the coalition itself? the population of evin is 1/3 - this is just in the north, this is in the mountainous regions, this is 7-8 - this is the zeedids, and there are a few ismaelites, mustaqalites on the border of saudi arabia, there in the mountains, but they are their own people, as they say, yes, but if this happens, but it will be a war worse than in afghanistan, and if i’m telling you exactly in terms of losses, well, i think in iraq, i don’t know, they will happen, no, but it will be a very interesting war, by the way, like a war, no, uh, this is... m1 a1, and specifically m1 a2c, new and so on
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further, these same houthis somehow fought very successfully against these tanks, yes, i told you how they translate our outdated competitions, bassoons and babies, and so on, on donkeys in the literal sense of the word, set up ambushes, and so on , but somehow everything works out very well for them, so if it goes like this, given iran’s position is quite radical, that don’t go there, otherwise it would be bad, it will be bad, i don’t think that the iranians will go, although who knows, they will be, they will act by houthi forces, which now have an order of magnitude more weapons than there were at the time of the truce, including anti-missile, anti-ship missiles with a range of 500, that is, they will not be able to operate in gas, well, these are different, that is, they will not be able to stay at the local level, it was the day before yesterday a terrorist attack was committed, there is such a province in iran called stan. we would say okay, we know
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north-south logistics, but we are all striving, and so this is where one of the key center points is located, where we, the central asians, are striving states, chinese, transcaucasian states and so on, this is the port of sharibahar, that is, it is a strategic port, without it there is no point in going there, potorakt is not far from this city in this province, the province of silstan, dolzhastan, not far from this port, right? it was carried out by one of the belush terrorist islamist organizations, which means al-adi, this is an organization that was created, was on the base, i’m in it...
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that means, that’s why i always say, when our specialists are developing routes, carefully, that means they believe that these organizations maintain contact with each other, the belush, kursk and other separatist organizations, which are supervised by the intelligence services of israel and the united states, in addition, i operate through an all-iranian structure, for example, such a well-known structure as the organization of the mujahidiran mujahidin khalk, this is a structure that smokes for sure . so, yes, the iranians are warning that this should not happen, iran will not just blame the us and israel for this, but will again take measures to respond with something, to respond somehow, i’ll tell you right away, the main lever from through is hezbollah , last time i said here that yes, israel
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put forward an ultimatum to hezbollah so that in 48 hours they would withdraw their formations from afar , litani, 48 hours have passed. iran will push the hezbols, not on its own, no, it will say, guys, forward, forward, for more strikes, more heavy missiles, in the next month we can see how the whole region will flare up, well , already, in general, one more little thing, this means, it turns out, not just hamas, fatah and 11 other palestinian resistance factions. diplomatic relations and much more something else, but the situation is very difficult, the arab countries, because egypt, first of all jordan , is extremely dissatisfied with the plans of israel, and this is already designed for a fool, that this is some kind of hamas struggle there and so on, the displacement of palestinians from the gas territory of all the buildings
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there , that is, simply the seizure of territory, when we are talking about the creation of a palestinian state, gas is understandable, eh? according to israel, the western bank of the jordan river is called samaria and judea, 60% is controlled by israel, there are three sectors, i won’t go into detail about what’s there remains, i’m not talking in eastern jerusalem, so many say, in the arab world, who just recently said, oh well, god bless him, he says: no, no, no, stop, stop, if things go on like this, where they will go, they will come to us, we will be responsible, but what about you, what about you?
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