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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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we need to think about this aspect of the matter, and thirdly, we need to think about how to continue to work to support families with children. the time of our program has come to an end, i think that all the theses that were voiced today certainly deserve attention, let's remember that there is nothing more expensive than human life. that's all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the custom is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what...
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the vietnamese have a favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet. his owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, we watch on the weekend, my daughter disappeared, she didn’t return home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well, i tormented them about... so what? i wonder how you live, that
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you raised a monster? yes, blood, a lot of it, all over the coffee table. waiting is worse than death. i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter. do you believe me? the unknown is worse than the truth. the body of a young girl was found. maria kulikova. for life on saturday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, live, your favorite program 60 minutes in hot pursuit. so, the washington post spoke with ukrainian soldiers from the onset of the second winter, war. it turns out that a gloomy mood reigns among the fighters in the sssu. russia learned they were better prepared for battle. ukrainian soldiers are also not happy with the trends that have emerged in the west, where the optimist... no longer smells either. white house coordinator kirbe said the united states will announce a new aid package for ukraine at the end of december, and this will be the last aid package for ukraine until congress decides to allocate additional money. by this moment , 1 billion remained for the purchase of new weapons. europe also faces gloomy expectations.
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to kiev: the concentration of drones on the field is not at all the shifts that the russian troops would like in a fight that is five or even 10 times greater than that of the ukrainian armed forces. in these epic footage, the result of the work of russian fpv drones, a dozen units.
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the position of the ukrainian armed forces on your forbs screens writes that ukrainians are absolutely helpless against russian glide bombs due to the inability to shoot them down.
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shells, everyone is running. it’s not even important to hold on , but to run is even more difficult, but when battles are falling nearby, it’s important to reach a position where you can accept it, because it’s so slippery that it’s just crappy, in the frosty air you can clearly hear the shell flying with a whistle towards our positions.
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and did not keep itself waiting long and moved out en masse for the assault, to say the least, it’s hard to say, it’s an understatement , there is ice underfoot, constant shelling and drones, on one sector of the front of one battalion at least six hundred shells fall a day, in such conditions the guys repel enemy attacks every day 24 hours a day, ready, yes, come on, cannonade, cannonade of explosions near the trenches machine gun fire merges into one monoton.
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pushed past the critical point and reached espionage. the day before, a bug was discovered in the commander-in-chief's headquarters. zelensky’s office, like a thief whose hat is on fire, began to make excuses. they say the equipment is old, the equipment was turned off and zaluzhny was not there at all, and the sbu is already conducting an investigation into the search for krats. the main thing here is not to lose yourself, and only a mentally retarded person believes this. in the office of the terrorist budanov. everything was investigated in the gur of ukraine , they believe that the wiretapping for zaluzhny was
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established, well, of course, by the kremlin. according to the representative of the ukrainian terrorist organization yusovo, moscow is trying to get information about the plans of the armed forces of ukraine in this way, although why find out about them in this way if the people of the country, as a rule , tell the public about their plans, including western media, which was just worth the loud announcement of the offensive outline. at the same time , former employees of the ukrainian ministry of defense believe that the kremlin does not have a hand in wiretapping, but that there is a ukrainian trace. retired gana malar actually stated that ukrainians listened to zaluzhny intelligence services, which means we are talking about growing tension between the ukrainian general staff and zelensky personally. zaluzhny himself has already confirmed the wiretapping pact, calling it a war against himself. today zelensky, who himself... can’t think of anything, will hold his final press conference, just like putin, so
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we are waiting for new details. we don’t know who put it on, but now i’ll read to you about a possible reason why they put it on. listen, ukrainians trust the authorities. dear friends, it has decreased over the past year. this is evidenced by a new survey of kievsky international institute of sociology. the ukrainian armed forces have the most confidence at 96%. and commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny 88%. now 62% trust vladimir zelensky. commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny is trusted by 88%. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny confirmed the information about the discovered wiretapping in his
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office. he added that the circumstances of the incident will be established by the investigation. this is a resonant event and counterintelligence agencies, the security service of ukraine, first of all, must figure it out and establish the truth in this situation. the war continues and the enemy is trying in different ways to obtain information and study our plans, because such tools are always cheaper. and often save a huge amount of resources, including on the battlefield, so the entire ukrainian society needs to be attentive and vigilant, and we are waiting for the results of the investigation. we are talking about an outdated device that was used by the ukrainian special services back in the days of yanukovych, that is, this is an old device. in other words, intelligence agencies now they use more modern, more progressive devices. the fact that outdated equipment was used, an outdated device, is already.
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zaluzhny speaks to his entourage , to his people whom he meets , to his visitors, the next wave of information dirt is somewhere just around the corner, soon a certain degree will rise again, and what exactly was general zaluzhny talking about, of course, they talk about military secrets, about planning in other rooms, i hope there are no microphones there are entered. a wiretapping device has been found,
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the question arises, who installed it? this is the problem of those guys who are fighting on the front line, someone must change them, someone must help them, they just need to be returned to the framework in which they were and worked before, on the question of how the dismissal of regional military commissars affected effectiveness of mobilization, the commander-in-chief replied that they were professionals, that they knew how to do it, they are no longer there, that is, as we see, as we understand, general zaluzhny criticized
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order of vladimir zelensky, according to which the heads of all these territorial recruitment centers were fired.
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a nice 3/4 of the guys said, well, of course i’m ready, but in europe, it looks like there’s no hiding from the war either. the head of the german ministry of defense , boris pistorio, said that the eu needs to prepare for new military threats and european countries have a maximum of 5 years to strengthen their defense potential. pistorius did not specify what threats and where he is preparing, but obviously the speech is about... with russia for the baltic region , the germans themselves are officially organizing their new year again. for the first time since world war ii to station its troops abroad, and even near the borders of russia and belarus on a permanent basis. we're talking about
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lithuania. just the day before it became known that the ministers of defense of lithuania and germany had signed a deployment plan. brigades in lithuania, and this is another 5,000 to the already existing 1,800 nato soldiers, once again, and this is on a permanent basis, before the base was rotational, they stayed at home, now they will always be there. it is curious that on this particular day, only 83 years ago, hitler barbarossa approved the plan. and six months later he went east, a truly historic day for the germans from all points of view. this signature, without exaggeration, has historical significance;
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it is the signature of boris pistorius, which obliges germany to deploy military units to lithuania to ensure the security of nato’s eastern flank. today is a real milestone for germany, for lithuania and for me personally. we agreed and signed a roadmap for the lithuania brigade. during the cold war until the late eighties, west germany was nato's eastern flank. the allies, and primarily the united states, were strange guarantors back then. but in the near future
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, the german bundeswehr will defend nato’s eastern flank. this is a tool of intimidation. we have learned the lessons of the cold war. this is not a classic military mission, as it was, for example, in mali or afghanistan. this is a completely new operation for the german bundeswehr. for the first time in our history, we are deploying a unit. outside germany for a long time and not on a rotational basis. this is significant difference. we are moving a unit to another nato country and thereby making a significant contribution to security on the eastern flank of the alliance. now this is our responsibility, our task. some of the 500 bundesphere soldiers will even come to lithuania with their families. they will serve at two bases: barukley and mine.
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russia may attack us, us, germany, if a full-scale invasion really happens, then pistorius’s calculations are not entirely correct, russia will just have to wait 5-8 years
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it definitely won’t, why should russia wait? already in the spring of 2022, it began to transfer the economy to a military footing, the russians are already allocating a third of the budget for military needs, but we are still arguing how much we should spend on the army, one and a half or 2%. russian defense industrial enterprises operate in three media'. now on the horizon, while the prospect of another war looms, and we’re not even talking about taiwan, we expect an aggravation there in january. this time, india revoked the autonomous status
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of kashmir, an area over which it had fought with pakistan three times in modern history, to footage shows indian soldiers patrolling the center of the city of sharinagar, controlled by delhi in the kashmir valley. at the same time, a new round of escalation is being prepared in the middle east. the israeli military developed. are subject to attacks from the yemeni houthis, including ballistic missile attacks. will take part in the operation.


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