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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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india has revoked the autonomous status of kashmir, an area over which it has fought with pakistan three times in modern history. indian soldiers patrol the center of the town of sharinagar, in the del-controlled kashmir valley. at the same time, a new type of escalation is being prepared in the middle east. the israeli military has developed plans for an invasion of southern lebanon. according to the publication tais, tzahal wants to push back the fighting forces of the shiite organization hezbal to the littani river. flew to israel, announced there the start of an international operation in area of ​​the red sea to ensure the safety, navigation and protection of merchant ships that are subject to attacks from the yemeni houthis, including attacks by ballistic missiles. they will take part in the operation. bahrain, britain, spain, italy,
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canada, the netherlands, norway, france. the operation in yemen was called the guardian of prosperity, while prosperity is a new idea of ​​the americans, however, as always, it will bring, perhaps, oil companies, oil prices have already creeped up. the united states announced the creation coalition of nine countries that will take part in operation prosperity guardian. the pentagon released a statement saying: this is an international challenge that requires a collective response, so today i am announcing the launch of operation prosperity sentinel, a major new multinational defense initiative under the umbrella of joint maritime forces and leadership. 153
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force grouping, which is focused on security in the red sea. operation prosperity guardian involves many countries, including the united kingdom, bahrain, canada, france, italy, the netherlands, norway, seychelles and spain, who will jointly respond to challenges in the southern red sea. iran's support for houthi attacks on commercial ships must stop. the minister of defense returned to israel for the second time. times october 7th. this time he was focused on forming a task force to secure the red sea. the iran-backed houthi rebels have fired ballistic missiles and drones at ships in the red sea for weeks. only in the past work the usa had to shoot down 14 drones. this is a coalition of the willing who want to protect ships, because attack is the best form of defense. the us navy
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is stepping up efforts in an attempt to combat attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. the american destroyer carney destroyed as many as 14 drones in the red sea. the pentagon has sent three additional destroyers armed with guided missiles, but it will be some time before they can be deployed. a military response is the only type of response that the iranians will understand, it is time for the administration to act, we need direct action against iran is what is needed right now.
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iran-backed rebels are trying to attack commercial shipping, and the cost to the us of shooting down drones is 60 to one. costs approximately 20,000, and the american rocket costs 1,200,000. u.s. military officials said the photo shows a carney destroyer responding to a distress call from a ship under attack by multiple missiles. houthi rebels attack targets in red sea, calls it a tactic that aims to to allow aid to reach the gas sector. british oil company bp has become the latest company to suspend operations in the red sea due to what it
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called a worsening security situation. these big companies have no other choice. the risk is extremely high, so this poses a real risk. risk to life, the problem is that it was a short way to get from europe to asia, and to get around this place, i think we can show you a map, you have to choose a path, which is significantly longer, it is 40% longer, this will affect all companies, this will prolong inflation, this is the kind of scenario that, if it continues, will affect people around the world and of course increase the cost of all types of goods. oil prices started the week higher following news of attacks in the red sea. this has raised concerns about the safety of oil transportation. the deteriorating situation in the red sea, a security area , is the result of the war between israel and hamas, as houthi rebels have attacked at least eight ships since the beginning of october. on delivery oil, grain, consumer goods, which,
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of course, can drive up prices and, of course, opens up the possibility of a wider conflict. well, the european union accepted another one. another product that will not be allowed for import is, for example, liquefied propane, limited imports of russian cast iron, copper aluminum wires, and also kitchen foils, in general, the imagination cuts out, there is a relaxation in the twelfth package, that is. easing of the previous eleven packages of sanctions , cars that have diplomatic license plates, as well as european countries, can allow the import of cars from russia to european citizens if they are not
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intended for sale and are used exclusively for personal purposes; previously all this was prohibited. at the same time , bloomberg writes that the european union is on... with a dying passenger on board, the passenger suffered internal bleeding due to an ulcer. as a result, the pilot of the plane, which was flying from moscow to varodera in cuba, made an emergency decision to return to moscow to sheremetyevo. at
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the time the plane landed in russia, the passenger was alive, right now doctors are working on him. norway itself has already managed to give a detailed comment, as reported by the norwegian air traffic control office, and so agreed to make an exception for flying through its airspace, since it was a threat to human life, and landing is already too much, in general, pure fascism , another country with a russophobic government in germany following the premiere of estonia. german chancellor tested positive for coronavirus, brave ger scholz, such an urgent , valid reason for him on the eve of the meeting with the slovak prime minister definitely played into fitz’s hands, and scholz even posted this strange
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photo with two stripes, well, while the chancellor in germany, politely speaking, is shirking work, the residents of the country furious, they just... 24 euros higher than this year, the removal of the price brake, the increase in the carbon tax and the increase in electricity tariffs will further increase the already high level of prices for electricity and gas for households. due to these additional loads, it is now especially important to choose the cheapest possible tariff
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for electricity and gas, reports the vary fox portal. the coalition's 2024 budget plans are being sharply criticized in many areas of society, with rising carbon prices returning. the old tax rates will put a burden on many areas of the economy. ultimately, price increases will also be passed on to consumers. gasoline prices go up about 4.5 cents because of the tax. for carbon dioxide, 3 cents were already planned by the government in any case, which was reflected in the draft budget, and now another one and a half cents will be added. the situation with gas is like this, it will become half a cent more expensive per kilowatt-hour, that is , to make it clearer for you, i will compare it like this: on average , an ordinary driver drives at least 15,000 km per year, for this on average about 1.l of fuel is needed , and now it will at least cost us 50 euros more in the case of gas heating. let's also take 1500 kw-hours, again we will pay 60-75 euros
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more, the pre-christmas rush is associated shopping has probably turned out to be a nightmare for many. federal government austerity measures mean energy costs continue to rise, so everyone has to pay more. when it comes to electricity and heating, i will protest, i don’t want to sit in a cold apartment. as a city dweller, you really get the feeling that life itself is becoming more and more expensive. you can't afford almost anything, in 2024 energy costs alone could rise by 128 euros for the average family due to increases in electricity charges, final charges for distribution system operators and the removal of the debt brake, the possible additional costs amount to 346 euros, and for the average car fuel costs will increase by a further 46 euros, taking into account other additional tariffs, in total the average family will have to pay...
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in any case, this is the feeling one gets after tusk’s decision to finally bury the version that has disturbed all poles for the last 13 years, and the alleged guilt of russia in the crash of the tu-154 plane near smolensk in kotyn with the president. for decades she lied and wasted
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taxpayers' money for other purposes. kosenyak-kamysh has already sealed all the premises of the commission, which was headed by ex-minister of the ministry of internal affairs matsarevich. the commission itself will be completely liquidated, the order has already been received, that is, the version about the guilt of russia and putin, they just came up with. to steal budget money, they stole at least 8 million euros, a plane with lech kaczynski, landing in... russia near a russian city smolensk, bad unflyable weather, simply touched the trees and continued planting on kaczynski’s orders, which is why it crashed.
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where did you take off from moscow or warsaw? so they put them there, did we somehow sneak in there, some russian agents, put explosives there, or what? are you looking for it then? well, finally, the third thing was not. there are no explosions, this was studied by experts, from the outside, from the polish side, from the russian side, everything that happened inside the cabin of the plane was carefully studied, when someone entered the cockpit and said what it means the pilot tells him he can’t land, he answers him, no, i won’t even go to report this to him, he’s the president, apparently,
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sit down, so we sat down, well, it’s a disaster, a disaster, that’s how we lived, we lived together with you, no, we need to there's no one knows what to wind up there, out of nowhere. the commission was created by macirevic, who then served as the country's defense minister in 2016. the commission's report was submitted on april 11, 2020. it was then alleged that an act of unlawful interference had occurred. the report stated that the explosion occurred in the left wing 100 m before approaching the trees and that the explosion occurred in the central chord of the wing. to the crash site is no more than 200 m, and there, if you look closely, those same trees, it was their crash that was cut off by the polish airliner number one, it went below the established minimum, why is still unknown , 96 people died here overnight, the circumstances
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say that the landing was carried out in heavy fog on... the flight that we see was completed, i went through it twice today, the landing trajectory, it shows that there was a deviation from the runway - not only height, but along the horizon approximately 150 m. the ministry of national defense reports that the head of the department. vladislav kasinyak-kamysh signed the decision initialed by deputy minister cezary tomczyk on the dissolution of the subcommittee of the ministry of national defense to re-investigate the tu-154 plane crash that occurred near smolensk on april 10, 2010. the subcommittee is liquidated, and its members are required to resolve issues with documentation, real estate , and equipment used for the work
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of the subcommittee. today, members of the subcommittee, all powers and powers of attorney for activities related to the work of the subcommittee have been revoked. in the near future , a special group will be created that will analyze all aspects of the activities of the liquidated subcommittee. in the state of virginia, the newly minted president of the farfax county school board, taking office, took the professional oath of office not, as it should be in the bible, which would probably have looked logical, on a pile of gay porn that he was holding in his hands, which not only does not surprise him. was held in his hands by his husband, god, forgive america, i would like to say here, at least those 25% of americans who still regularly visit...
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exactly 2 years ago the vatican called such blessings unacceptable, but times are changing. the pope explained his decision this way: if the ritual is not similar to a marriage ritual, then even those who do not live according to the norms of christian moral teaching can be blessed. the pope’s decision, however, sounded against such a gloomy background. allowed transgender people to participate in church sacraments, while
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the old testament says: if a man lies down with the man as with the woman, they both have committed an abomination, and they shall be put to death, their blood be on them. new testament. homosexuality also naturally does not encourage, do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor drunkards , nor revilers, nor extortioners, the kingdom of god will not inherit you, well, that is, according to what scripture the pontiff teaches, so much remains guess.
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pope francis has approved the permission of priests to bless all married couples because, i quote, they should not be subjected to moral scrutiny in order to to receive a blessing, hence the question of blessing same-sex couples and relationships. the document clearly states that the church does not call this a sacrament of marriage, in particular it states that rights and prayers that may cause confusion about what constitutes marriage, which is a sacred union between a man and a woman, naturally open to the birth of children, are unacceptable. and what contradicts this. the document also contains an explanation of what it means to bless alliances, but the gist of it is: that the pope hopes that change will help people gain faith in god. on december 13
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, the pope says that the birth of a child while unwed does not prohibit access to the sacraments. on november 20 , the pope punished one of the main cardinals. on november 13, the pope ordered the removal of a texas bishop for criticizing his reforms. on october 31 , the vatican announced that transgender people. now the church is outside the bounds of morality. i go to mass every sunday, unless
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i'm tied up or kidnapped, the priests are afraid to talk about morality. they'll tell you about the mustard seed, about st. john the baptist, but they will no longer talk to you about modern morality in america, because the damage. about 20% of americans attend services weekly , will the number increase because pope francis has a more favorable view of personal behavior, who am i to judge, being homosexual is not a crime. no, i don't believe this will work. in 2013, the pope remarked who i was to judge during a discussion about a priest's sexual orientation. in 2021, the board of the catholic church said it could not
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give blessings. amen! in general, of course, you can have different attitudes towards these processes, but everything that is happening is total degeneration, the loss of any foundations, guidelines, understanding of who you are and what will happen next, anything is possible, and the worse, the more vulgar.
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the more obscurantist all this is, the more adequate it is, apparently, for the modern world, who leads the pope of rome, whether he even understands what is happening at his age, in his condition, only god knows, he, of course, is in good health, but for some reason... then for such reasons he suddenly realized that homosexuality, transgender people are the current basis of catholicism, has he read the bible, does he remember what it says? of course, it’s impossible to find out now, to predict what will happen next is also probably no longer possible, in this context we, of course, look as adequate as possible, at least we have our feet on the ground, we understand what is happening, we understand that the ground is out from under our feet doesn’t leave, let’s go to the front, on direct line evgeniy elisitsin, war correspondent, zhenya, the main thing is happening to you now, all with bated
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breath. of course they are monitoring the progress russian army, progress can be recorded, while according to official statements of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, this is still defense, that is , something else may be possible, in this regard , zaluzhny made a remarkable statement, we remember what a scandal erupted after his interview in economist, when he said that there is a dead end at the front, he no longer says that there is a dead end at the front. says that the situation is fixable and he will correct it in the twenty-fourth year, if not bravado, then how can one characterize his words, if the premises besides the fact that in 1924 they will actually go on the offensive, what is actually happening there in the ukrainian army? well , look, zaluzhny, as usual, is disingenuous, lying,
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deceiving the ukrainian people? who no longer absolutely believes his government, as for his such loud cries, this is all being done with only one purpose, in order to further ask the nato countries from america for weapons, bulls, provisions and money. look, today, over the past 7 months in the last month, the ukrainian the ukrainian ministry of finance officially announced that subsidies for the army are 5 billion hryvnia less. this already speaks of the sliding downward of the subsidized period of the ukrainian army, which accordingly leads to its destabilization, demoralization, and other ensuing consequences, their situation is already critical, what is he going to attack next, i just don’t understand, they don’t have it anywhere no success, everywhere they send their military personnel to their deaths, who simply die in batches every day, so he won’t stop
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wants. and he can’t, because his masters from america, including zelensky, order them to do this, because the whole situation, i just listened to a video about lgbt people, about this whole obscurantism, this is all being done for the purpose of in order to absolutely completely disintegrate society, that’s all, and it is to their advantage that the ukrainian people are sent to their death, so that there is no male population left, and then they can calmly rule everyone. processes, as they are doing now at the moment, but they also want to further aggravate the whole situation, for example, i’ll touch on the artyomovsky front, yes, the main battles, military operations in this direction take place in the artyomovsko trap, uh, our guys are attacking positions in the ssu in the direction of ivanovsky, to the south , fierce battles also continue there in kleshcheevka itself, here locally, our guys report
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that the northern part of kleshcheevka. under our complete control, that is, if before it was a gray zone, now part of the settlement is already in our hands, it has been liberated from us, but in the southwest the enemy is still holds. several positions , the northern ones are storming the positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the bogdanovka area, here are the roads, the main supply routes, the current road, it is blocked, that is, well, there are successes everywhere from all sides, what does he say there, but he does this only solely for the purpose of i said, propaganda and destruction of your own people, zhenya, please explain whether there are sections of the front where the ukrainian army continues to at least undertake, i see that it is unsuccessful, but...
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pr company of the kiev regime in this area the ukrainian command throws its marines to the slaughter, they come in small tactical groups, well, accordingly, from our side there is complete control of the movement of ukrainian troops and the artillery of the russian aerospace forces is immediately working, that is, we are now watching, observing, they are sending people, they are sending, they are dying, i’m dying, dying, dying, so, all this is being done in order to keep some kind of pr campaign on the front line and... bow to their masters there in america, so now there are real battles going on along the entire front line, but there is no active phase of offensive actions on the part of the ukrainian armed forces anywhere. the ukrainian army, what is missing in terms of weapons and equipment, if
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you try to explain what is happening at the front. i ask this question because for the second week in a row the pentagon told us that there was a billion left, then for some reason they said. on sufficient quantities, but they understand that with such trends it’s time to start saving, so there will be shell heads in the near future, as for uniforms, it’s a complete collapse, and together we see a lot of videos
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defense, shortage of medicines , shortage of, let’s say, spare parts for equipment, and in general everything is not very good there, so we can say that now they have... they have most of the problems that i just voiced. olga, regarding mobilization, i also want to ask a clarifying question. the scandalous statement was made the day before by budanov, right? he said that mobilization is needed, but it should be even a little tougher, apparently, what is not tough enough now, and immediately noted that those caught on the streets are not suitable for war and are of no use. effect for the war, in this regard there is an understanding, well , too, just please, without bravado, without reports of victory, you and i are trying to maintain the most adequate attitude to what is happening, what is the mood now in
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the ukrainian army, how do they really still count on something? , there are stubborn ideological people who want to get there, well, at least to crimea, or better yet to moscow. look, all the stubborn ones, as you call them, are now being protected so that they motivate those very captured hares who are sent to slaughter for meat assaults, they are now trying to somehow equip those who were caught by these zero soldiers and send them to the very front line, due to the fact that the deeply motivated fighters of aidar, azov and the rest should be barrier detachments, that is, everything that now he says:
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that for some reason ukrainian soldiers are no longer transported either to britain, where it was customary to transport the armed forces of ukraine, or to germany, where they were recently trained. perhaps this has something to do with danilov’s statement; the head of the national security and defense council said that nato textbooks and nato standards can be thrown into the trash, given that we hoped, we wanted, we tried, but their nato science led us...
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lithuania would be very sad if the soviet union did not win the great patriotic war. if you open any archival materials, there are a lot of documents, most of them, by the way , are signed by rosenberg, this is hitler’s comrade-in-arms, a baltic german, what fate should the baltic population have in general. this is the settlement of these territories by germans, which means
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colonists, yes, the germanization of part population, but only 30%, because the same rosenberg, despite the fact that he has baltic roots, considered the baltic peoples inferior and 70%, according to their plans , should have been destroyed, but unfortunately, again, propaganda, western propaganda about this doesn’t tell the residents of the baltic states, well, look at the baltic states. now nato troops are already leading there, german troops, yes, and before that the economy was completely captured by german scandinavian business, yes, the national economy actually belongs to these large companies, most of the population either fled, and depopulation is colossal by 25%, in lithuania for example, it reduced, yes, average inflation, it is impossible to find work, well, probably, by moving 5,000 military personnel, they will create a certain number. jobs for baltic citizens who will be servants in the literal and
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figurative sense of these western military, in general, indeed, that’s what the ukrainians told us, remember when in ochakov they tried to build something reminiscent of a nato base near nikolaev, but they said that this was not a base , just so military an unification that will give ukrainians jobs is quite obvious, and you perfectly understand nato’s attempts in general.
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their reflection in the political processes in poland, they said, russia is evil, the russians are evil, look at our president, brother kaczynski, they killed.
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they did not allow the russian side to see the wreckage or evidence, they said that putin was personally to blame, while the plane with russian journalists who were flying after kaczynski turned around and landed at an alternate airfield because the weather was bad, but so let’s talk about the terrorist attack on the nord stream, well, it would be natural, well
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, it’s absolutely obvious, i think that time will pass, we won’t be allowed there either, history reveals a lot and these are the dark spots they are... the united states, obviously, well showed the one who organized the truth, i can’t say one more thing about ukraine, there was a publication, an interesting publication in politics, an american magazine, yes, they say in ukraine. not everything is so good with civil rights and freedom of speech, listen, it’s generally amazing, that means with from the moment of the maidan, they didn’t notice anything for 10 years , now something is wrong, yes, opposition parties were banned, primarily communist socialist, there is no freedom of speech, everything was cleared, and now the united states has begun to understand, perhaps
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this is another black mark from zelensky, so with the advancement of russian troops, i think that this magazine may write after some time, listen, it turned out... fascism is nazism, we just didn’t notice, now we’ve opened our eyes, i think that it will be something like this, but this requires steps, so we, when our military officers leave the contact line, talk about not simple, but certain successes, this is an indicator that soon the western press will probably characterize many events differently, well, that is, the greater the successes of the russian army in the war , the more the president of ukraine zelensky is a fascist regime, and there will be more black marks in the lead. the main democrat on this planet, let's go back, the secret investigation in the previous episodes, okay, we have 11 stab wounds here, investigator shveytsova is absorbed in a new investigation, we must
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check this version, we must check it, and let's work together in this direction. zlata worries about her mother and decides to improve her personal life herself. go on a date , let me think about who i should go on a date with, i remembered, i have nothing to do with, i won’t give you bad advice, the young lady writes that she wants to see you next to her, you haven’t confused anything, marya sergeevna is looking for criminals, so , not suspecting that she will soon have to look for a way out of the love triangle, there is one moment that has been haunting her for several days i rest in peace, i always said that he was the ideal option for you. oleg, new secrets of the investigation, we are looking at rtr today. bol is trembling, the walls are shaking, big
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changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room into an absolutely faceless one. we are making three different functional zones, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon real stone flowers will bloom, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become real. look, let me into your home, big changes, in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i can’t have
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children, can you even reveal the fact that there is a child, i can’t see you, i can’t, i myself i’m guilty, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time, please stop punishing yourself, you can’t change the past, what are you doing with my child? but the future can be given a chance, the truth must be told now, before the moment of his adoption , but no adoption will ever take place if he finds out that i am his birth mother, you know, i found my son, i immediately lost him like the last fool, my own blood, on friday on rtr there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig .
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once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. he will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, first they shoved the red snake colors, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, hello, he
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’s coming back, oh, i missed you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, category, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year. already now sklefosovsky, we watch it before everyone else, in the application or on the website. so, all the meetings, negotiations on new financial assistance, military, including ukraine, have been postponed for the next 24 years; in the 23rd year there will definitely be no more money. washington. the post in this regard dramatically describes the mood of the ukrainian armed forces.
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nearly two years after russia invaded ukraine, a grim mood hangs over ukrainian soldiers, despite disappointing counteroffensives this summer and signs of faltering financial support from allies, ukrainian soldiers say they remain determined to win, but with winter approaching , they are concerned that russia is better prepared for battle and disappointed. the fact that they again have to defend themselves in this exhausting war. some even question the judgment of their leaders; discontent among ukrainian soldiers, which was once extremely rare and expressed only in private, has now become more widespread and open. some ukrainian commanders on the front lines say they lack the fighters and firepower needed to keep seemingly endless waves of russian infantry at arm's length. this places even greater emphasis on attack drones, weapons that they say... russia is currently much better equipped. ukraine has entered a period when for the political
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elite the main issue is not the war and the possibility of ending it, but power and the ways to achieve it. therefore, when we discuss various types of information, for example, yesterday we discussed the issue of wiretapping zaluzhny, of course, this means that... the political elite, the most important thing is war and victory, in fact this is not so, and we are just entered this period of the active phase
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of political confrontation, if the west had become committed to continuing the war and resolving this issue exclusively by military means, you and i would not have seen so many publications critical of zelensky, corruption, illiterate military planning and many what else, if the emphasis was placed solely on war and achieving goals through military means. the fact of the matter is that these publications and ideas, which, by the way, are ideas that... are now appearing, confirm precisely this version, when politico publishes an idea: shouldn’t we create a government of national salvation within ukraine? yes, this says something, that there is a certain, well, to put it mildly, a certain dissatisfaction with the current zelensky regime, it exists within the country, it exists outside the country, according to at least in
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the american and european press, everything.
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we’re winning, why am i, i’m here in the rear, i’ll kind of work in the rear, this is in all seriousness, says the speaker of the ministry of defense of ukraine, that the main reason is precisely that the population of ukraine does not go to the front solely for one reason, because it is confident that the ukrainian army is winning there, but i, for example, can predict that zelensky will say about the same thing at a press conference today, he will inspire the population, but he will say not everything is so bad , in fact, we we...
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smartphones, you go to the neighboring offices and talk to those who are sitting there, under each chair, under each leg of the chair there are these stacks of dollars, go tell them, but this again, isolation, lack of understanding of what the people of ukraine live, when i read today that until january 2, people, for example, in pavlograd will have neither heating nor hot water, do you think anyone cares about this,
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absolutely no one cares, because these people live with... their lives, they do not serve their people, they serve their masters, this is the rivalry that we see today, we will still see a lot of creativity, and from zaluzhny, and from zelensky, and from klitschko, and from... it is known that this is not the first family, as it was positioned, to make a decision go to fight with the aggressor putin, these are hired actors who have nothing to do with ukraine, left a long time ago and
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are having a good time in egypt, this is about all these creative, yes, creative videos , ways to force people to go to war, all lies and fake, exactly like that, please, well, in general in the west now. more and more various information is appearing, that the ukrainian counter-offensive failed, they are beginning to admit this, but it would seem that there should be corresponding conclusions, common sense, on in reality, the actions are a little different, just yesterday the united states signed an agreement with finland that american troops have the right to access the deployment of their arsenals and units at fifteen finnish bases, this is very serious.
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1200 is now the line of combat contact with ukraine, that is , so that those who watch our program have an understanding of which grouping to neutralize this now line, well, i consider it hostile, which will... threaten us, us , must be created, leningradsky the military district is, well, in general, the main force that will have to resist threats, and especially threats from the americans. in addition, there is this information that germany is deploying a brigade. what is a brigade? this is 3,500 people, well, i think, maybe not three, maybe 2.0, but still, and this is the first time in the history of germany since the end of the second world war, german troops.
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and here, in this case, it was always very important that the basis was rotational, because there would be no bases there, there would be temporary huts, where they actually spend the night and go home , now there will be a base, first of all, aviation was concerned, here, first of all, aircraft, technical personnel and so on, here are the permanent bases, this actually says that the forward deployment force of nato in the amount of 300,000 people, this is what was said at...
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austin comes to israel, talks about a coalition against the houthis, accordingly, israel talks about the need to strike lebanon, that is, we see that an attempt is being made to preserve unipolar world power. the french have more than 90 units of heavy equipment , of which there are about a dozen of these caesar self-propelled guns, which, by the way, about which the ukrainians complain very much not for the accuracy of their shooting, but for the complexity of their maintenance,
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the germans have enough ammunition in their arsenals for 2 days, that is, with on the one hand they enter lithuania, set up bases, on the other hand they spend 2 days in ammunition depots, of course, in this situation no one will let ukraine go, precisely from their tenacious hands. as a tool, as a conductor of that nato policy, russophobic and anti-russian, these deliveries now , which were nevertheless announced to ukraine, and how... we didn’t say there, 122-mm shells, 152-mm shells are being sought, they are being sent, the european union’s statement that yes, by december we had not fulfilled a million shells, but we will complete it by march, that is , there is a constant build-up of such quite serious hysteria regarding the fact that the counter-offensive must be repeated , it will cost 240 billion, but that is exactly how much they have spent over the past year and a half, more precisely? even if you add 60
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american and 50 for 4 years european 240 does not work out why yes why? because 5 billion a month is spent on maintaining ukraine plus the armed forces, when we multiply by 12 we come up with the figure 61 billion, that’s where this figure came from, i think that the americans will push through this figure anyway, they will find some kind of supply solution and the money for weapons will continue because ukraine will be released.
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4:00 pm
spend time with them, well, dad is always next to me, always helps me, but play them while this is how you play, in i in general, i dream that you and i will perform on stage, and sima, when you have a mentor, your dad, it’s always very cool and bears fruit, look at this hall, and you are an artist now. don’t be shy, you’re in charge , i know that you and dad came up with a surprise for your wonderful mother, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, everything is clear to me, it’s now, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr.


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