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tv   Razvedka  RUSSIA1  December 20, 2023 2:05am-2:51am MSK

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showed particular courage and fortitude while performing combat missions in the special operation zone. the head of state noted that the soldiers acted in the most difficult areas, did it courageously and professionally, and thanked not only the recipients, but their fellow soldiers. israel is ready for another humanitarian pause in the gaza strip for the sake of the release of hostages. this was stated by president isaac herzok. in the meantime, the military operation continues. in the south of vrofasia , residential buildings were fired upon again. first things first. conflict, israel released a bomb in the gaza strip more than 32 thousand missiles and bombs. at the same time , more and more trucks with humanitarian aid are traveling through the gas. israel stated that it was ready to let them through because they were not fighting against the palestinian people, but against hamas militants. however, there are many casualties, most of them civilians. according to the latest data, 19,667 people died, the majority were women and children. meanwhile, northern israel is being attacked by hezbollah from lebanon. the idf is already talking about plans to expand. to lebanon to
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push the militants 10 km from the border. today in beijing mikhail mishustin will hold negotiations with chinese president siidzenping. the day before, the russian prime minister met with his chinese counterpart, premier of the state council of china letny. this was already the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries. as a result of the negotiations, 10 documents were signed, ranging from investment cooperation to joint development of agriculture. according to the latest data , 126 people were killed and more than 700 were injured due to aftershocks in northwestern china; gansu province in the northwestern part of the country was hit the hardest. about 155 thousand houses and other buildings were destroyed or damaged. 1,500 rescuers are working to clear the rubble; the situation is complicated by severe frost down to minus/20. people are afraid to return home for fear of autoshocks; heating points have been organized for them. a powerful
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volcanic eruption began in the south of iceland; it was preceded by a whole series of earthquakes; a crack of more than 4 km appeared on the slope, from which hot rock erupted in fountains . the volcano ejects more than 100 cubic meters of magma per second, and the lava can flood a small previously evacuated city grendavik at the foot of the mountain. for now the flows are moving in the other direction, but the situation may change. this is a message, don't switch. a pedestrian bridge between two villages was opened in the irkutsk region, a significant event, considering that the previous, much- needed one was destroyed by an ice drift 17 years ago. since then , residents have been transported to work, to school, to the clinic on boats with details from natalya salnikova. people here have been waiting for this moment for 17 long years. this is how
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neighbors moved on boats in the summer from one bank to the other, in the winter along a frozen river, more dangerous it became spring and autumn, when ice appeared in the water, but this was the only way for children and their parents to get to school and work, because there was almost 70 km of detour around potaga, and people took risks, the villages are located along the river, opposite each other, most of all unlucky residents were told,
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contractors were changed in the problem facility, but the matter did not move into place. however , the abandoned bridge also faced difficulties for the new builders. first, they had to correct the mistakes of their predecessors. after all, a suspension bridge, experts say, is one of complex engineering structures, and in the summer chuna threw a test. the water in the river rose several times, washed away the work already completed and had to be started again, but the construction was completed on time, just in time for the seventieth anniversary of the chunsky district. a completely different life for us, it connects two worlds, as if now it is not just a bridge, say the residents of vesyolovo and parenda who suffered without crossing, but a symbol of victory, and also a local landmark that they will come to admire. natalya salnikova, leading irkutsk. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, meet the morning on the russia channel. let's start!
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come on, let's smile, more, more, more , great, good, so, morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing, hello, good morning, we... yes, that you have joined us, today is december 20, wednesday, a new day , we meet with you, denis stoykov and vera krasova. not only moscow, but also the iss. he doesn’t believe in tears, russian cosmonaut konstantin borisov, when asked what it was like to cry in space, replied that it was not very pleasant, the liquid does not flow down under the influence of gravity, but accumulates in the eyes, if you do not
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get them wet, it seems as if you are swimming under water, and there is also no way to wash things at the station, so every time you take out new clothes, and this is a t-shirt for... service life 3 day , i have a whole bag of such kits, used clothes are placed in a cargo ship, which undocks and burns up in the atmosphere, somehow not very economical, well, one thing you definitely shouldn’t save on is medical workers, their shortage in the country is estimated experts is about 80,000. the problem is acute not only in the regions, ilya davidov figured out how to solve it. this is generally impossible, either we are being treated or we are being crippled.
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no, but the doctor called back only after 3 hours, by that time the doctors i knew had already gotten back on their feet, and a day later the diagnosis was double pneumonia, it probably could have been avoided by observing emergency standards, arriving at an emergency call in 20 minutes for an undelayed within two hours, if there is a violation, they advise you to complain, you can immediately call your insurance representative at insurance company, he will, as it were, go through his channels to the ambulance, as it were, and in this way... this can also change the attitude towards the matter, which prevents the doctor, for example, from contacting the patient via video, assessing the condition, giving advice, yes just reassure, the personnel policy also requires revision, starting with an analysis of the situation in each region,
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city and hospital. the creation of a roadmap, which was proposed by the ministry of health, would, firstly, allow us to identify all the problem points, and we could already predict how many in five. through it takes 10 years for doctors and nurses to work in this institution, and not just to predict, but to train according to targeted programs in universities and colleges. an incentive for young people could well be, for example, free admission to residency after they have worked where the country sends them. let's continue this topic with our guest, in the studio, a member of the state duma committee on health protection, oleg ivaninsky, oleg ivanovich, good morning, well, the situation is really critical, there are not enough specialists. you know this is very old the problem and shortage of medical personnel , not only doctors, we are talking about nurses, about filchers, and there are many problems here from my point of view, these are wages, which should encourage people today to go into the profession, increasing the number of doctors is task number one, increasing attractiveness of the profession, today in many regions there are
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so-called medical classes, that is , when children are taken, tenth to eleventh grade, it is like, because tragedies happen when a child is admitted, well, i i call the child, of course, immediately, and he suddenly saw this whole... village and thus , how to say, but then up to 30% of these targeted people leave the institute, so the question of increasing medical institutes, medical universities, and the question of increasing medical colleges, colleges , because there are regions there that have closed colleges, so what is the problem then, why can’t we now increase the number of faculties, the number of people studying, as if today the contract is growing, contract, there is a proposal to transfer everyone to a contract, well you see, i’m also going to argue a little here, probably yes, because serfdom was abolished long ago in the 19th century. we certainly need to motivate doctors today, from my point of view this applies to doctors, and filshov
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there should be a systematic selection stage for choosing a profession, the question is still very interesting, hostel, but in the years of this hard time , many medical universities and even non- universities, medical colleges lost their dormitories, or there were none, and the girl would have gone to study as a paramedic from the village, but in in the regional center there is no place to live and it needs to be rented, so the construction of medical universities and a hostel, i think, is a factor that will allow us to increase the number of doctors, why not open, well, even... and expand their capabilities by increasing budget funding for targeted purposes and there is also a lot of paid training today people there don’t
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want to bind themselves with contracts, but they go and want to get a medical education and work as doctors, this is a factor that needs to be increased, so where is the root of the problem? i think it’s the ministry of health of course, they can put it in terms of what they are doing, the ministry of health is doing a lot of work, but there are problems that have been accumulating for quite a long time, there are questions that are a challenge of time, because well, then let’s say the demographic problem
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concerns her, we understand, thank you very much, thank you, i was in the morning studio member of the state duma committee on health protection oleg.
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above ground in the guinness book of records. in texas , 1,500 drones showed impressive christmas installations in the sky. including a huge christmas tree with gifts and giant santa. these are the largest fairy-tale characters created by copters. drones also took the largest aerial photograph from a height of 200 m. orientate in space at a person’s command. not only drones in the decade of science and technology, young skoltech engineers are creating a robot that will understand everything perfectly: sit, rise, jump, turn three times in a row. we have already seen similar tricks from mechanical dogs, but until now they performed them only after pressing buttons on the control panel, this same robotic dog literally listens to commands, perceives their hearing for... for this , a so-called language model works in its electronic brains, like yandex or chat-gpt, only there the answer is generated in
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the form of text, then after our words the machine must perform an action. the essence of using large language models in robotics is that we no longer need to configure the robot for a specific task, we can use our voice, words, and explain to it what is needed, and it will complete the task, instead of a dog, it could be a robot ... and a hostess who will understand us when we ask to vacuum or wash the dishes, a robot waiter who takes orders, or an electronic assistant surgeon who can provide the necessary tool. of course, it’s not enough to have hearing, you also need to be able to use your eyesight, and the electronic dog is also taught this. how many game balls do you see in front of you? i see three tennis swords on the floor. how many game balls do you see? i see five game balls in front of me. what games can be played with these items? these objects can be reproduced in
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table tennis. and finally, it is important that the robot navigates space, preferably like a human who can initially even. do not know the map of the room, use only the eyes, perhaps verbal clues. we can command the robot to walk, for example, 5 m forward, but it will not take into account its surroundings and it may crash into obstacles. we want him to dynamically take into account his surroundings, that is, what he sees from the cameras, and take this into account when building a route. concerning namely electronic dogs, then this skill will be useful to them if... they do not serve as guides, security guards or even engineers, servicing equipment in areas dangerous to humans. such robots can carry a variety of equipment, for example, it could be a grab like this. it's 3d printed and doesn't look serious, but it's here for the next step - teaching the robot to perform operations, which requires extreme
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precision. the farm is too desolate, a former collective farm, we will raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i'm the chief engineer novikom marina sergeevna. why did i contact you? it would be better if you didn’t come, marina sergeevna. for every muscovite there is the first guy in the village. this mahler of yours is toothy, it won’t be easy with him. look, svetka, valerka will leave you, this is a moscow scam. just let him try. oglaya shillovskaya, alexander ustyugov. you probably shouldn't do this. i'll see you again at valerka's house. capital thing. on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations.
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with a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely without... as you look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i announce
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2024, godin class. bifosovsky new season in the new year on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the entire scoreboard, we will cope, if you ask, then there is a trick. what character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? what is 7.8 7.8? geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if
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you win, then... look at the weekend, my daughter is missing, i didn’t come home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well, i messed with both of them, so what? i wonder how you live, you know that you raised a monster, and there is blood, a lot of it, on the floor and the coffee table, waiting is worse than death, i don’t... let me not until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova,
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my god, love at the risk of life, on saturday on rtr, beauty with your own hands. the sphere of folk arts and crafts is actively developing, and in many ways this is happening thanks to the support of the state, within the framework of the national project for small medium-sized businesses , exhibitions and fairs are actively held, at which hundreds of craftsmen demonstrate their products. there will also be a petticoat, there will be beads, there will be a handkerchief, and ribbons for wishes, a wishing doll is not just a beautiful toy, but a real slavic amulet and an object from... the fulfillment of the most secret dreams, however, for many, a fairy tale come true was precisely participation in this exhibition of the fair of folk art crafts ladya winter's tale 2023. in progress
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a contour made of twisted wire, then the powder is poured in, this is the enamel that is baked in the oven. you can try your hand at artistic painting or working on a pottery wheel and, of course, buy any unique item you like. for friends new year's, i think some. it is handmade work and materials of the highest quality that have given russian folk art crafts world fame. i think no country in the world can be so proud or boast of such products. the day comes somewhere about 30 almost thousand people, that's for... masters and artisans throughout the country support him. thanks to the national project for small and
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medium-sized businesses , more than 400 my business centers have been opened in russia. they organize accessible, convenient infrastructure and support for entrepreneurs and those who are planning to become one. the centers help with arranging loans, loans, and even drawing up business plans to promote your own business and brand. if you mix it wrong. then nothing will work out, so everyone needs to be right here, count every gram. veronica osadolina, an entrepreneur from ufa, creates jewelry from epoxy resin and dried flowers. in her works, the girl uses plants grown in bashkartostan, flowers and leaves of juniper, gypsophila, lavender, roses, hydrangea, dandelion and cornflower. now, with the help of the center, my business wants to develop further. and now i know that premises are being provided, so i want to kind of go in this direction, find out what is needed there in more detail. a resident of kamchatka also took advantage of the support sergey samokhin in the fiery miracle workshop, the master makes miniatures depicting various animals, characters, myths of the people in
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kamchatka or entire scenes. in his works, sergei combines glass with volcanic lava, placing miniature fish, crabs and flowers in sealed glass capsules with black pacific sand. i didn’t just apply, i just came there and said, this is what you can offer me, they didn’t say. we will do everything you want for you, the only thing is, fill out a form and show what your income is. and today is very it is important to continue to support and develop folk arts and crafts, because this is not only the memory and history of our country, but what makes it, the craftsmen living in it, their products truly unique and inimitable. scold, i wouldn’t tear your horse apart, you need to try really hard, we’ll burn it, let’s say i really went back in time, why the hell come here,
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holob 2, come on, let’s do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so , morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad. in vera's studio tarasova. hello. all attempts by the west to inflict a strategic defeat on us during the northern military district were defeated, and the courage and resilience of the russian soldiers remained. myth. the invulnerability of western technology collapsed. vladimir putin made this statement to an extended colleague of the ministry of defense. the supreme commander-in-chief summed up the year's results for
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the country's army at the national defense control center. in the hall are not only the highest generals, but also the heads of the chambers of parliament and the heads of law enforcement agencies. vladimir putin thanked the leadership and personal members of the ministry of defense for service and conscientious fulfillment of tasks. special words of gratitude to the participants of the special operation. putin noted that the russian people provide unprecedented support to our fighters. the memory of the fallen soldiers was honored with a minute of silence. during his speech, vladimir putin emphasized that no one in the world has such experience of armed struggle as the russian army and thanks to everyone who fought and... the west is not abandoning its strategy of containing russia and its aggressive goals in ukraine, well, we are not going to give up our goals for a special military operation. assessing the current situation on the ground, on the line of combat contact, we can confidently say that our troops have the initiative. essentially, we do what we think is necessary, what we want, where we need it, where you are.
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commanders generally consider it advisable to adopt active defense tactics, this is what is happening, and where necessary, we are improving our positions. by the way, the myth about the invulnerability of western military equipment also collapsed. all attempts, as they said in the west, to inflict a military defeat on us, a strategic defeat, shattered the courage and steadfastness of our soldier. faced with the increased power of our armed forces, the potential of domestic industry and defense production, at the same time, and we have talked about this more than once, the conduct of a special operation also revealed problems, and the work of air defense requires improvement, of course, our well-known systems, shells, beeches, s300, s1400 work flawlessly, they are the best in the world without any
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exaggeration. but what we haven’t done before paid attention, thought that this was some kind of trifle, some kind of phonera there and so on , some kind of small drones that fly, no, it turned out that this also causes damage, and this should not be done in any way case , after a meeting of the boards of the ministry of defense, vladimir putin presented gold stars to the heroes of russia; nine servicemen showed particular courage and fortitude while performing combat missions in the special operation zone. noted that the fighters acted in the most difficult areas, did it courageously and professionally, thanked not only the recipients, but their fellow soldiers. in the special operation zone , a ukrainian air defense pelican radio station, as well as a tank, an armored vehicle and self-propelled guns, were destroyed within a day. according to foreign defense data , six drones were shot down over the kherson and zaporozhye regions. three attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repulsed near marinka, enemy personnel and equipment were defeated near kurdyumovka,
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andreevka and ticks. in total, about 700 mercenary militants were eliminated, more than half of the enemy’s losses occurred in donetsk and krasno-limansk direction. the ambassador of finland to russia was summoned to the foreign ministry today. the reason was the agreement on defense cooperation signed the day before between washington and helsinki, which will come into force after ratification in parliament. according to the concluded agreement, the united states will be able to deploy any types of its weapons on finnish territory, including nuclear and military ones. according to the latest data , 126 people were killed, more than 700 were injured due to tremors in northwestern china , gansu province was hit the hardest, in the northwestern part of the country destroyed or damaged about 155 thousand houses, 1,500 rescuers are clearing the rubble, the situation is complicated by frost down to -20, people are afraid to return home
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out of fear. shocks, heating points are organized for them. a powerful volcanic eruption began in the south of iceland, preceded by a series of earthquakes. a crack of more than 4 km has appeared on the slope, from which hot rock is gushing out in fountains. lava could flood the small, previously evacuated town of grendavik at the base of the mountain. for now the flows are moving in the other direction, but the situation may change. not switch. in magadan , an incredibly beautiful suspension bridge with shining illumination has appeared, next to it the construction of a premiere center is underway, in the summer it will become a single large art space with a musical fountain, all this on the picturesque shore of nagaev bay. with details lyudmila cherbakova. exactly at 17:00 in the evening, strictly according to schedule, this bridge in magadan nagaev bay lights up with different lights. architect. when
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creating his project, we were inspired by the floating bridge in zaryadie park in moscow. two supports at the beginning at the end, ess-shaped with one the ledge towards the sea, and the other towards the land. bridge-damaging structure. very unusual for magadan, in summer it will become a center of attraction for city residents and guests of the region, but now in winter, when it is covered with snow, it attracts the attention of magadan residents with its bright lighting. the bridge will provide a link from the new pier to the main part of beacon park, and the premier community cultural center is being built here at the pier. already in the summer it should look like this, a phantasmogorical building, in the forms of which they tried to replicate the movement of the wave, inside. hall overlooking nagaev bay, large entrance hall, exhibition space and access to an open terrace. architect from novosibirsk artyom dvuhlichenkov gives a tour of the facility under construction. here you see, there will be an open cafe terrace, which
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can be used both in summer and winter, thanks to special closing partitions. all necessary materials have been ordered in advance and are transported to the sea. there are plans to hold excursions, master classes, festivals and creative evenings in this building. there will also be greenhouses and a museum with collection of flora and fauna of the sea of ​​okhotsk, you can come here simply to admire the sea views and drink a cup of coffee on the open terrace. let's take the best from the exposition at vdnkh, plus the project includes multimedia screens, there will be a special room with a spherical one. a media screen where you can watch, watch information, films, the prime minister plans to commission the center before august 2024, by the same time a musical fountain-waterfall, also the first in
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magadan, should be ready, landscaping the territory they will start working on it at the beginning of summer, the builders will have very little time for it, in august it will be crowded here, this entire area will become one with the famous mayak park in the region, built in the last few years. to help patients get back on their feet as quickly as possible, new sports equipment was delivered from rostov-on-dana to the dpr rehabilitation center, and in order to create a great mood for the fighters, the center’s staff organized a concert and a chess tournament for the cup of the head of the republic, with details from alexander podoprigora. the wounded pass serious rehabilitation within the walls of this center. hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, and also fighters. engage in physical therapy. exercises are performed on a walking simulator using virtual reality glasses to improve motor skills. a serviceman walks one of the slopes at a ski resort. last november, he was wounded in the head, which left the right side of his body paralyzed.
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it is difficult to recover from this, but thanks to modern technology it is quite possible. in addition to this simulator in the gym there are others in completely different directions, but some of them were outdated, so it was difficult to study. they learned about the problem outside the institution; a delegation from rostov-on-don decided to deliver humanitarian aid here, throwing in an exercise machine and a treadmill. currently, the facility can accommodate up to 19 wounded people for treatment. this figure could be higher if the second building were in operation, but there are not enough funds to complete repairs there. over the course of 4 years, the center helped 2,500 fighters recover; each of them, one might say, became family to the workers. it's hard to work, it's hard to plan that you let everyone through you. patient, every boy, you will feel all his pain, it is impossible to ignore it, it is very difficult, but everything is compensated by when you achieve a result, for example, the guy was in a wheelchair, he got up and walked, and this
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fatigue all goes away, for the wounded there is an opportunity to develop not only physically, one of the popular activities is chess, so in honor of the day of conquering peaks, a tournament for the chapter cup was organized for the fighters. ation center and a delegation from rostov to donu intends to bring cargo next year, and in the future we intend to work according to requests in order to deliver the most necessary things. alexander podoprigora, roman frolov, conduct donetsk, amrosyevka. all news is always available on
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the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, stay with us. come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more. great, good, so, morning in russia. and don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, well, today is december 20, wednesday morning, today we, vera, are responsible for the good mood and useful information krasova, denis stoykov. today and every day until the new year, the inhabitants of the novosibirsk oceanography center have a continuous festive lunch. santa claus gave such a gift to moray eels, stingrays, octopuses and even
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sharks. an extreme diver in the costume of his favorite winter hero, in front of the spectators of a huge aquarium, feeds all kinds of delicacies to the underwater inhabitants, and they are only too happy to obediently line up to grandpa for new year's gifts. and on land the trade in live christmas trees is in full swing, but it turns out that the winter beauty can be actually cut it down by hand in the forest. alexander blinnikov knows how to do this legally. i found it in kyoto, and for me it is filled with a certain energy. a special toy will take a central place on the branch, and alena will come up with the rest of the design concept along the way: the invigorating frost will certainly speed up creativity, because every year the woman decorates the christmas tree outside, in her yard everything is for the joy of the guests. and when they come in, and there’s a festive mood, the lights are flashing in the windows, the christmas tree is decorated, it gives such a, you know, traditional, joyful, happy christmas mood. it turns out that taking the new year's mood with you is not
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so simple, for example, cutting down a christmas tree that grows in the yard at the dacha and taking it home to the city is a risky idea, lawyers say , there are no documents, since it is not formalized in any way and it is not clear how can be formalized, yes, you cannot conclude an agreement with yourself, and even if you imagine that the local administration there, i don’t know, will give you some kind of permission that you will have with you, but it’s not a fact that it will be like would here is proof, and in this case, that the tree is yours, without ironclad proof. the tree is recognized as illegally cut down, and for this you can get an impressive fine or even criminal prosecution. however, there is a way to legally remove holiday needles from the wild. the best christmas tree market is the forest; in special nurseries you can choose to cut down a holiday tree with your own hands. for example, in dmitrov, near moscow, christmas trees are grown in advance for the new year, for example, there was such a winter beauty, one and a half meters high, planted for approximately 8 years. ago i personally saw round dances around the christmas tree, a family
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, they ask forgiveness from the christmas tree, they cut it down, with strict rituals the christmas tree is cut down to the very root, each tree is provided with the necessary documents that will allow you to deliver the goods home without incident, we measure, write out an invoice, everything is in the invoice it is indicated that this is a new year's tree, our stamp is present, the round seal is present, that's all, but a special forest... is not available in every region, so hope from nizhny novgorod with his son i came to pick up a christmas tree directly from the forest rangers and they didn’t refuse it, this is my first experience of buying in the forestry department, come and fill out an application, all this is official according to the law, you can legally purchase a christmas tree in the forestry department, after the transaction they also issue documents confirming the legality of the purchase , however, cutting down a christmas tree will only be allowed in a certain place in the forest, this is directly under power lines, clearings, fire breaks, where
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these trees will then be cut down. purchase a live christmas tree in its natural habitat is not only an original event, but also cost-effective. for example, in the same nizhny novgorod forestry, a four-meter new year's tree can be bought for only 40 rubles. and now other non-holiday figures in russia there are not enough workers, and in all industries, the situation is especially difficult in mechanical engineering and the chemical industry, there... 2/3 of enterprises complain about a lack of personnel. there are a shortage of 660,000 people in the manufacturing industry, 200,000 in agriculture, and a shortage of doctors and teachers. in our colleague andrei petrov learned the reasons and how to correct the situation from the director of the center for market research at the higher school of economics, georgy stapkovich. good morning, thanks for joining.
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to work as a knowledge economy, we need to intensively , so to speak, expotentially invest money, well, in development, in the economy, yes, in human capital, in education, in science, in scientific environmental developments, in healthcare, we need to train qualified people, someone for us will say, why do you want to fill everything with people, let’s automate everything, well, i agree with you , but to do this... no, of course, this requires machine tool industry, this requires mass production, today our machine tool industry is faltering, some of our industries, unfortunately, are not so localized, maybe this is some kind of national project that should already appear, because we understand that if we continue like this at the level of just talk, the situation remains as it is,
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then we will not advance anywhere, but on the contrary, we will only fall further and further behind, you you know, national projects on education, on enlightenment... there are , it seems to me that we need to develop some critical points that could quickly guarantee us technological breakthroughs, well , look, let’s immediately understand now, but there should be some kind then roadmap , we sit down and count with you, so here we need specialists, we throw money , means, opportunities, everything into education with here we can automate, if we don’t need specialists, then we devote everything here to automation and throw our efforts at it, but it should be like... this is a plan, of course, there should be a strategy, i don’t know, no, there should be a strategy for three by five, 15-20, the main thing should be the minister of education, he should call the minister of economy, the minister of labor there and the minister of industry and tell them, guys, what you want to see our economy in 4-5 years, then during this time i
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will prepare for you the appropriate, well , qualified, not well, personnel, what is needed is a breakthrough, you know, an explosive breakthrough. and this is a long term, not one year or two years, thank you very much, we spoke with the director of the center for market research at the higher school of economics georgiy ostapkovich , thank you very much, the fruit and floral collection from azerchay is the perfect combination of premium tea leaves, the aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. morning, time to brew azerchay. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise. temporary musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who enchanted everyone with his songs, news, duets, incredible new season, grass, better
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i’ll jump, maybe he’ll get scared, friday at 21:30, they thought it was a trinket, but no, 50 years. it turned out that this decoration was a genuine artifact from pompeii, stolen from a museum a long time ago. now art historians want to return the valuable exhibit to the museum, the owners, in turn , insist on compensation, at least for the fact that they preserved such antiquity intact. yes, it's amazing. in general, we have a different one.


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