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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 20, 2023 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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live with skepticism, but you can live with a country with skepticism, but i’m not ready for this, and i know that there are many like me, millions, we are not ready to give up our country, let’s see, for now. russia is coming out to send news, i greet you, i am maria sittal. hello. in russia today is the day of security agency workers. attempts by foreign intelligence services to destabilize the socio-political situation must be strictly suppressed.
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in the center of rimma there is a rally against arms supplies to ukraine and a demand to withdraw italy from nato, to search, to open, to be the first. so, already 125 years, anniversary of the oldest oncological institution in russia, the hertzin institute. the tournament turned out to be very interesting indeed. our chess players daniil dubov, maxim matlakov and anastasia badnorok have returned from the victorious sco team tournament, with the world championship ahead. the troops of the southern group repelled three
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attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft in the marinka area and hit the enemy near kurdyumovka, andreevka and klishcheevka. near artyomovsky , artillery hit a ukrainian armed forces dugout and a vehicle with personnel. howitzer d-20 crews focus on this. from reconnaissance drones. maximum hit accuracy. engineering units are the first to enter settlements abandoned by the enemy. the sappers follow the route along which the assault group will then move. they inspect the streets and ruined buildings for names. as a rule, one has to work at dusk and in the dark. but in these frames our drones are attacking the enemy on the right bank of the dnieper. attack drones hit pickup trucks with ukrainian armed forces soldiers, one was moving along a rural road. and the other
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was in hiding. actions of our soldiers in the kherson direction. in the report of voenkor vesti, margarita semenyuk. the right bank of the kherson region is under the close attention of the fighters of the dnieper group of troops, from here the high-rise buildings are clearly visible. we check and control their movement in order to prevent their sudden attack on us; if there is the slightest concentration, air strikes and artillery are immediately launched there. the prominent command of the ukrainian armed forces is transferring its elite attack aircraft via boats to the left bank across the dnieper. about there is no question of strategy or tactics. vsushnikov are sent one way. now we are on the first line of defense of the left bank of the dnieper. then there is a gray zone straight away from here , a little more than 4 km. this is the shallowed bed of the dnieper. the city of berislav can already be seen behind it. we hear that now the artillery is coming, almost everything on the line is thundering. defense,
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and accordingly, our intelligence officers are now conducting aerial reconnaissance, monitoring the enemy in the berislav area in the area of ​​the entire right bank. the front line of the kherson region is increasingly appears in front-line reports, the left bank is a tasty morsel for nationalists, and this is understandable, the desired push to crimea is slowed down on the approaches to our coast, it cannot go any further. now the enemy has become more active, they often fly, they also search, they work, so, well, it’s like we don’t leave them. operators are running towards the catcher and the beast, they spotted a dryer at the entrance of a five-story building in berislav, hearing our drone in the sky, disappeared into the house, another one was caught nearby, a car drove up, now we’ll work on it, one after the other for others, aerial reconnaissance aircraft fly to berislav and lead the target, in parallel, operators are already preparing fpvid, securing grenades from rpgs and launching them, hiding in houses in residential ones of which they are carrying out work, well, they give a lift from...
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in russia, today they celebrate the day of security agency workers. vladimir putin congratulated the special services employees and veterans on their professional holiday; the president thanked the employees of the fsb, svr, fso, and the main directorate of special programs for their high professionalism, courage and determination for their well-coordinated work. chapter states emphasized the need to strengthen.
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protection of state secrets , the economic interests of the country, ensuring the reliable operation of domestic companies and enterprises, including those that solve the most important defense and technological problems today, and of course, attempts by foreign intelligence services to destabilize the socio-political situation in russia and provide civil peace must be severely suppressed and interethnic harmony, interfere in our internal affairs, violate. russia and china are measured in tens trillion rubles. mikhail mishustin spoke about this. at the meeting of the head of the russian government with the chairman of the kapr sidinpin , strengthening ties in the economy and
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energy, the mining sector, the automotive industry and the humanitarian sphere were discussed. report by alexandra bystritskaya. the final day of the russian prime minister's visit to... to a new level, mutual trade turnover amounted to almost 18 trillion rubles or one and a half trillion chinese yuan, we completed the task that you and president putin set for us. this is definitely concrete embodiment of our practical
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cooperation, it continues to grow in various sectors. at the moment , we are demonstrating resilience to various challenges. it was common challenges that to a certain extent contributed to the rapprochement of moscow.
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and china will mark an important date: 75 years of diplomatic relations. the economic war unleashed by the west seems to be gaining momentum. recently, the united states imposed sanctions on another 250 legal entities and individuals, including those in china. and so currently , 95% of trade between russia and china is carried out in national currencies, yuan and rubles, and the growth of trade turnover, which by the end of the twenty- third year will exceed a record 200 billion dollars, speaks for itself. alexander bastritskaya, alexander baletsky, alexey korpukhin and andrey sorokin. news from beijing. a severe snowstorm is raging in the sakhalin region; due to snow drifts, the roads on the island have turned into a testing ground for extreme driving. the traffic police records dozens of accidents. special equipment does not have time to remove snow.
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intercity bus services have been suspended. and at the yuzhno-sakhalinsk airport one and a half dozen flights were delayed. in st. petersburg, the wind is gusty and stormy. which the main new year's tree on the palace square barely survived, to learn to treat any form of cancer, this is the goal that moscow specialists are confidently moving towards... this year marks the 125th anniversary, a monument to the outstanding surgeon and scientist was solemnly unveiled. today on the territory of the institute, to which vladimir putin sent congratulations to the team on their anniversary. greetings from the president read by the head of the hertzin institute, academician andrei kabrin. about new approaches to scientific discoveries in the treatment of oncology.
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an enthusiast and scientist, by the way, he examined the preparations himself, he was a very enthusiastic
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person, he knew several languages, by the way , he didn’t speak russian very well when he arrived, this is his memorial office, photographs, instruments, he was born in italy, studied in switzerland, but came to work in russia, fulfilling the behest of the revolutionary grandfather alexander hertsin, laying the foundations of reconstructive surgery and complex approach to cancer treatment, the clinic turned. a dermatoscope, a modern weapon against a group of bad cells, and this is digital
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melanoma, the most aggressive skin cancer, the device helps not only to evaluate a suspicious mole, but to create a skin passport to monitor the dynamics, not only does it record increases, it has artificial intelligence , which allows you to differentiate benign from malignant skin formations, the war against the disease is waged here at the molecular level, this sequinator device deciphers genome... so that doctors can hit it with the most suitable drug. it is possible to select personalized targeted therapy, which is much more effective in terms of tumor response to therapy, and much better in terms of the overall toxic effect on the body. it’s difficult to calculate how many lives were saved here. katya is only 20, but suddenly her blood pressure began to rise, they suspected anything, but it seemed like cancer, the retroperitoneal tumor was removed in time, and now katya has a clear plan. get well for the new year home to
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the institute is confidently pursuing the goal set by hertzin, to learn how to treat any form of cancer. elena fenoshina, news. these are the topics next in our issue. the un general assembly adopted a russian resolution on the fight against the glorification of nazism. a detachment of ships of the pacific fleet returned to vladivostok from a long sea voyage and the russian chess team returned to moscow with victory. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr.
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we look at the weekend, my daughter disappeared, she didn’t come home last night, your
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daughter also disappeared, well, i was tormented with them. for life on saturday on rtr. i’m on a date with a girl, i want to propose to her today, so make her an offer to pay the bill, if you’re reporting a beating,
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i took it. sanya, stop taking away my statement, you are my knight, shining in the holes on the stake. and today in class i was telling mine about spain, how let’s all snort at me, saying there’s nothing like that, there’s nothing like that there, we’re there there were, but i wasn’t, a show from a big country, the premiere on friday on rtr, it feels like she didn’t even try to slow down, don’t you think it’s strange, the premiere, if marya sergeevna is on the warpath, no one will stop her , they don’t joke with love, don’t know , pour your weapon on the ground, oleg, hello, korablev said, you were wounded, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, the son’s boiler got a daughter, well, i think that she is no worse in character than the boys, in front of myself during the performance
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i talk through all the work, i say, don’t worry, do everything like in the hall, if i had to scream, i would probably just scream all the time, because i’m so nervous, i have the feeling that i ’m flying away somewhere with them, i’m begging, catch, catch, insure each other, nothing in the world is better. there is nothing to compare with friends around the world. blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. you watch the news and we continue the release. israel has expanded its
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ground operation against hamas. the army storms two cities on the west bank of the jordan river. offered hamas to stop fighting for a week in exchange for the return of 40 hostages. the houthis in yemen have threatened to attack ships from countries that join the us coalition to protect ships in the red sea. but this new operation promises good profits for washington. as the policy writes, one missile to intercept
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houthi drones costs $2 million. meanwhile, carriers are suffering colossal losses. with details alexander bilibov. three us navy spaniards, the aircraft carrier dwight esenhaur with escort ships and the french frigate longidog. this is an operational operation created almost a year ago maritime group to defend against piracy in the red sea, now the backbone of the us-declared operation against yemen's houthis. the palestinian-israeli conflict, which flared up with renewed vigor, led to the fact that the rebels in yemen, without regard for the western squadron pushing along its shores, began to attack one after another. there that were going to israeli ports. it all started a month ago with the seizure of the bulk carrier galaxy lider, the ship was towed to the coast of yemen and turned into a local one.
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bahrain, the only gulf country to support the american operation, the houthis' demands to stop the bloodshed of all three gases in the middle east are completely shared, and the yemeni group ansar allah itself calls the creation of a military coalition led by the united states another hostile step against palestine. since the beginning of the war in gaza, it was washington that supplied israel with bombs, which planes dropped in the hundreds per day on the settlement of the palestinian enclave, and then blocked the security council resolution obliging
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tel aviv to stop the military operation. the escalation of the conflict in the gas sector has led to unprecedented consolidation of the entire muslim world, both shiite and sunni, around palestine. key countries in the region such as saudi arabia or the united arab emirates are not participating in the operation announced by washington against the yemeni houthis. egypt also remained on the sidelines, despite the fact that it is cairo that is losing tens of millions of dollars every day from the reduction in shipping in the bustling canal. eight of the world's largest transport companies, which account for more than half of the maritime cargo transportation on the planet have already redirected their ships along a new route. now container ships, bulk carriers and tankers round the african continent from the south, this increases delivery time by almost 2 weeks and already affects the cost of transported goods, first of all. we've already seen gas prices jump 12% in europe, particularly in the uk, and oil prices are up 4%
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to around $77 a barrel from the five-month low we saw just last week. news about the creation of an anti-houthi coalition has not yet had any impact on the decision of carriers to bypass a potentially dangerous route, and the yemeni group ansar allah stated that it will now attack a new target every 12 hours, while under attack... it seems that not only ships heading to israel, but also ships belonging to countries that supported the us operation , regardless of their destination. alexander bilipov, ivan malyshev and daniil gabdulin. news: middle east. the strengthening of the american group in the middle east occurs against the backdrop of new western accusations against tehran. the us imposed sanctions against four individuals and ten companies suspected of involvement in iran's weapons of mass destruction program. washington. calls on tehran to adhere to the nuclear deal, despite the fact that the united states itself withdrew from it 5 years ago under president trump. at the same time, a joint statement by the so-called eurotroika appeared. in
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the uk, france and germany it is reported that tehran has increased its reserves of sixty percent enriched uranium, now 22 times higher than established international limits. similar in the world as european diplomats emphasized, only nuclear powers have volumes of radioactive fuel. the states and europe are responsible for the failure of the iran nuclear deal. there is little consolation in this regard, the regular us promise to lift sanctions from iran in exchange for cooperation, which in the end remain an empty phrase. a detachment of russian warships has returned to the main base of the pacific fleet in vladivostok. the sailors spent more than 10 years on a long voyage.
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49 countries, including the usa, japan, germany, canada and ukraine. in the center of rome a rally was held against arms supplies to ukraine, dozens of people gathered at the pantheon demanding that italy be withdrawn from nato. the government is trying to carry it out. sponsors
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neo-nazis, violating its own constitution. a just russia, via teleconference, summed up the work of the centers for protecting the rights of citizens. the idea of ​​creating such centers belongs to party leader sergei mironov. today they operate in 75 regions. during the year , hundreds of russians were able to turn there for legal assistance, including participants in the special operation and members of their families, who were detained due to bureaucratic misunderstandings. it turns out to be a paradox: as soon as a deputy of any level applies, the money is found, but without this application , he does not receive what a person is entitled to, a participant in a special military operation. thank you for your work, we really helped, we are helping, and we will help, to get what is legal and due to our participants in a special military operation, for which we wish a speedy victory. russian chess players have returned from their first immediate victory in the shanghai
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cooperation organization tournament. which passed in qimdao, china. on the final day of the competition, our team won all four matches, overtaking the strongest opponent , china. our correspondent, alexey karev, met the triumphants at sheremetyevo airport. these sportingly modest young chess players, all three, by the way, are already grandmasters, return home in triumph. daniil dubov, maxim matlakov and anastasia bodnaruk defended the highest level of russian chess. flawless game. eight wins in eight matches and one draw with the chinese team, as a result, confident a victory, on the way of which the russians beat iran, tajikistan and kazakhstan, the team of kyrgyzstan and mongolia, but our main rival in this tournament is china. we were closely matched with the chinese team, and until this middle of the tournament we were behind, and this gap was closing, and you could see how they, well, at the end of the last round, faltered.
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maxim matlakov, originally from st. petersburg and... has been playing since the age of 7, at 12 he had his first notable victories in russia, at 16 he is already an international master and has traveled to a dozen countries, and won the grand master title at 19, a precious player, as maxim calls it, his first coach, who, like many chess fans, followed the matches of the ongoing tournament, one of the important games, he beat a chinese chess player from the first chinese team , allowed the match to end, there are no easy tournaments in china, that’s why of course it was...
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chess, where besides us there are 50 more countries, so there will be many more such team trophies, home from china, in addition to this crystal figurine, the athletes also brought individual awards. a battle of minds and nerves on 64 cells, by the way, walk on them on these the professionals consider the squares themselves to be more comfortable with white pieces, but ours played mostly black in the tournament and still won. alexey karev, andrey shner, alexander zarubov, elena bedyak, news! today at 16:30 on our channel the malakhov program. it’s hard to believe, but this is the same famous kozufa janitor yuri vitlugin, who was once on the cover of a fashionable men’s magazine. on new year's eve, in our program, he will meet his brothers and sisters, many of whom he has never met. six dna tests. they you will be very surprised. the likelihood that you may be close relatives
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is low. well, tonight is the continuation of the series secret investigations season 23, the new film is called a movie ticket, maria shvitsova is investigating a fatal accident in the center of st. petersburg, on the sidewalk korsharing’s car hits a successful businessman, and the main clue to the solution is a movie ticket, watch it right after the evening news. we continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad, stay tuned. the sea fishing port of vladivostok is ending the year on the rise, large-scale modernization has taken place there, and production capacity is growing.


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