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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 21, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

2:30 pm
there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing! this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole world! on saturday on rtr
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, we look at the weekend, my daughter disappeared, she didn’t return home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well, i messed with both of them and what, i wonder how you live, do you know that you raised a monster? yes, there’s blood, there’s a lot of it, on the floor and the coffee table, the wait is worse than death, i won’t rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, the body of a young girl was found, maria kulikova, oh my god my love at the risk of life on saturday. on
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rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, live. your favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels. so, the ukrainian army is shabby and experiencing a chronic shortage of soldiers, writes the wall street journal. the publication notes problems with mobilization, high corruption in ukraine, because of this , the zelensky regime, according to the americans , is sending villagers into battle. who have no way to pay off. these are mostly men from 43 to 50 years old. many
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also have health problems, even more the telegraph, the largest circulation newspaper in the netherlands, openly describes the mobilization in the armed forces of ukraine, headline. ukraine is looking for cannon fodder; the newspaper reports that ukrainian conscripts are trying to fight off mobilization by hook or by crook. the american conservative writes that possible nato membership is just a bait for kiev. this very deception, publication.
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ukrainian children dance to the sound of laughter with the state military flag of the third reich and a dancing dog, a patron dog, if you remember, this is a symbol of victory, because the dog was held in the arms of secretary of state blinken, well, this seems like happiness, there is no happiness in war and there will not be for ukraine, the german ard also writes that there is trouble at the front, there is no ammunition, no... drones, no soldiers, and there is no more trust in the ukrainian president. in the ukrainian rear, the mood is even gloomier. russia has stockpiled missiles and ukrainians fear new attacks on critical infrastructure.
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throw it, throw it, throw it! i’ll fire my guys, dig a hole, what’s wrong, bro, arms, legs, communication, communication, the car is not going, the car is not going,
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look, this is what a russian attack looks like paratroopers, that is, airborne units that fight near bakhmut, such tactics were also used by the ukrainians. so, here we see footage of an airborne combat vehicle attack, and we observe it. behind it from several angles, both from the first person and from a drone, here we see that russian armored vehicles are equipped with special screens that are designed to protect the crew from attack uavs, and so these two infantry fighting vehicles are moving towards ukrainian positions, then immediately disembark soldiers , which conquer the trenches of the ukrainian armed forces. unfortunately,
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these are verified shots, it must be said that ukraine really continues to lose ground around bakhmud. let me remind you that the city itself, its east and north are under russian control. in the south, in the area of ​​kleshcheevka and andreevka, fierce battles are now taking place. look, the russians are approaching the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, in this case, the ukrainian trenches. here is an armored vehicle that landed troops, while it... moves all the time, these shots were filmed west of bakhmut in the area of ​​​​the village of ivanovskoye, that is, where the ukrainians actually hold the front. this is where russia trying to break through, trying to take the populated area under fire control. in this regard , these images of the russian army do show that there is progress in the offensive. well, right now the engineering brigade in the ssu is building defense lines along the entire length of the border with russia and belarus.
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the bar for victory criteria was originally invented in the british financial times, but today this nonsense was already spread to the people by the head of the us state department, blinken, saying that kiev was not taken, ukraine was not wiped off the face of the earth, which means zelensky has already won, conveniently, with putin’s goal is to wipe ukraine off the face of the earth, and it’s important not to forget, he didn’t even set it. if i had, i would have erased it, but putin has completely different tasks. the word is today,
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the last day of work of the senate, after which it, the senate, following the house, goes on holiday. before the new year, the united states will allocate the last aid package to ukraine from last year’s budget, and new negotiations between democrats and republicans will begin in january. which, as senator langford said today, will take weeks, if not months, at best. so what is it called for dessert? blinken said that biden, it turns out, has a clear plan for the future development of ukraine, which, this plan, does not imply the need to allocate billions of dollars, well, he immediately began to justify himself.
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budge before they get the concessions they want on border reform. the ukrainian front line currently lacks artillery. the priority for the next few weeks, military sources say, is to preserve personnel, equipment in some places , withdraw short distances, leaving mines the fields are in place, but there is always a risk that the russians could break through. antony blinken said there was no other magic pot of money to support ukraine, reiterating the importance of the president's requests.
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we have significantly invested in the future of ukraine, in its freedom, and it seems pointless to me to refuse these investments. we have a very clear plan to get ukraine back on its feet militarily, economically and democratically so that
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it no longer needs that level of aid support, but we must help ukraine survive winter, spring and summer. war in ukraine is far from over, one of the most significant strategic things, western aid may be coming to an end, white house desperately warns tonight, money to support ukraine in war has run out, former ukrainian defense minister andrei zagorodnyuk tells nbc news he's disappointed that politicians.
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he is optimistic, what else remains for him to say, so he even expressed the following thought: the united states and allies will not betray ukraine, he said so directly, so now everyone hopes that this dispute between republicans and democrats in the united states will be resolved, and assistance will be provided to ukraine. in addition, kiev is very much counting on the european union, where now the stumbling block is hungary, which is blocking any financial tranche. the one
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in power becomes more and more important. who will be the next us president for us europeans? the question is very very important. military assistance to the united states was more significant, however, if you add up the military, financial, economic, humanitarian support, then europe provided kiev with much more funds. we provided ukraine with military assistance totaling almost 30 billion euros. all this is constantly reflected at the front, because ukraine needs help, and urgently. they lack both manpower and ammunition.
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a story about russian cruise missiles, a boy in the uniform of the ukrainian armed forces holds a piece of the caliber in his hands and cheerfully says that the muscovites do not have their own microelectronics production to assemble modern military equipment, and further, the boy says that the missiles have the russians are not running out, all because
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the microelectronics for assembling the uav missile in moscow are supplied from the european union. and the usa, and this, as you understand, is rubbish. here , of course, i would like to ask why the ukrainians don’t assemble their own cruise missiles, if everything is so simple, it seems that sanctions were not imposed against kiev, but in kiev this question causes hysteria. how so? western partners, it turns out, are regularly helping the russian army to destroy. namely militants in the ssu, and not vice versa. it's simple. the west also needs money, so nothing personal. in this regard, the ukrainians decided to launch it. to shame, they released a manual about our hypersonic dagger, which can easily destroy enemies. note that there is not a single chinese part, unlike the girania 2, created according to
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the behests of the ancient persians, the dagger combines the most modern and advanced developments of leading microelectronics manufacturers; as you can see, the components for the production of russian cybersonic missiles are supplied from the usa and the european union. and even taiwan, the world leader in the production of modern microprocessors. of course, for creating innovative products, which is the russian dagger, requires not only its own scientific base, but also international cooperation, and russia, in spite of everything, has access to the technologies necessary for victory. russia has it, but the ukrainians don’t.
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there are many videos in which the russian army demonstrates what its latest weapons are capable of, for example, the long-range x101 missile, thanks to the technology of low radar, optical and infrared signature, it is very difficult to shoot down, while it has enormous destructive power. therefore, here at the kiev scientific research institute of forensic science, russian military equipment is thoroughly studied, and as it turns out, almost every modern russian combat system contains electronics that russia imports from western countries. this is russia, this is russia, russia, this is all and this is all foreign, these elements were produced by the texas instrument.
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for several years now, it has been supplying microelectronics to russia from such manufacturers as, for example, texas instruments and infinion. it's about multi-million orders, hundreds of deliveries this year alone. and what kind of supplies are these? i wonder how the air force amicon company will answer the question that the microelectronics it supplies may be used in russian weapons, since we did not receive an answer to our request, we went to bavaria, to the headquarters of this company.
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our requests that all deliveries to russia were absolutely within the law, that everything was agreed with customs and that no sanctions were violated. but she didn't answer to our specific question about whether she is sure that her microelectronics are not used in russian weapons. experts, however, are convinced that supplies within the framework of the law can pose a serious problem, since many supplies.
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by its actions, the scholz government is weakening the sanctions pressure on russia and splitting the european union. moreover, thereby .


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