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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  December 23, 2023 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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this is the first joint project of power engineers and scientists within the framework of a comprehensive scientific and technical program: clean coal, green kuzbass. in the near future, participants will have to calculate the economic benefits. the developer, in turn, is ready to scale the project and move on to mass production. anastasia grigortyans pavel chernyugov, host kusbass. they save those whose lives are just beginning. the khakasi perinatal center is mastering new equipment, including modern transport qvs, which makes it possible to quickly. deliver then nurse premature babies. olga stelmakh will continue. arthur dmitrievich weighs a little more than 2 kg at less than 2 months, and this is already a success. the baby was supposed to be born by the new year, but everything did not go according to plan. in october , the on-site resuscitation service urgently hospitalized a resident of chernogorsk to a prenatal center, and maintained the pregnancy for another 2 weeks to allow the child to grow up. we were born.
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conditions of transportation, the transport one comes to the rescue and not only speed is important here, but also the ditch. incubator, ventilator, oxygen cylinders, tracking monitors and infusion pump.
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which, in general, this complex is, so to speak, a small intensive care ward, intensive care, which is located in the car. modern equipment is a gift to the perinatal center. the incubator is one of the best in its characteristics, with up to 4 hours of battery life, which allows you to take the baby out from the most remote corners of khakassia. we, of course, had this equipment in the perinatal center, but over time everything becomes outdated, having received such... a gift before the new year, we are, of course, very pleased, grateful, we received a gift from the russian peace foundation, and the cost of the incubator is 7,800,000, which cannot be reached by road, air ambulances fly out. this year the service took to the air 26 times. küves travels with a team of doctors to warm up and help breathe in difficult situations for those who rushed to see the light. olga. lugansk
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confectioners are preparing new year's gifts for little residents of the republic. 150 thousand sweet sets will be sent to all corners region. artyom yundos visited the factory. work is in full swing, factory employees are working on filling new year's gifts for all the children of the lugansk people's republic. almost 150 thousand new year's gifts will be received this year. year and here are not only classic chocolates, but also special wafers in chocolate, marmalade soup and much more , a total of 52 types of sweets in each set, more than a kilogram of various confectionery products, marmalade, marmalade in chocolate, chewing marmalade, one type of dry straw, this is a major key, children also love it very much, the gift includes everything that children love, not just you and me, but children.
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all young residents of the republic, students and pupils of kindergartens and schools up to 14 years old, will receive sweet gifts for the new year, the sets are being prepared on behalf of the regional government. the beautiful smiles of our children in our people’s republic motivate us, so we are always happy to take on such tasks that the government sets for us. the minister arrived at the plant to check how gifts were being prepared. agriculture and food, so that only the best products were included in the sets, he tasted the factory’s products. what are they called?
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ready to be sent to the cities and towns of the republic; for the fourth year now, confectioners have been delighting children with sweets , each time adding new items to the sets to make the holiday brighter. artyom yundas, nikolay pyrkh, egor pavlenko, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk. residents of the high-mountain villages of the tsuntinsky region of dagestan are experiencing problems with power supply, which is disrupted by any gusts of wind. the pillars are wooden and very old. local residents are confident that if you solve this problem, life in these beautiful places will improve. noticeably lighter, report by sarkar magomedov. pay attention to the state of this entire line, and pay attention to this span, and if the almighty forbids this tower, it will go away, it will pull this entire line along with it. this line, stretched in the eighties along the upper reaches of the mountains with the help
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of helicopters, half a century ago became a real breakthrough for local residents in civilization, but now, when the mountaineers moved to more convenient places to stay, for example, in the village of mikali. is a real headache, the wooden poles rotted at the base and tilted, lowering the wires almost to the ground, leaving people without light in the slightest bad weather. we go down this slope , where it is really dangerous, but we are forced, those who come here are fitters, they refuse, they can’t get down here, we can understand them too, in order to understand for us how difficult it is, even just to get here, we make the way yourself.
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repair the cable that supports it several times years ago, it was this pillar that fell on a local resident during repairs, that one literally climbed over the abyss, and getting to it is extremely problematic, but it’s hardest, when the mountains are covered with snow, it’s simply
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impossible to get to some areas, the only solution to this problem is move the power line along the road, if you lay it there, then the whole problem will be eliminated, but as for , however, when this can be done is still in question, a lot depends on electricity in mikali and dozens of other villages, at home and schools that are heated with modern technology, and even a mosque that calls for prayer through large speakers. local residents are confident that if the problem is solved,
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life in these beautiful places, where herds of graceful horses graze and even mountain tours stop by, will become noticeably easier. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov, abdulla magomedov, news! airports. several cases of dangerous landing attempts appeared on social networks for a second preventing planes from landing. fortunately, everything turned out well. number of fallen trees
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number in the hundreds, several motorists were injured by the storm on the freeway, but there were no fatalities. archaeological sensation in pskov. here, archaeologists are conducting a rescue excavation near the 15th-century temple of st. nicholas sausokha. during the work, they managed to discover the foundations of an even more ancient temple of the 15th century, varvarys usokha. it is characteristic that the toponym of sokh is the same for two different temples, indicating the location near a dried-up stream or river, although no one could say exactly where the church was located. according to written sources it is known that it was built. v 1421, abolished at the end of the 18th century. the church
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was abolished in 1793 and apparently completely dismantled in the first half of the 19th century. the temple is almost never found on ancient maps. the only image of it is on the map of pskoye in 1821, where it is shown very, very close to the north-west of the existing church of st. nicholas sausoikha. artifacts have been discovered that date back to the 16th century. the territory of the right bank of the velikaya river in this place was actively developed. the number of individual finds we have already exceeded a hundred. most, of course, are coins xv-xi century, but there are also quite interesting finds, for example, a noisy pendant, and a pendant of the gnezdovo type, fragments of jewelry. these include rings, bracelets, and, for example, jewelry tweezers. archaeologists discovered a section of the floor, a fragment
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of the western wall and more than 200 elements of the green-irrigated plowshare that covered the dome of the church. the decoration is characteristic of pskov churches. at the same time , the restoration of the church of st. nicholas sousohya is taking place here. archaeologists have not finished their work yet; they will continue in 2024. marina mikhailova, beshli, news, pskov. in crimea , lilacs bloomed in the depths of winter. visitors are also delighted by blooming roses, and some crimeans pick strawberries and raspberries in the gardens. about unexpected bright colors in the depths of winter. report by anastasia kolugina. the warm winter this year extended the flowering time of the rose. in the nikitsky botanical garden, dozens of varieties still delight visitors. they are incredibly fragrant, compared to their surroundings. grayness creates the mood and returns to the warm season . graceful, single, bright and
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soft pink or in shades of peach colors, roses. attention is paid to varieties of foreign domestic selection. one of the goals of ros breeding in nikitsky garden is to create varieties with very long flowering. and one of the successful results is a variety selected by nikitsky garden, our new variety. he is called the hero of eltigen. besides.
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there are still berries here, this is how fragrant rosemary blooms, for it winter is
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absolutely normal, just like for the winter iris, it arrived very on time, in the crimea it’s like in a fairy tale for 12 months, to meet you in the middle of winter you can do anything, very soon the snowdrops will bloom too. anastasia kolugina, klimenty gromov and denis kharlamov, news: crimea. all news is always available on the media platform . we watch it in the application or on the website. ru, that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, see you later.
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on the first day of september 1933, the izvestia newspaper was in great demand, and on the first page the bold headline read 300 km/h. trains have never moved at such speed before. moving faster is the urgent need of the day. the answer to this need is invention of the soviet engineer ermalchuk. and then came the sensational one.
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after the victory, nikolai grigorievich was offered to lead a circle of young designers at the house of pioneers of the baummandsky district of moscow.
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the biography of the soviet engineer is not particularly remarkable, except for one thing...
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and balls instead of ordinary wheels will allow passenger trains to move five, six times faster than the current ones, and freight trains even faster, 20 times. the engineer assured that the ball train will become a powerful transport
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means that can be transferred to the population of entire cities in the shortest possible time. and at the same time he smiled, he always smiled, which evoked a sincere feeling of trust in him from even the most prominent opponents. the actions of the model of a toy ball train so impressed the scientific council of meitt that the management of the institute recommended that the people's commissariat of railways pay attention to this idea. a couple of months later , a special department was created with a very long ... bureau for the experimental construction of high-speed transport for the development and implementation of nikolai grigorievich’s invention ermulchuk. but what kind of invention was this, called the ball train? the outer
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train resembled a rocket, with a streamlined nose and a cylindrical body to reduce air resistance when traveling at high speeds. but the basis of the idea was hidden in the internal structure of the transport invented by vermulchuk. means the train did not have wheels, instead of them there were rollers, these rollers looked like so-called spheroids, that is, hollow balls made of metal, but with cut off sides, a layer of rubber was glued to the outside of the rollers, an electric motor was hidden inside the ball, it spun the roller, such a device resembled the movement of a squirrel inside a wheel, it turned out that the car was rolling along the road, like a two-wheeled motorcycle,
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of working railway workers. the government issued a million references for the implementation of the project, and gave the leading specialists a modest salary for those times of 70 rubles. the autumn of 1932 came, ermalchuk showed the first result of his work. it was a finished train, but not life-size, just a model reduced by five times. what was required for... the test. on the train there was there are only five carriages with windows reminiscent of airplane windows.
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journalists were invited to a test drive and even offered a ride. despite the fact that it was only a smaller copy of a train, people could fit in it, two in each carriage, although only lying down. the ball train rushed along the wooden chute at a speed of up to... delighting the passengers, the next day poems by the popular poet vladimir narbut of that era appeared in one of the newspapers, he also took a ride on the ball train. with a shallow hammer, almost like a hammer kegel, it is launched, it flies under the rumble, a projectile, resembling a certain one. experimental trips lasted for almost six months, and then important people arrived at the ballpark. this was expert advice. led by the famous academician sergei chaplygin. the council members thoroughly studied everything that yarmalchuk demonstrated to them. and finally, cheplygin himself said: everything is fine and
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it is necessary to build ball trains, since there are no technical obstacles to this. on august 13, 1933, the council of people's commissars issued a resolution requiring the nkps to immediately begin construction experimental operation.
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criticism, mainly from railway workers, began to be sharply subjected to fierce arguments of opponents in many ways were reasonable, for example,


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