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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  December 23, 2023 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] you didn’t drink, and now i’m going to go, i forgot, but i forgot worse, sometimes, what i do, there’s medicine, i took it, but i need to get up, look for this water somewhere, i don’t drink from the tap anymore, bottled here, yes , although i have a big question about bottled water, but i take a cup of coffee and once, coffee, it ’s already nasty and bitter, i mean medicine, there’s also coffee, just like that, but you wake up, right is wrong , but i know that i won’t drink later, i’ll drink, now i ’ll forget. but i forgot, and by the way, i didn’t take the medicine today, so, now, now i don’t i’ll go, i won’t drink, it will be like that, i need to drink , so, you know, how many people, when they see how i dust the medicine, make round eyes, well, because they tell us how you should
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take the pill, and remember how the french bishop in the time of the rise of the albegoians, who said: kill all the pagans, they say, but how can we distinguish the pagans from the true convicts who live nearby, and says: kill everyone, the lord in the next world will sort it out,
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take away... his own, so here, the organism , he 'll figure it out later, that's my first rule, i'd rather i’ll break all the other rules, but i’ll drink it, how will i follow the rules? in the end , i won’t finish something and won’t finish it, and the combination of medications, so that they all combine these five medications with each other, that’s up to the doctor, so that he prescribed compatible medications, and clearly spaced out the incompatible ones in time, but this is a special situation. okay, medications are a part of our life, there’s no escape, one way or another we take them all, or we’ll take them all, so what to do, let’s move on, so, the questions that came this week, we’ll watch and answer, hello, doctor, my name is rustam, i’m from lyudinovo,
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kaluga region, i’d like to ask. question: i underwent surgery to install pacemakers six months ago, along with complex therapy with other medications, i was also prescribed to take statins. my question is, is it possible to replace this drug or not take it at all, how do statins affect liver function? no, you can’t, for the simple reason that it’s a pacemaker. you were diagnosed for a reason, but you have widespread atherosclerosis, you have uh scars, you have a conduction disorder , therefore you have a pause in the work of the heart, a dangerous pause, you can lose consciousness, die, so they installed a cardiac simulator, with such already widespread atherosclerosis, statins are strictly required for you, and if they prescribed a small dose, there 10 mg is not enough for you, you need more, there must be serious doses, but
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these... doses may have side effects, you probably read that they can supposedly damage the liver, and we actually checked before when statins were checked liver enzymes, then they checked after 3 months, then after six months, then after a year, but then we were convinced that this was far away, but this is quite rare, and today we no longer control liver enzymes, practically giving these medications, then you understand what’s the matter ? let me tell you, i’ll call you, well, rustan doesn’t hear the call, but then what will i tell you, statins will personally give you years
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of extra life, you won’t take them. you'll die earlier, that's it, let's move on, hello, doctor, my name is svetlana,
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i'm from the city of yaroslavl, lately... mri was not always necessary to do mri, but what did mri give you? protrusion, well , it’s clear that protrusion, what is the reason? now i’ll take healthy people; in fact, every third person, 30% of people without symptoms , have protrusions. what's next? the good thing is that these protrusions go away on their own, the semi-liquid
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contents simply dissolve. after 2-3-4 months, the older the age, the slower it dissolves. sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, but the indications for this are quite rare, only when there is a large hernia. crushes the entire horse tail, we call it 18, nerves, in fact this is weight loss, this is physical education, this is physiotherapy and so on, in general people, i won’t answer this, why did i say that this is a business, well, because everyone’s back hurts , almost everyone, you go around where he sends you, he sends you for an mri, the chance
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that he will find there... take the advice of a doctor, but ask the question why i need to do an mri now, and what can i do yourself in order to reduce these sensations, and not go to chiropractors, because, in principle, it’s all you
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you can do it yourself, let's move on, hello, doctor, my name is valeria, i'm 36 years old, i'm from the city of kaluga, i work as an assistant manager in a large company, for some time now i've been... sometimes my hands shake, i don’t have enough air , shortness of breath appears, palpitations, in the most stressful moments my temperature even rises, up to about 375, sometimes it can even be higher, i don’t know what to do about it anymore, because i i started sleeping poorly, i have periodic panic attacks, and i take vitamin b6 and magnesium. and i i’m struggling with this anxiety, but i don’t know what should be done about it, maybe undergo some additional examinations, i would like to know your expert opinion, thank you, well, these are classic panic
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attacks, yes, i need to check if there are any problems with the thyroid gland, because in principle, if there is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, it will proceed approximately as you describe, so first of all, what is your pulse, by the way, and so on, if the thyroid gland is normal, routine tests the blood is normal, then, probably, there is no need to dig further, the diagnosis is clear, panic attacks, once again, provided that the thyroid gland function is normal, not ultrasound. go now, we’ll check the thyroid gland , where you went for an ultrasound, we don’t need this ultrasound at all, we need thyroid hormones, first of all tsh (kyrotropic hormone), if it’s normal, then your diagnosis is a panic attack, you have two options: either go on pills and take them, you know, when it interferes with your life and you can’t cope, we have no options other than to give you pills, but this is possible, look, you are one of the few who are filmed against the background of... books, many books, he is the life of
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wonderful people and so on and so forth, open dostoevsky, read the karamazov brothers, and your problems will seem like happiness, but in general, you have options, either you deal with it yourself, realizing that there is nothing behind it, or you take medications under the guidance of a doctor, the assistant manager is different, here in our department of health director, at 7 a.m. on work and at 11 at night he’s also at work , okay, so to speak, he’s doing a great job, and his assistant, and his secretary, ours, sits without leaving, also in the same mode, but it’s not like there will be panic attacks, there in general , you will end up in a mental hospital, so i don’t know your working conditions, but they also need to be normalized, so okay, let’s go on a physical education break, by the way, you know how, you ’re already laughing at me so much that... i’m treating everything with culture , but it’s not my fault, open
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any of the most classic guides to the treatment of panic attacks, depression, on the first there will be physical activity, and group exercise, people are gathered in groups and so on and so on, this is yoga, this is tai chi, this is what helps, well, for example, pull-ups help me, and by the way, if you want to reconsider us , let’s look at this platform, an application or a website, let’s look, next, products for immunity, what to eat to avoid getting arvi? why does the stomach worry and seethe for no apparent reason, how to help the intestines work correctly. food for immunity, i don’t want to get sick before the new year, so that eat. which of them strengthens the immune system, which of them suppresses the immune system? meat, immunity will be very useful with... blood pressure, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system. what
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should you eat to have a strong immune system and get sick less? irritable bowel syndrome is also a characteristic of the mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome. by the way, it occurs very often, 20% of people have symptoms. the sensitivity of the receptors is reconfigured, and irritable bowel syndrome goes along with it. we remember our dearest streets.
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maybe you can stay with me today? i promise you an unforgettable night tomorrow, i'm sorry. we need to live separately for some time. and what? we need to understand whether we have at least some chance left. i would advise you to start a hobby together. ballroom dancing would be best, what? what? and for the sake of my son, i agree to the experiment. if you haven’t danced, it doesn’t mean that cha-cha-cha is difficult , nothing connects them anymore except dance, what ’s so difficult about it, cha-cha, one, two, three, you just need to learn to count to three, by the way, i learned these stupid steps, seriously , dance, lead cha-cha, premiere, december 30, cha-cha, one, two , oh, on the mouth "we gathered about
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ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had then hunger, here comes the grandmother, she is hungry herself, but she carries this cereal to the shelters, says: baby, feed it, dog, extend your hand across olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people who were not indifferent and would support them with a word. hello dear! will give in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply
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amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, may no one need medical help in the new year, only good ... medical series sklefosovsky new season in the new year on rtr, where the custom of washing new clothes came from, they’ll buy them for 100, they’ll wash them for 1. well, that’s how it goes, beauty, give me the number, i’ll i don’t give anyone a number, they are too daring for a cloakroom attendant, they attract the attention of the native working class, and the mountains or the sea. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia 1, we move on, you ask what kind of name day these are, well, this is
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my lunch, today the topic is food for immunity, you know, they ask questions before the new... year you don’t want to get sick to eat something like this, if you don’t eat right, no matter how healthy you put broccoli into yourself, it won’t help, inflammatory processes that destroy our body and, by the way, they suppress the immune system, and many parameters are responsible for immunity, in particular our microbiome, which is directly related to our diet, and the microbiome today is probably 50% of the total immunity, you know, products, well, look, let’s say red
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wine and not alcohol drinks. well, i mean soda and so on, which of them strengthens the immune system, which of them suppresses the immune system, which of them reduces inflammation, which of them increases inflammation, i don’t know what you thought, all these carbonated sweet drinks, they by suppressing, but a moderate, moderate amount. one glass of red wine, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the immune system, if you go beyond a certain dose, the minimum, it will also suppress, in
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small quantities it works, then fish or meat, what? meat will suppress the immune system, but what kind of meat, red meat, because lamb, pork, beef, veal, rabbit, poultry, chicken, all this is possible, this will increase immunity, it contains a prickly amount. fiber and so on and so forth, fish, sea fish, on the immune system, has a positive effect , relieves inflammation, everything is just great, what
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else will we take, sausage and lard, well, sausage is definitely not, we know very well that processed red meat, that’s all that will be done, sausages, sausages, minced meat and so on and so on, all this suppresses the immune system and increases inflammation processes, lard, give or take, medicine and poison differ only in dose, a small piece of lard, such, it will be useful, already three pieces of lard will be harmful, what else is obvious harm, overwhelming immunity, all chips, white products.
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this is fast food, it’s all a minus for the immune system, but what’s a plus is products made from whole grains, why, and then there’s fiber, after all. vitamins, there are microelements , and there is vegetable protein, in general, vegetable protein not from meat, fish, etc., and milk, it is very useful, it lowers blood pressure, reduces inflammation, strengthens the immune system, and what is this, these are legumes, these are the same soybeans, and so on and so on, what else will be included in this will include dairy products. but low-fat vegetables and fruits are probably a must,
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what our immune system loves, and that’s what’s there, of course, of course, of course , these are nuts, this is probably the most valuable product in general, rich in everything, potassium, microelements, vegetable protein, god knows what’s in there no, so what should you eat to make you... is it wild rice or brown rice, fish, well, saturated fatty acids, omega-3,
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nuts, seeds, hand reached out, red meat, actually red meat is it possible, but rarely, no more than three times a week, to treat yourself to a steak? once and good, but if you are still a meat eater, eat rabbit, eat chicken, eat turkey, yes, well, veal , for some reason in many countries veal is white, in our country it is as red, how can such veal, cut an adult cow and say, i don’t know what it is veal, i’m too lazy to chew, by chewing your food thoroughly, you help society. and what do i drink and rose hips, i absorb vitamin c, yeah, by the way, vitamin c,
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without it there will be no immunity, recorsman, the meat doesn’t go well, yes, so when it reaches the oil throat , the person dies, accordingly, fermented cabbage, vitamin c, seeds, pumpkin , zinc, and without zinc there is also no immunity, in general, remember once again, there are no healthy, no healthy foods, there is a correct, healthy way of eating, against this background you can eat meat, sometimes even eating a sausage, but eating the wrong way of eating , then no one-time broccoli, a week before the new year, will help you, we move on, the section on history and diseases is dedicated today, well, you’ll see now, it was born because of this. question, young woman, 35 years old, my name is colleague angelina , i live in the city of penza, i have the following
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question for you, since 2019 i have been bothered by the symptoms of ibs, i have already sort of lived with them, but they significantly undermine the quality of my life, and i am ready to decide on such measures, like taking an antidepressant, tell me whether such measures will be effective, i really hope for your response, thank you, well, you see, the symptoms... the fact is that just as a snake crawls, intestinal motility works normally.
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sometimes glitches appear, by the way, like now, you see, he froze. stop it, no, he went back, and this is also characteristic of the mechanism of irritable bowel syndrome, by the way, it occurs very often, 20% of people have symptoms, let's talk about the symptoms right away, spasms, pain, so, you know what, come on, give it my jacket, yes, my, good, yes, my sweet, no, no, you and i have peace, so there are cramping pains in the abdomen, which are accompanied by diarrhea, diarrhea changes with constipation, there are forms when it is mainly diarrhea or mainly constipation, well, in general this is a certain discomfort, people turn to,
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they go to doctors and sometimes they come up with a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, don’t let the word irritable bowel surprise you, yes... this is a literal translation from english, the fact is that the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is always a diagnosis of exception, i can, of course give antidepressants, as a woman, she probably needs it, and if there is something else behind it, and if behind it is ulcerative colitis, and if behind it is crohn's disease, then there are inflammatory intestinal diseases with a change in a certain immunology. which will also be accompanied by pain, diarrhea, mucus, well, there will also be blood in the stool, and so on and so forth, nausea, the fact is that we don’t really know where irritable bowel syndrome comes from, what is it? one of the most such explanations , look, you see, she squeezes my hand, but she doesn’t squeeze hard, well, she squeezes, she squeezes, it doesn’t work for me, but
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as soon as i can... reconfigure these receptors, this moderate squeeze, don’t try, why are you pressing me, the receptors will react to it as strong, then there is a reconfiguration of the sensitivity of the receptors, the intestine is stretched, let’s say there is a stretch receptor, this is normal, there is content inside, we eat, peristasis occurs, it stretches and should not hurt, here the stretch is slight. the receptors react because they have retuned to a different level of sensitivity and in response, yeah, we are greatly overstretched, they begin to spasm, this deregulation, then relaxation, then compression , regardless of peristalsis, causes these pains and also stool disorders, by the way, it would seem that
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heredity plays a very important role in this reconfiguration of receptors, uh brothers, sisters ... such patients can exhibit irritable bowel syndrome an order of magnitude more often. which, by the way, goes together. there are a number of diseases that are also associated with this reconfiguration of various receptors, with pain and so on. as a rule, irritable bowel syndrome goes together. fibromyalgia. myofacial syndrome, these are the same pains only fibromyalgia, they are symmetrical, pain points, fibromyalgia, place of attachment of muscles to bones in one region: shoulder, pelvis, neck, chronic
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fatigue syndrome. roughly speaking, in all these diseases we do not find any pathology, irritable bowel syndrome, i have already started that this is a diagnosis of exclusion, but how can we exclude? you need to do a colonoscopy, that is, roughly speaking, if you were diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and forgot, but you didn’t have a colonoscopy, well, since you are still young, let’s say this is wrong, you have symptoms. there may already be something behind this a whole list of diseases, so until a colonoscopy has been done, the diagnosis has not been established, it is always a diagnosis of exclusion. the reasons may include food allergies, so tests must be carried out; these may be non-allergic or other mechanisms of intolerance to various foods. and how foods can provoke symptoms and how foods can relieve
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symptoms, treat this irritable bowel syndrome, i’ll tell you... after we pull ourselves up, so, baby, i need a hand, you’re healthy, guy, you’re probably pulling yourself up too, well, how would it be? catch up, want to review us, app or website,, then, what foods provoke irritable bowel syndrome and how does lifestyle affect this condition? in the section for the soul and body we’ll talk about mistakes, why it’s important to be able to make mistakes and whether you need to forgive other people’s mistakes, often behind this, we must take enough, that’s all... can it provoke the opposite, do probiotics help relieve pain, reduce this the amount of loose stool, is it true that constant stress can lead to the syndrome? irritable bowel, today we’ll talk about
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the mistakes of our own and those of others, who never make mistakes, it’s dangerous, should we forgive ourselves for mistakes , should we forgive the mistakes of others, it pops up just like that, we’re just ready to kill, it seems to me that the most important thing is not to make mistakes, i you know how it flared up before. just like gunpowder, hello, hello, mouse, forgive me, but it’s impossible without you, the premiere is on rtr, decent girls are having breakfast at this time, and you are where, exactly, the sniper worked, marya sergeevna believes that everything is wrong here so it’s simple, but i trust marya sergeevna, what did you think, what could i think, okay, i won’t detain you, detain me, please, i ask, detain me, new secret investigations. we'll watch it on monday on
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rtr. the hay is shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, completely without faces. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. dad, this is my fiancé,
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joji. lord george peakcock, lord. there are so many foreign tourists, we have seen miracles here , we have driven them all away and, as they say, you are welcome. to harass zhorik, i will file for divorce. the best son-in-law can only be a son. meet georgie, this is your father. what? this is the same doctor with whom you were drunk once. and i kept wondering what was wrong with you, you fetka nose. son, dad, golden dad
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, december 30 on rtr, everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks... the vacation can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him: vote in the village, directly, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i’m already on this, by the way , i wrote a statement, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient. we continue the topic: irritable
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bowel syndrome, how foods affect what - they can increase or decrease symptoms. so, often behind this is intolerance to milk sugars (lactulose), and we advise for 2 weeks. completely giving up dairy products and then we’ll see if you feel better or if you feel worse, because if you feel better, the answer is clear, we recommend that you avoid them, second, we must take a sufficient amount of fiber, vegetables, fruits and so on, whole grain products, in fact , sometimes doctors prescribe fiber from the pharmacy, and there are several drugs containing fiber and we give 25 g there, wash it down with water, and so on , which also normalizes, products with vegetable protein are important, although there is also a question
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of why products increase... so, we got into the ice cream with ourselves, now we will fix it, you and i got into the ice cream, these are all the things that can increase syndrome irritated intestines. so, we have already talked about diet, we are talking about what can increase, what can decrease, now about medications, yes, antidepressants, yes, this is amitriptyline, antidepressants. the first generation drug of choice for all these
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diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, fimermyolgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and myofacial syndrome, modern antidepressants also work successfully. historically, antihallergic drugs that relieve spasm, prevent, block the effect of the nervous system on the intestines, but they help. do probiotics help? well , it would seem that the microbiome and probiotics, let’s say, should help. but we cannot prove the effects in any way; work is being done; i think this is a problem in the probiotics themselves, in delivery, and so on. by the way, if in fact, in addition to antichalenergics, in addition to antidepressants, if you have diarrhea, then drugs for diarrhea, lopyramide, are quite acceptable to take, relieve pain, reduce the amount of loose stool. well, what else can i say, there are other drugs that have appeared specifically to relieve symptoms. modern
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drugs, they are available, but so to speak, if you don’t change your lifestyle, nothing will happen that unites all these uh symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, this is the absence of some physical indicators that something is wrong, everything is normal in a person, it just hurts, and dosed physical activity is important here and there, aerobic , well... it kind of reconfigures your receptors in the right direction, they stop reacting falsely to everything like that, otherwise you know how, uh, wolves-wolves. here i have questions: is it true that constant stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome? yes, of course, the influence of stress is undeniable, and this is so. you talk about this, but doctors still rarely make this diagnosis, but because this diagnosis is an exception, as i already said, it requires some work. because based on
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your symptoms, any doctor will easily say: well, yes, you have a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, but officially, i say again, this is a diagnosis of exclusion, the symptoms are so characteristic that i have irritable bowel syndrome, you need to see a doctor, it’s not your place to diagnose yourself , how to avoid missing out on a more serious illness due to irritable bowel syndrome, that’s what i ’m telling you about, what kind of special nutrition, i’m also talking about nutrition, well, i think we so
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to speak this topic. you feel somehow sad, you lyran spoke about one thing, this is more than a crime, this is a mistake. you see, mistakes can really be made by an inexperienced person, when you don’t know, you go your own way, you can’t help but make mistakes, moreover, a person who never makes mistakes, the bushido complex, the samurai code
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of conduct, there is an episode where they wanted to choose one young man for a leadership position, but everyone was against it, because this young man had an argument somewhere and... i agree, a person who never makes mistakes is probably dangerous, in any case it’s difficult to calculate him, you know, experience is clear, i stepped on it, my leg was pressed, and i will already look at my feet, should i forgive
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my mistakes, should i forgive the mistakes of others? yes, mistakes, mistakes are different, because that's how to distinguish a sincere mistake from betrayal, from disrespect? from, excuse the word of indifference , this is a big difference, well, look at how we behave, let’s say, on the roads, someone made a mistake, but cut off by accident, no , he catches up, they are ready to kill, they are ready to kill, he jumps out with a machete, they are just ready to kill, why is that, by the way, i have a personal friend, a healthy two-meter athlete, well , he says that just like that on the road they jumped out at him, and he was wedged, and he... rushed at them, he says: glory god, i didn’t catch up with them, because i would be in prison right now, i had a strong desire to kill them , where does this flare up from, our whole life is natural, a chain of mistakes, then mistakes have
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one such property: often we understand that it was a mistake only in hindsight, we make a decision, we understand some structure, behavior model. and then we understand, you know, they say , smart with hindsight, this is how it happens, you know, in the same samurai code it is written that the long road is the shortest, the surest, why is the long road to the goal, because when you go straight, you won't get there, you can... go only by making a chain of mistakes, each mistake leads to some other movement , and so on and so on, then you come to the goal, on a short path you simply won’t get there, and from here there is great wisdom, you made a mistake, don’t
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take a step back, if it’s a real mistake, you did something, but you chose the wrong profession, and you realized, well, i can’t be a doctor or vice versa? i want to be a doctor, try to make something further out of this, from this example i’ll tell you about my mother, she entered as a gold medalist, then without exams, in aviation institute, already in my first year i realized that i had made a mistake, but it wasn’t hers, then she went down the mountain, broke her leg, an open fracture, they just took her for granted, they said, but you’re skiing down this hill, i easily, even though it was my first time on skis. well, i ended up in the hospital , i fell in love with medicine for the rest of my life, with doctors, and accordingly i entered medical school, i spent my whole life as a doctor, that is, don’t persist in your mistake, be flexible, you took the wrong
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step, made some mistake, move on, go , don't be afraid, don't be afraid to experiment, here you go look, well, for example, i ’ve been moving all my life, i first went to graduate school, then i wanted... i survived, i started flying to america, i realized that, probably, this medicine that i saw was the best, i need to go there , so to speak,
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through... an error from experience, because an error is precisely an error when you do something out of ignorance, or out of a false idea of ​​the situation, and so what, we cannot know the truth, we are all not oracles, we are not all saints, it seems to me that the most important thing in our mistakes is not to be mean to others and not to commit betrayal, because this is no longer a mistake, you can offend a person by accident, yes by accident, i’ve had this happen many times in my life and i have to blurt out such a thing, and then... life has hit me with this many times, i had this happen during distribution after institute, i
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had to go to the all-union cardiology research center, a request came to me, on assignment they assigned me to a simple clinic, it was like a bolt from the blue for everyone, the order came, then when i began to find out what and how, it turned out to a representative of the ministry of health came to our institute, and i was selected for a targeted residency, that is, you are taken for subsequent work in the ministry of health, i somehow refused, in fact, i laughed at this somewhere, but the woman was offended and apparently decided that if so, you will go to work in a district clinic , no graduate school for you, and i didn’t even notice then, i didn’t do it on purpose , i made a mistake, i did it, i learned a lesson, i learned it, by the way, this happened to me several times later in my life, but i really.. .he did this, well, without the desire to offend, without the desire offend, and yet there was a mistake, i
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am very lenient towards people who make mistakes, i used to, you know, flare up just like gunpowder, now i understand that you can’t not make mistakes, this is not life, then, what does a mistake mean? , she may be a mistake today, in fact, this may be what... thanks to what you live, make a career and so on, this happens very often, you know, this is my grandfather’s brother, he so wanted to be a philologist, and my dad forced him, my great-grandfather, uh, to become a physicist, well, for a long time he thought that this was a mistake, then he became an academician in physics and an outstanding person, so we never know, you are mistaken, a mistake, this is the manifestation. life, that is why, whoever does not
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make mistakes is suspicious, and such people cannot be trusted, dr. resnyakov was with you, i wish everyone good health and live until our next meeting, and goodbye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sittal, hello, russian long-range aviation day, today is their professional holiday, this is a unit of our military space forces, part of the country’s nuclear triad. an elective congress is held today the communists and the just russia party. the main issue is the nomination of their


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