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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  December 24, 2023 5:46am-6:11am MSK

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the spiritually strengthening program “when everyone is at home” is on air. and today, with great joy, i don’t know for the umpteenth time, nikolai petrovich burlyaev receives us. nikolai petrovich, good morning, let me sing, i’m very glad to see you, very much, but god himself told me, i’m a warrior, i swore an oath to serve russia, maybe i ’m not good enough for this, but apparently someone like me will be useful today, remember in borodino , we’ll go and break the wall. we stand for our homeland, i wrote this so that the word becomes true, it must be confirmed by life, but we can say where is our meeting happening? maybe i created a golden film forum, there’s nowhere to go, no office, no money to pay, then, well, his holiness patriarch kirill blessed me to find this cell of the 16th century.
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in the st. andrew's monastery and here i have been for many, many years, this is a real cell, this is a real monastery and a real cell, and here such... peace is our refuge, because if this were not there, where would the orthodox slavs who claim traditional spiritual and moral values, our program has become older, but still she is entering her thirty-second year, and she is naturally also developing her internal interests, now they have grown to the point that the program discusses the question of the destiny of a person, when a person was born, he is destined for something, but the main thing is that...
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the king who will fight evil and win so that people live in harmony, peace and love.
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she was not there, the last child, the fourth in the post-war family, in general an extra family appeared, so to speak, there was always the last one, and this, by the way, is very good that a person feels like he is the last one, that from childhood they didn’t tell me that, well, you, it was later, when ivan’s childhood, the critics’ uncles and stupid aunts, stroked the heads, said, you’re a genius, you, you play like a great artist, that ’s true. it’s dangerous to tell young people this , so i foresaw my fate, now everything is only being fulfilled, if a person has divine destiny, there are forces that are trying to bring him down, that are trying to stop him, so that he does not complete his task, how did you survive, god saved, there were a lot of temptations, temptations, in general, in in principle, children who become actors, they very rarely remain in
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the profession, because now you have become famous, now i say that you are a genius, yes, and then suddenly they don’t film a genius, but what to do, you are no longer on the covers magazines, newspapers, but they forget about you, but they told you that you are a genius, and what should you do, this begins, and you are offended by fate, they didn’t appreciate me? people become drunkards and life ends, that’s how i survived, i don’t know, because even like everyone else there were a lot of temptations, and i described this in my poem: spending empty time with elite in smoky taverns, sickening night vigils, feasts in creative houses, company of idle fun, a strange bed, the pain of a hangover, but they loved picnics with...
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some kind of fear, it was at the age of 5, i was scared by a boy, a neighbor in the dark corridor, and began to stutter. it seems to me that it is also important to emphasize here that these innocent pranks can end very badly, you have to be very careful with this, and i don’t remember how, but he somehow scared me so much in the dark corridor that i completely lost consciousness from fear what kind of moscow do you remember? post-war? the spirit was different, the spirit was wonderful, well, the soviet spirit, collectivism was there, the doors were open to everyone, i lived in a communal apartment, in moscow, in a communal apartment, the valnovs lived for a whole century, sometimes they lived peacefully, sometimes scandalously, neighbors of 20 people,
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socialized apartment , alternated from the toilet, swearing at the confusion of genders in the kitchen at five tables, i brought rocket launchers from ivan’s childhood, here the ring unscrews, twitches and they gave me a whole box of rockets, and i brought it home, i kept it somewhere there, and i think let me go i will make people happy, gorky street, there
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are columns coming, people are walking along gorky street, everything is open, yes, i went out with this rocket launcher to the center of gorky street, there from this... i opened it, immediately two people were under my arms, then for a long time i had to explain where i got the rockets from, at school how the teachers treated you , and what the forecasts were, and somehow, well, i also felt like the last one, it was difficult for me because i stutter and well, i sometimes took advantage of it, yes , okay, go, yes, that’s it, so there were some tricks here too. but generally good but i studied in a regular school until the seventh grade, then i ended up in a school for working youth, where we studied 3 days a week, children from the bolshoi theater, from the moiseev ensemble, my classmates, tanya tarasova, alyosha ulanov, ira rodnina studied there , his
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partner is two grades younger, that is , this school is amazing and the teachers are wonderful, and i say to nikita mikhalkov: nikita, how old are you? how are you studying, he says, like 6 days, i say, really, but we are 3 days, the teachers are like that, they give grades like that, then that’s it, where is such a school? i say yes next to your home, he came there, graduated from the tenth grade, nikolai viktorovich, the way they taught you is now the same, i don’t know how they teach now at the shchukin school, which i graduated from, now i teach, i teach in avgik, i teach a course..
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.. a very long time ago, now i got there, suddenly i see , this teacher tells his students, the most important thing is fame, this is success, then i tell my courses, this is not true, fame, success is the worst thing that can happen for an actor, this is a great temptation, another professor is already deceased now, when he asked.
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i live with the feeling of andrei’s constant presence in my soul, i remember him every day in prayers, sometimes he comes to me in a dream, and we talk to him, he comes incredibly cordial and... like i have never seen him in life, there in eternity , he is clear,
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the sky became his home, not for the sake of money, now we do everything for the sake of money, this is market cinema, monstrous cinema, these series, vulgar, stupid, absolutely, the film is like a prayer, spoken, and i say at the film forum the golden knight , i preach that... and the screen, this tv screen, cinema, white square, it should strive to be like an icon, that is, you, the artist, must raise your soul to the lord god through this screen, say that there is a creator, no, there is no death, your soul will live forever, but how to live, to direct there, for now, that’s where we’re going, but i think we ’ll turn it around.
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we look at the investigation on monday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the bulge, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows,
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answer, then with humor, i would think to chop, not to pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i’m not someone who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if i know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for the head pain and god forbid now, if you win, then... hurray, 100 to one, only on rtr, the golden lion of the venice film festival for the best actor is awarded to ivan aleshkovsky, you look like a clown, uncle, the accused is given a punishment. in the form of 750 hours of community service, some 3 weeks, but i can’t
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last a day here on this island of my happy childhood, ivan aleshkovsky expressed a desire to head a children's theater club, keep it simple, hello genya, roll call, 1 2 3 4 people will reach out to you, i'm sorry, i can't get used to the fact that you can be good, so i'm clinging, it's okay, you marry me and you will cling to the laws. people's artist on friday on rtr they take me away into the lazy snowy distance, three white horses, oh, three white horses, december. january and february, blue light december 31 on rtr, when everyone is
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at home, when parents want to encourage the child to do something, tell me, is it possible to use it as an incentive by showing the child recognition of the one who is involved in this business? well, in some ways, even the success of this business, can this be an argument for getting a child interested? every soul of god, it has its own destiny, you can... help, help, but unobtrusively, you cannot make children what you want them to become, you want them to become doctors and your son wants to become a director , let’s say, or someone wanted to be there, and if he doesn’t know who he wants to be, he doesn’t know everything, what to offer, there’s an infinite amount or wait until the desire ripens in him, it’s difficult
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for me to answer, because everything was simpler for me, in the fifty-ninth year i blocked it. i care about andrei konchalovsky , who called me as a thirteen-year-old boy: come here, boy, and he practically determined my destiny, he, but he had to appear in my destiny, this man, now sometimes i say that even if it weren’t andrei sergeevich, konchalovsky, then in a year or two, maybe torkovsky or someone else would have called, but it had to be, but the lord pushed andrei sergeevich konchalovsky onto gorky street to house 6. on this day, at this hour, at this moment, i asked him a question, why did you call me, he thought a little, then he said, he was walking down the street angel, such a compliment, i , i didn’t think that i was some kind of angel at all, i know that i am a sinful person, but he determined my
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fate, so you can’t push, the lord still leads, but now you don’t know, boy, girl, whoever you want... mortal form, but powerful, imperishable light spirit, promises a book, film , canvas, water will wash away stones, a pile, the meaning of life is in the purity of a child, the goal is to help people rise in soul,
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the main national treasure, i consider language, because only language can show who is of what nationality, who.. ... of such a culture, when this heritage is not treated with care, and sometimes vulgarly and rudely, a protest arises, some kind of insult arises. how much did you read as a child, how was the culture of the language formed? i tried to read, i tried, i thought that, in general, i didn’t read much, but i was selective, i read only what fell on my heart, if it didn’t fit... i closed the book, by the way, from poetry, russian poetry, i chose what i am reading now and read a little, but what is extremely important for a person’s soul, extremely important, i am selective , but then i discovered the gospel, the bible, after andrei rublev, my first
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confessor, father alypiy, gave me the book, this is the abbot of the pskov-pechersk monastery, the former and... he was my confessor, so he gave me this book, and after this book everything is overrated after the gospel, i remember it covered everything with my, well , underlinings, because i understood that this is me, this is what i will take into my film, lermandov into my film, this, this will be useful to me, i wrote everything down, and it really all came in handy later, moreover, when they say, this is imitation, well, imitate the great, and you will...
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he had a bad character, that so-and- so, short, bow-legged, like a temple, offended poor marten, overnight, well, all this, all this is a lie, only one the author who alermontave wrote, this is what he thinks about lermontov, close to me, this is daniil andreev, imagine what would have happened if lermontov was allowed to live to age. there is tolstoy, when all the doubts and worries of life have already subsided, and he reaches such a peak, which... the whole world would look with reverence and delight, if they did not allow lermant to do this. all the gossip about him is that he has
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a bad character, that is, everything, all this is a lie. yes, aren’t we at home, not in russia, so why aren’t we afraid of the french? no, svyatoslav, the truth must be spoken loudly, people will hear and understand, that means can. they are trying to occupy some government positions, that’s when it is, and in general you need to know this, in the 19th century, when this phrase was born, it looked like
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patriotism even for the last scoundrel, it was uttered in 1775, then they shoveled it , yes , it was pronounced with a completely different meaning, the word patriot was written with a capital letter, it must be written with a capital letter, it must be written and just... i want to address this, that patriotism is not measured by the size of the flag that you wave, but the banners under which you stand, he is measured by when you bring more benefit than you receive in salary, that’s where your benefit is, and it’s always been like that for me, a small salary always worked 100%, that’s what drove me, this is amazing, i’ve always been a patriot, since childhood i was a patriot of my... nation, i saw all the shortcomings, yes, i criticized khrushchev, brezhnev, all this happened, but i was a patriot of my country, but for our generation, this is
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the generation of mikhalkov, the holy patriarch, we are all people of the same generation, we were lucky because we were brought up on good films, so i came into the hall of a boy of the central metropolis cinema, a repeat film, now it was all destroyed, i watched. films about alexander nevsky, ushakov , nakhimov, suvorov, about zoya kosmodemyanskaya, about alexander matrosov, i sat in the hall as a boy and thought, but i can do this, it’s genetically embedded in us, it sprouted in our time, the immortal regiment suddenly went wrong order, people got up and went. nikolai petrovich, can you be called an official ? well, now there is a position, it seems, but that’s it.
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that here i am proposing an idea, and once in 7 days they take me away and see me off like one of their own, thank god he’s taking me in, lord, well , i can voice it, push someone, i want to listen to the phrase official, and there the main meaning is not in the person, in the word duty, because the official from the word must, they somehow forget about it, and if he must, then there is a uniform, then there is the honor of the uniform of this very thing, if we return to our classics, nikolai vasilyevich gogol, what is he like, how did you discover him for yourself? this is a christian, one of...


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