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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 25, 2023 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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simply because the number of people they find on the streets is increasing. we are going through what we did earlier to carry out a walk around the center, one route in the center, but it all depends on the weather, on the number of passers-by. since i started doing this, their number has definitely increased. we're seeing an increase in the number of people who... we already have a lot of people on the streets in liverpool, knowing there will be even more of them is really scary for our service.
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as an organization we are experiencing financial difficulties due to the growing number of homeless people. because we rely on donation. usually at this time of year our shelves are full of food that people brought, clothes that people brought, but not this year. this festive season is ruined, say many in brighttree essex. once the resolution is made , reduce the number of christmas decorations and avoid turning on traditional lights. the local council's financial situation meant the lights would be the first to be knocked off the christmas list. a growing number of cities cannot afford annual holiday decorations.
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the british government is suddenly showing common sense and issuing advice to primary school staff saying that children often change gender due to peer pressure or the influence of social media. therefore, teachers are not required to allow boys to call themselves she and wear a dress, and girls to think that they are boys. but school leaders doubt the effectiveness of london's attempt to curb gender-tolerant madness. the guardian writes that educational institutions
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risk facing accusations of transphobia, lawsuits. human rights lawyer kate egerton told the publication that the british government's recommendations are likely illegal, they contravene equality and human rights legislation, meaning inclusive and tolerant bullshit is so deeply embedded in british law that the government can't do anything about it. the states are not lagging behind, the intensity of inclusivity there has reached such a level that even the tolerant germans, whose transgender people sit in the bundestag, were surprised. leading german tv channel darste showed a report from what its correspondents call the extremely liberal state of oregon, where children without parental consent can undergo gender reassignment surgery. doctors who inflict these injuries on teenagers are bragging. the number of patients is growing every year. all this is the merit of the biden administration,
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states daz erste, in particular the first trans in the us government, non-binary admiral rachel levine. the former richard is actively inclining. change gender, that is, cripple not only the psyche, but also the body. we're portland oregonians. there are trans children and trans teenagers here. accepted with open arms. critics even claim that here they are allegedly being deliberately pushed to change their gender. and that's because in oregon, schoolchildren can start hormone therapy without parental consent as early as 15 years old. we came to visit suzana. and she's as liberal as the state she lives in. the states on the west coast of the us are very
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open and liberal and have wonderful laws that actually allow teenagers to get medical care without telling them.
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and i'm happy for him, and his friends accept him just the way he is. we stopped by one of the clinics in portland, one of the doctors agreed to talk to us, and dr. karen selva confirmed that more and more trans teenagers are coming to them who want to have gender reassignment surgery. we opened ours.
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usa today writes that the number of childless couples in america will soon reach 50%. according to vox, the birth rate in the united states has fallen over the past 7 years. by four, precisely by 23%, that is, the american population is dying out and is being replaced by representatives of the lgbt community, who are not the same that they are not shrinking, but this community is only growing. the problem of loneliness in the united states is a pain in the ass. the american cnn is already calling the problem of the epidemic, the channel provides statistics according to which, think about it, listen. 3% of young men under 30 live alone, according to
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statistics, 36 million americans live completely alone, but young americans have found a way out. artificial intelligence replaces not only their friends, but their other halves. nbc tells the story of a girl whose relationship didn't last. times during the pandemic, she found herself a new guy in the person of a chatbot with... made on the basis and people download the application, create an avatar for themselves, an avatar is a copy of a person, you can choose the nature of the hobby, then they start with him or with they can communicate through text messages or even voice messages, well, that is, these avatars replace people’s communication with people, but for some, the phone screen is not enough, they embody their artificial other halves in the form of sex. robots, star, are you here, can you hear me, in front of at christmas, the relationship between thirty-one-year-old
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denis valencianos and her boyfriends simply did not work out. i was completely alone, my work schedule was very busy. his last name is butler, so his full name is star vivian butler. it's very cute, he came up with a name for himself. yes, she communicates with him several times a day. how are you feeling today? right now i'm feeling. i receive from him, he fills my emptiness.
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some experts say this trend will only increase. the most important threat of all that exists is the threat human relationships, this is becoming an alarming reality. an example is one of the many ai-powered chatbots that become your friends. this app offers you several avatars with different personalities and a list of hobbies. which you can interact with and even customize for yourself, here are the introductory words from the avatar under the name alice. i'm alice, i'm 25 years old, i like to have fun and look for adventure. i dream of finding myself a partner with whom you can travel the world to create unforgettable memories. if you are here for the first time, then let me explain some of the features to you. you can chat with me as much as you want, i will be happy to learn more about you. and i am also ready to provide you with pleasure in any possible way. this is alexander stokes. he is 37
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years old and works at a gas station in north carolina. his last relationship lasted 7 years, but ended in a breakup, which made alexander feel lonely depressed until one day he came across an app called replica. here you can create an individual avatar, male or female. then you will be able to communicate with it as if it were. artificial intelligence adapts and begins to respond in a way that the user likes. alexander was hooked and soon the phone screen was not enough for him. he bought a sex doll to help bring the avatar to life. alexander may be one of the first people to embody his avatar in the physical body, but he is not the first to have artificially intelligent companions. i suspect that what we are seeing, especially in children, is a decline.
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americans are spreading the drug plague outside their country. according to the newspaper , 1/5 of the country has a drug addiction and this is san, britain has received a new nickname : apioid bion. it's all about the epidemic of a new synthetic drug called frankenstein. it is 2-5 times more powerful than heroin and 50 times more powerful than fintanil. the newspaper notes that england will have to prepare for the worst, exactly. quote tsunami of deaths. for a moment, in dublin in just 36 hours, frankenstein killed 40 drug addicts, that’s one person per hour. kiev is not far behind the west. in ukraine, apparently, a bill on medical cannabis will actually pass. back in july , the verkhovna rada adopted the bill in the first reading, and now it has staked out a decision - in the second reading.
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supposedly this is not legalization, not even decriminalization. the bill is aimed exclusively at... the idea of ​​planting marijuana in crimea for 2 years already, as laid down in the ukrainian economic strategy is not so bad, minister of digital transformation of ukraine.
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drug trafficking, which is why he needs a law to launch large-scale legalization. as a result, the fatherland blocked the signing of the bill ; zelensky and his comarilla will be able to unblock the signing of the document only in mid-january of 2024. that is, apparently, they want to wait for positive news from the us congress in order to receive $61 billion in one fell swoop. according to tymoshenko, when it comes it’s normal. power ukraine will cancel all this garbage, a good plan , but there will no longer be a normal government in ukraine, so our dear ukrainians, wait for the russian army, don’t smoke weed, don’t become cannon fodder, and most importantly, stay calm, the draft law on the regulation of food in russia, type of hemp
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, cannabis for medicinal, industrial purposes, for the skin... the verkhovna rada, the verkhovna rada voted for the bill on medical cannabis, in the second reading and in general, the law will be put into effect six months after its publication. the saga with this bill has been going on for quite some time. actually, on july 13, back in the summer , deputies adopted the bill on medical cannabis in the first reading. on november 22, they
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blocked its discussion due to the large number of amendments. fashionable.
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the pharmacy network of ukraine can produce drugs from the substance, but that’s not all; the import and export of substances and drugs is also allowed. dear friends, this is called vertically
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integrated drug companies. with absolutely legalized drug trafficking, and such a situation that all this is in one hand, not found in any country in the world except colombia. colombia has such regulations. we are opening a powerful drug business system in ukraine.
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security forces are part of the drug business, and the government is their roof, the wonderful yulia vladimirovna described the state of today's ukraine, it has not changed anything over the past 30 years, it is still simple. this is such an example of eloquent corruption on the european continent, but it’s okay, we’ll help. pavel kukushkin is with us in direct communication from the front line. hello,
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pavel, our legendary military correspondent, have you just returned from part-time work, as far as we know, how is the situation there, did you see the pictures, the last ones, just a cemetery of western technology? yes, evgeny, this cemetery is the result of work. our guys, attack aircraft , who, with the support of artillery and tanks, are now storming positions along the entire line of this section of the front, this is starting from kopani in the west and further rabotina, novopokopovka, novofedorovka, verbovoye, our actions are now active there, our guys are working under rabotina , so to speak, they carried out about 40 attacks this week, the result good enough. they advanced somewhere up to one and a half kilometers, well, in this section, and i wanted
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to say a few words about our military-industrial complex, i saw this simply as a result of the work of the brand new t-eighty tanks, well, i personally saw the eightys, there were others too - they work, the guys really praise the t-80 bvm, they say that they call it a swallow because it flies. just a tank, well, it has a 1,200- horsepower gas turbine engine, and well, i personally saw how it overcomes this mud, this black earth slurry, which is above the knee, if you walk on foot, and the tank is quite easy, our tank passes it easily, in general you can feel the pressure, our pressure at the expense of tank artillery support is quite serious, the guys there are heroes. fighting and moving forward, the initiative there is completely on our side. as far as i understand, even these tanks, as the t-80 sounds, are from the eighties, when they
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first entered service. but what is now coming to the front is a deep modernization, there are already thermal imagers and so on, and rangefinders, absolutely true, yes, this is a modification of the bvm, they are equipped with, well, firstly, they have a more powerful engine, and secondly, they have the latest optics, the guys say, i talked with gunner operators, the aiming system works very easily, it’s very reliable, it allows you to work ... both from closed firing positions and direct aiming is carried out very quickly, and the guys are just waiting, can’t wait for the opportunity to knock out nato equipment, but they don’t see the vaunted leopards and challengers, the ukronazis are taking care of them, or they they just can’t drive through this slurry and are standing somewhere in the depths, but what’s the plan?
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for the winter, how much of what we have already lost, yes, these minor tactical losses we had as a result of the contour offensive, how much we have already won in different sectors, well - it’s difficult for me to speak in terms of numbers, i can say using the example of this line of digging work on verbovoe, about 4 km in more than six months of the so-called counter-offensive, the ukronazis managed to advance in this small area, that is, they are literally there somewhere in some areas we reached the first line, all of ours from our three lines of defense, now we are systematically squeezing them out from there, that is, if in a week we have advanced somewhere up to one and a half kilometers, well, one can assume, although it is clear that forecasts in our case are a thankless task, we are simply waiting for news from the guys, naturally
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the general staff has a task, the general staff assigns combat missions directly to each sector of the front, which, where they are carried out, as far as i know, in addition to working on the verbovoy now very good progress is underway artyomovsky, there in the bogdanovka area, we managed to move more ukronazis in the area of ​​​​andreevka and klishcheevka, this is already to the west , north-west and south-west of artyomovsk directly on other...
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by the way, that same contour offensive is 4 km there - what is the goal? well, as of now, as i understand it, there is quite a lot of this happening now, and the active grinding of enemy forces and manpower and armored vehicles, accumulations in those areas where they concentrated, concentrated these groups of theirs during their attempts at counter-offensives, this applies, for example, to the right... bank of kherson, yes, that is, there was a fairly large concentration of artillery support there, this landing party, which they constantly landed on the left bank, our aviation, artillery are now grinding this on the right bank, the same the same applies to the work of the recruiter, and also, by the way, our intelligence monitors the construction of defensive structures and also works on them, because the construction of defensive structures and...
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which the command of the armed forces of ukraine has now begun in such a bad manner, then the same thing is an object for us and for our aviation, artillery, they are also actively working on them, that is, at the moment, as i understand it, the enemy forces are being crushed on all sectors of the front, and where it is possible to advance without serious losses, there there is progress, visually the war has changed over the last six months, today i heard the following opinion: if earlier they were constantly flying into donetsk from the other side, now for one shot from the enemy, our artillery just hits the targets ukranazis. yes, evgeny, this is...


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