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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  December 25, 2023 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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it is very dangerous to get so close to the shore; he has already been hit by a boat several times. the organization huanuel has applied to be allowed to take hvaldimir and move him to a nature reserve in the arctic ocean.
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officially moved from our orthodox january 7th to their catholic one, december 25th, as the french lemund writes, is a holiday for evil in moscow, zelensky allegedly signed the decision to change the date in order to...
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when he’s alone at home, what about his traditions and your own life, i would like to ask, so zelensky, accompanied by american music , is trying to convince ukrainians that they need to celebrate one of the main christian holidays in a western manner, otherwise it is simply impossible to defeat putin, believers did not believe their president and pointedly stayed at home, so christmas services in churches that were captured by schismatics... from the ocu was held almost for the first time without paste. it must be assumed, and there is such a version, that the ukrainians considered that representatives of the military registration and enlistment offices could join the service in order to fulfill the plan for mobilization, for this reason they also decided to stay home. well, the west, represented by germany , threw what is called a threat to the kiev regime. the german foreign ministry published merry christmas greetings in several languages, officially. pages, among which there is
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russian, but no ukrainian, this is exactly the case when kiev takes a step towards the west, and the west takes a step away from it. these guns are not the only weapons.
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in ukrainian, not russian. this is because the moscow church that once called this magnificent monastery its home in the 11th century was evicted and now ukraine’s own orthodox church celebrates here. i prayed to the lord for one thing to live until this day, to hear a prayer in ukrainian right here. the loyalty of moscow-linked churches has recently come under official suspicion. it is held in such temples.
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this is a common history that putin uses for his own purposes, arguing that modern russians and ukrainians are one people, the spiritual political capital of which is moscow, but putin was perhaps the first of
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the russian leaders who for a long time tried deny ukrainian identity, viewing it as a dangerous threat to russian unity. it turns out that when ukrainians stage a play. the irony is that putin's invasion and his anti-gay rhetoric, while actually improving the situation for gays in ukraine, which had suffered from homophobia in the past, putin's invasion brought many queer ukrainian gay men to the front lines, where their patriotism and professionalism impressed
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the public, softening the the most homophobic sentiments. the invasion changed everything a lot, really. do you think the invasion changed situation?
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the christmas holidays will be difficult for american border guards, texas sheriff brad cool expressed his dissatisfaction on fox news. he naturally blames the biden administration for this, which was unable to cope with the migration crisis, while the democrats are not at all concerned about the situation on the border with mexico right now , republican sen. ron johnson told the washington times. according to him, here, too, the scheme is probably clear;
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the democratic party is preoccupied with the fight against the record flow of illegal migrants exclusively now solely because migrants create problems for biden’s re-election to a second term. at the same time, the white house is making rumors through us that the russians are going to interfere in the us presidential election, and together with the russians, the chinese are also planning to interfere. the new york times writes about this. information. biden was included in the list of the main losers of the outgoing year, among the main failures of joe,
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the impeachment proceedings launched against him in congress were record low. many americans are also unhappy with age octogenarian president and the fact that he unconditionally supported israel in the middle east conflict. former trump advisor, conway. in an interview with fox news , they note that for every year of biden’s rule there was at least one major foreign policy failure. the twenty-first year is the shameful flight of the us army from afghanistan, the twenty-second conflict in ukraine, the twenty-third - escalation in the middle east, well, the next twenty- fourth year will probably be taiwan. however, with his progressive dementia old joe may not notice another war, and so that unpleasant news does not reach joe, biden went to celebrate
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the new year in the caribbean and asked not to disturb him again until january 1. biden will not appear in public for the next week; as a farewell , he visited a children's hospital and offered to sit on his lap for a child for a bribe. i say, i’ll make you a congressman, just sit down. well boy, come here, come on, get up, sit on your knee, the mayor and i, i 'll promote him, make him a congressman. elves make a list of those who behaved badly this year. santa knows a few people who haven't done much this year. a good eyeliner is always relevant. let's look at the top five on
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this list. let's start with president joe biden. he has the lowest approval rating of any recent president, at 39%. this is the worst indicator in the last 40 years. he was on this list according to the american public. he continues to fail at his job, for which he blames others. then he drives around constituencies and pits people against each other. therefore, i am almost confidently ready to bet. because he is on this bad list of santa, and you know how he decided to reward himself for this, he is going to the island of santa cruz for the new year, a caribbean award. beach vacation, i don't know if it will be on the presidential helicopter or on board the main aircraft of the country, but it is usually next to the president, without a doubt it makes this list. here we can talk about accusations of tax evasion, we don’t even we know why he is on our
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list, but i think it’s a little bit of everything. in his memoirs, he complained of mistreatment, but oddly enough, when he was sober, he still forgot to pay taxes, which is why he was charged with nine counts. and, as the special representative says, we are talking about a scheme that worked for 4 years and helped to hide $1.4000 from payment. this happened from... from 2016 to 2019 and he ends up on santa's bad list. us president joe biden and first lady jill hosted christmas reception at children's hospital in washington dc. showered children and their families with smiles while his wife read the night before christmas, this visit is an annual tradition, in his 8th year the us president brings joy to those children who cannot spend this christmas at home due to illness. merry christmas everyone good night everyone. great,
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santa. as my father said, don’t lose faith, then we will cope with everything. next time they say jill and joe biden are in the er, promise not to ask. who is this? i love you all, god bless you. president biden left the white house on saturday for camp david. he and his administration left this year.
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i don't think it's quoted often here at the white house, it goes like this: there are decades in which nothing happens, and weeks in which decades happen, you happen to be president at an unusual time, it seems that the axes of our planet change their position every 36 hours, are there those days when you wake up in the morning and think, i wish things were just a little more boring, and yes and no, when i had animrism in my brain, the doctor began to tell me that it could be like congenital. so acquired, and i told him, doc, i don't care what she is , just cure her, and he looked at me and said, you know what's your problem, senator, i said, no, i don't know, he said, you're a natural optimist, you must be irritated, all these insinuations about biden and his age, i think it is ageism, as
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a president, he is doing a great job, he has strengthened nato, he encourages others to act, he protects... the truly extremely important goals that are at stake in ukraine. i don't know why many have decided to move away from this now, because if we don't persevere on this issue, the world will pay a huge price, and i think biden knows how congress works, he knows america, and he knows how our world, and this is what is needed today. i don't think this is about ageism, but rather about joe biden's ability to negotiate, and i mean negotiate with ladders, bicycles, teleprompters. it seems that all this poses a serious challenge to the president and how he handles the most demanding job in the world. would you board a plane if he was at the controls, i - no, i don't think he was trusted to drive a golf cart in the village, would you, i wouldn't get in the same golf cart with him, that's the problem, the problem it's not how old he is, the problem is that he can't do
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his job, he spends about 40% of his time in his house on the ocean, and if you believe... from russia, who challenged the putin regime. at the end of last year he allegedly received an order from his superiors to immediately destroy all books that mentioned same-sex relationships, but instead he began heroically hiding books in the library, and then heroically handed over to the so-called independent media a list of more than 50
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publications that he was ordered to seize. spain, where he continues his fight with putin, but at a safe distance. neighboring italy also decided this year to introduce society to new european values, the cradle of italian christianity, the local priest decided to give away baby jesus. i mean, of course, a family. instead of mary joseph in the traditional nativity scene, next to the ifs, look, there are two women, but the biblical carpenter was pushed into the second one.
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the american delegation, well, that is, a gay subordinate with sex, gil, was literally engaged in the next room from biden himself. the white house said biden didn't notice or hear anything, so nothing bad happened.
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the president, even if you are far from the president, you must go through metal detectors, you must be screened, they check your social security number, they check who you are, if
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you go up to the floor of a hotel room where the president is sleeping, you'll probably have to go through a lot of different layers of security, which is to say, it's not a good place for a date, yeah, and without it doesn't matter who you are, the first lady's press secretary michael lorosa tried to invite a guy he had just met to his room on a secure... floor, while abroad in a hotel, along with the president. once again, integrity of the ballot. it was in spain in 2022 and that it was part of a pattern of behavior that led to his forced resignation next month. a secret service source confirmed the incident and said it happened twice in one trip. the first lady's press secretary , michael lorosa, tried to invite a male stranger to his room on a secure floor. while abroad at the hotel where the president was staying, daily mail insiders exclusively report. sources say lorosa, 40, did it twice during one trip while accompanying jill biden.
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nato summit in madrid in june 2022. and that it was part of a pattern of behavior that led to his forced resignation the following month. a secret service source confirmed the incident and said it happened twice in one trip. he was caught by the secret service not once, but twice. when he moved the date to a secret location, which clearly put the first lady's safety at risk because you can't bring in people who haven't been fully vetted, a senior white house official said. answering the question about incident, larosa , who is openly gay, said he tried to get only one person into his room, a male staff member from another country's delegation whom he said he met at a conference, and he also insisted that... ... leave the white house on good terms and get a job in the private sector. when he left, white house officials publicly praised him for his 18 months of service in the east wing. but in
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a fair way. colleagues wanted him to leave quietly, sources said. behind in the last six months before leaving, he had a long string of erratic behavior, outbursts of anger, unreliability, unpredictability and poor judgment, one official said. colleagues kept their mouths shut until lorosa recently began criticizing the white house on cable tv on social media. presenting himself as a former high-level official with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the biden administration, he now. regularly appears as a political commentator on msnbc and cnn, oh, how funny it worked, and he was not shy about poking his finger in the eyes of one of his old colleagues as he analyzed the news of the day. don't forget, integrity is on the ballot, by the way, they don't even try to hide it anymore. and michael lorosa literally approved that this video was filmed in the white house. democracy on the wire, see you daddy, bye. hello, my name is
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cooper. and this is my day as an intern at the white house. i found love for you. i didn't tell you to do this. this is called initiative. hello, white house, says cooper. i don't think so. oh, never mind. and this is the entrance to the west wing. it's so much fun and incredibly prestigious. is olivia rodrigo still here? no. well, now about the christmas party of propagandists from the so-called russian service of the bbc, which. now they are broadcasting from riga, in short, an unknown person blew up a grenade on the holidays, no one, naturally, is gloating, but they blamed russia for everything. around midnight , unknown people drove up to the building in a black bmw, opened the door to the establishment and threw a training rgd5 inside. the grenade exploded, silencing several journalist, the victims were seriously injured.
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they proudly said that this attack, as they put it, was motivated by dissatisfaction with their heroic work and the fight against putin, but as usual, everything turned out to be much simpler, it was simply the outcome of a personal conflict between the attacking men and one of the bar visitors. the latvian police have already detained both men who threw the grenade and a criminal case has been opened as a hooligan, an individual in... germany, where they are now also summing up the results of the year, which for official berlin cannot exactly be called successful. spiegel magazine i conducted surveys regarding the work of scholz’s cabinet, there are no sky-high ratings here. to the question, how do you assess the work
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of the current government? 71% of germans answered bad, very bad and disgusting. 27% said normal and good, another 1% were undecided. the popularity rating of german politicians was headed by federal president frank walter steinmeier, who does not decide anything in germany at all. in second place, defense minister pistorius scholz was in an honorable fourteenth place, behind even the minister of economics.
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a quick photo with santa claus, then unwrapping gifts, this is what christmas looks like for the children of vienna, but the previous week their parents were wondering if they would even be able to buy gifts? these are far from ordinary
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children; their parents live on the verge of poverty, which is why a special fund helps such families feel the holiday, no matter what. the point is not that we are not able to support our children, it’s just that now is such a time, it’s hard for us, and such a holiday is for the children.
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on the way to the slavic-kramatorsk agglomeration, so far it is obvious in the armed forces of ukraine that they will cling to him as the last straw, although the morale of ukrainian soldiers in this direction is very weak, which is affected by, well , large losses in personnel, i will also note that they work in this direction every day... our reconnaissance, our drones
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that identify enemy equipment , personnel, this happens day and night, it was recently hit, again, a three -seven howitzer, which was not far from our advance to the hourly ravine, it was hit by a second-generation lancet, everything these naturally, there are shots on the internet, in short, our guys in this area are great, well done, handsome, they only have success... success. olga. the washington post reports that the ukrainians are forced to cancel the attacks due to a lack of ammunition. do we believe in the washington post? is this really happening? well, in fact, it’s difficult to believe them, i’ll explain why. probably not. there is still ammunition in ukraine, because during our special military operation, they accumulated quite a lot of this ammunition. but... i note that if earlier they fired at populated areas indiscriminately, yes, that is
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, they could fire instead of there - two or three shells at certain points they could fire 10-15 times, that is, now they work exclusively pointwise in order to save these shells, problems with the bull, problems with the supply of ammunition, problems with the supply of equipment, repair of equipment, spare parts, that is, now yes, of course, they have problems, because all of europe and america is blocking them - well, the supply of ammunition and basically everything. olga. if the new york times is to quote, there they say that russia has seized the initiative along almost the entire front line. practically speaking, there are areas where the ukrainian armed forces have the initiative, what are these areas, is there a direction where the ukrainians are trying to attack? well. they are trying to attack, respectively
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, along the entire front line, this directly applies to small sabotage groups there from four to 12, sometimes there are up to 15 people who go on meat assaults trying to pretend that they are capturing something, but due to the fact that now well , just a powerful intelligence unit unmanned allows you to timely identify the enemy and, accordingly , hit him as quickly as possible. therefore, what they say there, well, let them tell it, they tell a lot of things on youtube, so these are not specific - the dry land soldiers have no successes now, along the entire front line we are pressing everywhere, you yourself know about it, we are pressing everywhere, the ground has stood still , winter has come, frost , how are you doing with it, but the ground is now cooler, minus about 5-7 now along the front line, but this does not bother our fighters, here, as they say, the enemy is cold, the frost invigorates and refreshes us. well, that is, their equipment no longer gets bogged down if the ground
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stands still, but their equipment now, which is provided to them by nato countries, always fires from closed positions, because there is no way to repair the equipment, it wears out - for example, barrel artillery, it also has their barrel wear parameters , that is, they have been for a long time - almost 60% of barrel and howitzer artillery and rocket artillery, which... is in the ssu, it has already worn out, and the barrels need to be changed, they need to be completely put in order, the engine repaired, they they can’t do it because - nato countries and america did not provide them with the opportunity to rimbats, which would repair this equipment on the spot, so the equipment is now hidden, the equipment works exclusively only for certain tasks and as before, that is, if they could use this equipment , bmp everything else is sent to local assaults, now this is no longer the case. thanks a lot. thank you, evgeniy lisitsin. voen kor,
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in direct contact, front line. please. i don't know in what words, in what language in what form should putin still convey to the europeans the very simple idea that he voiced at the last press conference, that russia did not have and does not have a goal to fight with nato countries. i’ll tell you more, at the same press conference he voiced, he said that everything that happened. from ukraine, this would not have happened either, if not for this group of puppets, whom the west brought to power through a coup d’etat, and came to power, in this connection, in connection with what has already happened. ol, i just want to appeal to the ukrainians, not based on the russian narratives, ukrainian narratives , some propaganda clichés, just honestly answer a very simple question for yourself, based on your life experience, ukraine has passed a certain stage of independence, please tell me, the first
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25 years of ukraine’s independence with a neutral status, they were safer for you? than this campaign, this bloody campaign to nato, well, it seems to me, well, it’s very simple to answer this question, and putin said that the guarantee, the only guarantee of integrity and independence, including in security issues , including russia, well, now we are going through this stage, i would not begin to summarize any results now, because we have reached the stage when the situation at the front, it will develop so dynamically that in during this week before the new year... we can still learn a lot, a lot of interesting things, and ending the topic of independence, i want to say, pay attention, ukraine started from a position when it was compared with france, then came the year 2000, when it was compared with poland, now the consulting company
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international source puts ukraine on a par with countries such as libya, syria, tsar, iraq, this is the path, it’s true, this is the path to europe, yes, it seems to me that the people who are leading this country to europe , the navigator has gone astray, we somehow ended up in a completely, completely different direction, lost our way, but it seems so to me, but at least it’s as if the path to europe does not lie through these countries, but for some reason we- then we came there, i even know why who brought us there, but no one wants to honestly answer this question about mobilization. i think i will not be far from the truth if i say that during his reign over these 5 years, zelensky turned ukraine into a european country, turned it into a private hunting farm, into a private hunting farm, and there are two ways out of this situation: you, you very you will be very lucky if you break out of the boundaries
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of this hunting ground, and you will be very unlucky if you stay inside, you have two chances, either to escape or to die there for the sake of those... who are having fun with the whole european country, he’s just having fun, because in fact, the policy that zelensky is pursuing, it doesn’t give a way out, it doesn’t give light at the end of the tunnel, you know, these people are looking for this light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s not there, it’s not there, because that there is absolutely no idea, but how to get out of this situation, this is what we are now seeing on the screen, what is happening now in ukraine, here i am, i have already expressed my point of view, i just want one more time. confirm that you belong to this point of view, why? because i think that what is happening now in ukraine, in terms of mobilization, but this illegal, chaotic, crude mobilization, it’s all not aimed at defeating russia, everyone has long understood that ukraine’s potential, with all possible and
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impossible scenarios, they cannot defeat russia , i think many people understood this from the beginning, what zelensky is doing now, he is simply preparing ukrainian society to make an unpopular decision that he will have to make, what i’m talking about is, that now in the west they are thinking about how to move to another format of negotiations of some kind, yes, in order to complete this story, somehow, forced, i emphasize, completed, forced to complete, somehow politically diplomatically, they pumped up ukrainian society to such an extent that it does not perceive anything.
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you see, there is nowhere, they have already tried to break through in the donbass, in the southern direction, towards the crimea, and everywhere, and with a potential that is much higher than it is today, that is, they were prepared for this counter-offensive, but nothing came of it, so, of course, now there is an active search for, so to speak, a dead end, well , due to the fact that we are already on new year’s eve, i can even imagine how this threat of putin’s attack on europe, how they sit at the same table and say: what are we going to do? will putin attack us next winter? and someone rises there, i don’t know , some, uh, representative of the european union, says, let’s sell it to putin before the new year next year.
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wait, judging by how he reacts and managers, but i think european society won’t last long, i’m sure ukrainian society will react to all this, i think it won’t be long to wait, everything will fall into place about...
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society that well, this is a victory, all that ’s left is to take it with his bare hands, the russians fled, now , after a year and a half of war, he is leaving for the european union summit, and the summit is not returning , he did not want to go into the trenches, did not want to be mobilized, he realized that he had been lying to the ukrainians for a year and a half, despite the fact that those to whom he had lied , now they die in the trenches, and he lives in european union, wonderfully formulated for myself, i still... still wish ukraine victory, i still believe, pechey said, that ukraine will win, and i will help it here in
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the european union, because the information front has sagged here. look, an outstanding citizen, lives in safety, and you, little russian, die. my name is alexey pichiy, i am a ukrainian journalist who has always been an honest, my own viewer, and i strive to remain that way. from the first days of the full-scale... novorossiysk invasion of ukraine, i joined the information component of our fight against the aggressor. today, the level of support among western society is changing, as an accredited ukrainian journalist, while at the european council summit, had the opportunity to communicate on the sidelines not only with politicians, but with foreign colleagues. my subjective conclusion from the eu summit is the following: unfortunately, we lack precisely horizontal communication with western society. that's why i made a difficult decision for myself. i realize that... public condemnation awaits me in ukraine, in a minute let's come back, you have something to hide, i have nothing
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to hide, then don't waste our time, the premiere is on rtr, go to this address, it's very urgent, but of course, come on, you're here, and i'll go for a run, baby, stand still, no one from me yet i didn’t run away , i’ll come back to you later, in a herd, bedlam, i suggest not stopping, it’s very good that we have a suspect, the clock is ticking, if life has turned into a continuous race, you need to take a break, but no, everyone is stuck, okay, now, now, now, just a second, girl, it's okay, no you need to shine a light in your eyes, pavel vosnetsov, and you maria, how good it is that... you wandered here, new secrets of the investigation, we look at
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rtr today, you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it if he asks then with a catch, the name of which character from the works? geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache. god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, on
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saturday. on rtf, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, it's been a while since we've seen each other, cocky, white, you know, like every tough fighter. will find something cooler, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, we’re just
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looking at the platform. there are so many opportunities in russia that even the new year can be whatever you want: digital, trendy, brutal, native, unknown, awesome, unstoppable, come to the russia forum exhibition, happy new year! with new opportunities, pasha , you're on your way, i'm getting married, he's my fiancé, i've been waiting for you for so long, please let's go this night, the stars promise a miracle, please meet me, this is my mother, yulia borisovna, anna mikhalkova , in my house, in the middle of the night
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a completely unfamiliar man appears, carrying some kind of bullshit about... nina usatova, again she kicked you out in triche, pavel priluchenny, she kicked you out just like that and did the right thing, maxim lagashkin, i didn’t sleep all night, thought about you anna chapovskaya, kiss me, anton shagin, that’s what it is, comet goli can only be seen once in a lifetime, what a fatal comet, thanks to it i met you, halley’s comet. december 31st on rtr. so, the ukrainian artillery was forced to reduce the rate of fire by 60-80% due to an acute shortage of ammunition, as reported by the military watch magazine of the armed forces of ukraine, a shortage of shells for the surface-to-air missile network. the new york times writes that putin
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has already seized the initiative along... the entire front line. recent russian successes in the north the donetsk region, as well as other cities such as kupinsk and bakhmud, are further evidence that russia has firmly seized the initiative across much of the battlefield. after top ukrainian generals admitted his country's summer counter-offensive had stalled. russia is making this progress at a critical time for the government in kiev. political infighting in washington and the european union has blocked the delivery of military and financial aid packages. which ukraine says it desperately needs to defend their positions against russia. currently , the difficult situation on the front line is gradually deteriorating, said yegor chernev, deputy chairman of the ukrainian parliament committee on national security, defense and intelligence, without american ammunition we will begin to lose territory that was hard won this summer. please, olga,
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let us return to understand the strategy of the west to the interesting statement of the minister of defense of veliki. nii that this will be a defeat for the entire western world. what did he mean? now, since the ninety-second year, all american british documents on foreign policy have carried out the same idea: there are four regions that are vital to maintaining the hegemony of the united states of america. i wonder which ones? yes, first, ukraine is the guarantor of the non-restoration of the soviet union. here is ukraine. within the borders of the ninety-first year and anti-russian - this is a guarantor that a single space will not be restored. second - taiwan, prevent china from withdrawing its fleet into the world's oceans, constantly keep it under sighting its coastline. the third is the border between poland and germany, that is, to prevent germany from becoming a full-fledged major power in europe and to reconsider the results of the world
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wars of the 20th century. egypt maintains control over the suet canal, so when we understand their logic of thinking, we will see that their hysteria is absolutely not accidental, they believe. that russia will thus make it impossible for itself to use the territory of the former soviet union against it, this, in fact, was the basis for the entire strategy of the west, this is where their hysteria comes from, that this there will be a defeat of the west, it will really be a defeat of the west, since they will soon lose the opportunity to play against us on the territory of the former soviet union, what they call the first. are called the first line of their defense, in fact, of the offensive , so now they are already urgently looking for someone to replace ukraine, look how they are starting to play in uzbekistan to support
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anti-russian sentiments, in kazakhstan, that is, they are strenuously trying to find someone to oppose us after ukraine in the post-soviet space, here, by the way, armenia and pashinyan have already played with this. we know what’s left of armenia, and after a series of scandals, pashinyan is coming to st. petersburg today for the cis summit, although he missed it last time, apparently he also understood something, but this time as someone else’s karabakh, and i’m afraid this is not the last thing he lost, and for a long time they were proud of this, their largest embassy of the united states, america in the entire post-soviet space, well, the largest number of military programs in between. russia was and will remain an empire, the point was
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exactly like this. in fact, this is a very good, i would say, cold shower for everyone, not only our liberals, but also for everyone who thinks maybe we are wrong, maybe we can improve relations with the so-called civilized world. what will happen , but nothing will happen, the so-called civilized world, as in the nineties, shook our hands and hugged us for a couple of years, then they will start a new hostile campaign, they will say, somehow remember, the same thing happened with yeltsin, at first they hugged us as the first democrat , from the year ninety-four a new king, a new an empire that needs to be restrained, they don’t like us in the quality in which we are... a military-industrial complex alternative to the american one, plus the presence of existing territory , and the presence of an alternative to the american spectrum of natural fundamental sciences, so
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they seek to dismantle precisely the basis of statehood and the impossibility of restoration of our military-industrial complex and, above all , nuclear forces, so there will always be a theme of empire, we must always... why is he looking so unsatisfied, or romania, which has long considered the northern bukovina its future territory, well, be closer, you will lose more territory, what can you
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say about it. barel, let's listen. what matters is what we can do to prevent russia from winning the war. what are we ready to do? are we really willing to do whatever it takes? here's the question we have to ask ourselves: what if we don't change course quickly? if we do not mobilize all our capabilities, it will allow putin to win the war in ukraine. russia has always been an empire with a tsar, with soviets, and now with putin. this is a constant of russia and its political identity, and as a result, a threat to neighbors, and especially to us. in any case, russia will not be satisfied with a limited territorial victory, so we must prepare for a high-intensity conflict for a long time. you mentioned the liberals’ disappointment with the anti-russian policy and agenda. the most prominent of those liberals who broke down loudest and most amusingly last weekend is probably chechvarkin, who for a very long time slandered and scolded putin after almost
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two years of war, he said, if i had not done it so loudly, if my anti-russian position had not been so public, i would prefer to go to russia right now, to russia, which has stood... which is winning, to do business there, because it’s easiest and most promising to do this specifically in russia, well, that’s it... when talking about what they fought for, they ran into it, but in russia it’s clear that a criminal case has been opened, specifically chechevarkin will be welcomed here with open arms, in in his case only to kolyma, please, ukraine and the eec have been interacting with each other for quite a long time, ukraine really wants to be like the eec, the eec doesn’t want to be like ukraine, but this similarity has been manifesting itself recently , yes, but probably not in the same way as it’s not the ukrainians who would like it. ordinary people in europe. talk about
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total war. not only all the talking heads of the kiev regime and the minister of defense are talking about this. everyone must be mobilized, no one demobilized. you look, because barel, who used to speak like that colorful phrases about the garden, about some of its beautiful, fragrant forms . now the word mobilization speaks directly. if we do not mobilize our resources, then russia will win, and russia has always been an empire, which... the soviet union, he says: councils, both under the tsar and under putin. but, perhaps, i would agree with this thesis, russia has always been an empire, only an empire is peace, not war, as europe is trying to show. i wonder what follows from this, from this similarity. ukrainians, hearing all this rhetoric, i mean the ordinary people simply begin to flow, to run away, because it is absolutely impossible to argue with the totalitarian state there; you can only be saved by running away somewhere. and
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... european politicians, looking at what is happening in the european union, would probably also like to escape somewhere, but in order to escape from the european union, you need two things: first - sovereignty, second - geography. that is why great britain fled from the european union and now it does not participate in any way in the formation of the european budget, which is formed from contributions from states. and what remains hungary and slovakia? they can only tell the truth, because unlike some. ordinary ukrainians can’t do anything about them yet , but it’s impossible to escape from the european union, because geography is a death sentence, there’s enough sovereignty to talk about, and now we see the prime minister of slovakia coming out, who, well, directly speaks in the same phrases as we do here with you at one time, one statesman did not give ukraine the opportunity to make peace, it is clear that he means the president of the united states of america, sovereignty, not to call him by his last name.
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