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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  December 26, 2023 12:30am-2:18am MSK

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“i was generally against this wedding , you see, i didn’t go to the wedding, it’s my fault, listen, no one is to blame except, what’s wrong with the child, everything is fine with the child, don’t worry, yes, we’re watching him, we’re listening with all our hearts, so that calm down, come home, sleep, and come tomorrow, oh, no, i can’t go home , i have to see her, you understand, i have to see her today, now i understand, you can wait, but i can wait”? then wait, i'll invite you after the evening, okay, okay, no, just calm down, please, i won’t take you to my daughter in this state, that’s it, everything’s fine, i’m sorry, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, that’s it, i’ll let you know, yeah, get away, yeah, yeah, i understand, thank you, yeah, yeah, okay , hello! nastya
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piminova, in which ward should i see her? hello. who are you? i am a friend, a good friend, i would like to visit, now i know for sure that this is allowed. nastya, intensive care unit, only relatives can go there, please wait for the appointment. yes, boranovsky. oh, irina alekseevna, yes. and i won’t tell you. your statement has arrived, everything is here appointment referral to regional trauma. college and they will tell you everything, doctor, what’s wrong with my wife? and your wife had a severe traumatic brain injury, as soon as she breathes on her own, we will turn off the device, no need, lie down, lie down, lie down.
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wait, sasha, do a ctg, as soon as the results are ready, i’ll go straight to the resident’s room, okay, what’s wrong with the child? we are watching, rest.
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alexandra alekseevna, here is the ctg. yeah, the sensors
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were installed properly, yes, i don’t like it, let’s go redo it, now it won’t work, she’s on operation, what other operation, the doctor came, a new anesthesiologist, said for a repeat operation, i offered to call the orderlies to help him, he said to cope on his own, she did not have any appointments.
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kostya, our bride has disappeared, i think someone stole her, i’m not joking. i realized everything, nastya, what an irresponsible moron i was, when you got ready to get married, you hit me, at first i thought i’d commit suicide, then i decided, no, i’ll beat you off, you left me, because i’m not a man, i’m not capable of an act . you see how i have changed, i wanted to pick you up straight from the wedding, bring you on the boat, but you didn’t come out, nastya, talk to me, but i
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love you very much, you hear, i love you, vaska, if you hear, shake my hand. nastyusha , nastyusha, don’t worry about your child, i’ll give him my name , he’ll ride with me on a water scooter, whoever you have, a boy, a girl, a girl doesn’t matter either, you know what they are like, he’ll give any kid a head start, but already. come on, my girl, open your eyes, i beg you, i love you very much, do you hear, i love you very much, please open your eyes, open your eyes, please open your eyes, i beg you, i
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love you very much, open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes, please get out of here, are you bothering us? she almost woke up, she almost came out of a coma , you are ruining everything for me, my girl, wait, wait, where are you taking her, you don’t understand, hands, she almost woke up, it was i who was on the boat, it was i who came for her, i i won’t leave her, lyubov nikolaevna, please forgive me, i don’t know how this happened, really, forgive me, get up, i love your daughter very much, i didn’t mean to, true, ringer, chlorine 150 slowly, space 120, prednisone, magnesium 20, trintal five,
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glucanate also 20, slowly, still do a trammel in the muscle, the condition is stabilizing, the friends stopped it. it’s also good that she was breathing on her own, her mouth, of course, almost killed her, she’s gone, here’s the child, hypoxia, anemia, everything took its toll, the heartbeat is very weak, let him die, let’s do a caesarean section, we weren’t caring for such a period, get ready operationally, well... why are you silent? and what will you get there in the twenty-fourth week? let's cauterize the renal vein and let’s pour a couple of dosas directly, if this doesn’t help, we’ll be in a mess, and if we don’t have time, the risk is huge, let’s try it ourselves.
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guys, i think you’re going to have a caesarean, plans have changed, the reaction has started, the heartbeat is increasing, it’s already 80, but why the chopato?
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and so they took him away for a second operation, but you broke up with him, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, well , why are you at all, why are you so attached to a person, he’s suffering, he’s sick, he’s a patient, he’s a murderer. he poisoned his wife, wrapped him in a carpet and carried it in his trunk, what are you talking about? this monster is unidentified, in his i drank poisoned cognac in my apartment and went to the next world. that's it, that means it's like that, uh, we'll set up an outfit near his room, they 're waiting in your waiting room, please take the trouble to see him out, yeah, yes, yes, yes, galya, yes, maybe you're our head nurse, why? i’m collecting dirty laundry, you’ve got something mixed up, girls, i understand everything, is it time? everything is fine,
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don’t worry, let’s move it, uh-huh , let’s go, you’ll connect, uh-huh, my girl. well, the bastard, he poisoned his wife, she cheated on me, she wanted to leave me. "i'm not worth a penny put, i had to somehow stop all this, but this guy, i wanted to save him,
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he didn’t deserve it, when i saw that he was drinking this damn cognac, i tried to explain to him, he got into a fight, then i dragged him to yourself , and pinched your hernia, and your brain was pinched, and i was still a fool to defend you, idiot, but of course, god ordered everyone to be forgiven, fainushka, unfasten me, i’ll hide from your sight.” yes, you know where to go? but i understand, but good morning, hello, hello, hello, hello, irina alekseevna, how are you feeling, okay, you have the flu, why did you come, i’ll work in the office, i won’t operate. don’t be afraid, good morning , anatoly anatolyevich, we need
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to talk to you, hello, yes, of course, i heard rumors that you operated on yourself yesterday, good morning, good morning, yes, yes, there was a hernia, yeah, you didn’t it was, but something urgently needed to be decided, i wanted to get permission from you for the operation, but yes, and that right in the whole large department there was no one and not a single soul, the field is dead, or what, have i never in my life? i don't believe it, this is it turn on the place, and call somewhere else in the department to ask for help, no, no, thank you, you’re in trouble, well, this is a classic operation, i’ve been through this many times, as you said, a classic operation, yes, good, like after this classical operation, patient , great, great, all the equipment will fly with us, well , he’s going to the police now, he killed his wife, yes, i know everything, i know everything, i can congratulate you, right? on your first independent classical operation, congratulations, you
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can even call your dad, you can brag, i don’t forbid you, but with one thing condition, after my permission, it’s clear, and look for me wherever you want, eat the earth, find and get permission, it’s clear, yes, to be honest, i think you’ll kill me altogether, and i’ll always have time to do that, thank you, no, what have gentlemen here asked you to tell me that some kind of crooked killer went, uh-huh, the premiere on rtr, it looks like an act of intimidation, it looks like his hands are alive, now they are beautiful, how did you see that we are moving in the wrong direction, a small session of psychoanalysis helped , maria is pavel, and maybe we’ll see each other again, new secrets of the investigation for...
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we have a special episode on the air for 60 minutes, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, no need to be choked up anymore, i can’t risk family well-being, i told you, don’t start a romance , i will never appear in my life again, understand? let me down, come on, yo, yo, halley's comet. december 1 on rtr, in the spring, deer, according to my desire, fly me away, deer, your country, like a deer, where hundreds rush into the sky, where ardor lives and the skies, teach me
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there in the spring, deer, blue light, december 1 on rtr, good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the novoste studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. flags raised, vladimir putin took part in the ceremony at the northern peaks. meanwhile , a cult of... signatures for vladimir putin in the russian presidential elections was opened in st. petersburg. new year on a new tram. smart and environmentally friendly passenger transport has arrived in the northern capital. legendary music and favorite characters are coming to the big screens in a film of time music.
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take off on three of russia's newest warships today. flag navy. the ceremony took place in st. petersburg at the northern shipyards. president vladimir putin took part in it. the fleet included the frigate admiral golovko, the small-missile ship narafaminsk and the minesweeper lev chernavin. each one was created using advanced technology and equipped with powerful weapons. on board admiral golovko, he will serve in the northern fleet, caliber cruise missiles. such frigates are the basis of fleet strike groups in the far sea ocean zone. narafaminsk will go to the baltic, this is also one. one of the most successful projects of their class, as the president noted, such ships at one time from the caspian sea hit the positions of militants in syria, and today they successfully carry out tasks during the northern military district. the minesweeper lev chernavin, who will also serve in the baltic, is the result of technological development; it has already been decided to build 10 more similar ships. the introduction of the newest ships into the fleet is yet another
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evidence that our shipbuilding industry is on the rise and is on the rise. now it is the rhythmic, mass production of warships of different classes, this is the most important, fundamental step in reviving the development of our shipbuilding. nowadays , the russian shipyards near the embankments are in different stages of readiness, and now they are being worked on: five frigates, eight corvettes, 13 small missiles.
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meanwhile, the collection of signatures for vladimir putin’s candidacy for the election of president of the russian federation has begun in st. petersburg. the first points were opened last saturday, and dozens of people immediately came there. in total , there are 39 such points in the northern capital, the rule is for those who want to sign in support vladimir putin in st. petersburg, as well as throughout the country. are simple and clear, you must be an adult citizen of the russian federation, have a permanent residence permit in st. petersburg, and if a person is over 20 or 45 years old, he must have a new passport in accordance with his age as required by law, and accordingly he must come to the point with a blue pen fill out all the columns
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of the subscription sheet yourself and leave your signature. in the work of collecting signatures in support of vladimir. putin in st. petersburg is involved 80 volunteers, all of them received special instructions at the regional election headquarters. points are represented in every district of st. petersburg; to register as a presidential candidate, you must receive at least 300,000 signatures throughout the country. a large consignment of new public transport, all of our production, arrived in st. petersburg. lyudmila burin will continue. you definitely won't miss this tram. decorated like a christmas tree, it adds evening streets and lighting. and festive mood, city electric transport is decorated every december already 8 years in a row, but this year the range of mobile garlands has been significantly expanded. now not only small trams are participating in the action, but...
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the same monitoring systems are here, the recovery system is in place, here it is already working properly, now they are saving about 20%
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of electricity; most importantly, it is reducing the load on the network. many new products, including smart systems of domestic production. this is all equipment of natural russian and belarusian, let’s say, production. we have belarusian trolleybuses and buses we have belarusian ones. trams are mostly russian, that is. the st. petersburg plant , for the most part, means the october car repair plant pkts trams, which are also produced in the urals for the requirements that we set. by the way, by the end of the year the fleet also expanded, new cars are ready to go on line in the coming days, they have already been decorated for the holidays, without illumination, but now only the nicest streets stop. among the newcomers is the first gas-powered bus, which was made in tatarstan specifically for st. petersburg. new. our company, that is , this bus is designed taking into account all modern requirements, the comfort and safety of passengers, and i would like to pay special attention to the spacious, bright interior, and
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this bus can accommodate 152 passengers, has 43 seats, the thirty-ninth route is especially lucky, on it will be supplied with the most brand new cars, airport equipment, there are special places for transporting luggage, a built-in system that allows you to print your boarding pass, and an online board with... write-off of arrivals and departures. in total , 25 of these new buses will be launched on the line, but this is not the last gift for city residents; before the end of the year , a new bus route number 82 will appear from pulkovo airport, this time to the metro station, veterans avenue. lyudmila burima, alexander lagunin, news: st. petersburg. the foundation stone for the large smolensky bridge appeared on oktyabrskaya embankment in st. petersburg. its ninth support will stand in this place. he took part in the ceremony. the crossing will connect the banks of the niva river are the largest gap within the city between the two volodarsky and alexander nevsky bridges, bypassing the historical
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center. the project has been outlined in the master plans for the development of the city for more than 40 years. the crossing will distribute traffic flows and improve the situation on the roads. no drawbridges have been built in st. petersburg for 40 years . but nevertheless, on the instructions of the president, we are starting this construction project with you. very important. 800,000 residents of our city are waiting for this beautiful st. petersburg bridge. for the commissioning of the future adjustable the bridge will have three interchanges at obukhov defense avenue, oktyabrskaya embankment and the intersection of far eastern avenue with kalantay street. there will be six lanes for traffic, of which two are trams, as well as bicycle and pedestrian paths. the wounded soldiers of the northern military district were visited by the governor of the leningrad region. the head of the region came to the kirov military medical academy. alexander drozdenko walked around the wards with the military personnel, presented them with new year's gifts and wished them a speedy recovery. looked into the intensive care unit, where he is now recovering
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a seriously wounded soldier from luga. surgeons literally pulled the man out of the dead. the head of the region thanked the military doctors. imagine what a huge job and what a huge difference. and someone, like today in the ward, tough guys, said: no, we will come back. we'll be back. because we want the most important thing, we want a peaceful sky above our heads, and there will be no peaceful sky without victory, and today you are bringing this victory closer. together with military doctors, alexander drozdenko took part in the grand opening of the bust alexandra borodina. 160 years ago, an outstanding scientist and great russian composer, became a professor of chemistry at the medical-surgical academy, the predecessor of the kirov military medical clinic. let's find out the weather forecast for... hello, with the weather forecast from the leonid petrov studio, the temperature will drop a little, the wind
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will not increase and... it will snow on tuesday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the hydras of the center of st. petersburg, on december 26 in the leningskopt cloudy field , about 5° below zero is expected during the day. as many thermometers will show in tifen and baksitogorsk from 3 to 6 ° with a minus sign should also be in volkhov, kirishi, gatchina and vyborg. in st. petersburg during. soon on all screens in the country the bremen town musicians, a colorful film with gennady golotkov’s favorite music. the film was shot with the support of the russia tv channel. a pre-premiere screening took place in st. petersburg. impression of victoria golchinskaya.
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thousands of living tulips, your song can do more than just make money, it can change the world for the better, i know you have a long road ahead, it’s wonderful, noble, with a huge bunch of problems, due to the fact that there is childhood, there are associated childhood traumas, in general, he gets out of them, gets acquainted with animals in every possible way, that is... took acquaintance with animals, the story of a dog, a donkey, a rooster instead of a cat, charming the cat played by irina garbacheva, every day before leaving the set the actors were put on plastic makeup for about 3 hours, turning them into animals, for me such a character is interesting, well, that is, like playing him and generally finding this intonation, finding narration, that is, in voice, in plasticity, and so that it is not quite a person, but not
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an animal either. in full, special attention to the king, in the film he is a loving father, funny, somewhat cowardly, but at the same time incredibly charming, the main thing is that there is a very important story in him and a message, as young people say now, message, love will save peace, love, good light, education in culture, and of course, music that easily finds its way to the heart of the modern viewer; the film contains compositions familiar from childhood by gennady glodko. by the way, all the songs in the film, the actors perform their own performances. 2,500 colorful costumes were prepared for the film; the exciting journey of the bremen musicians was filmed in the picturesque valleys and mountains of dagestan, ingushetia, kabardino-balkaria and karachay-cherkessia. the hot air balloon flight of the brilliant detective, played by konstantin khabensky, was filmed
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there over the caucasus. this is a wonderful holiday movie that should bring laughter and joy to people, i'm absolutely delighted, very fresh, cool, bright look, and the actors are very positive, very cool songs, i adore the temporary musicians and now i’m going to watch the film again, we sat and listened loudly, it was very, very beautiful , i liked filming this in 10 months, it’s something gorgeous, a good story for family viewing, about love, friendship and dreams that always come true, the incredible adventure of the bremen town musicians on the big screen from january 1 in all cinemas across the country. victoria golchinskaya, sergey isler, konstantin nikitin, lead st. petersburg. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. provocation is treacherous
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behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. what do you need nerif? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the “looks” media platform. stand! the first podcasts we watch, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready,
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explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million here. mofed makers, taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, according to secret to the whole world. saturday on rtr.
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no one knows for sure why the city the teza river is called shuya. some believe that this is the old slavonic designation of the left side, others suggest that this is the finno-ugric name for “marshy area”. others think that the city was inherited from the sarmatian tribes. the shuyans themselves agree with everyone, because none of the assumptions obscures the main thing, the beauty of the city. the harmony factory is officially
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registered. on may 9, 1935, it was organized from those artels that were here before, that is, someone made bellows, someone made a solid voice bar, someone i worked in mechanics, at that time even those who didn’t have any hearing, no one knew how to play, asked, why are you buying, what if someone comes to play? that is, people bought it just to stand, these are not stickers, this is handmade, we have artists from the palgaz art school, they paint in the palga style, and i’ll go to the shueya
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and buy a large accordion, and when i come to the village, i’ll play merrily , this is a saying, but i heard it when i was probably years old, that is, this... my father inspired me to do all this, i have him the front-line soldier, unfortunately, is no longer alive, but in 1943 he was called up and immediately went to the front, served in konev’s army, there
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was someone there who knew how to play the button accordion and he learned it when they entered berlin, he bought a button accordion with brass bars, the sound is simply excellent. so he brought it here, everyone was delighted with such a sound, purely because of these sounding bars, professional musicians came there, he didn’t sell, no, let him stay, he’s like... in such an unpresentable state, but nevertheless alive, everything is there, and it can be restore, and i will do it with pleasure, even in memory of my father, in memory of our victory, yes, this, this must be done.
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in the spring of twenty-two, at the direction of the soviet government, it was decided to take away all valuable items, including gold, silver, diamonds, everything else, everything that adorned icons, iconostases, the orthodox people came to the defense and the so-called shuev events took place, this was the first armed , a spontaneous but armed mass uprising against the seizure of... red army soldiers and two cars with machine guns. church values, about 40 high school boys climbed the bell tower , began to sound the alarm, even more people were added to the square, two factories completely stopped, as a result of the events , four people died at once, and there were somewhere around two dozen wounded, the events caused of great concern to the soviet authorities. that it’s time
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to move on to decisive measures, the more priests we shoot, the better, and so on, a commission was sent here to examine this case, they convicted everyone who had any attitude, supposedly, to the organization of these events , there were three people...
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when you have the opportunity to participate in the restoration of a shrine, and especially like this , it’s happiness when you see something being cleansed, something being transformed, there is joy in this, this is how our history turned out that we, people, maybe our ancestors, grandparents, not all, some, apostatized from god. something happened to their souls, and what happened to the temple building was what happened to the people, they weren’t doing what they should have been doing, but now everything has returned, i’m not alone, i’m nearby the people who help are mostly women, there are seventy-five-year-olds who work with wheelbarrows, carry hammer drills, but this has always been the case in russia.
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there are angels nearby, the lord is nearby, when a person sees what is required of him, he begins to do it, he receives god’s help, this is the building of the church of st. george the victorious, it unites four churches, st. george’s, vediensky, three saints at the top of all saints, the whole church , next to the cross. exaltation of the cross church, as this complex is called, exaltation of the cross, because it has a view, it now played such an important role in architectural significance for the city, and the street used to be called krestovozdvizhenskaya, and that place is the oldest in shuya, here first of all, well, if we talk about this particular place, about the city of shuy, prayer began, and of course , the stones wrote it all down, they are giving it to us now. most likely, these walls, they
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restore us, people, that is, along with the transformation, cleaning up the garbage, putting things in order, this is happening in us, because the main thing is not the walls, the main thing is the people, we are more we get benefits, people, than these walls. you think about what to do all the time, well, that’s what i thought, at least, i thought that we have a bar of soap on our coat of arms, but no one deals with soap at all, and this is strange, i thought, how can it be, since in chemistry there were two of me, yes, so i had no idea how to make soap, i only had an idea of ​​how to make soap, the first thing i did was go to the museum
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of croatian history, that is, where to get history, starting from the beginning of the 16th century, and here we are. makes soap, that is, these are not huge factories of the plant, but so-called soap huts were more like ordinary wooden baths, but they made soap in them and cooked it so well that by the beginning of the 16th century , empress catherine ii gave our city a coat of arms with a lion depicted on the top, this is a sign of belonging to the vladimir province, then we were like would be the vladimir province, here in the lower part there is a throw of soap, the shuya soap was in really good demand, but it also seemed to have such great significance for the city that... well , it’s not just that the city’s coat of arms was given like this from the very beginning, that’s when i have this one here the idea arose, yes, i came up with the idea of ​​​​cooking it, i ran home and said we’ll all be rich , well, they’re all okay, they laughed like that a little bit , but they still helped, that is, when let ’s try, they helped, my father helped, my mother helped, that is, they are still helping and
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my sister helped, well, the whole family, we first tried to make soap. giggled, yes, that is, when something worked out for us, well, it’s fun, something new, at first i thought about what shape to make, that is, i looked at the coat of arms, because well, there were so many images of soap before us i didn’t get any at all, it was obvious that it had to be a bar of soap, just like that, not some kind of semicircular soap or something else, it’s a bar, we still cook the bar, and we have a soap holiday every year, on we made this holiday soap in 1919. a piece weighing 100 kg , the townspeople liked it, well, many took pictures, that is, you have never achieved anything before, it’s like something special, here they write about you in the newspapers, it’s so strange, you kind of get used to it, a student from the shuya makes soap, i i read about those soap makers who were
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once there in our city, that is , how much time has passed, and about them, well, their last name is known, that is, it’s possible , and i would like to somehow. to get on this list of those malovars who will remain in the history of the city, yes, yes, well, i don’t know, maybe i’ll get there, my mother... while working at a factory, i lost my hearing, the weaving workshop is very noisy, and so they used to be i always sang a lot with my father, my father played and sang, she sang too, of course, if she plays it very loudly, she will of course hear it,
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she really loves wartime songs post-war years, she turned 90 this year. in january she suffered from coronavirus, but nevertheless is alive, i am very glad, the accordion changes a person, it makes him more attentive to what is happening around him, he is more like that, well, a person begins to listen. a person cannot become an accordion player if he does not feel like one in his soul, some kind of peace arises, i don’t know, maybe somewhere even some kind of philosophy appears, the current
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lenin square of the revolution was called spaska. area, on this site there was a temple in the name of the all-merciful savior, its fate is tragic, like the fate of many churches, it was blown up in may 1930, and such an interesting fact for history, it was blown up by the so-called specialists from the explosion of the selprom under the leadership of senior engineer grigory zhivalkin, this is the same person, the same people who blew up the cathedral of christ the savior in moscow a year and a half later. there is a version that they came here to gain relevant experience, and most likely it was.
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and i lived with her, not with my parents, with my grandmother, and that’s how i met the priest, became communicate, became an altar boy, well, probably, like any young man, something new touched me, yes, i remember, we argued with the priest at first, well , how we argued, he communicated with me very tactfully, i considered myself to already know something understanding, i told him something, he somehow gently refuted it, laid me down on my shoulder blades. so little by little, there was nothing to appeal to, i had to give up
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, i began to help him, and then the decision came to even become a monk, there is no loneliness in this, i think it is a great joy to be with god, a man, he is such a... creature , which constantly ascends to perfection , and there is no limit to this, we are always insatiable, if we sin, we are insatiable in sin, if we commit virtue, we are insatiable in this, that is, we will never calm down, we will never have enough, never, we always have more we need more, more, we had elders like that, father noum, father kirill, they passed away, practically speaking the same words, different people, they said, let everyone in their place mind their own business responsibly, maybe i i said a little wrong words, but something like this, that is, let someone
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whoever does what, let him do his job responsibly, everything will be fine with us. it has always been a craft, it is the creation of the world, and until now people have always fed themselves by craft, the dishes are still all clay, and we use them ourselves, our large enterprises are all destroyed , we have almost no dishes of our own, but the truth is this does not replace it, but nevertheless, i recently found out that in russia it turns out there weren’t even glazes until the 16th century, only peter ii brought glazes, can you imagine, it was like this... milk firing from the inside to the outside, this is the first time it’s fired at a high temperature, and then doused with milk and fired again
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at a low temperature of 340°, it doesn’t get this red color, it’s dark brown, well , it’s generally nice, just like a rustic style, i made all the dishes tea, coffee sets, table sets i’m making a vase, i’ll make a vase, an art school, i’ll take it to them, let the children draw there, my father is from dagestan, and my mother is from ukraine, so my mouth is already mixed, and i’m russian. that's the thing, everyone knows me that way, basically, shu, well, here we are it’s a small town, i’ve been living here for 30 years, it’s a good city, yes, you can live quite well, in the summer, just one problem, it’s been winter for 8 months, i still can’t get used to it, so i want to learn how to draw, so put this under the glaze painting, i started with this purpose, now i realized that painting on paper is much more interesting than on pots, maybe it’s me. i will draw, i can educate myself, i like to read books, i want to learn something new, well, not necessarily related to my profession,
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now there are a lot of audiobooks, i downloaded them there, oh, you’re listening, dostoevsky’s demon, sush, but i didn’t listen to the end, i can’t, i tried to listen to it so many times, i tried to listen to it three times , i can’t do dostoevsky at all, for the life of me, i’m not very good at classics at all, well, i was thinking now that they were trying i listened to 2/3, too. creativity is such a complicated word, i’m not good enough to engage in creativity, it seems to me that a person cannot be creative, he just does something, everything, but to me it’s all human, you create creativity, i don’t create, i just i do everything, pots, but what’s there? when do you live with a family? doctors, you you are always faced with the fact that health cannot be bought, it cannot be received as
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a gift when your child is born. when you are pregnant, you pay a lot of attention to the quality of your diet, because there is life inside you, so chickens first appeared in our lives, then cheese appeared, we began to look for information, we read a lot and now we still continue to read about we continue to learn this, we are now looking for a name for our cheeses, perhaps cheese will appear soon. suisky, the older the cheese, the tastier it is, as they say that good wine and cheese friends should be aged with time, well, disagreements arise, but since we are doing the same thing, it always reconciles us, and i will tell you that together it is
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much easier than alone, anyutka always helps us, the eldest daughter, she will be 6 in the summer, we involve her, but we involve her in the work that she can do, i just love this task, as with a child, washing, cleaning , moving from shelf to shelf, swap places, experiment with sourdough starters cultures in order to get a different taste, we are open to people, we are ready to show, we are ready to tell, share with people. in order for people to see that we work with natural raw materials, that this is a very complex craft, that this is a labor-intensive craft, that this is artisan cheese, it differs from production cheese, we want to convey to people this culture of cheese consumption that exists in europe, which, as i believe, russia is a little deprived of, in
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my family there is a different type of cheese every day, children... love the chechel braid, grandmother loves suluguni, and my mother loves - my mother loves ricotta and i also love ricotta, mozzarella, uh, dad loves aged cheeses, my husband, my husband loves everything that is cut for him, navidka.
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buttons will play, one voice can play , it can make two voices, it will play, you can make three, four, even five voices , they do it, and the pouring can be different, but sometimes they do two pourings and the instrument acquires this french tuning, like we we call it, that is, it is a little rattling, an interesting sound too, the shulskaya tunes like this all the time.
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come tomorrow too, and so we worked for a whole month, the most surprising thing for us was that at the end of the month we were called to the directorate, to the administration, you are due a fee, it turns out we also have to get money for this, in general we’re just in shock, we must well, we were still playing for fun, we were also paid money here, so proud, happy and somehow this, you know, it spurs, it seems that money is not about, of course, happiness, but when this happens, then the person, willy-nilly, starts something further think, you still need to play, which means others need it, it needs to be done, i didn’t
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give up either, i played in an ensemble on the keys, on the synthesizer, on the royal or something else, sometimes on the guitar, but i’m not a button accordion i never gave up, that is, when... they invited me to some events there, i was always happy to play for people, i feel needed, and this is an internal state, some kind of personal well-being, not wealth, just the well-being that gives us and health and everything else, this is the most important thing, probably why you need to be needed.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had it hunger, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she brings this feast to the shelter, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us... i came across such people, not indifferent, support with a word hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do
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is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. maybe you can stay with me today? i promise you an unforgettable night breakfast, i'm sorry. we need to live separately for a while, but what? we need to understand whether we have at least some left. i would advise you to start a hobby together. ballroom dancing would be best. what, what? and for the sake of my son, i agree to the experiment. if you not they danced - it doesn’t mean that cha-cha, it’s difficult , nothing connects them anymore except dance , what’s so complicated about it, cha-cha, one, two, three, you just need to learn to count to three,
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by the way, i learned these stupid steps, seriously, lead the cha-cha, premiere, december 30, cha-cha, one, two, oh, on rtr. without a forest, without a bright story, without your love, as in the sky, two voices among the silence, in the heavenly temple, the penchant light. blue light on december 31st on рrt.
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our ancestors believed that birds brought spring to us on their wings and waited for the appearance of birds like holiday. first of all, after the flight, tired birds need to be fed. the menu in our poultry canteen today is rich and healthy. unroasted sunflower seeds and nuts. bon appetit, friends.
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birds have fascinated people since time immemorial. all nations have a myriad of beliefs associated with birds. airplanes, and it was birds who taught man to fly, watching their flight, people invented the first aircraft, however, man is grateful to the birds not only for this, they help us live, listen nature, they seem to convey it to us with their chirping, singing, their fluttering, they create a certain... atmosphere of life
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, they help people, well, they help the garden, because tits, for example, destroy about 10 thousand pests per year, people always wanted to thank the birds and bring them closer to you, but how to attract wild and free birds , and people began to build nesting places for them, the craftsmen made bright, beautiful, open houses, as if for themselves, but are the birds able to appreciate the beauty of the home, a small bird, low intelligence, that's why the little bird doesn’t see this, but the crow won’t stop going, the bright colors and the depiction of images on the stubs scare away large birds, crows, and jackdaws. there is an opinion that birds don’t care about aesthetics, i’m willing to bet, because firstly, if people like birdhouses, they hang them more in their yards, near their houses, and thereby help the bird world around them. and secondly, beautiful birdhouses
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attract our feathered friends much more; i have two birdhouses hanging in my dacha, one almost the same made of polymer clay made by my own hands, the second one is simply made from wooden planks, very simple, as far as i have noticed for several years, and that the birds much prefer a birdhouse made of polymer clay, by the way, birdhouses in europe in the 15th century began to be made from clay, but... the very first housing for birds was provided back in the last millennium in india. the indian starling maini then got dried pumpkins as nests. but the first squash house, in the traditional sense of the word, was built for the birds by russian people. written references to birdhouses are found in a book for hunters in 1774. in many places.
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year, by a talented master, a nugget, vasily timofeevich savinov, the master had such a kind humor and cheerful character that we see in the works of the old old woman, where the chicks were hatched, where the former owners’ homes still remained, and the nests inside these remained among the kvareshniks to this day, with the old woman when - in addition to the bucket, there was also a rocker in his hand, the old man was holding a pipe, these were these... kind of platforms for birds, and
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the old man's mouth and, therefore, the old woman's necks are holes for starlings. have you ever wondered why people called a bird's house a birdhouse, why starlings are so honored, because these birds cannot boast of bright plumage or a booming voice. maybe because they are the first to arrive from the south? no, here are the leaders, the rooks. why is it still a birdhouse? i have my own theory about this. starlings are exceptionally clean people, only they clean their house, taking out the litter from the nest. it's nice to make jokes for people like that.
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in fact, not every bird agrees to move into a ready-made apartment, made for her by hand. as humans, starlings in this sense are responsive to invitation. imagine, skvoreshnik made the first tree in his life, and even from the main christmas tree of the country, from the kremlin christmas tree, a tree around which
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thousands of boys and girls danced in circles, each of them made his own wish, of course, magical, and its fate was unusual . every year after the end of the new year holiday, we are given the main new year tree of the country, the kremlin tree, which stands on the cathedral square. in that in 2009, a popular vote was held and people decided that it was necessary to make birdhouses and feeders like this from the kremlin christmas tree. people want to live in an area saturated with pure oxygen, with good ecology, and for nature to be pleasing to the eye.
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a bird is the most... in order to make a birdhouse nest, you just need to go into the forest , take a log and, as nikulin said, cheerfully, raise your knees high, bring it home, then we saw off the edge of the log so
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that it can be the bottom of us, the bottom is put aside in side, this will be the bottom of the birdhouse, so that later it will be easier to assemble, we write numbers on them 1 2 3 4 then, according to these numbers , we chop off first like this, then like that. we get four parts of the nest, the middle is already used for firewood, and we assemble the boards with self-tapping screws, we get a blank, we attach another bottom for strength, we fix it, so we already have almost half a tree, a birdhouse, the inner part. we chop 12-14 cm for haybirds, 16 centimeters for starlings, it’s not worth making a larger diameter, because when they lay a lot of eggs and they may simply not be able to feed the whole family , when we already have such a preparation, we can continue to create and figure out what will become of it in the future, either it will be
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some kind of castle, or it will be some kind of fairy-tale hero, well the hole is clear that we cut it out with a drill for all-stars, the diameter should be somewhere around 35 mm in diameter, 35-40 for starlings from 45 mm to about 55, more for larger birds and for squirrels, sergei verigin’s cowbirds and titmice, the birds clearly liked it, the birds are returning to the houses they love every year, here opposite the terrace , the hay field here last year
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defended two conclusions for the winter, now, in principle , it will be possible to freshen it up a little, so i practically did not repeat myself, i did something new every time, tried to come up with something new, so starting there from the devils there are immortals, there are pinocchio and chepalin of all smeshariki and the guard. the hero, you see, what a scary pinocchio, little dragon, this is such a feeding trough, a well. on sergei verigin’s property, the owner’s birds are not shy and
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feel at home. watching them the master came to the conclusion that nothing human is alien to birds. last year was very fruitful for rowan, so i decided to make a tincture. it stayed there almost all winter. in the spring, i say, they released me when, well, i got enough sleep. a slop heap, the bird didn’t figure out what was going on, so it pecked, passed by, i saw a druse drinking, closed my eyes, you know, completely surrendered to this song, that is, i think, like i’m a bird, instinct, reproduction, that’s okay doesn’t scare him, even i... moved close, well, well, and then, i say, we figured out what the thing is that he pecked at this rowan tree
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, which was in the infusion, then he pecked, he then flew away, everything is fine, he pecked, this is, from the twigs that he ate - he punishes, he made such a feeder in the form of a dragon, there is a very beautiful carving here, very beautiful , very cute, clay pans and wood are light, almost weightless, even a small child can hang such a house or feeder on a branch, with this first independent good step, as a rule, a love for living nature begins. as a child, at the dacha we did with father's birdhouses, they hung them on fences and placed them side by side. as if next to the house, so that the birds could take refuge there and raise
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their chicks, the chicks also visit it with pleasure, fly to this house, the frying pans created by maria sotnikova are enough for a whole bird village, and not a single house in it repeats another, given the birdhouse is made using a combination of polymer techniques, modeling with polymer clay and decoupage, but it is a little more complicated, as you can see here... a whole composition of daffodils and forget-me-nots already decorates our roof, and the front wall is completely decoupaged with a napkin, and this birdhouse is my favorite, because it completely resembles wooden planks, as if it were really knocked down from boards, it also has a composition of daffodils and carefree flowers, this is such a spring combination that i really love , and we... see that there are sprouts of twigs here, as if our birdhouse had actually sprouted, and this
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adds realism and a little bit of fabulousness to it. today we will make a similar birdhouse from polymer clay. for this we need a strengthener of this frying pan, i use a sheet of polystyrene foam, it can be found at any hardware store. we initially make blanks for ours. hazel, i cut out a wall according to the shape of our blank, in the end we get three blanks like this, then we combine all three of our blanks into a frame for our birdhouse using pva glue. as a result, we get this kind of frame for our birdhouse. next we take polymer clay of the color you want the base of our birdhouse to be, knead it. polymer clay, so that it becomes more plastic, as soon as we knead it a little, then we roll out
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the polymer clay, we will need a rolling pin , in fact, this is a piece of plumbing pipe, for the walls of our birdhouse i also made blanks, but they should be a little larger in size than our base blanks , this is due to the fact that when polymer clay hardens , it shrinks and shrinks a little, after we make the clay, we need to attach them to our workpiece, for this we use the same pva glue, glue pva is good because when it hardens, it becomes transparent, we attach our wall, we do the same with our back wall and then proceed to make the roof, take a different color of polymer clay, we roll out our polymer clay in the same way. and we will make planks out of it. i will show you two ways to apply
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a tree design onto polymer clay, one using a wire brush and the other using a texture sheet. we run a rolling pin along our workpiece and get this result: then we mark our workpieces on planks, the width of the planks can be any, you can leave it as if it were a large piece of one board, or as if it were many small narrow ones. i dry the blanks for the roof on pieces of foam rubber, we will attach our boards when the clay sets a little and holds its shape well, here we need to wait a little. while the clay dries, our roof dries out, we will make the front wall of our birdhouse, for the front wall we roll out our clay in the same way and cut it out, then we will do the decoupage technique, for this we will need napkin, we cut out our napkin
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according to the shape of our blank for the front wall of the frying pan, this is what we got, do not forget that for decoupage we only need the top part of the napkin, for decoupage on polymer clay i use this liquid office glue, it is transparent , we apply a little glue directly to our clay and i use a soft sponge to evenly distribute our glue, then we take the top layer of our napkin and begin to apply it to our workpiece, that's what us: it worked, then we need to make a hole, we will need cutters, you can use a cookie cutter or just some kind of large lid, then we take our workpiece with the dried side and back wall and apply it to our workpiece,
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this is the birdhouse we have it worked, we attached our lid. we made a ridge like this in order to hide the joints between the two halves of the roof, we decorated the birdhouse with this nest with eggs, and we also made a stand like this for so that birds can fly there. scientists have found that the same birds living in different places on the globe sing and chirp differently, just like people who speak different languages ​​and dialects. but what if we gather birds from all over the world here in russia and listen to what kind of choir it will be? the birds sing as if in paradise, but we really are in a paradise for birds, this is the only bird park in russia, there are 2 thousand of them here, people in this place are just guests.
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trees, forests, river, lakes, everything belongs birds, but even among such wealth , starlings have a place of honor, it’s impossible to think of anything better than them, and even the flamboyant overseas beauties could not outshine the humble starling, but the starling is dear to the heart of the russian person, it’s useful for the city, and in principle, for every home a bird, this bird eats various small insects, that is, cleans on... they never shit in the nest, that is , the parents constantly clean it all up, take them out after them, so it is believed that the bird is very clean, well, unfortunately, starlings only
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that they arrived, they had not yet managed to occupy the birdhouses or nest boxes and... they had still managed to lay eggs, so i decided to show you as an example what, in principle, can be found in a birdhouse, and here are different eggs of different types of birds, that is, you can also see pigeons eggs, you can see a finch’s egg, you can also see astrild’s egg, and you can even see the egg of a large parrot arot, about the same size as a starling egg, only it has a black speck. we city dwellers have begun to forget our loud neighbors, and here in the park there are birds you can remember the svesterels, and the drazds, the swifts, and the hedgehogs. caring for birds not only pleases the heart, but can literally bring a person back to life,
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confirmation of this is the amazing story that happened to nikolai kalinin at the plant. nikolay started making nesting boxes, first i made two for myself, the sides for the birdhouse are ready, now we need the bottom, the back and the front, so there are 21. so that the bird
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doesn’t get too rusty, i chamfer it, that’s it, we can go assemble it and drill a hole, the nesting boxes are convenient , the chicks are there fast hatch, feathering occurs instantly. so they quickly fly away, but next year they return, and the plywood is packed into boxes, let’s say they remain , i throw them away, pick them up, then i cut them and make a product, often from production waste, birch plywood, good, better quality, i assemble it with a framing gun, the birdhouse is ready, all that's left is a stick and a lid. at the back there is a stick that attaches to the tree, after which i impregnate them with impregnation , i hang them on the ceiling so that they dry, well , the rest is at the request of the artist, they
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they are drawn, they stand in a row , one is better than the other, bright, cheerful, a person who comes to me looks at the abundance of colors and thinks about what he should take, so his eyes widen, nikolai forgot to think about his illness, he put the construction of bird houses on... also, the social center for children with childhood disabilities is painted by the majority and a woman who used to do zhoznov painting, who missed her job, and was very happy about this. proposals, such well-coordinated and friendly work was not slow to produce results, feathered, as if they felt that they were loved and waited for here,
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a great many birds on earth, but our starling is unrivaled, talented, a brilliant imitator, creaks, whistles, rattles, can even imitate the sniffing of a cat or the croaking of a frog. begin your serenade, starling, through the timpani and tambourines of history, you are ours, the first spring singer from the birch conservatory.
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marinka was liberated, sergei shaigu reported to vladimir putin about the capture of the area through which equipment was transferred to the ssu. russia has nothing to do with the storming of the administration and the coup attempts, the statement of our ambassador to
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belgrade. fun for the toughest people , a race in summer clothes took place in the center of novosibirsk at sub-zero temperatures. a new day begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. in the dpr , marinka has been completely liberated from the ukrainian armed forces. heavy battles for this city have been going on since july of this year. for the ukrainian armed forces, maryenka was of strategic importance. new reserves and equipment were constantly transferred to this area.
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almost every street has its own fortified, well fortified and fairly well protected from all attacks, both from the air and and artillery, field artillery, construction, long-term firing points, a complex system of underground communications, thanks to the decisive actions of our military personnel, the fortified area was broken into. gave maryenka, the assault detachments of the southern group, the 150th division especially distinguished itself. vladimir putin noted that the fighters who led the assault deserved state awards. the russian navy has been replenished with three new ships. navy flags were raised on the frigate admiral golovko, the small missile ship norfaminsk and the naval minesweeper lev chernavin. vladimir took part in the ceremony. we continue to work on
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serial production of planned deliveries of modern ships to the navy. admiral golovko is also a serial frigate. such ships are the basis of fleet strike groups in the far sea ocean zone. it was created using the most advanced technologies and is equipped with curled caliber missiles that have proven their high efficiency. in combat conditions. narokhominsk is also one of the most successful strike missile projects ships of their class. such ships have earned military glory; they strike with long-range cruise missiles from the caspian sea. according to the positions of militants in syria, and today they are successfully carrying out tasks during a special military operation. finally, lev chernavin is
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a modern minesweeper with... construction of an expedition vessel for the antarctic ivan faralov began in st. petersburg. i visited the admirals factory. driver of roshydromet igor shumakov, the icebreaker will allow replacing outdated ships, serving russian antarctic expeditions, bring scientific work in antarctica to a modern level. russia in serbia has nothing to do with anti-government protests, there is no talk of any revolution in serbia,
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the russian ambassador in belgrade stated this at a briefing for journalists after a meeting with aleksandar vucic and the head of the ministry of the republic. according to alexander bodsonkharchenko, the head of serbia is determined to resolve the current situation. in response, security forces used batons , tear gas and house bombs. eventually 38 demonstrators were detained. the event was commented on in the kremlin, according to dmitry peskov in serbia, there are attempts by third parties to provoke unrest. joggers in unusual new year's costumes gathered in the center of novosibirsk. santa claus and snow maidens in summer outfits decided to cheer up
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the siberians. and they staged a demonstration performance on lenin square. yana nalimova saw how it was. down with warm clothes. the main attribute of the race is the new year's mood. goes to the start. novosibirsk walruses, marina domkina approached the choice of outfit with creativity. i am the devil's snow maiden, the year of the dragon, that's why i have a tail. and in real life, are you a walrus or something simple? well, i like to swim. yes, swimming in cold water gives us such an adrenaline rush, guys, join us. everyone is invited to join the race, but it is better to prepare for such siberian fun. the most responsible people take a year to train; without good health they say there is nothing to do here. and the distance is a decent 4 km, the extreme sports enthusiasts are in a fighting mood, they ran faster than planned, that’s what awaits athletes at the finish line, the water for dousing , by the way, is also cool , but this does not frighten the race participants, on the contrary, the walruses this time
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say it’s even hot, the thermometers are +1, they should have organized the marathon a week earlier, it was just bitterly cold there, residents don’t remember such a spectacular dousing in the city center; winter fans gathered. behind the development of events. in the new year , smart and environmentally friendly passenger transport arrived in st. petersburg on a new tram. new
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equipment will be launched on routes in different cities and regions in the coming days on the eve of the holidays, the city's trams have also been transformed in appearance. report by lyudmila burim. such a tram will definitely not let you through. decorated like a christmas tree, it adds to the evening streets and lighting and festive mood. city electric vehicles have been decorated every december for 8 years in a row, but this year the range of mobile garlands has been significantly expanded. the tram is gorgeous, the tram is convenient, comfortable, and most importantly - bright. now it is important to lift the spirits of our residents. new items from the city were also decorated electric park, it expanded by the end of the twenty-third year. 14 single-section smart trams. will travel along route 48 from kushelevka station to lakhtinsky razliv. they are equipped with an active safety system that helps the driver during rush hour, and also monitors his condition and prevents him from being distracted from the road. but perhaps the most interesting acquisition is the second literary
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composition of the davlats. like sergei danatovich himself, it will be difficult not to notice him. retostyle was developed based on the famous lm57 model, especially for st. petersburg. he single-sided with one cabin, it is two-section. will save about 20% of electricity; the most important thing for us is that it reduces the load on the network. many new products, including smart systems, are domestically produced. good morning everyone, dinis toikov is with you, i’m anastasia chernobrovina, we meet on december 26, tuesday. don't give birth to sea wolves. one of the sailors made a whole series of popular videos about how he lives and works during the strongest seas. calmly brush your teeth in front of the mirror. impossible, but
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it’s possible to knock them out with a brush: on a broom during an assault you can go on a flight, following the example of the young wizard harry potter, but no, like an astronaut practically, well, you can fly without a broom, even in the captain's shirt, even in the control room, even in the cabin ; invigorating water treatments are always waiting for sailors on the deck; figure skating completes the storm program on boxes in a fish shop, in general it’s unsafe, and well, in general, if you’re figure skating, it’s still better to skate... besides, this sport trains coordination, agility, helps you lose extra pounds, which will be especially during the new year holidays relevant. and absolutely anyone can start skating, and andrey shevtsov will tell you how to take the first steps and develop skating skills. ice season is in full swing and it's time to try one of the most exciting popular winter activities in the world - skating. the bolodsky family was at the skating rink for the first time; mother svetlana decided to put her boys on. artyom ilya on skates. children love sports,
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play sports, swim. now it's time to switch to winter sports. and professional trainer natalya bezrukova helps her with this. we start with choosing skates. the main rule is that they should be one size larger so that the legs are free and have a little movement. in addition, they are usually worn on a thick sock, but with lacing everything is much more complicated. we tighten it tightly at the bottom to keep our foot in place, but don’t overtighten it. weakens, it’s ready, then the most important thing is to test the skating rink, and here, to help the beginning kids, the figure skater’s assistant , the penguin, if the children go out on the ice for the first time, the penguin gives them the opportunity to just feel this balance, the guys it works out great, hands to the side , hold it, artyom, where did you go and stamp your foot on the spot once, children grasp quickly and almost immediately grasp the philosophy of movement, experts are sure that this is largely due to the fact that they are not afraid of falling and do not experience discomfort to a generally
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unnatural body position, because the center of gravity needs to be shifted a little forward, so adults going out on the ice for the first time also need support in the form of the same penguin, just a side or a more experienced comrade, i’m going somewhere, inna kireeva promised her nephews, who come to her for the new year, to take them to the skating rink, i bought skates specifically to stand on them, and the first thing a beginner needs to learn to do is just mark time. at the beginning, we just raise our feet and stomp, maintaining balance at the same moment. now we are doing the flashlight exercise. even beginners can do it, even those who are doing it for the first time, bravo, there is only a week left before the nephews arrive, but there is no doubt that inna will definitely succeed. the main thing is a little persistence, just a couple of workouts will be enough to start riding and have fun. that's the beauty of ice skating. you just have to try it and instantly fall in love.
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and try to go in reverse, then you will avoid injury. but we will not talk about physical injuries, but about psychological ones. in russia, they proposed to legislate the concept of bullying and work out measures to prevent tragedies in schools. we started talking about this immediately after the shooting at the bryansk gymnasium, where an eighth-grade student opened fire on her classmates; the motive for the crime could have been the persecution of a girl in class. well, what can be included in this concept? let's try to figure it out together with a doctor of laws.
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i think that there are no such difficulties, because together, lawyers, psychologists and teachers, we need to understand and highlight these three categories, they work together.
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can this situation, together with the teacher and with other interested persons, so to speak, outside the law enforcement agencies , resolve this problem, only if this does not lead to some positive result, already at the level of the head
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of the school institution there is an appeal to law enforcement agencies. thank you, thank you. we talked about how to combat bullying in schools with a doctor of legal sciences, head of the department. criminology of criminal executive law of the university named after kutafin elena antonyan. thanks a lot. thank you. incredible ending. i was told that your opponent has a desire to sing either happiness or a people song. on friday at 21:50. what's this? sans the state. ivan was bewitched, now we will never understand him. light hero, messenger of darkness, december 30 at 20:45, only on the russia channel. almost one and a half dozen airports in the country completed a major reconstruction this year under the national project for modernizing transport infrastructure. this not only makes flights more accessible, but helps the socio-economic development of the regions.
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the flight from moscow lands in... almost any weather conditions, but the main thing for passengers is that they no longer have to fly through neighboring airports, like the neighboring one 300 km away, the airport was closed when it was closed, we went through the nearest cities, this is ufa, this is chelyabinsk , we had to plan the time in advance, somewhere, well, the day was definitely flying away, that is, the day was already definitely ineffective, i had to
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spend it on the road, given that ilya spends almost half the year on business trips, he had accumulated two weeks of such missing days, now it’s time to get home... half an hour by taxi, the next stage of modernization, the construction of a new terminal, is expected to be completed in 3 years, and the existing terminal building will be used for foreign flights. if you can still get to neighboring cities from magnitogorsk, then chukotsky and pevek are the right places to go you can only get there by plane, especially in winter, when even food arrives in the city by air. in our autumn-winter period, this is the only type of transport that can deliver here. therefore, the airport here was not closed during the reconstruction, the new...


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