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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 26, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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fox news sums up the objective results of the year for the us president. biden was included in the list of the main losers of the outgoing year according to the tv channel. among joe's main failures are record low ratings and impeachment proceedings that have already been launched. many americans are also unhappy. the age
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of the octogenarian president and the fact that he unconditionally supported israel in the middle east conflict. former trump adviser halloween conney, in an interview with fox news, answers that for every year of biden's reign there is at least one major foreign policy failure. in the twenty-first year, it was the shameful flight of the us army from afghanistan. in the twenty-second year there was a conflict in ukraine.
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to the west and this makes it possible today to more effectively protect donetsk from attack during offensive operations. a significant contribution to the liberation of the city was made by the soldiers of the fifth brigade of the first army corps, and the soldiers of the legendary 150th, motorized rifle idrich berlin order of kutuz division of the southern military district, by the way, especially distinguished themselves. ..historical it is
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the name came to it, in connection with this they especially distinguished themselves, in fact, for those who, since december 1, passed, describe the pencil, those who, since december 1, actually passed this section, this...
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those who most actively led military operations, distinguished himself during the capture. sergegivich, firstly , i want to congratulate you, this is a success, secondly and most importantly, convey my warmest congratulations and words of gratitude to all the personnel, all the military personnel who took part, and took part at different times, at different stages in the liberation battles marinka, there really are at least two positive effects here, the first is that we are moving... away from donetsk, the enemy’s combat units, these are the first and second, by breaking into this fortified fortification, which the enemy has been building since 2014, in fact,
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he has built a significant amount there the number of reinforced concrete fortifications, communication passages, and by breaking into this fortified area, our troops are able to reach more. operational space, but this, of course, is a question for both local commanders and specialists from the general staff, the ministry, this a separate topic, but in any case, such an opportunity appears in this sector, i know that our servicemen fought with the highest dignity and are certainly worthy of state awards, please make an offer for everyone.
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unfortunately, military service is not supposed to jump over a step, but this provision was approved by a presidential decree, so the president has the right to correct this provision, this decree, i ask you to make a proposal to award him the rank of major, thank you, he deserves it, he was on fire three times tank, has seven concussions, one from a shrapnel. wounded in the defeat of tanks, his own tanks, he saved the crew of his comrades, saved equipment, he succeeded, he fought with dignity, he himself destroyed five tanks and 23
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armored vehicles of various classes, i won’t talk about other achievements there, but this a visible result in... ultimately - while leading assault groups, he led assault groups many times, and now he has come to the solution of the problem that you are now reporting, it is clear that it is not only him, there there were many of our guys who fought with dignity, oh they are all examples, good examples of warriors, russian fighters, i know what’s going on here... he signed a contract for 10 years, he wants to be a professional military man, we have a lot of such people, we need to support them , we will do so, but regarding future plans, we will talk separately, i spoke
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today with the chief of the general staff, this is a separate topic, we will consult on what to do next, congratulations. thank you, it’s interesting, but secret, about future plans, putin and shaig are now continuing the conversation, we see from situation, the conversation takes place on... on one of the ships, apparently, which today entered service with the russian navy. so, the meeting of the minister of defense shaigu with the president of russia, the supreme commander-in-chief putin, in st. petersburg, at one of the shipyards, where the newest russian ships were launched today. and the main, good news that shaigu reported to the supreme commander-in-chief was that the russian military forces had completely liberated marinka. in the donetsk people's republic, the liberation of marinka allows more effectively protect donetsk from ukrainian armed forces fire. during
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the liberation of marinka, the famous military 150th division especially distinguished itself. shaigu suggested that putin award state awards to those who distinguished themselves during the capture of imarinka. the liberation of this settlement reduces the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces in defense and gives the russian armed forces additional opportunities. putin asked.
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ita, defense minister shaiguu just reported this to president putin in st. petersburg. let's find out the details of why this settlement is important for us. vladimir razin, military correspondent live. vladimir, we are glad that you responded quickly and joined us. tell us about marinka and its significance. the importance of marinka for ukraine is first and foremost. ideological, why? because since the fifteenth year, after the signing of the minsk agreements, when
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a line of defense was established between the donetsk people's republic and the armed forces of ukraine, marinka was the extreme point, this is actually the border of donetsk, this is the petrovsky district of donetsk, adjacent to marinka, in those days in minsk, agreements the enemy fired from marinka the same petrovsky district, the same adjacent areas of donetsk, literally and... after the start of the special operation, after we had already entered the marinka, our troops fought there,
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the battles took place literally for every house, because every house by the twenty-second year - this was already a separate prepared quite serious point, from which literally for weeks there were such cases that for one house our military with the armed forces of ukraine could literally fight for weeks with the nationalists who... were there, plus a large number of terekons that are located in the terrain allowed the enemy to control from a height - our actions on passing the marinka, yes, but each of the terikons was also liberated, all the firing points that were located on them were hit, and now we own these heights, on the one hand, on the other hand after the marinka , georgievka and maksimilyanovka begin immediately, but then a larger... large settlement comes kurakhovo, and kurakhovo is now a fairly
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serious logistics point for the enemy in supplying, in principle, the entire donetsk group of the armed forces of ukraine, which is around donetsk concentrated, south of marinka there is an advance in the area of ​​​​the settlements of pobeda and novomikhailovka, which makes it possible to approach on a broad front, firstly to the flank of khugledar, and secondly to approach kurakha. which, again , i repeat, is a very serious blow for the enemy in terms of supplying literally the entire donetsk group that has accumulated here, as for liberation. i would also like to add that the fifth brigade of the first donetsk army corps made a significant contribution to the liberation of marinka, together with fighters of the famous 150th division, it was liberated in fairly fierce battles without exaggeration, but last night we
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learned from the guys from the fifth brigade that the last stronghold in the administrative... borders of marinka had been liberated, our guys went there, entrenched themselves, yes today we officially heard from the minister of defense that this strong point, like marinka, like a city, is a city, the strong point in the literal sense of the word has been taken, our troops are moving forward, no one stops there, work is going on around the neighbors to the rear, work is going on across a broad front, novomikhailovka, and the settlements of pobeda, which is further south, as well. on the right flank of marinka there is krasnogorka, in principle , exactly the same fairly serious stronghold as marinka, but our guys there are also working to liberate another city of the donetsk people's republic. volodya, the last stronghold, the same one you are talking about, was on ivan franko street, on the northern outskirts, and, as a matter
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of fact, our fighters occupied it and smoked the people out of there. this fierce struggle lasted even more than several months, this is an active defense, that the enemy is trying to attack us, trying to break through our lines, but at the same time, as soon as our military feels that the moment is coming when all the main forces, who were thrown
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into an attempt to break through our line of defense were hit, the enemy is now in the mm... moment of redeployment, at the moment of transferring reinforcements to the direction, and our guys are starting to make small leaps, this seems to be the main meaning of active defense in order to to take the enemy’s positions from which he is trying to advance towards us, here is marinka - this was just one of the, if not ideal, points for just such moments of trying to go through a strong point, through the line of defense, slowly forward in our direction, but the enemy never succeeded in this direction, that is , starting from literally the beginning of the special operation, we constantly moved house by house, it was precisely the active defense that we have all been talking about for a long time, yes, that here we are in active defense, yes we are in active defense , but that doesn't stop us from moving forward, and most importantly, no one is stopping us
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from being on active defense and moving forward when our guys feel like they can make a push in the first place without. .. yes, whose military specialties were already used in their counter-offensive, now there is no one to stand on the defensive or go on a counter-attack, and now the cooks, drivers and mechanics are sent to the defense in the most difficult areas front, or in attempts to attack, but as you know, all these attempts end where
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they end for them. thank you very much, congratulations on this victory , huge greetings to the soldiers who took part in the liberation of marinka, it is clear that there is still a lot, a lot of work ahead, but this is really such an uh, i don’t want to use the word turning point, soldiers should talk about this, but psychologically, of course, this is important news for danish residents, for civilians who, unfortunately, were under fire, will still be under fire from other bridgeheads the armed forces of ukraine, but nevertheless this one has ceased to exist, now there is a unique opportunity, only we, the viewers of the program... 60 minutes to see the first footage from the liberated marinka, the report of our legendary military correspondent alexandrarenka was liberated.
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line of defense, line of defense, line of defense, line of defense on every street, our infantry penetrated, valiant, a tnt block is lying around, yes, they won’t find it here only during a cleanup, sappers haven’t worked here yet, cossacks, ukrainian equipment, famous cossack, well, as famous, i would not say that this is the top craftsmanship. our howitzers killed them. now this is not the marina direction, but the kurakhovsky direction. fighting began for the nearest settlements: georgievka and
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maksimilyanovka. and then comes the most important transport hub of the ukrainian armed forces, the city of kurakhovo. listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, that’s why these ships are just lying there. our infantry marches forward across the fields, storming the forest belts behind the marinka. shells and copters are flying above us , the enemy has fled, now it will be calmer in donetsk, wow, there was a shot from the southern caspian, hit, no, hasn’t reached yet, 40 seconds, it’s so long, 4 km, shot, units howling here along with...
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there it is, the banner of victory, the banner of the 150th indrevsky division, here it is, our maryenka,
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truly the most important tactical operational victory for the armed forces of russia, for our entire country, marinka was taken for a very long time, 9 years, it was a springboard for the ukrainian armed forces, they fired at civilians from... starley troshev had already become a major.
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these are masses of concrete, reinforcement, a system of long-term engineering structures, a multilayer defense system, which stuffed with weapons, primarily for launching fire strikes, the ukrainian army used these positions to shell peaceful cities in donbass, committing war crimes. therefore, from a military and political point of view, today’s event is, of course, very significant and important, important, because
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the line is being pushed back. from donetsk, important, because the enemy is unable to hold positions, even such prepared ones, and this shows the potential for the balance of forces on the line of combat contact to change in favor the russian army, in fact , this is absolutely obvious to everyone today, both for... the kiev elite and for western capitals, if we leaf through the pages of the leading newspapers of european countries, the united states of america, the headlines speak for themselves. nobody bets on ukraine anymore, hopes have been reset, tens of billions of dollars and euros have been reset, hundreds have been reset. tanks and other
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armored vehicles, the hopes of western politicians to bring russia to its knees have been nullified, so we certainly congratulate the illustrious division, which is carrying such a historical relay from 1945 to 2023, of course there is deep symbolism in this. this shows the historical continuity of our armed forces, our country, just as we once liberated our lands from the nazi invaders during the great patriotic war, just as we today liberate our lands from the brown heirs of the third reich, represented by the nazi regime of ukraine, their western
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patrons. there is a deep historical paradox, of course, when great britain, the usa, france, once, the anti-hitler countries coalition, today they actually betrayed their history and support the absolutely nazi regime in kiev, but as they say, we will solve this problem, the russian army will inevitably move forward, of course,
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today we heard from the frigate admiral golovko, this is a serial frigate that has the capabilities to cause strikes against maritime coastal targets, including through the use of zircon missiles, against which today nato does not yet have the means to intercept and neutralize this potential. i should note that it was also today it was said by the president , the minister of defense, these same combat ships are equipped with cruise missile systems, nk caliber, this is also an effective subsonic destruction system that can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads, and of course it is important to note that frigates of this class are 22- 350
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is an autonomous combat unit that is capable of conducting combat operations, including in the far sea zone, including due to the possession of its own shipborne air defense system poliment redoubt with a range of hitting targets of 150 km and accordingly. in in this regard, we welcome this news with satisfaction. the important decision that the president made today, i think, will be in the nature of a precedent. when a combat officer received an extraordinary military rank by one level, tanker alexander tryshev moved directly from senior lieutenants to majors. this practice must be expanded, the decision of the president, the supreme commander-in-chief should be welcomed, because there are a lot of worthy young, promising military officers who today are already... commanding
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