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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 26, 2023 11:30am-1:38pm MSK

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need to adjust. auto experts are sure that after a week or two, drivers will get used to it and there will be less traffic jams, in the future, in the future , the highway, which was designed half a century ago, will be updated. if we remember that the road has already been widened in the castles, viaducts have appeared, and not far off there will be a modernization of the highway itself in the city. the experiment will last at least until the end of march, after studying the traffic intensity, as well as public opinion, experts will decide to leave the dedicated lane. or return it to how it was. igor yagienko, timofey falileev, anton sitnikov, georgy stadnik, news. ultra-fast charging stations, repair buildings and a huge parking lot. all this in the new soltykovka electric bus fleet in moscow. 100 electric buses will serve there. report by maxim oparin. driver denis terentyev is preparing his brand new electric bus for its first trip. the car is decorated with new year's garlands to create a festive mood on the streets of the capital. the drivers themselves are a little worried,
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we are opening a new route, so solemnly, in in general, an unusual feeling, a little exciting. construction of the new soltykovka electric bus fleet began in the winter of twenty -one as part of the capital’s targeted investment program. on an area of ​​3 hectares , 100 modern electric buses will be serviced; when the fleet begins to operate at its planned capacity, all these vehicles will transport 40,000 passengers per day. currently the park serves four. routes are the fourteenth c613, 974 and 792, but already in the first quarter of next year there will be eight more routes and a staff of up to 500 people, half of them are drivers, by the way, recruitment is already underway, electric buses will be serviced and repaired here, this will be done by the company that has been producing cars for 15 years. all machines are serviced, the entire production building is made of russian materials, which allows us to modernize. than a regular wire, this
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can be done by a smartphone in about 15 minutes. this is how electric buses take a shower, huge automatic brushes themselves clean the sides of the car, now the driver doesn’t even need to drive past through a special tunnel, everything is automated, the car wash is generally super, and honestly, you go to the car wash there... everything is fine, you just sit there - the brushes pass by, washing everything. thanks to the new routes, transport links between the east and southeast of the capital with reutov and lyubertsy, which are almost 2.5 million residents, will improve. we have tried to make it comfortable to serve, serve, work here, with the latest equipment, every year we are increasing the number of retrobuses in moscow, approaching one and a half thousand. the capital is the most equipped city in europe with electric buses, and they are now serving. 120
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ground transport routes, three electric bus fleets were modernized, fili, nagorny and novokasino, three more were built anew, these are krasnaya pakhra, mitina and soltykovka. by the way, excursions and open days will be held in soltykovka. maxim abarin, alexander kucherovsky, vnitri belous, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. and we have everything by this time, see you later. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest.
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exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony , those who don’t take risks are lucky, we will succeed. i will operate , i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i'm the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally play most of the you spend your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music nadezhda, she relies on russian songs, in general
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russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment.
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in the depths of your heart, purity like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence, even if you don’t breathe, we leave defectors,
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marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths. hello, this is our program. the fighting in donbass has been going on for almost 10 years. during this time a whole generation of children has grown up who do not know what the world is. today we will find out what mothers go to in order for their children to have a childhood. the happy life of galina inykh ended in december 2014.
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at home, the doors were blown out, it was necessary to remove all the windows around the perimeter of our son, away from the fighting, in order to save his life and give him the opportunity to grow up and study normally. i am grateful for the opportunity for my child to be in this school where he is now. thankful for the opportunity. receive a full education for all the opportunities that my child now has. galina stayed in donetsk with her youngest son, and together they are waiting for grisha to come home. is this my brother's ball? yes, yes, his dad
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gave it to him for his birthday, and now mark, while grishenka is away, is playing with this ball, right? yes yes. galina is in our studio. yanykh from donetsk , hello, hello , hello, galina, why are you crying, it hurts so much when your children are hurting, when you fear for the life of your child every day, that is, and you live where you still shelling, yes, i still live in donetsk, the city is shelled every day, of course, and you worry, is everything okay with them, is everyone alive? how did your husband die? it was a shelling of the city, my husband was on sto, this is stu, they were repairing the shuttle buses that run around the city, the shelling began,
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during this shelling, in my opinion, about six or seven shells arrived there and... and well the people there didn’t even have a chance to escape, unfortunately, we sympathize with you, of course, how did gregory find out about this? i told grisha that his dad died, well, probably yes, it was in the plot that we were about a month and a half away, somehow i couldn’t muster up the courage to tell him, and um, once again - grisha and i were driving, well, it was school, - i think i picked him up from school, and he said to me: “mom, mm, maybe we can talk, where’s dad?” where did he go? i say: okay, now let’s come
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home and talk. well, somehow it turned out that i finally gathered my courage and told him that this happened, excuse me, the child of course reacted very painfully i was very, very, very upset about this. and where is your eldest son gregory now? now grigory is in school , this is a temporary accommodation center, this is a school , it is located in the moscow region in sergiev posad, lord, for some reason i am so worried, i remember that st. sergius, the school, i don’t remember, is full now, but the orthodox education center, so they are protected there. in every possible way - they stimulate, help, organize
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various events, organize, well , everything is just great, really great, even, to be honest, even in peacetime, it’s not in all our schools there were such opportunities as in this school, now he is already studying there for the second year, why? you sent grigory there, how did you understand that the moment had come when it was no longer possible to continue to live, well, firstly, because in connection with this whole situation, with the shelling, i decided that it would be better for my child , how you explained your decision to him and how he perceived it, you know, he took it normally, we consulted, i told him, you can try, you will have such an opportunity, in any case, if... suddenly something doesn’t suit you, you don’t like it, or somehow, well
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, anything happens in life, i say, i can come pick you up anyway, i asked from the first time ago, yes , at first, yes, honestly, for the first, probably 2 weeks, he told me, mom, well, let me get it before the new year and you will pick me up, i say, well, let ’s finish studying until the new year, and then we’ll see, now then there was a period of time, well, i ’ll finish ninth grade and you’ll pick me up, yeah. at the end of ninth grade he said you you know, i would like to finish my studies here until the end of the eleventh grade, go to college here, just like that, well, in any case, in order to raise a real man, you need to let him go at some point, but i always do i understood, but i thought that this time would come, let my child be 18 years old there, and i would somehow let him go from me, how old is grisha now, grisha is now 16 years old, you and gregory... communicate often, every day , every day on the phone, yes, yes, well, sometimes he doesn’t call,
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sometimes we just write off, well, we write off, but every day, yes, let's see the story, how your son grisha lives in the fvr, okay, why dad, why did this happen, grigory? still can’t get over his father’s death, although 9 years have already passed, the most beautiful thing that people can see, their children are right here, well, it turned out like this, now grisha is doing everything to make his father proud of him, there are only a’s in his diary , i dream of growing up, becoming a worthy person, a doctor, to save the lives of fathers like him, so that children do not worry. the same in donetsk grisha did not have the opportunity
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to study fully; the training was distance learning. in distance learning, i cannot reveal my full potential, i need live communication with a teacher rather than via the internet, when you already communicate with a person, you can learn a lot more. now he is in a temporary detention center, studying in the tenth grade and preparing for final exams. here he had the opportunity to play sports. everything would be fine, but the child’s heart is restless for his mother, every day he waits with fear for news from donetsk, every minute, every second i i worry about her, about my mother. because i’m afraid that the same thing will happen, i’ll be left all alone, this will be more than anything, mom, i love you very much, i really really want to finally see you,
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well, there are a lot of children living there in this center, and you mothers are like each other... i know that you communicate and know each other, let 's see a story about another mother, larisa nikolashna, here is yanochka's room, here are her toys, here is a cat, this was a gift from comrades, a toy yana's father's colleagues brought him, he died defending the donetsk airport, then her mother larisa nikolashina did not know. how to live on, well , it was all hard to bear, thanks to the fact that my daughter was nearby, we supported each other, supported each other, and when we were left without a home, there were fierce battles in their village near avdeevka, we moved together to the temporary temporary detention center in donetsk. for the first few years we lived in one room, we had two beds,
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we didn’t even have a table yet, and often there was no light or water. here's a shower, well, there's no water at the moment, there's water in buckets. 3 years ago, larisa made the most difficult decision to send her daughter to a temporary temporary detention center near moscow, where she could study and live like a normal teenager. here you constantly sit in a room, without going anywhere, due to constant shelling. larisa herself remained in donetsk, lives and works here, watches video messages from her daughter every day, they cheer her up.
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as one of the best, they were taken to study in the cadet corps, she spent every holiday in the orthodox center, yeah, well, she liked it there and it was calm, and there was no shelling, and i it was calm, i wasn’t so worried, she didn’t even want to go home, because here it was much better for her, after all, as a child. did you see in the story that your husband died, how did it happen? my husband died in 2015 at the donetsk airport, defending the city of donetsk, defending our land, our homeland, he was a militia member, yes, he joined the militia, he left his home, his job, he left everything, he went, he
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considered it his duty, that he must protect our homeland. when how old was yanochka in the fourteenth year, she was 8 years old, how she accepted it, yanochka survived, too it’s hard, well, we supported each other , well, thanks to the fact that we supported, well , we somehow survived this difficult period for us, well, now it’s hard for us too, after all, dad died, they left everything, there’s no home, the house is broken, for now moment we... live - in a temporary accommodation center in donetsk, that is, you have lost your home, yes, we have been in donetsk for 9 years, well, like me and my daughter, we have nowhere to go, there is no housing, and we also cannot go anywhere so, in order to travel somewhere, you need to live somewhere, after all, it all comes down to housing. and yana, what now?
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tells what conditions she lives in, does she like it? yes, yanochka likes it now , here... here she is and i’m calm, yes for her , it’s good here, she has new friends, she really likes it here, you communicate often, we communicate often, we communicate every day, let’s see how yana is , let 's live now, music distracts yana nikolashina from terrible memories, she cannot come to terms with the fact that she will no longer see her father, i spent little time with him. jaana moved to the moscow region 3 years ago, studied in the cadet corps, then entered
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to college, now lives in a temporary detention center, found true friends here, takes up dancing and is slowly moving towards her main goal. i want to finish high school well, at the moment i got a job in an office, and i hope that i can then provide for my mother myself, so that... we can live and not worry about money, about work, so that she can easily buy herself what he wants. larisa, in this temporary detention center where yana lives, there are parental days, are you allowed there? i came, so what do you think? i came, i liked it there, everything is good there, there is food for the children, where is the gym, dancing, well, socializing, as it were. after all, they can go out into the city, and the sky is peaceful, the main thing is that in donetsk , for young people, for children, the children have not seen,
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their childhood was so difficult, all the children had a military one, yes, a military one, yes, even if when they go out, they all just sit near the house, because you can’t go far, let’s see the stories of another mother with the call sign masha, her call sign masha. she is a sniper, i serve, because they came to my house, there is no other way, at the age of 19, magdalena shcherbakova stood up for the defense of her native donbass, at the front i met my future husband, unit commander andrei ostapov, when my son was born, masha decided to leave the service and become a good wife and mother, but in 2019 her beloved died, when i found out that something like this happened when...
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my wife you’re a little bub, and he said to
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shake him in the forest, so that your mother is as cunning as a fox, so that no one can defeat you, in our studio we have a member of the svo magdalina shcherbakova, your name is magdalina, hello, what’s better? please contact me, masha, masha, tell me how you met husband? i met my husband during the war in 1914, we basically served in the same city, it all started with slavyansk, we both started there, but we didn’t get to know each other there, since we were in different units, we thought well, we measured each other against each other, let’s say, with our best results, but a little later we met and it so happened that we got married . let’s rewind why we decided to go to... the front, well, because it seems to me that the mentality of donbass would not have been any different allowed, because the people who live there, they very tough, let’s say, and for a long time.
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at that moment, it was necessary to help in training, it was necessary to share combat experience, because the guys come from civilian life, and that is, well, a lot needs to be invested there, and the active ones, and here are my colleagues, they cannot devote themselves entirely to this, so on maternity leave, let’s say, i helped in the continuation, pulled there, but not that i pulled, no, it seems to me that it’s my duty, that’s why, because this is our land in
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the first place, and there’s no other way. everyone here everyone who lives there, every hero, first of all, secondly, every person who is there makes some contribution to the victory, it’s true, that’s the moment you decided to take your son out, i handed my son over to the fvr from the moment we began active hostilities in the direction of my city, since he lives with my mother in dobaltsevo, and it was very hot there, so at that moment i took the child there, in what year it was, this is the first. ..
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family, and you are not afraid for yourself, because you you are risking your life, you are the only one with him, but it seems to me that any serviceman, for whom, for whom, for himself, is hardly afraid, you are afraid for your family, you are afraid for your friends, you are afraid for your comrades, for everyone around you, but not about yourself , it’s common to think about yourself last, he calls you, writes letters, naturally, these are probably the best moments there, that’s when soin calls. masha, why did you decide to become a sniper? this is not my definition.
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he means that you need to evacuate somewhere to some cities, or russia or moscow. zhenya i absorbed the language of missile strikes with my mother's milk and learned the main lesson of how to survive under shelling. if i don’t hear the sound of a shot, only a rocket, then it’s for us. if it’s not close to you, well, three microdistricts, for example, from you, then you need to run to the hallway, and if it’s very close, then go down to the basement or to the shelter. learns to read and write , but he can teach anyone to shoot from a machine gun, i sometimes take soft bullets, hard, hard bullets i shoot from machine guns, soft bullets from rifles, i learned to shoot to protect my family, he knows that such is death, i received the most terrible news at the age of 3, such a story happened to me when my mother and my father were serving in the fourteenth year,
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he was wounded by a bullet. head, and he died, and mom went to take revenge. zhenya now lives in a temporary temporary detention facility near moscow. it took him a long time to get used to silence ; only now he learned the meaning of the word “peace.” “mom, i hope you’re looking at me now, i want to tell you, come here as soon as possible, everything will be fine with you.” has your mother ever thought about moving? never, even with the birth of a child. why am i better than all those who are there is there, there is no retreat, it is impossible, further in the program, mother of many children elena krivonos will tell how she is going through a long separation from her son, why she cannot see him growing up, she says: mom, no, i just want to live at home with you, under fire anyway , not under fire, just hiding with you,
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resident of donetsk, irina troshchak. will share how she became a foster mother, why can’t she be with her son now? the child is small, he doesn’t understand, children’s psychology is so subtle that he cannot... understand why he is being given, no need to smother him anymore, i can’t risk family well-being, i told you, don’t start a romance, don’t ever appear in my life again, i understand, let me down, come on, yo, yo, halley’s comet,
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dad, this is my fiancé, joji. dad, lord george peakcock. lord, what kind of foreign tourists
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, we saw all the weirdos here and drove you away, as they say, welcome, if you are a zhorik from... and i will file for divorce, the best son-in-law can only be a son, georgie, meet me, this is your father that this is the same doctor with whom you once got drunk, and i kept thinking what was wrong with you, nosfet,
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who talks a lot and loudly at work , if you answer, then with humor, i chop oaks, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches , god forbid, now it’s pibi. if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, on saturday on prt, maybe
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you’ll go to someone, put your hands away, i don’t understand something, his car is cool, or because of your great love, stop yelling, people are sleeping, what are you doing? , he loves me, clearly, well, crookedly, i didn’t want to interrupt you. talks to ivana a lot ilichem, i need to leave now, not for long, i’ll just film here right away, when in 20 years, people’s artist, on friday on rtr, somewhere in this world, where there is always frost, labor with the backs of bears, and the earth’s axis, they float by centuries, sleeping in sotaite. on december 31, at the rtr, six shells flew towards six foxes, and
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well, the people there didn’t even have a chance to escape, why did they have to send their children to the temporary detention center? honestly, i am very grateful that... let's watch a story about another mother from staro mikhailovka. mother of many children elena krivonos lives in the village of staromikhailovka, a kilometer from the contact line, under constant fire from the ukrainian armed forces. the youngest daughter, angelina, is only one and a half years old. she does not yet understand all the horrors that her family has experienced. when the shelling took place, of course, we were afraid, only god knows what we... went through, of course, we
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hid, hid the children in the basement. in 2014 , a basement for storing vegetables in the courtyard of the house became a shelter for the family. elena’s sons, timur and vlad, practically grew up there. they filled it with polystyrene foam and made a stove. was we have a portable dvd for children. they turned on cartoons, since there was no light here, vladik stood near the wall, then timut, me, my mother, my husband seemed to be sleeping on the shelf, in the fifteenth year there was a direct hit there, we were just in the basement, the move-in we made it cut, but didn’t penetrate, we were a little stunned, the shelling continues to this day, parts of exploding shells in every yard are stuffed with these cassettes.
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says: mom, no, i just want to live at home with you, still under fire, not under fire, just hide with you, with you, well, and the eldest stayed there to study, he said: “mom, it’s kind of like here for me, he’s more socialized, he was uh, he went to clubs before, let’s see how vlata lives in fvr, i made you a boat, all i have to do is polish it, make the sails, and you will sail to me on this boat. vlad is really waiting for his mother, he
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has been living under a peaceful sky in a temporary detention center near moscow for a year and a half, but he can’t forget how he got out of the basement in the dark. it’s like it was in 2015, i was about 4-5 years old, and we were just running into the basement immediately a projectile flies into this basement. we were lucky that there was a rubber layer there; the projectile didn’t penetrate and gave way. teachers try to distract the child from non-childish thoughts. vlad is studying. “mom, i want you to be fine,
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so that you don’t get sick, and so that there are no flights, lena, how do you console him when he, well, wants to go home, man, it’s clear that home is home, “what words do you say to him, i say, son, be patient a little, everything will work out, peace will come, at first you were worried about them while they were there?” "about one mother, well, he gave this to us, look, inna troshchak proudly shows her adopted son’s gifts, a social worker saw dima 3 years ago at work, apikon came to us, brought the child and said, i refuse the child,
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everything was raging inside me, raging , i naturally spoke out to the guardian herself, because she is a teacher by training , since then... as they say, she’ll go there, then she’ll go to the cultural center, and there’s shelling and all that , you worry, it’s happening, well, it’s like doubly responsible, a sense of responsibility forced grandmother and mother to take dima to
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a safe place so that he could stay alive and be able to finish everything he dreamed of, read books, assemble a car. from a construction set and eat plenty of your favorite berries. grandma asked: “dim, what do you want?” he says: “i really want raspberries. my grandmother specially ordered raspberries brought from the crimea, good raspberries, so she planted them so that the child could have raspberries. we have inna troschak in our studio. hello, inna. hello, inna. how are you decided to adopt dima? you know, i want to tell you that the decision was accepted by me right away, because when i ... started talking to him, my child, you know, inside, it’s mine, everything, of course, i calmed him down, firstly, i talked to him, child little , he doesn’t understand, children’s psychology is so subtle that he can’t understand why he is being betrayed, and besides, he was betrayed by the little girls, it’s
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his mother, his dear, excuse me, guardian who simply betrayed him, simply. brought the child to our department and said: i refuse the child, he did not understand at all why he was abandoned refuses, what did he do? so, i say , dim, it happens, first of all, we sat down with him in the office, i say, dim, there are such life situations that she couldn’t cope, her son died, she took him as a replacement for her son, so she came, she said, i can’t cope with him, well... yes, of course, i managed to explain to him, and he understood, of course, i came to him for a long time, to the children’s social center, we talked a lot with him him, on various topics, of course, he was prickly, prickly, didn’t
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let him in, but then we had contact things got better, so i naturally talked to my family, naturally to my two daughters. with the grandmother, so the grandmother speaks somehow at first, and he is someone else’s child, he is, well, you never know how it is, so what? i say: mom, i don’t know, this is mine , i feel inside that this is my child, she says, i make a decision on my own, but what does dima call you now, well, we agreed with him, i talk to him like an adult , i told him, i say, dim, whatever you want, call it that, i don’t care . with me, you're next to me, everything is fine, here he calls me inna anatolyevna , i don’t mind, if you want it that way, it’s convenient for you, great, if you want to call me mom, and i’ll be only glad when you realized that tap for him is the best option, the fact is that we live in october, this is a restriction in avdeevka, don’t
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let me lie, but where is the price, here is the first, second site, which is constantly being shelled. we always have no light, no water, no heating , there are constant arrivals, but naturally, the child needs communication, some kind of socialization, that’s right, everyone sat down together, i say, dim, so and so, let’s do something , he says, i agree, yes, it’s better for me to study there than to study online, and how old is he now, he’s 15 years old, an adult already, yes, an adult, well, i took it. he was 14, 13.5 years old, he did not perceive it within himself as another betrayal, and you know, i’m doing everything possible, i’m doing everything possible. so that he wouldn’t feel it, even we didn’t have it at all. let's see a story about how he lives there. i started going to the temple and
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heard the bells ringing, and i was very i liked it, and i decided to set a goal for myself to do this. the ringing of the bells has a unique healing power; it calms and distracts dima from thoughts about his mother. my own mother drank. she was doing bad, bad things, but she just betrayed me everything as a child. dima encountered betrayal at the age of 7; he lived in the dpr with his mother, but she decided to send him to a boarding school and forgot about the existence of her son. at the age of 11, the boy was found to have an opyakun. he lived with his stepmother for a year. one woman took me, she. called me out, humiliated me morally, it happened, beat me, of course, i told her i said that why are you
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doing this to me about the fact that how is it possible , they took me away, you’re still drinking, i really, when it happened, i went to the administration about the investigation, why this is happening, i didn’t say that, i just i didn’t say, i can’t help myself, i was little then, now dima is 15 years old, more... he is a good child. yes. next in the program. evacuation curator vitaly ivanov will tell you
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why and where donbass children are being taken and how they live away from their families. guests of the studio will receive the most expensive surprise and, of course, gifts from santa claus. dear grandfather frost, i want a camera. and congratulations to the country. what do you have here? panov asked me to tell you that the killer was some kind of crooked one. yes. premiere on rtr. it looks like an act of intimidation. it seems. now they are beautiful. how did you see that we were moving in the wrong direction? a short session of psychoanalysis helped. mary is paul. or maybe we'll see each other again? new secret investigations. today on rtr.
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i still have pain here, here it hurts , here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy... the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle. this, by the way, has been officially proven. proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress? you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. let's run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us. and the right habits, shouldn’t we have a little kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. in the most important things from monday to friday on rtr.
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and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on
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rtr. i could call a tow truck , well wait, here you go, please , for your concern, i specialize in fulfilling other people’s wishes, making wishes or fulfilling them, you’re kidding again, you have to believe in miracles, who likes what more, you kissed this mother, look don't lose everything you have left, three wishes 30 december on rtr. yuri nikolaev is 75. he rarely gives interviews, but is always a welcome guest on television, to whom he devoted half a century of his life. he was deprived of the airwaves and returned triumphantly. he showed the first domestic video clips and interviews that went down in history a few days before the new year , together with the most recognizable soviet announcers, we remember our favorite morning mail and most importantly, we congratulate yuri nikolaev on
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his anniversary. malakhov today on rtr. earlier in the studio program , residents of donbass told why they were forced to give their children in a temporary detention center near moscow and how they cope with separation. i want to watch children grow up, learn, and... well, children in general should always be with their parents, let's now look at a story about how children generally live in temporary detention centers, you had something there again, yes, there were problems , no, everything is fine, vitaly was one of the first who began to take children out of the shelled areas of donbass, the educational center of st. sergius became their home, this is a temporary temporary detention center, where children live without
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parents, children at night. couldn't sleep from silence, any sound, they covered their heads with their hands, lay there, screamed, no one understood what could be done with these children, well , gradually we put on music at night, speakers in the corridors, that is, we learned gradually to bring them to life, forgetting about during combat operations, children play, laugh and communicate carefree; after the shocks they have experienced, it is important for them to feel supported. in order to forget about the tragic events, everyone here comes to us on trips to the library, just to the city, there are a lot of clubs here, good teachers, in short, we play football, volleyball , fennerball here, there is very cool physical education, children are in the hands of professional teachers, a rich program is scheduled minute by minute,
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school classes are replaced by sports, the more free time a child has... pain, fear, dancing helps i need to drown out all these emotions, in addition to creative skills, the children develop spiritually, there is a school of bell ringers at the temple, and the children also receive professional skills, there is a sewing
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workshop and a carpentry shop. i... will make a military plane like this, it will stand here the acrylic bet is all glowing, they want weapons from anime, as usual they us. us in the studio, the curator of the evacuation of children in the moscow region, vitaly ivanov, hello, vitay! yes, good afternoon , hello, tell me, do you bring the kids yourself, yes, in 1414, when everything happened, i am a resident of donbass,
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well, really, i left in 1987, but my parents are there, many relatives are there, well, everyone is from donbass, danish residents , naturally , all over the country, well, as if they couldn’t remain indifferent, that’s when i entered. from the leadership of the dpr, not to mention the cries about help, but the calling is such that who could take out families, children, my friends and i also gathered everyone , how much money we had, hired buses, and simply took children and families out for several months to different sanatoriums, houses, apartments, to moscow, the moscow region, crimea , well, in general, everything that was there was taken out, gradually, we worked out a certain, probably, way of what needed to be done, that is, we had already begun to choose the main things that the children needed, and naturally, first the svo, it was no longer just
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what - two to three months of rehabilitation for children, and already purposefully for a long time, until the end of your life, what you have to face is the most difficult thing, what is the most shocking for you, the children were simply afraid of silence, this is the worst thing that happened, because the children are accustomed to the daily interruption, some kind of, well, scary sound, but how does this fear manifest itself? children can’t sleep in silence, they can’t , that is, they didn’t know what to do at night, then they put it on, they realized that they needed to add sounds, they turned on the tape recorders, they put it right in the corridors, they started to sleep, how quickly it went, honestly speaking... they get used to it, well, more than a month , or even two, some can’t do it at all, we, i won’t say how many, since the age of fourteen, this is a huge number, but at first
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we took out more than 2,500 children, that’s who- some adapt, some don’t, mostly these are children from the most difficult areas, where there is constant daily shelling. that’s what the girls said there, just everyday, for me it was generally scary, but seeing a lot of things like that and as if this is already the meaning of life, probably, at least for now period, because for me the worst thing is the crying of a child, it’s scary , it’s probably the worst thing in life that exists, when a child cries, you don’t know how to help him, you try, well...
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with the parents , when the child leaves, each parent begins to call there every day , they flew there, who died there, who was killed, and the wounded, this is all passed on to the child, and
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the child, accordingly, is in constant stress, we need to let him feel a little childhood, but learned to walk, study, work, help, ah, that’s it, just look at the sky and enjoy it. but there he can’t do this, he knows the arrivals, what calibers, he knows all this , for a child, in fact, well, this shouldn’t be like that, well, we’re trying to do it, well... i hope it works out, everything works out for you, soaring, thank you very much, dear, respected mothers, we knew, we generally have to say that for the audience, we know that you have come a long way, it took you more than a day to get to moscow, you came from these regions, dangerous, difficult, where the fighting is currently taking place, including you tired, but we still decided that you came to the children. but we decided to bring the children to you
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, now we want to ask them to come into the studio, guys, please come in, finally you will see them, come on in, hello, so beautiful, zhenya, unfortunately, is sick, masha a little, here you go and you’ll get to him yourself, talk to him there, hug him, there’s a new year ahead, we... we know that you recently wrote notes, yes, about your wishes, wishes for the new year, let’s see a story about this: they’re too early became adults but they have forgotten how to dream and believe in miracles. before the new year, the children of donbass write letters to santa claus and wish everyone peace, that the war will end, that there will only be heat in the new year, and that everyone will live in peace in harmony.
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happy new year to everyone and those at the front, i want all the children to be alive and well, that they are with their mothers, that everything is fine, i wish you happiness, health, and that there will be peace above your head, and that the war will come soon ended, everyone was with their mothers and with their family, i want to wish everyone peaceful, successful, quiet, calm. so that there is a good and peaceful sky above your head, so that there is a christmas tree, olivier , tangerines nearby, so that after this difficult not... so easy year
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, a very good year 2024 begins, so that everyone’s dreams come true, that everyone rejoices at the new year and that everyone is fine, happy new year, happy new year! in our studio we have a tree of wishes, these are the same wishes cards, here they are in my hand, let’s read it, dear santa claus, i want a camera, congratulations to the country, in my opinion, this, in my opinion, is unsigned, well , look, look, there is a signature, and you know this, yes zhenya, this is from zhenya, mom knows, he wants to capture all the moments, this is just wonderful, look, i want so that mom doesn't need it. nothing and i could
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provide for her, and i also really want to give my mother a gift - give her a new phone, whose? mine, i thought so, here is yanykh grigory, city of donetsk, dear grandfather moros, i wish you a happy new year, i would like headphones and a phone, i also want an apartment and a box tangerines, super simple , here you go, krivonos vladislav , i love to play football, go to carpentry classes, i really like to walk, i really want a house in a safe area, where my whole family could live, where there would be no shelling and there would be everything would be fine, yours, that ’s all. it will be good,
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but of course we don’t promise you apartments and houses right now, you’ll get everything else right now , please bring gifts, we won’t wait for the new year, a box of tangerines, a box of tangerines, as you ordered, please take them apart, here are yours the names are written, come on, let's get up , sort it out, i ordered a tangerine, it's wonderful, but of course we couldn't ignore all the other children who are there and... of course, we also decided to give them a gift, here are these gifts on the screen, which we will definitely take, and the new year is a holiday that unites the whole family, the whole country. everything will be fine with us, happy new year to you, live long and - this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on channel russia, see you, see you.
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on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing for this hour. there were hail strikes in the artyomovsk direction, alligators bombed ukrainian armed forces equipment near kremennaya, two more enemy tanks hit our lancets. details of how marinka was liberated and how the russian army talks about the success.
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i didn’t start fishing in primorye. the anniversary is celebrated by the legendary basketball coach evgeny gomelsky. drones attacked military infrastructure in the south tonight ukraine. local media reported a series of explosions in the odessa region. the rszzo grad crews were destroyed. camouflaged positions in the artyomovsk direction, combat vehicles on round-the-clock duty and during firing use high-explosive fragmentation shells of 122 mm caliber. near kupinsk , the lancet loitering ammunition hit a ukrainian tank, another one was knocked out in the kherson direction, by the way,
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a new version of the lancet with a thermal imager is also used there. fpv drone crews of ivanovo paratroopers destroyed personal composition of the ukrainian armed forces in shelters. the militants tried to hide near broken ukrainian vehicles along the road to chasov yar, but to no avail. and the army aviation strike group, consisting of mi-28 and k-52, destroyed enemy equipment at the svatovo-kremennaya line. marinka today disappeared from the daily reports of the general staff of the vso , giving way to the direction of the same name, and the western press, which... is always reluctant to report on the successes of our army, was perplexed by the news of the liberation of the city. many publications chose to ignore the facts. other they cite the words of sergei shaigu about more effective defense of donetsk and recall the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive.
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the french figaro even publishes a map on which the settlement is under the control of russian troops and notes that moscow has regained the initiative in everything. the day before he was awarded the extraordinary rank of major. the enemy clung to every house, right to every barn, every basement, cellar, we knocked them out, stormed , uh, pressed every day, five assaults a day, we had to go, go, until
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the enemy did not understand what was happening; it was necessary, let’s say, to go into his position on his shoulders. when at 15:15 i reported to the brigade commander on the radio station that marinka had come under the full control of the fifth brigade, my hands were shaking then, when i took the radio station, well, can you imagine, first the chief of the general staff talks to me, then he speaks to the supreme commander-in-chief will talk for 12 hours, i was very surprised, that is, well, for me, i say it’s a great honor, uh. it can't be compared to anything. one our military correspondent, alexander sladkov, was among the first to visit the liberated city. marenka has been released.
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cossack women, ukrainian equipment, the famous cossack, well, as famous, i would not say that this is the height of mastery,
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there it is, the banner of victory, the banner of the 150th idrez
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division, here it is, our maryenka, alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergazov, lead maryenka , donbass. united russia headquarters in different regions are collecting signatures in support of the nomination of vladimir putin in the presidential elections. residents of nizhny novgorod are helped to fill out all documents activists. women's movement. in tyumen , all residents of the region who have reached the age of 18 can come to the public support headquarters, and the people's teacher of russia, olga royblat, has already left her signature. and in mordovia , five points are already open to collect signatures in support of vladimir putin. first of all, a plant for the production of drones was opened in tolyat. drones for the needs of agriculture and logistics, all components. at the entrance to the new plant there is the sound
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of blades; guests are greeted by domestic agrodrones (geector s-80). next year the transport of the future company intends to create 1,500 copters, not only for agriculture, but also for logistics. it can carry loads of 5 kg at a distance of up to 50 km and flies for 1 hour. it also has a built-in multispectral camera that can... carry out analysis, if necessary , of both an agricultural field in order to process it in the future, and if necessary, survey fields, gas pipelines, and much more. the drones are created entirely from domestic raw materials and their own components, right down to electronics, avionics, batteries. this is our polymer, which is later used for casting. from these granules the parts of the future drone, the propeller blades and the body will be torn off. performance of our thermoplastic machine.
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a full cycle of production of unmanned aircraft systems has been created, what pride that they are implementing a large-scale project from scratch, the most promising industry in the world today. the future has arrived, it’s already reality, drones, taxi drivers, rescue workers, cargo delivery workers, agronomists, surveyors, oil and gas pipeline inspectors. the logistics drone s700 has a load capacity of 200 kg, a flight altitude of about 3,500 m, a speed of 100 km/h, with its help it will be possible...
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energy workers nikolai shulginov removed the ball from the new year tree for eleven-year-old vasilisa from kostroma, who dreams of a bicycle. and the head of the ministry of construction, irek faizulin, will give twelve-year-old adeline from vologda a telescope.
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the gift for sofia from moscow will be a surprise. throw-ins in matches of the continental hockey league csk salovat. these days the astrakhan kremlin has turned into a universal concert venue the site where the new year's project russian operas started. winter's tale. proceeds from this weekend's performances will go to the special operation support fund.
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simple fireworks, music, ballet, favorite new year's songs and arias from famous operas. skater on ice. and from residents of the tula region, volunteers organized a festive program at an art school, and also congratulated veterans of the great patriotic war; a holiday for the children of special operation participants was organized in krasnoyarsk, at the headquarters of the public support of united russia, in orenburg, as part of the box of courage charity event, also organized by united russia,
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little patients of the new regional children's hospital received gifts. in our program about the snow collapse in the chelyabinsk region, the conditions put forward by israeli prime minister netanyahu and the anniversary of yevgeny gomelsky. we'll be back on air in a few minutes and we'll tell you everything. what are you doing? listen, well, one thought came to mind, there is a man, he is strange. ivan okhlobystin.
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rtr. now, if you come into my house, first, what you will see is a door scratched by dogs. he could become a bailiff or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs. treatment
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should not be self-medication; you should contact a specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. dad, this is my fiancé, joji. dad, lord george peakcock. lord, what kind of foreign tourists have we seen here, they all drove you away, as they say, welcome, if you harass zhorik, i i’ll file for divorce, the best son-in-law can only be a son, and georgie, meet me, this is your father, that this is the one. sneeze, with whom you were drunk once, and i kept thinking what was wrong with you, nosfet, son, dad, golden
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dad, december 30 on rtr, provocation is treacherous. behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you worry, ela, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen: watch on the media platform, watch the first podcasts, which we watch, that you have gentlemen here asked you to tell me that
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some crooked killer has gone, uh -huh, the premiere on rtr, it looks like an intimidation campaign, it looks like it’s live your hands, these are beautiful, how did you see that we were moving in the wrong direction, a small session of psychoanalysis helped, maria, this is pavel, or maybe we... see you again . new investigative secrets today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. in in dagestan , more than 50 settlements were left without electricity due to strong winds. in the area of ​​snowfall, now the seaside region is experiencing numerous accidents, traffic on the passes is difficult. in the kursk region on the m2 highway. drivers often cannot cope with the chelyabinsk region due to severe snowstorms even within the city limits. they
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restricted travel on nine highways at once, canceled bus routes to kazakhstan, and even created an operational headquarters. report by daniil antonov. on the roads - ten points traffic jams on the sidewalks, people crumpled in the snowdrifts, almost knocked down by powerful gusts of wind. a severe snowstorm hit the southern urals. the mayor's office of chelyabinsk urgently created an operational headquarters to combat snowfall. more than 200 units of special equipment and almost 200 workers work on the city streets. now, due to heavy rainfall , public transport is paralyzed. in chelyabinsk , intercity buses were canceled, and four flights were delayed at the airport. an accident with a trolleybus occurred at the intersection of the sverdlovsk tract cherkasskaya streets. leaving the metallurgical region is difficult. trams were stopped in some parts of the city due to covered tracks. the carriages do not move to the side. regional hospital, it is not easy for motorists on the federal m-5 due to snowfall and poor visibility, a domestic car and trucks collided. the driver and passenger of the lada died on the spot, and 30
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cars are now being rescued from snow captivity in taras yuzhnouralsk magnitogorsk. traffic police officers are working there around the clock, clearing the highway and helping those who are stuck. motorists. we kindly ask you to refrain from long trips. if, however, these trips cannot be avoided. please take extra warm clothes, extra food and extra fuel for your car with you on the trip. for those who stayed in the city in the morning, the car was literally destroyed... we had to dig it out, and later almost float along the snow-covered roads. snowfall, blizzards , ice and winds of up to 25 m/s are predicted today in the chelyabinsk region. the weather worsened the night before, stormy the warning was extended for the whole day. due to bad weather, classes in chelyabinsk schools were canceled during the second shift. according to forecasters, the snowfall will continue until the evening. tomorrow the wind will subside, and the precipitation will completely stop, but road services will need
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at least another day to... the transport infrastructure of feodosia is operating as normal, there are no restrictions on passenger transportation, the head of crimea sergei aksenov reported this in his telegram channel. he clarified that during the enemy attack on the city, one person was killed, two were injured, six buildings were damaged, mostly windows were broken, six people were evacuated to temporary accommodation centers. on the spot. all relevant services are working, as news agencies reported with reference to the ministry of defense of the armed forces of ukraine , they tried to attack the large landing ship novocherkass, the air defense systems destroyed two ukrainian su-24s. this morning , air raid sirens sounded again in sderot, israel: the city on the border with the gaza strip was attacked with rockets. prime minister netanyahu outlined the preconditions for
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achieving peace in the region. this. complete the destruction of the hamas movement, the demilitarization of the gaza strip and the deradicalization of palestinian society. at the same time , there is no talk of any creation of a palestinian state. meanwhile, the israeli army continues to launch massive attacks on palestinian cities. khan yunes, one of the targets was a hospital. several civilians were killed. the serbian opposition once again brought its supporters to the streets of belgrade this night. the protest action gathered.
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declared safe for fishermen. 4, 7, 10, 13. yuri telegin does not yet know what he took a confident third place, whoever catches the most is the winner, so even the tiniest fish are not overlooked, all fishing tricks are used. we trick any fish we can into putting it on the scale, some have three tails, others, like in this case, 55, but it will count.
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only smelt, more than a kilogram of smelt caught by sergei sozonov left no chance for competitors, that’s it, today i’ll fry, well, last year i was unlucky, i didn’t catch a single one, another athletes who are not afraid of severe frosts, seaside winter swimming enthusiasts held their first competitions in a new outdoor pool right in the center of vladivostok, the water is half a degree, it’s great to compete in this weather, there is no wind, sunny, warm, good, with seaside walruses. chinese athletes, 75 people from several provinces, took to the tracks. such competitions on the vladivostok embankment will now be held frequently, but the pool is open not only to professionals, but also to those who are just starting out in winter swimming. severe frosts leave the seaside, this means you can spend the new year holidays profitably by choosing the winter sport that you like best. ksenia kolchina, sergey svestilnikov, dmitry popkov,
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far eastern bureau of news primorski. global megatrends, the situation on the labor market and news about the digital ruble, all this is the main topic of the updated expert magazine, the pilot issue of which is being published today. the publication became monthly, but retained its concept of telling in detail about current trends in the economy, social policy and government regulation business. this year , the webrf group became a shareholder of the magazine. they did it in the editorial office. organization, and also relaunched the website. the number one coach in women's basketball, evgeniy gomelsky, celebrates his anniversary today. to him. 85. it was under his leadership that the teams from the soviet union and russia won their main awards, including gold, at the olympic games. over the years of work, gomelsky has created his own coaching style and methodology for preparing teams
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for the most important tournaments. report by ilya filippov. they say he was always like this quiet, never raises his voice, intelligent, grew up in leningrad, studied in riga, short, but what a basketball coach he is.
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gomelsky also thanks his wife for his fate, with whom he has been together for six decades, whom he also met in basketball. i don’t want to oblige all men, but i have had cases in my life in my teams when women after childbirth, after injuries, came out and fought like
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lionesses, but i worked as a coach of foreign players in three countries, in spain, in israel and in poland. i just know what it is, who they are our women, soviet-russian women. moscow region, how to survive separation, about this at 15:00, in the evening on our channel watch new episodes of the detective television series the mystery of the investigation. mariitsova will have to solve the case of the murder of a famous journalist, his car was shot at point-blank range by a motorcyclist. 21:20 immediately after the big evening news, two series of paintings. news continues to monitor developments in russia abroad, so stay with us.
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good afternoon everyone, there are only a few days left until the new year. today we have. unusual release together with our favorite announcers of central television, we congratulate the people's artist of russia yuri nikolaev on his two anniversaries. in mid-december, he celebrated his 75th birthday, 50 of which he devoted to television. we are constantly thinking about how to make the show better. the first images of the morning mail were a wake-up call for millions of soviet citizens. and the leading graduate of gites , yuri nikolaev, received letters along with applications. millions of declarations of love, this is a charm that you can’t buy, this is given, it exists or not, every broadcast is excitement, filming, rehearsals, and doubts. his television career was not cloudless.
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during the world cup in 1978, the same millions who adored him yesterday suddenly began writing angry letters when the presenter went on air drunk. it was rumored that only brezhnev’s personal intercession saved yuri nikolaev. how many times have i said to myself: yura, give up this business, you’ll disappear, after all. his programs have become part of our collective memory. he showed the soviet audience the first domestic videos and interviews. which have already gone down in history, and you have preserved this image even today, i am generally like that, i just didn’t save or create any image, that’s just who i am and hello, today on the eve of the new year, people’s artist of russia yuri nikolaev has long been telling , who he calls son, why he doesn’t celebrate his birthday and will lift the curtain on many television times, give me your word that you will ask yakubovich. and fellow students simply confess their love to the hero of the day. i
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congratulate you. we are old, but we are young. i love you very much, happy anniversary. well, yuri nikolaev is 75, on the eve of the program we met with him and his wife for a cup of tea. listen, it’s such a pleasure to meet for a cup of tea before your birthday, to see you and... and here he is just me in cold moscow, but how masterfully, well, you celebrate your birthday, i know that this day is still special, because on this day your mother passed away, the kingdom of heaven, well, i wasn’t there yet when she left...
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a muscovite, who do you think can be considered a native muscovite? i don't know, my mother grandma, dad, everyone was born in moscow, how many years in moscow did you feel like a muscovite, or do you still consider yourself residents of chisinau, but here on a visit, no, well, but i think that such a small homeland is kishinov, but i practically don’t remember him anymore, so, drozdov.
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but you didn’t have to do it, you see, and
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when they proposed to you, we dated for quite a long time, about four years, well, hardly a lot, less, less, less, four, i couldn’t stand it, i had to deceive my parents , when my mother found out, she says i would like you i didn’t expect this, she found out about the wedding, and , if we talk about wedding photographs, she was a witness, tell me who i am, merzekina, my wedding witness, i think many people know, there was such an actor, very popular, and it’s true that you , when we worked in the theater or studied, we lived in the same apartment with mother yulia menshova, with alentova, with volodya and yulka, is this true? no, well, of course, then i was still working in the theater, and my first partner
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was vera alettova in the play, the play was, of course, terrible. based on the play by mandivani, well let's leave it at that, so they gave me a room in the theater dormitory, that is, there were three rooms, a three-room apartment on prospekt mira, where we lived when vera's mother came, that means there were four of them, and vera's mother always fed me, and yulia i liked being in...
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as if i took part in my destiny, after gitez, i studied at the theater institute, i was invited to work, well, they invited me, we showed up, thank god, they took me and volodya grigoriev, my fellow student, to the pushkin theater, to yuri aleksandrovich worked there at that time nikolaev, but he was already moving to television , he was already famous, he was acting in some
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films, he was leaving, so we were supposed to be introduced to his roles, and what must be said is that yuri alexandrovich, with all his busyness, then... agreed to participate here in all this , he took us to his roles, he came, rehearsed with us, told us how to play the role, in general he did everything for us, there was such a thing - an understanding of all this, and moreover, he also taught us how to behave in the theater, with the artists, you see, everything is fine, which means i didn’t have housing in moscow at that time, and they gave me a room in this very hostel, which you called a communal apartment, andrey. and yuri aleksandrovich left , it turned out that i ended up in his room, i was very proud, i was in nikolaev’s own room, somewhere in august, suddenly in this communal apartment, which means the bell rang and they told me: you know what, we want you try to be a presenter for the morning mail, i actually said what kind of presenter i am in general, i generally look for
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someone more interesting, more beautiful, say, but i finally came to astankino, and we started rehearsing something there.
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nikolaev, friends, of course, if it weren’t for yura , if i hadn’t been on television, nothing would have happened, and i want to say that of course, before television, he had already acted in a film, he sang, and let’s show a fragment of the film “the secret known to everyone” . attention, admit it, life is terribly boring without me, you can’t dream, you can’t search, you can’t create, without a dreamer you can’t bake a good cake. and in sports you can’t break a record. anna nikolaevna, you are just a walking legend, you also celebrated your birthday, anniversary this year. it's not about me, it's not about me, that a walking thank you, let's go, go and
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go, you're right. so what, what's the question? do you remember young, young yura nikolaev, who appeared in the announcer's department? of course of course. of course i remember, we recently talked to him, i said: yurka, that’s what happened, he told me, but it was an interesting case, yura was just starting out, the column hall of the house of unions and... it was a concert-show of amateur artistic performances in moscow, and yura, the presenter, he says, was worried because the people that’s enough, there is no script , they give him some notes, he comes out, he came out on stage, yes, the orchestra was already sitting on stage, yura came out on stage and announced, now, dear viewers , vasily petrov will sing for you, well, he’s watching, waiting, vasily will come out, but vasily won’t come out. yura is waiting, suddenly a boy comes out, in one hand he has a stool, in the other a balalaika, the
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orchestra laughs, the audience laughs, yura is not at a loss here, you know, some kind of, and he says: dear viewers, now we will hear how it sounds russian balalaika, the audience applauded, here he told such a case, yes, well, in general... i must say, anna nikolaevna said that yura owes a lot in his life to lyali, and you showed the star, now the avenue of stars, where anna nikolaevna opened, the star and yuri alexandrovich, here what did you tell us there? lyalka is very strict, she is always there , in my opinion, even if someone, someone had inclinations, she...
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age, dates, anniversaries, i always say, but here is yuri nikolaev, anniversary, hello, dear tv viewers, we thank you for your letters, any profession is work, yurochka, i i’m glad that now the country will stir up, they will congratulate you, the audience will feel yours again.
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tanya veedevna, so at first it seemed like just good night, kids, and then
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she was even my co-host in the morning mail, we did one, i think, program or two, then we became partners at corporate events, i remember, i was invited to latvia, they asked, could you...
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turned, well, in my opinion, the program turned out, and what does the tights have to do with it, i’ll say now, because one of the, one of the episodes, it was an italian couple, and yura entered into the image of the italian machu, that when he asked what we were having for new year’s dinner today, i said that we had pasta, like pasta, he threw this pan away, i returned it back indignantly, then he grabbed me by
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the hand and shouted something there, mixing russian... will buy new ones, well, i’ve been waiting for 30 years, elena kovalenko, our guest today is another legendary announcer of central television, i just wanted to tell you about one story related to the morning mail, yura came as a central television announcer in our department, but you have to understand that at that
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time to be an announcer meant to correspond as... i would say so, because his participation in the morning mail, it was just so fantastic, enchanting, and he did it very well easy, and you know, i have a very interesting recording, right here... preferences in women, well , once there was a program dedicated to march 8, this is the eighty-sixth year, look, there ’s a whole lot of grief here, the entire announcer’s department, let’s see, we managed to digitize several minutes, attention, and the women’s share composed songs and quiet ones, women are languishing in captivity for whose
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sins, modern signs are completely and... international day, because even in chorus men sing and it’s not in vain, you can’t live in the world without women, and this is the truth, friends , one crushes the other in this announcer department, of course, everyone is so young, pretty, you know, this, of course, was not yura’s only talent, and
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i believe that the “morning star” program meant a lot in his... creative biography, when he gave a lot of talented children a way into show business, gave on the way to the stage, of course, and valeria, who , one might say, jumped into the last carriage, she was 23 years old, remembers this, congratulates the master, dear yuri alexandrovich, dear ours, congratulations on...
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because very many who are with me, of course they also remember me by the morning star, i wish you health, i wish you, if you want to do something new, then let him have enough strength and energy for it, because you are an absolutely amazing person, young people are always drawn to you , and something always turns out special, extraordinary, unusual, new, you always... a lot over time, i just wish that you were happy, really, i love you, i kiss you, i always remember with tenderness, gratitude, happy birthday, well, now a short advertisement. immediately after it, the evening of surprises and revelations will continue, do not switch, without bright
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stories, your love, like saltiness in the sky, a voice among the silence in the heavenly temple of the stars , a penchant blue light on december 31 on rtr. pash, you're in trouble, i'm getting married, he's my czech fiance. “i’ve been waiting for you for so long, let’s go, please, this night the stars promise a miracle, please meet me, this is my mother, yulia borisovna, anna mikhalkova,
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a completely unfamiliar man appears in my house in the middle of the night, carrying some kind of little cart about space, nina usatova, again she kicked you out, pavel priluchenny, she kicked you out and rightly so did, maxim lagashkin, i didn’t sleep all night , thinking about you." anna chipovskaya. kiss me. anton shagin, that’s what she is. comet galileo can only be seen once in a lifetime. what a fatal comet. thanks to her, i met you. comet halley december 31. on rtr. you look a hundred to one. what is our task? open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows,
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how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pinch, problems. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, on saturday at prt. i warn you every time, be careful on new year's eve, otherwise i'll have to work skifosovsky, new season in the new year on rtr, i still have pain here, here it hurts
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here, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually to be the healthiest. from monday to friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon everyone, yuri nikolaev is 75, this
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year and 50 years of creative activity in his book aleksandrovich writes that he starred in the same film with yuri antonov, who played a musician, he is a policeman, the song only planes live in flight, became a hit from. pictures before parting, attention, the salty wind of the ocean settled down in an instant, playing with wisps of fog, ticks on the take-off deck, a cold is humming on the engines, the propeller has started to wear, let's sing without further ado... until i cry out, only in flight do planes live, only in flight does it grow .
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man, the heart is beating, like a hunted bird, overtaking the released century, in all the photographs from home birthdays, yuri alexandrovich has a photograph of yuri antonov, let's see part of the conversation, well, i see it here very beautifully.
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a lot of very famous people, but by the way, i i see him everywhere, why didn’t he film you at least in an episode, i starred in an episode with him, the italians ordered him, oh, an amazing film, where there is a car advertisement, i once went to the cinema, they changed the session and i watched this film, i was in such delight, this udovichenko plays this, absolutely correctly, sits at the post office, connects, absolutely correctly. and what is there to expect from shooting with nikita mikhalkov, and if we talk about alla borisovna, it seems to me that you also did a lot in the premiere clips, to popularize all of her, now for you...
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