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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  December 26, 2023 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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ulya, hello , the weather is very comfortable, although of course it’s quite cool to stand and wait, but nothing, but very interesting, here in pavlovsk the guests of the informal cis summit were met, as you have already seen, by the mariinsky theater choir, they performed carols from rimsky kortsikov’s opera christmas eve. vladimir putin personally met all the guests on the porch of the pavlovsk palace, so they came out one by one to the leader of uzbekistan. pakistan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan, armenia, indeed everyone got out of the car in a coat, but without hats only yes, nikol pashinyan got out of the car in a jacket, but in his signature cap. the leaders of azerbaijan and belarus will join their colleagues a little later, and the program of the informal summit is simply enormous. there is still tsarskoe selo and petergov ahead, that is, the leaders want to make the dream of any tourist who comes to st. petersburg for the weekend come true. to cover
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all our magnificent suburban palaces in one day, and the program will end in the konstantinovsky palace, where the informal meeting of the leaders of the cis countries will already take place. sonya is still negotiating, despite the fact that the event is informal, it is obvious that since people meet at this level, they have something to discuss, there is an understanding of what the conversation will be about? well, for now we can only assume that these will be traditional issues, settlements in... currencies, economic integration, how the commonwealth of independent states adapts to the world changing before our eyes, the economy is growing, and putin already spoke about this the day before, armenia by 9%, other countries around 4-5%, russia and belarus 3.5% each, but this is still more than even the most notorious optimists, once again another confirmation that sanctions do not quite work. how many heads of state are in st. petersburg now? well, it turns out that eight, if
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we take our leader, and this is against the backdrop of the fact that there was an event earlier, pashinyan missed, in this regard there are some special expectations, he arrived, aliyev was there, yes, we, of course, with special attention we will watch their meetings in the konstantinovsky palace, the bilateral meeting has not been announced, they are pashinyan and aliyev. will meet at a common table, but how will they interact with each other, some nuances, we will watch all this, of course, with special attention. thank you very much, salema, head of our north-western bureau for direct communication, pavlovsk, salema zarif, thank you again, sonya, please, well, apparently, in the near future there will be a correspondingly intensified number of economic projects in the post-soviet space, as for .
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as if to confirm, as for the situation in general, the temperature regime affects different countries differently, therefore, accordingly, it is predicted in advance, when we discussed it well, we didn’t just talk, we didn’t just discuss it like that, there are some peculiarities of this, as if on the one hand there is some kind of warmer temperature, but on the other hand it is snowier, and for countries that are located directly in the coastal zone, this leads to certain consequences, what consequences do they have on the economy? china, coldest december of 1951.
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this has led to the fact that the supply of gas there is increasing, which we constantly talk about, these volumes are due to the fact that there the largest number of heating days has been obtained over the last 70 years, which is why, from this point of view, the temperature regime, which accordingly puts very serious pressure on china, taking into account the fact that, as we know, there, respectively, as in all countries the hydropower industry in the world experienced a slight decrease in hydropower due to the high temperature that was occurring, this led to certain problems, by the way, the same temperature regime. also directly affected our logistics, i remind you that we now have panama because of which, due to the fact that at one time our water arteries, which respectively feed the canal directly, dried up, so now we have suez under certain problems, respectively, ponam under certain problems, this of course does not add anything special to anyone optimism, so from this point of view, of course, china is like an important player, and it begins to first of all eat up the cheapest energy carrier, and the cheapest energy carrier is now in the russian federation for a number of reasons, that’s why, from this point of view, the gas direction is appropriate.
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they have a big problem there, by the way , secondly, with drainage, in the irrigation system, all this requires very serious investments in construction, in infrastructure construction, building materials, everything connected with this, this will require a correspondingly certain additional volume of supplies to direction and partners associated, respectively, with
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metal products to a lesser extent, for example, respectively, as if with individual the building material there is wood, for example , this will also happen, so you have to understand that china, as long as everyone is growing together, i remind you that we and the uk believe that until 2038 it will grow by 1, 6%, and this is considered to be the ceiling, so if someone wants to win this economic confrontation, it is necessary to increase more than 1.6, this is the average forecast, plus or minus for the european union, so accordingly in the long term, in the long term distance, because we all understand perfectly well that ukraine will end, after that everything will only continue, fragmentation of economies and similar things, and accordingly the platformization of the economy. accordingly, the important thing will be, strictly speaking, to have time to catch up with china, or, in extreme cases, to cling to its train, which seems to be rushing somewhere along with india, this is an important factor, in addition, accordingly, we have the situation related to the import component, no matter how coincidentally yesterday, accordingly this
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the long -suffering situation with eggs was discussed, there are a number of issues , it lies in the fact that there is a currency factor, because the crosses that are supplied for eggs are, as it were , partially imported from us, they now need to be imported, this system is no longer possible. .. is unfolding, but the most important thing now is to replace it with imports - that is, to saturate the market , yesterday lukashenko said don’t skimp on supplies from belarus, to be fair, they mostly stock up on powdered milk, but accordingly, now, as i understand it they lowered and removed the import duty on eggs, as a result, two large shipments were sent , respectively, from azerbaijan and turkey, accordingly, well, just like the day before there was information from azerbaijan that the eggs would reach us after the new year. this means that we are also expecting a reduction in prices for eggs in the next week, accordingly, in our week after what happened, eggs have risen in price , so there are 4-7% on the market , respectively, there are 14 in a week and therefore, accordingly, the problem is the following the problem is what it is
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to the question of juche, everything connected with it, you can close your own economy, as it were, but this will end your economic opportunities, everything else including energy supplies, so you need to properly balance, you need to protect your own...
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which they as if they are in conflicts , to put it mildly, it’s not that they haven’t signed a peace treaty, they are formally still at war, a special economic zone, people work there, calmly, normally, so from this point in terms of what the peculiarity is, you need to approach it correctly , so as not to bend it down, so that as a result you don’t get such an effect and solve the issues systematically, that is, first of all, solve the issue of crosses, that is, you have a base, that’s well - base, accordingly, as if for the development of poultry farming itself, and this is said from poultry meat and directly with eggs, it is necessary... the same applies to cattle, large-scale breeding material, that is, you need to create exactly these important points, they are the narrowest, they are the most vulnerable, therefore from this point of view, it is good that imports will be tied up, accordingly this will hit prices, it is surprising that this was not done before, how to say it before, by the way, this fifteen percent rate worked
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in order to give producers opportunities, which is why the most important question , of course, is to put consumers first and foremost in such segments, because modern... is not very strong and fast are changing in the near future, such changes will occur on a number of tracks ; as for the russian federation, then, of course , we should expect a toughening of the confrontation specifically with our oil and gas revenues. at the beginning of last year, the budgets were , respectively, 26 trillion , give or take, well, somewhere 20-something, respectively, now they are already 36, that is , about ten trillions were thrown on top, that’s accordingly, that is, we would sharply increase the expenditure component, accordingly this requires additional as let’s formulate it this way, and it is extremely important to ensure this in the near future, especially since next year is also 36, the budget rate this year was 26 , it became 32, 32 with kopecks, 32.5 to be very precise, 32 ,6 to be completely accurate. became 36, that is, we are increasing budgets, this requires very serious exports and access to foreign markets, including
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promising markets like saudi arabia , our relations have built up so well , in fact, that we have even wounded problems began to arise in this regard, because there is no friction over these territorial conflicts, by the way, saudi arabia and iran have territorial sports on the islands, surprisingly, i’ll tell you a terrible secret, but they are still in turmoil on the islands, in the persian gulf, so when even the ambassador was called as an authorized representative and so on, the point is that here, too, it is necessary to act very subtly because iran is like a partner in principle, accordingly, saudi arabia is now actively starting a kind of partnership to build relationships , the same applies to india, china, they also naturally have a certain friction, a certain friction takes place, and this affects our economy, because they do not require payments in rupees, so from this point of view , the situation is kind of unique it turns out that we are one of the few countries, well, it ’s hard to say, that is trying to maintain this kind of heterogeneity in the case of economic exports, so it is very important not to lose it and rightly so,
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what do you have here? panov asked me to tell you that the killer was some kind of crooked one. yes. premiere on rtr. does it look like an act of intimidation? it seems. so much for the beautiful ones. how did you see that we were moving in the wrong direction? a short psychoanalysis session helped. mary is paul. and maybe we'll see each other again. new secrets of the investigation. today on rtr. i
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still have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of 3p, this, by the way, has been officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us and the right habits, shouldn’t we slap a little kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, and most importantly, from monday to friday on rtr, turn on the crickets, light the torches, we we just want your son back, in fact we are creating a new person. killer! serf! december 30 on rtr. you are looking
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100 to one. what is our task, to open all the boards? can we handle it? if you ask, it’s a tricky one. which character from pushkin's works does everyone know the name of? what is 7.8? 7.8 7.8 how much? who? at work he talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i ’m chopping oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light. uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, on saturday on rtr,
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maybe... today you’ll stay with me, i promise you have an unforgettable night for your post. we need to live separately for a while, but what? we need to understand if we have at least some chance left, i would advise you to start a joint hobby, ballroom dancing would be best, what? what? and for the sake of my son, i agree to the experiment. just because you haven't danced doesn't mean cha-cha is difficult. nothing connects them anymore except dance. what's so complicated about that? cha-cha, one, two, three, you just need to learn to count to three. by the way, i learned these stupid steps. seriously? lead. cha-cha-cha. premiere. december 30th. cha-cha, one, two. op. on
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rtr. they say it’s unlucky if a black cat crosses the road, but for now it’s the other way around, only the black cat is unlucky, the blue one.
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and in general he considers himself russian, tomorrow, as a matter of fact, anniversary, 75 years. as actor gerard depordieu faces two counts of rape and sexual assault, and his comments in the investigation spark a wave of public outrage, 50 cultural figures are calling for a move away from lynching to allow it to happen. giant of cinematography to continue to play, we do not want to enter into controversy and let justice do its job. perhaps the greatest of actors, cinema's last sacred monster. we can no longer remain silent in the face of the lynching that has befallen him, the torrent of hatred pouring towards his person, mercilessly in the most complete confusion and despite the presumption of innocence, they wrote in a collective appeal, he makes the greatest contribution to the history of art, he is part of this
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history continues to enrich it, for this france owes him so much. found himself at the center of a scandal following revelations made during his trip to north korea. i wonder how emmanuel macron reacted to this. he rushed to the aid of gerarro de pardieu, to the surprise of everyone present at the interview. it is clear that gerard depordieu has become, in quotation marks, the devils of today. emmanuel macron caused controversy by defending radipordia fat during an interview. he stated that the legion of honor cannot be taken away from the actor, despite his actions. will i start taking away the legion of honor from artists and officials when they say shocking things? answer: no, i tell you openly, i won’t do this for moral reasons, because i don’t want it to be like this. in january 2013 , russian president vladimir putin granted comrade depardieu russian citizenship.
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a few months earlier, the actor announced that he wanted to leave france and renounce his citizenship due to too high taxes. in addition to receiving a russian passport, he officially became a resident of saransk, the capital russian republic of mordovia. when the actor received his passport, he and vladimir putin hugged and chatted like good old friends.
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you, as they say, are welcome, if you harass zhorik, i will file for divorce , the best son-in-law can only be a son, georgie, meet me, this is your father, this is the same doctor with whom you once got drunk, and i’m still i thought there was something wrong with you, nostalgically.
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or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard. but he a doctor who everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. misnyakov, every saturday on rtr, pasha, you're in the air, i'm getting married, he's my fiancé, i've been waiting for you for so long, please, they promise a miracle
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, please meet me, this is my mother, yulia borisovna, anna mikhalkova, a completely unfamiliar man appears in my house in the middle of the night, carrying some kind of cart about space, nina usatova, again she kicked you out of the trash, pavel priluchenny, that is, little kicked out and did the right thing, maxim lagashkin, i’m all i didn’t sleep at night, i thought about you, anna chapovskaya kiss me. anton shagin, that's what she is like. comet golay can only be seen once in a lifetime, what a fatal comet, thanks to it i met you. halley's comet. 31th of december. on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and
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a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not rift, continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform smer. substation, the first podcasts we watch. so, 6 days before the new year, the symbol of the year is the green wooden dragon in chinese culture, it is believed that wooden decorations should definitely be in the holiday home for the year to bring happiness, so decorate all the trees. on new year's eve you should wear dresses and suits in red and
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green colors. t-shirts and jeans are not allowed, the chinese say. look at the news. news on the russia channel. politics and culture vladimir putin is receiving fellow leaders of the cis countries in st. petersburg, which they have already seen and discussed. the russian army thwarted the counter-offensive of ukraine and takes new positions. statement by sergei shaigu at the board of the ministry of defense. a checkpoint has been installed in kiev
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where summonses are served. tough guy in the urals. so, the summit of the cis heads of state started in st. petersburg today. vladimir putin traditionally invited colleagues from azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan before the new year. i suggested starting with informal communication, not at the negotiating table, during excursions. on palace and park complexes, the program includes pavlovsk, tsarskoe selo and petergov, and the final point will be the konstantinovsky palace in strelna, my colleague dmitry kaistra is following the progress of the summit, he is now in direct communication with the studio. dima, we are waiting
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for details from you about where the leaders are now and what they managed to discuss. good evening, but you know that the whole discussion will take place in the evening in strelna at the konstantinovsky palace, so now it’s informal. indeed, there is a huge catherine palace, inside of which there is a treasury, known far beyond the borders of russia, but now i want us to show
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footage of how the presidents were greeted in front of the catherine palace, it was a cavalry squadron of hussars, who with drawn sabers shouted three times hurray, here after this , the presidents have already gone to...
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in fact, he will organize this meeting, at which there will be an informal cis summit, and after which the russian leader will give in honor of his guests, and dinner, dinner in this wonderful residence, which, by the way, was also opened in 2003 for
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the anniversary of st. petersburg, these are the events today in the city and its suburbs. dima, thank you, dmitry kayster was in direct communication with st. petersburg, where the informal summit of the cis leaders is taking place. russian air defense systems shot down two ukrainian su-24 aircraft in the nikolaev and dnepropetrovsk regions, the ministry of defense reports. drones attacked military infrastructure in southern ukraine tonight. local media reported a series of explosions in odessa region. rszzo grad crews destroyed camouflaged positions in the artyomovsk direction. during the contour-battery fight for 24 hours. american self-propelled gun paladin and seven more field artillery guns. the enemy lost more than 200 fighters. near kupinsk , the lancet loitering ammunition hit a ukrainian tank, and another one was hit in the kherson direction. by the way, they
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also use a new version of the lancet with a thermal imager. fpv drone crews of the ivanovo paratroopers destroyed the ukrainian armed forces personnel in shelters, the militants tried to hide near of broken ukrainian equipment along the road to chasov yard. but to no avail, and the army aviation strike group consisting of mi-28 and k-52 knocked out enemy equipment at the svatovyh line. temporary. the mtr lost nearly 200 troops there to the american m37 artillery system tank. to ensure uninterrupted supply of our troops, enterprises of the military-industrial complex have increased the production of the most popular types of weapons several times, essentially challenging western military-technical potential. sergei shaigu spoke about this today at the final conference call. the minister of defense noted that...
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combat contact with the enemy. the russian army is constantly occupying more advantageous positions and expanding the territory under its control in all directions. marenka today disappeared from the daily reports of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, giving way to the direction of the same name. and the western press, which is always reluctant to report on the successes of our army, was perplexed by the news of the liberation of the city. many publications chose to simply ignore the facts. others cite the words of sergei shaigu about more
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effective defense of donetsk, they remember the failure of the ukrainian contour offensive. the french figaro even publishes a map on which the settlement is under the control of russian troops and notes that moscow has regained the initiative along the entire front. but german welt experts are trying to convince viewers that kiev has not given up its position, but has simply changed tactics. and now the ukrainian command was... being assaulted, pressed every day with five
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assaults a day, it was necessary to go, go, until the enemy understood what was happening, it was necessary it was, let’s say, on his shoulders to enter his positions when at 15:15 minutes i reported to the brigade commander via radio that marinka had come under the control of the fifth brigade, my hands were shaking when i radioed...
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to hold the front , after the publication of the text of the new law , queues lined up at ukrainian consulates abroad wanting to renew their passports before the new rules came into force. residents of kiev are complaining on social networks about yet another deception of the authorities; at checkpoints supposedly set up for exercises, they are being handed out agenda, and this is footage of the results of the next raid, ukrainians mobilized at the collection point, many of them are over 50. russia
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is considering countries in africa, latin america, asia and the middle east for potential exports of space products. mikhail stated this. in industrial science and, importantly, in production. russia has a significant potential in a number of areas in the field of space. this is a very good basis for intensifying fundamental research and moving to a new level of creating technology for the construction of multi-satellite satellites. groups. i am confident that we have all the capabilities and
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resources to cope with current challenges and reliably provide for the entire territory of our large country, including remote regions. and seven-year-old moskvich egor will become the owner of cross-country skiing, and seventeen-year-old anton from izhevsk will be able to meet sports commentator roman skvartsov. energy minister nikolai shulginov removed the ball from the new year tree for eleven-year-old vasilisa from kostroma, who dreams of a bicycle. and the head of the ministry of construction, rek paizulin, will give
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twelve-year-old andelina from vologda, telescope, this gift for sofia from moscow will be a surprise. head of ministry of development. the senators have prepared a proposal for further support for the participants in the special operation, speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko announced this during a meeting
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with the head of the defenders of the fatherland foundation anna tsiveleva. during its existence, this fund has processed almost 500.
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how did you see that we were moving in the wrong direction, a small session of psychoanalysis helped, maria, this is pavel, and maybe we’ll see you
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again, new secrets of the investigation today on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay. here the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there , donetsk was shelled very heavily, but out of spite we decided to have a wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, i i will accept any of your decisions, i want a divorce, i’m new, i was told to look around, maybe you can show me the movement? cha-cha, premiere on december 30 on rtr.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god. basically consists of three parts, but what does it eat? both horse meat and beef, and i read
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that he feeds on human victims; not a single predator was harmed during the filming of the film. striped flight, december 31 on rtr, descendant. festival for the best male role is awarded to ivan oleshkovsky, you look like a slant, uncle,
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the accused is sentenced to 750 hours of community service, some 3 weeks, yes, i can’t last a day on this island of my happy childhood; two days later lishkovsky expressed a desire to head a children’s theater group. yes, be simpler, hello, genya, roll call, 1, 2, 3, people will reach out to you, i’m sorry, i can’t get used to the fact that you can be good, so i’m clinging, it’s okay, you marry me and you’ll cling legally , late dubrovsky, people's artist on friday on rtr. on the air, we continue our broadcast. residents of the urals were greeted by prolonged snowfalls today. storm warning extended
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at least a day. after night frosts , the federal highway tyumen-omsk was covered with ice. in a dangerous area, gazelles collided with a passenger car. one person died and another was taken to hospital. after this accident, part of the road was closed to traffic. at surgut airport, flights, freezing rain, and city flights are delayed due to bad weather. the street has turned into a real skating rink; passengers often push buses unsuccessfully. in the ekaterinburg air harbor, some passengers wait for several hours for their flight, all available equipment is working around the ring. snow does not stop in the mountainous regions of sochi. some ski slopes are closed, and eyewitnesses share footage of the bear frolicking with great pleasure in the snowdrifts on the slopes of krasnaya polyana. from the chelyabinsk region. that he found himself in the epicenter of a snow cyclone, report by daniil antonov. on the roads there are ten-point traffic jams on the sidewalks,
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people are crippled in the snowdrifts, they are almost knocked down by powerful gusts of wind. a severe snowstorm hit the southern urals. the mayor's office of chelyabinsk urgently created an operational headquarters to combat snowfall. on the city streets more than 200 units of special equipment and almost 200 workers work. now, due to heavy rainfall , public transport is paralyzed. in chelyabinsk , intercity buses were canceled, and the departure and arrival of several flights were delayed at the airport. one side had to be pulled out by a tractor from a snowdrift into which it landed on the taxiway. we are expecting a towing vehicle that... will fix us in the parking lot, and we will start the engines with our password and our own thrust. an accident with a trolleybus occurred at the intersection of the sverdlovsky tract streets cherkasskaya, leaving the metallurgical district is difficult. due to blocked tracks in some parts of the city, trams are stopped; the cars do not go towards the regional hospital. it’s not easy for motorists on the federal m5 because of the snowfall and poor visibility when a domestic lehkovka and a truck collided. the driver
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and passenger of the lada died on the spot. and 30 cars are now being rescued from snow captivity on the taras-magnitogorsk highway. traffic police officers are working there around the clock, clearing the highway and helping stranded motorists. request you should refrain from long trips. if you still cannot avoid this trip, please take with you on the trip additional warm clothes, additional food and additional fuel for your car. those who remained in the city. in the morning, the car literally had to be dug out, and later it almost had to float along snow-covered roads. snowfalls, ice and winds of up to 25 m/s are predicted today in the chelyabinsk region. the weather worsened the night before and the storm warning was extended throughout the day. due to bad weather classes in chelyabinsk schools were canceled during the second shift. according to forecasters, the snowfall will continue until the evening. tomorrow
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the wind will subside and the precipitation will stop completely. but the road services will need it. at least another day to clear the highway city of snow. daniil antonov, vlad atryvanov, news, southern urals. in the israeli sderot , air raid sirens sounded again today: the city on the border with the gaza strip was fired at with rockets. and prime minister benjamin netanyahu outlined the preconditions for achieving peace in the region. this complete destruction of the hamas movement, demilitarization of the gaza strip and deradicalization.
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in different regions they are now collecting signatures in support of vladimir putin’s nomination in the presidential elections. activists of the women's movement help residents of nizhny novgorod fill out all documents. in tyumen , all residents of the region who have reached the age of 18 can come to the public support headquarters , and the people's teacher of russia, olga royblat, has already left her signature there.
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five collection points are already open and operating in mordovia signatures in support of vladimir. and in moscow , the election headquarters of the ldpr presidential candidate leonid slutsky began work. according to the party leader, the next 6 years should pass under the motto “time of the regions.” over the next 2 and a half months, sludsky , together with a team of ldpr deputies and senators , plans to visit more than thirty regions of russia. during these trips, parliamentarians will meet with voters, public and business associations. with people about the most pressing issues for them, about the most pressing problems, now is the time for the russian regions, it’s time to go to the regions , and i didn’t specifically formulate any election program from the very beginning, points one, two, three, ten, because i want to form it on the basis of meetings with people, zhirinovsky
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taught us to reach every family, every person . so we will get there, we will solve those problems, including systemic ones, that the country and society are facing today. amateurs gathered in vladivostok. next door in the new outdoor pool at -10 , swimmers compete with fishermen with walruses, our ksenia kolchina talked, big, they they usually don’t look at the thermometer, the smelt have started, which means they can withstand any frost, for fishing competitions in polonka bay they even made an exception, going out to fly in vladivostok. prohibited, but this zone was officially recognized as safe for fishermen, four, 7, 10, 13, yuri telegin does not yet know that he took a confident third place, whoever
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catches the most is the winner, so even the tiniest fish are not overlooked, everyone fishing tricks come into play, we can deceive any fish, but how can we deceive it by its shine, only by its shine, here it is... the truth is that every fisherman has something to put into further weighing of the catch, this is the moment when the scales are tipped, for some it is three tails, for others, as in this case, 55, but only smelt will be counted, more than a kilogram of smelt caught by sergei sozonov they left their competitors a chance, that’s it, today i’ll fry them, but last year i was unlucky, i didn’t catch a single one. another athletes who are not afraid of severe frosts. primorsky winter swimming enthusiasts held their first competitions in the new outdoor pool, right in the center of vladivostok. water - half a degree. it's great
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to compete in this weather. no wind, sunny, warm, good. chinese athletes, 75 people from several provinces, took to the tracks with the coastal walruses. there will now be such competitions on the vladivostok embankment. pass often, but the pool is open not only for professionals, but also for those who are just starting to engage in winter swimming, severe frosts leave the primorye region, which means that the new year holidays can be spent profitably by choosing a winter sport that is most suitable for you. soul. ksenia kolchina, sergey svistilnikov, dmitry popkov, far eastern bureau of vesti, primorsky territory. and in the evening on our channel , watch new episodes of the detective film secrets of investigation. maria shvidtsova will have to solve the case of the murder of a famous journalist and his car. the emphasis was shot by a motorcyclist. how the heroine of anna kovalchuk will unravel another complex case can be found out this evening. at 21:20. right after the big news, two new episodes. and all
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the news can always be found on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, where is more convenient for you. the news continues to monitor developments. stay with us. the united states is unilaterally trying to expand the boundaries of its influence at the expense of the continental shelf in the arctic zone. we are talking about mineral-rich areas of one million square meters in the arctic and bering sea. the state debt argues that this will not create territorial disputes with russia, but will require a settlement with... the chilly waters of the arctic ocean are again in the center
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of world attention. the united states of america stated.


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